1<?php 2/** 3 * 4 * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 * The config manager is parsing this fucking file because they want 6 * to be able to use 60*60*24 ???? :( 7 * 8 * See {@link \dokuwiki\plugin\config\core\ConfigParser::parse()} 9 * 10 * Which means that only value can be given as: 11 * * key 12 * * and value 13 * The test test_plugin_default in plugin.test.php is checking that 14 * 15 * What fuck up is fucked up. 16 * 17 * The solution: 18 * * The literal value is copied 19 * * A link to the constant is placed before 20 */ 21 22 23use ComboStrap\BrandingColors; 24use ComboStrap\Canonical; 25use ComboStrap\ContainerTag; 26use ComboStrap\IconDownloader; 27use ComboStrap\Identity; 28use ComboStrap\LazyLoad; 29use ComboStrap\MetadataFrontmatterStore; 30use ComboStrap\Outline; 31use ComboStrap\PageType; 32use ComboStrap\PageUrlType; 33use ComboStrap\Prism; 34use ComboStrap\Meta\Field\Region; 35use ComboStrap\SiteConfig; 36use ComboStrap\Snippet; 37use ComboStrap\Tag\RelatedTag; 38 39 40/** 41 * Related UI components 42 * {@link RelatedTag::MAX_LINKS_CONF} 43 * {@link RelatedTag::MAX_LINKS_CONF_DEFAULT} 44 */ 45$conf['maxLinks'] = 10; 46$conf['extra_pattern'] = '{{backlinks>.}}'; 47 48/** 49 * Disqus 50 * See {@link syntax_plugin_combo_disqus::CONF_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES} 51 */ 52$conf['disqusDefaultAttributes'] = 'shortName=""'; 53 54/** 55 * Enable ie {@link action_plugin_combo_router::ROUTER_ENABLE_CONF} 56 */ 57$conf['enableRouter'] = 1; 58/** 59 * ie {@link action_plugin_combo_router::GO_TO_BEST_END_PAGE_NAME} 60 */ 61$conf['ActionReaderFirst'] = 'GoToBestEndPageName'; 62 63/** 64 * ie {@link action_plugin_combo_router::GO_TO_BEST_PAGE_NAME} 65 */ 66$conf['ActionReaderSecond'] = 'GoToBestPageName'; 67/** 68 * ie {@link action_plugin_combo_router::GO_TO_SEARCH_ENGINE} 69 */ 70$conf['ActionReaderThird'] = 'GoToSearchEngine'; 71$conf['GoToEditMode'] = 1; 72/** 73 * ie {@link action_plugin_combo_routermessage::CONF_SHOW_PAGE_NAME_IS_NOT_UNIQUE} 74 * ie {@link action_plugin_combo_routermessage::CONF_SHOW_MESSAGE_CLASSIC} 75 */ 76$conf['ShowPageNameIsNotUnique'] = 1; 77$conf['ShowMessageClassic'] = 1; 78 79$conf['WeightFactorForSamePageName'] = 4; 80$conf['WeightFactorForStartPage'] = 3; 81$conf['WeightFactorForSameNamespace'] = 5; 82 83/** 84 * See {@link RouterBestEndPage::CONF_MINIMAL_SCORE_FOR_REDIRECT_DEFAULT} 85 */ 86$conf['BestEndPageMinimalScoreForAliasCreation'] = 2; 87 88/** 89 * Does automatic canonical processing is on 90 * {@link Canonical::CONF_CANONICAL_LAST_NAMES_COUNT} 91 * 92 */ 93$conf['MinimalNamesCountForAutomaticCanonical'] = 0; 94/** 95 * Does the canonical is reported as the unique name of the page 96 * for google analytics 97 * {@link action_plugin_combo_canonical::CONF_CANONICAL_FOR_GA_PAGE_VIEW} 98 */ 99$conf['useCanonicalValueForGoogleAnalyticsPageView'] = 0; 100 101/** 102 * Icon Namespace 103 * See {@link IconDownloader::CONF_ICONS_MEDIA_NAMESPACE} 104 * See {@link IconDownloader::CONF_ICONS_MEDIA_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT} 105 */ 106$conf['icons_namespace'] = ":combostrap:icons"; 107 108/** 109 * Default library 110 * See {@link IconDownloader::CONF_DEFAULT_ICON_LIBRARY} 111 * See {@link IconDownloader::CONF_DEFAULT_ICON_LIBRARY_DEFAULT} 112 */ 113$conf['defaultIconLibrary'] = "mdi"; 114 115/** 116 * Css Optimization 117 * See {@link action_plugin_combo_css::CONF_ENABLE_MINIMAL_FRONTEND_STYLESHEET} 118 * See {@link action_plugin_combo_css::CONF_DISABLE_DOKUWIKI_STYLESHEET} 119 */ 120$conf['enableMinimalFrontEndStylesheet'] = 0; 121$conf['disableDokuwikiStylesheet'] = 0; 122 123/** 124 * Metadata Viewer 125 * See {@link \ComboStrap\MetadataUtility::CONF_METADATA_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES 126 * See {@link \ComboStrap\MetadataUtility::EXCLUDE_ATTRIBUTE 127 */ 128$conf['metadataViewerDefaultAttributes'] = 'title="Metadata" exclude="tableofcontents"'; 129 130/** 131 * Badge 132 * See {@link syntax_plugin_combo_badge::CONF_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES_KEY 133 */ 134$conf['defaultBadgeAttributes'] = 'type="info" rounded="true"'; 135 136/** 137 * Ads 138 * See {@link \ComboStrap\Tag\AdTag::CONF_IN_ARTICLE_PLACEHOLDER 139 */ 140$conf['AdsInArticleShowPlaceholder'] = 0; 141 142/** 143 * Code 144 * See {@link syntax_plugin_combo_code::CONF_CODE_ENABLE} 145 * {@link Prism::CONF_PRISM_THEME} 146 */ 147$conf['codeEnable'] = 1; 148$conf['fileEnable'] = 1; 149$conf['prismTheme'] = "tomorrow"; 150$conf['bashPrompt'] = "#"; 151$conf['batchPrompt'] = 'C:\\'; 152$conf['powershellPrompt'] = 'PS C:\\'; 153 154/** 155 * Low Quality Page Protection 156 * See {@link \ComboStrap\LowQualityPage::CONF_LOW_QUALITY_PAGE_PROTECTION_ENABLE} 157 * See {@link \ComboStrap\LowQualityPage::CONF_LOW_QUALITY_PAGE_PROTECTION_MODE} 158 * See {@link \ComboStrap\LowQualityPage::CONF_LOW_QUALITY_PAGE_LINK_TYPE} 159 */ 160$conf['lowQualityPageProtectionEnable'] = 0; 161$conf['lowQualityPageProtectionMode'] = "robot"; 162$conf['lowQualityPageLinkType'] = "normal"; 163 164 165/** 166 * Preformatted mode disable 167 * See {@link syntax_plugin_combo_preformatted::CONF_PREFORMATTED_ENABLE} 168 * See {@link syntax_plugin_combo_preformatted::CONF_PREFORMATTED_EMPTY_CONTENT_NOT_PRINTED_ENABLE} 169 */ 170$conf['preformattedEnable'] = 1; 171$conf['preformattedEmptyContentNotPrintedEnable'] = 1; 172 173/** 174 * {@link renderer_plugin_combo_analytics::CONF_MANDATORY_QUALITY_RULES} 175 */ 176$conf['mandatoryQualityRules'] = 'words_min,internal_backlinks_min,internal_links_min'; 177 178 179/** 180 * {@link QualityMessageHandler::CONF_EXCLUDED_QUALITY_RULES_FROM_DYNAMIC_MONITORING} 181 * {@link QualityMessageHandler::CONF_DISABLE_QUALITY_MONITORING} 182 */ 183$conf['excludedQualityRulesFromDynamicMonitoring'] = 'words_by_section_avg_min,words_by_section_avg_max'; 184$conf['disableDynamicQualityMonitoring'] = 0; 185 186/** 187 * Link 188 * Class in link {@link \ComboStrap\LinkMarkup::CONF_USE_DOKUWIKI_CLASS_NAME} 189 * Preview on link {@link \ComboStrap\LinkMarkup::CONF_PREVIEW_LINK} 190 * Enable {@link syntax_plugin_combo_link::CONF_DISABLE_LINK} 191 */ 192$conf['useDokuwikiLinkClassName'] = 0; 193$conf['disableLink'] = 0; 194$conf['previewLink'] = 0; 195 196 197$conf['twitterSiteHandle'] = ""; 198$conf['twitterSiteId'] = ""; 199$conf['twitter:dnt'] = "on"; 200/** 201 * {@link \ComboStrap\BlockquoteTag::CONF_TWEET_WIDGETS_THEME_DEFAULT} 202 */ 203$conf['twitter:widgets:theme'] = "light"; 204/** 205 * {@link \ComboStrap\BlockquoteTag::CONF_TWEET_WIDGETS_BORDER_DEFAULT} 206 */ 207$conf['twitter:widgets:border-color'] = "#55acee"; 208 209 210/** 211 * Facebook 212 * {@link action_plugin_combo_metafacebook::CONF_DEFAULT_FACEBOOK_IMAGE} 213 */ 214$conf['defaultFacebookImage'] = ":logo-facebook.png"; 215 216/** 217 * Country 218 * {@link Region::CONF_SITE_LANGUAGE_REGION} 219 */ 220$conf['siteLanguageRegion'] = ""; 221 222/** 223 * 224 * See {@link \ComboStrap\PagePublicationDate::CONF_LATE_PUBLICATION_PROTECTION_ENABLE} 225 * See {@link \ComboStrap\PagePublicationDate::CONF_LATE_PUBLICATION_PROTECTION_MODE} 226 */ 227$conf['latePublicationProtectionEnable'] = 1; 228$conf["latePublicationProtectionMode"] = "acl"; 229 230/** 231 * Default page type 232 * {@link PageType::CONF_DEFAULT_PAGE_TYPE} 233 */ 234$conf["defaultPageType"] = "article"; 235 236/** 237 * Default shadow elevation 238 * {@link \ComboStrap\TagAttribute\Shadow::CONF_DEFAULT_VALUE} 239 */ 240$conf["defaultShadowLevel"] = "medium"; 241 242 243/** 244 * Lazy loading {@link \ComboStrap\SvgImageLink::CONF_LAZY_LOAD_ENABLE} 245 */ 246$conf["svgLazyLoadEnable"] = 1; 247 248/** 249 * Injection {@link \ComboStrap\SvgImageLink::CONF_SVG_INJECTION_ENABLE} 250 */ 251$conf["svgInjectionEnable"] = 0; 252 253/** 254 * Svg Optimization Disable {@link \ComboStrap\SvgDocument::CONF_SVG_OPTIMIZATION_ENABLE} 255 */ 256$conf["svgOptimizationEnable"] = 1; 257 258 259/** 260 * The name of the group of user that can upload svg 261 * {@link Identity::CONF_DESIGNER_GROUP_NAME} 262 */ 263$conf["combo-conf-006"] = ""; 264 265/** 266 * Svg Optimization 267 * {@link \ComboStrap\SvgDocument::CONF_OPTIMIZATION_NAMESPACES_TO_KEEP} 268 * The attribute to delete separates by a , 269 */ 270$conf["svgOptimizationNamespacesToKeep"] = ""; 271 272/** 273 * Svg Optimization 274 * {@link \ComboStrap\SvgDocument::CONF_OPTIMIZATION_ATTRIBUTES_TO_DELETE} 275 * The attribute to delete separates by a , 276 */ 277$conf["svgOptimizationAttributesToDelete"] = "id, style, class, data-name"; 278/** 279 * {@link \ComboStrap\SvgDocument::CONF_OPTIMIZATION_ELEMENTS_TO_DELETE} 280 */ 281$conf["svgOptimizationElementsToDelete"] = "script, style, title, desc"; 282/** 283 * {@link \ComboStrap\SvgDocument::CONF_OPTIMIZATION_ELEMENTS_TO_DELETE_IF_EMPTY} 284 */ 285$conf["svgOptimizationElementsToDeleteIfEmpty"] = "metadata, defs"; 286 287/** 288 * {@link \ComboStrap\SvgDocument::CONF_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO_DEFAULT} 289 */ 290 291$conf["svgPreserveAspectRatioDefault"] = "xMidYMid slice"; 292 293/** 294 * Lazy loading {@link \ComboStrap\RasterImageLink::CONF_LAZY_LOADING_ENABLE} 295 */ 296$conf["rasterImageLazyLoadingEnable"] = 1; 297 298/** 299 * {@link \ComboStrap\RasterImageLink::CONF_RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_MARGIN} 300 */ 301$conf["responsiveImageMargin"] = "20px"; 302 303/** 304 * {@link \ComboStrap\RasterImageLink::CONF_RETINA_SUPPORT_ENABLED} 305 */ 306$conf["retinaRasterImageEnable"] = 0; 307 308/** 309 * {@link \ComboStrap\LazyLoad::CONF_LAZY_LOADING_PLACEHOLDER_COLOR 310 */ 311$conf["lazyLoadingPlaceholderColor"] = "#cbf1ea"; 312 313 314/** 315 * {@link \ComboStrap\MediaLink::CONF_IMAGE_ENABLE} 316 */ 317$conf["imageEnable"] = 1; 318 319/** 320 * Default linking value 321 * {@link \ComboStrap\MediaLink::CONF_DEFAULT_LINKING} 322 */ 323$conf["defaultImageLinking"] = "direct"; 324 325/** 326 * Float 327 * {@link \ComboStrap\FloatAttribute::CONF_FLOAT_DEFAULT_BREAKPOINT} 328 */ 329$conf["floatDefaultBreakpoint"] = "sm"; 330 331/** 332 * Outline Numbering 333 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_ENABLE} 334 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL2} 335 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL3} 336 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL4} 337 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL5} 338 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_STYLE_LEVEL6} 339 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_COUNTER_SEPARATOR} 340 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_PREFIX} 341 * {@link Outline::CONF_OUTLINE_NUMBERING_SUFFIX} 342 */ 343$conf["outlineNumberingEnable"] = 1; 344$conf["outlineNumberingCounterStyleLevel2"] = "decimal"; 345$conf["outlineNumberingCounterStyleLevel3"] = "decimal"; 346$conf["outlineNumberingCounterStyleLevel4"] = "decimal"; 347$conf["outlineNumberingCounterStyleLevel5"] = "decimal"; 348$conf["outlineNumberingCounterStyleLevel6"] = "decimal"; 349$conf["outlineNumberingCounterSeparator"] = "."; 350$conf["outlineNumberingPrefix"] = ""; 351$conf["outlineNumberingSuffix"] = " - "; 352 353/** 354 * Form 355 * {@link \ComboStrap\Identity::CONF_ENABLE_LOGO_ON_IDENTITY_FORMS} 356 * {@link action_plugin_combo_login::CONF_ENABLE_LOGIN_FORM } 357 * {@link action_plugin_combo_registration::CONF_ENABLE_REGISTER_FORM } 358 * {@link action_plugin_combo_resend::CONF_ENABLE_RESEND_PWD_FORM } 359 * {@link action_plugin_combo_profile::CONF_ENABLE_PROFILE_UPDATE_FORM } 360 * {@link action_plugin_combo_profile::CONF_ENABLE_PROFILE_DELETE_FORM } 361 */ 362$conf["enableLogoOnIdentityForms"] = 1; 363$conf["enableLoginForm"] = 1; 364$conf["enableRegistrationForm"] = 1; 365$conf["enableResendPwdForm"] = 1; 366$conf["enableProfileUpdateForm"] = 1; 367$conf["enableProfileDeleteForm"] = 1; 368 369/** 370 * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_comment::CONF_OUTPUT_COMMENT} 371 */ 372$conf['outputComment'] = 0; 373 374/** 375 * {@link action_plugin_combo_staticresource::CONF_STATIC_CACHE_ENABLED} 376 */ 377$conf["staticCacheEnabled"] = 1; 378 379 380/** 381 * {@link action_plugin_combo_linkwizard::CONF_ENABLE_ENHANCED_LINK_WIZARD} 382 */ 383$conf["enableEnhancedLinkWizard"] = 1; 384 385/** 386 * {@link PageUrlType::CONF_CANONICAL_URL_TYPE} 387 * {@link PageUrlType::CONF_CANONICAL_URL_TYPE_DEFAULT} 388 */ 389$conf["pageUrlType"] = "page path"; 390 391/** 392 * {@link MetadataFrontmatterStore::CONF_ENABLE_FRONT_MATTER_ON_SUBMIT} 393 * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_frontmatter::CONF_ENABLE_FRONT_MATTER_ON_SUBMIT_DEFAULT} 394 */ 395$conf["enableFrontMatterOnSubmit"] = 0; 396 397/** 398 * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_headingwiki::CONF_WIKI_HEADING_ENABLE} and 399 * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_headingwiki::CONF_DEFAULT_WIKI_ENABLE_VALUE} 400 */ 401$conf["headingWikiEnable"] = 1; 402/** 403 * Highlight 404 * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_highlightwiki::CONF_HIGHLIGHT_WIKI_ENABLE} 405 * {@link syntax_plugin_combo_highlightwiki::CONF_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT_WIKI_ENABLE_VALUE} 406 */ 407$conf["highlightWikiEnable"] = 1; 408 409/** 410 * {@link \ComboStrap\ColorRgb::BRANDING_COLOR_INHERITANCE_ENABLE_CONF} 411 */ 412$conf["brandingColorInheritanceEnable"] = 1; 413 414/** 415 * {@link \ComboStrap\ColorRgb::PRIMARY_COLOR_CONF} 416 * {@link \ComboStrap\ColorRgb::SECONDARY_COLOR_CONF} 417 */ 418$conf["primaryColor"] = ""; 419$conf["secondaryColor"] = ""; 420 421/** 422 * {@link ContainerTag::DEFAULT_LAYOUT_CONTAINER_CONF} 423 */ 424$conf["defaultLayoutContainer"] = "sm"; 425 426/** 427 * Enable templating 428 * See {@link SiteConfig::CONF_ENABLE_THEME_SYSTEM} 429 */ 430$conf["combo-conf-001"] = 1; 431 432 433/** 434 * CDN for library ? 435 * See {@link Snippet::CONF_USE_CDN} 436 */ 437$conf['useCDN'] = 1; 438 439/** 440 * {@link Bootstrap::CONF_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_STYLESHEET} 441 */ 442$conf["bootstrapVersionStylesheet"] = "5.0.1 - bootstrap"; 443 444/** 445 * {@link action_plugin_combo_snippetsbootstrap::CONF_PRELOAD_CSS} 446 */ 447$conf['preloadCss'] = 0; 448 449/** 450 * {@link FetcherRailBar::CONF_PRIVATE_RAIL_BAR} 451 */ 452$conf['privateRailbar'] = 0; 453/** 454 * {@link FetcherRailBar::CONF_BREAKPOINT_RAIL_BAR} 455 */ 456$conf['breakpointRailbar'] = "large"; 457 458/** 459 * @see {@link action_plugin_combo_snippetsbootstrap::CONF_JQUERY_DOKU} 460 * @See {@link action_plugin_combo_snippetsbootstrap::CONF_DISABLE_BACKEND_JAVASCRIPT} 461 */ 462$conf['jQueryDoku'] = 0; 463$conf["disableBackendJavascript"] = 0; 464 465 466/** 467 * {@link \ComboStrap\SiteConfig::REM_CONF} 468 */ 469$conf['combo-conf-002'] = 16; 470 471/** 472 * {@link SiteConfig::HTML_MAX_KB_SIZE_FOR_INLINE_ELEMENT} 473 */ 474$conf['combo-conf-003'] = 4; 475 476/** 477 * {@link \ComboStrap\TemplateEngine::CONF_THEME} 478 * {@link \ComboStrap\TemplateEngine::CONF_THEME_DEFAULT} 479 */ 480$conf['combo-conf-005'] = 'default'; 481 482/** 483 * {@link \ComboStrap\Tag\AdTag::CONF_IN_ARTICLE_ENABLED} 484 */ 485$conf['combo-conf-007'] = 0; 486 487/** 488 * {@link \ComboStrap\TemplateSlot::CONF_PAGE_HEADER_NAME 489 * {@link \ComboStrap\TemplateSlot::CONF_PAGE_HEADER_NAME 490 */ 491$conf['combo-conf-008'] = 'slot_header'; 492$conf['combo-conf-009'] = 'slot_footer'; 493