2 * AJAX functions for the pagename quicksearch
3 *
4 * This script is a near 1:1 clone of the standard DokuWiki qsearch script.
5 *
6 * @license GPL2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
7 * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
8 * @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>
9 * @author Gabriel Birke <lang@cosmocode.de>
10 */
12addInitEvent(function () {
13  var inID = 'solr_qsearch__in';
14  var outID = 'solr_qsearch__out';
15  var inObj = document.getElementById(inID);
16  var outObj = document.getElementById(outID);
17  // objects found?
18  if (inObj === null){ return; }
19  if (outObj === null){ return; }
20  function clear_results(){
21    outObj.style.display = 'none';
22    outObj.innerHTML = '';
23  }
24  var sack_obj = new sack(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php');
25  sack_obj.AjaxFailedAlert = '';
26  sack_obj.encodeURIString = false;
27  sack_obj.onCompletion = function () {
28    var data = sack_obj.response;
29    if (data === '') { return; }
30    outObj.innerHTML = data;
31    outObj.style.display = 'block';
32  };
33  // attach eventhandler to search field
34  var delay = new Delay(function () {
35    clear_results();
36    var value = inObj.value;
37    if(value === ''){ return; }
38    sack_obj.runAJAX('call=solr_qsearch&q=' + encodeURI(value));
39  });
40  addEvent(inObj, 'keyup', function () {clear_results(); delay.start(); });
41  // attach eventhandler to output field
42  addEvent(outObj, 'click', function () {outObj.style.display = 'none'; });