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4                <title>Tests for the Helper functions</title>
6  $Id: ArrayTests.html 130 2006-11-30 20:44:53Z wingedfox $
7  $HeadURL: https://svn.debugger.ru/repos/jslibs/BrowserExtensions/tags/BrowserExtensions.003/tests/ArrayTests.html $
9  Automated tests for the Array extensions
10  @author Ilya Lebedev <ilya@lebedev.net>
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13        <title>BrowserExtensions/Array extensions tests</title>
14        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/jsUnitStyle.css">
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16        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="../helpers.js"></script>
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18        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
19            function testIndexOf() {
20                var arr = [1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1]
21                assertEquals("Look for non-existent value (-1)", -1, arr.indexOf(-1));
22                assertEquals("Look for non-existent value (null)", -1, arr.indexOf(null));
23                assertEquals("Look for the existent value return its index", 2, arr.indexOf(3));
24                assertEquals("Look for the existent value from a point return its index", 2, arr.indexOf(3,1));
25                assertEquals("Look for the existent value from a point return its index", 2, arr.indexOf(3,2));
26                assertEquals("Look for the existent value from a point return its index", 5, arr.indexOf(3,4));
27            }
28            function testLastIndexOf() {
29                var arr = [1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1]
30                assertEquals("Look for non-existent value (-1)", -1, arr.lastIndexOf(-1));
31                assertEquals("Look for non-existent value (null)", -1, arr.lastIndexOf(null));
32                assertEquals("Look for the existent value return its index", 6, arr.lastIndexOf(2));
33                assertEquals("Look for the existent value from a point return its index", 6, arr.lastIndexOf(2,7));
34                assertEquals("Look for the existent value from a point return its index", 6, arr.lastIndexOf(2,6));
35                assertEquals("Look for the existent value from a point return its index", 1, arr.lastIndexOf(2,5));
36            }
37            function testMap() {
38                var arr = [1,2,3,4];
39                var m = function(v) {
40                    return v+1;
41                }
42                try {
43                    assertObjectEquals("Non-function return array itself (null)", arr, arr.map(null));
44                } catch (e) { info ('Some error thrown: ' + e.message) }
45                try {
46                    assertObjectEquals("Non-function return array itself (234)", arr, arr.map(234));
47                } catch (e) { info ('Some error thrown: ' + e.message) }
48                try {
49                    assertObjectEquals("Valid callback does modify the array", [2,3,4,5], arr.lastIndexOf(m));
50                } catch (e) { info ('Some error thrown: ' + e.message) }
51            }
52            function testUnique() {
53                var arr = [1,2,3,4,4,3,2,1]
54                assertObjectEquals("Empty array is unique", [], [].unique());
55                assertObjectEquals("Duplicate values will be removed)", [1,2,3,4], arr.unique());
56            }
57            function testRange() {
58                assertNull("Null, when end is incorrect", Array.range('null'));
59                assertObjectEquals("Array with 0 when only 0 supplied ", [0], Array.range(0));
60                assertObjectEquals("Array with 1..5 values when 1, 5 supplied ", [1,2,3,4,5], Array.range(1,5));
61                assertObjectEquals("Array with -5..0 when only -5 supplied ", [-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0], Array.range(-5));
62                assertObjectEquals("Array with -2..2 when -2, 2 supplied ", [-2,-1,0,1,2], Array.range(-2,2));
63                assertObjectEquals("Array with -2..2 when 2, -2 supplied ", [-2,-1,0,1,2], Array.range(2,-2));
64                assertObjectEquals("Array with -1,-0.5,0 when -1, 0 , 0.5 supplied ", [-1,-0.5,0], Array.range(-1,0,0.5));
65                assertObjectEquals("Array with 0,-0.5,-1 when -1, 0 , -0.5 supplied ", [0,-0.5,-1], Array.range(-1,0,-0.5));
66            }
67            function testFlatten() {
68                assertObjectEquals("Empty array, when empty array is supplied", [], [].flatten());
69                assertObjectEquals("Empty array, when array of empty arrays is supplied", [], [[],[],[]].flatten());
70                assertObjectEquals("Empty array, when cols are beyound the array borders", [], [[1,2],[1,2],[1]].flatten(10));
71                assertObjectEquals("Array with values, when correct array is supplied", [1,2,3,4,5], [[1,2],[3,4],[5]].flatten());
72                assertObjectEquals("Array with cpecific column, when values is supplied", [1,3,5], [[1,2],[3,4],[5]].flatten(0));
73                assertObjectEquals("Array with cpecific column, when values is supplied", [1,2,3,4,5], [[1,2,6],[3,4,7],[5]].flatten([0,1]));
75            }
76        </script>
77    </head>
78    <body>
79        <h1>Tests for the Array extensions</h1>
80        <p>This page contains tests for the Helpers functions. To see them, take a look at the source.</p>
81        </body>