3$lang['template']             = 'The template to use for offline files';
4$lang['dokuwikiProtocol']     = 'Protocol prefix (\'http\' or \'https\')';
5$lang['dokuwikiHost']         = 'The name of the server on which DokuWiki is hosted (e.g. \'localhost\')';
6$lang['dokuwikiRelativePath'] = 'The relative path from your web server\'s docroot to the DokuWiki installation (no leading or traling (back-) slashes)!).';
7$lang['wgetPathToBinary']     = 'Path to executable wget file';
8$lang['wgetHttpUser']         = '.htaccess user';
9$lang['wgetHttpPasswd']       = '.htaccess password';
10$lang['archiverPathToBinary'] = 'Path to executable archiver file (e.g. \'/usr/bin/zip\'). (<a href="lib/plugins/offline/which_binaries.php">Lookup</a> ...)';
11$lang['archiverOptions']      = 'Options for the archiver';
12$lang['insertLinkBackToHome'] = 'Insert Link to start page';
13$lang['writeLogFile']         = 'Create log file (slows backup down. Only recommended if errors occur while creating offline version)';