1# Interfaces
3The purpose of this list is to help in finding the methods when working with PSR-7. This can be considered as a cheatsheet for PSR-7 interfaces.
5The interfaces defined in PSR-7 are the following:
7| Class Name | Description |
9| [Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessagemessageinterface) | Representation of a HTTP message |
10| [Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessagerequestinterface) | Representation of an outgoing, client-side request. |
11| [Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageserverrequestinterface) | Representation of an incoming, server-side HTTP request. |
12| [Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageresponseinterface) | Representation of an outgoing, server-side response. |
13| [Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessagestreaminterface) | Describes a data stream |
14| [Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageuriinterface) | Value object representing a URI. |
15| [Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface](http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-7/#psrhttpmessageuploadedfileinterface) | Value object representing a file uploaded through an HTTP request. |
17## `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` Methods
19| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
20|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
21| `getProtocolVersion()`             | Retrieve HTTP protocol version          |  1.0 or 1.1 |
22| `withProtocolVersion($version)`    | Returns new message instance with given HTTP protocol version          |      |
23| `getHeaders()`                     | Retrieve all HTTP Headers               | [Request Header List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Request_fields), [Response Header List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields#Response_fields)      |
24| `hasHeader($name)`                 | Checks if HTTP Header with given name exists  | |
25| `getHeader($name)`                 | Retrieves a array with the values for a single header | |
26| `getHeaderLine($name)`             | Retrieves a comma-separated string of the values for a single header |  |
27| `withHeader($name, $value)`        | Returns new message instance with given HTTP Header | if the header existed in the original instance, replaces the header value from the original message with the value provided when creating the new instance. |
28| `withAddedHeader($name, $value)`   | Returns new message instance with appended value to given header | If header already exists value will be appended, if not a new header will be created |
29| `withoutHeader($name)`             | Removes HTTP Header with given name| |
30| `getBody()`                        | Retrieves the HTTP Message Body | Returns object implementing `StreamInterface`|
31| `withBody(StreamInterface $body)`  | Returns new message instance with given HTTP Message Body | |
34## `Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface` Methods
36Same methods as `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface`  + the following methods:
38| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
39|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
40| `getRequestTarget()`                | Retrieves the message's request target              | origin-form, absolute-form, authority-form, asterisk-form ([RFC7230](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7230.txt)) |
41| `withRequestTarget($requestTarget)` | Return a new message instance with the specific request-target |      |
42| `getMethod()`                       | Retrieves the HTTP method of the request.  |  GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, TRACE (defined in [RFC7231](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231)), PATCH (defined in [RFC5789](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5789)) |
43| `withMethod($method)`               | Returns a new message instance with the provided HTTP method  | |
44| `getUri()`                 | Retrieves the URI instance | |
45| `withUri(UriInterface $uri, $preserveHost = false)` | Returns a new message instance with the provided URI |  |
48## `Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface` Methods
50Same methods as `Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface`  + the following methods:
52| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
53|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
54| `getServerParams() `               | Retrieve server parameters  | Typically derived from `$_SERVER`  |
55| `getCookieParams()`                | Retrieves cookies sent by the client to the server. | Typically derived from `$_COOKIES` |
56| `withCookieParams(array $cookies)` |  Returns a new request instance with the specified cookies      |   |
57| `withQueryParams(array $query)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified query string arguments  |  |
58| `getUploadedFiles()` | Retrieve normalized file upload data  |  |
59| `withUploadedFiles(array $uploadedFiles)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified uploaded files  |  |
60| `getParsedBody()` | Retrieve any parameters provided in the request body  |  |
61| `withParsedBody($data)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified body parameters  |  |
62| `getAttributes()` | Retrieve attributes derived from the request  |  |
63| `getAttribute($name, $default = null)` | Retrieve a single derived request attribute  |  |
64| `withAttribute($name, $value)` | Returns a new request instance with the specified derived request attribute  |  |
65| `withoutAttribute($name)` | Returns a new request instance that without the specified derived request attribute  |  |
67## `Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface` Methods:
69Same methods as `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface`  + the following methods:
71| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
72|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
73| `getStatusCode()` | Gets the response status code. | |
74| `withStatus($code, $reasonPhrase = '')` | Returns a new response instance with the specified status code and, optionally, reason phrase. | |
75| `getReasonPhrase()` | Gets the response reason phrase associated with the status code. | |
77##  `Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface` Methods
79| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
80|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
81| `__toString()` | Reads all data from the stream into a string, from the beginning to end. | |
82| `close()` | Closes the stream and any underlying resources. | |
83| `detach()` | Separates any underlying resources from the stream. | |
84| `getSize()` | Get the size of the stream if known. | |
85| `eof()` | Returns true if the stream is at the end of the stream.| |
86| `isSeekable()` |  Returns whether or not the stream is seekable. | |
87| `seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET)` | Seek to a position in the stream. | |
88| `rewind()` | Seek to the beginning of the stream. | |
89| `isWritable()` | Returns whether or not the stream is writable. | |
90| `write($string)` | Write data to the stream. | |
91| `isReadable()` | Returns whether or not the stream is readable. | |
92| `read($length)` | Read data from the stream. | |
93| `getContents()` | Returns the remaining contents in a string | |
94| `getMetadata($key = null)()` | Get stream metadata as an associative array or retrieve a specific key. | |
96## `Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface` Methods
98| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
99|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
100| `getScheme()` | Retrieve the scheme component of the URI. | |
101| `getAuthority()` | Retrieve the authority component of the URI. | |
102| `getUserInfo()` | Retrieve the user information component of the URI. | |
103| `getHost()` | Retrieve the host component of the URI. | |
104| `getPort()` | Retrieve the port component of the URI. | |
105| `getPath()` | Retrieve the path component of the URI. | |
106| `getQuery()` | Retrieve the query string of the URI. | |
107| `getFragment()` | Retrieve the fragment component of the URI. | |
108| `withScheme($scheme)` | Return an instance with the specified scheme. | |
109| `withUserInfo($user, $password = null)` | Return an instance with the specified user information. | |
110| `withHost($host)` | Return an instance with the specified host. | |
111| `withPort($port)` | Return an instance with the specified port. | |
112| `withPath($path)` | Return an instance with the specified path. | |
113| `withQuery($query)` | Return an instance with the specified query string. | |
114| `withFragment($fragment)` | Return an instance with the specified URI fragment. | |
115| `__toString()` | Return the string representation as a URI reference. | |
117## `Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface` Methods
119| Method Name                        | Description | Notes |
120|------------------------------------| ----------- | ----- |
121| `getStream()` | Retrieve a stream representing the uploaded file. | |
122| `moveTo($targetPath)` | Move the uploaded file to a new location. | |
123| `getSize()` | Retrieve the file size. | |
124| `getError()` | Retrieve the error associated with the uploaded file. | |
125| `getClientFilename()` | Retrieve the filename sent by the client. | |
126| `getClientMediaType()` | Retrieve the media type sent by the client. | |
128> `RequestInterface`, `ServerRequestInterface`, `ResponseInterface` extend `MessageInterface`  because the `Request` and the `Response` are `HTTP Messages`.
129> When using `ServerRequestInterface`, both `RequestInterface` and `Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface` methods are considered.