2 * Init datepicker for all date fields
3 */
4jQuery(function () {
5    jQuery('.dataau_type_dt input').datepicker({
6        dateFormat: "dd-mm-yy",
7        changeMonth: true,
8        changeYear: true
9    });
13 * Init autocompletion for all page alias fields
14 *
15 * @author Adrian Lang <lang@cosmocode.de>
16 * @author Gerrit Uitslag <klapinklapin@gmail.com>
17 */
18jQuery(function () {
19    /**
20     * Returns aliastype of field
21     *
22     * @param {jQuery} $input
23     * @return {String} aliastype of the input
24     */
25    function getAliastype($input) {
26        var classes = $input.parent().attr('class').split(' '),
27            multi = false,
28            aliastype = 'dataau_type_page';
30        jQuery.each(classes, function (i, cls) {
31            //skip base type
32            if (cls == 'dataau_type_page' || cls == 'dataau_type_pages') {
33                multi = cls.substr(cls.length-1, 1) == 's';
34                return true;
35            }
36            //only data types, no other classes
37            if (cls.substr(0, 10) == 'dataau_type_') {
38                aliastype = cls;
39            }
40        });
41        //return singular aliastype
42        return (multi ? aliastype.substr(0, aliastype.length - 1) : aliastype);
43    }
45    /**
46     * Ajax request for user suggestions
47     *
48     * @param {Object} request object, with single 'term' property
49     * @param {Function} response callback, argument: the dataau to suggest to the user.
50     * @param {Function} getTerm callback, argument: the request Object, returns: search term
51     * @param aliastype
52     */
53    function ajaxsource(request, response, getTerm, aliastype) {
54        jQuery.getJSON(
55            DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', {
56                call: 'dataau_page',
57                aliastype: aliastype,
58                search: getTerm(request)
59            }, function (dataau) {
60                response(jQuery.map(dataau, function (name, id) {
61                    return {
62                        label: name + ' (' + id + ')',
63                        value: id
64                    }
65                }))
66            }
67        );
68    }
70    function split(val) {
71        return val.split(/,\s*/);
72    }
74    function extractLast(term) {
75        return split(term).pop();
76    }
79    /**
80     * pick one user
81     */
82    jQuery(".dataau_type_page input").autocomplete({
83        source: function (request, response) {
84            ajaxsource(
85                request,
86                response,
87                function (req) {
88                    return req.term;
89                },
90                getAliastype(this.element)
91            );
92        }
93    });
95    /**
96     * pick one or more users
97     */
98    jQuery(".dataau_type_pages input")
99        // don't navigate away from the field on tab when selecting an item
100        .bind("keydown", function (event) {
101            if (event.keyCode === jQuery.ui.keyCode.TAB &&
102                jQuery(this).dataau("ui-autocomplete").menu.active) {
103                event.preventDefault();
104            }
105        })
106        .autocomplete({
107            minLength: 0,
108            source: function (request, response) {
109                ajaxsource(
110                    request,
111                    response,
112                    function (req) {
113                        return extractLast(req.term);
114                    },
115                    getAliastype(this.element)
116                );
117            },
118            search: function () {
119                // custom minLength
120                var term = extractLast(this.value);
121                if (term.length < 2) {
122                    return false;
123                }
124                return true;
125            },
126            focus: function () {
127                // prevent value inserted on focus
128                return false;
129            },
130            select: function (event, ui) {
131                var terms = split(this.value);
132                // remove the current input
133                terms.pop();
134                // add the selected item
135                terms.push(ui.item.value);
136                // add placeholder to get the comma-and-space at the end
137                terms.push("");
138                this.value = terms.join(", ");
139                return false;
140            }
141        });