3 * Copyright 2011 Facebook, Inc.
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
6 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
7 * a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
13 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
14 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
15 * under the License.
16 */
18require_once "base_facebook.php";
21 * Extends the BaseFacebook class with the intent of using
22 * PHP sessions to store user ids and access tokens.
23 */
24class Facebook extends BaseFacebook
26  const FBSS_COOKIE_NAME = 'fbss';
28  // We can set this to a high number because the main session
29  // expiration will trump this.
30  const FBSS_COOKIE_EXPIRE = 31556926; // 1 year
32  // Stores the shared session ID if one is set.
33  protected $sharedSessionID;
35  /**
36   * Identical to the parent constructor, except that
37   * we start a PHP session to store the user ID and
38   * access token if during the course of execution
39   * we discover them.
40   *
41   * @param Array $config the application configuration. Additionally
42   * accepts "sharedSession" as a boolean to turn on a secondary
43   * cookie for environments with a shared session (that is, your app
44   * shares the domain with other apps).
45   * @see BaseFacebook::__construct in facebook.php
46   */
47  public function __construct($config) {
48    if (!session_id()) {
49      session_start();
50    }
51    parent::__construct($config);
52    if (!empty($config['sharedSession'])) {
53      $this->initSharedSession();
54    }
55  }
57  protected static $kSupportedKeys =
58    array('state', 'code', 'access_token', 'user_id');
60  protected function initSharedSession() {
61    $cookie_name = $this->getSharedSessionCookieName();
62    if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
63      $data = $this->parseSignedRequest($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]);
64      if ($data && !empty($data['domain']) &&
65          self::isAllowedDomain($this->getHttpHost(), $data['domain'])) {
66        // good case
67        $this->sharedSessionID = $data['id'];
68        return;
69      }
70      // ignoring potentially unreachable data
71    }
72    // evil/corrupt/missing case
73    $base_domain = $this->getBaseDomain();
74    $this->sharedSessionID = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
75    $cookie_value = $this->makeSignedRequest(
76      array(
77        'domain' => $base_domain,
78        'id' => $this->sharedSessionID,
79      )
80    );
81    $_COOKIE[$cookie_name] = $cookie_value;
82    if (!headers_sent()) {
83      $expire = time() + self::FBSS_COOKIE_EXPIRE;
84      setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, $expire, '/', '.'.$base_domain);
85    } else {
86      // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
87      self::errorLog(
88        'Shared session ID cookie could not be set! You must ensure you '.
89        'create the Facebook instance before headers have been sent. This '.
90        'will cause authentication issues after the first request.'
91      );
92      // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
93    }
94  }
96  /**
97   * Provides the implementations of the inherited abstract
98   * methods.  The implementation uses PHP sessions to maintain
99   * a store for authorization codes, user ids, CSRF states, and
100   * access tokens.
101   */
102  protected function setPersistentData($key, $value) {
103    if (!in_array($key, self::$kSupportedKeys)) {
104      self::errorLog('Unsupported key passed to setPersistentData.');
105      return;
106    }
108    $session_var_name = $this->constructSessionVariableName($key);
109    $_SESSION[$session_var_name] = $value;
110  }
112  protected function getPersistentData($key, $default = false) {
113    if (!in_array($key, self::$kSupportedKeys)) {
114      self::errorLog('Unsupported key passed to getPersistentData.');
115      return $default;
116    }
118    $session_var_name = $this->constructSessionVariableName($key);
119    return isset($_SESSION[$session_var_name]) ?
120      $_SESSION[$session_var_name] : $default;
121  }
123  protected function clearPersistentData($key) {
124    if (!in_array($key, self::$kSupportedKeys)) {
125      self::errorLog('Unsupported key passed to clearPersistentData.');
126      return;
127    }
129    $session_var_name = $this->constructSessionVariableName($key);
130    unset($_SESSION[$session_var_name]);
131  }
133  protected function clearAllPersistentData() {
134    foreach (self::$kSupportedKeys as $key) {
135      $this->clearPersistentData($key);
136    }
137    if ($this->sharedSessionID) {
138      $this->deleteSharedSessionCookie();
139    }
140  }
142  protected function deleteSharedSessionCookie() {
143    $cookie_name = $this->getSharedSessionCookieName();
144    unset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]);
145    $base_domain = $this->getBaseDomain();
146    setcookie($cookie_name, '', 1, '/', '.'.$base_domain);
147  }
149  protected function getSharedSessionCookieName() {
150    return self::FBSS_COOKIE_NAME . '_' . $this->getAppId();
151  }
153  protected function constructSessionVariableName($key) {
154    $parts = array('fb', $this->getAppId(), $key);
155    if ($this->sharedSessionID) {
156      array_unshift($parts, $this->sharedSessionID);
157    }
158    return implode('_', $parts);
159  }