3 * english language file for latexit plugin
4 *
5 * @author Adam Kučera <adam.kucera@wrent.cz>
6 */
8$lang['document_class'] = 'Choose the class of your document.';
9$lang['font_size'] = 'Set the font size of the document.';
10$lang['paper_size'] = 'Choose the paper size of the document.';
11$lang['output_format'] = 'Choose whether the document should format as'
12        . 'one or two sided.';
13$lang['landscape'] = "Check, if you want your document to be landscape.";
14$lang['draft'] = "Check, if your document is a draft (it shows helper signs in "
15        . "problematic parts and it does not show images).";
16$lang['document_header'] = 'Set your own document header.';
17$lang['document_footer'] = 'Set your own document footer.';
18$lang['document_lang'] = 'Choose the corresponding parameter of babel LaTeX package.';
19$lang['header_chapter'] = 'Check, if you want to use \chapter level header. (does not work with article class)';
20$lang['header_part'] = 'Check, if you want to use \part level header.';
21$lang['header_title'] = 'Check, if you want to use \title as top level header.';
22$lang['title'] = 'If you want to use a document title at start of the document, fill it in here.';
23$lang['author'] = 'If you want to use an author\'s name at start of the document, fill it in here.';
24$lang['date'] = 'Check, if you want to see the date at start of the document.';
25$lang['table_of_content'] = 'Check, if you want to see the table of content at start of the document.';
26$lang['media_folder'] = 'Set the name of media folder in the exported ZIP archive.';
27$lang['image_params'] = 'Set the default parameters for image insertion.';
28$lang['bibliography_style'] = 'Type in the preferred style of bibliography.';
29$lang['bibliography_name'] = 'Type in the name of .bib file.';
30$lang['link_insertion_message'] = 'The message which is shown as header before every link'
31        . 'which is going to be recursively inserted.';
32$lang['default_table_align'] = 'Sets the default align of cells in tables. As in LaTeX, '
33        . 'l stands for left, c stands for center and r for right.';
34$lang['showexportbutton'] = "Show the export button?";