1window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
2    let navigation = JSINFO["navigation"];
3    let acronymPageProtection = "pp";
4    let acronymLowQualityPage = "lqpp";
5    let acronymLatePublication = "lpp";
6    document.querySelectorAll(`[data-${acronymPageProtection}-link="warning"], [data-${acronymPageProtection}-link="login"]`).forEach(element => {
7        let tooltipHtml = "";
8        let linkType = element.dataset.ppLink;
9        let protectionSourceType = element.dataset.ppSource;
10        let showTooltip = false;
11        switch (linkType) {
12            case "warning":
13                if (protectionSourceType === acronymLowQualityPage) {
14                    showTooltip = true;
15                    tooltipHtml = `<h4>Warning: Low Quality Page</h4>
16<p>This page has been detected as being of low quality.</p>`;
17                    if (element.hasAttribute("title")) {
18                        tooltipHtml += "<p>Description: " + element.getAttribute("title") + "</p>";
19                    }
20                }
21                break
22            case "login":
23                if (navigation === "anonymous") {
24                    showTooltip = true;
25                    element.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
26                        // not pointer-events: none because we need to show a tooltip
27                        event.preventDefault();
28                    });
29                    switch (protectionSourceType) {
30                        case acronymLowQualityPage:
31                            tooltipHtml = `<h4>Login Required</h4>
32<p>This page has been detected as being of low quality. To follow this link, you need to log in.</p>`;
33                            break;
34                        case acronymLatePublication:
35                            tooltipHtml = `<h4>Login Required</h4>
36<p>To follow this link, you need to log in (${acronymLatePublication})</p>`;
37                            break;
38                    }
40                }
41                break;
43        }
44        if (showTooltip) {
45            // An element may already have a tooltip
46            let tooltip = bootstrap.Tooltip.getInstance(element);
47            if (tooltip != null) {
48                tooltip.dispose();
49            }
50            element.setAttribute("title", tooltipHtml);
51            new bootstrap.Tooltip(element, {
52                html: true,
53                placement: "top",
54                customClass: acronymPageProtection
55            });
56        }
57    });