2$lang['mantis_server'] 			= 'The adress of the Mantis server.';
3$lang['mantis_user']        = 'A username for Mantis.';
4$lang['mantis_password']    = 'The passwort for the Mantis user.';
5$lang['mantis_namespace']   = 'The namespace for the SOAP-Service. Do not edit unless you know what you are doing!';
6$lang['mantis_refresh']     = 'The duration for the cache. When this amount of minutes is gone the data is refetched from mantis.';
7$lang['mantis_limit']       = 'The number of issues that should be presented on the page.';
9$lang['mantis_issue_type'] 				= 'Please select the status, which the issues should at least have. <b>Option is not yet implemented.</b>';
10$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_0']     = 'All';
11$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_1']     = 'new';
12$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_2']     = 'feedback';
13$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_3']     = 'confirmed';
14$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_4']     = 'acknowledged';
15$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_5']     = 'assigned';
16$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_6']     = 'resolved';
17$lang['mantis_issue_type_o_7']     = 'closed';