1h1. Group email plugin 2 3p. In the search for a contact form for Dokuwiki I only found that of By Marvin 4Thomas Rabe (https://github.com/marvinrabe/dokuwiki-contact) which I started 5using. However, I wanted to use it to send out email to a group of people which 6is not quite supported. I therefore started extending it, and changing the 7usage somewhat. Thus I could not contribute my changes to the existing pluging 8since an update would render existing wiki pages unusable. 9 10h2. Features 11 12p. Extended from moderncontact by Thomas Rabe but: 13 14* support emailing to emails 15* support emailing to dokuwiki group members 16* archiving sent emails 17* support force sending with registered identity 18* support presetting text for email message 19 20p. If you have some more ideas, feel free to contact me. 21 22h3. Languages 23 24p. Following languages are available: 25 26* English 27* French (partially) 28* German 29* Polish (by Alex Setlak) 30* Portuguese (partially) 31* Russian (partially) 32* Spanish (by Cristian Wente) 33 34h2. Requirements 35 36p. To use this Plugin you need the following system: 37 38* PHP >= 5.1.2 39* Dokuwiki >= 2009-02-14b 40* reCaptcha keys (optional) 41 42p. You can receive the needed reCaptcha keys on http://www.google.com/recaptcha. 43 44h2. Usage 45 46p. The integration is the same as in the plugin by Baddeley. Simply use this code: 47 48bc. {{groupmail>}} 49 50p. This will create a groupmail form with a "name","email address", "subject" and "comment" field. It will send an email to whatever the default value is. If you enabled the captcha by default, than it will also show the well known reCaptcha input fields. 51 52p. You can also specify several parameters. If you only need one parameter you simply use: 53 54bc. {{groupmail>subject=Feedback from Site}} 55 56p. or join multiple of them with a | character: 57 58bc. {{groupmail>toemail=example@mail.com|subject=Feedback from Site}} 59 60p. or email to dokuwiki users (via dokuwiki login names) 61 62bc. {{groupmail>touser=dokuwikiuser}} 63 64p. or email to dokuwiki group members (via dokuwiki group names 65 66bc. {{groupmail>togroup=dokuwikigroup}} 67 68p. the same mail options apply to cc and/or bcc 69 70bc. {{groupmail>toemail=example@mail.com|ccuser=dokuwikiuser|bccgroup=dokuwikigroup}} 71 72p. Don't allow to override the sender name or email, but use registered user 73 74bc. {{groupmail>autofrom}} 75 76p. Preset a text in the email content: 77 78bc. {{groupmail>content=Feedback for the wiki:}} 79 80p. Define a log dokuwiki file where all emails are logged to for later reference. 81 82bc. {{groupmail>sendlog=:path:to:log:file}} 83 84 85 86h3. Available parameters 87 88| subject=... | If the subject is specified in the parameters then it is not a field on the email form. | 89| autofrom | If specified, the sender fields are not shown in the email form. | 90| toemail=... | a (list of) email address(es) to send email to. | 91| touser=... | a (list of) dokuwiki user account names to send email to. | 92| togroup=... | a (list of) dokuwiki group names to send email to. | 93| ccemail=... | a (list of) email address(es) to carbon copy email to. | 94| ccuser=... | a (list of) dokuwiki user account names to carbon copy email to. | 95| ccgroup=... | a (list of) dokuwiki group names to carbon copy email to. | 96| bccemail=... | a (list of) email address(es) to blind carbon copy email to. | 97| bccuser=... | a (list of) dokuwiki user account names to blind carbon copy email to. | 98| bccgroup=... | a (list of) dokuwiki group names to blind carbon copy email to. | 99| content=... | Text that should be prefilled in the email body. | 100| sendlog=... | Define a dokuwiki file where all emails are prepended to. | 101| captcha | If set to true, the captcha will be enabled. Set it on false to disable it. You must activate the captcha by default in order to change its status with this parameter. | 102