1version: 1.0
2date: 2013-03-12
4  * bib2tpl updated to v2 with additional modifications (see changelog in
5    bib2tpl folder).
6  * Included simple (optional) TeX to utf8 sanitiser in syntax.php.
7  * Included Spanish (es) language file.
8  * "handle" function (syntax.php) parser code corrections. "only" option
9    not correctly parsed when using a single condition. E.g. "only:a=b" would
10    yield 'only' => 'a=b' instead of 'only' => ['a' => 'b'].
11  * Language option: set default from "translation" plugin (if installed &
12    enabled) or global language configuration. "lang:xx" option is not needed
13    now in most cases.
14  * Added/updated administrative files: COPYING, etc.
16 -- Jorge Juan <jjchico@gmail.com>