3 * English language file for twitter plugin.
4 *
5 * @license GPL 2 (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php)
6 * @author  Mark C. Prins <mprins@users.sf.net>
7 *
8 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Mark C. Prins <mprins@users.sf.net>
9 *
10 */
11$lang['header'] = 'Timeline of';
12$lang['results'] = 'Results for search:';
13$lang['timestamp'] = 'About %s ago by:';
14$lang['year'] = 'year';
15$lang['years'] = 'years';
16$lang['month'] = 'month';
17$lang['months'] = 'months';
18$lang['week'] = 'week';
19$lang['weeks'] = 'weeks';
20$lang['day'] = 'day';
21$lang['days'] = 'days';
22$lang['hour'] = 'hour';
23$lang['hours'] = 'hours';
24$lang['min'] = 'min';
25$lang['mins'] = 'mins';
26$lang['sec'] = 'sec';
27$lang['secs'] = 'secs';
28$lang['configerror'] = 'The values of "oauth_consumer_key", "oauth_consumer_secret", "oauth_token" and "oauth_token_secret" must be set to generate authenticated requests.';