1To rebuild or modify this file with the latest versions of the included software please visit: 2https://datatables.net/download/#ju/jszip-3.10.1/pdfmake-0.2.7/dt-1.13.5/b-2.4.1/b-html5-2.4.1/b-print-2.4.1/fc-4.3.0/fh-3.4.0 3 4Included libraries: 5 * JSZip 3.10.1 6 * pdfmake 0.2.7 7 * DataTables 1.13.5 8 * Buttons 2.4.1 9 * HTML5 export 2.4.1 10 * Print view 2.4.1 11 * FixedColumns 4.3.0 12 * FixedHeader 3.4.0 13 14The i18n data has been extracted from 15https://github.com/DataTables/Plugins/releases/tag/1.13.5 16