2 var xcomSites;
3 var xcomHeaders;
4 var xcom_action_url;
5 var xcom_srch_str;
6 function xcom_localSave(a_id) {
8    var fn_sel = document.getElementById('xcom_sel');
9    /* if function selected, apply function to remote file */
10    if(fn_sel.selectedIndex > 0) {
11        xcom_setValue('xcom_pageid',a_id);
12         xmlrpc('xcom_action');
13         return;
14    }
16    /* save remote file to local
17    *  first ask if this is what is wanted
18    */
19    if(a_id) {
20       xcom_setValue('xcom_pageid',a_id);
21       if(!window.confirm(JSINFO['savelocalfile']  + ' ' + a_id)) return;
22    }
24   var params = "";
26   var id =a_id ? a_id : xcom_getInputValue('xcom_pageid');
27   var params = 'id='+id;
29    var jobj = xcom_json_ini('xcom_localpwd','xcom_locuser');
30    jobj['url'] = JSINFO['url'];
31    var str =JSON.stringify(jobj);
32    params +='&local=' + str;
34     var jobj = xcom_json_ini('xcom_pwd','xcom_url','xcom_user');
35     str =JSON.stringify(jobj);
36     params +='&remote=' + str;
37    //if(!confirm("params: " + params)) return;
39    var status =new Array("Save remote: ("+ id +  ") to Local wiki");
40    xcom_query_status(status);
42          jQuery.ajax({
43             url: DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/xcom/scripts/xcom_save.php',
44             data: params,
45             type: 'POST',
46             dataType: 'html',
47             success: function(data)
48             {
49                data = decodeURIComponent(data);
50                xcom_show('xcom_results');
51                xcom_print_data('dokuwiki.copy', data, false,"");
52             }
53         });
54 }
56 function xmlrpc() {
57        var xcom_action = arguments.length ? 'xcom_action' : "";
58        xcom_hide_all_views(xcom_action);
59       /* xcom_hide('xcom_action');
60        xcom_hide('xcom_view');
61        xcom_hide('xcom_pre_title');
62        xcom_hide('xcom_htm_title');
63        xcom_hide('xcom_editable_title');
64        xcom_hide('xcom_action_title');*/
65        xcom_action_url = xcom_getInputValue('xcom_url');
66        xcom_action_url = xcom_action_url.replace(/[\/\\]$/,"");
67 	   xcom_action_url += '/doku.php?';
69        xcom_clear('xcom_qstatus',false);
70        var options =  xcom_params();
72        var func = options[0];
73        xcom_query_status(options);
75        var other=false;
76        var params =  'params=' + JSON.stringify(options);
77        params = params.replace(/\s*__comma__\s*/g,',');
78        if(typeof options[2] == 'object' && options[2] !== null ) {
79           try {
80               if(options[2].hasOwnProperty('hash')) {
81                  other = 'hash';
82               }
83           } catch(e) {
84           }
85        }
86        var array_types = {'dokuwiki.getPagelist':1,'plugin.xcom.pageVersions':1,'plugin.xcom.getPageInfo':1,'wiki.getAllPages':1, 'wiki.getAttachmentInfo':1,'wiki.getAttachments':1, 'wiki.getRecentChanges':1,'wiki.listLinks':1,'dokuwiki.search':1,'plugin.xcom.getMedia':1, 'plugin.xcom.listNamespaces':1,'wiki.getBackLinks':1,};
87        var jobj = xcom_json_ini('xcom_pwd','xcom_url','xcom_user');
88        str =JSON.stringify(jobj);
89        params += '&credentials=' + str;
90        params += '&debug=' + document.getElementById('xcom_debug').checked;
92        //  if(!confirm(params)) return;
93          jQuery.ajax({
94             url: DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/xcom/scripts/xml.php',
95             data: params,
96             type: 'POST',
97             dataType: 'html',
98             success: function(data)
99             {
100             if(data.match(/XCOM_LAG/)) return;
101             if(!array_types.hasOwnProperty(func)) {
102                 try {
103                data = decodeURIComponent(data);
104                 }
105                 catch(err){
106                     console.log("By-passed decoding string returned by " + func + ': ' + err.message );
107                 }
108             }
109                xcom_show('xcom_results');
110                xcom_print_data(func, data,other,xcom_action);
111             }
112         });
114         var fn_sel = document.getElementById('xcom_sel');
115         fn_sel.selectedIndex = 0;
116          return false;
117 }
119 function xcom_print_data(fn, data,other,xcom_action) {
120    var id = 'xcom_pre';
122    var table_calls = {
123      'dokuwiki_getPagelist': (other=='hash') ? ['id','rev', 'mtime' ,'size','hash'] : ['id','rev', 'mtime' ,'size'] ,
124      'plugin_xcom_pageVersions': ['user','ip','type','sum','modified','version' ],
125      'plugin_xcom_getPageInfo': ['name','lastModified','author','version'],
126      'wiki_getAllPages': ['id', 'perms', 'size', 'lastModified'],
127      'dokuwiki_search': ['id', 'score', 'rev', 'mtime','size','snippet'],
128      'plugin_xcom_getMedia': ['Media files'],
129      'wiki_getAttachments': ['id','size','lastModified'],
130      'wiki_listLinks': ['type', 'page','href'],
131      'wiki_getAttachmentInfo': ['id','lastModified','size'],
132      'plugin_xcom_listNamespaces': ['Namespace Directories'],
133      'wiki_getBackLinks': ['Backlinks'],
134      'wiki_getRecentChanges': ['name', 'lastModified', 'author','version','size'],
135      'wiki_getBackLinks' : ['Backlinks'],
136    };
137    xcomHeaders = table_calls;
139 	        switch(fn)
140          {
141             case 'wiki.getPage':                 // (string) raw Wiki text
142             case 'wiki.getPageVersion':      // (string) raw Wiki text
143                   id = 'xcom_editable' ;
144                   break;
145             case 'plugin.xcom.GetMetaData':
146             case 'wiki.getPageHTML':      // (string) rendered HTML
147                  id = 'xcom_htm';
148                  break;
149             case 'dokuwiki.getPagelist':
150             case 'plugin.xcom.pageVersions':
151             case 'plugin.xcom.getPageInfo':
152             case 'wiki.getAllPages':
153             case 'dokuwiki.search':
154             case 'plugin.xcom.getMedia':
155             case 'wiki.getAttachments':
156             case  'wiki.listLinks':
157             case  'wiki.getAttachmentInfo':
158             case  'plugin.xcom.listNamespaces':
159             case  'wiki.getRecentChanges':
160             case 'wiki.getBackLinks':
161                  id = xcom_action ? 'xcom_action':'xcom_htm';
162                  try {
163                      var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
164                  } catch(e) {
165                     id = 'xcom_pre';   // not a table, use code view, probably error msg
166                         obj = decodeURIComponent(data);
167                      break;
168                  }
170                      //  handle tables
172                      if(obj || fn == 'wiki.getBackLinks')
173                     {
174                         var fncall = fn.replace(/\./g,'_');
175                         data = xcom_thead(table_calls[fncall]);
176                          if(fn == 'plugin.xcom.getPageInfo' || fn ==  'wiki.getAttachmentInfo') {
177                                 data +=  xcom_hash(obj);  //straight single hash
178                            }
179                           else if (fn == 'plugin.xcom.getMedia' || fn =='plugin.xcom.listNamespaces'
180                                   || fn == 'wiki.getBackLinks') {
181                                data +=  xcom_onedim(obj);
182                            }
183                           else {
184                                data+=xcom_multidim(obj,fn);  // array of arrays
185                           }
186                     }
187                     data += xcom_tclose();  //end tables
188                 break;
189              case 'wiki.putPage':
190              case 'dokuwiki.appendPage':
191                   id = 'xcom_editable';
192                   break;
193                default:
194                    break;
195         }   // end switch
197     var d = document.getElementById(id);
198     if(id == 'xcom_editable') {
199         xcom_setValue(id,data);
200     }
201     else {
202         d.innerHTML=  data;
203         }
204     xcom_show(id);
205     var title = id + '_title';
206     xcom_show(title);
207 }
209 function xcom_multidim(obj,func) {
210         var data = "";
212         for(var i in obj) {
213          data +="\n<tr>";
214          for(var j in obj[i]) {
215              var r = obj[i][j];
216               if(j == 'lastModified' && func == 'wiki.getRecentChanges'
217                     || j == 'modified' && func == 'plugin.xcom.pageVersions') {
218                  r = obj[i]['version'];
219                 var date_time = new Date(r * 1000);
220                 var month = (date_time.getMonth() + 1) > 9 ? (date_time.getMonth() + 1) : '0' + (date_time.getMonth() + 1);
221                 var day =  date_time.getDate() > 9  ? date_time.getDate() : '0'+ date_time.getDate();
222                 r = date_time.getFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + date_time.getHours() + ":" + date_time.getMinutes() + ":" + date_time.getSeconds()
224               }
225              row = xcom_td(j,r,func);            //type, value, function
226              if(row) data += row;
227          }
228        }
230        return data;
231 }
233 function xcom_hash(obj) {
234          var data ="\n<tr>";
235          for(var i in obj) {
236            data += xcom_td(i,obj[i]);
237          }
238          return data;
239 }
241 function xcom_onedim(obj) {
242         var data ="\n<tr>";
243          for(var i in obj) {
244            data += xcom_td(i,obj[i]) + "\n<tr>";
245          }
246          return data;
247 }
249 function xcom_thead(args) {
250   var row = "<table class ='xcom_center'>\n<tr>";
251   for (i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
252      row += '<th>' + args[i] + '</th>';
253   }
254    return row + "</tr>\n";
255 }
257 function xcom_td(type,val,fn) {
259      if(fn)
260      {
261          var is_header = false;
262          var fncall = fn.replace(/\./g,'_');
263          var headers = xcomHeaders[fncall];
264          for(var i = 0; i< headers.length; i++) {
265              if(type == headers[i]) {
266                  is_header=true;
267                  break;
268              }
269         }
270         if(!is_header) return;
271     }
273     //alert(type + '=' + val);
274     if(type == 'modified' || type == 'lastModified' && typeof val == 'object') {
275       //  var min =val['minute'] ?  val['minute'] : val['minute'];
276 	    if (typeof val !== 'undefined' && val['year']) {
277         var d = new Date( val['year'],val['month']-1,val['day'],val['hour'],val['minute'], val['second']);
278         val = d.toUTCString();
279 	      }
281     }
282     else if(type == 'rev' || type == 'mtime') {
283        var d = new Date(val*1000);
284        val = d.toUTCString();
285     }
286     else if(type == 'size') {
287         val += ' bytes';
288     }
289      else if(type == 'id'  && fn=='dokuwiki.search') {
290           return '<td class ="xcom_id">'+ xcom_search_url(val) +'</td>';
291     }
292     else if(type == 'id' || type == 'href' || (type =='page' && fn == 'wiki.listLinks')) {
293        var display = val;
294        if(val.length > 40) {
295           var a = val.substring(0,40) + ". . . .<br />";
296           var b = val.substring(40);
297           if(b.length > 7) {
298              display = a + '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' + b;
299           }
300         }
301          if(type == 'id') {
302             return '<td><a href="javascript:xcom_localSave(\'' + val + '\');void 0;">' +display +'</a></td>';
303          }
304          val =display;
305     }
306     else if(type == 'snippet') {
307         return '<tr><td class="xcom_none">&nbsp;</td><td colspan = "4" class="xcom_snippet">' + val + '</td>';
308     }
309     else if(type == 'title' && fn=='dokuwiki.search') return "";  //skip title, screws up the table design
310     if(typeof val == 'object') val = "none";
311      return '<td>' + val + '</td>'
312 }
314 function xcom_tclose() {
315   return "</table>\n";
316 }
318 function xcom_search_url(pageid) {
319 	 if ( typeof xcom_srch_str == 'undefined' ) {
320         xcom_srch_str =xcom_getInputValue('xcom_opts');
321       }
322 	 var qs = '&'+ xcom_srch_opts();
323 	 return '<a href = "' + xcom_action_url + 'id=' +pageid + qs +'" target = \"_blank\">' + pageid + '</a>';
324 }
326 function xcom_srch_opts() {  // for search function
327 	var srch_str =xcom_getInputValue('xcom_opts');
328     srch_str = srch_str.replace(/^\s+/,"");
329     srch_str = srch_str.replace(/\s+$/,"");
330     srch_str = srch_str.replace(/\s+\"/,'\"');
331     srch_str = srch_str.replace(/\"\s+/,'\"');
333     var tmp = srch_str.split('\"');
334     if(tmp.length == 1) {
335       tmp = srch_str.split(/\s+/g);
336     }
337     var result = "";
338     for(i=0; i<tmp.length; i++) {
339       if(tmp[i]) {
340        result += "s[]=" + tmp[i];
341        if(tmp[i+1]) {
342          result += '&';
343        }
344       }
345     }
346   result = result.replace(/=\s+/g, '=');
347   result = result.replace(/\s*&\s*/g, '&');
348   return result;
349 }
350 function xcom_check_opts(fn,page,opts, tmp) {
351     page = page.trim();
352     var regex;
353     var skip_opts_cnt = false;
354     switch(fn) {
355          case 'wiki.getAllPages':
356          case 'dokuwiki.getTitle':
357             if((!page || page.trim().length === 0) && !opts) {
358                 return true;
359             }
360            xcom_err_msg('wrong_count',fn,'no_opts');
361              return false;
362         case 'wiki.aclCheck':
363             skip_opts_cnt = true;
364         case 'wiki.getPage':
365         case 'plugin.xcom.getMedia':
366         case 'wiki.getAttachmentInfo':
367         case 'wiki.deleteAttachment':
368         case 'wiki.listLinks':
369         case 'wiki.getBackLinks':
370         case 'plugin.xcom.getPageInfo':
371         case 'wiki.getPageHTML':
372             if(opts && !skip_opts_cnt) {
373                 xcom_err_msg('wrong_count',fn,'no_opts');
374                 return false;
375             }
377              if(page.match(/[^0-9a-z_\:\.\-]+/g)) {
378                 xcom_err_msg('bad_id');
379                 return false;
380             }
381             return true;
383         case 'wiki.getRecentChanges':
384         case 'wiki.getRecentMediaChanges':
385              if(page || page.length) {
386                 xcom_err_msg('wrong_count',fn, 'date_only');
387                 return false;
388             }
389 		     regex = RegExp('^\s*\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d\s*$');
390 			opt = opts.trim();
391             if(!regex.test(opt)) {
392                 xcom_err_msg('date_err');
393                 return false;
394             }
395             break;
397 	    case 'dokuwiki.getPagelist': //(hash),(depth:n)
398             if(!opts) {
399                 tmp.push({hash:1});
400             }
401             if(!page) {
402                 xcom_err_msg(fn,'param-err');
403                 return false;
404             }
405             break;
407         case 'dokuwiki.search': //string query
408 		if(!opts) {
409                 xcom_err_msg('srch_string');
410 		        return false;
411 			}
412                break;
413         case 'dokuwiki.appendPage':
414         case 'wiki.putPage':
415             if(!page) {
416                 alert("Page id missing");
417                 return false;
418             }
419             var regex_m = RegExp('\(minor;\s*(1|true)\s*\)');
420             var regex_s = RegExp('\\(sum;[\\w\\s\\d;\\.\\:\\[\\]\\{\\}]+\\)');
421             if(regex_m.test(opts) || regex_s.test(opts)) break;
422             alert("needs sum or minor edit statement");
423             return false;
425             break;
426 /*
428         case 'plugin.xcom.pageVersions': (string) [[doku>:pagename]] , (int) offset
429             break;
430         case 'wiki.getAttachments': (String) namespace, (array) options (#pattern#)
431             break;
432         case 'plugin.acl.addAcl': (String) scope, (String) user|@group
433             break;
434         case 'plugin.acl.delAcl':String) scope, (String) user|@group, (int) permission
435             break;
436         case 'plugin.xcom.listNamespaces':(String) namespace id, (Array) (id1;id2. . .)
437             break;	*/
438         default:
440     }
441     return true;
442 }
444 function xcom_params() {
445     var params = new Array(),i=0;
446     var optstring =  xcom_getInputValue('xcom_opts');  //Params from User-created Query/Options box
449     var opts = "";
450     var matches;
451     optstring = optstring.replace(/\s+$/,"");
452     optstring = optstring.replace(/^\s+/,"");
453     optstring = optstring.replace(/;\s+/,";");
455     optstring = optstring.replace(/\((.*?)\)/g,function(a) {
456         return a.replace(/,/g,' __comma__ ');
457     });
459     optstring = optstring.replace(/\#(.*?)\#/g,function(a) {
460         return a.replace(/,/g,'__comma__');
461     });
463     if(optstring) opts = optstring.split(/,/);
466     for(var p=0; p<opts.length; p++) {
467         if(!opts[p] || !opts[p].match(/^\s*\(/)) break;
468         var isarray = xcom_getArray(opts[p]);
469          if(isarray) {
470              if(isarray[0] == 'hash')   {
471                 opts[p] ={'hash':'1'};
472                 break;
473              }
474              else if(isarray[0].match(/#/))   {
475                 opts[p] ={'pattern' : isarray[0]};
476                 break;
477              }
478              else if(isarray[0].match(/sum/))   {
479                 opts[p] ={'sum' : isarray[1]};
480                 break;
481              }
482              else if(matches = isarray[0].match(/minor/))   {
483                 opts[p] ={'minor': isarray[1]};
484                 break;
485              }
486              else {
487                  opts[p] =isarray;
488                  break;
489              }
490           }
491     }
493      var fn_sel = document.getElementById('xcom_sel');
495      for(var n=0; n<opts.length; n++) {
496         opts[n] = xcom_timeStamp(opts[n]);
497     }
499     if(fn_sel.selectedIndex > 0) {
500         params[i]  = fn_sel.options[fn_sel.selectedIndex].value;
501         }
502      else
503      {
504         var regex = RegExp('(wiki|plugin|dokuwiki|xcom)\.');
505         if(!optstring.match(regex)) {
506             xcom_err_msg('nofunc');
507             return false;
508         }
509        else {
510           // alert(optstring);
511        }
512        return params[i] = opts;
513     }
514     var tmpar = new Array();
515     var page = document.getElementById('xcom_pageid').value;
516     var opstatus = xcom_check_opts(params[i],page,optstring,tmpar);
517 	if(tmpar.length > 0) {
518         opts = new Array();
519         opts.push(tmpar[0]);
520     }
521 	if(!opstatus) return false;
522     if(page)  {
523        if(params[0] == 'dokuwiki.search') {  // add page to search query
524              opts[0] =  opts[0] + " " + page;
525        }
526        else params[++i] = page;
527     }
528      else {
529          if(params[0]=='plugin.xcom.listNamespaces') {
530             params[++i] = '0';
531          }
532     }
533     if(params[0]=='wiki.putPage' || params[0]=='dokuwiki.appendPage') {
534             params[++i] = xcom_escape(xcom_getInputValue('xcom_editable'));
535      }
537      //assign options to parameter array
538     if(opts.length) {
539           for(j=0;j<opts.length;j++) {
540             opts[j] = xcom_timeStamp(opts[j]);
541             params[++i] = opts[j];
542           }
543     }
545     return params;
546 }
548 function xcom_getArray(opt) {
550    if(!opt) return false;
551    var matches;
552    try{
553     if(matches = opt.match(/\((.*?)\)/)) {
554          ar = matches[1].split(/;/);
555           return ar;
556        }
557     }
558     catch(e) { }
559     return false;
560 }
562  /* returns formatted timestamp if date, otherwise returns the option */
563 function xcom_timeStamp(opt) {
564     try{
565         if(opt.match(/\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/)) {
566            var d = new Date(opt);
567            var unixtime = parseInt(d.getTime() / 1000);
568            if(unixtime) {
569 			   unixtime += 86400;	//needs added day for accurate time
570                return unixtime;
571            }
572         }
573     }catch(e) {
574     }
575     return opt;
576 }
578 function xcom_escape(data) {
579    data = data.replace(/&/g,"%26");
580    return  data;
581 }
582 /**
583   Format and output query on status line
584 */
585 function xcom_query_status(options) {
587    if(typeof options != 'object'  && !(options instanceof Array)) return;
589    var q = options.join(',&nbsp;');
591    if(q.length > 70) {
592       q = q.substring(0,70) + '.  .  .';
593    }
594    document.getElementById('xcom_qstatus').innerHTML = q;
596 }
598 function xcom_select(sel) {
599     var which =sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
600     if(!which) return;
601     xcom_setValue('xcom_url',xcomSites[which]['url']);
602     xcom_setValue('xcom_pwd',xcomSites[which]['pwd']);
603     xcom_setValue('xcom_user',xcomSites[which]['user']);
604 }
606 function xcom_toggle(which) {
607   jQuery(which).toggle();
608   var state = jQuery(which).css('display');
609   if(state != 'none')  {
610       xcom_show('xcom_results');
611   }
612   var title = which + '_title';
613   jQuery(title).toggle();
614 }
616 function xcom_show(which) {
617    var d = document.getElementById(which);
618    if(d) d.style.display = 'block';
619 }
621 function xcom_hide(which) {
622   var d = document.getElementById(which);
623   if(d) d.style.display = 'none';
624 }
625 function xcom_hide_all_views(xcom_action) {
626     xcom_hide('xcom_editable');
627     xcom_hide('xcom_pre');
628     if(!xcom_action) {
629     xcom_hide('xcom_htm');
630     }
631     xcom_hide('xcom_editable_title');
632     xcom_hide('xcom_pre_title');
633     xcom_hide('xcom_htm_title');
634     xcom_hide('xcom_results');
635     xcom_hide('xcom_action_title');
636 }
638 function xcom_clear(which) {
639   if(which == 'xcom_editable') {
640      xcom_setValue(which,"");
641      return;
642   }
643   document.getElementById(which).innerHTML= '';
644   if(arguments.length > 1) return;
645   xcom_hide(which);
646  }
647 /**
648       creates credentials array for Json encoding
649 */
650 function xcom_json_ini() {
651     jobj = {};
652      for (i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) {
653         var val = xcom_getInputValue(arguments[i]);
654         var key = (arguments[i].split(/_/))[1];
655         key = key.replace(/local/,"");
656         key = key.replace(/loc/,"");
657         jobj[key] = val;
658      }
659      return jobj;
660 }
662 function xcom_getInputValue(item) {
663     var d = document.getElementById(item);
664     if(!d) return;
665     return  d.value;
666 }
669 function xcom_setValue(item,val) {
670    var d = document.getElementById(item);
671    if(!d) return;
672    d.value = val;
673 }
675 /* used for checking options */
676 function xcom_msg(msg) {
677   id ='xcom_pre';
678    xcom_show('xcom_results');
679   var d = document.getElementById(id);
680   d.innerHTML = msg;
681   xcom_show('xcom_pre');
682 }
684 /**
685    JSON.stringify combines elements from both of below:
686       http://blogs.sitepointstatic.com/examples/tech/json-serialization/json-serialization.js
687       https://gist.github.com/chicagoworks/754454
688 */
689 var JSON = JSON || {};
690 // implement JSON.stringify serialization
691 JSON.stringify = JSON.stringify || function (obj) {
692 	var t = typeof (obj);
693 	if (t != "object" || obj === null) {
694 		// simple data type
695 		if (t == "string") obj = '"'+obj+'"';
696 		return String(obj);
697 	} else {
699 		// recurse array or object
700 		var n, v, json = [], arr = (obj && obj.constructor == Array);
701 		for (n in obj) {
702                 v = obj[n];
703                 t = typeof(v);
704                 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
705                     if (t == "string") {
706                         v = '"' + v + '"';
707                     } else if (t == "object" && v !== null){
708                         v = jQuery.stringify(v);
709                     }
711 			json.push((arr ? "" : '"' + n + '":') + String(v));
712 		}
713             }
715 		return (arr ? "[" : "{") + String(json) + (arr ? "]" : "}");
716 	}
717 };
720 jQuery( document ).ready(function() {
721        /* drop-down function menu with tool tips */
722 	   /* xcom_query_types is array of xmlrpc functions below */
723        var sel = document.getElementById('xcom_sel');
724        if(sel) {
725        var titles = JSINFO['xcom_qtitles'];
726        for(i=0; i<xcom_query_types.length; i++) {
727            var text = xcom_query_types[i].match(/^plugin\./) ? xcom_query_types[i].replace(/^plugin\./,"") : (xcom_query_types[i].split('.'))[1];
728             var newopt = new Option(text,xcom_query_types[i]);
729             if(titles[xcom_query_types[i]]) newopt.title = titles[xcom_query_types[i]];
730             else newopt.title = xcom_query_types[i];
731             sel.add(newopt);
732        }
734          var selsites = document.getElementById('xcom_selsites');
735          if(selsites) {
736              xcomSites = JSINFO['xcom_sites'];
737              for (var i in xcomSites) {
738                 var newopt = new Option(i,i);
739                 selsites.add(newopt);
740              }
741            }
742        }  // drop-down menu end
744    var img_path = DOKU_BASE + 'lib/plugins/xcom/images/';
745    var eyes  = {
746         'black':  img_path + 'eye_blk.png',
747         'blue':  img_path + 'eye_blue.png',
748    };
750    jQuery("img").click(function () {
751       if(jQuery(this).attr("src").match(/eye_blue/)) {
752            var which = jQuery(this).attr("id").match(/loc/) ?  "#xcom_localpwd" : "#xcom_pwd";
753            jQuery(this).attr("src",eyes.black);
754            jQuery(which).attr("type","password");
755            jQuery(this).attr("title",JSINFO['pwdview']);
756        }
757        else if(jQuery(this).attr("src").match(/eye_blk/)) {
758           var which = jQuery(this).attr("id").match(/loc/) ?  "#xcom_localpwd" : "#xcom_pwd";
759           jQuery(this).attr("src",eyes.blue);
760           jQuery(which).attr("type","text");
761            jQuery(this).attr("title",JSINFO['pwdhide']);
762        }
763 });
765 jQuery( "#xcom_eye" ).on( "mouseover", function() {
766 jQuery( this ).css( "cursor", "pointer" );
767 });
769 jQuery( "#xcom_eye" ).on( "mouseout", function() {
770 jQuery( this ).css( "cursor", "default" );
771 });
773 jQuery( "#xcom_loceye").on( "mouseover", function() {
774 jQuery( this ).css( "cursor", "pointer" );
775 });
777 jQuery( "#xcom_loceye" ).on( "mouseout", function() {
778 jQuery( this ).css( "cursor", "default" );
779 });
781 });
783 function xcom_rollover(el,underline) {
784 if(underline)
785   el.style.textDecoration ='underline';
786 else el.style.textDecoration = 'none';
788 }
789 var xcom_query_types=new Array(
790 'dokuwiki.getPagelist',
791 'dokuwiki.search',
792 'dokuwiki.getTitle',
793 'dokuwiki.appendPage',
794 'wiki.aclCheck',
795 'wiki.getPage',
796 'wiki.getPageVersion',
797 'plugin.xcom.pageVersions',
798 'plugin.xcom.getPageInfo',
799 'wiki.getPageHTML',
800 'wiki.putPage',
801 'wiki.listLinks',
802 'wiki.getAllPages',
803 'wiki.getBackLinks',
804 'wiki.getRecentChanges',
805 'wiki.getAttachments',
806 'wiki.getAttachmentInfo',
807 'wiki.getRecentMediaChanges',
808 'plugin.acl.addAcl',
809 'plugin.acl.delAcl',
810 'plugin.xcom.getMedia',
811 'plugin.xcom.listNamespaces',
812 'plugin.xcom.GetMetaData',
813 );
815 function xcom_err_msg() {
816     var i,msg="";
817     if(arguments.length == 1) {
818         xcom_msg(LANG.plugins.xcom[arguments[0]]);
819         return;
820     }
822     for(i=0; i<arguments.length;i++) {
823        if(typeof LANG.plugins.xcom[arguments[i]] == 'undefined') {
824            msg += '<b>'+ arguments[i] + "</b> ";
825        }
826        else msg+=LANG.plugins.xcom[arguments[i]] + " ";
827     }
828     xcom_msg(msg);
829 }