2    "name": "sabre/http",
3    "description" : "The sabre/http library provides utilities for dealing with http requests and responses. ",
4    "keywords" : [ "HTTP" ],
5    "homepage" : "https://github.com/fruux/sabre-http",
6    "license" : "BSD-3-Clause",
7    "require" : {
8        "php"          : ">=5.4",
9        "ext-mbstring" : "*",
10        "sabre/event"  : ">=1.0.0,<3.0.0",
11        "sabre/uri"    : "~1.0"
12    },
13    "require-dev" : {
14        "phpunit/phpunit" : "~4.3",
15        "sabre/cs" : "~0.0.1"
16    },
17    "suggest" : {
18        "ext-curl" : " to make http requests with the Client class"
19    },
20    "authors" : [
21        {
22            "name" : "Evert Pot",
23            "email" : "me@evertpot.com",
24            "homepage" : "http://evertpot.com/",
25            "role" : "Developer"
26        }
27    ],
28    "support" : {
29        "forum" : "https://groups.google.com/group/sabredav-discuss",
30        "source" : "https://github.com/fruux/sabre-http"
31    },
32    "autoload" : {
33        "files" : [
34            "lib/functions.php"
35        ],
36        "psr-4" : {
37            "Sabre\\HTTP\\" : "lib/"
38        }
39    },
40    "config" : {
41        "bin-dir" : "bin/"
42    }