3 * IPTrust Plugin
4 *
5 * @license    GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author     Andriy Lesyuk <andriy.lesyuk@softjourn.com>
7 */
9if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die();
10if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/');
14class admin_plugin_iptrust extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin {
16    /**
17     * Return some info
18     */
19    function getInfo() {
20        return array(
21            'author' => 'Andriy Lesyuk',
22            'email'  => 'andriy.lesyuk@softjourn.com',
23            'date'   => '2009-04-09',
24            'name'   => 'IPTrust Admin Plugin',
25            'desc'   => 'Lets admin to specify which IPs to trust.'
26        );
27    }
29    /**
30     * This functionality should be available only ot administrator
31     */
32    function forAdminOnly() {
33        return false;
34    }
36    /**
37     * Handles user request
38     */
39    function handle() {
40        if (isset($_REQUEST['ip']) && ($_REQUEST['ip'] != '')) {
41            if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $_REQUEST['ip']) &&
42                (ip2long($_REQUEST['ip']) !== false)) {
43                $ip = long2ip(ip2long($_REQUEST['ip']));
44                $ips = @file(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
45                if ($ips && (sizeof($ips) > 0)) {
46                    if (in_array($ip."\n", $ips)) {
47                        msg($this->getLang('already'), -1);
48                        return;
49                    }
50                }
51                io_saveFile(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', $ip."\n", true);
52            } else {
53                msg($this->getLang('invalid_ip'), -1);
54            }
55        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && is_array($_REQUEST['delete']) && (sizeof($_REQUEST['delete']) > 0)) {
56            $ips = @file(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
57            if ($ips && (sizeof($ips) > 0)) {
58                $count = sizeof($ips);
59                foreach ($_REQUEST['delete'] as $ip => $dummy) {
60                    if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $ip) &&
61                        (ip2long($ip) !== false)) {
62                        $ip = long2ip(ip2long($ip));
63                        $i = array_search($ip."\n", $ips);
64                        if ($i !== false) {
65                            array_splice($ips, $i, 1);
66                        }
67                    } else {
68                        msg($this->getLang('invalid_ip'), -1);
69                        break;
70                    }
71                }
72                if (sizeof($ips) < $count) {
73                    io_saveFile(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', join('', $ips));
74                }
75            } else {
76                msg($this->getLang('failed'), -1);
77            }
78        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['add']) && is_array($_REQUEST['add']) && (sizeof($_REQUEST['add']) > 0)) {
79            $ips = @file(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
80            foreach ($_REQUEST['add'] as $ip => $dummy) {
81                if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$/', $ip) &&
82                    (ip2long($ip) !== false)) {
83                    $ip = long2ip(ip2long($ip));
84                    if ($ips && (sizeof($ips) > 0)) {
85                        if (in_array($ip."\n", $ips)) {
86                            msg($this->getLang('already'), -1);
87                            return;
88                        }
89                    }
90                    io_saveFile(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', $ip."\n", true);
91                }
92            }
93        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['clear'])) {
94            if (file_exists($conf['cachedir'].'/iptrust')) {
95                @unlink($conf['cachedir'].'/iptrust');
96            }
97        }
98    }
100    /**
101     * Shows edit form
102     */
103    function html() {
104        global $conf;
106        print $this->locale_xhtml('intro');
108        print $this->locale_xhtml('list');
109        ptln("<div class=\"level2\">");
110        ptln("<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">");
111        formSecurityToken();
112        $ips = @file(DOKU_CONF.'iptrust.conf', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
113        if ($ips && (sizeof($ips) > 0)) {
114            usort($ips, array($this, 'sort_ip'));
115            ptln("<table class=\"inline\">");
116            ptln("<colgroup width=\"250\"></colgroup>");
117            ptln("<thead>");
118            ptln("<tr>");
119            ptln("<th>".$this->getLang('ip_addr')."</th>");
120            ptln("<th>".$this->getLang('delete')."</th>");
121            ptln("</tr>");
122            ptln("</thead>");
123            ptln("<tbody>");
124            foreach ($ips as $ip) {
125                $ip = rtrim($ip);
126                ptln("<tr>");
127                ptln("<td>".rtrim($ip)."</td>");
128                ptln("<td>");
129                ptln("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"delete[".$ip."]\" value=\"".$this->getLang('delete')."\" class=\"button\">");
130                ptln("</td>");
131                ptln("</tr>");
132            }
133            ptln("</tbody>");
134            ptln("</table>");
135        } else {
136            ptln("<div class=\"fn\">".$this->getLang('noips')."</div>");
137        }
138        ptln("</form>");
139        ptln("</div>");
141        print $this->locale_xhtml('add');
142        ptln("<div class=\"level2\">");
143        ptln("<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">");
144        formSecurityToken();
145        ptln("<label for=\"ip__add\">".$this->getLang('ip_addr').":</label>");
146        ptln("<input id=\"ip__add\" name=\"ip\" type=\"text\" maxlength=\"32\" class=\"edit\">");
147        ptln("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"".$this->getLang('add')."\" class=\"button\">");
148        ptln("</form>");
149        ptln("</div>");
151        if ($this->getConf('log_networks')) {
152            print $this->locale_xhtml('access');
153            ptln("<div class=\"level2\">");
154            ptln("<form action=\"\" method=\"post\">");
155            formSecurityToken();
156            $logins = @file($conf['cachedir'].'/iptrust', FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
157            if ($logins && (sizeof($logins) > 0)) {
158                usort($logins, array($this, 'sort_login'));
159                $count = sizeof($logins);
160                ptln("<table class=\"inline\">");
161                ptln("<thead>");
162                ptln("<tr>");
163                ptln("<th>".$this->getLang('ip_addr')."</th>");
164                ptln("<th>".$this->getLang('user')."</th>");
165                ptln("<th>".$this->getLang('date')."</th>");
166                ptln("<th>".$this->getLang('add')."</th>");
167                ptln("</tr>");
168                ptln("</thead>");
169                ptln("<tbody>");
170                for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($logins);) {
171                    list($user, $ip, $date) = explode("\t", $logins[$i]);
172                    if ($ips && in_array($ip."\n", $ips)) {
173                        array_splice($logins, $i, 1);
174                    } else {
175                        ptln("<tr>");
176                        ptln("<td>".$ip."</td>");
177                        ptln("<td>".$user."</td>");
178                        ptln("<td>".strftime($conf['dformat'], $date)."</td>");
179                        ptln("<td>");
180                        ptln("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"add[".$ip."]\" value=\"".$this->getLang('add')."\" class=\"button\">");
181                        ptln("</td>");
182                        ptln("</tr>");
183                        $i++;
184                    }
185                }
186                ptln("</tbody>");
187                ptln("</table>");
188                ptln("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"clear\" value=\"".$this->getLang('clear')."\" class=\"button\">");
189                if (sizeof($logins) < $count) {
190                    io_saveFile($conf['cachedir'].'/iptrust', join('', $logins));
191                }
192            }
193            ptln("</form>");
194            ptln("</div>");
195        } else {
196            if (file_exists($conf['cachedir'].'/iptrust')) {
197                @unlink($conf['cachedir'].'/iptrust');
198            }
199        }
200    }
202    /**
203     * Sorts IP addresses array
204     */
205    function sort_ip($a, $b) {
206        return (ip2long($a) - ip2long($b));
207    }
209    /**
210     * Sorts logins array
211     */
212    function sort_login($a, $b) {
213        list($auser, $aip, $adate) = explode("\t", $a);
214        list($buser, $bip, $bdate) = explode("\t", $b);
215        return ($bdate - $adate);
216    }