1/* DOKUWIKI:include_once vendor/jquery.textcomplete.min.js */
2function linksuggest_escape(text) {
3    return jQuery('<div/>').text(text).html();
6function charAfterCursor() {
7    let editor = jQuery('#wiki__text');
8    let position = editor.prop('selectionStart');
9    return editor.prop('value').substring(position, position+1);
12function appendTitle(title) {
13    return (title && JSINFO["append_header"] === 1 && charAfterCursor() !== '|')? '|' + title : '';
15function appendSubtitle(title) {
16    return (title && charAfterCursor() !== '|')? '|' + title : '';
18function appendClosing() {
19    return (charAfterCursor() === ']' || charAfterCursor() === '|')? '' : ']]';
22jQuery(function () {
23    let $editor = jQuery('#wiki__text');
25    $editor.textcomplete([
26        { //page search
27            match:    /\[{2}([\w\-.:~]*)$/,
28            search:   function (term, callback) {
29                if ($editor.data('linksuggest_off') === 1) {
30                    callback([]);
31                    return;
32                }
33                jQuery.post(
34                    DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php',
35                    {
36                        call: 'plugin_linksuggest',
37                        q:    term,
38                        ns:   JSINFO['namespace'],
39                        id:   JSINFO['id'],
40                    },
41                    function (data) {
42                        data = JSON.parse(data);
43                        callback(jQuery.map(data.data, function (item) {
44                            let id = item.id;
46                            if (item.type === 'd') {
47                                id = id + ':';
48                            }
50                            return {
51                                id:     id,
52                                ns:     item.ns,
53                                title:  item.title,
54                                type:   item.type,
55                                rootns: item.rootns
56                            };
57                        }));
58                    }
59                );
60            },
61            template: function (item) { //dropdown list
62                let image;
63                let title = item.title ? ' (' + linksuggest_escape(item.title) + ')' : '';
64                let alt = item.type === 'd' ? 'ns' : 'page';
65                let value = item.id;
67                if (item.rootns) { //page is in root namespace
68                    value = ':' + value;
69                }
70                if (item.type === 'd') { //namespace
71                    image = 'ns.png';
72                } else { //file
73                    image = 'page.png';
74                }
75                return '<img alt="' + alt + '" src="' + DOKU_BASE + 'lib/images/' + image + '"> ' + linksuggest_escape(value) + title;
76            },
77            index:    1,
78            replace:  function (item) { //returns what will be put to editor
79                let id = item.id;
80                if (item.ns) { //prefix with already entered ns
81                    id = item.ns  + id;
82                }
83                if (item.type === 'd') { //namespace
84                    setTimeout(function () {
85                        $editor.trigger('keyup');
86                    }, 200);
87                    return '[[' + id;
88                } else { //file
89                    $editor.data('linksuggest_off', 1);
91                    setTimeout(function () {
92                        $editor.data('linksuggest_off', 0);
93                    }, 500);
94                    return ['[[' + id, appendTitle(item.title) + appendClosing()];
95                }
97            },
98            cache:  false
99        }, { //Page Section Search
100            match:    /\[\[([\w\-.:~]+#[\w\-.:]*)$/,
101            index:    1,
102            search:   function (term, callback) {
103                if ($editor.data('linksuggest_off') === 1) {
104                    callback([]);
105                    return;
106                }
107                jQuery.post(
108                    DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php',
109                    {
110                        call: 'plugin_linksuggest',
111                        q:    term,
112                        ns:   JSINFO['namespace'],
113                        id:   JSINFO['id'],
114                    },
115                    function (data) {
116                        data = JSON.parse(data);
117                        callback(jQuery.map(data.data, function (item) {
118                            return {
119                                'link': data.link,
120                                'toc': item
121                            };
122                        }));
123                    }
124                );
125            },
126            template: function (item) { //dropdown list
127                let toc = item.toc;
128                let title = toc.title ? ' (' + linksuggest_escape(toc.title) + ')' : '';
130                return linksuggest_escape(toc.hid) + title;
131            },
133            replace: function (item) { //returns what will be put to editor
134                let link = item.link;
135                let toc = item.toc;
137                $editor.data('linksuggest_off', 1);
138                setTimeout(function () {
139                    $editor.data('linksuggest_off', 0);
140                }, 500);
142                return '[[' + link + '#' + toc.hid + appendSubtitle(toc.title) + appendClosing();
143            },
144            cache:   false
145        }, { //media search
146            match:    /\{{2}([\w\-.:~]*)$/,
147            search:   function (term, callback) {
148                if ($editor.data('linksuggest_off') === 1) {
149                    callback([]);
150                    return;
152                }
153                jQuery.post(
154                    DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php',
155                    {
156                        call: 'plugin_imglinksuggest',
157                        q:    term,
158                        ns:   JSINFO['namespace'],
159                        id:   JSINFO['id'],
160                    },
161                    function (data) {
162                        data = JSON.parse(data);
163                        callback(jQuery.map(data.data, function (item) {
164                            let id = item.id;
166                            if (item.type === 'd') {
167                                id = id + ':';
168                            }
170                            return {
171                                id:     id,
172                                ns:     item.ns,
173                                type:   item.type,
174                                rootns: item.rootns
175                            };
176                        }));
177                    }
178                );
179            },
180            template: function (item) { //dropdown list
181                let image;
182                let value = item.id;
183                let alt = item.type === 'd' ? 'ns' : 'media';
185                if (item.rootns) { //page is in root namespace
186                    value = ':' + value;
187                }
188                if (item.type === 'd') { //namespace
189                    image = 'ns.png';
190                } else { //file
191                    image = 'media_link_nolnk.png';
192                }
193                return '<img alt="' + alt + '" src="' + DOKU_BASE + 'lib/images/' + image + '"> ' + linksuggest_escape(value);
194            },
195            index:    1,
196            replace:  function (item) { //returns what will be put to editor
197                let id = item.id;
198                if (item.ns) { //prefix with already entered ns
199                    id = item.ns + id;
200                }
201                if (item.type === 'd') { //namespace
202                    setTimeout(function () {
203                        $editor.trigger('keyup');
204                    }, 200);
205                    return '{{' + id;
206                } else { //file
207                    $editor.data('linksuggest_off', 1);
209                    setTimeout(function () {
210                        $editor.data('linksuggest_off', 0);
211                    }, 500);
212                    return ['{{' + id, '}}'];
213                }
215            },
216            cache:  false
217        }],{
218        appendTo: 'body',
219        maxCount: 50,
220        //header:'test',
221        //footer: 'schließen'
222    });