2$lang['ttl'] = 'Number of minutes after which news feed should be regenerated.  The default is 720 (12 hours).';
3$lang['title'] = 'News Feed Title';
4$lang['desc'] = 'News Feed Description';
5$lang['url'] = 'Site URL. Needed if you are using lib/exe/newfeed.php from the command line.';
6$lang['mgr'] = 'Name of group which has permission to create newsfeeds';
7$lang['adminsonly'] = 'Check this box if only adminstrators and managers can create feeds.';
8$lang['chkperm'] = "Use the news plugin's permission system.  For details see the plugin page at https://dokuwiki.org/";
9$lang['createtime'] = 'When revising a feed entry, retain the original file creation date as the publication date, instead of the date of revision';