1<?php 2/** 3 * ToDo Plugin: Creates a checkbox based todo list 4 * 5 * Syntax: <todo [@username] [#]>Name of Action</todo> - 6 * Creates a Checkbox with the "Name of Action" as 7 * the text associated with it. The hash (#, optional) 8 * will cause the checkbox to be checked by default. 9 * The @ sign followed by a username can be used to assign this todo to a user. 10 * examples: 11 * A todo without user assignment 12 * <todo>Something todo</todo> 13 * A completed todo without user assignment 14 * <todo #>Completed todo</todo> 15 * A todo assigned to user User 16 * <todo @leo>Something todo for Leo</todo> 17 * A completed todo assigned to user User 18 * <todo @leo #>Todo completed for Leo</todo> 19 * 20 * In combination with dokuwiki searchpattern plugin version (at least v20130408), 21 * it is a lightweight solution for a task management system based on dokuwiki. 22 * use this searchpattern expression for open todos: 23 * ~~SEARCHPATTERN#'/<todo[^#>]*>.*?<\/todo[\W]*?>/'?? _ToDo ??~~ 24 * use this searchpattern expression for completed todos: 25 * ~~SEARCHPATTERN#'/<todo[^#>]*#[^>]*>.*?<\/todo[\W]*?>/'?? _ToDo ??~~ 26 * do not forget the no-cache option 27 * ~~NOCACHE~~ 28 * 29 * 30 * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) 31 * @author Babbage <babbage@digitalbrink.com>; Leo Eibler <dokuwiki@sprossenwanne.at> 32 */ 33 34if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); 35 36/** 37 * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism 38 * need to inherit from this class 39 */ 40class syntax_plugin_todo_todo extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { 41 42 const TODO_UNCHECK_ALL = '~~TODO:UNCHECKALL~~'; 43 44 /** 45 * Get the type of syntax this plugin defines. 46 * 47 * @return String 48 */ 49 public function getType() { 50 return 'substition'; 51 } 52 53 /** 54 * Paragraph Type 55 * 56 * 'normal' - The plugin can be used inside paragraphs 57 * 'block' - Open paragraphs need to be closed before plugin output 58 * 'stack' - Special case. Plugin wraps other paragraphs. 59 */ 60 function getPType(){ 61 return 'normal'; 62 } 63 64 /** 65 * Where to sort in? 66 * 67 * @return Integer 68 */ 69 public function getSort() { 70 return 999; 71 } 72 73 /** 74 * Connect lookup pattern to lexer. 75 * 76 * @param $mode String The desired rendermode. 77 * @return void 78 * @see render() 79 */ 80 public function connectTo($mode) { 81 $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('<todo[\s]*?.*?>(?=.*?</todo>)', $mode, 'plugin_todo_todo'); 82 $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern(self::TODO_UNCHECK_ALL, $mode, 'plugin_todo_todo'); 83 $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('~~NOTODO~~', $mode, 'plugin_todo_todo'); 84 } 85 86 public function postConnect() { 87 $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('</todo>', 'plugin_todo_todo'); 88 } 89 90 /** 91 * Handler to prepare matched data for the rendering process. 92 * 93 * @param $match string The text matched by the patterns. 94 * @param $state int The lexer state for the match. 95 * @param $pos int The character position of the matched text. 96 * @param $handler Doku_Handler Reference to the Doku_Handler object. 97 * @return array An empty array for most cases, except: 98 - DOKU_LEXER_EXIT: An array containing the current lexer state 99 and information about the just lexed todo. 100 - DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL: For the special pattern of the Uncheck-All-Button, an 101 array containing the current lexer state and the matched text. 102 */ 103 public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler) { 104 switch($state) { 105 case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : 106 #Search to see if the '#' is in the todotag (if so, this means the Action has been completed) 107 $x = preg_match('%<todo([^>]*)>%i', $match, $tododata); 108 if($x) { 109 $handler->todoargs = $this->parseTodoArgs($tododata[1]); 110 } 111 if(!isset($handler->todo_index) || !is_numeric($handler->todo_index)) { 112 $handler->todo_index = 0; 113 } 114 $handler->todo_user = ''; 115 $handler->checked = ''; 116 $handler->todotitle = ''; 117 break; 118 case DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED : 119 break; 120 case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : 121 /** 122 * Structure: 123 * input(checkbox) 124 * <span> 125 * -<a> (if links is on) or <span> (if links is off) 126 * --<del> (if strikethrough is on) or --NOTHING-- 127 * -</a> or </span> 128 * </span> 129 */ 130 $handler->todotitle = $match; 131 break; 132 case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : 133 $data = array_merge(array ($state, 'todotitle' => $handler->todotitle, 'todoindex' => $handler->todo_index, 'todouser' => $handler->todo_user, 'checked' => $handler->checked), $handler->todoargs); 134 $handler->todo_index++; 135 #Delete temporary checked variable 136 unset($handler->todo_user); 137 unset($handler->checked); 138 unset($handler->todoargs); 139 unset($handler->todotitle); 140 return $data; 141 case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL : 142 if($match == self::TODO_UNCHECK_ALL) { 143 return array_merge(array($state, 'match' => $match)); 144 } 145 break; 146 } 147 return array(); 148 } 149 150 /** 151 * Handle the actual output creation. 152 * 153 * @param $mode String The output format to generate. 154 * @param $renderer Doku_Renderer A reference to the renderer object. 155 * @param $data Array The data created by the <tt>handle()</tt> method. 156 * @return Boolean true: if rendered successfully, or false: otherwise. 157 */ 158 public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { 159 global $ID; 160 161 if(empty($data)) { 162 return false; 163 } 164 165 $state = $data[0]; 166 167 if($mode == 'xhtml') { 168 /** @var $renderer Doku_Renderer_xhtml */ 169 switch($state) { 170 case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : 171 #Output our result 172 $renderer->doc .= $this->createTodoItem($renderer, $ID, array_merge($data, array('checkbox'=>'yes'))); 173 return true; 174 case DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL : 175 if(isset($data['match']) && $data['match'] == self::TODO_UNCHECK_ALL) { 176 $renderer->doc .= '<button type="button" class="todouncheckall">Uncheck all todos</button>'; 177 } 178 return true; 179 } 180 } 181 return false; 182 } 183 184 /** 185 * Parse the arguments of todotag 186 * 187 * @param string $todoargs 188 * @return array(bool, false|string) with checked and user 189 */ 190 protected function parseTodoArgs($todoargs) { 191 $data['checked'] = false; 192 unset($data['start']); 193 unset($data['due']); 194 unset($data['completeddate']); 195 $data['showdate'] = $this->getConf("ShowdateTag"); 196 $data['username'] = $this->getConf("Username"); 197 $data['priority'] = 0; 198 $options = explode(' ', $todoargs); 199 foreach($options as $option) { 200 $option = trim($option); 201 if(empty($option)) continue; 202 if($option[0] == '@') { 203 $data['todousers'][] = substr($option, 1); //fill todousers array 204 if(!isset($data['todouser'])) $data['todouser'] = substr($option, 1); //set the first/main todouser 205 } 206 elseif($option[0] == '#') { 207 $data['checked'] = true; 208 @list($completeduser, $completeddate) = explode(':', $option, 2); 209 $data['completeduser'] = substr($completeduser, 1); 210 if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($completeddate)) == $completeddate) { 211 $data['completeddate'] = new DateTime($completeddate); 212 } 213 } 214 elseif($option[0] == '!') { 215 $plen = strlen($option); 216 $excl_count = substr_count($option, "!"); 217 if (($plen == $excl_count) && ($excl_count >= 0)) { 218 $data['priority'] = $excl_count; 219 } 220 } 221 else { 222 @list($key, $value) = explode(':', $option, 2); 223 switch($key) { 224 case 'username': 225 if(in_array($value, array('user', 'real', 'none'))) { 226 $data['username'] = $value; 227 } 228 else { 229 $data['username'] = 'none'; 230 } 231 break; 232 case 'start': 233 if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value)) == $value) { 234 $data['start'] = new DateTime($value); 235 } 236 break; 237 case 'due': 238 if(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($value)) == $value) { 239 $data['due'] = new DateTime($value); 240 } 241 break; 242 case 'showdate': 243 if(in_array($value, array('yes', 'no'))) { 244 $data['showdate'] = ($value == 'yes'); 245 } 246 break; 247 } 248 } 249 } 250 return $data; 251 } 252 253 /** 254 * @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer 255 * @param string $id of page 256 * @param array $data data for rendering options 257 * @return string html of an item 258 */ 259 protected function createTodoItem($renderer, $id, $data) { 260 //set correct context 261 global $ID, $INFO; 262 $oldID = $ID; 263 $ID = $id; 264 $todotitle = $data['todotitle']; 265 $todoindex = $data['todoindex']; 266 $checked = $data['checked']; 267 $return = '<span class="todo">'; 268 269 if($data['checkbox']) { 270 $return .= '<input type="checkbox" class="todocheckbox"' 271 . ' data-index="' . $todoindex . '"' 272 . ' data-date="' . hsc(@filemtime(wikiFN($ID))) . '"' 273 . ' data-pageid="' . hsc($ID) . '"' 274 . ' data-strikethrough="' . ($this->getConf("Strikethrough") ? '1' : '0') . '"' 275 . ($checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' /> '; 276 } 277 278 // Username(s) of todouser(s) 279 if (!isset($data['todousers'])) $data['todousers']=array(); 280 $todousers = array(); 281 foreach($data['todousers'] as $user) { 282 if (($user = $this->_prepUsername($user,$data['username'])) != '') { 283 $todousers[] = $user; 284 } 285 } 286 $todouser=join(', ',$todousers); 287 288 if($todouser!='') { 289 $return .= '<span class="todouser">[' . hsc($todouser) . ']</span>'; 290 } 291 if(isset($data['completeduser']) && ($checkeduser=$this->_prepUsername($data['completeduser'],$data['username']))!='') { 292 $return .= '<span class="todouser">[' . hsc('✓ '.$checkeduser); 293 if(isset($data['completeddate'])) { $return .= ', '.$data['completeddate']->format('Y-m-d'); } 294 $return .= ']</span>'; 295 } 296 297 // start/due date 298 unset($bg); 299 $now = new DateTime("now"); 300 if(!$checked && (isset($data['start']) || isset($data['due'])) && (!isset($data['start']) || $data['start']<$now) && (!isset($data['due']) || $now<$data['due'])) $bg='todostarted'; 301 if(!$checked && isset($data['due']) && $now>=$data['due']) $bg='tododue'; 302 303 // show start/due date 304 if($data['showdate'] == 1 && (isset($data['start']) || isset($data['due']))) { 305 $return .= '<span class="tododates">['; 306 if(isset($data['start'])) { $return .= $data['start']->format('Y-m-d'); } 307 $return .= ' → '; 308 if(isset($data['due'])) { $return .= $data['due']->format('Y-m-d'); } 309 $return .= ']</span>'; 310 } 311 312 // priority 313 $priorityclass = ''; 314 if (isset($data['priority'])) { 315 $priority = $data['priority']; 316 if ($priority == 1) $priorityclass = ' todolow'; 317 else if ($priority == 2) $priorityclass = ' todomedium'; 318 else if ($priority >= 3) $priorityclass = ' todohigh'; 319 } 320 321 $spanclass = 'todotext' . $priorityclass; 322 if($this->getConf("CheckboxText") && !$this->getConf("AllowLinks") && $oldID == $ID && $data['checkbox']) { 323 $spanclass .= ' clickabletodo todohlght'; 324 } 325 if(isset($bg)) $spanclass .= ' '.$bg; 326 $return .= '<span class="' . $spanclass . '">'; 327 328 if($checked && $this->getConf("Strikethrough")) { 329 $return .= '<del>'; 330 } 331 $return .= '<span class="todoinnertext">'; 332 if($this->getConf("AllowLinks")) { 333 $return .= $this->_createLink($renderer, $todotitle, $todotitle); 334 } else { 335 if ($oldID != $ID) { 336 $return .= $renderer->internallink($id, $todotitle, null, true); 337 } else { 338 $return .= hsc($todotitle); 339 } 340 } 341 $return .= '</span>'; 342 343 if($checked && $this->getConf("Strikethrough")) { 344 $return .= '</del>'; 345 } 346 347 $return .= '</span></span>'; 348 349 //restore page ID 350 $ID = $oldID; 351 return $return; 352 } 353 354 /** 355 * Prepare user name string. 356 * 357 * @param string $username 358 * @param string $displaytype - one of 'user', 'real', 'none' 359 * @return string 360 */ 361 private function _prepUsername($username, $displaytype) { 362 363 switch ($displaytype) { 364 case "real": 365 global $auth; 366 $username = $auth->getUserData($username)['name']; 367 break; 368 case "none": 369 $username=""; 370 break; 371 case "user": 372 default: 373 break; 374 } 375 376 return $username; 377 } 378 379 /** 380 * Generate links from our Actions if necessary. 381 * 382 * @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer 383 * @param string $pagename 384 * @param string $name 385 * @return string 386 */ 387 private function _createLink($renderer, $pagename, $name = NULL) { 388 $id = $this->_composePageid($pagename); 389 390 return $renderer->internallink($id, $name, null, true); 391 } 392 393 /** 394 * Compose the pageid of the pages linked by a todoitem 395 * 396 * @param string $pagename 397 * @return string page id 398 */ 399 private function _composePageid($pagename) { 400 #Get the ActionNamespace and make sure it ends with a : (if not, add it) 401 $actionNamespace = $this->getConf("ActionNamespace"); 402 if(strlen($actionNamespace) == 0 || substr($actionNamespace, -1) != ':') { 403 $actionNamespace .= ":"; 404 } 405 406 #Replace ':' in $pagename so we don't create unnecessary namespaces 407 $pagename = str_replace(':', '-', $pagename); 408 409 //resolve and build link 410 $id = $actionNamespace . $pagename; 411 return $id; 412 } 413 414 /** 415 * @brief this function can be called by dokuwiki plugin searchpattern to process the todos found by searchpattern. 416 * use this searchpattern expression for open todos: 417 * ~~SEARCHPATTERN#'/<todo[^#>]*>.*?<\/todo[\W]*?>/'?? _ToDo ??~~ 418 * use this searchpattern expression for completed todos: 419 * ~~SEARCHPATTERN#'/<todo[^#>]*#[^>]*>.*?<\/todo[\W]*?>/'?? _ToDo ??~~ 420 * this handler method uses the table and layout with css classes from searchpattern plugin 421 * 422 * @param $type string type of the request from searchpattern plugin 423 * (wholeoutput, intable:whole, intable:prefix, intable:match, intable:count, intable:suffix) 424 * wholeoutput = all output is done by THIS plugin (no output will be done by search pattern) 425 * intable:whole = the left side of table (page name) is done by searchpattern, the right side 426 * of the table will be done by THIS plugin 427 * intable:prefix = on the right side of table - THIS plugin will output a prefix header and 428 * searchpattern will continue it's default output 429 * intable:match = if regex, right side of table - THIS plugin will format the current 430 * outputvalue ($value) and output it instead of searchpattern 431 * intable:count = if normal, right side of table - THIS plugin will format the current 432 * outputvalue ($value) and output it instead of searchpattern 433 * intable:suffix = on the right side of table - THIS plugin will output a suffix footer and 434 * searchpattern will continue it's default output 435 * @param Doku_Renderer_xhtml $renderer current rendering object (use $renderer->doc .= 'text' to output text) 436 * @param array $data whole data multidemensional array( array( $page => $countOfMatches ), ... ) 437 * @param array $matches whole regex matches multidemensional array( array( 0 => '1st Match', 1 => '2nd Match', ... ), ... ) 438 * @param string $page id of current page 439 * @param array $params the parameters set by searchpattern (see search pattern documentation) 440 * @param string $value value which should be outputted by searchpattern 441 * @return bool true if THIS method is responsible for the output (using $renderer->doc) OR false if searchpattern should output it's default 442 */ 443 public function _searchpatternHandler($type, $renderer, $data, $matches, $params = array(), $page = null, $value = null) { 444 $renderer->nocache(); 445 446 $type = strtolower($type); 447 switch($type) { 448 case 'wholeoutput': 449 // $matches should hold an array with all <todo>matches</todo> or <todo #>matches</todo> 450 if(!is_array($matches)) { 451 return false; 452 } 453 //file_put_contents( dirname(__FILE__).'/debug.txt', print_r($matches,true), FILE_APPEND ); 454 //file_put_contents( dirname(__FILE__).'/debug.txt', print_r($params,true), FILE_APPEND ); 455 $renderer->doc .= '<div class="sp_main">'; 456 $renderer->doc .= '<table class="inline sp_main_table">'; //create table 457 458 foreach($matches as $page => $allTodosPerPage) { 459 $renderer->doc .= '<tr class="sp_title"><th class="sp_title" colspan="2"><a href="' . wl($page) . '">' . $page . '</a></td></tr>'; 460 //entry 0 contains all whole matches 461 foreach($allTodosPerPage[0] as $todoindex => $todomatch) { 462 $x = preg_match('%<todo([^>]*)>(.*)</[\W]*todo[\W]*>%i', $todomatch, $tododata); 463 464 if($x) { 465 list($checked, $todouser) = $this->parseTodoArgs($tododata[1]); 466 $todotitle = trim($tododata[2]); 467 if(empty($todotitle)) { 468 continue; 469 } 470 $renderer->doc .= '<tr class="sp_result"><td class="sp_page" colspan="2">'; 471 472 // in case of integration with searchpattern there is no chance to find the index of an element 473 $renderer->doc .= $this->createTodoItem($renderer, $todotitle, $todoindex, $todouser, $checked, $page, array('checkbox'=>'yes', 'username'=>'user')); 474 475 $renderer->doc .= '</td></tr>'; 476 } 477 } 478 } 479 $renderer->doc .= '</table>'; //end table 480 $renderer->doc .= '</div>'; 481 // true means, that this handler method does the output (searchpattern plugin has nothing to do) 482 return true; 483 break; 484 case 'intable:whole': 485 break; 486 case 'intable:prefix': 487 //$renderer->doc .= '<b>Start on Page '.$page.'</b>'; 488 break; 489 case 'intable:match': 490 //$renderer->doc .= 'regex match on page '.$page.': <pre>'.$value.'</pre>'; 491 break; 492 case 'intable:count': 493 //$renderer->doc .= 'normal count on page '.$page.': <pre>'.$value.'</pre>'; 494 break; 495 case 'intable:suffix': 496 //$renderer->doc .= '<b>End on Page '.$page.'</b>'; 497 break; 498 default: 499 break; 500 } 501 // false means, that this handler method does not output anything. all should be done by searchpattern plugin 502 return false; 503 } 504} 505 506//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 : 507