3 * This is DokuWiki's Main Configuration file
4 *
5 * All the default values are kept here, you should not modify it but use
6 * a local.php file instead to override the settings from here.
7 *
8 * This is a piece of PHP code so PHP syntax applies!
9 *
10 * For help with the configuration see http://www.splitbrain.org/dokuwiki/wiki:config
11 */
14/* Datastorage and Permissions */
16$conf['fmode']       = 0644;              //set file creation mode
17$conf['dmode']       = 0755;              //set directory creation mode
18$conf['lang']        = 'en';              //your language
19$conf['basedir']     = '';                //absolute dir from serveroot - blank for autodetection
20$conf['baseurl']     = '';                //URL to server including protocol - blank for autodetect
21$conf['savedir']     = './data';          //where to store all the files
22$conf['allowdebug']  = 0;                 //allow debug output, enable if needed 0|1
24/* Display Options */
26$conf['start']       = 'start';           //name of start page
27$conf['title']       = 'DokuWiki';        //what to show in the title
28$conf['template']    = 'default';         //see tpl directory
29$conf['fullpath']    = 0;                 //show full path of the document or relative to datadir only? 0|1
30$conf['recent']      = 20;                //how many entries to show in recent
31$conf['breadcrumbs'] = 10;                //how many recent visited pages to show
32$conf['youarehere']  = 0;                 //show "You are here" navigation? 0|1
33$conf['typography']  = 1;                 //smartquote conversion 0=off, 1=doublequotes, 2=all quotes
34$conf['htmlok']      = 0;                 //may raw HTML be embedded? This may break layout and XHTML validity 0|1
35$conf['phpok']       = 0;                 //may PHP code be embedded? Never do this on the internet! 0|1
36$conf['dformat']     = '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M';  //dateformat accepted by PHPs strftime() function
37$conf['signature']   = ' --- //[[@MAIL@|@NAME@]] @DATE@//'; //signature see wiki:config for details
38$conf['toptoclevel'] = 1;                 //Level starting with and below to include in AutoTOC (max. 5)
39$conf['maxtoclevel'] = 3;                 //Up to which level include into AutoTOC (max. 5)
40$conf['maxseclevel'] = 3;                 //Up to which level create editable sections (max. 5)
41$conf['camelcase']   = 0;                 //Use CamelCase for linking? (I don't like it) 0|1
42$conf['deaccent']    = 1;                 //deaccented chars in pagenames (1) or romanize (2) or keep (0)?
43$conf['useheading']  = 0;                 //use the first heading in a page as its name
44$conf['refcheck']    = 1;                 //check for references before deleting media files
45$conf['refshow']     = 0;                 //how many references should be shown, 5 is a good value
47/* Antispam Features */
49$conf['usewordblock']= 1;                 //block spam based on words? 0|1
50$conf['indexdelay']  = 60*60*24*5;        //allow indexing after this time (seconds) default is 5 days
51$conf['relnofollow'] = 1;                 //use rel="nofollow" for external links?
52$conf['mailguard']   = 'hex';             //obfuscate email addresses against spam harvesters?
53                                          //valid entries are:
54                                          //  'visible' - replace @ with [at], . with [dot] and - with [dash]
55                                          //  'hex'     - use hex entities to encode the mail address
56                                          //  'none'    - do not obfuscate addresses
57$conf['iexssprotect']= 1;                 // check for JavaScript and HTML in uploaded files 0|1
59/* Authentication Options - read http://www.splitbrain.org/dokuwiki/wiki:acl */
61$conf['useacl']      = 0;                //Use Access Control Lists to restrict access?
62$conf['autopasswd']  = 1;                //autogenerate passwords and email them to user
63$conf['authtype']    = 'plain';          //which authentication backend should be used
64$conf['passcrypt']   = 'smd5';           //Used crypt method (smd5,md5,sha1,ssha,crypt,mysql,my411)
65$conf['defaultgroup']= 'user';           //Default groups new Users are added to
66$conf['superuser']   = '!!not set!!';    //The admin can be user or @group or comma separated list user1,@group1,user2
67$conf['manager']     = '!!not set!!';    //The manager can be user or @group or comma separated list user1,@group1,user2
68$conf['profileconfirm'] = '1';           //Require current password to confirm changes to user profile
69$conf['disableactions'] = '';            //comma separated list of actions to disable
70$conf['sneaky_index']   = 0;             //check for namespace read permission in index view (0|1) (1 might cause unexpected behavior)
71$conf['auth_security_timeout'] = 900;    //time (seconds) auth data is considered valid, set to 0 to recheck on every page view
73/* Advanced Options */
75$conf['updatecheck'] = 1;                //automatically check for new releases?
76$conf['userewrite']  = 0;                //this makes nice URLs: 0: off 1: .htaccess 2: internal
77$conf['useslash']    = 0;                //use slash instead of colon? only when rewrite is on
78$conf['usedraft']    = 1;                //automatically save a draft while editing (0|1)
79$conf['sepchar']     = '_';              //word separator character in page names; may be a
80                                         //  letter, a digit, '_', '-', or '.'.
81$conf['canonical']   = 0;                //Should all URLs use full canonical http://... style?
82$conf['autoplural']  = 0;                //try (non)plural form of nonexisting files?
83$conf['compression'] = 'gz';             //compress old revisions: (0: off) ('gz': gnuzip) ('bz2': bzip)
84                                         //  bz2 generates smaller files, but needs more cpu-power
85$conf['cachetime']   = 60*60*24;         //maximum age for cachefile in seconds (defaults to a day)
86$conf['locktime']    = 15*60;            //maximum age for lockfiles (defaults to 15 minutes)
87$conf['fetchsize']   = 0;                //maximum size (bytes) fetch.php may download from extern, disabled by default
88$conf['notify']      = '';               //send change info to this email (leave blank for nobody)
89$conf['registernotify'] = '';            //send info about newly registered users to this email (leave blank for nobody)
90$conf['mailfrom']    = '';               //use this email when sending mails
91$conf['gzip_output'] = 0;                //use gzip content encodeing for the output xhtml (if allowed by browser)
92$conf['gdlib']       = 2;                //the GDlib version (0, 1 or 2) 2 tries to autodetect
93$conf['im_convert']  = '';               //path to ImageMagicks convert (will be used instead of GD)
94$conf['jpg_quality'] = '70';             //quality of compression when scaling jpg images (0-100)
95$conf['subscribers'] = 0;                //enable change notice subscription support
96$conf['compress']    = 1;                //Strip whitespaces and comments from Styles and JavaScript? 1|0
97$conf['hidepages']   = '';               //Regexp for pages to be skipped from RSS, Search and Recent Changes
98$conf['send404']     = 0;                //Send a HTTP 404 status for non existing pages?
99$conf['sitemap']     = 0;                //Create a google sitemap? How often? In days.
100$conf['rss_type']    = 'rss1';           //type of RSS feed to provide, by default:
101                                         //  'rss'  - RSS 0.91
102                                         //  'rss1' - RSS 1.0
103                                         //  'rss2' - RSS 2.0
104                                         //  'atom' - Atom 0.3
105                                         //  'atom1' - Atom 1.0
106$conf['rss_linkto'] = 'diff';            //what page RSS entries link to:
107                                         //  'diff'    - page showing revision differences
108                                         //  'page'    - the revised page itself
109                                         //  'rev'     - page showing all revisions
110                                         //  'current' - most recent revision of page
111$conf['rss_content'] = 'abstract';       // what to put in the items by deafult?
112                                         //  'abstract' - plain text, first paragraph or so
113                                         //  'diff'     - plain text unified diff wrapped in <pre> tags
114                                         //  'htmldiff' - diff as HTML table
115                                         //  'html'     - the full page rendered in XHTML
116$conf['rss_update'] = 5*60;              //Update the RSS feed every n minutes (defaults to 5 minutes)
117$conf['recent_days'] = 7;                //How many days of recent changes to keep. (days)
118$conf['rss_show_summary'] = 1;           //Add revision summary to title? 0|1
119$conf['broken_iua']  = 0;                //Platform with broken ignore_user_abort (IIS+CGI) 0|1
120$conf['xsendfile']   = 0;                //Use X-Sendfile (1 = lighttpd, 2 = standard)
121$conf['xmlrpc'] = 0;                     //Enable/disable XML-RPC interface
122$conf['renderer_xhtml'] = 'xhtml';       //renderer to use for main page generation
124//Set target to use when creating links - leave empty for same window
125$conf['target']['wiki']      = '';
126$conf['target']['interwiki'] = '';
127$conf['target']['extern']    = '';
128$conf['target']['media']     = '';
129$conf['target']['windows']   = '';
131//Proxy setup - if your Server needs a proxy to access the web set these
132$conf['proxy']['host'] = '';
133$conf['proxy']['port'] = '';
134$conf['proxy']['user'] = '';
135$conf['proxy']['pass'] = '';
136$conf['proxy']['ssl']  = 0;
138/* Safemode Hack */
140$conf['safemodehack'] = 0;               //read http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:safemodehack !
141$conf['ftp']['host'] = 'localhost';
142$conf['ftp']['port'] = '21';
143$conf['ftp']['user'] = 'user';
144$conf['ftp']['pass'] = 'password';
145$conf['ftp']['root'] = '/home/user/htdocs';