3 * English language for indexmenu plugin
4 *
5 * @license:    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author:     Samuele Tognini <samuele@netsons.org>
7 */
8$lang['menu']  = 'Indexmenu Utilities';
9$lang['fetch'] = 'Show';
10$lang['install'] = 'Install';
11$lang['delete'] = 'Delete';
12$lang['check'] = 'Check';
13$lang['no_repos'] = 'No theme repository url configured.';
14$lang['disabled'] = 'Disabled';
15$lang['conn_err'] = 'Connection error';
16$lang['dir_err'] = 'Unable to create temporary folder to receive theme';
17$lang['down_err'] = 'Unable to receive theme';
18$lang['zip_err'] = 'Zip creation or extraction error';
19$lang['install_ok'] = 'theme installed successfully. The new theme is avaiable in the toolbar of the edit page or with the js#theme_name option.';
20$lang['install_no'] = 'Connection error. However you can try to upload manually your theme from <a href="http://samuele.netsons.org/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/indexmenu/upload/">here</a>.';
21$lang['delete_ok'] = 'Theme is successfully deleted.';
22$lang['delete_no'] = 'An error occurred during theme deleting';
23$lang['upload'] = 'Share';
24$lang['checkupdates'] = 'Plugin updates';
25$lang['noupdates'] = "Indexmenu does not need to be update. You have already the last release:";
26$lang['infos'] = 'You can create your theme following the instructions at the <a href="http://wiki.splitbrain.org/plugin:indexmenu#theme_tutorial">Theme Tutorial</a> page. <br />Then you could make more people happy :-) sending it to the public indexmenu repository, with the "share" button under that theme.';
27$lang['showsort']="Indexmenu sort number: ";
28$lang['donation_text'] = 'The indexmenu plugin is not sponsored by anyone but i develop and support it for free during my spare time. If you gain something thanks to it or you want to support its development, you can consider to make a donation.';