2$lang['old_confirmation']="This confirmation id is no longer valid. The user may already have been created.";
3$lang['bad_email'] ="Invalid email address: ";
4$lang['uid_inuse'] = "userid is already in use: ";
6$lang['registering'] ="Registering: ";
7$lang['cards_nomatch'] = "Your Selections do not match the cards; please try again.";
8$lang['confirmation'] ="An email with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address.  Either click on that link or paste it "
9              . " into your browser.  You will then be registered and will receive your password. ";
10$lang['email_problem'] ="A problem occurred in sending your confirmation link to your email address. You might try again later.";
11$lang['screen_confirm'] = "Click on the above link to confirm your registration. You will then be sent an email with  your password.";
12$lang['email_confirm'] = "Either click on this link or paste it into your browser to complete your registration: ";
13$lang['subject_confirm'] = "Confirmation Link from: ";
14$lang['menu'] = 'Clean Preregister Confirm List';
16$lang['btn_confirm'] = 'Confirm deletions';
17$lang['btn_secure'] = 'Secure data file';
19$lang['invalid'] = 'invalid input detected!';
20$lang['check_matching'] = 'Check off the matching cards';