3Version 2.3.0
4* Added test 5, really long labels, to test example page rev 1601, LarryK
5* Added tags/latest, a copy of the latest tagged release. Will be used for
6  referring to examples and other source files from the wiki. This way
7  the wiki references will not need to be updated for each release.
8* Added test example page for trying and testing event attributes
9  src/webapp/examples/test_example/test.html -- LarryK rev 1598
10* Fixed issues caused when events don't have title attribute.
11  Issue tracker #20 -- LarryK rev 1598
12* Event tape heights now use theme.event.tape.height. Better than using css since:
13  theme.event.track.height & theme.event.tape.height need to work with each other.
14  It is easier and clearer to set both in the same place (the theme), rather than
15  one in the theme and one in the css. This is a breaking change if you were
16  setting the height in the css. People were having problems with this in the
17  mailing list.
19  Further note about this change since it is undoing someone's work: The tape height
20  on the screen was defined purely by css. But the tape height from the theme was
21  still being used (to some extent) in the sw. In particular, the Theme's tape height
22  is returned by function _paintEventTape in file original-painter. It doesn't make
23  sense for the theme's tape height to be returned by the function when the
24  actual height of the tape was being controlled in the css file.
25  -- LarryK rev 1623
26* Un-commented-out
27  div.style.background = color;
28  from Timeline.OriginalEventPainter.prototype._createHighlightDiv function
29  to re-enable event highlighting
30  See http://groups.google.com/group/simile-widgets/browse_thread/thread/acbffeaa662722f8
31  -- Hunt Culver and LarryK rev 1628
32* Bullet-proofing: Fix for issue 34. The Monet example had a latestStart date
33  after the event's earliestEnd. This caused the tape width to be negative. This
34  caused an exception when setting the width value, but only on IE. Fix: changed
35  sources.js to sanity check dates and append error messages to event title if
36  a problem is detected. Updated test example to have events with bad dates.
37  Thank you to Tim Dimsdale for noting that the example didn't run in Monet.
38  -- LarryK rev 1629
39* Tape color for overview painter now set. Uses following precedence: event's color attribute,
40  theme.event.duration.color or css color for class timeline-small-event-tape
41  See issue 16 -- LarryK rev 1630
42* Update to send css class to computeSize. Fixes:
43  issue 13 - TIMELINE: Event labels wrap on FF 3 on Mac
44  issue 30 - TIMELINE : Event labels wrap when 'classname' attribute is added and text is bold
45  NOTE: fixes don't work unless latest Simile-Ajax library is used. Will be
46  automatically used after it is released.
47  -- LarryK rev 1638
48* Added and revised autoWidth. AutoWidth automatically calculates and sets the 'width' for
49  the Timeline's bands and for the overall Timeline. The 'width,' for horizontal
50  Timelines, is actually the 'height' style of the various divs.
52  The event painters do not calculate the tracks of all the events when they are loaded,
53  the event tracks are only calculated when they are viewed or are about to be viewed.
54  In the same way, the needed width is re-calculated whenever a new set of events
55  are viewed or are about to be viewed. If the new needed width is greater than the
56  current width, the increase is animated. See the example.
58  To use autoWidth:
59  1) You will be modifying the classic theme's settings in your html file.
60  2) Set the theme's autoWidth to true
61  3) Optionally update the theme's autoWidthAnimationTime setting.
62  4) Optionally update the autoWidthMargin settings in the Theme. The margin, per
63     band, is used to set how close the bottom of the lowest track is to the
64     edge of the band's div. The units are total track width. There are two settings,
65     one for overview bands, the second for others.
66  5) After you have loaded your events, call tl.finishedEventLoading() where tl is the
67     Timeline object returned from Timeline.create.
68  Demo: examples/test_example2/test_example2.html
69  -- LarryK rev 1630, 1643
70* Updated License to refer to JQuery -- LarryK rev 1643
71* Added License file to zip files -- LarryK rev 1643
72* Changed example files to refer to Google Simile directory. -- LarryK rev 1643
73* Fixed: autoWidth wasn't working on Safari/Windows. -- LarryK rev 1644
74* Fixed issue 33: added event attribute durationEvent.
75  Values of isDuration and durationEvent must be true or false for JSON and
76  "true" or "false" for XML and SPARCL. Otherwise results are indeterminate.
77  This can be a breaking change for event sources that were using values
78  other than the above. -- LarryK rev 1654
79* Added event attribute trackNum for developers to specify a track number.
80  See issue 26. -- LarryK rev 1654
81* Improve autoWidth for overview bands: calculation should include overviewTrack.offset
82  -- LarryK rev 1655
83* Add English day names to en locale -- LarryK rev 1656
84* Rebuilt bundle files with new ver of Ajax lib. -- LarryK rev 1658
85* Split band.js out of timeline.js. Assign event IDs sequentially rather than using
86  random number generator. Add formated ids to event tapes, labels, icons to
87  enable a single listener to retrieve state from the id. Added support functions
88  event-utils.js.  -- LarryK rev 1659
89* Highlighting testing using Religions example. Restored event highlight colors to theme
90  to fix.  -- LarryK rev 1659
91* New feature: When highlighting events on a Timeline, default is to highlight the event's
92  icon or tape. If theme.event.highlightLabelBackground is true, the label's background
93  will also be changed to the highlight color. See the Jewish timeline example.
94   -- LarryK rev 1659
95* Fixed issue 31, added event's classname attribute to div for icons too.
96   -- LarryK rev 1659
97* event's tape and highlight div's need index num in id since there can be more
98  than one tape div per event. -- And id must be unique. -- LarryK rev 1661
99* Added EventPaintListener hook to original-painter. Enables clients to hook into
100  painting life cycle. See original-painter.js. -- LarryK rev 1661
101* Changed calculation of labelTop for paintImpreciseInstantEvent to be same
102  calculation as in paintPreciseDurationEvent in original-painter.
103  Problem was that label was too close to tape (and would sometimes overlap)
104  for Imprecise Instant Events. Test example 2, imprecise instant event at
105  year 4400 (with thick tape) looks much better with the change.
106  -- LarryK rev 1661
107* Added  track.offset setting to original-painter. Enables specific
108  control over top margin of band event painting. Very useful when a
109  Timeline has multiple event bands or a pseudo event band that is just
110  used for labeling above an event band.  -- LarryK rev 1661
111* Added instant.impreciseIconMargin to original-painter. Enables specific
112  control over top margin of icon (margin between bottom of tape and
113  top of icon). Only used if the event has a tape and an icon.
114  -- LarryK rev 1661
115* Added band arg to eventPaintListener listeners -- LarryK rev 1662
116* Reworked autoWidth to stop recursive call to painter -- LarryK rev 1663
117* Further autoWidth work to have Timeline monitor scroll of bands rather
118  than having bands call up into Timeline. Eliminated sleep for
119  smoother scrolling with autoWidth -- LarryK rev 1664
120* Use new maxHeight param from SimileAjax for setting maxHeight of
121  bubbles. Added theme.bubble.maxHeight with default of 0 (no maximum).
122  Old theme param of bubble.height is not used within source of
123  Timeline, so removed it. -- LarryK rev 1667
124* Span decorator improvements: now can have null labels. New param of
125  inFront. If true, then the span is in front of all layers but the events.
126  Now uses color attribute if present, else css. -- LarryK rev 1677
127* Span point decorator: Now uses color attribute if present, else css.
128   -- LarryK rev 1677
129* Timeline start and end feature: Optionally add theme.timeline_start,
130  theme.timeline_stop to disable movement of the Timeline beyond the
131  start and/or stop. The setting affects the entire Timeline and must
132  be set in the theme of the first band. Depending on the relative
133  resolutions of the bands, different amounts of the various bands
134  will be seen when at a start or stop edge, depending on which band
135  was being moved and by how much. In addition to setting the timeline_start
136  and _stop, you may want to add span decorators to cover up the
137  unused parts of the Timeline. See example2. Note that the Timeline
138  will not be movable past a start/stop edge but it can be initially
139  loaded beyond the edges by using the date parameter of the Band Info.
140  -- LarryK rev 1677
142* When you run run.bat, we now serve
143  http://localhost:9999/ajax/api - from src/webapp/ajax/api/
144  http://localhost:9999/timeline - from src/webapp/site/
145  http://localhost:9999/timeline/api - from src/webapp/timeline/api/
146  -- David H rev 1705
148* PointHighlightDecorator now uses the width parameter, not CSS.
149  Issue is that the Point Highlight Decorator is centered on the point in time
150  being decorated. So the JS needs to calculate based on the width--therefore
151  don't use CSS for width. Thanks to Christian Thiemann.
152* Revised all examples to use new directory layout.
153  -- LarryK rev 1729
154* Added CompactPainter, which allows for large images and can render
155  image stacks. See the new compact-painter example.
156  -- David H rev 1759
157* Added Timeline.version string in timeline.js. Issue 60.
158  Added Timeline.writeVersion -- a helper that writes out the
159  current version. Updated examples to use it.
160  Updated build.xml to include Ajax new styles directory.
161  Fixed overview painter to use event's classname attribute if present.
162  Add a test for this to test-example.
163  -- LarryK rev 1813
164* Fixed build.xml to not include .bak files.
165  Moved contents of /site up one level into /webapp -- per David H.
166  Fixed library references in all examples to match new dir layout.
167  -- LarryK rev 1814
168* Added src/misc/fix_svn_props.txt -- used to correctly set props on
169  example files. Enables them to be run in browser from svn repo.
170  Changed timeline-api to use MIT Simile Ajax v 2.2.0.
171  Changed version to 2.3.0 in anticipation of the release.
172  -- LarryK rev 1821
173* Also need to set mime type to be text/xml for xml src files.
174  -- LarryK rev 1822
175* Bug fix: misspelled className as classname -- LarryK rev 1823
176* Fixed IE-only bug. Chokes on <span id='x' />. Changed to <span id='x'></span> and all is well.
177  Another IE only bug: double class name selectors don't work on
178  IE. Eg <div class 'foo bar' /> should be selected with css selector .foo.bar (or .bar.foo)
179  Works everywhere but ie. So added label-, icon-, tape- to className plus className by
180  itself in original_painter. Additional prefixes: highlight- for event-highlight,
181  small- for overview painter. Problem was caught by test-example.
182  -- LarryK rev 1824
183* Updated jetty config file to serve
184  http://localhost:9999/timeline - from src/webapp/
185  Revised Release Notes for release.
186  -- LarryK rev 1825
187* Changed copyright link to be http://code.google.com/p/simile-widgets/
188  -- LarryK rev 1826
193Version 2.2.0 -- September 23, 2008
194* Prep for 2.2.0: updated RELEASE_NOTES -- LarryK rev 1593
195* Added comments per MPS in timeline-api.js that bundle=true
196  is needed unless you've installed full source
197  -- LarryK rev 1593
198* Added comments to original-painter.js -- LarryK rev 1593
199* Re-built to pick up new simile-ajax that includes jquery 1.2.6
200  -- eob rev 1589
202Version 2.1.0 -- September 19, 2008
203* Prep for 2.1.0: updated examples, readme. created RELEASE_NOTES LarryK
204* Added timeline_libraries.zip to build file. Removed install.sh
205  -- LarryK rev 1579
206* Event attribute classname is added to the classnames for the event's label
207  and tape divs. Eg classname of 'hot_event' will result in div classes of
208  'timeline-event-label hot_event' and 'timeline-event-tape hot_event' for
209  the event's Timeline label and tape, respectively. Change is that classname
210  is now added to the tape's div. -- LarryK rev 1576
211* Re-worked function Timeline.DefaultEventSource.Event in sources.js to use
212  named arguments (via a hash/anon object) rather than positional arguments.
213  19 positional arguments are too many! Now much easier and cleaner to add
214  additional event attributes.
215  Note: this is a breaking change for anyone who calls Event directly. But since
216  the wiki page about dynamic events recommends calling loadXML, etc, I
217  hoping that this won't cause anyone much pain. And the new format is
218  MUCH easier to use as a developer.  -- LarryK rev 1576
219* New event attribute eventID is a 'cookie' attribute that is stored, not used
220  by the Timeline library. If you write a custom labeller or event bubble
221  filler, the attribute can be obtained using the getEventID() method on the
222  event object.  -- LarryK rev 1576
223* New event attribute caption superceedes hoverText. hoverText is deprecated.
224  For now, it will live on for backwards compatibility.  -- LarryK rev 1576
225* Event attributes barImage and barRepeat renamed to tapeImage and tapeRepeat.
226  No backwards compatibility. (Breaking change from previous checkin)
227   -- LarryK rev 1576
228* Fix: Event color attribute now properly sets the background color of the bar.
229  Note that events (where isDuration = true) have opacity applied. See
230  http://code.google.com/p/simile-widgets/wiki/Timeline_EventSources (LarryK) rev 1569
231* New event attribute barImage sets the event's bar div background-image.
232  New event attribute barRepeat sets the background-repeat. Default is 'repeat'
233  Cubism example updated to demonstrate color, textColor, barImage, barRepeat and
234  hoverText attributes. For a handy stripe generator, see
235  http://www.stripegenerator.com (LarryK) rev 1569
236* Fix: Event attribute hoverText was not properly processed by JSON or SPARCL sources
237  (LarryK) rev 1569
238* Build process now creates timeline_source.zip which has source, examples and the
239  jetty web server. Enables easy access with for folks without svn. (LarryK) rev 1569
240* Added copy of JFK timeline in examples with Dutch locale set.
241  (LarryK) rev 1560
242* Added forceLocale parameter to timeline-api.js to force a locale for testing
243  (LarryK) rev 1560
244* Added Dutch localization (Marko) rev 1560
245* Added mouse-wheel scroll. Mouse-wheel acts as left and right arrow keys. Theme
246  controls whether the mouse-wheel scrolls, zooms or moves the page (if the page
247  has a scroll-bar). Docs: see webapp/docs/create-timelines.html
248  (LarryK) rev 1553
249* Additional support in timeline-api for using your own server for Timeline
250  libraries (LarryK) rev 1553
251* Separation of javascript and css (gm.marko) rev 1326
252* Added mouse-wheel zoom functionality. It operates on a per-band basis, keeping
253  the date under the mouse cursor static while the timeline around it scales.
254  Zoom is specified as user-defined steps. Documentation and a working demo in
255  the webapp/docs/create-timelines.html page (halcyon1981) rev 1418
256* Added support for 'hoverText' - title pop-ups on Exhibit-based timelines
257  (Vincent.Vazzo) rev 1411
260Version 2.0
261* Software changes
262* Moved svn repository to Google code