2 * jquery.socialshareprivacy.js | 2 Klicks fuer mehr Datenschutz
3 *
4 * http://www.heise.de/extras/socialshareprivacy/
5 * http://www.heise.de/ct/artikel/2-Klicks-fuer-mehr-Datenschutz-1333879.html
6 *
7 * Copyright (c) 2011 Hilko Holweg, Sebastian Hilbig, Nicolas Heiringhoff, Juergen Schmidt,
8 * Heise Zeitschriften Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, http://www.heise.de
9 *
10 * Copyright (c) 2012 Mathias Panzenböck
11 *
12 * is released under the MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
13 *
14 * Spread the word, link to us if you can.
15 */
16(function ($, undefined) {
17	"use strict";
19	var locales = {"af":["ZA"],"ar":["AR"],"az":["AZ"],"be":["BY"],"bg":["BG"],"bn":["IN"],"bs":["BA"],"ca":["ES"],"cs":["CZ"],"cy":["GB"],"da":["DK"],"de":["DE"],"el":["GR"],"en":["US","GB","PI","UD"],"eo":["EO"],"es":["ES","LA"],"et":["EE"],"eu":["ES"],"fa":["IR"],"fb":["LT"],"fi":["FI"],"fo":["FO"],"fr":["CA","FR"],"fy":["NL"],"ga":["IE"],"gl":["ES"],"he":["IL"],"hi":["IN"],"hr":["HR"],"hu":["HU"],"hy":["AM"],"id":["ID"],"is":["IS"],"it":["IT"],"ja":["JP"],"ka":["GE"],"km":["KH"],"ko":["KR"],"ku":["TR"],"la":["VA"],"lt":["LT"],"lv":["LV"],"mk":["MK"],"ml":["IN"],"ms":["MY"],"nb":["NO"],"ne":["NP"],"nl":["NL"],"nn":["NO"],"pa":["IN"],"pl":["PL"],"ps":["AF"],"pt":["BR","PT"],"ro":["RO"],"ru":["RU"],"sk":["SK"],"sl":["SI"],"sq":["AL"],"sr":["RS"],"sv":["SE"],"sw":["KE"],"ta":["IN"],"te":["IN"],"th":["TH"],"tl":["PH"],"tr":["TR"],"uk":["UA"],"vi":["VN"],"zh":["CN","HK","TW"]};
21	$.fn.socialSharePrivacy.settings.services.facebook = {
22		'status'            : true,
23		'button_class'      : 'fb_like',
24		'dummy_line_img'    : 'images/dummy_facebook.png',
25		'dummy_box_img'     : 'images/dummy_box_facebook.png',
26		'dummy_alt'         : 'Facebook "Like"-Dummy',
27		'txt_info'          : 'Two clicks for more privacy: The Facebook Like button will be enabled once you click here. Activating the button already sends data to Facebook &ndash; see <em>i</em>.',
28		'txt_off'           : 'not connected to Facebook',
29		'txt_on'            : 'connected to Facebook',
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35		'font'              : '',
36		'button'            : function (options, uri, settings) {
37			// ensure a locale that is supported by facebook
38			// otherwise facebook renders nothing
39			var match = /^([a-z]{2})_([A-Z]{2})$/.exec(options.language);
40			var locale = "en_US";
42			if (match) {
43				if (match[1] in locales) {
44					var subs = locales[match[1]];
45					if ($.inArray(match[2], subs) !== -1) {
46						locale = options.language;
47					}
48					else {
49						locale = match[1]+"_"+subs[0];
50					}
51				}
52			}
53			else if (options.language in locales) {
54				locale = options.language+"_"+locales[options.language][0];
55			}
57			var params = {
58				locale     : locale,
59				href       : uri + options.referrer_track,
60				send       : 'false',
61				show_faces : 'false',
62				action     : options.action,
63				colorscheme: options.colorscheme
64			};
65			if (options.font) params.font = options.font;
67			if (settings.layout === 'line') {
68				params.width  = '120';
69				params.height = '20';
70				params.layout = 'button_count';
71			}
72			else {
73				params.width  = 62;
74				params.height = 61;
75				params.layout = 'box_count';
76			}
77			return $('<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>').attr(
78				'src',('https:' === document.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'http:')+
79				'//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?'+$.param(params));
80		}
81	};