2 * @author WingedFox
3 */
6 *  Keyboard constructor
7 *
8 *  @class DraggableVirtualKeyboard
9 *  @constructor
10 */
12PopupVirtualKeyboard = new function() {
13    var self = this;
14    /**
15     *  popup window handler
16     *
17     *  @type {Window}
18     *  @scope private
19     */
20    var hWnd = null;
21    /**
22     *  path to this file
23     *
24     *  @type {String}
25     */
26    var p = (function (sname){var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),sr = new RegExp('^(.*/|)('+sname+')([#?]|$)');for (var i=0,scL=sc.length; i<scL; i++) {var m = String(sc[i].src).match(sr);if (m) {if (m[1].match(/^((https?|file)\:\/{2,}|\w:[\\])/)) return m[1];if (m[1].indexOf("/")==0) return m[1];b = document.getElementsByTagName('base');if (b[0] && b[0].href) return b[0].href+m[1];return (document.location.href.match(/(.*[\/\\])/)[0]+m[1]).replace(/^\/+(?=\w:)/,"");}}return null;})('vk_popup.js');
27    /**
28     *  Tells, if the keyboard is open
29     *
30     *  @return {Boolean}
31     *  @scope public
32     */
33    this.isOpen = function () {
34        return null!=hWnd && !hWnd.closed;
35    }
36    /**
37     *  Target input
38     *
39     *  @type {String}
40     *  @scope private
41     */
42    var tgt = null;
43    /**
44     *  Shows keyboard
45     *
46     *  @param {HTMLElement, String} input element or it to bind keyboard to
47     *  @return {Boolean} operation state
48     *  @scope public
49     */
50    this.show = function (target) {
51        if (!hWnd || hWnd.closed) {
52          hWnd = (window.showModelessDialog||window.open)(p+"vk_popup.html",window.showModelessDialog?window:"_blank","status=0,title=0,dependent=yes,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,width=500,height=500");
53          tgt = target;
54          return true;
55        }
56        return false;
57    }
58    /**
59     *  Hides keyboard
60     *
61     *  @scope public
62     */
63    this.close = function (target) {
64        if (!hWnd) return false;
65        if (!hWnd.VirtualKeyboard.isOpen()) hWnd.VirtualKeyboard.hide();
66        hWnd.close();
67        hWnd = null;
68    }
69    this.onload = function () {
70        hWnd.VirtualKeyboard.show( document.getElementById(tgt)
71                                  ,hWnd.document.body
72                                  ,hWnd.document.body
73                                 );
74        hWnd.dialogHeight = parseInt(hWnd.dialogHeight)-hWnd.getClientHeight()+hWnd.document.body.firstChild.offsetHeight+'px';
75        hWnd.dialogWidth = parseInt(hWnd.dialogWidth)-hWnd.getClientWidth()+hWnd.document.body.firstChild.offsetWidth+'px';
76        if (hWnd.sizeToContent) hWnd.sizeToContent();
77        hWnd.onunload = self.close;
78    }
79    if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onunload', self.close);
80    else if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('unload', self.close, false);
82    var p = (function (sname){var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),sr = new RegExp('^(.*/|)('+sname+')([#?]|$)');for (var i=0,scL=sc.length; i<scL; i++) {var m = String(sc[i].src).match(sr);if (m) {if (m[1].match(/^((https?|file)\:\/{2,}|\w:[\\])/)) return m[1];if (m[1].indexOf("/")==0) return m[1];b = document.getElementsByTagName('base');if (b[0] && b[0].href) return b[0].href+m[1];return (document.location.pathname.match(/(.*[\/\\])/)[0]+m[1]).replace(/^\/+(?=\w:)/,"");}}return null;})('vk_popup.js');
83    var dpd = ['/extensions/documentselection.js'];
84    for (var i=0,dL=dpd.length;i<dL;i++) {
85        document.write('<scr'+'ipt defer="false" type="text/javascript" src="'+p+dpd[i]+'"></scr'+'ipt>');
86    }