1<?php 2/** 3 * Options for the Include Plugin 4 */ 5$conf['noheader'] = 0; // Don't display the header of the inserted section 6$conf['firstseconly'] = 0; // limit entries on main blog page to first section 7$conf['showtaglogos'] = 0; // display image for first tag 8$conf['showfooter'] = 1; // display meta line below blog entries 9$conf['showlink'] = 0; // link headlines of blog entries 10$conf['showpermalink'] = 0; // show permalink below blog entries 11$conf['showdate'] = 1; // show date below blog entries 12$conf['showmdate'] = 0; // show modification date below blog entries 13$conf['showuser'] = 1; // show username below blog entries 14$conf['showcomments'] = 1; // show number of comments below blog entries 15$conf['showlinkbacks'] = 1; // show number of linkbacks below blog entries 16$conf['showtags'] = 1; // show tags below blog entries 17$conf['showeditbtn'] = 1; // show the edit button 18$conf['doredirect'] = 1; // redirect back to original page after an edit 19$conf['doindent'] = 1; // indent included pages relative to the page they get included 20$conf['linkonly'] = 0; // link only to the included pages instead of including the content 21$conf['title'] = 0; // use first header of page in link 22$conf['pageexists'] = 0; // no link if page does not exist 23$conf['parlink'] = 1; // paragraph around link 24$conf['safeindex'] = 1; // prevent indexing of protected metadata 25$conf['order'] = 'id'; // order in which the pages are included in the case of multiple pages 26$conf['rsort'] = 0; // reverse sort order 27$conf['depth'] = 1; // maximum depth of namespace includes, 0 for unlimited depth 28$conf['readmore'] = 1; // Show readmore link in case of firstsection only 29$conf['debugoutput'] = 0; // print debug information to debuglog if global allowdebug is enabled 30//Setup VIM: ex: et ts=2 : 31