2    "name": "sabre/vobject",
3    "description" : "The VObject library for PHP allows you to easily parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects",
4    "keywords" : [
5        "iCalendar",
6        "iCal",
7        "vCalendar",
8        "vCard",
9        "jCard",
10        "jCal",
11        "ics",
12        "vcf",
13        "xCard",
14        "xCal",
15        "freebusy",
16        "recurrence",
17        "availability",
18        "rfc2425",
19        "rfc2426",
20        "rfc2739",
21        "rfc4770",
22        "rfc5545",
23        "rfc5546",
24        "rfc6321",
25        "rfc6350",
26        "rfc6351",
27        "rfc6474",
28        "rfc6638",
29        "rfc6715",
30        "rfc6868"
31    ],
32    "homepage" : "http://sabre.io/vobject/",
33    "license" : "BSD-3-Clause",
34    "require" : {
35        "php"          : ">=5.5",
36        "ext-mbstring" : "*",
37        "sabre/xml"    : ">=1.5 <3.0"
38    },
39    "require-dev" : {
40        "phpunit/phpunit" : "*",
41        "sabre/cs"        : "^1.0.0"
43    },
44    "suggest" : {
45        "hoa/bench"       : "If you would like to run the benchmark scripts"
46    },
47    "authors" : [
48        {
49            "name" : "Evert Pot",
50            "email" : "me@evertpot.com",
51            "homepage" : "http://evertpot.com/",
52            "role" : "Developer"
53        },
54        {
55            "name" : "Dominik Tobschall",
56            "email" : "dominik@fruux.com",
57            "homepage" : "http://tobschall.de/",
58            "role" : "Developer"
59        },
60        {
61            "name" : "Ivan Enderlin",
62            "email" : "ivan.enderlin@hoa-project.net",
63            "homepage" : "http://mnt.io/",
64            "role" : "Developer"
65        }
66    ],
67    "support" : {
68        "forum" : "https://groups.google.com/group/sabredav-discuss",
69        "source" : "https://github.com/fruux/sabre-vobject"
70    },
71    "autoload" : {
72        "psr-4" : {
73            "Sabre\\VObject\\" : "lib/"
74        }
75    },
76    "bin" : [
77        "bin/vobject",
78        "bin/generate_vcards"
79    ],
80    "extra" : {
81        "branch-alias" : {
82            "dev-master" : "4.0.x-dev"
83        }
84    },
85    "config" : {
86        "bin-dir" : "bin"
87    }