2$lang['key_types'] = 'Basic formatting tools. Lists types.  Insert Signature. ';
3$lang['misc'] ='Miscellaneous. Pickers: Smileys and Special Characters.  Horizontal rule.';
4$lang['key_types_other'] = 'Unused; you must select from checkboxes';
5$lang['misc_other'] = 'Unused; you must select from checkboxes';
6$lang['headers'] = 'Headlines: lower, higher and same are the auto-heading selectors;  1-5 are the five levels in the heading selection menu; select is the entire selection menu.';
7$lang['headers_other'] = 'Unused; you must select from checkboxes';
8$lang['links'] = 'Link types: media (mediamanager), internal links (linkwiz), external links';