1<?php 2 // DEFAULT TEMPLATE FOR THE USERSUBSCRIPTIONS PLUGIN 3 // You can copy it to your current template directory to customize it 4 5 /* Useful variables and methods available in the template : 6 * $deletelink (bool) : tells wether delete subscription link must be active 7 * $nss (string) : contains the name of the base namespace specified in plugin parameters 8 * $status (string) : contains nothing if no action was triggered, "success" or "failure" otherwise, usable for CSS class selection for example 9 * $this->getLang(FLAG) : returns localized string from lang files 10 * $usersubscriptions (array) : contains the list of subscriptions to display, with ns path as id and fields : 11 * usersubscribed (bool) : tells wether the user subscribed to the namespace (directly or inherited) 12 * selfsubscribed (bool) : tells wether the user subscribed directly to the namespace 13 * subscribedfromparent (bool) : tells wether the user subscribed to a parent namespace of the namespace 14 * inheritedsubscription (bool) : tells wether the user only subscribed to a parent namespace of the namespace and not directly to it 15 * itemdelete (bool) : tells wether the delete subscription link can be displayed 16 * isnamespace (bool) : tells wether id refers to a page or a namespace 17 * 18 * $quicksubscribe (bool) : tells wether the quicksubscribe panel must be displayed 19 */ 20?> 21<a name="usersubscriptions_anchor"></a> 22<table class="usersubscriptions"> 23 <tr> 24 <th colspan="<?php echo $deletelink ? '2' : '1'; ?>" class="usersubscriptions_namespace"><?php echo $renderer->_xmlEntities($nss); ?></th> 25 </tr> 26<?php if($status != '') { ?> 27 <tr> 28 <td colspan="<?php echo $deletelink ? '2' : '1'; ?>" class="usersubscriptions_nothing usersubscription_<?php echo $status; ?>"><?php echo $this->getLang('usersubscription_'.$status); ?></td> 29 </tr> 30<?php } 31foreach($usersubscriptions as $id => $info) { 32 if(!$info['display']) continue; // skips not displayable items 33?> 34 <tr> 35 <td> 36 <p class="usersubscriptions_description"> 37 <a href="<?php echo wl($id); ?>"> 38 <img src="<?php echo DOKU_BASE; ?>lib/plugins/usersubscriptions/images/<?php echo $info['isnamespace'] ? 'namespace' : 'page'; ?>.png" alt="<?php echo $this->getLang($info['isnamespace'] ? 'it_is_a_namespace' : 'it_is_a_page'); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getLang($info['isnamespace'] ? 'it_is_a_namespace' : 'it_is_a_page'); ?>" /> 39 </a> 40 <span class="usersubscriptions_id"> 41 <a href="<?php echo wl($id).($info['isnamespace'] ? ':' : ''); ?>"><?php echo ($id != '') ? $id : $this->getLang('quick_subscription_root'); ?></a> 42 </span> 43 <br /> 44 <?php echo $info['inheritedsubscription'] ? $this->getLang('because_parent_ns_subscribed') : ' '; ?> 45 </p> 46 </td> 47 <td class="usersubscriptions_delete"> 48 <?php if($info['deleteoption']) { ?><a href="<?php echo wl($ID); ?>&pluginusersubscriptions_unsubscribe=<?php echo ($info['isnamespace'] ? 'ns' : 'pg').'-'.$id.($info['isnamespace'] ? ':' : ''); ?>#usersubscriptions_anchor"> 49 <img src="<?php echo DOKU_BASE; ?>lib/plugins/usersubscriptions/images/delete.png" alt="<?php echo $this->getLang('delete'); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getLang('delete'); ?>" /> 50 </a><?php } ?> 51 </td> 52 </tr> 53<?php 54} 55if(!count($usersubscriptions)) { 56?> 57 <tr> 58 <td colspan="<?php echo $deletelink ? '2' : '1'; ?>" class="usersubscriptions_nothing"><?php echo $this->getLang('no_subscriptions'); ?></td> 59 </tr> 60<?php 61} 62 63if($quicksubscribe) { 64?> 65 <tr> 66 <td colspan="<?php echo $deletelink ? '2' : '1'; ?>" class="usersubscriptions_nothing"> 67 <?php echo $this->getLang('quick_subscription'); ?> : <form method="get" action="<?php echo wl($ID); ?>#usersubscriptions_anchor"> 68 <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $ID; ?>"> 69 <select name="pluginusersubscriptions_subscribe" onchange="this.form.submit();"> 70 <option value=""><?php echo $this->getLang('quick_subscription_select'); ?></option> 71<?php 72 foreach($usersubscriptions as $id => $info) { 73 if($info['selfsubscribed']) continue; // don't display already subscribed items 74?> 75 <option value="<?php echo ($info['isnamespace'] ? 'ns' : 'pg').'-'.$id.($info['isnamespace'] ? ':' : '').'" class="'.($info['isnamespace'] ? 'usersubscriptions_nsopt' : '').' '.($info['selfsubscribed'] ? 'usersubscriptions_selopt' : ''); ?>"> 76 <!--<?php echo str_repeat(' ', max(0, $info['lvl'] - 1)); ?>--> 77 <?php echo ($id != '') ? $id : $this->getLang('quick_subscription_root'); ?> 78 </option> 79<?php 80 } 81?> 82 </select> 83 <noscript><input type="submit" value="<?php echo $this->getLang('quick_subscription_post'); ?>" /></noscript> 84 </form> 85 </td> 86 </tr> 87<?php 88} 89?> 90</table> 91