1<documentation title="Aligning Blocks of Assignments">
2    <standard>
3    <![CDATA[
4      There should be one space on either side of an equals sign used to assign a value to a variable. In the case of a block of related assignments, more space may be inserted to promote readability.
5    ]]>
6    </standard>
7    <code_comparison>
8        <code title="Equals signs aligned">
9        <![CDATA[
10$shortVar        <em>=</em> (1 + 2);
11$veryLongVarName <em>=</em> 'string';
12$var             <em>=</em> foo($bar, $baz, $quux);
13        ]]>
14        </code>
15        <code title="Not aligned; harder to read">
16        <![CDATA[
17$shortVar <em>=</em> (1 + 2);
18$veryLongVarName <em>=</em> 'string';
19$var <em>=</em> foo($bar, $baz, $quux);
20        ]]>
21        </code>
22    </code_comparison>
23    <standard>
24    <![CDATA[
25      When using plus-equals, minus-equals etc. still ensure the equals signs are aligned to one space after the longest variable name.
26    ]]>
27    </standard>
28    <code_comparison>
29        <code title="Equals signs aligned; only one space after longest var name">
30        <![CDATA[
31$shortVar       <em>+= </em>1;
32$veryLongVarName<em> = </em>1;
33        ]]>
34        </code>
35        <code title="Two spaces after longest var name">
36        <![CDATA[
37$shortVar       <em> += </em>1;
38$veryLongVarName<em>  = </em>1;
39        ]]>
40        </code>
41    </code_comparison>
42    <code_comparison>
43        <code title="Equals signs aligned">
44        <![CDATA[
45$shortVar       <em>  = </em>1;
46$veryLongVarName<em> -= </em>1;
47        ]]>
48        </code>
49        <code title="Equals signs not aligned">
50        <![CDATA[
51$shortVar       <em> = </em>1;
52$veryLongVarName<em> -= </em>1;
53        ]]>
54        </code>
55    </code_comparison>