1let WEBCODE = (function () {
3    /**
4     * Adjust the height of an iframe to his content
5     * @param iframeElement
6     */
7    let adjustHeightToFitContent = function (iframeElement) {
8        let htmlIFrameElement = iframeElement.contentWindow.document.querySelector("html");
9        let calculatedHeight = htmlIFrameElement.offsetHeight;
10        let defaultHtmlElementHeight = 150;
11        if (calculatedHeight === defaultHtmlElementHeight) {
12            // body and not html because html has a default minimal height of 150
13            calculatedHeight = iframeElement.contentWindow.document.querySelector("body").offsetHeight;
14            // After setting the height, there is a recalculation and the padding of a descendant phrasing content element
15            // may ends up in the html element. The below code corrects that
16            requestAnimationFrame(function () {
17                if (calculatedHeight !== htmlIFrameElement.offsetHeight) {
18                    iframeElement.height = htmlIFrameElement.offsetHeight;
19                }
20            });
21        }
22        iframeElement.height = calculatedHeight;
23    }
24    return {adjustHeightToFitContent: adjustHeightToFitContent}
28window.addEventListener('load', function () {
29    const IframeObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutationList) {
30        mutationList
31            .filter(mutation => {
32                // in a iframe, you need to test against the browsing content, not
33                // mutation.target instanceof HTMLElement but ...
34                return mutation.target instanceof mutation.target.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLElement
35            })
36            .forEach((mutation) => {
37                let iframe = mutation.target.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;
38                WEBCODE.adjustHeightToFitContent(iframe);
39            });
40    })
41    document.querySelectorAll("iframe.webcode-cs").forEach(iframe => {
42        // if height is not set manually
43        const height = iframe.getAttribute('height');
44        if (height === null) {
45            // Set the height of the iframe to be the height of the internal iframe
46            WEBCODE.adjustHeightToFitContent(iframe);
47            IframeObserver.observe(iframe.contentWindow.document, {attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true});
48        }
49    });