3$lang['api_key'] = 'DeepL-API-Key';
4$lang['api'] = 'DeepL-API that should be used';
5$lang['mode'] = 'Default operation mode of the plugin';
6$lang['show_button'] = 'Show button for forced-translations';
7$lang['push_langs'] = 'Space separated list of languages for push-translation (ISO codes)';
8$lang['glossary_ns'] = 'Namespace for the definitions of glossaries';
9$lang['blacklist_regex'] = 'Blacklist-Regex: All page names and namespaces matching this regex won\'t be translated';
10$lang['direct_regex'] = 'Direct-Regex: All page names and namespaces matching this regex will be translated in the direct mode';
11$lang['editor_regex'] = 'Editor-Regex: All page names and namespaces matching this regex will be translated in the editor mode';
12$lang['ignored_expressions'] = 'Expressions that won\'t be translated, seperated by \':\'';
13$lang['default_lang_in_ns'] = 'The default language is in a namespace (should normally not be the case)';
14$lang['keep_relative'] = 'Do not rewrite relative links when translating';