2*  This library appends to DOM interface IE-proprietary extensions
4*  @version 1.1
5*  @title DOMExtensions
6*  @author Ilya Lebedev (ilya@lebedev.net), (c) 2004-2005
7*  @license GNU LGPL
9*  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10*  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11*  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12*  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13*  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html
16if (Node && !Node.prototype) {
17  var node = document.createTextNode('');
18  var Node = node.constructor;
20if (window.Node) {
21    Node.prototype.removeNode = function(removeChildren) {
22    var self = this;
23    if (Boolean(removeChildren) || this.childNodes.length<1)
24      return this.parentNode.removeChild( self );
25    else {
26      var r=document.createRange();
27      r.selectNodeContents(self);
28      return this.parentNode.replaceChild(r.extractContents(),self);
29    }
30  }
31  Node.prototype.swapNode = function(swapNode) {
32    var self = this;
33    n = self.cloneNode(true);
34    nt = swapNode.cloneNode(true);
35    self.parentNode.insertBefore(nt,self);
36    self.removeNode(true);
37    swapNode.parentNode.insertBefore(n,swapNode);
38    swapNode.removeNode(true);
39  }
40  if (!Node.prototype.attachEvent)
41    Node.prototype.attachEvent = function (e,f,c) {
42      var self = this;
43      return self.addEventListener(e.substr(2), f, false); // was true--Opera7b workaround!
44    }
45  if (!Node.prototype.fireEvent)
46    Node.prototype.fireEvent = function (e) {
47      var eventTypes = { resize : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
48                       scroll : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
49                       focusin : ['HTMLEvents',0,0],
50                       focusout : ['HTMLEvents',0,0],
51                       gainselection : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
52                       loseselection : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
53                       activate : ['HTMLEvents',1,1],
54                       //events above should be UIEvents, but Mozilla seems does not support this type
55                       //or refuses to create such event from inside JS
56                       load : ['HTMLEvents',0,0],
57                       unload : ['HTMLEvents',0,0],
58                       abort : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
59                       error : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
60                       select : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
61                       change : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
62                       submit : ['HTMLEvents',1,1],
63                       reset : ['HTMLEvents',1,0],
64                       focus : ['HTMLEvents',0,0],
65                       blur : ['HTMLEvents',0,0],
66                       click : ['MouseEvents',1,1],
67                       mousedown : ['MouseEvents',1,1],
68                       mouseup : ['MouseEvents',1,1],
69                       mouseover : ['MouseEvents',1,1],
70                       mousemove : ['MouseEvents',1,0],
71                       mouseout : ['MouseEvents',1,0],
72                       keypress : ['KeyEvents',1,1],
73                       keydown : ['KeyEvents',1,1],
74                       keyup : ['KeyEvents',1,1],
75                       DOMSubtreeModified : ['MutationEvents',1,0],
76                       DOMNodeInserted : ['MutationEvents',1,0],
77                       DOMNodeRemoved : ['MutationEvents',1,0],
78                       DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument : ['MutationEvents',0,0],
79                       DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument : ['MutationEvents',0,0],
80                       DOMAttrModified : ['MutationEvents',1,0],
81                       DOMCharacterDataModified : ['MutationEvents',1,0]
82                     };
83      var self = this;
84      e = e.substr(2);
85      if (!eventTypes[e]) return false;
86      var evt = document.createEvent(eventTypes[e][0]);
87      evt.initEvent(e,eventTypes[e][1],eventTypes[e][2]);
88      return self.dispatchEvent(evt);
89    }
91if (!window.attachEvent) {
92  window.attachEvent= function (e,f,c) {
93    var self = this;
94    if (self.addEventListener) self.addEventListener(e.substr(2), f, false); // was true--Opera7b workaround!
95    else self[e] = f;                                                               // thing for Opera 6......
96  }