2$lang['name'] = 'Text by SMS appliance';
3$lang['verifymodule'] = "Enter code sent by SMS";
4$lang['killmodule'] = "Revoke codes by SMS appliance";
5$lang['needsetup'] = "You should receive a SMS message.  Enter it in the field below to confirm it works.";
6$lang['failedsetup'] = "The code provided did not work.  SMS by appliance is not enabled for this account.";
7$lang['passedsetup'] = "Codes via SMS appliance are now enabled for this account.";
8$lang['verifynotice'] = "You need to verify that you can receive codes on your phone before you can use it to login.";
9$lang['moduleready'] = "SMS appliance is configured.";
10$lang['resendcode'] = "Resend code to phone using the SMS appliance";
11$lang['phone'] = "Cellphone Number";