2 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
3 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
4 *
6 *
7 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
8 * choice:
9 *
10 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
11 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
12 *
13 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
14 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
15 *
16 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
17 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
18 *
19 * == END LICENSE ==
20 *
21 * English language file.
22 */
24var FCKLang =
26// Language direction : "ltr" (left to right) or "rtl" (right to left).
27Dir					: "ltr",
29ToolbarCollapse		: "Collapse Toolbar",
30ToolbarExpand		: "Expand Toolbar",
32// Toolbar Items and Context Menu
33Save				: "Save",
34NewPage				: "New Page",
35Preview				: "Preview",
36Cut					: "Cut",
37Copy				: "Copy",
38Paste				: "Paste",
39PasteText			: "Paste as plain text",
40PasteWord			: "Paste from Word",
41Print				: "Print",
42SelectAll			: "Select All",
43RemoveFormat		: "Remove Format",
44InsertLinkLbl		: "Link",
45InsertLink			: "Insert/Edit Link",
46RemoveLink			: "Remove Link",
47VisitLink			: "Open Link",
48Anchor				: "Insert/Edit Anchor",
49AnchorDelete		: "Remove Anchor",
50InsertImageLbl		: "Image",
51InsertImage			: "Insert/Edit Image",
52InsertFlashLbl		: "Flash",
53InsertFlash			: "Insert/Edit Flash",
54InsertTableLbl		: "Table",
55InsertTable			: "Insert/Edit Table",
56InsertLineLbl		: "Line",
57InsertLine			: "Insert Horizontal Line",
58InsertSpecialCharLbl: "Special Character",
59InsertSpecialChar	: "Insert Special Character",
60InsertSmileyLbl		: "Smiley",
61InsertSmiley		: "Insert Smiley",
62FckEditorSmileys    : "FCKEditor Smileys",
63DokuwikiSmileys     : "Dokuwiki Smileys",
64SmileysDlgInfo      : "FCKeditor smileys are inserted as images. Dokuwiki smileys are inserted as text and display as images in the browser.",
65About				: "About FCKeditor",
66Bold				: "Bold",
67Italic				: "Italic",
68Underline			: "Underline",
69StrikeThrough		: "Strike Through",
70Subscript			: "Subscript",
71Superscript			: "Superscript",
72LeftJustify			: "Left Justify",
73CenterJustify		: "Center Justify",
74RightJustify		: "Right Justify",
75BlockJustify		: "Block Justify",
76DecreaseIndent		: "Nested List Return",
77IncreaseIndent		: "Nested List",
78Blockquote			: "Blockquote",
79CreateDiv			: "Create Div Container",
80EditDiv				: "Edit Div Container",
81DeleteDiv			: "Remove Div Container",
82Undo				: "Undo",
83Redo				: "Redo",
84NumberedListLbl		: "Numbered List",
85NumberedList		: "Insert/Remove Numbered List",
86BulletedListLbl		: "Bulleted List",
87BulletedList		: "Insert/Remove Bulleted List",
88ShowTableBorders	: "Show Table Borders",
89ShowDetails			: "Show Details",
90Style				: " Code Types",
91FontFormat			: "Headers",
92Font				: "Font",
93FontSize			: "Size",
94TextColor			: "Text Color",
95BGColor				: "Background Color",
96Source				: "Source",
97Find				: "Find",
98Replace				: "Replace",
99SpellCheck			: "Check Spelling",
100UniversalKeyboard	: "Universal Keyboard",
101PageBreakLbl		: "Page Break",
102PageBreak			: "Insert Page Break",
103NestedBulletList    : "Insert Nested Bullet List",
105Form			: "Form",
106Checkbox		: "Checkbox",
107RadioButton		: "Radio Button",
108TextField		: "Text Field",
109Textarea		: "Textarea",
110HiddenField		: "Hidden Field",
111Button			: "Button",
112SelectionField	: "Selection Field",
113ImageButton		: "Image Button",
114ScaytTitle              : "SpellCheck",
115FitWindow		: "Maximize the editor size",
116ShowBlocks		: "Show Blocks",
119ScaytOptionsTab: 'Options',
120ScaytLangsTab : 'Languages',
121ScaytDictTab : 'Dictionary',
122ScaytAboutTab: 'About',
123ScaytTitleOptions: 'Options',
124ScaytTitleAbout: 'About',
125ScaytTitleLangs: 'Languages',
126ScaytallCaps: 'Ignore All-Caps Words',
127ScaytignoreDomainNames: 'Ignore Domain Names ',
128ScaytmixedCase: 'Ignore Words with Mixed Case',
129ScaytmixedWithDigits: 'Ignore Words with Numbers',
131// Context Menu
132EditLink			: "Edit Link",
133CellCM				: "Cell",
134RowCM				: "Row",
135ColumnCM			: "Column",
136InsertRowAfter		: "Insert Row After",
137InsertRowBefore		: "Insert Row Before",
138DeleteRows			: "Delete Rows",
139InsertColumnAfter	: "Insert Column After",
140InsertColumnBefore	: "Insert Column Before",
141DeleteColumns		: "Delete Columns",
142InsertCellAfter		: "Insert Cell After",
143InsertCellBefore	: "Insert Cell Before",
144DeleteCells			: "Delete Cells",
145MergeCells			: "Merge Cells",
146MergeRight			: "Merge Right",
147MergeDown			: "Merge Down",
148HorizontalSplitCell	: "Split Cell Horizontally",
149VerticalSplitCell	: "Split Cell Vertically",
150TableDelete			: "Delete Table",
151CellProperties		: "Cell Properties",
152TableProperties		: "Table Properties",
153ImageProperties		: "Image Properties",
154FlashProperties		: "Flash Properties",
156AnchorProp			: "Anchor Properties",
157ButtonProp			: "Button Properties",
158CheckboxProp		: "Checkbox Properties",
159HiddenFieldProp		: "Hidden Field Properties",
160RadioButtonProp		: "Radio Button Properties",
161ImageButtonProp		: "Image Button Properties",
162TextFieldProp		: "Text Field Properties",
163SelectionFieldProp	: "Selection Field Properties",
164TextareaProp		: "Textarea Properties",
165FormProp			: "Form Properties",
167FontFormats			: "Normal;Formatted;Address;Heading 1;Heading 2;Heading 3;Heading 4;Heading 5;Heading 6;Normal (DIV)",
169// Alerts and Messages
170ProcessingXHTML		: "Processing XHTML. Please wait...",
171Done				: "Done",
172PasteWordConfirm	: "The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before pasting?",
173NotCompatiblePaste	: "This command is available for Internet Explorer version 5.5 or more. Do you want to paste without cleaning?",
174UnknownToolbarItem	: "Unknown toolbar item \"%1\"",
175UnknownCommand		: "Unknown command name \"%1\"",
176NotImplemented		: "Command not implemented",
177UnknownToolbarSet	: "Toolbar set \"%1\" doesn't exist",
178NoActiveX			: "Your browser's security settings could limit some features of the editor. You must enable the option \"Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins\". You may experience errors and notice missing features.",
179BrowseServerBlocked : "The resources browser could not be opened. Make sure that all popup blockers are disabled.",
180DialogBlocked		: "It was not possible to open the dialog window. Make sure all popup blockers are disabled.",
181VisitLinkBlocked	: "It was not possible to open a new window. Make sure all popup blockers are disabled.",
183// Dialogs
184DlgBtnOK			: "OK",
185DlgBtnCancel		: "Cancel",
186DlgBtnClose			: "Close",
187DlgBtnBrowseServer	: "Browse Server/Upload",
188DlgAdvancedTag		: "Advanced",
189DlgOpOther			: "<Other>",
190DlgInfoTab			: "Info",
191DlgAlertUrl			: "Please insert the URL",
193// General Dialogs Labels
194DlgGenNotSet		: "<not set>",
195DlgGenId			: "Id",
196DlgGenLangDir		: "Language Direction",
197DlgGenLangDirLtr	: "Left to Right (LTR)",
198DlgGenLangDirRtl	: "Right to Left (RTL)",
199DlgGenLangCode		: "Language Code",
200DlgGenAccessKey		: "Access Key",
201DlgGenName			: "Name",
202DlgGenTabIndex		: "Tab Index",
203DlgGenLongDescr		: "Long Description URL",
204DlgGenClass			: "Stylesheet Classes",
205DlgGenTitle			: "Advisory Title",
206DlgGenContType		: "Advisory Content Type",
207DlgGenLinkCharset	: "Linked Resource Charset",
208DlgGenStyle			: "Style",
210// Image Dialog
211DlgImgTitle			: "Image Properties",
212DlgImgInfoTab		: "Image Info",
213DlgImgBtnUpload		: "Send it to the Server",
214DlgImgURL			: "URL",
215DlgImgUpload		: "Upload",
216DlgImgAlt			: "Alternative Text",
217DlgImgWidth			: "Width",
218DlgImgHeight		: "Height",
219DlgImgLockRatio		: "Lock Ratio",
220DlgBtnResetSize		: "Reset Size",
221DlgImgBorder		: "Border",
222DlgImgHSpace		: "HSpace",
223DlgImgVSpace		: "VSpace",
224DlgImgAlign			: "Align",
225DlgImgAlignLeft		: "Left",
226DlgImgAlignAbsBottom: "Abs Bottom",
227DlgImgAlignAbsMiddle: "Abs Middle",
228DlgImgAlignBaseline	: "Baseline",
229DlgImgAlignBottom	: "Bottom",
230DlgImgAlignMiddle	: "Middle",
231DlgImgAlignRight	: "Right",
232DlgImgAlignTextTop	: "Text Top",
233DlgImgAlignTop		: "Top",
234DlgImgPreview		: "Preview",
235DlgImgAlertUrl		: "Please type the image URL",
236DlgImgLinkTab		: "Link",
237DlgImgRemoveAlign : 'Remove Alignment',
239// Flash Dialog
240DlgFlashTitle		: "Flash Properties",
241DlgFlashChkPlay		: "Auto Play",
242DlgFlashChkLoop		: "Loop",
243DlgFlashChkMenu		: "Enable Flash Menu",
244DlgFlashScale		: "Scale",
245DlgFlashScaleAll	: "Show all",
246DlgFlashScaleNoBorder	: "No Border",
247DlgFlashScaleFit	: "Exact Fit",
249// Link Dialog
250DlgLnkWindowTitle	: "Link",
251DlgLnkInfoTab		: "Link Info",
252DlgLnkTargetTab		: "Target",
254DlgLnkType			: "Link Type",
255DlgLnkTypeURL		: "URL",
256DlgLnkTypeAnchor	: "Link to anchor in the text",
257DlgLnkTypeEMail		: "E-Mail",
258DlgLnkProto			: "Protocol",
259DlgLnkProtoOther	: "<other>",
260DlgLnkURL			: "URL",
261DlgLnkAnchorSel		: "Select an Anchor",
262DlgLnkAnchorByName	: "By Anchor Name",
263DlgLnkAnchorById	: "By Element Id",
264DlgLnkNoAnchors		: "(No anchors available in the document)",
265DlgLnkEMail			: "E-Mail Address",
266DlgLnkEMailSubject	: "Message Subject",
267DlgLnkEMailBody		: "Message Body",
268DlgLnkUpload		: "Upload",
269DlgLnkBtnUpload		: "Send it to the Server",
270DlgLnkCreateAnchors: "Create Page Anchors from Dokuwiki Headers",
271DlgLnkQSExample:   "Query String (for example: value_1=1&value_2=2)",
272DlgLnkGetHeaders: "Get Headers",
273DlgLnkGetHeaders: "Get Headers",
274DlgLnkCancelHeaders: ". . .cancel",
275DlgLnkHeadersMenuTitle: "Headings Menu",
276DlgLnkNoHeadersFound: "No Headings Found",
278DlgLnkTarget		: "Target",
279DlgLnkTargetFrame	: "<frame>",
280DlgLnkTargetPopup	: "<popup window>",
281DlgLnkTargetBlank	: "New Window (_blank)",
282DlgLnkTargetParent	: "Parent Window (_parent)",
283DlgLnkTargetSelf	: "Same Window (_self)",
284DlgLnkTargetTop		: "Topmost Window (_top)",
285DlgLnkTargetFrameName	: "Target Frame Name",
286DlgLnkPopWinName	: "Popup Window Name",
287DlgLnkPopWinFeat	: "Popup Window Features",
288DlgLnkPopResize		: "Resizable",
289DlgLnkPopLocation	: "Location Bar",
290DlgLnkPopMenu		: "Menu Bar",
291DlgLnkPopScroll		: "Scroll Bars",
292DlgLnkPopStatus		: "Status Bar",
293DlgLnkPopToolbar	: "Toolbar",
294DlgLnkPopFullScrn	: "Full Screen (IE)",
295DlgLnkPopDependent	: "Dependent (Netscape)",
296DlgLnkPopWidth		: "Width",
297DlgLnkPopHeight		: "Height",
298DlgLnkPopLeft		: "Left Position",
299DlgLnkPopTop		: "Top Position",
301DlnLnkMsgNoUrl		: "Please type the link URL",
302DlnLnkMsgNoEMail	: "Please type the e-mail address",
303DlnLnkMsgNoAnchor	: "Please select an anchor",
304DlnLnkMsgInvPopName	: "The popup name must begin with an alphabetic character and must not contain spaces",
305DlgnLnkMsgNoWikiFile : "Please enter a file name for your internal link",
306DlgnLnkMsgQSErr      : "Malformed Query String element(s). Press Cancel to revise:",
308// Color Dialog
309DlgColorTitle		: "Select Color",
310DlgColorBtnClear	: "Clear",
311DlgColorHighlight	: "Highlight",
312DlgColorSelected	: "Selected",
314// Smiley Dialog
315DlgSmileyTitle		: "Insert a Smiley",
317// Special Character Dialog
318DlgSpecialCharTitle	: "Select Special Character",
320// Table Dialog
321DlgTableTitle		: "Table Properties",
322DlgTableRows		: "Rows",
323DlgTableColumns		: "Columns",
324DlgTableBorder		: "Border size",
325DlgTableAlign		: "Alignment",
326DlgTableAlignNotSet	: "<Not set>",
327DlgTableAlignLeft	: "Left",
328DlgTableAlignCenter	: "Center",
329DlgTableAlignRight	: "Right",
330DlgTableWidth		: "Width",
331DlgTableWidthPx		: "pixels",
332DlgTableWidthPc		: "percent",
333DlgTableHeight		: "Height",
334DlgTableCellSpace	: "Cell spacing",
335DlgTableCellPad		: "Cell padding",
336DlgTableCaption		: "Caption",
337DlgTableSummary		: "Summary",
338DlgTableHeaders		: "Headers",
339DlgTableHeadersNone		: "None",
340DlgTableHeadersColumn	: "First column",
341DlgTableHeadersRow		: "First Row",
342DlgTableHeadersBoth		: "Both",
344// Table Cell Dialog
345DlgCellTitle		: "Cell Properties",
346DlgCellWidth		: "Width",
347DlgCellWidthPx		: "pixels",
348DlgCellWidthPc		: "percent",
349DlgCellHeight		: "Height",
350DlgCellWordWrap		: "Word Wrap",
351DlgCellWordWrapNotSet	: "<Not set>",
352DlgCellWordWrapYes	: "Yes",
353DlgCellWordWrapNo	: "No",
354DlgCellHorAlign		: "Horizontal Alignment",
355DlgCellHorAlignNotSet	: "<Not set>",
356DlgCellHorAlignLeft	: "Left",
357DlgCellHorAlignCenter	: "Center",
358DlgCellHorAlignRight: "Right",
359DlgCellVerAlign		: "Vertical Alignment",
360DlgCellVerAlignNotSet	: "<Not set>",
361DlgCellVerAlignTop	: "Top",
362DlgCellVerAlignMiddle	: "Middle",
363DlgCellVerAlignBottom	: "Bottom",
364DlgCellVerAlignBaseline	: "Baseline",
365DlgCellType		: "Cell Type",
366DlgCellTypeData		: "Data",
367DlgCellTypeHeader	: "Header",
368DlgCellRowSpan		: "Rows Span",
369DlgCellCollSpan		: "Columns Span",
370DlgCellBackColor	: "Background Color",
371DlgCellBorderColor	: "Border Color",
372DlgCellBtnSelect	: "Select...",
374// Find and Replace Dialog
375DlgFindAndReplaceTitle	: "Find and Replace",
377// Find Dialog
378DlgFindTitle		: "Find",
379DlgFindFindBtn		: "Find",
380DlgFindNotFoundMsg	: "The specified text was not found.",
382// Replace Dialog
383DlgReplaceTitle			: "Replace",
384DlgReplaceFindLbl		: "Find what:",
385DlgReplaceReplaceLbl	: "Replace with:",
386DlgReplaceCaseChk		: "Match case",
387DlgReplaceReplaceBtn	: "Replace",
388DlgReplaceReplAllBtn	: "Replace All",
389DlgReplaceWordChk		: "Match whole word",
391// Paste Operations / Dialog
392PasteErrorCut	: "Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute cutting operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl+X).",
393PasteErrorCopy	: "Your browser security settings don't permit the editor to automatically execute copying operations. Please use the keyboard for that (Ctrl+C).",
395PasteAsText		: "Paste as Plain Text",
396PasteFromWord	: "Paste from Word",
398DlgPasteMsg2	: "Please paste inside the following box using the keyboard (<strong>Ctrl+V</strong>) and hit <strong>OK</strong>.",
399DlgPasteSec		: "Because of your browser security settings, the editor is not able to access your clipboard data directly. You are required to paste it again in this window.",
400DlgPasteIgnoreFont		: "Ignore Font Face definitions",
401DlgPasteRemoveStyles	: "Remove Styles definitions",
403// Color Picker
404ColorAutomatic	: "Automatic",
405ColorMoreColors	: "More Colors...",
407// Document Properties
408DocProps		: "Document Properties",
410// Anchor Dialog
411DlgAnchorTitle		: "Anchor Properties",
412DlgAnchorName		: "Anchor Name",
413DlgAnchorErrorName	: "Please type the anchor name",
415// Speller Pages Dialog
416DlgSpellNotInDic		: "Not in dictionary",
417DlgSpellChangeTo		: "Change to",
418DlgSpellBtnIgnore		: "Ignore",
419DlgSpellBtnIgnoreAll	: "Ignore All",
420DlgSpellBtnReplace		: "Replace",
421DlgSpellBtnReplaceAll	: "Replace All",
422DlgSpellBtnUndo			: "Undo",
423DlgSpellNoSuggestions	: "- No suggestions -",
424DlgSpellProgress		: "Spell check in progress...",
425DlgSpellNoMispell		: "Spell check complete: No misspellings found",
426DlgSpellNoChanges		: "Spell check complete: No words changed",
427DlgSpellOneChange		: "Spell check complete: One word changed",
428DlgSpellManyChanges		: "Spell check complete: %1 words changed",
430IeSpellDownload			: "Spell checker not installed. Do you want to download it now?",
432// Button Dialog
433DlgButtonText		: "Text (Value)",
434DlgButtonType		: "Type",
435DlgButtonTypeBtn	: "Button",
436DlgButtonTypeSbm	: "Submit",
437DlgButtonTypeRst	: "Reset",
439// Checkbox and Radio Button Dialogs
440DlgCheckboxName		: "Name",
441DlgCheckboxValue	: "Value",
442DlgCheckboxSelected	: "Selected",
444// Form Dialog
445DlgFormName		: "Name",
446DlgFormAction	: "Action",
447DlgFormMethod	: "Method",
449// Select Field Dialog
450DlgSelectName		: "Name",
451DlgSelectValue		: "Value",
452DlgSelectSize		: "Size",
453DlgSelectLines		: "lines",
454DlgSelectChkMulti	: "Allow multiple selections",
455DlgSelectOpAvail	: "Available Options",
456DlgSelectOpText		: "Text",
457DlgSelectOpValue	: "Value",
458DlgSelectBtnAdd		: "Add",
459DlgSelectBtnModify	: "Modify",
460DlgSelectBtnUp		: "Up",
461DlgSelectBtnDown	: "Down",
462DlgSelectBtnSetValue : "Set as selected value",
463DlgSelectBtnDelete	: "Delete",
465// Textarea Dialog
466DlgTextareaName	: "Name",
467DlgTextareaCols	: "Columns",
468DlgTextareaRows	: "Rows",
470// Text Field Dialog
471DlgTextName			: "Name",
472DlgTextValue		: "Value",
473DlgTextCharWidth	: "Character Width",
474DlgTextMaxChars		: "Maximum Characters",
475DlgTextType			: "Type",
476DlgTextTypeText		: "Text",
477DlgTextTypePass		: "Password",
479// Hidden Field Dialog
480DlgHiddenName	: "Name",
481DlgHiddenValue	: "Value",
483// Bulleted List Dialog
484BulletedListProp	: "Bulleted List Properties",
485NumberedListProp	: "Numbered List Properties",
486DlgLstStart			: "Start",
487DlgLstType			: "Type",
488DlgLstTypeCircle	: "Circle",
489DlgLstTypeDisc		: "Disc",
490DlgLstTypeSquare	: "Square",
491DlgLstTypeNumbers	: "Numbers (1, 2, 3)",
492DlgLstTypeLCase		: "Lowercase Letters (a, b, c)",
493DlgLstTypeUCase		: "Uppercase Letters (A, B, C)",
494DlgLstTypeSRoman	: "Small Roman Numerals (i, ii, iii)",
495DlgLstTypeLRoman	: "Large Roman Numerals (I, II, III)",
497// Document Properties Dialog
498DlgDocGeneralTab	: "General",
499DlgDocBackTab		: "Background",
500DlgDocColorsTab		: "Colors and Margins",
501DlgDocMetaTab		: "Meta Data",
503DlgDocPageTitle		: "Page Title",
504DlgDocLangDir		: "Language Direction",
505DlgDocLangDirLTR	: "Left to Right (LTR)",
506DlgDocLangDirRTL	: "Right to Left (RTL)",
507DlgDocLangCode		: "Language Code",
508DlgDocCharSet		: "Character Set Encoding",
509DlgDocCharSetCE		: "Central European",
510DlgDocCharSetCT		: "Chinese Traditional (Big5)",
511DlgDocCharSetCR		: "Cyrillic",
512DlgDocCharSetGR		: "Greek",
513DlgDocCharSetJP		: "Japanese",
514DlgDocCharSetKR		: "Korean",
515DlgDocCharSetTR		: "Turkish",
516DlgDocCharSetUN		: "Unicode (UTF-8)",
517DlgDocCharSetWE		: "Western European",
518DlgDocCharSetOther	: "Other Character Set Encoding",
520DlgDocDocType		: "Document Type Heading",
521DlgDocDocTypeOther	: "Other Document Type Heading",
522DlgDocIncXHTML		: "Include XHTML Declarations",
523DlgDocBgColor		: "Background Color",
524DlgDocBgImage		: "Background Image URL",
525DlgDocBgNoScroll	: "Nonscrolling Background",
526DlgDocCText			: "Text",
527DlgDocCLink			: "Link",
528DlgDocCVisited		: "Visited Link",
529DlgDocCActive		: "Active Link",
530DlgDocMargins		: "Page Margins",
531DlgDocMaTop			: "Top",
532DlgDocMaLeft		: "Left",
533DlgDocMaRight		: "Right",
534DlgDocMaBottom		: "Bottom",
535DlgDocMeIndex		: "Document Indexing Keywords (comma separated)",
536DlgDocMeDescr		: "Document Description",
537DlgDocMeAuthor		: "Author",
538DlgDocMeCopy		: "Copyright",
539DlgDocPreview		: "Preview",
541// Templates Dialog
542Templates			: "Templates",
543DlgTemplatesTitle	: "Content Templates",
544DlgTemplatesSelMsg	: "Please select the template to open in the editor<br />(the actual contents will be lost):",
545DlgTemplatesLoading	: "Loading templates list. Please wait...",
546DlgTemplatesNoTpl	: "(No templates defined)",
547DlgTemplatesReplace	: "Replace actual contents",
549// About Dialog
550DlgAboutAboutTab	: "About",
551DlgAboutBrowserInfoTab	: "Browser Info",
552DlgAboutLicenseTab	: "License",
553DlgAboutVersion		: "version",
554DlgAboutInfo		: "For further information go to",
556// Div Dialog
557DlgDivGeneralTab	: "General",
558DlgDivAdvancedTab	: "Advanced",
559DlgDivStyle		: "Style",
560DlgDivInlineStyle	: "Inline Style",
562// Geshi plugin
563geshiHelp:        'With this tool you can create either a "Code Block" or "Downloadable Code Snippet".'
564	               + 'For a snippet you must also enter a file name for the download. Then '
565	               +'  select the language type from the drop down menu and click OK. ' ,
567GeshiToolTip: "Insert Geshi Code Block",
568GeshiCodeBlock: 'Code Block',
569GeshiDownloadable: 'Downloadable Code Snippet',
570GeshiDlgTitle:       'Geshi Selection Tool',
571geshiHelpButton:  'instructions',
572GeshiInstructionList:   "There are two ways to create Geshi code blocks. <OL><LI>You can paste your code directly into the editor, "
573       + "select it with mouse  or keyboard, then open this dialog.  Your text will appear in the text window below.  In some cases, "
574       +"  in particular where the text has  already been marked up as a Geshi code block, the parser will not be able deal with "
575       + " the markup and this method will fail. "
576       + "<LI>You can open this dialog and paste the code into the text window below.   This method is <b>preferred</b> and will accept all forms "
577       + " and styles of code. </OL> You can then edit your code and when finished, click OK",
578geshiAlertLanguage: 'Please select a language',
579geshiAlertSnippet: 'Please enter a file name for this snippet',
580geshiSnippetFileName: 'Snippet File Name:',
582//VKI Keyboard Plugin
583VKeyboardIllustrations: "Illustrations",
584KeyboardToolTip:  'Open Virtual Keyboard',
585KeyboardDlgTitle: 'Virtual Keyboard',
586startVKeyboard:   'Start Virtual Keyboard',
587VKkeyboardHelp:     'Clicking the "Start Virtual Keyboard" button starts up the Virtual Keyboard. '
588                  + ' A Keyboard button/icon will appear at the lower left of the editing window; '
589                  + ' when clicked it opens the keyboard. Clicking "Illustrations" explains the '
590                  + ' various functions accessed from the virtual keyboard\'s top row'  ,
594VKIllustrationText: '<b>Top row functions from left-to-right</b><br />'
595                    + '1. Clicking on the language identifier or down arrow to its right opens a drop-down menu of languages; selecting one of these immediately changes the keyboard to the selected language. For an illustration of the drop-down menu scroll to the image at the bottom of this page.<br /> '
596                    + '2. Clicking the hash symbol(#)opens and closes the numeric keypad <br />'
597                    + '3. The up and down arrows to the right of the hash change the size of the keyboard and its fonts <br />'
598                    + '4. In fckgLite the "Clear" button has no function',
603FckEditorSmileys    : "FCKEditor Smileys",
604DokuwikiSmileys     : "Dokuwiki Smileys",
605SmileysDlgInfo      : "FCKeditor smileys are inserted as images. Dokuwiki smileys are inserted as text and display as images in the browser.",
607// Toolbar tooltips
608NestedNumberedList  : "Nested Ordered List",
609InsertFootnote      : "Create/Edit Footnotes",
610NestedBulletList    :  "Nested Bullet List",
611ScaytTitle              : "SpellCheck",
613// Image Dialog
614DlgImgNote          : "<b>Note:</b> The DokuWiki Mediamangager can be used only for uploading.  It cannot insert images into your text.",
615DlgImgHelp          : "<b>Image Alignment</b> The align property will place your images in text contexts as illustrated in the preview box. It can also be used to align images with respect to one another:",
616DlgImgHelpLiLeft    : "Use <b>left</b> alignment to create a horizontal row of images.",
617DlgImgHelpLiBase    : "Use <b>baseline</b> to create a vertical column of images at the left-hand margin.",
618DlgImgHelpLiRight   : "Use <b>right</b> and <b>middle</b> to create columns at the center and right.",
619DlgImgHelpNote      : "<b>Note</b>: Placing a column of images in the left margin without the baseline property will result in a horizontal row of images.",
620DlgImgHelpBrowseUpload : "Uploads are done by clicking on <b>Browse Server/Upload</b>",
621DlgImgInsert : "insert into document",
622DlgImgAlertSucess	: "Your file has been successfully uploaded.",
623DlgImgAlertInvalid	: "Invalid file type",
624DlgImgAlertName		: "A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to ",
625DlgImgAlertSecurity	: "Security error. You probably don't have enough permissions to upload. Please check your server.",
627// Link Dialog
628DlgLnkTypeInternal	: "DokuWiki internal link",
629DlgLnkTypeMime		: "Non-DokuWiki Internal Files",
630DlgLnkTypeSamba		: "SMB Share",
631DlgLnkTypeAnchor	: "Anchor in this page",
632DlgLnkTypeEMail	    :  "E-Mail",
633DlgLnkQS            : "Query String (For example: value_1=1&value_2='abc')",
635DlgLnkIntText		: "Enter DokuWiki namespace Or Select from File Browser.",
636DlgLnkIntExample	: "For example: <i>:directory:directory:file</i>",
637DlgLnkIntExtras     : "To create a query string and/or to set a page anchor from Dokuwiki headers, click the <b>Advanced</b> tab.",
638DlgLnkMimeText		: "Enter DokuWiki namespace Or Select from File Browser.",
639DlgLnkMimeExample	: "For example: <i>:directory:directory:zipfile.zip",
640DlgLnkSambaText		: "Enter the share name.",
641DlgLnkSambaExample	: "For example: \\\\Server\\\directory_path\\file",
643// File Browser
644DlgFileBrowserSelect: "Please select a file from your computer",
645DlgFileBrowserUpPrg : "Upload a new file in this folder (Upload in progress, please wait...)",
646DlgFileBrowserUpMsg : "Upload a new file in this folder",
647DlgFileBrowserRead  : "read-only",
648DlgFileBrowserWrite : "uploadable",
649DlgFileBrowserBrowse: "browse",
650DlgFileBrowserNewFolder: "Create Folder",
651DlgFileBrowserResourceType: "Resource Type",
652DlgFileBrowserResSelectFile: "File",
653DlgFileBrowserResSelectFlash: "Flash",
654DlgFileBrowserResSelectMedia: "Media",
655DlgFileBrowserResSelectImage: "Image",
656DlgFileBrowserFolderPrompt: 'Type the name of the new folder:',
657DlgFileBrowserFolderWarning: 'Please type the folder name' ,
658DlgFileBrowserThumbnail: 'thumbnail',
659DlgFileBrowserMagnify: 'mangify',
660DlgFileBrowserMoveLabel: 'Move',
662// File Browser Errors
663FileBrowserError_101:	'Folder already exists.',
664FileBrowserError_102:	'Invalid folder name',
665FileBrowserError_103:   'You have no permissions to create the folder.',
666FileBrowserError_110:   'Unknown error creating folder',
667FileBrowserError_201:   'A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to: ',
668FileBrowserError_202:   'Invalid file',
669FileBrowserError_203:   'You do not have permission to upload files to this folder. If you think this is incorrect please notify your administrator.',
670FileBrowserError_204:   'Unable to delete the selected file',
671FileBrowserError_default: 'Error on your request. Error number: ',
672FileBrowserError_Ajax: 'Your browser does not support AJAX.',
673FileBrowserError_XML:  'The server didn\'t reply with a proper XML data. Please check your configuration.' ,
674FileBrowserError_Folder_Submit: 'Please type the folder name.',
675FileBrowserError_File_Submit:  'Please select a file from your computer',
676FileBrowserError_Upload: 'Error on upload. Error number: ',
677FileBrowserError_Connector: 'The connector is disabled. Check editor/filemanager/connectors/php/config.php',
678FileBrowserError_Command: 'Unsupported command: ',
679FileBrowserError_Type:  'Invalid type specified: ',
680FolderMoveWarning: 'You can only move files to a folder one level below the current directory',
681FolderMovePrompt: 'Subdirectory of current directory to which you want to move ',
682FileBrowserError_205:  'Unable to rename the selected file; check your directory/write permisssions',
683FileBrowserError_206: ' already exists; you must either delete or rename it. ',
685//Special Characters
686DlgSpecialExplaination : "Click on a character or Enter an entity number or code in the text box, test it and then click insert",
687DlgSpecialTest         : "test",
688DlgSpecialInsert       : "insert",
690//Footnote Dialog
691DlgFootnoteTitle              : "Footnote Editor",
692DlgFootnoteExplaination       : "Use the text area for both creating and revising your footnotes.",
693DlgFootnoteId                 : "Footnote ID ",
694DlgFootnoteLoad               : "Load Note in Editor",
695DlgFootnoteExplainationBottom : "To Revise enter the footnote ID and click \"Load Note in Editor\"",
697// Plugin Tool
698Abbr	      		: "Plugin",
699AbbrBtn      		: "Insert Syntax Plugin",
700AbbrDlgTitle 		: "Insert Syntax Plugin Name",
701AbbrDlgHLCreate		: "<b>Create a Plugin</b>",
702AbbrDlgHLStet		: "<b>Stet Plugin</b>",
703AbbrDlgHLEdit		: "<b>Edit Dokuwiki Plugin</b>",
704AbbrDlgClick		: "<b>Click OK when done. Or Cancel.</b>",
705AbbrDlgStet			: "Create a string literal from text containing HTML and/or DokuWiki Markup characters",
706AbbrDlgEditPlugin	: "Edit a plugin which was not created using the plugin tool.",
707AbbrDlgName  		: "Enter Plugin Name--try to be exact",
708AbbrDlgRemove		: "Remove plugin-tag (content remains)",
709AbbrDlgSelectFirst	: "You have to select the plugin syntax first!",
710DlgNotAvail            : "Deprecated. No longer available. ",
711DlgPluginUseNowiki : 'Use &lt;nowiki&gt; instead',
714//Break To Paragraph
715BreakToParagraph :	"<BR> to <P>",
717//Paragraph to Break
718ParagraphToBreak :	"<P> to <BR>",
721DokuwikiSignature:  "Signature"