2Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
3For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
5(function() {
6    if (window.CKEDITOR && window.CKEDITOR.dom) return;
7    window.CKEDITOR || (window.CKEDITOR = function() {
8        var a = /(^|.*[\\\/])ckeditor\.js(?:\?.*|;.*)?$/i,
9            d = {
10                timestamp: "I8BG",
11                version: "4.10.1",
12                revision: "59246e9",
13                rnd: Math.floor(900 * Math.random()) + 100,
14                _: {
15                    pending: [],
16                    basePathSrcPattern: a
17                },
18                status: "unloaded",
19                basePath: function() {
20                    var b = window.CKEDITOR_BASEPATH || "";
21                    if (!b)
22                        for (var c = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
23                            var g = c[d].src.match(a);
24                            if (g) {
25                                b = g[1];
26                                break
27                            }
28                        } - 1 == b.indexOf(":/") && "//" != b.slice(0, 2) && (b = 0 === b.indexOf("/") ? location.href.match(/^.*?:\/\/[^\/]*/)[0] +
29                            b : location.href.match(/^[^\?]*\/(?:)/)[0] + b);
30                    if (!b) throw 'The CKEditor installation path could not be automatically detected. Please set the global variable "CKEDITOR_BASEPATH" before creating editor instances.';
31                    return b
32                }(),
33                getUrl: function(a) {
34                    -1 == a.indexOf(":/") && 0 !== a.indexOf("/") && (a = this.basePath + a);
35                    this.timestamp && "/" != a.charAt(a.length - 1) && !/[&?]t=/.test(a) && (a += (0 <= a.indexOf("?") ? "\x26" : "?") + "t\x3d" + this.timestamp);
36                    return a
37                },
38                domReady: function() {
39                    function a() {
40                        try {
41                            document.addEventListener ? (document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",
42                                a, !1), b()) : document.attachEvent && "complete" === document.readyState && (document.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", a), b())
43                        } catch (c) {}
44                    }
46                    function b() {
47                        for (var a; a = c.shift();) a()
48                    }
49                    var c = [];
50                    return function(b) {
51                        function n() {
52                            try {
53                                document.documentElement.doScroll("left")
54                            } catch (e) {
55                                setTimeout(n, 1);
56                                return
57                            }
58                            a()
59                        }
60                        c.push(b);
61                        "complete" === document.readyState && setTimeout(a, 1);
62                        if (1 == c.length)
63                            if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", a, !1), window.addEventListener("load", a, !1);
64                            else if (document.attachEvent) {
65                            document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",
66                                a);
67                            window.attachEvent("onload", a);
68                            b = !1;
69                            try {
70                                b = !window.frameElement
71                            } catch (r) {}
72                            document.documentElement.doScroll && b && n()
73                        }
74                    }
75                }()
76            },
77            b = window.CKEDITOR_GETURL;
78        if (b) {
79            var c = d.getUrl;
80            d.getUrl = function(a) {
81                return b.call(d, a) || c.call(d, a)
82            }
83        }
84        return d
85    }());
86    CKEDITOR.event || (CKEDITOR.event = function() {}, CKEDITOR.event.implementOn = function(a) {
87        var d = CKEDITOR.event.prototype,
88            b;
89        for (b in d) null == a[b] && (a[b] = d[b])
90    }, CKEDITOR.event.prototype = function() {
91        function a(a) {
92            var f = d(this);
93            return f[a] || (f[a] = new b(a))
94        }
95        var d = function(a) {
96                a = a.getPrivate && a.getPrivate() || a._ || (a._ = {});
97                return a.events || (a.events = {})
98            },
99            b = function(a) {
100                this.name = a;
101                this.listeners = []
102            };
103        b.prototype = {
104            getListenerIndex: function(a) {
105                for (var b = 0, d = this.listeners; b < d.length; b++)
106                    if (d[b].fn == a) return b;
107                return -1
108            }
109        };
110        return {
111            define: function(b, d) {
112                var h = a.call(this, b);
113                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(h, d, !0)
114            },
115            on: function(b, d, h, k, g) {
116                function n(e, a, y, v) {
117                    e = {
118                        name: b,
119                        sender: this,
120                        editor: e,
121                        data: a,
122                        listenerData: k,
123                        stop: y,
124                        cancel: v,
125                        removeListener: r
126                    };
127                    return !1 === d.call(h, e) ? !1 : e.data
128                }
130                function r() {
131                    y.removeListener(b, d)
132                }
133                var e = a.call(this, b);
134                if (0 > e.getListenerIndex(d)) {
135                    e = e.listeners;
136                    h || (h = this);
137                    isNaN(g) && (g = 10);
138                    var y = this;
139                    n.fn = d;
140                    n.priority = g;
141                    for (var v = e.length - 1; 0 <= v; v--)
142                        if (e[v].priority <= g) return e.splice(v + 1, 0, n), {
143                            removeListener: r
144                        };
145                    e.unshift(n)
146                }
147                return {
148                    removeListener: r
149                }
150            },
151            once: function() {
152                var a = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
153                    b = a[1];
154                a[1] = function(a) {
155                    a.removeListener();
156                    return b.apply(this, arguments)
157                };
158                return this.on.apply(this, a)
159            },
160            capture: function() {
161                CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 1;
162                var a = this.on.apply(this, arguments);
163                CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 0;
164                return a
165            },
166            fire: function() {
167                var a = 0,
168                    b = function() {
169                        a = 1
170                    },
171                    h = 0,
172                    k = function() {
173                        h = 1
174                    };
175                return function(g, n, r) {
176                    var e = d(this)[g];
177                    g = a;
178                    var y = h;
179                    a = h = 0;
180                    if (e) {
181                        var v = e.listeners;
182                        if (v.length)
183                            for (var v = v.slice(0), B, D = 0; D < v.length; D++) {
184                                if (e.errorProof) try {
185                                    B =
186                                        v[D].call(this, r, n, b, k)
187                                } catch (x) {} else B = v[D].call(this, r, n, b, k);
188                                !1 === B ? h = 1 : "undefined" != typeof B && (n = B);
189                                if (a || h) break
190                            }
191                    }
192                    n = h ? !1 : "undefined" == typeof n ? !0 : n;
193                    a = g;
194                    h = y;
195                    return n
196                }
197            }(),
198            fireOnce: function(a, b, h) {
199                b = this.fire(a, b, h);
200                delete d(this)[a];
201                return b
202            },
203            removeListener: function(a, b) {
204                var h = d(this)[a];
205                if (h) {
206                    var k = h.getListenerIndex(b);
207                    0 <= k && h.listeners.splice(k, 1)
208                }
209            },
210            removeAllListeners: function() {
211                var a = d(this),
212                    b;
213                for (b in a) delete a[b]
214            },
215            hasListeners: function(a) {
216                return (a = d(this)[a]) && 0 < a.listeners.length
217            }
218        }
219    }());
220    CKEDITOR.editor || (CKEDITOR.editor = function() {
221        CKEDITOR._.pending.push([this, arguments]);
222        CKEDITOR.event.call(this)
223    }, CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.fire = function(a, d) {
224        a in {
225            instanceReady: 1,
226            loaded: 1
227        } && (this[a] = !0);
228        return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.fire.call(this, a, d, this)
229    }, CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.fireOnce = function(a, d) {
230        a in {
231            instanceReady: 1,
232            loaded: 1
233        } && (this[a] = !0);
234        return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.fireOnce.call(this, a, d, this)
235    }, CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(CKEDITOR.editor.prototype));
236    CKEDITOR.env || (CKEDITOR.env = function() {
237        var a = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
238            d = a.match(/edge[ \/](\d+.?\d*)/),
239            b = -1 < a.indexOf("trident/"),
240            b = !(!d && !b),
241            b = {
242                ie: b,
243                edge: !!d,
244                webkit: !b && -1 < a.indexOf(" applewebkit/"),
245                air: -1 < a.indexOf(" adobeair/"),
246                mac: -1 < a.indexOf("macintosh"),
247                quirks: "BackCompat" == document.compatMode && (!document.documentMode || 10 > document.documentMode),
248                mobile: -1 < a.indexOf("mobile"),
249                iOS: /(ipad|iphone|ipod)/.test(a),
250                isCustomDomain: function() {
251                    if (!this.ie) return !1;
252                    var a = document.domain,
253                        b = window.location.hostname;
254                    return a != b && a != "[" + b + "]"
255                },
256                secure: "https:" == location.protocol
257            };
258        b.gecko = "Gecko" == navigator.product && !b.webkit && !b.ie;
259        b.webkit && (-1 < a.indexOf("chrome") ? b.chrome = !0 : b.safari = !0);
260        var c = 0;
261        b.ie && (c = d ? parseFloat(d[1]) : b.quirks || !document.documentMode ? parseFloat(a.match(/msie (\d+)/)[1]) : document.documentMode, b.ie9Compat = 9 == c, b.ie8Compat = 8 == c, b.ie7Compat = 7 == c, b.ie6Compat = 7 > c || b.quirks);
262        b.gecko && (d = a.match(/rv:([\d\.]+)/)) && (d = d[1].split("."), c = 1E4 * d[0] + 100 * (d[1] || 0) + 1 * (d[2] || 0));
263        b.air && (c = parseFloat(a.match(/ adobeair\/(\d+)/)[1]));
264        b.webkit && (c = parseFloat(a.match(/ applewebkit\/(\d+)/)[1]));
265        b.version = c;
266        b.isCompatible = !(b.ie && 7 > c) && !(b.gecko && 4E4 > c) && !(b.webkit && 534 > c);
267        b.hidpi = 2 <= window.devicePixelRatio;
268        b.needsBrFiller = b.gecko || b.webkit || b.ie && 10 < c;
269        b.needsNbspFiller = b.ie && 11 > c;
270        b.cssClass = "cke_browser_" + (b.ie ? "ie" : b.gecko ? "gecko" : b.webkit ? "webkit" : "unknown");
271        b.quirks && (b.cssClass += " cke_browser_quirks");
272        b.ie && (b.cssClass += " cke_browser_ie" + (b.quirks ? "6 cke_browser_iequirks" : b.version));
273        b.air && (b.cssClass += " cke_browser_air");
274        b.iOS && (b.cssClass += " cke_browser_ios");
275        b.hidpi && (b.cssClass += " cke_hidpi");
276        return b
277    }());
278    "unloaded" == CKEDITOR.status && function() {
279        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(CKEDITOR);
280        CKEDITOR.loadFullCore = function() {
281            if ("basic_ready" != CKEDITOR.status) CKEDITOR.loadFullCore._load = 1;
282            else {
283                delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
284                var a = document.createElement("script");
285                a.type = "text/javascript";
286                a.src = CKEDITOR.basePath + "ckeditor.js";
287                document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)
288            }
289        };
290        CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout = 0;
291        CKEDITOR.add = function(a) {
292            (this._.pending || (this._.pending = [])).push(a)
293        };
294        (function() {
295            CKEDITOR.domReady(function() {
296                var a =
297                    CKEDITOR.loadFullCore,
298                    d = CKEDITOR.loadFullCoreTimeout;
299                a && (CKEDITOR.status = "basic_ready", a && a._load ? a() : d && setTimeout(function() {
300                    CKEDITOR.loadFullCore && CKEDITOR.loadFullCore()
301                }, 1E3 * d))
302            })
303        })();
304        CKEDITOR.status = "basic_loaded"
305    }();
306    "use strict";
310    CKEDITOR.warn = function(a, d) {
311        CKEDITOR.verbosity & CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_WARN && CKEDITOR.fire("log", {
312            type: "warn",
313            errorCode: a,
314            additionalData: d
315        })
316    };
317    CKEDITOR.error = function(a, d) {
318        CKEDITOR.verbosity & CKEDITOR.VERBOSITY_ERROR && CKEDITOR.fire("log", {
319            type: "error",
320            errorCode: a,
321            additionalData: d
322        })
323    };
324    CKEDITOR.on("log", function(a) {
325        if (window.console && window.console.log) {
326            var d = console[a.data.type] ? a.data.type : "log",
327                b = a.data.errorCode;
328            if (a = a.data.additionalData) console[d]("[CKEDITOR] Error code: " + b + ".", a);
329            else console[d]("[CKEDITOR] Error code: " + b + ".");
330            console[d]("[CKEDITOR] For more information about this error go to https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor4/latest/guide/dev_errors.html#" + b)
331        }
332    }, null, null, 999);
333    CKEDITOR.dom = {};
334    (function() {
335        var a = [],
336            d = CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? "-moz-" : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? "-webkit-" : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "-ms-" : "",
337            b = /&/g,
338            c = />/g,
339            f = /</g,
340            h = /"/g,
341            k = /&(lt|gt|amp|quot|nbsp|shy|#\d{1,5});/g,
342            g = {
343                lt: "\x3c",
344                gt: "\x3e",
345                amp: "\x26",
346                quot: '"',
347                nbsp: " ",
348                shy: "­"
349            },
350            n = function(a, e) {
351                return "#" == e[0] ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e.slice(1), 10)) : g[e]
352            };
353        CKEDITOR.on("reset", function() {
354            a = []
355        });
356        CKEDITOR.tools = {
357            arrayCompare: function(a, e) {
358                if (!a && !e) return !0;
359                if (!a || !e || a.length != e.length) return !1;
360                for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
361                    if (a[b] != e[b]) return !1;
362                return !0
363            },
364            getIndex: function(a, e) {
365                for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b)
366                    if (e(a[b])) return b;
367                return -1
368            },
369            clone: function(a) {
370                var e;
371                if (a && a instanceof Array) {
372                    e = [];
373                    for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) e[b] = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(a[b]);
374                    return e
375                }
376                if (null === a || "object" != typeof a || a instanceof String || a instanceof Number || a instanceof Boolean || a instanceof Date || a instanceof RegExp || a.nodeType || a.window === a) return a;
377                e = new a.constructor;
378                for (b in a) e[b] = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(a[b]);
379                return e
380            },
381            capitalize: function(a, e) {
382                return a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() +
383                    (e ? a.slice(1) : a.slice(1).toLowerCase())
384            },
385            extend: function(a) {
386                var e = arguments.length,
387                    b, v;
388                "boolean" == typeof(b = arguments[e - 1]) ? e-- : "boolean" == typeof(b = arguments[e - 2]) && (v = arguments[e - 1], e -= 2);
389                for (var c = 1; c < e; c++) {
390                    var g = arguments[c],
391                        d;
392                    for (d in g)
393                        if (!0 === b || null == a[d])
394                            if (!v || d in v) a[d] = g[d]
395                }
396                return a
397            },
398            prototypedCopy: function(a) {
399                var e = function() {};
400                e.prototype = a;
401                return new e
402            },
403            copy: function(a) {
404                var e = {},
405                    b;
406                for (b in a) e[b] = a[b];
407                return e
408            },
409            isArray: function(a) {
410                return "[object Array]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(a)
411            },
412            isEmpty: function(a) {
413                for (var e in a)
414                    if (a.hasOwnProperty(e)) return !1;
415                return !0
416            },
417            cssVendorPrefix: function(a, e, b) {
418                if (b) return d + a + ":" + e + ";" + a + ":" + e;
419                b = {};
420                b[a] = e;
421                b[d + a] = e;
422                return b
423            },
424            cssStyleToDomStyle: function() {
425                var a = document.createElement("div").style,
426                    e = "undefined" != typeof a.cssFloat ? "cssFloat" : "undefined" != typeof a.styleFloat ? "styleFloat" : "float";
427                return function(a) {
428                    return "float" == a ? e : a.replace(/-./g, function(a) {
429                        return a.substr(1).toUpperCase()
430                    })
431                }
432            }(),
433            buildStyleHtml: function(a) {
434                a = [].concat(a);
435                for (var e,
436                        b = [], v = 0; v < a.length; v++)
437                    if (e = a[v]) /@import|[{}]/.test(e) ? b.push("\x3cstyle\x3e" + e + "\x3c/style\x3e") : b.push('\x3clink type\x3d"text/css" rel\x3dstylesheet href\x3d"' + e + '"\x3e');
438                return b.join("")
439            },
440            htmlEncode: function(a) {
441                return void 0 === a || null === a ? "" : String(a).replace(b, "\x26amp;").replace(c, "\x26gt;").replace(f, "\x26lt;")
442            },
443            htmlDecode: function(a) {
444                return a.replace(k, n)
445            },
446            htmlEncodeAttr: function(a) {
447                return CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(a).replace(h, "\x26quot;")
448            },
449            htmlDecodeAttr: function(a) {
450                return CKEDITOR.tools.htmlDecode(a)
451            },
452            transformPlainTextToHtml: function(a, e) {
453                var b = e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
454                    v = this.htmlEncode(a.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")),
455                    v = v.replace(/\t/g, "\x26nbsp;\x26nbsp; \x26nbsp;"),
456                    c = e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div";
457                if (!b) {
458                    var g = /\n{2}/g;
459                    if (g.test(v)) var d = "\x3c" + c + "\x3e",
460                        m = "\x3c/" + c + "\x3e",
461                        v = d + v.replace(g, function() {
462                            return m + d
463                        }) + m
464                }
465                v = v.replace(/\n/g, "\x3cbr\x3e");
466                b || (v = v.replace(new RegExp("\x3cbr\x3e(?\x3d\x3c/" + c + "\x3e)"), function(a) {
467                    return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat(a, 2)
468                }));
469                v = v.replace(/^ | $/g, "\x26nbsp;");
470                return v = v.replace(/(>|\s) /g,
471                    function(a, e) {
472                        return e + "\x26nbsp;"
473                    }).replace(/ (?=<)/g, "\x26nbsp;")
474            },
475            getNextNumber: function() {
476                var a = 0;
477                return function() {
478                    return ++a
479                }
480            }(),
481            getNextId: function() {
482                return "cke_" + this.getNextNumber()
483            },
484            getUniqueId: function() {
485                for (var a = "e", e = 0; 8 > e; e++) a += Math.floor(65536 * (1 + Math.random())).toString(16).substring(1);
486                return a
487            },
488            override: function(a, e) {
489                var b = e(a);
490                b.prototype = a.prototype;
491                return b
492            },
493            setTimeout: function(a, e, b, c, g) {
494                g || (g = window);
495                b || (b = g);
496                return g.setTimeout(function() {
497                        c ? a.apply(b, [].concat(c)) : a.apply(b)
498                    },
499                    e || 0)
500            },
501            throttle: function(a, e, b) {
502                var c, g = 0;
503                b = b || {};
504                return {
505                    input: function() {
506                        function d() {
507                            g = (new Date).getTime();
508                            c = !1;
509                            e.apply(b, n)
510                        }
511                        var n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
512                        c && (clearTimeout(c), c = 0);
513                        var m = (new Date).getTime() - g;
514                        m < a ? c = setTimeout(d, a - m) : d()
515                    },
516                    reset: function() {
517                        c && (clearTimeout(c), c = g = 0)
518                    }
519                }
520            },
521            trim: function() {
522                var a = /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g;
523                return function(e) {
524                    return e.replace(a, "")
525                }
526            }(),
527            ltrim: function() {
528                var a = /^[ \t\n\r]+/g;
529                return function(e) {
530                    return e.replace(a, "")
531                }
532            }(),
533            rtrim: function() {
534                var a =
535                    /[ \t\n\r]+$/g;
536                return function(e) {
537                    return e.replace(a, "")
538                }
539            }(),
540            indexOf: function(a, e) {
541                if ("function" == typeof e)
542                    for (var b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) {
543                        if (e(a[b])) return b
544                    } else {
545                        if (a.indexOf) return a.indexOf(e);
546                        b = 0;
547                        for (c = a.length; b < c; b++)
548                            if (a[b] === e) return b
549                    }
550                return -1
551            },
552            search: function(a, e) {
553                var b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(a, e);
554                return 0 <= b ? a[b] : null
555            },
556            bind: function(a, e) {
557                return function() {
558                    return a.apply(e, arguments)
559                }
560            },
561            createClass: function(a) {
562                var e = a.$,
563                    b = a.base,
564                    c = a.privates || a._,
565                    g = a.proto;
566                a = a.statics;
567                !e && (e = function() {
568                    b &&
569                        this.base.apply(this, arguments)
570                });
571                if (c) var d = e,
572                    e = function() {
573                        var a = this._ || (this._ = {}),
574                            e;
575                        for (e in c) {
576                            var b = c[e];
577                            a[e] = "function" == typeof b ? CKEDITOR.tools.bind(b, this) : b
578                        }
579                        d.apply(this, arguments)
580                    };
581                b && (e.prototype = this.prototypedCopy(b.prototype), e.prototype.constructor = e, e.base = b, e.baseProto = b.prototype, e.prototype.base = function() {
582                    this.base = b.prototype.base;
583                    b.apply(this, arguments);
584                    this.base = arguments.callee
585                });
586                g && this.extend(e.prototype, g, !0);
587                a && this.extend(e, a, !0);
588                return e
589            },
590            addFunction: function(b, e) {
591                return a.push(function() {
592                    return b.apply(e ||
593                        this, arguments)
594                }) - 1
595            },
596            removeFunction: function(b) {
597                a[b] = null
598            },
599            callFunction: function(b) {
600                var e = a[b];
601                return e && e.apply(window, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))
602            },
603            cssLength: function() {
604                var a = /^-?\d+\.?\d*px$/,
605                    e;
606                return function(b) {
607                    e = CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b + "") + "px";
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794                            36),
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1016                                b([0, 1, 2, 1]);
1017                                break;
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1059                        a[d], d, a));
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1074                    if ("object" !== typeof a) return null;
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1076                        if (a[c] === b) return c;
1077                    return null
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1673        return d
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1675    CKEDITOR.dom.event = function(a) {
1676        this.$ = a
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1679        getKey: function() {
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1681        },
1682        getKeystroke: function() {
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1687            return a
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1689        preventDefault: function(a) {
1690            var d = this.$;
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1692            a && this.stopPropagation()
1693        },
1694        stopPropagation: function() {
1695            var a = this.$;
1696            a.stopPropagation ? a.stopPropagation() : a.cancelBubble = !0
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1698        getTarget: function() {
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1704            return this.$.eventPhase || 2
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1714    CKEDITOR.CTRL = 1114112;
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1720    CKEDITOR.dom.domObject = function(a) {
1721        a && (this.$ = a)
1722    };
1723    CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype = function() {
1724        var a = function(a, b) {
1725            return function(c) {
1726                "undefined" != typeof CKEDITOR && a.fire(b, new CKEDITOR.dom.event(c))
1727            }
1728        };
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1730            getPrivate: function() {
1731                var a;
1732                (a = this.getCustomData("_")) || this.setCustomData("_", a = {});
1733                return a
1734            },
1735            on: function(d) {
1736                var b = this.getCustomData("_cke_nativeListeners");
1737                b || (b = {}, this.setCustomData("_cke_nativeListeners", b));
1738                b[d] || (b = b[d] = a(this, d), this.$.addEventListener ? this.$.addEventListener(d, b, !!CKEDITOR.event.useCapture) : this.$.attachEvent && this.$.attachEvent("on" +
1739                    d, b));
1740                return CKEDITOR.event.prototype.on.apply(this, arguments)
1741            },
1742            removeListener: function(a) {
1743                CKEDITOR.event.prototype.removeListener.apply(this, arguments);
1744                if (!this.hasListeners(a)) {
1745                    var b = this.getCustomData("_cke_nativeListeners"),
1746                        c = b && b[a];
1747                    c && (this.$.removeEventListener ? this.$.removeEventListener(a, c, !1) : this.$.detachEvent && this.$.detachEvent("on" + a, c), delete b[a])
1748                }
1749            },
1750            removeAllListeners: function() {
1751                var a = this.getCustomData("_cke_nativeListeners"),
1752                    b;
1753                for (b in a) {
1754                    var c = a[b];
1755                    this.$.detachEvent ? this.$.detachEvent("on" +
1756                        b, c) : this.$.removeEventListener && this.$.removeEventListener(b, c, !1);
1757                    delete a[b]
1758                }
1759                CKEDITOR.event.prototype.removeAllListeners.call(this)
1760            }
1761        }
1762    }();
1763    (function(a) {
1764        var d = {};
1765        CKEDITOR.on("reset", function() {
1766            d = {}
1767        });
1768        a.equals = function(a) {
1769            try {
1770                return a && a.$ === this.$
1771            } catch (c) {
1772                return !1
1773            }
1774        };
1775        a.setCustomData = function(a, c) {
1776            var f = this.getUniqueId();
1777            (d[f] || (d[f] = {}))[a] = c;
1778            return this
1779        };
1780        a.getCustomData = function(a) {
1781            var c = this.$["data-cke-expando"];
1782            return (c = c && d[c]) && a in c ? c[a] : null
1783        };
1784        a.removeCustomData = function(a) {
1785            var c = this.$["data-cke-expando"],
1786                c = c && d[c],
1787                f, h;
1788            c && (f = c[a], h = a in c, delete c[a]);
1789            return h ? f : null
1790        };
1791        a.clearCustomData = function() {
1792            this.removeAllListeners();
1793            var a =
1794                this.$["data-cke-expando"];
1795            a && delete d[a]
1796        };
1797        a.getUniqueId = function() {
1798            return this.$["data-cke-expando"] || (this.$["data-cke-expando"] = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber())
1799        };
1800        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(a)
1801    })(CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.prototype);
1802    CKEDITOR.dom.node = function(a) {
1803        return a ? new CKEDITOR.dom[a.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT ? "document" : a.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? "element" : a.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? "text" : a.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ? "comment" : a.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ? "documentFragment" : "domObject"](a) : this
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1805    CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject;
1817    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.node.prototype, {
1818        appendTo: function(a, d) {
1819            a.append(this, d);
1820            return a
1821        },
1822        clone: function(a, d) {
1823            function b(c) {
1824                c["data-cke-expando"] && (c["data-cke-expando"] = !1);
1825                if (c.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || c.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT)
1826                    if (d || c.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || c.removeAttribute("id", !1), a) {
1827                        c = c.childNodes;
1828                        for (var f = 0; f < c.length; f++) b(c[f])
1829                    }
1830            }
1832            function c(b) {
1833                if (b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
1834                    if (b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
1835                        var d =
1836                            b.getName();
1837                        ":" == d[0] && b.renameNode(d.substring(1))
1838                    }
1839                    if (a)
1840                        for (d = 0; d < b.getChildCount(); d++) c(b.getChild(d))
1841                }
1842            }
1843            var f = this.$.cloneNode(a);
1844            b(f);
1845            f = new CKEDITOR.dom.node(f);
1846            CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version && (this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) && c(f);
1847            return f
1848        },
1849        hasPrevious: function() {
1850            return !!this.$.previousSibling
1851        },
1852        hasNext: function() {
1853            return !!this.$.nextSibling
1854        },
1855        insertAfter: function(a) {
1856            a.$.parentNode.insertBefore(this.$, a.$.nextSibling);
1857            return a
1858        },
1859        insertBefore: function(a) {
1860            a.$.parentNode.insertBefore(this.$,
1861                a.$);
1862            return a
1863        },
1864        insertBeforeMe: function(a) {
1865            this.$.parentNode.insertBefore(a.$, this.$);
1866            return a
1867        },
1868        getAddress: function(a) {
1869            for (var d = [], b = this.getDocument().$.documentElement, c = this.$; c && c != b;) {
1870                var f = c.parentNode;
1871                f && d.unshift(this.getIndex.call({
1872                    $: c
1873                }, a));
1874                c = f
1875            }
1876            return d
1877        },
1878        getDocument: function() {
1879            return new CKEDITOR.dom.document(this.$.ownerDocument || this.$.parentNode.ownerDocument)
1880        },
1881        getIndex: function(a) {
1882            function d(a, c) {
1883                var n = c ? a.nextSibling : a.previousSibling;
1884                return n && n.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? b(n) ? d(n,
1885                    c) : n : null
1886            }
1888            function b(a) {
1889                return !a.nodeValue || a.nodeValue == CKEDITOR.dom.selection.FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE
1890            }
1891            var c = this.$,
1892                f = -1,
1893                h;
1894            if (!this.$.parentNode || a && c.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && b(c) && !d(c) && !d(c, !0)) return -1;
1895            do a && c != this.$ && c.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (h || b(c)) || (f++, h = c.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT); while (c = c.previousSibling);
1896            return f
1897        },
1898        getNextSourceNode: function(a, d, b) {
1899            if (b && !b.call) {
1900                var c = b;
1901                b = function(a) {
1902                    return !a.equals(c)
1903                }
1904            }
1905            a = !a && this.getFirst && this.getFirst();
1906            var f;
1907            if (!a) {
1908                if (this.type ==
1909                    CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b && !1 === b(this, !0)) return null;
1910                a = this.getNext()
1911            }
1912            for (; !a && (f = (f || this).getParent());) {
1913                if (b && !1 === b(f, !0)) return null;
1914                a = f.getNext()
1915            }
1916            return !a || b && !1 === b(a) ? null : d && d != a.type ? a.getNextSourceNode(!1, d, b) : a
1917        },
1918        getPreviousSourceNode: function(a, d, b) {
1919            if (b && !b.call) {
1920                var c = b;
1921                b = function(a) {
1922                    return !a.equals(c)
1923                }
1924            }
1925            a = !a && this.getLast && this.getLast();
1926            var f;
1927            if (!a) {
1928                if (this.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b && !1 === b(this, !0)) return null;
1929                a = this.getPrevious()
1930            }
1931            for (; !a && (f = (f || this).getParent());) {
1932                if (b && !1 ===
1933                    b(f, !0)) return null;
1934                a = f.getPrevious()
1935            }
1936            return !a || b && !1 === b(a) ? null : d && a.type != d ? a.getPreviousSourceNode(!1, d, b) : a
1937        },
1938        getPrevious: function(a) {
1939            var d = this.$,
1940                b;
1941            do b = (d = d.previousSibling) && 10 != d.nodeType && new CKEDITOR.dom.node(d); while (b && a && !a(b));
1942            return b
1943        },
1944        getNext: function(a) {
1945            var d = this.$,
1946                b;
1947            do b = (d = d.nextSibling) && new CKEDITOR.dom.node(d); while (b && a && !a(b));
1948            return b
1949        },
1950        getParent: function(a) {
1951            var d = this.$.parentNode;
1952            return d && (d.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || a && d.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) ?
1953                new CKEDITOR.dom.node(d) : null
1954        },
1955        getParents: function(a) {
1956            var d = this,
1957                b = [];
1958            do b[a ? "push" : "unshift"](d); while (d = d.getParent());
1959            return b
1960        },
1961        getCommonAncestor: function(a) {
1962            if (a.equals(this)) return this;
1963            if (a.contains && a.contains(this)) return a;
1964            var d = this.contains ? this : this.getParent();
1965            do
1966                if (d.contains(a)) return d; while (d = d.getParent());
1967            return null
1968        },
1969        getPosition: function(a) {
1970            var d = this.$,
1971                b = a.$;
1972            if (d.compareDocumentPosition) return d.compareDocumentPosition(b);
1973            if (d == b) return CKEDITOR.POSITION_IDENTICAL;
1974            if (this.type ==
1975                CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
1976                if (d.contains) {
1977                    if (d.contains(b)) return CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS + CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING;
1978                    if (b.contains(d)) return CKEDITOR.POSITION_IS_CONTAINED + CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING
1979                }
1980                if ("sourceIndex" in d) return 0 > d.sourceIndex || 0 > b.sourceIndex ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_DISCONNECTED : d.sourceIndex < b.sourceIndex ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING : CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING
1981            }
1982            d = this.getAddress();
1983            a = a.getAddress();
1984            for (var b = Math.min(d.length, a.length), c = 0; c < b; c++)
1985                if (d[c] !=
1986                    a[c]) return d[c] < a[c] ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING : CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING;
1988        },
1989        getAscendant: function(a, d) {
1990            var b = this.$,
1991                c, f;
1992            d || (b = b.parentNode);
1993            "function" == typeof a ? (f = !0, c = a) : (f = !1, c = function(b) {
1994                b = "string" == typeof b.nodeName ? b.nodeName.toLowerCase() : "";
1995                return "string" == typeof a ? b == a : b in a
1996            });
1997            for (; b;) {
1998                if (c(f ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b) : b)) return new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b);
1999                try {
2000                    b = b.parentNode
2001                } catch (h) {
2002                    b = null
2003                }
2004            }
2005            return null
2006        },
2007        hasAscendant: function(a, d) {
2008            var b = this.$;
2009            d || (b = b.parentNode);
2010            for (; b;) {
2011                if (b.nodeName && b.nodeName.toLowerCase() == a) return !0;
2012                b = b.parentNode
2013            }
2014            return !1
2015        },
2016        move: function(a, d) {
2017            a.append(this.remove(), d)
2018        },
2019        remove: function(a) {
2020            var d = this.$,
2021                b = d.parentNode;
2022            if (b) {
2023                if (a)
2024                    for (; a = d.firstChild;) b.insertBefore(d.removeChild(a), d);
2025                b.removeChild(d)
2026            }
2027            return this
2028        },
2029        replace: function(a) {
2030            this.insertBefore(a);
2031            a.remove()
2032        },
2033        trim: function() {
2034            this.ltrim();
2035            this.rtrim()
2036        },
2037        ltrim: function() {
2038            for (var a; this.getFirst &&
2039                (a = this.getFirst());) {
2040                if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) {
2041                    var d = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(a.getText()),
2042                        b = a.getLength();
2043                    if (d) d.length < b && (a.split(b - d.length), this.$.removeChild(this.$.firstChild));
2044                    else {
2045                        a.remove();
2046                        continue
2047                    }
2048                }
2049                break
2050            }
2051        },
2052        rtrim: function() {
2053            for (var a; this.getLast && (a = this.getLast());) {
2054                if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) {
2055                    var d = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim(a.getText()),
2056                        b = a.getLength();
2057                    if (d) d.length < b && (a.split(d.length), this.$.lastChild.parentNode.removeChild(this.$.lastChild));
2058                    else {
2059                        a.remove();
2060                        continue
2061                    }
2062                }
2063                break
2064            }
2065            CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller &&
2066                (a = this.$.lastChild) && 1 == a.type && "br" == a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
2067        },
2068        isReadOnly: function(a) {
2069            var d = this;
2070            this.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (d = this.getParent());
2071            CKEDITOR.env.edge && d && d.is("textarea", "input") && (a = !0);
2072            if (!a && d && "undefined" != typeof d.$.isContentEditable) return !(d.$.isContentEditable || d.data("cke-editable"));
2073            for (; d;) {
2074                if (d.data("cke-editable")) return !1;
2075                if (d.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) return "false" == d.getAttribute("contenteditable");
2076                d = d.getParent()
2077            }
2078            return !0
2079        }
2080    });
2081    CKEDITOR.dom.window = function(a) {
2082        CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call(this, a)
2083    };
2084    CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject;
2085    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.window.prototype, {
2086        focus: function() {
2087            this.$.focus()
2088        },
2089        getViewPaneSize: function() {
2090            var a = this.$.document,
2091                d = "CSS1Compat" == a.compatMode;
2092            return {
2093                width: (d ? a.documentElement.clientWidth : a.body.clientWidth) || 0,
2094                height: (d ? a.documentElement.clientHeight : a.body.clientHeight) || 0
2095            }
2096        },
2097        getScrollPosition: function() {
2098            var a = this.$;
2099            if ("pageXOffset" in a) return {
2100                x: a.pageXOffset || 0,
2101                y: a.pageYOffset || 0
2102            };
2103            a = a.document;
2104            return {
2105                x: a.documentElement.scrollLeft || a.body.scrollLeft || 0,
2106                y: a.documentElement.scrollTop ||
2107                    a.body.scrollTop || 0
2108            }
2109        },
2110        getFrame: function() {
2111            var a = this.$.frameElement;
2112            return a ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(a) : null
2113        }
2114    });
2115    CKEDITOR.dom.document = function(a) {
2116        CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call(this, a)
2117    };
2118    CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.domObject;
2119    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype, {
2120        type: CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT,
2121        appendStyleSheet: function(a) {
2122            if (this.$.createStyleSheet) this.$.createStyleSheet(a);
2123            else {
2124                var d = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("link");
2125                d.setAttributes({
2126                    rel: "stylesheet",
2127                    type: "text/css",
2128                    href: a
2129                });
2130                this.getHead().append(d)
2131            }
2132        },
2133        appendStyleText: function(a) {
2134            if (this.$.createStyleSheet) {
2135                var d = this.$.createStyleSheet("");
2136                d.cssText = a
2137            } else {
2138                var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("style", this);
2139                b.append(new CKEDITOR.dom.text(a, this));
2140                this.getHead().append(b)
2141            }
2142            return d ||
2143                b.$.sheet
2144        },
2145        createElement: function(a, d) {
2146            var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a, this);
2147            d && (d.attributes && b.setAttributes(d.attributes), d.styles && b.setStyles(d.styles));
2148            return b
2149        },
2150        createText: function(a) {
2151            return new CKEDITOR.dom.text(a, this)
2152        },
2153        focus: function() {
2154            this.getWindow().focus()
2155        },
2156        getActive: function() {
2157            var a;
2158            try {
2159                a = this.$.activeElement
2160            } catch (d) {
2161                return null
2162            }
2163            return new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a)
2164        },
2165        getById: function(a) {
2166            return (a = this.$.getElementById(a)) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a) : null
2167        },
2168        getByAddress: function(a, d) {
2169            for (var b =
2170                    this.$.documentElement, c = 0; b && c < a.length; c++) {
2171                var f = a[c];
2172                if (d)
2173                    for (var h = -1, k = 0; k < b.childNodes.length; k++) {
2174                        var g = b.childNodes[k];
2175                        if (!0 !== d || 3 != g.nodeType || !g.previousSibling || 3 != g.previousSibling.nodeType)
2176                            if (h++, h == f) {
2177                                b = g;
2178                                break
2179                            }
2180                    } else b = b.childNodes[f]
2181            }
2182            return b ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b) : null
2183        },
2184        getElementsByTag: function(a, d) {
2185            CKEDITOR.env.ie && 8 >= document.documentMode || !d || (a = d + ":" + a);
2186            return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList(this.$.getElementsByTagName(a))
2187        },
2188        getHead: function() {
2189            var a = this.$.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
2190            return a = a ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a) : this.getDocumentElement().append(new CKEDITOR.dom.element("head"), !0)
2191        },
2192        getBody: function() {
2193            return new CKEDITOR.dom.element(this.$.body)
2194        },
2195        getDocumentElement: function() {
2196            return new CKEDITOR.dom.element(this.$.documentElement)
2197        },
2198        getWindow: function() {
2199            return new CKEDITOR.dom.window(this.$.parentWindow || this.$.defaultView)
2200        },
2201        write: function(a) {
2202            this.$.open("text/html", "replace");
2203            CKEDITOR.env.ie && (a = a.replace(/(?:^\s*<!DOCTYPE[^>]*?>)|^/i, '$\x26\n\x3cscript data-cke-temp\x3d"1"\x3e(' +
2204                CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();\x3c/script\x3e"));
2205            this.$.write(a);
2206            this.$.close()
2207        },
2208        find: function(a) {
2209            return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList(this.$.querySelectorAll(a))
2210        },
2211        findOne: function(a) {
2212            return (a = this.$.querySelector(a)) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a) : null
2213        },
2214        _getHtml5ShivFrag: function() {
2215            var a = this.getCustomData("html5ShivFrag");
2216            a || (a = this.$.createDocumentFragment(), CKEDITOR.tools.enableHtml5Elements(a, !0), this.setCustomData("html5ShivFrag", a));
2217            return a
2218        }
2219    });
2220    CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList = function(a) {
2221        this.$ = a
2222    };
2223    CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList.prototype = {
2224        count: function() {
2225            return this.$.length
2226        },
2227        getItem: function(a) {
2228            return 0 > a || a >= this.$.length ? null : (a = this.$[a]) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node(a) : null
2229        },
2230        toArray: function() {
2231            return CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(this.$, function(a) {
2232                return new CKEDITOR.dom.node(a)
2233            })
2234        }
2235    };
2236    CKEDITOR.dom.element = function(a, d) {
2237        "string" == typeof a && (a = (d ? d.$ : document).createElement(a));
2238        CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call(this, a)
2239    };
2240    CKEDITOR.dom.element.get = function(a) {
2241        return (a = "string" == typeof a ? document.getElementById(a) || document.getElementsByName(a)[0] : a) && (a.$ ? a : new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a))
2242    };
2243    CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node;
2244    CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml = function(a, d) {
2245        var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div", d);
2246        b.setHtml(a);
2247        return b.getFirst().remove()
2248    };
2249    CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker = function(a, d, b, c) {
2250        var f = d.getCustomData("list_marker_id") || d.setCustomData("list_marker_id", CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber()).getCustomData("list_marker_id"),
2251            h = d.getCustomData("list_marker_names") || d.setCustomData("list_marker_names", {}).getCustomData("list_marker_names");
2252        a[f] = d;
2253        h[b] = 1;
2254        return d.setCustomData(b, c)
2255    };
2256    CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers = function(a) {
2257        for (var d in a) CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers(a, a[d], 1)
2258    };
2259    CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers = function(a, d, b) {
2260        var c = d.getCustomData("list_marker_names"),
2261            f = d.getCustomData("list_marker_id"),
2262            h;
2263        for (h in c) d.removeCustomData(h);
2264        d.removeCustomData("list_marker_names");
2265        b && (d.removeCustomData("list_marker_id"), delete a[f])
2266    };
2267    (function() {
2268        function a(a, b) {
2269            return -1 < (" " + a + " ").replace(h, " ").indexOf(" " + b + " ")
2270        }
2272        function d(a) {
2273            var b = !0;
2274            a.$.id || (a.$.id = "cke_tmp_" + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(), b = !1);
2275            return function() {
2276                b || a.removeAttribute("id")
2277            }
2278        }
2280        function b(a, b) {
2281            var c = CKEDITOR.tools.escapeCss(a.$.id);
2282            return "#" + c + " " + b.split(/,\s*/).join(", #" + c + " ")
2283        }
2285        function c(a) {
2286            for (var b = 0, c = 0, e = k[a].length; c < e; c++) b += parseFloat(this.getComputedStyle(k[a][c]) || 0, 10) || 0;
2287            return b
2288        }
2289        var f = document.createElement("_").classList,
2290            f = "undefined" !== typeof f &&
2291            null !== String(f.add).match(/\[Native code\]/gi),
2292            h = /[\n\t\r]/g;
2293        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype, {
2294            type: CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT,
2295            addClass: f ? function(a) {
2296                this.$.classList.add(a);
2297                return this
2298            } : function(b) {
2299                var c = this.$.className;
2300                c && (a(c, b) || (c += " " + b));
2301                this.$.className = c || b;
2302                return this
2303            },
2304            removeClass: f ? function(a) {
2305                var b = this.$;
2306                b.classList.remove(a);
2307                b.className || b.removeAttribute("class");
2308                return this
2309            } : function(b) {
2310                var c = this.getAttribute("class");
2311                c && a(c, b) && ((c = c.replace(new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" +
2312                    b + "(?\x3d\\s|$)"), "").replace(/^\s+/, "")) ? this.setAttribute("class", c) : this.removeAttribute("class"));
2313                return this
2314            },
2315            hasClass: function(b) {
2316                return a(this.$.className, b)
2317            },
2318            append: function(a, b) {
2319                "string" == typeof a && (a = this.getDocument().createElement(a));
2320                b ? this.$.insertBefore(a.$, this.$.firstChild) : this.$.appendChild(a.$);
2321                return a
2322            },
2323            appendHtml: function(a) {
2324                if (this.$.childNodes.length) {
2325                    var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div", this.getDocument());
2326                    b.setHtml(a);
2327                    b.moveChildren(this)
2328                } else this.setHtml(a)
2329            },
2330            appendText: function(a) {
2331                null !=
2332                    this.$.text && CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? this.$.text += a : this.append(new CKEDITOR.dom.text(a))
2333            },
2334            appendBogus: function(a) {
2335                if (a || CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller) {
2336                    for (a = this.getLast(); a && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim(a.getText());) a = a.getPrevious();
2337                    a && a.is && a.is("br") || (a = this.getDocument().createElement("br"), CKEDITOR.env.gecko && a.setAttribute("type", "_moz"), this.append(a))
2338                }
2339            },
2340            breakParent: function(a, b) {
2341                var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.getDocument());
2342                c.setStartAfter(this);
2343                c.setEndAfter(a);
2344                var e = c.extractContents(!1, b || !1),
2345                    d;
2346                c.insertNode(this.remove());
2347                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge) {
2348                    for (c = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div"); d = e.getFirst();) d.$.style.backgroundColor && (d.$.style.backgroundColor = d.$.style.backgroundColor), c.append(d);
2349                    c.insertAfter(this);
2350                    c.remove(!0)
2351                } else e.insertAfterNode(this)
2352            },
2353            contains: document.compareDocumentPosition ? function(a) {
2354                return !!(this.$.compareDocumentPosition(a.$) & 16)
2355            } : function(a) {
2356                var b = this.$;
2357                return a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? b.contains(a.getParent().$) :
2358                    b != a.$ && b.contains(a.$)
2359            },
2360            focus: function() {
2361                function a() {
2362                    try {
2363                        this.$.focus()
2364                    } catch (b) {}
2365                }
2366                return function(b) {
2367                    b ? CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(a, 100, this) : a.call(this)
2368                }
2369            }(),
2370            getHtml: function() {
2371                var a = this.$.innerHTML;
2372                return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? a.replace(/<\?[^>]*>/g, "") : a
2373            },
2374            getOuterHtml: function() {
2375                if (this.$.outerHTML) return this.$.outerHTML.replace(/<\?[^>]*>/, "");
2376                var a = this.$.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
2377                a.appendChild(this.$.cloneNode(!0));
2378                return a.innerHTML
2379            },
2380            getClientRect: function(a) {
2381                var b = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({},
2382                    this.$.getBoundingClientRect());
2383                !b.width && (b.width = b.right - b.left);
2384                !b.height && (b.height = b.bottom - b.top);
2385                return a ? CKEDITOR.tools.getAbsoluteRectPosition(this.getWindow(), b) : b
2386            },
2387            setHtml: CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? function(a) {
2388                try {
2389                    var b = this.$;
2390                    if (this.getParent()) return b.innerHTML = a;
2391                    var c = this.getDocument()._getHtml5ShivFrag();
2392                    c.appendChild(b);
2393                    b.innerHTML = a;
2394                    c.removeChild(b);
2395                    return a
2396                } catch (e) {
2397                    this.$.innerHTML = "";
2398                    b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("body", this.getDocument());
2399                    b.$.innerHTML = a;
2400                    for (b = b.getChildren(); b.count();) this.append(b.getItem(0));
2401                    return a
2402                }
2403            } : function(a) {
2404                return this.$.innerHTML = a
2405            },
2406            setText: function() {
2407                var a = document.createElement("p");
2408                a.innerHTML = "x";
2409                a = a.textContent;
2410                return function(b) {
2411                    this.$[a ? "textContent" : "innerText"] = b
2412                }
2413            }(),
2414            getAttribute: function() {
2415                var a = function(a) {
2416                    return this.$.getAttribute(a, 2)
2417                };
2418                return CKEDITOR.env.ie && (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks) ? function(a) {
2419                    switch (a) {
2420                        case "class":
2421                            a = "className";
2422                            break;
2423                        case "http-equiv":
2424                            a = "httpEquiv";
2425                            break;
2426                        case "name":
2427                            return this.$.name;
2428                        case "tabindex":
2429                            return a = this.$.getAttribute(a,
2430                                2), 0 !== a && 0 === this.$.tabIndex && (a = null), a;
2431                        case "checked":
2432                            return a = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem(a), (a.specified ? a.nodeValue : this.$.checked) ? "checked" : null;
2433                        case "hspace":
2434                        case "value":
2435                            return this.$[a];
2436                        case "style":
2437                            return this.$.style.cssText;
2438                        case "contenteditable":
2439                        case "contentEditable":
2440                            return this.$.attributes.getNamedItem("contentEditable").specified ? this.$.getAttribute("contentEditable") : null
2441                    }
2442                    return this.$.getAttribute(a, 2)
2443                } : a
2444            }(),
2445            getAttributes: function(a) {
2446                var b = {},
2447                    c = this.$.attributes,
2448                    e;
2449                a = CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a) ?
2450                    a : [];
2451                for (e = 0; e < c.length; e++) - 1 === CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(a, c[e].name) && (b[c[e].name] = c[e].value);
2452                return b
2453            },
2454            getChildren: function() {
2455                return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList(this.$.childNodes)
2456            },
2457            getComputedStyle: document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? function(a) {
2458                var b = this.getWindow().$.getComputedStyle(this.$, null);
2459                return b ? b.getPropertyValue(a) : ""
2460            } : function(a) {
2461                return this.$.currentStyle[CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle(a)]
2462            },
2463            getDtd: function() {
2464                var a = CKEDITOR.dtd[this.getName()];
2465                this.getDtd =
2466                    function() {
2467                        return a
2468                    };
2469                return a
2470            },
2471            getElementsByTag: CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getElementsByTag,
2472            getTabIndex: function() {
2473                var a = this.$.tabIndex;
2474                return 0 !== a || CKEDITOR.dtd.$tabIndex[this.getName()] || 0 === parseInt(this.getAttribute("tabindex"), 10) ? a : -1
2475            },
2476            getText: function() {
2477                return this.$.textContent || this.$.innerText || ""
2478            },
2479            getWindow: function() {
2480                return this.getDocument().getWindow()
2481            },
2482            getId: function() {
2483                return this.$.id || null
2484            },
2485            getNameAtt: function() {
2486                return this.$.name || null
2487            },
2488            getName: function() {
2489                var a = this.$.nodeName.toLowerCase();
2490                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 8 >= document.documentMode) {
2491                    var b = this.$.scopeName;
2492                    "HTML" != b && (a = b.toLowerCase() + ":" + a)
2493                }
2494                this.getName = function() {
2495                    return a
2496                };
2497                return this.getName()
2498            },
2499            getValue: function() {
2500                return this.$.value
2501            },
2502            getFirst: function(a) {
2503                var b = this.$.firstChild;
2504                (b = b && new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b)) && a && !a(b) && (b = b.getNext(a));
2505                return b
2506            },
2507            getLast: function(a) {
2508                var b = this.$.lastChild;
2509                (b = b && new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b)) && a && !a(b) && (b = b.getPrevious(a));
2510                return b
2511            },
2512            getStyle: function(a) {
2513                return this.$.style[CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle(a)]
2514            },
2515            is: function() {
2516                var a = this.getName();
2517                if ("object" == typeof arguments[0]) return !!arguments[0][a];
2518                for (var b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++)
2519                    if (arguments[b] == a) return !0;
2520                return !1
2521            },
2522            isEditable: function(a) {
2523                var b = this.getName();
2524                return this.isReadOnly() || "none" == this.getComputedStyle("display") || "hidden" == this.getComputedStyle("visibility") || CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable[b] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[b] || this.is("a") && (this.data("cke-saved-name") || this.hasAttribute("name")) && !this.getChildCount() ? !1 : !1 !== a ? (a = CKEDITOR.dtd[b] ||
2525                    CKEDITOR.dtd.span, !(!a || !a["#"])) : !0
2526            },
2527            isIdentical: function(a) {
2528                var b = this.clone(0, 1);
2529                a = a.clone(0, 1);
2530                b.removeAttributes(["_moz_dirty", "data-cke-expando", "data-cke-saved-href", "data-cke-saved-name"]);
2531                a.removeAttributes(["_moz_dirty", "data-cke-expando", "data-cke-saved-href", "data-cke-saved-name"]);
2532                if (b.$.isEqualNode) return b.$.style.cssText = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText(b.$.style.cssText), a.$.style.cssText = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText(a.$.style.cssText), b.$.isEqualNode(a.$);
2533                b = b.getOuterHtml();
2534                a =
2535                    a.getOuterHtml();
2536                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version && this.is("a")) {
2537                    var c = this.getParent();
2538                    c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (c = c.clone(), c.setHtml(b), b = c.getHtml(), c.setHtml(a), a = c.getHtml())
2539                }
2540                return b == a
2541            },
2542            isVisible: function() {
2543                var a = (this.$.offsetHeight || this.$.offsetWidth) && "hidden" != this.getComputedStyle("visibility"),
2544                    b, c;
2545                a && CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (b = this.getWindow(), !b.equals(CKEDITOR.document.getWindow()) && (c = b.$.frameElement) && (a = (new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c)).isVisible()));
2546                return !!a
2547            },
2548            isEmptyInlineRemoveable: function() {
2549                if (!CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[this.getName()]) return !1;
2550                for (var a = this.getChildren(), b = 0, c = a.count(); b < c; b++) {
2551                    var e = a.getItem(b);
2552                    if (e.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !e.data("cke-bookmark"))
2553                        if (e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !e.isEmptyInlineRemoveable() || e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && CKEDITOR.tools.trim(e.getText())) return !1
2554                }
2555                return !0
2556            },
2557            hasAttributes: CKEDITOR.env.ie && (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks) ? function() {
2558                for (var a = this.$.attributes, b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
2559                    var c = a[b];
2560                    switch (c.nodeName) {
2561                        case "class":
2562                            if (this.getAttribute("class")) return !0;
2563                        case "data-cke-expando":
2564                            continue;
2565                        default:
2566                            if (c.specified) return !0
2567                    }
2568                }
2569                return !1
2570            } : function() {
2571                var a = this.$.attributes,
2572                    b = a.length,
2573                    c = {
2574                        "data-cke-expando": 1,
2575                        _moz_dirty: 1
2576                    };
2577                return 0 < b && (2 < b || !c[a[0].nodeName] || 2 == b && !c[a[1].nodeName])
2578            },
2579            hasAttribute: function() {
2580                function a(b) {
2581                    var c = this.$.attributes.getNamedItem(b);
2582                    if ("input" == this.getName()) switch (b) {
2583                        case "class":
2584                            return 0 < this.$.className.length;
2585                        case "checked":
2586                            return !!this.$.checked;
2587                        case "value":
2588                            return b = this.getAttribute("type"), "checkbox" == b || "radio" == b ? "on" != this.$.value : !!this.$.value
2589                    }
2590                    return c ?
2591                        c.specified : !1
2592                }
2593                return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 8 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? function(b) {
2594                    return "name" == b ? !!this.$.name : a.call(this, b)
2595                } : a : function(a) {
2596                    return !!this.$.attributes.getNamedItem(a)
2597                }
2598            }(),
2599            hide: function() {
2600                this.setStyle("display", "none")
2601            },
2602            moveChildren: function(a, b) {
2603                var c = this.$;
2604                a = a.$;
2605                if (c != a) {
2606                    var e;
2607                    if (b)
2608                        for (; e = c.lastChild;) a.insertBefore(c.removeChild(e), a.firstChild);
2609                    else
2610                        for (; e = c.firstChild;) a.appendChild(c.removeChild(e))
2611                }
2612            },
2613            mergeSiblings: function() {
2614                function a(b, c, e) {
2615                    if (c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
2616                        for (var d = []; c.data("cke-bookmark") || c.isEmptyInlineRemoveable();)
2617                            if (d.push(c), c = e ? c.getNext() : c.getPrevious(), !c || c.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return;
2618                        if (b.isIdentical(c)) {
2619                            for (var g = e ? b.getLast() : b.getFirst(); d.length;) d.shift().move(b, !e);
2620                            c.moveChildren(b, !e);
2621                            c.remove();
2622                            g && g.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && g.mergeSiblings()
2623                        }
2624                    }
2625                }
2626                return function(b) {
2627                    if (!1 === b || CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[this.getName()] || this.is("a")) a(this, this.getNext(), !0), a(this, this.getPrevious())
2628                }
2629            }(),
2630            show: function() {
2631                this.setStyles({
2632                    display: "",
2633                    visibility: ""
2634                })
2635            },
2636            setAttribute: function() {
2637                var a = function(a, b) {
2638                    this.$.setAttribute(a, b);
2639                    return this
2640                };
2641                return CKEDITOR.env.ie && (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks) ? function(b, c) {
2642                    "class" == b ? this.$.className = c : "style" == b ? this.$.style.cssText = c : "tabindex" == b ? this.$.tabIndex = c : "checked" == b ? this.$.checked = c : "contenteditable" == b ? a.call(this, "contentEditable", c) : a.apply(this, arguments);
2643                    return this
2644                } : CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat && CKEDITOR.env.secure ? function(b, c) {
2645                    if ("src" == b && c.match(/^http:\/\//)) try {
2646                        a.apply(this,
2647                            arguments)
2648                    } catch (e) {} else a.apply(this, arguments);
2649                    return this
2650                } : a
2651            }(),
2652            setAttributes: function(a) {
2653                for (var b in a) this.setAttribute(b, a[b]);
2654                return this
2655            },
2656            setValue: function(a) {
2657                this.$.value = a;
2658                return this
2659            },
2660            removeAttribute: function() {
2661                var a = function(a) {
2662                    this.$.removeAttribute(a)
2663                };
2664                return CKEDITOR.env.ie && (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks) ? function(a) {
2665                    "class" == a ? a = "className" : "tabindex" == a ? a = "tabIndex" : "contenteditable" == a && (a = "contentEditable");
2666                    this.$.removeAttribute(a)
2667                } : a
2668            }(),
2669            removeAttributes: function(a) {
2670                if (CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a))
2671                    for (var b =
2672                            0; b < a.length; b++) this.removeAttribute(a[b]);
2673                else
2674                    for (b in a = a || this.getAttributes(), a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && this.removeAttribute(b)
2675            },
2676            removeStyle: function(a) {
2677                var b = this.$.style;
2678                if (b.removeProperty || "border" != a && "margin" != a && "padding" != a) b.removeProperty ? b.removeProperty(a) : b.removeAttribute(CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle(a)), this.$.style.cssText || this.removeAttribute("style");
2679                else {
2680                    var c = ["top", "left", "right", "bottom"],
2681                        e;
2682                    "border" == a && (e = ["color", "style", "width"]);
2683                    for (var b = [], d = 0; d < c.length; d++)
2684                        if (e)
2685                            for (var v =
2686                                    0; v < e.length; v++) b.push([a, c[d], e[v]].join("-"));
2687                        else b.push([a, c[d]].join("-"));
2688                    for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) this.removeStyle(b[a])
2689                }
2690            },
2691            setStyle: function(a, b) {
2692                this.$.style[CKEDITOR.tools.cssStyleToDomStyle(a)] = b;
2693                return this
2694            },
2695            setStyles: function(a) {
2696                for (var b in a) this.setStyle(b, a[b]);
2697                return this
2698            },
2699            setOpacity: function(a) {
2700                CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? (a = Math.round(100 * a), this.setStyle("filter", 100 <= a ? "" : "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d" + a + ")")) : this.setStyle("opacity", a)
2701            },
2702            unselectable: function() {
2703                this.setStyles(CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix("user-select",
2704                    "none"));
2705                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
2706                    this.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
2707                    for (var a, b = this.getElementsByTag("*"), c = 0, e = b.count(); c < e; c++) a = b.getItem(c), a.setAttribute("unselectable", "on")
2708                }
2709            },
2710            getPositionedAncestor: function() {
2711                for (var a = this;
2712                    "html" != a.getName();) {
2713                    if ("static" != a.getComputedStyle("position")) return a;
2714                    a = a.getParent()
2715                }
2716                return null
2717            },
2718            getDocumentPosition: function(a) {
2719                var b = 0,
2720                    c = 0,
2721                    e = this.getDocument(),
2722                    d = e.getBody(),
2723                    v = "BackCompat" == e.$.compatMode;
2724                if (document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect && (CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
2725                        8 !== CKEDITOR.env.version : 1)) {
2726                    var f = this.$.getBoundingClientRect(),
2727                        h = e.$.documentElement,
2728                        x = h.clientTop || d.$.clientTop || 0,
2729                        m = h.clientLeft || d.$.clientLeft || 0,
2730                        k = !0;
2731                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && (k = e.getDocumentElement().contains(this), e = e.getBody().contains(this), k = v && e || !v && k);
2732                    k && (CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.ie && 12 <= CKEDITOR.env.version ? (b = d.$.scrollLeft || h.scrollLeft, c = d.$.scrollTop || h.scrollTop) : (c = v ? d.$ : h, b = c.scrollLeft, c = c.scrollTop), b = f.left + b - m, c = f.top + c - x)
2733                } else
2734                    for (x = this, m = null; x && "body" != x.getName() &&
2735                        "html" != x.getName();) {
2736                        b += x.$.offsetLeft - x.$.scrollLeft;
2737                        c += x.$.offsetTop - x.$.scrollTop;
2738                        x.equals(this) || (b += x.$.clientLeft || 0, c += x.$.clientTop || 0);
2739                        for (; m && !m.equals(x);) b -= m.$.scrollLeft, c -= m.$.scrollTop, m = m.getParent();
2740                        m = x;
2741                        x = (f = x.$.offsetParent) ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(f) : null
2742                    }
2743                a && (f = this.getWindow(), x = a.getWindow(), !f.equals(x) && f.$.frameElement && (a = (new CKEDITOR.dom.element(f.$.frameElement)).getDocumentPosition(a), b += a.x, c += a.y));
2744                document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect || !CKEDITOR.env.gecko ||
2745                    v || (b += this.$.clientLeft ? 1 : 0, c += this.$.clientTop ? 1 : 0);
2746                return {
2747                    x: b,
2748                    y: c
2749                }
2750            },
2751            scrollIntoView: function(a) {
2752                var b = this.getParent();
2753                if (b) {
2754                    do
2755                        if ((b.$.clientWidth && b.$.clientWidth < b.$.scrollWidth || b.$.clientHeight && b.$.clientHeight < b.$.scrollHeight) && !b.is("body") && this.scrollIntoParent(b, a, 1), b.is("html")) {
2756                            var c = b.getWindow();
2757                            try {
2758                                var e = c.$.frameElement;
2759                                e && (b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e))
2760                            } catch (d) {}
2761                        } while (b = b.getParent())
2762                }
2763            },
2764            scrollIntoParent: function(a, b, c) {
2765                var e, d, v, f;
2767                function h(b, c) {
2768                    /body|html/.test(a.getName()) ?
2769                        a.getWindow().$.scrollBy(b, c) : (a.$.scrollLeft += b, a.$.scrollTop += c)
2770                }
2772                function x(a, b) {
2773                    var c = {
2774                        x: 0,
2775                        y: 0
2776                    };
2777                    if (!a.is(k ? "body" : "html")) {
2778                        var e = a.$.getBoundingClientRect();
2779                        c.x = e.left;
2780                        c.y = e.top
2781                    }
2782                    e = a.getWindow();
2783                    e.equals(b) || (e = x(CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(e.$.frameElement), b), c.x += e.x, c.y += e.y);
2784                    return c
2785                }
2787                function m(a, b) {
2788                    return parseInt(a.getComputedStyle("margin-" + b) || 0, 10) || 0
2789                }!a && (a = this.getWindow());
2790                v = a.getDocument();
2791                var k = "BackCompat" == v.$.compatMode;
2792                a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.window && (a = k ? v.getBody() : v.getDocumentElement());
2793                CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (v = this.getEditor(!1)) && (v._.previousScrollTop = null);
2794                v = a.getWindow();
2795                d = x(this, v);
2796                var u = x(a, v),
2797                    K = this.$.offsetHeight;
2798                e = this.$.offsetWidth;
2799                var l = a.$.clientHeight,
2800                    t = a.$.clientWidth;
2801                v = d.x - m(this, "left") - u.x || 0;
2802                f = d.y - m(this, "top") - u.y || 0;
2803                e = d.x + e + m(this, "right") - (u.x + t) || 0;
2804                d = d.y + K + m(this, "bottom") - (u.y + l) || 0;
2805                (0 > f || 0 < d) && h(0, !0 === b ? f : !1 === b ? d : 0 > f ? f : d);
2806                c && (0 > v || 0 < e) && h(0 > v ? v : e, 0)
2807            },
2808            setState: function(a, b, c) {
2809                b = b || "cke";
2810                switch (a) {
2811                    case CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON:
2812                        this.addClass(b + "_on");
2813                        this.removeClass(b +
2814                            "_off");
2815                        this.removeClass(b + "_disabled");
2816                        c && this.setAttribute("aria-pressed", !0);
2817                        c && this.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
2818                        break;
2819                    case CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED:
2820                        this.addClass(b + "_disabled");
2821                        this.removeClass(b + "_off");
2822                        this.removeClass(b + "_on");
2823                        c && this.setAttribute("aria-disabled", !0);
2824                        c && this.removeAttribute("aria-pressed");
2825                        break;
2826                    default:
2827                        this.addClass(b + "_off"), this.removeClass(b + "_on"), this.removeClass(b + "_disabled"), c && this.removeAttribute("aria-pressed"), c && this.removeAttribute("aria-disabled")
2828                }
2829            },
2830            getFrameDocument: function() {
2831                var a = this.$;
2832                try {
2833                    a.contentWindow.document
2834                } catch (b) {
2835                    a.src = a.src
2836                }
2837                return a && new CKEDITOR.dom.document(a.contentWindow.document)
2838            },
2839            copyAttributes: function(a, b) {
2840                var c = this.$.attributes;
2841                b = b || {};
2842                for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
2843                    var d = c[e],
2844                        v = d.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
2845                        f;
2846                    if (!(v in b))
2847                        if ("checked" == v && (f = this.getAttribute(v))) a.setAttribute(v, f);
2848                        else if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie || this.hasAttribute(v)) f = this.getAttribute(v), null === f && (f = d.nodeValue), a.setAttribute(v, f)
2849                }
2850                "" !== this.$.style.cssText &&
2851                    (a.$.style.cssText = this.$.style.cssText)
2852            },
2853            renameNode: function(a) {
2854                if (this.getName() != a) {
2855                    var b = this.getDocument();
2856                    a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a, b);
2857                    this.copyAttributes(a);
2858                    this.moveChildren(a);
2859                    this.getParent(!0) && this.$.parentNode.replaceChild(a.$, this.$);
2860                    a.$["data-cke-expando"] = this.$["data-cke-expando"];
2861                    this.$ = a.$;
2862                    delete this.getName
2863                }
2864            },
2865            getChild: function() {
2866                function a(b, c) {
2867                    var e = b.childNodes;
2868                    if (0 <= c && c < e.length) return e[c]
2869                }
2870                return function(b) {
2871                    var c = this.$;
2872                    if (b.slice)
2873                        for (b = b.slice(); 0 < b.length && c;) c = a(c,
2874                            b.shift());
2875                    else c = a(c, b);
2876                    return c ? new CKEDITOR.dom.node(c) : null
2877                }
2878            }(),
2879            getChildCount: function() {
2880                return this.$.childNodes.length
2881            },
2882            disableContextMenu: function() {
2883                function a(b) {
2884                    return b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.hasClass("cke_enable_context_menu")
2885                }
2886                this.on("contextmenu", function(b) {
2887                    b.data.getTarget().getAscendant(a, !0) || b.data.preventDefault()
2888                })
2889            },
2890            getDirection: function(a) {
2891                return a ? this.getComputedStyle("direction") || this.getDirection() || this.getParent() && this.getParent().getDirection(1) || this.getDocument().$.dir ||
2892                    "ltr" : this.getStyle("direction") || this.getAttribute("dir")
2893            },
2894            data: function(a, b) {
2895                a = "data-" + a;
2896                if (void 0 === b) return this.getAttribute(a);
2897                !1 === b ? this.removeAttribute(a) : this.setAttribute(a, b);
2898                return null
2899            },
2900            getEditor: function(a) {
2901                var b = CKEDITOR.instances,
2902                    c, e, d;
2903                a = a || void 0 === a;
2904                for (c in b)
2905                    if (e = b[c], e.element.equals(this) && e.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO || !a && (d = e.editable()) && (d.equals(this) || d.contains(this))) return e;
2906                return null
2907            },
2908            find: function(a) {
2909                var c = d(this);
2910                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList(this.$.querySelectorAll(b(this,
2911                    a)));
2912                c();
2913                return a
2914            },
2915            findOne: function(a) {
2916                var c = d(this);
2917                a = this.$.querySelector(b(this, a));
2918                c();
2919                return a ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a) : null
2920            },
2921            forEach: function(a, b, c) {
2922                if (!(c || b && this.type != b)) var e = a(this);
2923                if (!1 !== e) {
2924                    c = this.getChildren();
2925                    for (var d = 0; d < c.count(); d++) e = c.getItem(d), e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? e.forEach(a, b) : b && e.type != b || a(e)
2926                }
2927            }
2928        });
2929        var k = {
2930            width: ["border-left-width", "border-right-width", "padding-left", "padding-right"],
2931            height: ["border-top-width", "border-bottom-width", "padding-top", "padding-bottom"]
2932        };
2933        CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.setSize = function(a, b, d) {
2934            "number" == typeof b && (!d || CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks || (b -= c.call(this, a)), this.setStyle(a, b + "px"))
2935        };
2936        CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.getSize = function(a, b) {
2937            var d = Math.max(this.$["offset" + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize(a)], this.$["client" + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize(a)]) || 0;
2938            b && (d -= c.call(this, a));
2939            return d
2940        }
2941    })();
2942    CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment = function(a) {
2943        a = a || CKEDITOR.document;
2944        this.$ = a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT ? a.$.createDocumentFragment() : a
2945    };
2946    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment.prototype, CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype, {
2948        insertAfterNode: function(a) {
2949            a = a.$;
2950            a.parentNode.insertBefore(this.$, a.nextSibling)
2951        },
2952        getHtml: function() {
2953            var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div");
2954            this.clone(1, 1).appendTo(a);
2955            return a.getHtml().replace(/\s*data-cke-expando=".*?"/g, "")
2956        }
2957    }, !0, {
2958        append: 1,
2959        appendBogus: 1,
2960        clone: 1,
2961        getFirst: 1,
2962        getHtml: 1,
2963        getLast: 1,
2964        getParent: 1,
2965        getNext: 1,
2966        getPrevious: 1,
2967        appendTo: 1,
2968        moveChildren: 1,
2969        insertBefore: 1,
2970        insertAfterNode: 1,
2971        replace: 1,
2972        trim: 1,
2973        type: 1,
2974        ltrim: 1,
2975        rtrim: 1,
2976        getDocument: 1,
2977        getChildCount: 1,
2978        getChild: 1,
2979        getChildren: 1
2980    });
2981    (function() {
2982        function a(a, b) {
2983            var c = this.range;
2984            if (this._.end) return null;
2985            if (!this._.start) {
2986                this._.start = 1;
2987                if (c.collapsed) return this.end(), null;
2988                c.optimize()
2989            }
2990            var e, d = c.startContainer;
2991            e = c.endContainer;
2992            var f = c.startOffset,
2993                y = c.endOffset,
2994                h, l = this.guard,
2995                t = this.type,
2996                g = a ? "getPreviousSourceNode" : "getNextSourceNode";
2997            if (!a && !this._.guardLTR) {
2998                var L = e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? e : e.getParent(),
2999                    C = e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? e.getChild(y) : e.getNext();
3000                this._.guardLTR = function(a, b) {
3001                    return (!b || !L.equals(a)) && (!C ||
3002                        !a.equals(C)) && (a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !b || !a.equals(c.root))
3003                }
3004            }
3005            if (a && !this._.guardRTL) {
3006                var k = d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? d : d.getParent(),
3007                    q = d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? f ? d.getChild(f - 1) : null : d.getPrevious();
3008                this._.guardRTL = function(a, b) {
3009                    return (!b || !k.equals(a)) && (!q || !a.equals(q)) && (a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !b || !a.equals(c.root))
3010                }
3011            }
3012            var E = a ? this._.guardRTL : this._.guardLTR;
3013            h = l ? function(a, b) {
3014                return !1 === E(a, b) ? !1 : l(a, b)
3015            } : E;
3016            this.current ? e = this.current[g](!1, t, h) : (a ? e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
3017                (e = 0 < y ? e.getChild(y - 1) : !1 === h(e, !0) ? null : e.getPreviousSourceNode(!0, t, h)) : (e = d, e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ((e = e.getChild(f)) || (e = !1 === h(d, !0) ? null : d.getNextSourceNode(!0, t, h)))), e && !1 === h(e) && (e = null));
3018            for (; e && !this._.end;) {
3019                this.current = e;
3020                if (!this.evaluator || !1 !== this.evaluator(e)) {
3021                    if (!b) return e
3022                } else if (b && this.evaluator) return !1;
3023                e = e[g](!1, t, h)
3024            }
3025            this.end();
3026            return this.current = null
3027        }
3029        function d(b) {
3030            for (var c, e = null; c = a.call(this, b);) e = c;
3031            return e
3032        }
3033        CKEDITOR.dom.walker = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
3034            $: function(a) {
3035                this.range =
3036                    a;
3037                this._ = {}
3038            },
3039            proto: {
3040                end: function() {
3041                    this._.end = 1
3042                },
3043                next: function() {
3044                    return a.call(this)
3045                },
3046                previous: function() {
3047                    return a.call(this, 1)
3048                },
3049                checkForward: function() {
3050                    return !1 !== a.call(this, 0, 1)
3051                },
3052                checkBackward: function() {
3053                    return !1 !== a.call(this, 1, 1)
3054                },
3055                lastForward: function() {
3056                    return d.call(this)
3057                },
3058                lastBackward: function() {
3059                    return d.call(this, 1)
3060                },
3061                reset: function() {
3062                    delete this.current;
3063                    this._ = {}
3064                }
3065            }
3066        });
3067        var b = {
3068                block: 1,
3069                "list-item": 1,
3070                table: 1,
3071                "table-row-group": 1,
3072                "table-header-group": 1,
3073                "table-footer-group": 1,
3074                "table-row": 1,
3075                "table-column-group": 1,
3076                "table-column": 1,
3077                "table-cell": 1,
3078                "table-caption": 1
3079            },
3080            c = {
3081                absolute: 1,
3082                fixed: 1
3083            };
3084        CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.isBlockBoundary = function(a) {
3085            return "none" != this.getComputedStyle("float") || this.getComputedStyle("position") in c || !b[this.getComputedStyle("display")] ? !!(this.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block) || a && this.is(a)) : !0
3086        };
3087        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary = function(a) {
3088            return function(b) {
3089                return !(b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.isBlockBoundary(a))
3090            }
3091        };
3092        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.listItemBoundary = function() {
3093            return this.blockBoundary({
3094                br: 1
3095            })
3096        };
3097        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark = function(a, b) {
3098            function c(a) {
3099                return a && a.getName && "span" == a.getName() && a.data("cke-bookmark")
3100            }
3101            return function(e) {
3102                var d, f;
3103                d = e && e.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (f = e.getParent()) && c(f);
3104                d = a ? d : d || c(e);
3105                return !!(b ^ d)
3106            }
3107        };
3108        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces = function(a) {
3109            return function(b) {
3110                var c;
3111                b && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (c = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b.getText()) || CKEDITOR.env.webkit && b.getText() == CKEDITOR.dom.selection.FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE);
3112                return !!(a ^ c)
3113            }
3114        };
3115        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible =
3116            function(a) {
3117                var b = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
3118                    c = CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 1 : 0;
3119                return function(e) {
3120                    b(e) ? e = 1 : (e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (e = e.getParent()), e = e.$.offsetWidth <= c);
3121                    return !!(a ^ e)
3122                }
3123            };
3124        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType = function(a, b) {
3125            return function(c) {
3126                return !!(b ^ c.type == a)
3127            }
3128        };
3129        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus = function(a) {
3130            function b(a) {
3131                return !h(a) && !k(a)
3132            }
3133            return function(c) {
3134                var e = CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? c.is && c.is("br") : c.getText && f.test(c.getText());
3135                e && (e = c.getParent(), c = c.getNext(b), e = e.isBlockBoundary() &&
3136                    (!c || c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.isBlockBoundary()));
3137                return !!(a ^ e)
3138            }
3139        };
3140        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.temp = function(a) {
3141            return function(b) {
3142                b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b = b.getParent());
3143                b = b && b.hasAttribute("data-cke-temp");
3144                return !!(a ^ b)
3145            }
3146        };
3147        var f = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?:&nbsp;|\xa0)$/,
3148            h = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
3149            k = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
3150            g = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.temp(),
3151            n = function(a) {
3152                return k(a) || h(a) || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline) && !a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty)
3153            };
3154        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.ignored =
3155            function(a) {
3156                return function(b) {
3157                    b = h(b) || k(b) || g(b);
3158                    return !!(a ^ b)
3159                }
3160            };
3161        var r = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.ignored();
3162        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.empty = function(a) {
3163            return function(b) {
3164                for (var c = 0, e = b.getChildCount(); c < e; ++c)
3165                    if (!r(b.getChild(c))) return !!a;
3166                return !a
3167            }
3168        };
3169        var e = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.empty(),
3170            y = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.validEmptyBlockContainers = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(function(a) {
3171                var b = {},
3172                    c;
3173                for (c in a) CKEDITOR.dtd[c]["#"] && (b[c] = 1);
3174                return b
3175            }(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block), {
3176                caption: 1,
3177                td: 1,
3178                th: 1
3179            });
3180        CKEDITOR.dom.walker.editable = function(a) {
3181            return function(b) {
3182                b =
3183                    r(b) ? !1 : b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline) || b.is("hr") || "false" == b.getAttribute("contenteditable") || !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && b.is(y) && e(b)) ? !0 : !1;
3184                return !!(a ^ b)
3185            }
3186        };
3187        CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.getBogus = function() {
3188            var a = this;
3189            do a = a.getPreviousSourceNode(); while (n(a));
3190            return a && (CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? a.is && a.is("br") : a.getText && f.test(a.getText())) ? a : !1
3191        }
3192    })();
3193    CKEDITOR.dom.range = function(a) {
3194        this.endOffset = this.endContainer = this.startOffset = this.startContainer = null;
3195        this.collapsed = !0;
3196        var d = a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document;
3197        this.document = d ? a : a.getDocument();
3198        this.root = d ? a.getBody() : a
3199    };
3200    (function() {
3201        function a(a) {
3202            a.collapsed = a.startContainer && a.endContainer && a.startContainer.equals(a.endContainer) && a.startOffset == a.endOffset
3203        }
3205        function d(a, b, c, d, f) {
3206            function h(a, b, c, e) {
3207                var d = c ? a.getPrevious() : a.getNext();
3208                if (e && k) return d;
3209                l || e ? b.append(a.clone(!0, f), c) : (a.remove(), r && b.append(a, c));
3210                return d
3211            }
3213            function m() {
3214                var a, b, c, e = Math.min(O.length, p.length);
3215                for (a = 0; a < e; a++)
3216                    if (b = O[a], c = p[a], !b.equals(c)) return a;
3217                return a - 1
3218            }
3220            function g() {
3221                var b = N - 1,
3222                    c = E && z && !t.equals(F);
3223                b < w - 1 || b < A - 1 || c ? (c ? a.moveToPosition(F,
3224                    CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START) : A == b + 1 && q ? a.moveToPosition(p[b], CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END) : a.moveToPosition(p[b + 1], CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), d && (b = O[b + 1]) && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (c = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cspan data-cke-bookmark\x3d"1" style\x3d"display:none"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e', a.document), c.insertAfter(b), b.mergeSiblings(!1), a.moveToBookmark({
3225                    startNode: c
3226                }))) : a.collapse(!0)
3227            }
3228            a.optimizeBookmark();
3229            var k = 0 === b,
3230                r = 1 == b,
3231                l = 2 == b;
3232            b = l || r;
3233            var t = a.startContainer,
3234                F = a.endContainer,
3235                L = a.startOffset,
3236                C = a.endOffset,
3237                M, q, E, z, H, P;
3238            if (l && F.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (t.equals(F) || t.type === CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && t.getFirst().equals(F))) c.append(a.document.createText(F.substring(L, C)));
3239            else {
3240                F.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? l ? P = !0 : F = F.split(C) : 0 < F.getChildCount() ? C >= F.getChildCount() ? (F = F.getChild(C - 1), q = !0) : F = F.getChild(C) : z = q = !0;
3241                t.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? l ? H = !0 : t.split(L) : 0 < t.getChildCount() ? 0 === L ? (t = t.getChild(L), M = !0) : t = t.getChild(L - 1) : E = M = !0;
3242                for (var O = t.getParents(), p = F.getParents(), N = m(),
3243                        w = O.length - 1, A = p.length - 1, G = c, I, X, V, da = -1, Q = N; Q <= w; Q++) {
3244                    X = O[Q];
3245                    V = X.getNext();
3246                    for (Q != w || X.equals(p[Q]) && w < A ? b && (I = G.append(X.clone(0, f))) : M ? h(X, G, !1, E) : H && G.append(a.document.createText(X.substring(L))); V;) {
3247                        if (V.equals(p[Q])) {
3248                            da = Q;
3249                            break
3250                        }
3251                        V = h(V, G)
3252                    }
3253                    G = I
3254                }
3255                G = c;
3256                for (Q = N; Q <= A; Q++)
3257                    if (c = p[Q], V = c.getPrevious(), c.equals(O[Q])) b && (G = G.getChild(0));
3258                    else {
3259                        Q != A || c.equals(O[Q]) && A < w ? b && (I = G.append(c.clone(0, f))) : q ? h(c, G, !1, z) : P && G.append(a.document.createText(c.substring(0, C)));
3260                        if (Q > da)
3261                            for (; V;) V = h(V, G, !0);
3262                        G = I
3263                    } l || g()
3264            }
3265        }
3267        function b() {
3268            var a = !1,
3269                b = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
3270                c = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!0),
3271                d = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
3272            return function(f) {
3273                return c(f) || b(f) ? !0 : d(f) && !a ? a = !0 : f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (f.hasAscendant("pre") || CKEDITOR.tools.trim(f.getText()).length) || f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !f.is(h) ? !1 : !0
3274            }
3275        }
3277        function c(a) {
3278            var b = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
3279                c = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(1);
3280            return function(d) {
3281                return c(d) || b(d) ? !0 : !a && k(d) || d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty)
3282            }
3283        }
3285        function f(a) {
3286            return function() {
3287                var b;
3288                return this[a ? "getPreviousNode" : "getNextNode"](function(a) {
3289                    !b && r(a) && (b = a);
3290                    return n(a) && !(k(a) && a.equals(b))
3291                })
3292            }
3293        }
3294        var h = {
3295                abbr: 1,
3296                acronym: 1,
3297                b: 1,
3298                bdo: 1,
3299                big: 1,
3300                cite: 1,
3301                code: 1,
3302                del: 1,
3303                dfn: 1,
3304                em: 1,
3305                font: 1,
3306                i: 1,
3307                ins: 1,
3308                label: 1,
3309                kbd: 1,
3310                q: 1,
3311                samp: 1,
3312                small: 1,
3313                span: 1,
3314                strike: 1,
3315                strong: 1,
3316                sub: 1,
3317                sup: 1,
3318                tt: 1,
3319                u: 1,
3320                "var": 1
3321            },
3322            k = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus(),
3323            g = /^[\t\r\n ]*(?:&nbsp;|\xa0)$/,
3324            n = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.editable(),
3325            r = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.ignored(!0);
3326        CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype = {
3327            clone: function() {
3328                var a =
3329                    new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root);
3330                a._setStartContainer(this.startContainer);
3331                a.startOffset = this.startOffset;
3332                a._setEndContainer(this.endContainer);
3333                a.endOffset = this.endOffset;
3334                a.collapsed = this.collapsed;
3335                return a
3336            },
3337            collapse: function(a) {
3338                a ? (this._setEndContainer(this.startContainer), this.endOffset = this.startOffset) : (this._setStartContainer(this.endContainer), this.startOffset = this.endOffset);
3339                this.collapsed = !0
3340            },
3341            cloneContents: function(a) {
3342                var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(this.document);
3343                this.collapsed ||
3344                    d(this, 2, b, !1, "undefined" == typeof a ? !0 : a);
3345                return b
3346            },
3347            deleteContents: function(a) {
3348                this.collapsed || d(this, 0, null, a)
3349            },
3350            extractContents: function(a, b) {
3351                var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(this.document);
3352                this.collapsed || d(this, 1, c, a, "undefined" == typeof b ? !0 : b);
3353                return c
3354            },
3355            createBookmark: function(a) {
3356                var b, c, d, f, h = this.collapsed;
3357                b = this.document.createElement("span");
3358                b.data("cke-bookmark", 1);
3359                b.setStyle("display", "none");
3360                b.setHtml("\x26nbsp;");
3361                a && (d = "cke_bm_" + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(), b.setAttribute("id",
3362                    d + (h ? "C" : "S")));
3363                h || (c = b.clone(), c.setHtml("\x26nbsp;"), a && c.setAttribute("id", d + "E"), f = this.clone(), f.collapse(), f.insertNode(c));
3364                f = this.clone();
3365                f.collapse(!0);
3366                f.insertNode(b);
3367                c ? (this.setStartAfter(b), this.setEndBefore(c)) : this.moveToPosition(b, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END);
3368                return {
3369                    startNode: a ? d + (h ? "C" : "S") : b,
3370                    endNode: a ? d + "E" : c,
3371                    serializable: a,
3372                    collapsed: h
3373                }
3374            },
3375            createBookmark2: function() {
3376                function a(b) {
3377                    var e = b.container,
3378                        d = b.offset,
3379                        m;
3380                    m = e;
3381                    var f = d;
3382                    m = m.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || 0 === f || f == m.getChildCount() ?
3383                        0 : m.getChild(f - 1).type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && m.getChild(f).type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT;
3384                    m && (e = e.getChild(d - 1), d = e.getLength());
3385                    if (e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && 0 < d) {
3386                        a: {
3387                            for (m = e; d--;)
3388                                if (f = m.getChild(d).getIndex(!0), 0 <= f) {
3389                                    d = f;
3390                                    break a
3391                                } d = -1
3392                        }
3393                        d += 1
3394                    }
3395                    if (e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) {
3396                        m = e;
3397                        for (f = 0;
3398                            (m = m.getPrevious()) && m.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT;) f += m.getText().replace(CKEDITOR.dom.selection.FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE, "").length;
3399                        m = f;
3400                        e.getText() ? d += m : (f = e.getPrevious(c), m ? (d = m, e = f ? f.getNext() : e.getParent().getFirst()) : (e =
3401                            e.getParent(), d = f ? f.getIndex(!0) + 1 : 0))
3402                    }
3403                    b.container = e;
3404                    b.offset = d
3405                }
3407                function b(a, c) {
3408                    var e = c.getCustomData("cke-fillingChar");
3409                    if (e) {
3410                        var d = a.container;
3411                        e.equals(d) && (a.offset -= CKEDITOR.dom.selection.FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE.length, 0 >= a.offset && (a.offset = d.getIndex(), a.container = d.getParent()))
3412                    }
3413                }
3414                var c = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType(CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT, !0);
3415                return function(c) {
3416                    var d = this.collapsed,
3417                        f = {
3418                            container: this.startContainer,
3419                            offset: this.startOffset
3420                        },
3421                        m = {
3422                            container: this.endContainer,
3423                            offset: this.endOffset
3424                        };
3425                    c && (a(f),
3426                        b(f, this.root), d || (a(m), b(m, this.root)));
3427                    return {
3428                        start: f.container.getAddress(c),
3429                        end: d ? null : m.container.getAddress(c),
3430                        startOffset: f.offset,
3431                        endOffset: m.offset,
3432                        normalized: c,
3433                        collapsed: d,
3434                        is2: !0
3435                    }
3436                }
3437            }(),
3438            moveToBookmark: function(a) {
3439                if (a.is2) {
3440                    var b = this.document.getByAddress(a.start, a.normalized),
3441                        c = a.startOffset,
3442                        d = a.end && this.document.getByAddress(a.end, a.normalized);
3443                    a = a.endOffset;
3444                    this.setStart(b, c);
3445                    d ? this.setEnd(d, a) : this.collapse(!0)
3446                } else b = (c = a.serializable) ? this.document.getById(a.startNode) : a.startNode,
3447                    a = c ? this.document.getById(a.endNode) : a.endNode, this.setStartBefore(b), b.remove(), a ? (this.setEndBefore(a), a.remove()) : this.collapse(!0)
3448            },
3449            getBoundaryNodes: function() {
3450                var a = this.startContainer,
3451                    b = this.endContainer,
3452                    c = this.startOffset,
3453                    d = this.endOffset,
3454                    f;
3455                if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
3456                    if (f = a.getChildCount(), f > c) a = a.getChild(c);
3457                    else if (1 > f) a = a.getPreviousSourceNode();
3458                else {
3459                    for (a = a.$; a.lastChild;) a = a.lastChild;
3460                    a = new CKEDITOR.dom.node(a);
3461                    a = a.getNextSourceNode() || a
3462                }
3463                if (b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
3464                    if (f = b.getChildCount(),
3465                        f > d) b = b.getChild(d).getPreviousSourceNode(!0);
3466                    else if (1 > f) b = b.getPreviousSourceNode();
3467                else {
3468                    for (b = b.$; b.lastChild;) b = b.lastChild;
3469                    b = new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b)
3470                }
3471                a.getPosition(b) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING && (a = b);
3472                return {
3473                    startNode: a,
3474                    endNode: b
3475                }
3476            },
3477            getCommonAncestor: function(a, b) {
3478                var c = this.startContainer,
3479                    d = this.endContainer,
3480                    c = c.equals(d) ? a && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.startOffset == this.endOffset - 1 ? c.getChild(this.startOffset) : c : c.getCommonAncestor(d);
3481                return b && !c.is ? c.getParent() : c
3482            },
3483            optimize: function() {
3484                var a =
3485                    this.startContainer,
3486                    b = this.startOffset;
3487                a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b ? b >= a.getLength() && this.setStartAfter(a) : this.setStartBefore(a));
3488                a = this.endContainer;
3489                b = this.endOffset;
3490                a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b ? b >= a.getLength() && this.setEndAfter(a) : this.setEndBefore(a))
3491            },
3492            optimizeBookmark: function() {
3493                var a = this.startContainer,
3494                    b = this.endContainer;
3495                a.is && a.is("span") && a.data("cke-bookmark") && this.setStartAt(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
3496                b && b.is && b.is("span") && b.data("cke-bookmark") && this.setEndAt(b, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END)
3497            },
3498            trim: function(a, b) {
3499                var c = this.startContainer,
3500                    d = this.startOffset,
3501                    f = this.collapsed;
3502                if ((!a || f) && c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) {
3503                    if (d)
3504                        if (d >= c.getLength()) d = c.getIndex() + 1, c = c.getParent();
3505                        else {
3506                            var h = c.split(d),
3507                                d = c.getIndex() + 1,
3508                                c = c.getParent();
3509                            this.startContainer.equals(this.endContainer) ? this.setEnd(h, this.endOffset - this.startOffset) : c.equals(this.endContainer) && (this.endOffset += 1)
3510                        }
3511                    else d = c.getIndex(), c = c.getParent();
3512                    this.setStart(c, d);
3513                    if (f) {
3514                        this.collapse(!0);
3515                        return
3516                    }
3517                }
3518                c = this.endContainer;
3519                d = this.endOffset;
3520                b || f || !c || c.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || (d ? (d >= c.getLength() || c.split(d), d = c.getIndex() + 1) : d = c.getIndex(), c = c.getParent(), this.setEnd(c, d))
3521            },
3522            enlarge: function(a, b) {
3523                function c(a) {
3524                    return a && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasAttribute("contenteditable") ? null : a
3525                }
3526                var d = new RegExp(/[^\s\ufeff]/);
3527                switch (a) {
3528                    case CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE:
3529                        var f = 1;
3530                    case CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT:
3531                        var h = function(a, b) {
3532                            var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(g);
3533                            c.setStart(a, b);
3534                            c.setEndAt(g, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
3535                            var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c),
3536                                e;
3537                            for (c.guard = function(a) {
3538                                    return !(a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.isBlockBoundary())
3539                                }; e = c.next();) {
3540                                if (e.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) return !1;
3541                                M = e != a ? e.getText() : e.substring(b);
3542                                if (d.test(M)) return !1
3543                            }
3544                            return !0
3545                        };
3546                        if (this.collapsed) break;
3547                        var m = this.getCommonAncestor(),
3548                            g = this.root,
3549                            k, r, l, t, F, L = !1,
3550                            C, M;
3551                        C = this.startContainer;
3552                        var q = this.startOffset;
3553                        C.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? (q && (C = !CKEDITOR.tools.trim(C.substring(0, q)).length && C, L = !!C), C && ((t = C.getPrevious()) || (l = C.getParent()))) : (q && (t = C.getChild(q - 1) || C.getLast()),
3554                            t || (l = C));
3555                        for (l = c(l); l || t;) {
3556                            if (l && !t) {
3557                                !F && l.equals(m) && (F = !0);
3558                                if (f ? l.isBlockBoundary() : !g.contains(l)) break;
3559                                L && "inline" == l.getComputedStyle("display") || (L = !1, F ? k = l : this.setStartBefore(l));
3560                                t = l.getPrevious()
3561                            }
3562                            for (; t;)
3563                                if (C = !1, t.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT) t = t.getPrevious();
3564                                else {
3565                                    if (t.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) M = t.getText(), d.test(M) && (t = null), C = /[\s\ufeff]$/.test(M);
3566                                    else if ((t.$.offsetWidth > (CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 1 : 0) || b && t.is("br")) && !t.data("cke-bookmark"))
3567                                        if (L && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[t.getName()]) {
3568                                            M =
3569                                                t.getText();
3570                                            if (d.test(M)) t = null;
3571                                            else
3572                                                for (var q = t.$.getElementsByTagName("*"), E = 0, z; z = q[E++];)
3573                                                    if (!CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[z.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
3574                                                        t = null;
3575                                                        break
3576                                                    } t && (C = !!M.length)
3577                                        } else t = null;
3578                                    C && (L ? F ? k = l : l && this.setStartBefore(l) : L = !0);
3579                                    if (t) {
3580                                        C = t.getPrevious();
3581                                        if (!l && !C) {
3582                                            l = t;
3583                                            t = null;
3584                                            break
3585                                        }
3586                                        t = C
3587                                    } else l = null
3588                                } l && (l = c(l.getParent()))
3589                        }
3590                        C = this.endContainer;
3591                        q = this.endOffset;
3592                        l = t = null;
3593                        F = L = !1;
3594                        C.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? CKEDITOR.tools.trim(C.substring(q)).length ? L = !0 : (L = !C.getLength(), q == C.getLength() ? (t = C.getNext()) ||
3595                            (l = C.getParent()) : h(C, q) && (l = C.getParent())) : (t = C.getChild(q)) || (l = C);
3596                        for (; l || t;) {
3597                            if (l && !t) {
3598                                !F && l.equals(m) && (F = !0);
3599                                if (f ? l.isBlockBoundary() : !g.contains(l)) break;
3600                                L && "inline" == l.getComputedStyle("display") || (L = !1, F ? r = l : l && this.setEndAfter(l));
3601                                t = l.getNext()
3602                            }
3603                            for (; t;) {
3604                                C = !1;
3605                                if (t.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) M = t.getText(), h(t, 0) || (t = null), C = /^[\s\ufeff]/.test(M);
3606                                else if (t.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
3607                                    if ((0 < t.$.offsetWidth || b && t.is("br")) && !t.data("cke-bookmark"))
3608                                        if (L && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[t.getName()]) {
3609                                            M =
3610                                                t.getText();
3611                                            if (d.test(M)) t = null;
3612                                            else
3613                                                for (q = t.$.getElementsByTagName("*"), E = 0; z = q[E++];)
3614                                                    if (!CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[z.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) {
3615                                                        t = null;
3616                                                        break
3617                                                    } t && (C = !!M.length)
3618                                        } else t = null
3619                                } else C = 1;
3620                                C && L && (F ? r = l : this.setEndAfter(l));
3621                                if (t) {
3622                                    C = t.getNext();
3623                                    if (!l && !C) {
3624                                        l = t;
3625                                        t = null;
3626                                        break
3627                                    }
3628                                    t = C
3629                                } else l = null
3630                            }
3631                            l && (l = c(l.getParent()))
3632                        }
3633                        k && r && (m = k.contains(r) ? r : k, this.setStartBefore(m), this.setEndAfter(m));
3634                        break;
3635                    case CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_BLOCK_CONTENTS:
3636                    case CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS:
3637                        l = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root);
3638                        g = this.root;
3639                        l.setStartAt(g, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
3640                        l.setEnd(this.startContainer, this.startOffset);
3641                        l = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(l);
3642                        var H, P, O = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.blockBoundary(a == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ? {
3643                                br: 1
3644                            } : null),
3645                            p = null,
3646                            N = function(a) {
3647                                if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "false" == a.getAttribute("contenteditable"))
3648                                    if (p) {
3649                                        if (p.equals(a)) {
3650                                            p = null;
3651                                            return
3652                                        }
3653                                    } else p = a;
3654                                else if (p) return;
3655                                var b = O(a);
3656                                b || (H = a);
3657                                return b
3658                            },
3659                            f = function(a) {
3660                                var b = N(a);
3661                                !b && a.is && a.is("br") && (P = a);
3662                                return b
3663                            };
3664                        l.guard = N;
3665                        l = l.lastBackward();
3666                        H = H || g;
3667                        this.setStartAt(H, !H.is("br") && (!l && this.checkStartOfBlock() || l && H.contains(l)) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END);
3668                        if (a == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS) {
3669                            l = this.clone();
3670                            l = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(l);
3671                            var w = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
3672                                A = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark();
3673                            l.evaluator = function(a) {
3674                                return !w(a) && !A(a)
3675                            };
3676                            if ((l = l.previous()) && l.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && l.is("br")) break
3677                        }
3678                        l = this.clone();
3679                        l.collapse();
3680                        l.setEndAt(g, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
3681                        l = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(l);
3682                        l.guard = a == CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS ? f : N;
3683                        H = p = P = null;
3684                        l = l.lastForward();
3685                        H = H || g;
3686                        this.setEndAt(H, !l && this.checkEndOfBlock() || l && H.contains(l) ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
3687                        P && this.setEndAfter(P)
3688                }
3689            },
3690            shrink: function(a, b, c) {
3691                var d = "boolean" === typeof c ? c : c && "boolean" === typeof c.shrinkOnBlockBoundary ? c.shrinkOnBlockBoundary : !0,
3692                    f = c && c.skipBogus;
3693                if (!this.collapsed) {
3694                    a = a || CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT;
3695                    var h = this.clone(),
3696                        m = this.startContainer,
3697                        g = this.endContainer,
3698                        k = this.startOffset,
3699                        r = this.endOffset,
3700                        l = c = 1;
3701                    m && m.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (k ? k >= m.getLength() ? h.setStartAfter(m) : (h.setStartBefore(m), c = 0) : h.setStartBefore(m));
3702                    g && g.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (r ? r >= g.getLength() ? h.setEndAfter(g) : (h.setEndAfter(g), l = 0) : h.setEndBefore(g));
3703                    var h = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(h),
3704                        t = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
3705                        F = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
3706                    h.evaluator = function(b) {
3707                        return b.type == (a == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT : CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT)
3708                    };
3709                    var L;
3710                    h.guard = function(b, c) {
3711                        if (f && F(b) || t(b)) return !0;
3712                        if (a == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || c && b.equals(L) || !1 === d && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.isBlockBoundary() || b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) return !1;
3713                        c || b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || (L = b);
3714                        return !0
3715                    };
3716                    c && (m = h[a == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? "lastForward" : "next"]()) && this.setStartAt(m, b ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
3717                    l && (h.reset(), (h = h[a == CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT ? "lastBackward" : "previous"]()) && this.setEndAt(h, b ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END :
3718                        CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END));
3719                    return !(!c && !l)
3720                }
3721            },
3722            insertNode: function(a) {
3723                this.optimizeBookmark();
3724                this.trim(!1, !0);
3725                var b = this.startContainer,
3726                    c = b.getChild(this.startOffset);
3727                c ? a.insertBefore(c) : b.append(a);
3728                a.getParent() && a.getParent().equals(this.endContainer) && this.endOffset++;
3729                this.setStartBefore(a)
3730            },
3731            moveToPosition: function(a, b) {
3732                this.setStartAt(a, b);
3733                this.collapse(!0)
3734            },
3735            moveToRange: function(a) {
3736                this.setStart(a.startContainer, a.startOffset);
3737                this.setEnd(a.endContainer, a.endOffset)
3738            },
3739            selectNodeContents: function(a) {
3740                this.setStart(a,
3741                    0);
3742                this.setEnd(a, a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? a.getLength() : a.getChildCount())
3743            },
3744            setStart: function(b, c) {
3745                b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[b.getName()] && (c = b.getIndex(), b = b.getParent());
3746                this._setStartContainer(b);
3747                this.startOffset = c;
3748                this.endContainer || (this._setEndContainer(b), this.endOffset = c);
3749                a(this)
3750            },
3751            setEnd: function(b, c) {
3752                b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[b.getName()] && (c = b.getIndex() + 1, b = b.getParent());
3753                this._setEndContainer(b);
3754                this.endOffset = c;
3755                this.startContainer ||
3756                    (this._setStartContainer(b), this.startOffset = c);
3757                a(this)
3758            },
3759            setStartAfter: function(a) {
3760                this.setStart(a.getParent(), a.getIndex() + 1)
3761            },
3762            setStartBefore: function(a) {
3763                this.setStart(a.getParent(), a.getIndex())
3764            },
3765            setEndAfter: function(a) {
3766                this.setEnd(a.getParent(), a.getIndex() + 1)
3767            },
3768            setEndBefore: function(a) {
3769                this.setEnd(a.getParent(), a.getIndex())
3770            },
3771            setStartAt: function(b, c) {
3772                switch (c) {
3773                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START:
3774                        this.setStart(b, 0);
3775                        break;
3776                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END:
3777                        b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? this.setStart(b,
3778                            b.getLength()) : this.setStart(b, b.getChildCount());
3779                        break;
3780                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START:
3781                        this.setStartBefore(b);
3782                        break;
3783                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END:
3784                        this.setStartAfter(b)
3785                }
3786                a(this)
3787            },
3788            setEndAt: function(b, c) {
3789                switch (c) {
3790                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START:
3791                        this.setEnd(b, 0);
3792                        break;
3793                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END:
3794                        b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? this.setEnd(b, b.getLength()) : this.setEnd(b, b.getChildCount());
3795                        break;
3796                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START:
3797                        this.setEndBefore(b);
3798                        break;
3799                    case CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END:
3800                        this.setEndAfter(b)
3801                }
3802                a(this)
3803            },
3804            fixBlock: function(a, b) {
3805                var c = this.createBookmark(),
3806                    d = this.document.createElement(b);
3807                this.collapse(a);
3808                this.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_BLOCK_CONTENTS);
3809                this.extractContents().appendTo(d);
3810                d.trim();
3811                this.insertNode(d);
3812                var f = d.getBogus();
3813                f && f.remove();
3814                d.appendBogus();
3815                this.moveToBookmark(c);
3816                return d
3817            },
3818            splitBlock: function(a, b) {
3819                var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.startContainer, this.root),
3820                    d = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.endContainer, this.root),
3821                    f = c.block,
3822                    h = d.block,
3823                    m = null;
3824                if (!c.blockLimit.equals(d.blockLimit)) return null;
3825                "br" != a && (f || (f = this.fixBlock(!0, a), h = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.endContainer, this.root)).block), h || (h = this.fixBlock(!1, a)));
3826                c = f && this.checkStartOfBlock();
3827                d = h && this.checkEndOfBlock();
3828                this.deleteContents();
3829                f && f.equals(h) && (d ? (m = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.startContainer, this.root), this.moveToPosition(h, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), h = null) : c ? (m = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.startContainer, this.root), this.moveToPosition(f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), f = null) : (h = this.splitElement(f,
3830                    b || !1), f.is("ul", "ol") || f.appendBogus()));
3831                return {
3832                    previousBlock: f,
3833                    nextBlock: h,
3834                    wasStartOfBlock: c,
3835                    wasEndOfBlock: d,
3836                    elementPath: m
3837                }
3838            },
3839            splitElement: function(a, b) {
3840                if (!this.collapsed) return null;
3841                this.setEndAt(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
3842                var c = this.extractContents(!1, b || !1),
3843                    d = a.clone(!1, b || !1);
3844                c.appendTo(d);
3845                d.insertAfter(a);
3846                this.moveToPosition(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END);
3847                return d
3848            },
3849            removeEmptyBlocksAtEnd: function() {
3850                function a(d) {
3851                    return function(a) {
3852                        return b(a) || c(a) || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.isEmptyInlineRemoveable() ||
3853                            d.is("table") && a.is("caption") ? !1 : !0
3854                    }
3855                }
3856                var b = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
3857                    c = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!1);
3858                return function(b) {
3859                    for (var c = this.createBookmark(), d = this[b ? "endPath" : "startPath"](), f = d.block || d.blockLimit, h; f && !f.equals(d.root) && !f.getFirst(a(f));) h = f.getParent(), this[b ? "setEndAt" : "setStartAt"](f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), f.remove(1), f = h;
3860                    this.moveToBookmark(c)
3861                }
3862            }(),
3863            startPath: function() {
3864                return new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.startContainer, this.root)
3865            },
3866            endPath: function() {
3867                return new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.endContainer,
3868                    this.root)
3869            },
3870            checkBoundaryOfElement: function(a, b) {
3871                var d = b == CKEDITOR.START,
3872                    f = this.clone();
3873                f.collapse(d);
3874                f[d ? "setStartAt" : "setEndAt"](a, d ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
3875                f = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(f);
3876                f.evaluator = c(d);
3877                return f[d ? "checkBackward" : "checkForward"]()
3878            },
3879            checkStartOfBlock: function() {
3880                var a = this.startContainer,
3881                    c = this.startOffset;
3882                CKEDITOR.env.ie && c && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (a = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(a.substring(0, c)), g.test(a) && this.trim(0, 1));
3883                this.trim();
3884                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.startContainer,
3885                    this.root);
3886                c = this.clone();
3887                c.collapse(!0);
3888                c.setStartAt(a.block || a.blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
3889                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c);
3890                a.evaluator = b();
3891                return a.checkBackward()
3892            },
3893            checkEndOfBlock: function() {
3894                var a = this.endContainer,
3895                    c = this.endOffset;
3896                CKEDITOR.env.ie && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (a = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim(a.substring(c)), g.test(a) && this.trim(1, 0));
3897                this.trim();
3898                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(this.endContainer, this.root);
3899                c = this.clone();
3900                c.collapse(!1);
3901                c.setEndAt(a.block || a.blockLimit, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
3902                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c);
3903                a.evaluator = b();
3904                return a.checkForward()
3905            },
3906            getPreviousNode: function(a, b, c) {
3907                var d = this.clone();
3908                d.collapse(1);
3909                d.setStartAt(c || this.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
3910                c = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(d);
3911                c.evaluator = a;
3912                c.guard = b;
3913                return c.previous()
3914            },
3915            getNextNode: function(a, b, c) {
3916                var d = this.clone();
3917                d.collapse();
3918                d.setEndAt(c || this.root, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
3919                c = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(d);
3920                c.evaluator = a;
3921                c.guard = b;
3922                return c.next()
3923            },
3924            checkReadOnly: function() {
3925                function a(b, c) {
3926                    for (; b;) {
3927                        if (b.type ==
3928                            CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
3929                            if ("false" == b.getAttribute("contentEditable") && !b.data("cke-editable")) return 0;
3930                            if (b.is("html") || "true" == b.getAttribute("contentEditable") && (b.contains(c) || b.equals(c))) break
3931                        }
3932                        b = b.getParent()
3933                    }
3934                    return 1
3935                }
3936                return function() {
3937                    var b = this.startContainer,
3938                        c = this.endContainer;
3939                    return !(a(b, c) && a(c, b))
3940                }
3941            }(),
3942            moveToElementEditablePosition: function(a, b) {
3943                if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !a.isEditable(!1)) return this.moveToPosition(a, b ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START),
3944                    !0;
3945                for (var c = 0; a;) {
3946                    if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) {
3947                        b && this.endContainer && this.checkEndOfBlock() && g.test(a.getText()) ? this.moveToPosition(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START) : this.moveToPosition(a, b ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
3948                        c = 1;
3949                        break
3950                    }
3951                    if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
3952                        if (a.isEditable()) this.moveToPosition(a, b ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), c = 1;
3953                        else if (b && a.is("br") && this.endContainer && this.checkEndOfBlock()) this.moveToPosition(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
3954                    else if ("false" == a.getAttribute("contenteditable") && a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block)) return this.setStartBefore(a), this.setEndAfter(a), !0;
3955                    var d = a,
3956                        f = c,
3957                        h = void 0;
3958                    d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.isEditable(!1) && (h = d[b ? "getLast" : "getFirst"](r));
3959                    f || h || (h = d[b ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](r));
3960                    a = h
3961                }
3962                return !!c
3963            },
3964            moveToClosestEditablePosition: function(a, b) {
3965                var c, d = 0,
3967                a ? (c = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root), c.moveToPosition(a, m[b ? 0 : 1])) : c = this.clone();
3968                if (a &&
3969                    !a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block)) d = 1;
3970                else if (f = c[b ? "getNextEditableNode" : "getPreviousEditableNode"]()) d = 1, (h = f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) && f.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block) && "false" == f.getAttribute("contenteditable") ? (c.setStartAt(f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), c.setEndAt(f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END)) : !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && h && f.is(CKEDITOR.dom.walker.validEmptyBlockContainers) ? (c.setEnd(f, 0), c.collapse()) : c.moveToPosition(f, m[b ? 1 : 0]);
3971                d && this.moveToRange(c);
3972                return !!d
3973            },
3974            moveToElementEditStart: function(a) {
3975                return this.moveToElementEditablePosition(a)
3976            },
3977            moveToElementEditEnd: function(a) {
3978                return this.moveToElementEditablePosition(a, !0)
3979            },
3980            getEnclosedNode: function() {
3981                var a = this.clone();
3982                a.optimize();
3983                if (a.startContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || a.endContainer.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return null;
3984                var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(a),
3985                    b = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!1, !0),
3986                    c = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(!0);
3987                a.evaluator = function(a) {
3988                    return c(a) && b(a)
3989                };
3990                var d = a.next();
3991                a.reset();
3992                return d && d.equals(a.previous()) ? d : null
3993            },
3994            getTouchedStartNode: function() {
3995                var a = this.startContainer;
3996                return this.collapsed || a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? a : a.getChild(this.startOffset) || a
3997            },
3998            getTouchedEndNode: function() {
3999                var a = this.endContainer;
4000                return this.collapsed || a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? a : a.getChild(this.endOffset - 1) || a
4001            },
4002            getNextEditableNode: f(),
4003            getPreviousEditableNode: f(1),
4004            _getTableElement: function(a) {
4005                a = a || {
4006                    td: 1,
4007                    th: 1,
4008                    tr: 1,
4009                    tbody: 1,
4010                    thead: 1,
4011                    tfoot: 1,
4012                    table: 1
4013                };
4014                var b = this.startContainer,
4015                    c = this.endContainer,
4016                    d = b.getAscendant("table", !0),
4017                    f = c.getAscendant("table", !0);
4018                return CKEDITOR.env.safari && d && c.equals(this.root) ?
4019                    b.getAscendant(a, !0) : this.getEnclosedNode() ? this.getEnclosedNode().getAscendant(a, !0) : d && f && (d.equals(f) || d.contains(f) || f.contains(d)) ? b.getAscendant(a, !0) : null
4020            },
4021            scrollIntoView: function() {
4022                var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml("\x3cspan\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e", this.document),
4023                    b, c, d, f = this.clone();
4024                f.optimize();
4025                (d = f.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) ? (c = f.startContainer.getText(), b = f.startContainer.split(f.startOffset), a.insertAfter(f.startContainer)) : f.insertNode(a);
4026                a.scrollIntoView();
4027                d && (f.startContainer.setText(c), b.remove());
4028                a.remove()
4029            },
4030            getClientRects: function() {
4031                function a(b, c) {
4032                    var d = CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(b, function(a) {
4033                            return a
4034                        }),
4035                        e = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(c.root),
4036                        f, h, l;
4037                    c.startContainer instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element && (h = 0 === c.startOffset && c.startContainer.hasAttribute("data-widget"));
4038                    c.endContainer instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element && (l = (l = c.endOffset === (c.endContainer.getChildCount ? c.endContainer.getChildCount() : c.endContainer.length)) && c.endContainer.hasAttribute("data-widget"));
4039                    h && e.setStart(c.startContainer.getParent(), c.startContainer.getIndex());
4040                    l && e.setEnd(c.endContainer.getParent(), c.endContainer.getIndex() + 1);
4041                    if (h || l) c = e;
4042                    e = c.cloneContents();
4043                    e = CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.find.call(e, "[data-cke-widget-id]").toArray();
4044                    if (e = CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(e, function(a) {
4045                            var b = c.root.editor;
4046                            a = a.getAttribute("data-cke-widget-id");
4047                            return b.widgets.instances[a].element
4048                        })) return e = CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(e, function(a) {
4049                        var b;
4050                        b = a.getParent().hasClass("cke_widget_wrapper") ? a.getParent() :
4051                            a;
4052                        f = this.root.getDocument().$.createRange();
4053                        f.setStart(b.getParent().$, b.getIndex());
4054                        f.setEnd(b.getParent().$, b.getIndex() + 1);
4055                        b = f.getClientRects();
4056                        b.widgetRect = a.getClientRect();
4057                        return b
4058                    }, c), CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(e, function(a) {
4059                        function b(e) {
4060                            CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(d, function(b, f) {
4061                                var l = CKEDITOR.tools.objectCompare(a[e], b);
4062                                l || (l = CKEDITOR.tools.objectCompare(a.widgetRect, b));
4063                                l && (Array.prototype.splice.call(d, f, a.length - e, a.widgetRect), c = !0)
4064                            });
4065                            c || (e < d.length - 1 ? b(e + 1) : d.push(a.widgetRect))
4066                        }
4067                        var c;
4068                        b(0)
4069                    }), d
4070                }
4072                function b(a, c, e) {
4073                    var f;
4074                    c.collapsed ? e.startContainer instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ? (a = e.checkStartOfBlock(), f = new CKEDITOR.dom.text("​"), a ? e.startContainer.append(f, !0) : 0 === e.startOffset ? f.insertBefore(e.startContainer.getFirst()) : (e = e.startContainer.getChildren().getItem(e.startOffset - 1), f.insertAfter(e)), c.setStart(f.$, 0), c.setEnd(f.$, 0), a = c.getClientRects(), f.remove()) : e.startContainer instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.text && ("" === e.startContainer.getText() ? (e.startContainer.setText("​"),
4075                        a = c.getClientRects(), e.startContainer.setText("")) : a = [d(e.createBookmark())]) : a = [d(e.createBookmark())];
4076                    return a
4077                }
4079                function c(a, b, d) {
4080                    a = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a);
4081                    b && (a = CKEDITOR.tools.getAbsoluteRectPosition(d.document.getWindow(), a));
4082                    !a.width && (a.width = a.right - a.left);
4083                    !a.height && (a.height = a.bottom - a.top);
4084                    return a
4085                }
4087                function d(a) {
4088                    var b = a.startNode;
4089                    a = a.endNode;
4090                    var c;
4091                    b.setText("​");
4092                    b.removeStyle("display");
4093                    a ? (a.setText("​"), a.removeStyle("display"), c = [b.getClientRect(), a.getClientRect()], a.remove()) : c = [b.getClientRect(), b.getClientRect()];
4094                    b.remove();
4095                    return {
4096                        right: Math.max(c[0].right, c[1].right),
4097                        bottom: Math.max(c[0].bottom, c[1].bottom),
4098                        left: Math.min(c[0].left, c[1].left),
4099                        top: Math.min(c[0].top, c[1].top),
4100                        width: Math.abs(c[0].left - c[1].left),
4101                        height: Math.max(c[0].bottom, c[1].bottom) - Math.min(c[0].top, c[1].top)
4102                    }
4103                }
4104                return void 0 !== this.document.getSelection ? function(d) {
4105                    var f = this.root.getDocument().$.createRange(),
4106                        m;
4107                    f.setStart(this.startContainer.$, this.startOffset);
4108                    f.setEnd(this.endContainer.$, this.endOffset);
4109                    m = f.getClientRects();
4110                    m = a(m, this);
4111                    m.length || (m = b(m, f, this));
4112                    return CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(m, function(a) {
4113                        return c(a, d, this)
4114                    }, this)
4115                } : function(a) {
4116                    return [c(d(this.createBookmark()), a, this)]
4117                }
4118            }(),
4119            _setStartContainer: function(a) {
4120                this.startContainer = a
4121            },
4122            _setEndContainer: function(a) {
4123                this.endContainer = a
4124            },
4125            _find: function(a, b) {
4126                var c = this.getCommonAncestor(),
4127                    d = this.getBoundaryNodes(),
4128                    f = [],
4129                    h, m, g, k;
4130                if (c && c.find)
4131                    for (m = c.find(a), h = 0; h < m.count(); h++)
4132                        if (c = m.getItem(h), b || !c.isReadOnly()) g = c.getPosition(d.startNode) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING ||
4133                            d.startNode.equals(c), k = c.getPosition(d.endNode) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING + CKEDITOR.POSITION_IS_CONTAINED || d.endNode.equals(c), g && k && f.push(c);
4134                return f
4135            }
4136        };
4137        CKEDITOR.dom.range.mergeRanges = function(a) {
4138            return CKEDITOR.tools.array.reduce(a, function(a, b) {
4139                var c = a[a.length - 1],
4140                    d = !1;
4141                b = b.clone();
4142                b.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT);
4143                if (c) {
4144                    var e = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(b.root),
4145                        d = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(e),
4146                        f = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces();
4147                    e.setStart(c.endContainer, c.endOffset);
4148                    e.setEnd(b.startContainer, b.startOffset);
4149                    for (e = d.next(); f(e) || b.endContainer.equals(e);) e = d.next();
4150                    d = !e
4151                }
4152                d ? c.setEnd(b.endContainer, b.endOffset) : a.push(b);
4153                return a
4154            }, [])
4155        }
4156    })();
4165    CKEDITOR.START = 1;
4166    CKEDITOR.END = 2;
4169    "use strict";
4170    (function() {
4171        function a(a) {
4172            1 > arguments.length || (this.range = a, this.forceBrBreak = 0, this.enlargeBr = 1, this.enforceRealBlocks = 0, this._ || (this._ = {}))
4173        }
4175        function d(a) {
4176            var b = [];
4177            a.forEach(function(a) {
4178                if ("true" == a.getAttribute("contenteditable")) return b.push(a), !1
4179            }, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0);
4180            return b
4181        }
4183        function b(a, c, f, h) {
4184            a: {
4185                null == h && (h = d(f));
4186                for (var g; g = h.shift();)
4187                    if (g.getDtd().p) {
4188                        h = {
4189                            element: g,
4190                            remaining: h
4191                        };
4192                        break a
4193                    } h = null
4194            }
4195            if (!h) return 0;
4196            if ((g = CKEDITOR.filter.instances[h.element.data("cke-filter")]) && !g.check(c)) return b(a,
4197                c, f, h.remaining);c = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(h.element);c.selectNodeContents(h.element);c = c.createIterator();c.enlargeBr = a.enlargeBr;c.enforceRealBlocks = a.enforceRealBlocks;c.activeFilter = c.filter = g;a._.nestedEditable = {
4198                element: h.element,
4199                container: f,
4200                remaining: h.remaining,
4201                iterator: c
4202            };
4203            return 1
4204        }
4206        function c(a, b, c) {
4207            if (!b) return !1;
4208            a = a.clone();
4209            a.collapse(!c);
4210            return a.checkBoundaryOfElement(b, c ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END)
4211        }
4212        var f = /^[\r\n\t ]+$/,
4213            h = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!1, !0),
4214            k = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(!0),
4215            g = function(a) {
4216                return h(a) && k(a)
4217            },
4218            n = {
4219                dd: 1,
4220                dt: 1,
4221                li: 1
4222            };
4223        a.prototype = {
4224            getNextParagraph: function(a) {
4225                var d, k, v, B, D;
4226                a = a || "p";
4227                if (this._.nestedEditable) {
4228                    if (d = this._.nestedEditable.iterator.getNextParagraph(a)) return this.activeFilter = this._.nestedEditable.iterator.activeFilter, d;
4229                    this.activeFilter = this.filter;
4230                    if (b(this, a, this._.nestedEditable.container, this._.nestedEditable.remaining)) return this.activeFilter = this._.nestedEditable.iterator.activeFilter, this._.nestedEditable.iterator.getNextParagraph(a);
4231                    this._.nestedEditable =
4232                        null
4233                }
4234                if (!this.range.root.getDtd()[a]) return null;
4235                if (!this._.started) {
4236                    var x = this.range.clone();
4237                    k = x.startPath();
4238                    var m = x.endPath(),
4239                        J = !x.collapsed && c(x, k.block),
4240                        u = !x.collapsed && c(x, m.block, 1);
4241                    x.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, !0);
4242                    J && x.setStartAt(k.block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
4243                    u && x.setEndAt(m.block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
4244                    k = x.endContainer.hasAscendant("pre", !0) || x.startContainer.hasAscendant("pre", !0);
4245                    x.enlarge(this.forceBrBreak && !k || !this.enlargeBr ? CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS : CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_BLOCK_CONTENTS);
4246                    x.collapsed || (k = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(x.clone()), m = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!0, !0), k.evaluator = m, this._.nextNode = k.next(), k = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(x.clone()), k.evaluator = m, k = k.previous(), this._.lastNode = k.getNextSourceNode(!0, null, x.root), this._.lastNode && this._.lastNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.trim(this._.lastNode.getText()) && this._.lastNode.getParent().isBlockBoundary() && (m = this.range.clone(), m.moveToPosition(this._.lastNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), m.checkEndOfBlock() &&
4247                        (m = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(m.endContainer, m.root), this._.lastNode = (m.block || m.blockLimit).getNextSourceNode(!0))), this._.lastNode && x.root.contains(this._.lastNode) || (this._.lastNode = this._.docEndMarker = x.document.createText(""), this._.lastNode.insertAfter(k)), x = null);
4248                    this._.started = 1;
4249                    k = x
4250                }
4251                m = this._.nextNode;
4252                x = this._.lastNode;
4253                for (this._.nextNode = null; m;) {
4254                    var J = 0,
4255                        u = m.hasAscendant("pre"),
4256                        K = m.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT,
4257                        l = 0;
4258                    if (K) m.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && f.test(m.getText()) && (K = 0);
4259                    else {
4260                        var t = m.getName();
4261                        if (CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[t] && "false" == m.getAttribute("contenteditable")) {
4262                            d = m;
4263                            b(this, a, d);
4264                            break
4265                        } else if (m.isBlockBoundary(this.forceBrBreak && !u && {
4266                                br: 1
4267                            })) {
4268                            if ("br" == t) K = 1;
4269                            else if (!k && !m.getChildCount() && "hr" != t) {
4270                                d = m;
4271                                v = m.equals(x);
4272                                break
4273                            }
4274                            k && (k.setEndAt(m, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), "br" != t && (this._.nextNode = m));
4275                            J = 1
4276                        } else {
4277                            if (m.getFirst()) {
4278                                k || (k = this.range.clone(), k.setStartAt(m, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START));
4279                                m = m.getFirst();
4280                                continue
4281                            }
4282                            K = 1
4283                        }
4284                    }
4285                    K && !k && (k = this.range.clone(), k.setStartAt(m, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START));
4286                    v = (!J || K) && m.equals(x);
4287                    if (k && !J)
4288                        for (; !m.getNext(g) && !v;) {
4289                            t = m.getParent();
4290                            if (t.isBlockBoundary(this.forceBrBreak && !u && {
4291                                    br: 1
4292                                })) {
4293                                J = 1;
4294                                K = 0;
4295                                v || t.equals(x);
4296                                k.setEndAt(t, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
4297                                break
4298                            }
4299                            m = t;
4300                            K = 1;
4301                            v = m.equals(x);
4302                            l = 1
4303                        }
4304                    K && k.setEndAt(m, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END);
4305                    m = this._getNextSourceNode(m, l, x);
4306                    if ((v = !m) || J && k) break
4307                }
4308                if (!d) {
4309                    if (!k) return this._.docEndMarker && this._.docEndMarker.remove(), this._.nextNode = null;
4310                    d = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(k.startContainer, k.root);
4311                    m = d.blockLimit;
4312                    J = {
4313                        div: 1,
4314                        th: 1,
4315                        td: 1
4316                    };
4317                    d = d.block;
4318                    !d && m && !this.enforceRealBlocks && J[m.getName()] && k.checkStartOfBlock() && k.checkEndOfBlock() && !m.equals(k.root) ? d = m : !d || this.enforceRealBlocks && d.is(n) ? (d = this.range.document.createElement(a), k.extractContents().appendTo(d), d.trim(), k.insertNode(d), B = D = !0) : "li" != d.getName() ? k.checkStartOfBlock() && k.checkEndOfBlock() || (d = d.clone(!1), k.extractContents().appendTo(d), d.trim(), D = k.splitBlock(), B = !D.wasStartOfBlock, D = !D.wasEndOfBlock, k.insertNode(d)) : v || (this._.nextNode = d.equals(x) ? null : this._getNextSourceNode(k.getBoundaryNodes().endNode,
4319                        1, x))
4320                }
4321                B && (B = d.getPrevious()) && B.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ("br" == B.getName() ? B.remove() : B.getLast() && "br" == B.getLast().$.nodeName.toLowerCase() && B.getLast().remove());
4322                D && (B = d.getLast()) && B.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "br" == B.getName() && (!CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller || B.getPrevious(h) || B.getNext(h)) && B.remove();
4323                this._.nextNode || (this._.nextNode = v || d.equals(x) || !x ? null : this._getNextSourceNode(d, 1, x));
4324                return d
4325            },
4326            _getNextSourceNode: function(a, b, c) {
4327                function d(a) {
4328                    return !(a.equals(c) || a.equals(f))
4329                }
4330                var f =
4331                    this.range.root;
4332                for (a = a.getNextSourceNode(b, null, d); !h(a);) a = a.getNextSourceNode(b, null, d);
4333                return a
4334            }
4335        };
4336        CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.createIterator = function() {
4337            return new a(this)
4338        }
4339    })();
4340    CKEDITOR.command = function(a, d) {
4341        this.uiItems = [];
4342        this.exec = function(b) {
4343            if (this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED || !this.checkAllowed()) return !1;
4344            this.editorFocus && a.focus();
4345            return !1 === this.fire("exec") ? !0 : !1 !== d.exec.call(this, a, b)
4346        };
4347        this.refresh = function(a, b) {
4348            if (!this.readOnly && a.readOnly) return !0;
4349            if (this.context && !b.isContextFor(this.context) || !this.checkAllowed(!0)) return this.disable(), !0;
4350            this.startDisabled || this.enable();
4351            this.modes && !this.modes[a.mode] && this.disable();
4352            return !1 === this.fire("refresh", {
4353                editor: a,
4354                path: b
4355            }) ? !0 : d.refresh && !1 !== d.refresh.apply(this, arguments)
4356        };
4357        var b;
4358        this.checkAllowed = function(c) {
4359            return c || "boolean" != typeof b ? b = a.activeFilter.checkFeature(this) : b
4360        };
4361        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, d, {
4362            modes: {
4363                wysiwyg: 1
4364            },
4365            editorFocus: 1,
4366            contextSensitive: !!d.context,
4367            state: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
4368        });
4369        CKEDITOR.event.call(this)
4370    };
4371    CKEDITOR.command.prototype = {
4372        enable: function() {
4373            this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && this.checkAllowed() && this.setState(this.preserveState && "undefined" != typeof this.previousState ? this.previousState : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
4374        },
4375        disable: function() {
4376            this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
4377        },
4378        setState: function(a) {
4379            if (this.state == a || a != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && !this.checkAllowed()) return !1;
4380            this.previousState = this.state;
4381            this.state = a;
4382            this.fire("state");
4383            return !0
4384        },
4385        toggleState: function() {
4386            this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ?
4387                this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) : this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
4388        }
4389    };
4390    CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(CKEDITOR.command.prototype);
4391    CKEDITOR.ENTER_P = 1;
4392    CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR = 2;
4394    CKEDITOR.config = {
4395        customConfig: "config.js",
4396        autoUpdateElement: !0,
4397        language: "",
4398        defaultLanguage: "en",
4399        contentsLangDirection: "",
4400        enterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
4401        forceEnterMode: !1,
4402        shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
4403        docType: "\x3c!DOCTYPE html\x3e",
4404        bodyId: "",
4405        bodyClass: "",
4406        fullPage: !1,
4407        height: 200,
4408        contentsCss: CKEDITOR.getUrl("contents.css"),
4409        extraPlugins: "",
4410        removePlugins: "",
4411        protectedSource: [],
4412        tabIndex: 0,
4413        width: "",
4414        baseFloatZIndex: 1E4,
4415        blockedKeystrokes: [CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66, CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73, CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85]
4416    };
4417    (function() {
4418        function a(a, b, c, d, f) {
4419            var e, w;
4420            a = [];
4421            for (e in b) {
4422                w = b[e];
4423                w = "boolean" == typeof w ? {} : "function" == typeof w ? {
4424                    match: w
4425                } : E(w);
4426                "$" != e.charAt(0) && (w.elements = e);
4427                c && (w.featureName = c.toLowerCase());
4428                var l = w;
4429                l.elements = k(l.elements, /\s+/) || null;
4430                l.propertiesOnly = l.propertiesOnly || !0 === l.elements;
4431                var p = /\s*,\s*/,
4432                    m = void 0;
4433                for (m in P) {
4434                    l[m] = k(l[m], p) || null;
4435                    var h = l,
4436                        t = O[m],
4437                        q = k(l[O[m]], p),
4438                        A = l[m],
4439                        z = [],
4440                        g = !0,
4441                        H = void 0;
4442                    q ? g = !1 : q = {};
4443                    for (H in A) "!" == H.charAt(0) && (H = H.slice(1), z.push(H), q[H] = !0, g = !1);
4444                    for (; H = z.pop();) A[H] =
4445                        A["!" + H], delete A["!" + H];
4446                    h[t] = (g ? !1 : q) || null
4447                }
4448                l.match = l.match || null;
4449                d.push(w);
4450                a.push(w)
4451            }
4452            b = f.elements;
4453            f = f.generic;
4454            var F;
4455            c = 0;
4456            for (d = a.length; c < d; ++c) {
4457                e = E(a[c]);
4458                w = !0 === e.classes || !0 === e.styles || !0 === e.attributes;
4459                l = e;
4460                m = t = p = void 0;
4461                for (p in P) l[p] = J(l[p]);
4462                h = !0;
4463                for (m in O) {
4464                    p = O[m];
4465                    t = l[p];
4466                    q = [];
4467                    A = void 0;
4468                    for (A in t) - 1 < A.indexOf("*") ? q.push(new RegExp("^" + A.replace(/\*/g, ".*") + "$")) : q.push(A);
4469                    t = q;
4470                    t.length && (l[p] = t, h = !1)
4471                }
4472                l.nothingRequired = h;
4473                l.noProperties = !(l.attributes || l.classes || l.styles);
4474                if (!0 === e.elements ||
4475                    null === e.elements) f[w ? "unshift" : "push"](e);
4476                else
4477                    for (F in l = e.elements, delete e.elements, l)
4478                        if (b[F]) b[F][w ? "unshift" : "push"](e);
4479                        else b[F] = [e]
4480            }
4481        }
4483        function d(a, c, d, f) {
4484            if (!a.match || a.match(c))
4485                if (f || g(a, c))
4486                    if (a.propertiesOnly || (d.valid = !0), d.allAttributes || (d.allAttributes = b(a.attributes, c.attributes, d.validAttributes)), d.allStyles || (d.allStyles = b(a.styles, c.styles, d.validStyles)), !d.allClasses) {
4487                        a = a.classes;
4488                        c = c.classes;
4489                        f = d.validClasses;
4490                        if (a)
4491                            if (!0 === a) a = !0;
4492                            else {
4493                                for (var e = 0, w = c.length, l; e < w; ++e) l = c[e], f[l] ||
4494                                    (f[l] = a(l));
4495                                a = !1
4496                            }
4497                        else a = !1;
4498                        d.allClasses = a
4499                    }
4500        }
4502        function b(a, b, c) {
4503            if (!a) return !1;
4504            if (!0 === a) return !0;
4505            for (var d in b) c[d] || (c[d] = a(d));
4506            return !1
4507        }
4509        function c(a, b, c) {
4510            if (!a.match || a.match(b)) {
4511                if (a.noProperties) return !1;
4512                c.hadInvalidAttribute = f(a.attributes, b.attributes) || c.hadInvalidAttribute;
4513                c.hadInvalidStyle = f(a.styles, b.styles) || c.hadInvalidStyle;
4514                a = a.classes;
4515                b = b.classes;
4516                if (a) {
4517                    for (var d = !1, e = !0 === a, l = b.length; l--;)
4518                        if (e || a(b[l])) b.splice(l, 1), d = !0;
4519                    a = d
4520                } else a = !1;
4521                c.hadInvalidClass = a || c.hadInvalidClass
4522            }
4523        }
4525        function f(a,
4526            b) {
4527            if (!a) return !1;
4528            var c = !1,
4529                d = !0 === a,
4530                f;
4531            for (f in b)
4532                if (d || a(f)) delete b[f], c = !0;
4533            return c
4534        }
4536        function h(a, b, c) {
4537            if (a.disabled || a.customConfig && !c || !b) return !1;
4538            a._.cachedChecks = {};
4539            return !0
4540        }
4542        function k(a, b) {
4543            if (!a) return !1;
4544            if (!0 === a) return a;
4545            if ("string" == typeof a) return a = z(a), "*" == a ? !0 : CKEDITOR.tools.convertArrayToObject(a.split(b));
4546            if (CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a)) return a.length ? CKEDITOR.tools.convertArrayToObject(a) : !1;
4547            var c = {},
4548                d = 0,
4549                f;
4550            for (f in a) c[f] = a[f], d++;
4551            return d ? c : !1
4552        }
4554        function g(a, b) {
4555            if (a.nothingRequired) return !0;
4556            var c, d, f, e;
4557            if (f = a.requiredClasses)
4558                for (e = b.classes, c = 0; c < f.length; ++c)
4559                    if (d = f[c], "string" == typeof d) {
4560                        if (-1 == CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(e, d)) return !1
4561                    } else if (!CKEDITOR.tools.checkIfAnyArrayItemMatches(e, d)) return !1;
4562            return n(b.styles, a.requiredStyles) && n(b.attributes, a.requiredAttributes)
4563        }
4565        function n(a, b) {
4566            if (!b) return !0;
4567            for (var c = 0, d; c < b.length; ++c)
4568                if (d = b[c], "string" == typeof d) {
4569                    if (!(d in a)) return !1
4570                } else if (!CKEDITOR.tools.checkIfAnyObjectPropertyMatches(a, d)) return !1;
4571            return !0
4572        }
4574        function r(a) {
4575            if (!a) return {};
4576            a = a.split(/\s*,\s*/).sort();
4577            for (var b = {}; a.length;) b[a.shift()] = "cke-test";
4578            return b
4579        }
4581        function e(a) {
4582            var b, c, d, f, e = {},
4583                l = 1;
4584            for (a = z(a); b = a.match(p);)(c = b[2]) ? (d = y(c, "styles"), f = y(c, "attrs"), c = y(c, "classes")) : d = f = c = null, e["$" + l++] = {
4585                elements: b[1],
4586                classes: c,
4587                styles: d,
4588                attributes: f
4589            }, a = a.slice(b[0].length);
4590            return e
4591        }
4593        function y(a, b) {
4594            var c = a.match(N[b]);
4595            return c ? z(c[1]) : null
4596        }
4598        function v(a) {
4599            var b = a.styleBackup = a.attributes.style,
4600                c = a.classBackup = a.attributes["class"];
4601            a.styles || (a.styles = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText(b ||
4602                "", 1));
4603            a.classes || (a.classes = c ? c.split(/\s+/) : [])
4604        }
4606        function B(a, b, f, e) {
4607            var l = 0,
4608                p;
4609            e.toHtml && (b.name = b.name.replace(w, "$1"));
4610            if (e.doCallbacks && a.elementCallbacks) {
4611                a: {
4612                    p = a.elementCallbacks;
4613                    for (var h = 0, q = p.length, E; h < q; ++h)
4614                        if (E = p[h](b)) {
4615                            p = E;
4616                            break a
4617                        } p = void 0
4618                }
4619                if (p) return p
4620            }
4621            if (e.doTransform && (p = a._.transformations[b.name])) {
4622                v(b);
4623                for (h = 0; h < p.length; ++h) t(a, b, p[h]);
4624                x(b)
4625            }
4626            if (e.doFilter) {
4627                a: {
4628                    h = b.name;q = a._;a = q.allowedRules.elements[h];p = q.allowedRules.generic;h = q.disallowedRules.elements[h];q = q.disallowedRules.generic;
4629                    E = e.skipRequired;
4630                    var z = {
4631                            valid: !1,
4632                            validAttributes: {},
4633                            validClasses: {},
4634                            validStyles: {},
4635                            allAttributes: !1,
4636                            allClasses: !1,
4637                            allStyles: !1,
4638                            hadInvalidAttribute: !1,
4639                            hadInvalidClass: !1,
4640                            hadInvalidStyle: !1
4641                        },
4642                        g, k;
4643                    if (a || p) {
4644                        v(b);
4645                        if (h)
4646                            for (g = 0, k = h.length; g < k; ++g)
4647                                if (!1 === c(h[g], b, z)) {
4648                                    a = null;
4649                                    break a
4650                                } if (q)
4651                            for (g = 0, k = q.length; g < k; ++g) c(q[g], b, z);
4652                        if (a)
4653                            for (g = 0, k = a.length; g < k; ++g) d(a[g], b, z, E);
4654                        if (p)
4655                            for (g = 0, k = p.length; g < k; ++g) d(p[g], b, z, E);
4656                        a = z
4657                    } else a = null
4658                }
4659                if (!a || !a.valid) return f.push(b),
4660                1;k = a.validAttributes;
4661                var H = a.validStyles;
4662                p = a.validClasses;
4663                var h = b.attributes,
4664                    F = b.styles,
4665                    q = b.classes;E = b.classBackup;
4666                var L = b.styleBackup,
4667                    G, N, C = [],
4668                    z = [],
4669                    O = /^data-cke-/;g = !1;delete h.style;delete h["class"];delete b.classBackup;delete b.styleBackup;
4670                if (!a.allAttributes)
4671                    for (G in h) k[G] || (O.test(G) ? G == (N = G.replace(/^data-cke-saved-/, "")) || k[N] || (delete h[G], g = !0) : (delete h[G], g = !0));
4672                if (!a.allStyles || a.hadInvalidStyle) {
4673                    for (G in F) a.allStyles || H[G] ? C.push(G + ":" + F[G]) : g = !0;
4674                    C.length && (h.style = C.sort().join("; "))
4675                } else L && (h.style = L);
4676                if (!a.allClasses ||
4677                    a.hadInvalidClass) {
4678                    for (G = 0; G < q.length; ++G)(a.allClasses || p[q[G]]) && z.push(q[G]);
4679                    z.length && (h["class"] = z.sort().join(" "));
4680                    E && z.length < E.split(/\s+/).length && (g = !0)
4681                } else E && (h["class"] = E);g && (l = 1);
4682                if (!e.skipFinalValidation && !m(b)) return f.push(b),
4683                1
4684            }
4685            e.toHtml && (b.name = b.name.replace(A, "cke:$1"));
4686            return l
4687        }
4689        function D(a) {
4690            var b = [],
4691                c;
4692            for (c in a) - 1 < c.indexOf("*") && b.push(c.replace(/\*/g, ".*"));
4693            return b.length ? new RegExp("^(?:" + b.join("|") + ")$") : null
4694        }
4696        function x(a) {
4697            var b = a.attributes,
4698                c;
4699            delete b.style;
4700            delete b["class"];
4701            if (c = CKEDITOR.tools.writeCssText(a.styles, !0)) b.style = c;
4702            a.classes.length && (b["class"] = a.classes.sort().join(" "))
4703        }
4705        function m(a) {
4706            switch (a.name) {
4707                case "a":
4708                    if (!(a.children.length || a.attributes.name || a.attributes.id)) return !1;
4709                    break;
4710                case "img":
4711                    if (!a.attributes.src) return !1
4712            }
4713            return !0
4714        }
4716        function J(a) {
4717            if (!a) return !1;
4718            if (!0 === a) return !0;
4719            var b = D(a);
4720            return function(c) {
4721                return c in a || b && c.match(b)
4722            }
4723        }
4725        function u() {
4726            return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element("br")
4727        }
4729        function K(a) {
4730            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ("br" ==
4731                a.name || q.$block[a.name])
4732        }
4734        function l(a, b, c) {
4735            var d = a.name;
4736            if (q.$empty[d] || !a.children.length) "hr" == d && "br" == b ? a.replaceWith(u()) : (a.parent && c.push({
4737                check: "it",
4738                el: a.parent
4739            }), a.remove());
4740            else if (q.$block[d] || "tr" == d)
4741                if ("br" == b) a.previous && !K(a.previous) && (b = u(), b.insertBefore(a)), a.next && !K(a.next) && (b = u(), b.insertAfter(a)), a.replaceWithChildren();
4742                else {
4743                    var d = a.children,
4744                        f;
4745                    b: {
4746                        f = q[b];
4747                        for (var e = 0, l = d.length, w; e < l; ++e)
4748                            if (w = d[e], w.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !f[w.name]) {
4749                                f = !1;
4750                                break b
4751                            } f = !0
4752                    }
4753                    if (f) a.name = b, a.attributes = {}, c.push({
4754                        check: "parent-down",
4755                        el: a
4756                    });
4757                    else {
4758                        f = a.parent;
4759                        for (var e = f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || "body" == f.name, p, h, l = d.length; 0 < l;) w = d[--l], e && (w.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || w.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && q.$inline[w.name]) ? (p || (p = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element(b), p.insertAfter(a), c.push({
4760                            check: "parent-down",
4761                            el: p
4762                        })), p.add(w, 0)) : (p = null, h = q[f.name] || q.span, w.insertAfter(a), f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || w.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || h[w.name] || c.push({
4763                            check: "el-up",
4764                            el: w
4765                        }));
4766                        a.remove()
4767                    }
4768                }
4769            else d in {
4770                style: 1,
4771                script: 1
4772            } ? a.remove() : (a.parent && c.push({
4773                check: "it",
4774                el: a.parent
4775            }), a.replaceWithChildren())
4776        }
4778        function t(a, b, c) {
4779            var d, f;
4780            for (d = 0; d < c.length; ++d)
4781                if (f = c[d], !(f.check && !a.check(f.check, !1) || f.left && !f.left(b))) {
4782                    f.right(b, G);
4783                    break
4784                }
4785        }
4787        function F(a, b) {
4788            var c = b.getDefinition(),
4789                d = c.attributes,
4790                f = c.styles,
4791                e, l, w, p;
4792            if (a.name != c.element) return !1;
4793            for (e in d)
4794                if ("class" == e)
4795                    for (c = d[e].split(/\s+/), w = a.classes.join("|"); p = c.pop();) {
4796                        if (-1 == w.indexOf(p)) return !1
4797                    } else if (a.attributes[e] != d[e]) return !1;
4798            for (l in f)
4799                if (a.styles[l] !=
4800                    f[l]) return !1;
4801            return !0
4802        }
4804        function L(a, b) {
4805            var c, d;
4806            "string" == typeof a ? c = a : a instanceof CKEDITOR.style ? d = a : (c = a[0], d = a[1]);
4807            return [{
4808                element: c,
4809                left: d,
4810                right: function(a, c) {
4811                    c.transform(a, b)
4812                }
4813            }]
4814        }
4816        function C(a) {
4817            return function(b) {
4818                return F(b, a)
4819            }
4820        }
4822        function M(a) {
4823            return function(b, c) {
4824                c[a](b)
4825            }
4826        }
4827        var q = CKEDITOR.dtd,
4828            E = CKEDITOR.tools.copy,
4829            z = CKEDITOR.tools.trim,
4830            H = ["", "p", "br", "div"];
4832        CKEDITOR.filter = function(a) {
4833            this.allowedContent = [];
4834            this.disallowedContent = [];
4835            this.elementCallbacks = null;
4836            this.disabled = !1;
4837            this.editor = null;
4838            this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
4839            this._ = {
4840                allowedRules: {
4841                    elements: {},
4842                    generic: []
4843                },
4844                disallowedRules: {
4845                    elements: {},
4846                    generic: []
4847                },
4848                transformations: {},
4849                cachedTests: {},
4850                cachedChecks: {}
4851            };
4852            CKEDITOR.filter.instances[this.id] = this;
4853            if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.editor) {
4854                a = this.editor = a;
4855                this.customConfig = !0;
4856                var b = a.config.allowedContent;
4857                !0 === b ? this.disabled = !0 : (b || (this.customConfig = !1), this.allow(b, "config", 1), this.allow(a.config.extraAllowedContent, "extra", 1), this.allow(H[a.enterMode] + " " + H[a.shiftEnterMode],
4858                    "default", 1), this.disallow(a.config.disallowedContent))
4859            } else this.customConfig = !1, this.allow(a, "default", 1)
4860        };
4861        CKEDITOR.filter.instances = {};
4862        CKEDITOR.filter.prototype = {
4863            allow: function(b, c, d) {
4864                if (!h(this, b, d)) return !1;
4865                var f, l;
4866                if ("string" == typeof b) b = e(b);
4867                else if (b instanceof CKEDITOR.style) {
4868                    if (b.toAllowedContentRules) return this.allow(b.toAllowedContentRules(this.editor), c, d);
4869                    f = b.getDefinition();
4870                    b = {};
4871                    d = f.attributes;
4872                    b[f.element] = f = {
4873                        styles: f.styles,
4874                        requiredStyles: f.styles && CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys(f.styles)
4875                    };
4876                    d && (d = E(d), f.classes = d["class"] ? d["class"].split(/\s+/) : null, f.requiredClasses = f.classes, delete d["class"], f.attributes = d, f.requiredAttributes = d && CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys(d))
4877                } else if (CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(b)) {
4878                    for (f = 0; f < b.length; ++f) l = this.allow(b[f], c, d);
4879                    return l
4880                }
4881                a(this, b, c, this.allowedContent, this._.allowedRules);
4882                return !0
4883            },
4884            applyTo: function(a, b, c, d) {
4885                if (this.disabled) return !1;
4886                var f = this,
4887                    e = [],
4888                    w = this.editor && this.editor.config.protectedSource,
4889                    p, h = !1,
4890                    t = {
4891                        doFilter: !c,
4892                        doTransform: !0,
4893                        doCallbacks: !0,
4894                        toHtml: b
4895                    };
4896                a.forEach(function(a) {
4897                    if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
4898                        if ("off" == a.attributes["data-cke-filter"]) return !1;
4899                        if (!b || "span" != a.name || !~CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys(a.attributes).join("|").indexOf("data-cke-"))
4900                            if (p = B(f, a, e, t), p & 1) h = !0;
4901                            else if (p & 2) return !1
4902                    } else if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT && a.value.match(/^\{cke_protected\}(?!\{C\})/)) {
4903                        var c;
4904                        a: {
4905                            var d = decodeURIComponent(a.value.replace(/^\{cke_protected\}/, ""));c = [];
4906                            var l, m, q;
4907                            if (w)
4908                                for (m = 0; m < w.length; ++m)
4909                                    if ((q = d.match(w[m])) && q[0].length == d.length) {
4910                                        c = !0;
4911                                        break a
4912                                    } d = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(d);1 == d.children.length && (l = d.children[0]).type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && B(f, l, c, t);c = !c.length
4913                        }
4914                        c || e.push(a)
4915                    }
4916                }, null, !0);
4917                e.length && (h = !0);
4918                var E;
4919                a = [];
4920                d = H[d || (this.editor ? this.editor.enterMode : CKEDITOR.ENTER_P)];
4921                for (var z; c = e.pop();) c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? l(c, d, a) : c.remove();
4922                for (; E = a.pop();)
4923                    if (c = E.el, c.parent) switch (z = q[c.parent.name] || q.span, E.check) {
4924                        case "it":
4925                            q.$removeEmpty[c.name] && !c.children.length ? l(c, d, a) : m(c) || l(c, d, a);
4926                            break;
4927                        case "el-up":
4928                            c.parent.type ==
4929                                CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || z[c.name] || l(c, d, a);
4930                            break;
4931                        case "parent-down":
4932                            c.parent.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT || z[c.name] || l(c.parent, d, a)
4933                    }
4934                return h
4935            },
4936            checkFeature: function(a) {
4937                if (this.disabled || !a) return !0;
4938                a.toFeature && (a = a.toFeature(this.editor));
4939                return !a.requiredContent || this.check(a.requiredContent)
4940            },
4941            disable: function() {
4942                this.disabled = !0
4943            },
4944            disallow: function(b) {
4945                if (!h(this, b, !0)) return !1;
4946                "string" == typeof b && (b = e(b));
4947                a(this, b, null, this.disallowedContent, this._.disallowedRules);
4948                return !0
4949            },
4950            addContentForms: function(a) {
4951                if (!this.disabled && a) {
4952                    var b, c, d = [],
4953                        f;
4954                    for (b = 0; b < a.length && !f; ++b) c = a[b], ("string" == typeof c || c instanceof CKEDITOR.style) && this.check(c) && (f = c);
4955                    if (f) {
4956                        for (b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) d.push(L(a[b], f));
4957                        this.addTransformations(d)
4958                    }
4959                }
4960            },
4961            addElementCallback: function(a) {
4962                this.elementCallbacks || (this.elementCallbacks = []);
4963                this.elementCallbacks.push(a)
4964            },
4965            addFeature: function(a) {
4966                if (this.disabled || !a) return !0;
4967                a.toFeature && (a = a.toFeature(this.editor));
4968                this.allow(a.allowedContent, a.name);
4969                this.addTransformations(a.contentTransformations);
4970                this.addContentForms(a.contentForms);
4971                return a.requiredContent && (this.customConfig || this.disallowedContent.length) ? this.check(a.requiredContent) : !0
4972            },
4973            addTransformations: function(a) {
4974                var b, c;
4975                if (!this.disabled && a) {
4976                    var d = this._.transformations,
4977                        f;
4978                    for (f = 0; f < a.length; ++f) {
4979                        b = a[f];
4980                        var e = void 0,
4981                            l = void 0,
4982                            w = void 0,
4983                            p = void 0,
4984                            h = void 0,
4985                            m = void 0;
4986                        c = [];
4987                        for (l = 0; l < b.length; ++l) w = b[l], "string" == typeof w ? (w = w.split(/\s*:\s*/), p = w[0], h = null, m = w[1]) : (p = w.check, h = w.left, m = w.right), e || (e = w, e = e.element ? e.element : p ? p.match(/^([a-z0-9]+)/i)[0] :
4988                            e.left.getDefinition().element), h instanceof CKEDITOR.style && (h = C(h)), c.push({
4989                            check: p == e ? null : p,
4990                            left: h,
4991                            right: "string" == typeof m ? M(m) : m
4992                        });
4993                        b = e;
4994                        d[b] || (d[b] = []);
4995                        d[b].push(c)
4996                    }
4997                }
4998            },
4999            check: function(a, b, c) {
5000                if (this.disabled) return !0;
5001                if (CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a)) {
5002                    for (var d = a.length; d--;)
5003                        if (this.check(a[d], b, c)) return !0;
5004                    return !1
5005                }
5006                var f, w;
5007                if ("string" == typeof a) {
5008                    w = a + "\x3c" + (!1 === b ? "0" : "1") + (c ? "1" : "0") + "\x3e";
5009                    if (w in this._.cachedChecks) return this._.cachedChecks[w];
5010                    f = e(a).$1;
5011                    var l = f.styles,
5012                        d = f.classes;
5013                    f.name = f.elements;
5014                    f.classes = d = d ? d.split(/\s*,\s*/) : [];
5015                    f.styles = r(l);
5016                    f.attributes = r(f.attributes);
5017                    f.children = [];
5018                    d.length && (f.attributes["class"] = d.join(" "));
5019                    l && (f.attributes.style = CKEDITOR.tools.writeCssText(f.styles))
5020                } else f = a.getDefinition(), l = f.styles, d = f.attributes || {}, l && !CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(l) ? (l = E(l), d.style = CKEDITOR.tools.writeCssText(l, !0)) : l = {}, f = {
5021                    name: f.element,
5022                    attributes: d,
5023                    classes: d["class"] ? d["class"].split(/\s+/) : [],
5024                    styles: l,
5025                    children: []
5026                };
5027                var l = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(f),
5028                    p = [],
5029                    h;
5030                if (!1 !== b && (h = this._.transformations[f.name])) {
5031                    for (d =
5032                        0; d < h.length; ++d) t(this, f, h[d]);
5033                    x(f)
5034                }
5035                B(this, l, p, {
5036                    doFilter: !0,
5037                    doTransform: !1 !== b,
5038                    skipRequired: !c,
5039                    skipFinalValidation: !c
5040                });
5041                0 < p.length ? c = !1 : ((b = f.attributes["class"]) && (f.attributes["class"] = f.attributes["class"].split(" ").sort().join(" ")), c = CKEDITOR.tools.objectCompare(f.attributes, l.attributes, !0), b && (f.attributes["class"] = b));
5042                "string" == typeof a && (this._.cachedChecks[w] = c);
5043                return c
5044            },
5045            getAllowedEnterMode: function() {
5046                var a = ["p", "div", "br"],
5047                    b = {
5048                        p: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
5049                        div: CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV,
5050                        br: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
5051                    };
5052                return function(c, d) {
5053                    var f = a.slice(),
5054                        e;
5055                    if (this.check(H[c])) return c;
5056                    for (d || (f = f.reverse()); e = f.pop();)
5057                        if (this.check(e)) return b[e];
5058                    return CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
5059                }
5060            }(),
5061            clone: function() {
5062                var a = new CKEDITOR.filter,
5063                    b = CKEDITOR.tools.clone;
5064                a.allowedContent = b(this.allowedContent);
5065                a._.allowedRules = b(this._.allowedRules);
5066                a.disallowedContent = b(this.disallowedContent);
5067                a._.disallowedRules = b(this._.disallowedRules);
5068                a._.transformations = b(this._.transformations);
5069                a.disabled = this.disabled;
5070                a.editor = this.editor;
5071                return a
5072            },
5073            destroy: function() {
5074                delete CKEDITOR.filter.instances[this.id];
5075                delete this._;
5076                delete this.allowedContent;
5077                delete this.disallowedContent
5078            }
5079        };
5080        var P = {
5081                styles: 1,
5082                attributes: 1,
5083                classes: 1
5084            },
5085            O = {
5086                styles: "requiredStyles",
5087                attributes: "requiredAttributes",
5088                classes: "requiredClasses"
5089            },
5090            p = /^([a-z0-9\-*\s]+)((?:\s*\{[!\w\-,\s\*]+\}\s*|\s*\[[!\w\-,\s\*]+\]\s*|\s*\([!\w\-,\s\*]+\)\s*){0,3})(?:;\s*|$)/i,
5091            N = {
5092                styles: /{([^}]+)}/,
5093                attrs: /\[([^\]]+)\]/,
5094                classes: /\(([^\)]+)\)/
5095            },
5096            w = /^cke:(object|embed|param)$/,
5097            A = /^(object|embed|param)$/,
5098            G;
5099        G = CKEDITOR.filter.transformationsTools = {
5100            sizeToStyle: function(a) {
5101                this.lengthToStyle(a,
5102                    "width");
5103                this.lengthToStyle(a, "height")
5104            },
5105            sizeToAttribute: function(a) {
5106                this.lengthToAttribute(a, "width");
5107                this.lengthToAttribute(a, "height")
5108            },
5109            lengthToStyle: function(a, b, c) {
5110                c = c || b;
5111                if (!(c in a.styles)) {
5112                    var d = a.attributes[b];
5113                    d && (/^\d+$/.test(d) && (d += "px"), a.styles[c] = d)
5114                }
5115                delete a.attributes[b]
5116            },
5117            lengthToAttribute: function(a, b, c) {
5118                c = c || b;
5119                if (!(c in a.attributes)) {
5120                    var d = a.styles[b],
5121                        f = d && d.match(/^(\d+)(?:\.\d*)?px$/);
5122                    f ? a.attributes[c] = f[1] : "cke-test" == d && (a.attributes[c] = "cke-test")
5123                }
5124                delete a.styles[b]
5125            },
5126            alignmentToStyle: function(a) {
5127                if (!("float" in
5128                        a.styles)) {
5129                    var b = a.attributes.align;
5130                    if ("left" == b || "right" == b) a.styles["float"] = b
5131                }
5132                delete a.attributes.align
5133            },
5134            alignmentToAttribute: function(a) {
5135                if (!("align" in a.attributes)) {
5136                    var b = a.styles["float"];
5137                    if ("left" == b || "right" == b) a.attributes.align = b
5138                }
5139                delete a.styles["float"]
5140            },
5141            splitBorderShorthand: function(a) {
5142                if (a.styles.border) {
5143                    var b = CKEDITOR.tools.style.parse.border(a.styles.border);
5144                    b.color && (a.styles["border-color"] = b.color);
5145                    b.style && (a.styles["border-style"] = b.style);
5146                    b.width && (a.styles["border-width"] = b.width);
5147                    delete a.styles.border
5148                }
5149            },
5150            listTypeToStyle: function(a) {
5151                if (a.attributes.type) switch (a.attributes.type) {
5152                    case "a":
5153                        a.styles["list-style-type"] = "lower-alpha";
5154                        break;
5155                    case "A":
5156                        a.styles["list-style-type"] = "upper-alpha";
5157                        break;
5158                    case "i":
5159                        a.styles["list-style-type"] = "lower-roman";
5160                        break;
5161                    case "I":
5162                        a.styles["list-style-type"] = "upper-roman";
5163                        break;
5164                    case "1":
5165                        a.styles["list-style-type"] = "decimal";
5166                        break;
5167                    default:
5168                        a.styles["list-style-type"] = a.attributes.type
5169                }
5170            },
5171            splitMarginShorthand: function(a) {
5172                function b(d) {
5173                    a.styles["margin-top"] =
5174                        c[d[0]];
5175                    a.styles["margin-right"] = c[d[1]];
5176                    a.styles["margin-bottom"] = c[d[2]];
5177                    a.styles["margin-left"] = c[d[3]]
5178                }
5179                if (a.styles.margin) {
5180                    var c = a.styles.margin.match(/(\-?[\.\d]+\w+)/g) || ["0px"];
5181                    switch (c.length) {
5182                        case 1:
5183                            b([0, 0, 0, 0]);
5184                            break;
5185                        case 2:
5186                            b([0, 1, 0, 1]);
5187                            break;
5188                        case 3:
5189                            b([0, 1, 2, 1]);
5190                            break;
5191                        case 4:
5192                            b([0, 1, 2, 3])
5193                    }
5194                    delete a.styles.margin
5195                }
5196            },
5197            matchesStyle: F,
5198            transform: function(a, b) {
5199                if ("string" == typeof b) a.name = b;
5200                else {
5201                    var c = b.getDefinition(),
5202                        d = c.styles,
5203                        f = c.attributes,
5204                        e, l, w, p;
5205                    a.name = c.element;
5206                    for (e in f)
5207                        if ("class" == e)
5208                            for (c =
5209                                a.classes.join("|"), w = f[e].split(/\s+/); p = w.pop();) - 1 == c.indexOf(p) && a.classes.push(p);
5210                        else a.attributes[e] = f[e];
5211                    for (l in d) a.styles[l] = d[l]
5212                }
5213            }
5214        }
5215    })();
5216    (function() {
5217        CKEDITOR.focusManager = function(a) {
5218            if (a.focusManager) return a.focusManager;
5219            this.hasFocus = !1;
5220            this.currentActive = null;
5221            this._ = {
5222                editor: a
5223            };
5224            return this
5225        };
5226        CKEDITOR.focusManager._ = {
5227            blurDelay: 200
5228        };
5229        CKEDITOR.focusManager.prototype = {
5230            focus: function(a) {
5231                this._.timer && clearTimeout(this._.timer);
5232                a && (this.currentActive = a);
5233                this.hasFocus || this._.locked || ((a = CKEDITOR.currentInstance) && a.focusManager.blur(1), this.hasFocus = !0, (a = this._.editor.container) && a.addClass("cke_focus"), this._.editor.fire("focus"))
5234            },
5235            lock: function() {
5236                this._.locked =
5237                    1
5238            },
5239            unlock: function() {
5240                delete this._.locked
5241            },
5242            blur: function(a) {
5243                function d() {
5244                    if (this.hasFocus) {
5245                        this.hasFocus = !1;
5246                        var a = this._.editor.container;
5247                        a && a.removeClass("cke_focus");
5248                        this._.editor.fire("blur")
5249                    }
5250                }
5251                if (!this._.locked) {
5252                    this._.timer && clearTimeout(this._.timer);
5253                    var b = CKEDITOR.focusManager._.blurDelay;
5254                    a || !b ? d.call(this) : this._.timer = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
5255                        delete this._.timer;
5256                        d.call(this)
5257                    }, b, this)
5258                }
5259            },
5260            add: function(a, d) {
5261                var b = a.getCustomData("focusmanager");
5262                if (!b || b != this) {
5263                    b && b.remove(a);
5264                    var b =
5265                        "focus",
5266                        c = "blur";
5267                    d && (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? (b = "focusin", c = "focusout") : CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 1);
5268                    var f = {
5269                        blur: function() {
5270                            a.equals(this.currentActive) && this.blur()
5271                        },
5272                        focus: function() {
5273                            this.focus(a)
5274                        }
5275                    };
5276                    a.on(b, f.focus, this);
5277                    a.on(c, f.blur, this);
5278                    d && (CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = 0);
5279                    a.setCustomData("focusmanager", this);
5280                    a.setCustomData("focusmanager_handlers", f)
5281                }
5282            },
5283            remove: function(a) {
5284                a.removeCustomData("focusmanager");
5285                var d = a.removeCustomData("focusmanager_handlers");
5286                a.removeListener("blur", d.blur);
5287                a.removeListener("focus",
5288                    d.focus)
5289            }
5290        }
5291    })();
5292    CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler = function(a) {
5293        if (a.keystrokeHandler) return a.keystrokeHandler;
5294        this.keystrokes = {};
5295        this.blockedKeystrokes = {};
5296        this._ = {
5297            editor: a
5298        };
5299        return this
5300    };
5301    (function() {
5302        var a, d = function(b) {
5303                b = b.data;
5304                var d = b.getKeystroke(),
5305                    h = this.keystrokes[d],
5306                    k = this._.editor;
5307                a = !1 === k.fire("key", {
5308                    keyCode: d,
5309                    domEvent: b
5310                });
5311                a || (h && (a = !1 !== k.execCommand(h, {
5312                    from: "keystrokeHandler"
5313                })), a || (a = !!this.blockedKeystrokes[d]));
5314                a && b.preventDefault(!0);
5315                return !a
5316            },
5317            b = function(b) {
5318                a && (a = !1, b.data.preventDefault(!0))
5319            };
5320        CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler.prototype = {
5321            attach: function(a) {
5322                a.on("keydown", d, this);
5323                if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac) a.on("keypress", b, this)
5324            }
5325        }
5326    })();
5327    (function() {
5328        CKEDITOR.lang = {
5329            languages: {
5330                af: 1,
5331                ar: 1,
5332                az: 1,
5333                bg: 1,
5334                bn: 1,
5335                bs: 1,
5336                ca: 1,
5337                cs: 1,
5338                cy: 1,
5339                da: 1,
5340                de: 1,
5341                "de-ch": 1,
5342                el: 1,
5343                "en-au": 1,
5344                "en-ca": 1,
5345                "en-gb": 1,
5346                en: 1,
5347                eo: 1,
5348                es: 1,
5349                "es-mx": 1,
5350                et: 1,
5351                eu: 1,
5352                fa: 1,
5353                fi: 1,
5354                fo: 1,
5355                "fr-ca": 1,
5356                fr: 1,
5357                gl: 1,
5358                gu: 1,
5359                he: 1,
5360                hi: 1,
5361                hr: 1,
5362                hu: 1,
5363                id: 1,
5364                is: 1,
5365                it: 1,
5366                ja: 1,
5367                ka: 1,
5368                km: 1,
5369                ko: 1,
5370                ku: 1,
5371                lt: 1,
5372                lv: 1,
5373                mk: 1,
5374                mn: 1,
5375                ms: 1,
5376                nb: 1,
5377                nl: 1,
5378                no: 1,
5379                oc: 1,
5380                pl: 1,
5381                "pt-br": 1,
5382                pt: 1,
5383                ro: 1,
5384                ru: 1,
5385                si: 1,
5386                sk: 1,
5387                sl: 1,
5388                sq: 1,
5389                "sr-latn": 1,
5390                sr: 1,
5391                sv: 1,
5392                th: 1,
5393                tr: 1,
5394                tt: 1,
5395                ug: 1,
5396                uk: 1,
5397                vi: 1,
5398                "zh-cn": 1,
5399                zh: 1
5400            },
5401            rtl: {
5402                ar: 1,
5403                fa: 1,
5404                he: 1,
5405                ku: 1,
5406                ug: 1
5407            },
5408            load: function(a, d, b) {
5409                a && CKEDITOR.lang.languages[a] ||
5410                    (a = this.detect(d, a));
5411                var c = this;
5412                d = function() {
5413                    c[a].dir = c.rtl[a] ? "rtl" : "ltr";
5414                    b(a, c[a])
5415                };
5416                this[a] ? d() : CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl("lang/" + a + ".js"), d, this)
5417            },
5418            detect: function(a, d) {
5419                var b = this.languages;
5420                d = d || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.language || a;
5421                var c = d.toLowerCase().match(/([a-z]+)(?:-([a-z]+))?/),
5422                    f = c[1],
5423                    c = c[2];
5424                b[f + "-" + c] ? f = f + "-" + c : b[f] || (f = null);
5425                CKEDITOR.lang.detect = f ? function() {
5426                    return f
5427                } : function(a) {
5428                    return a
5429                };
5430                return f || a
5431            }
5432        }
5433    })();
5434    CKEDITOR.scriptLoader = function() {
5435        var a = {},
5436            d = {};
5437        return {
5438            load: function(b, c, f, h) {
5439                var k = "string" == typeof b;
5440                k && (b = [b]);
5441                f || (f = CKEDITOR);
5442                var g = b.length,
5443                    n = [],
5444                    r = [],
5445                    e = function(a) {
5446                        c && (k ? c.call(f, a) : c.call(f, n, r))
5447                    };
5448                if (0 === g) e(!0);
5449                else {
5450                    var y = function(a, b) {
5451                            (b ? n : r).push(a);
5452                            0 >= --g && (h && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().removeStyle("cursor"), e(b))
5453                        },
5454                        v = function(b, c) {
5455                            a[b] = 1;
5456                            var f = d[b];
5457                            delete d[b];
5458                            for (var e = 0; e < f.length; e++) f[e](b, c)
5459                        },
5460                        B = function(b) {
5461                            if (a[b]) y(b, !0);
5462                            else {
5463                                var f = d[b] || (d[b] = []);
5464                                f.push(y);
5465                                if (!(1 < f.length)) {
5466                                    var e =
5467                                        new CKEDITOR.dom.element("script");
5468                                    e.setAttributes({
5469                                        type: "text/javascript",
5470                                        src: b
5471                                    });
5472                                    c && (CKEDITOR.env.ie && (8 >= CKEDITOR.env.version || CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat) ? e.$.onreadystatechange = function() {
5473                                        if ("loaded" == e.$.readyState || "complete" == e.$.readyState) e.$.onreadystatechange = null, v(b, !0)
5474                                    } : (e.$.onload = function() {
5475                                        setTimeout(function() {
5476                                            v(b, !0)
5477                                        }, 0)
5478                                    }, e.$.onerror = function() {
5479                                        v(b, !1)
5480                                    }));
5481                                    e.appendTo(CKEDITOR.document.getHead())
5482                                }
5483                            }
5484                        };
5485                    h && CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement().setStyle("cursor", "wait");
5486                    for (var D = 0; D < g; D++) B(b[D])
5487                }
5488            },
5489            queue: function() {
5490                function a() {
5491                    var b;
5492                    (b = c[0]) && this.load(b.scriptUrl, b.callback, CKEDITOR, 0)
5493                }
5494                var c = [];
5495                return function(d, h) {
5496                    var k = this;
5497                    c.push({
5498                        scriptUrl: d,
5499                        callback: function() {
5500                            h && h.apply(this, arguments);
5501                            c.shift();
5502                            a.call(k)
5503                        }
5504                    });
5505                    1 == c.length && a.call(this)
5506                }
5507            }()
5508        }
5509    }();
5510    CKEDITOR.resourceManager = function(a, d) {
5511        this.basePath = a;
5512        this.fileName = d;
5513        this.registered = {};
5514        this.loaded = {};
5515        this.externals = {};
5516        this._ = {
5517            waitingList: {}
5518        }
5519    };
5520    CKEDITOR.resourceManager.prototype = {
5521        add: function(a, d) {
5522            if (this.registered[a]) throw Error('[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.add] The resource name "' + a + '" is already registered.');
5523            var b = this.registered[a] = d || {};
5524            b.name = a;
5525            b.path = this.getPath(a);
5526            CKEDITOR.fire(a + CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize(this.fileName) + "Ready", b);
5527            return this.get(a)
5528        },
5529        get: function(a) {
5530            return this.registered[a] || null
5531        },
5532        getPath: function(a) {
5533            var d = this.externals[a];
5534            return CKEDITOR.getUrl(d && d.dir || this.basePath + a + "/")
5535        },
5536        getFilePath: function(a) {
5537            var d = this.externals[a];
5538            return CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.getPath(a) + (d ? d.file : this.fileName + ".js"))
5539        },
5540        addExternal: function(a, d, b) {
5541            a = a.split(",");
5542            for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
5543                var f = a[c];
5544                b || (d = d.replace(/[^\/]+$/, function(a) {
5545                    b = a;
5546                    return ""
5547                }));
5548                this.externals[f] = {
5549                    dir: d,
5550                    file: b || this.fileName + ".js"
5551                }
5552            }
5553        },
5554        load: function(a, d, b) {
5555            CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a) || (a = a ? [a] : []);
5556            for (var c = this.loaded, f = this.registered, h = [], k = {}, g = {}, n = 0; n < a.length; n++) {
5557                var r = a[n];
5558                if (r)
5559                    if (c[r] || f[r]) g[r] = this.get(r);
5560                    else {
5561                        var e = this.getFilePath(r);
5562                        h.push(e);
5563                        e in k || (k[e] = []);
5564                        k[e].push(r)
5565                    }
5566            }
5567            CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(h, function(a, f) {
5568                if (f.length) throw Error('[CKEDITOR.resourceManager.load] Resource name "' + k[f[0]].join(",") + '" was not found at "' + f[0] + '".');
5569                for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++)
5570                    for (var h = k[a[e]], n = 0; n < h.length; n++) {
5571                        var m = h[n];
5572                        g[m] = this.get(m);
5573                        c[m] = 1
5574                    }
5575                d.call(b, g)
5576            }, this)
5577        }
5578    };
5579    CKEDITOR.plugins = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager("plugins/", "plugin");
5580    CKEDITOR.plugins.load = CKEDITOR.tools.override(CKEDITOR.plugins.load, function(a) {
5581        var d = {};
5582        return function(b, c, f) {
5583            var h = {},
5584                k = function(b) {
5585                    a.call(this, b, function(a) {
5586                        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(h, a);
5587                        var b = [],
5588                            e;
5589                        for (e in a) {
5590                            var g = a[e],
5591                                v = g && g.requires;
5592                            if (!d[e]) {
5593                                if (g.icons)
5594                                    for (var B = g.icons.split(","), D = B.length; D--;) CKEDITOR.skin.addIcon(B[D], g.path + "icons/" + (CKEDITOR.env.hidpi && g.hidpi ? "hidpi/" : "") + B[D] + ".png");
5595                                d[e] = 1
5596                            }
5597                            if (v)
5598                                for (v.split && (v = v.split(",")), g = 0; g < v.length; g++) h[v[g]] || b.push(v[g])
5599                        }
5600                        if (b.length) k.call(this,
5601                            b);
5602                        else {
5603                            for (e in h) g = h[e], g.onLoad && !g.onLoad._called && (!1 === g.onLoad() && delete h[e], g.onLoad._called = 1);
5604                            c && c.call(f || window, h)
5605                        }
5606                    }, this)
5607                };
5608            k.call(this, b)
5609        }
5610    });
5611    CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang = function(a, d, b) {
5612        var c = this.get(a);
5613        a = c.langEntries || (c.langEntries = {});
5614        c = c.lang || (c.lang = []);
5615        c.split && (c = c.split(",")); - 1 == CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(c, d) && c.push(d);
5616        a[d] = b
5617    };
5618    CKEDITOR.ui = function(a) {
5619        if (a.ui) return a.ui;
5620        this.items = {};
5621        this.instances = {};
5622        this.editor = a;
5623        this._ = {
5624            handlers: {}
5625        };
5626        return this
5627    };
5628    CKEDITOR.ui.prototype = {
5629        add: function(a, d, b) {
5630            b.name = a.toLowerCase();
5631            var c = this.items[a] = {
5632                type: d,
5633                command: b.command || null,
5634                args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)
5635            };
5636            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(c, b)
5637        },
5638        get: function(a) {
5639            return this.instances[a]
5640        },
5641        create: function(a) {
5642            var d = this.items[a],
5643                b = d && this._.handlers[d.type],
5644                c = d && d.command && this.editor.getCommand(d.command),
5645                b = b && b.create.apply(this, d.args);
5646            this.instances[a] = b;
5647            c && c.uiItems.push(b);
5648            b && !b.type && (b.type = d.type);
5649            return b
5650        },
5651        addHandler: function(a, d) {
5652            this._.handlers[a] =
5653                d
5654        },
5655        space: function(a) {
5656            return CKEDITOR.document.getById(this.spaceId(a))
5657        },
5658        spaceId: function(a) {
5659            return this.editor.id + "_" + a
5660        }
5661    };
5662    CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(CKEDITOR.ui);
5663    (function() {
5664        function a(a, f, e) {
5665            CKEDITOR.event.call(this);
5666            a = a && CKEDITOR.tools.clone(a);
5667            if (void 0 !== f) {
5668                if (!(f instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element)) throw Error("Expect element of type CKEDITOR.dom.element.");
5669                if (!e) throw Error("One of the element modes must be specified.");
5670                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && e == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) throw Error("Inline element mode is not supported on IE quirks.");
5671                if (!b(f, e)) throw Error('The specified element mode is not supported on element: "' + f.getName() + '".');
5672                this.element = f;
5673                this.elementMode = e;
5674                this.name = this.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO && (f.getId() || f.getNameAtt())
5675            } else this.elementMode = CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_NONE;
5676            this._ = {};
5677            this.commands = {};
5678            this.templates = {};
5679            this.name = this.name || d();
5680            this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
5681            this.status = "unloaded";
5682            this.config = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy(CKEDITOR.config);
5683            this.ui = new CKEDITOR.ui(this);
5684            this.focusManager = new CKEDITOR.focusManager(this);
5685            this.keystrokeHandler = new CKEDITOR.keystrokeHandler(this);
5686            this.on("readOnly",
5687                c);
5688            this.on("selectionChange", function(a) {
5689                h(this, a.data.path)
5690            });
5691            this.on("activeFilterChange", function() {
5692                h(this, this.elementPath(), !0)
5693            });
5694            this.on("mode", c);
5695            this.on("instanceReady", function() {
5696                if (this.config.startupFocus) {
5697                    if ("end" === this.config.startupFocus) {
5698                        var a = this.createRange();
5699                        a.selectNodeContents(this.editable());
5700                        a.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, !0);
5701                        a.collapse();
5702                        this.getSelection().selectRanges([a])
5703                    }
5704                    this.focus()
5705                }
5706            });
5707            CKEDITOR.fire("instanceCreated", null, this);
5708            CKEDITOR.add(this);
5709            CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
5710                "destroyed" !==
5711                this.status ? g(this, a) : CKEDITOR.warn("editor-incorrect-destroy")
5712            }, 0, this)
5713        }
5715        function d() {
5716            do var a = "editor" + ++D; while (CKEDITOR.instances[a]);
5717            return a
5718        }
5720        function b(a, b) {
5721            return b == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable) || a.is("textarea") : b == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ? !a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonBodyContent) : 1
5722        }
5724        function c() {
5725            var a = this.commands,
5726                b;
5727            for (b in a) f(this, a[b])
5728        }
5730        function f(a, b) {
5731            b[b.startDisabled ? "disable" : a.readOnly && !b.readOnly ? "disable" : b.modes[a.mode] ? "enable" : "disable"]()
5732        }
5734        function h(a,
5735            b, c) {
5736            if (b) {
5737                var d, f, e = a.commands;
5738                for (f in e) d = e[f], (c || d.contextSensitive) && d.refresh(a, b)
5739            }
5740        }
5742        function k(a) {
5743            var b = a.config.customConfig;
5744            if (!b) return !1;
5745            var b = CKEDITOR.getUrl(b),
5746                c = x[b] || (x[b] = {});
5747            c.fn ? (c.fn.call(a, a.config), CKEDITOR.getUrl(a.config.customConfig) != b && k(a) || a.fireOnce("customConfigLoaded")) : CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.queue(b, function() {
5748                c.fn = CKEDITOR.editorConfig ? CKEDITOR.editorConfig : function() {};
5749                k(a)
5750            });
5751            return !0
5752        }
5754        function g(a, b) {
5755            a.on("customConfigLoaded", function() {
5756                if (b) {
5757                    if (b.on)
5758                        for (var c in b.on) a.on(c,
5759                            b.on[c]);
5760                    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(a.config, b, !0);
5761                    delete a.config.on
5762                }
5763                c = a.config;
5764                a.readOnly = c.readOnly ? !0 : a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? a.element.is("textarea") ? a.element.hasAttribute("disabled") || a.element.hasAttribute("readonly") : a.element.isReadOnly() : a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ? a.element.hasAttribute("disabled") || a.element.hasAttribute("readonly") : !1;
5765                a.blockless = a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? !(a.element.is("textarea") || CKEDITOR.dtd[a.element.getName()].p) :
5766                    !1;
5767                a.tabIndex = c.tabIndex || a.element && a.element.getAttribute("tabindex") || 0;
5768                a.activeEnterMode = a.enterMode = a.blockless ? CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : c.enterMode;
5769                a.activeShiftEnterMode = a.shiftEnterMode = a.blockless ? CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : c.shiftEnterMode;
5770                c.skin && (CKEDITOR.skinName = c.skin);
5771                a.fireOnce("configLoaded");
5772                a.dataProcessor = new CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor(a);
5773                a.filter = a.activeFilter = new CKEDITOR.filter(a);
5774                n(a)
5775            });
5776            b && null != b.customConfig && (a.config.customConfig = b.customConfig);
5777            k(a) || a.fireOnce("customConfigLoaded")
5778        }
5780        function n(a) {
5781            CKEDITOR.skin.loadPart("editor", function() {
5782                r(a)
5783            })
5784        }
5786        function r(a) {
5787            CKEDITOR.lang.load(a.config.language, a.config.defaultLanguage, function(b, c) {
5788                var d = a.config.title;
5789                a.langCode = b;
5790                a.lang = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy(c);
5791                a.title = "string" == typeof d || !1 === d ? d : [a.lang.editor, a.name].join(", ");
5792                a.config.contentsLangDirection || (a.config.contentsLangDirection = a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? a.element.getDirection(1) : a.lang.dir);
5793                a.fire("langLoaded");
5794                e(a)
5795            })
5796        }
5798        function e(a) {
5799            a.getStylesSet(function(b) {
5800                a.once("loaded",
5801                    function() {
5802                        a.fire("stylesSet", {
5803                            styles: b
5804                        })
5805                    }, null, null, 1);
5806                y(a)
5807            })
5808        }
5810        function y(a) {
5811            function b(a) {
5812                if (!a) return "";
5813                CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a) && (a = a.join(","));
5814                return a.replace(/\s/g, "")
5815            }
5816            var c = a.config,
5817                d = b(c.plugins),
5818                f = b(c.extraPlugins),
5819                e = b(c.removePlugins);
5820            if (f) var h = new RegExp("(?:^|,)(?:" + f.replace(/,/g, "|") + ")(?\x3d,|$)", "g"),
5821                d = d.replace(h, ""),
5822                d = d + ("," + f);
5823            if (e) var g = new RegExp("(?:^|,)(?:" + e.replace(/,/g, "|") + ")(?\x3d,|$)", "g"),
5824                d = d.replace(g, "");
5825            CKEDITOR.env.air && (d += ",adobeair");
5826            CKEDITOR.plugins.load(d.split(","),
5827                function(b) {
5828                    var d = [],
5829                        f = [],
5830                        e = [];
5831                    a.plugins = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a.plugins, b);
5832                    for (var l in b) {
5833                        var h = b[l],
5834                            t = h.lang,
5835                            k = null,
5836                            p = h.requires,
5837                            F;
5838                        CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(p) && (p = p.join(","));
5839                        if (p && (F = p.match(g)))
5840                            for (; p = F.pop();) CKEDITOR.error("editor-plugin-required", {
5841                                plugin: p.replace(",", ""),
5842                                requiredBy: l
5843                            });
5844                        t && !a.lang[l] && (t.split && (t = t.split(",")), 0 <= CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(t, a.langCode) ? k = a.langCode : (k = a.langCode.replace(/-.*/, ""), k = k != a.langCode && 0 <= CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(t, k) ? k : 0 <= CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(t,
5845                            "en") ? "en" : t[0]), h.langEntries && h.langEntries[k] ? (a.lang[l] = h.langEntries[k], k = null) : e.push(CKEDITOR.getUrl(h.path + "lang/" + k + ".js")));
5846                        f.push(k);
5847                        d.push(h)
5848                    }
5849                    CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(e, function() {
5850                        for (var b = ["beforeInit", "init", "afterInit"], e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
5851                            for (var l = 0; l < d.length; l++) {
5852                                var p = d[l];
5853                                0 === e && f[l] && p.lang && p.langEntries && (a.lang[p.name] = p.langEntries[f[l]]);
5854                                if (p[b[e]]) p[b[e]](a)
5855                            }
5856                        a.fireOnce("pluginsLoaded");
5857                        c.keystrokes && a.setKeystroke(a.config.keystrokes);
5858                        for (l = 0; l < a.config.blockedKeystrokes.length; l++) a.keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes[a.config.blockedKeystrokes[l]] =
5859                            1;
5860                        a.status = "loaded";
5861                        a.fireOnce("loaded");
5862                        CKEDITOR.fire("instanceLoaded", null, a)
5863                    })
5864                })
5865        }
5867        function v() {
5868            var a = this.element;
5869            if (a && this.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO) {
5870                var b = this.getData();
5871                this.config.htmlEncodeOutput && (b = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(b));
5872                a.is("textarea") ? a.setValue(b) : a.setHtml(b);
5873                return !0
5874            }
5875            return !1
5876        }
5878        function B(a, b) {
5879            function c(a) {
5880                var b = a.startContainer,
5881                    d = a.endContainer;
5882                return b.is && (b.is("tr") || b.is("td") && b.equals(d) && a.endOffset === b.getChildCount()) ? !0 : !1
5883            }
5885            function d(a) {
5886                var b = a.startContainer;
5887                return b.is("tr") ? a.cloneContents() : b.clone(!0)
5888            }
5889            for (var f = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment, e, h, g, k = 0; k < a.length; k++) {
5890                var M = a[k],
5891                    q = M.startContainer.getAscendant("tr", !0);
5892                c(M) ? (e || (e = q.getAscendant("table").clone(), e.append(q.getAscendant({
5893                    thead: 1,
5894                    tbody: 1,
5895                    tfoot: 1
5896                }).clone()), f.append(e), e = e.findOne("thead, tbody, tfoot")), h && h.equals(q) || (h = q, g = q.clone(), e.append(g)), g.append(d(M))) : f.append(M.cloneContents())
5897            }
5898            return e ? f : b.getHtmlFromRange(a[0])
5899        }
5900        a.prototype = CKEDITOR.editor.prototype;
5901        CKEDITOR.editor =
5902            a;
5903        var D = 0,
5904            x = {};
5905        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
5906            plugins: {
5907                detectConflict: function(a, b) {
5908                    for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
5909                        var d = b[c];
5910                        if (this[d]) return CKEDITOR.warn("editor-plugin-conflict", {
5911                            plugin: a,
5912                            replacedWith: d
5913                        }), !0
5914                    }
5915                    return !1
5916                }
5917            },
5918            addCommand: function(a, b) {
5919                b.name = a.toLowerCase();
5920                var c = b instanceof CKEDITOR.command ? b : new CKEDITOR.command(this, b);
5921                this.mode && f(this, c);
5922                return this.commands[a] = c
5923            },
5924            _attachToForm: function() {
5925                function a(b) {
5926                    c.updateElement();
5927                    c._.required && !d.getValue() && !1 === c.fire("required") &&
5928                        b.data.preventDefault()
5929                }
5931                function b(a) {
5932                    return !!(a && a.call && a.apply)
5933                }
5934                var c = this,
5935                    d = c.element,
5936                    f = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(d.$.form);
5937                d.is("textarea") && f && (f.on("submit", a), b(f.$.submit) && (f.$.submit = CKEDITOR.tools.override(f.$.submit, function(b) {
5938                    return function() {
5939                        a();
5940                        b.apply ? b.apply(this) : b()
5941                    }
5942                })), c.on("destroy", function() {
5943                    f.removeListener("submit", a)
5944                }))
5945            },
5946            destroy: function(a) {
5947                this.fire("beforeDestroy");
5948                !a && v.call(this);
5949                this.editable(null);
5950                this.filter && (this.filter.destroy(), delete this.filter);
5951                delete this.activeFilter;
5952                this.status = "destroyed";
5953                this.fire("destroy");
5954                this.removeAllListeners();
5955                CKEDITOR.remove(this);
5956                CKEDITOR.fire("instanceDestroyed", null, this)
5957            },
5958            elementPath: function(a) {
5959                if (!a) {
5960                    a = this.getSelection();
5961                    if (!a) return null;
5962                    a = a.getStartElement()
5963                }
5964                return a ? new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(a, this.editable()) : null
5965            },
5966            createRange: function() {
5967                var a = this.editable();
5968                return a ? new CKEDITOR.dom.range(a) : null
5969            },
5970            execCommand: function(a, b) {
5971                var c = this.getCommand(a),
5972                    d = {
5973                        name: a,
5974                        commandData: b || {},
5975                        command: c
5976                    };
5977                return c && c.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED &&
5978                    !1 !== this.fire("beforeCommandExec", d) && (d.returnValue = c.exec(d.commandData), !c.async && !1 !== this.fire("afterCommandExec", d)) ? d.returnValue : !1
5979            },
5980            getCommand: function(a) {
5981                return this.commands[a]
5982            },
5983            getData: function(a) {
5984                !a && this.fire("beforeGetData");
5985                var b = this._.data;
5986                "string" != typeof b && (b = (b = this.element) && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ? b.is("textarea") ? b.getValue() : b.getHtml() : "");
5987                b = {
5988                    dataValue: b
5989                };
5990                !a && this.fire("getData", b);
5991                return b.dataValue
5992            },
5993            getSnapshot: function() {
5994                var a = this.fire("getSnapshot");
5995                "string" != typeof a && (a = (a = this.element) && this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ? a.is("textarea") ? a.getValue() : a.getHtml() : "");
5996                return a
5997            },
5998            loadSnapshot: function(a) {
5999                this.fire("loadSnapshot", a)
6000            },
6001            setData: function(a, b, c) {
6002                var d = !0,
6003                    f = b;
6004                b && "object" == typeof b && (c = b.internal, f = b.callback, d = !b.noSnapshot);
6005                !c && d && this.fire("saveSnapshot");
6006                if (f || !c) this.once("dataReady", function(a) {
6007                    !c && d && this.fire("saveSnapshot");
6008                    f && f.call(a.editor)
6009                });
6010                a = {
6011                    dataValue: a
6012                };
6013                !c && this.fire("setData", a);
6014                this._.data = a.dataValue;
6015                !c && this.fire("afterSetData", a)
6016            },
6017            setReadOnly: function(a) {
6018                a = null == a || a;
6019                this.readOnly != a && (this.readOnly = a, this.keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes[8] = +a, this.editable().setReadOnly(a), this.fire("readOnly"))
6020            },
6021            insertHtml: function(a, b, c) {
6022                this.fire("insertHtml", {
6023                    dataValue: a,
6024                    mode: b,
6025                    range: c
6026                })
6027            },
6028            insertText: function(a) {
6029                this.fire("insertText", a)
6030            },
6031            insertElement: function(a) {
6032                this.fire("insertElement", a)
6033            },
6034            getSelectedHtml: function(a) {
6035                var b = this.editable(),
6036                    c = this.getSelection(),
6037                    c = c && c.getRanges();
6038                if (!b || !c || 0 === c.length) return null;
6039                b = B(c, b);
6040                return a ? b.getHtml() : b
6041            },
6042            extractSelectedHtml: function(a, b) {
6043                var c = this.editable(),
6044                    d = this.getSelection().getRanges(),
6045                    f = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment,
6046                    e;
6047                if (!c || 0 === d.length) return null;
6048                for (e = 0; e < d.length; e++) f.append(c.extractHtmlFromRange(d[e], b));
6049                b || this.getSelection().selectRanges([d[0]]);
6050                return a ? f.getHtml() : f
6051            },
6052            focus: function() {
6053                this.fire("beforeFocus")
6054            },
6055            checkDirty: function() {
6056                return "ready" == this.status && this._.previousValue !== this.getSnapshot()
6057            },
6058            resetDirty: function() {
6059                this._.previousValue =
6060                    this.getSnapshot()
6061            },
6062            updateElement: function() {
6063                return v.call(this)
6064            },
6065            setKeystroke: function() {
6066                for (var a = this.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes, b = CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : [
6067                        [].slice.call(arguments, 0)
6068                    ], c, d, f = b.length; f--;) c = b[f], d = 0, CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(c) && (d = c[1], c = c[0]), d ? a[c] = d : delete a[c]
6069            },
6070            getCommandKeystroke: function(a) {
6071                if (a = "string" === typeof a ? this.getCommand(a) : a) {
6072                    var b = CKEDITOR.tools.object.findKey(this.commands, a),
6073                        c = this.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes,
6074                        d;
6075                    if (a.fakeKeystroke) return a.fakeKeystroke;
6076                    for (d in c)
6077                        if (c.hasOwnProperty(d) && c[d] == b) return d
6078                }
6079                return null
6080            },
6081            addFeature: function(a) {
6082                return this.filter.addFeature(a)
6083            },
6084            setActiveFilter: function(a) {
6085                a || (a = this.filter);
6086                this.activeFilter !== a && (this.activeFilter = a, this.fire("activeFilterChange"), a === this.filter ? this.setActiveEnterMode(null, null) : this.setActiveEnterMode(a.getAllowedEnterMode(this.enterMode), a.getAllowedEnterMode(this.shiftEnterMode, !0)))
6087            },
6088            setActiveEnterMode: function(a, b) {
6089                a = a ? this.blockless ? CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : a : this.enterMode;
6090                b = b ? this.blockless ?
6091                    CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : b : this.shiftEnterMode;
6092                if (this.activeEnterMode != a || this.activeShiftEnterMode != b) this.activeEnterMode = a, this.activeShiftEnterMode = b, this.fire("activeEnterModeChange")
6093            },
6094            showNotification: function(a) {
6095                alert(a)
6096            }
6097        })
6098    })();
6103    CKEDITOR.htmlParser = function() {
6104        this._ = {
6105            htmlPartsRegex: /<(?:(?:\/([^>]+)>)|(?:!--([\S|\s]*?)--\x3e)|(?:([^\/\s>]+)((?:\s+[\w\-:.]+(?:\s*=\s*?(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^\s"'\/>]+))?)*)[\S\s]*?(\/?)>))/g
6106        }
6107    };
6108    (function() {
6109        var a = /([\w\-:.]+)(?:(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"([^"]*)")|(?:'([^']*)')|([^\s>]+)))|(?=\s|$))/g,
6110            d = {
6111                checked: 1,
6112                compact: 1,
6113                declare: 1,
6114                defer: 1,
6115                disabled: 1,
6116                ismap: 1,
6117                multiple: 1,
6118                nohref: 1,
6119                noresize: 1,
6120                noshade: 1,
6121                nowrap: 1,
6122                readonly: 1,
6123                selected: 1
6124            };
6125        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.prototype = {
6126            onTagOpen: function() {},
6127            onTagClose: function() {},
6128            onText: function() {},
6129            onCDATA: function() {},
6130            onComment: function() {},
6131            parse: function(b) {
6132                for (var c, f, h = 0, k; c = this._.htmlPartsRegex.exec(b);) {
6133                    f = c.index;
6134                    if (f > h)
6135                        if (h = b.substring(h, f), k) k.push(h);
6136                        else this.onText(h);
6137                    h = this._.htmlPartsRegex.lastIndex;
6138                    if (f = c[1])
6139                        if (f = f.toLowerCase(), k && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[f] && (this.onCDATA(k.join("")), k = null), !k) {
6140                            this.onTagClose(f);
6141                            continue
6142                        } if (k) k.push(c[0]);
6143                    else if (f = c[3]) {
6144                        if (f = f.toLowerCase(), !/="/.test(f)) {
6145                            var g = {},
6146                                n, r = c[4];
6147                            c = !!c[5];
6148                            if (r)
6149                                for (; n = a.exec(r);) {
6150                                    var e = n[1].toLowerCase();
6151                                    n = n[2] || n[3] || n[4] || "";
6152                                    g[e] = !n && d[e] ? e : CKEDITOR.tools.htmlDecodeAttr(n)
6153                                }
6154                            this.onTagOpen(f, g, c);
6155                            !k && CKEDITOR.dtd.$cdata[f] && (k = [])
6156                        }
6157                    } else if (f = c[2]) this.onComment(f)
6158                }
6159                if (b.length > h) this.onText(b.substring(h,
6160                    b.length))
6161            }
6162        }
6163    })();
6164    CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
6165        $: function() {
6166            this._ = {
6167                output: []
6168            }
6169        },
6170        proto: {
6171            openTag: function(a) {
6172                this._.output.push("\x3c", a)
6173            },
6174            openTagClose: function(a, d) {
6175                d ? this._.output.push(" /\x3e") : this._.output.push("\x3e")
6176            },
6177            attribute: function(a, d) {
6178                "string" == typeof d && (d = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr(d));
6179                this._.output.push(" ", a, '\x3d"', d, '"')
6180            },
6181            closeTag: function(a) {
6182                this._.output.push("\x3c/", a, "\x3e")
6183            },
6184            text: function(a) {
6185                this._.output.push(a)
6186            },
6187            comment: function(a) {
6188                this._.output.push("\x3c!--", a,
6189                    "--\x3e")
6190            },
6191            write: function(a) {
6192                this._.output.push(a)
6193            },
6194            reset: function() {
6195                this._.output = [];
6196                this._.indent = !1
6197            },
6198            getHtml: function(a) {
6199                var d = this._.output.join("");
6200                a && this.reset();
6201                return d
6202            }
6203        }
6204    });
6205    "use strict";
6206    (function() {
6207        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node = function() {};
6208        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node.prototype = {
6209            remove: function() {
6210                var a = this.parent.children,
6211                    d = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(a, this),
6212                    b = this.previous,
6213                    c = this.next;
6214                b && (b.next = c);
6215                c && (c.previous = b);
6216                a.splice(d, 1);
6217                this.parent = null
6218            },
6219            replaceWith: function(a) {
6220                var d = this.parent.children,
6221                    b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(d, this),
6222                    c = a.previous = this.previous,
6223                    f = a.next = this.next;
6224                c && (c.next = a);
6225                f && (f.previous = a);
6226                d[b] = a;
6227                a.parent = this.parent;
6228                this.parent = null
6229            },
6230            insertAfter: function(a) {
6231                var d = a.parent.children,
6232                    b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(d, a),
6233                    c = a.next;
6234                d.splice(b + 1, 0, this);
6235                this.next = a.next;
6236                this.previous = a;
6237                a.next = this;
6238                c && (c.previous = this);
6239                this.parent = a.parent
6240            },
6241            insertBefore: function(a) {
6242                var d = a.parent.children,
6243                    b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(d, a);
6244                d.splice(b, 0, this);
6245                this.next = a;
6246                (this.previous = a.previous) && (a.previous.next = this);
6247                a.previous = this;
6248                this.parent = a.parent
6249            },
6250            getAscendant: function(a) {
6251                var d = "function" == typeof a ? a : "string" == typeof a ? function(b) {
6252                        return b.name == a
6253                    } : function(b) {
6254                        return b.name in a
6255                    },
6256                    b = this.parent;
6257                for (; b &&
6258                    b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;) {
6259                    if (d(b)) return b;
6260                    b = b.parent
6261                }
6262                return null
6263            },
6264            wrapWith: function(a) {
6265                this.replaceWith(a);
6266                a.add(this);
6267                return a
6268            },
6269            getIndex: function() {
6270                return CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this.parent.children, this)
6271            },
6272            getFilterContext: function(a) {
6273                return a || {}
6274            }
6275        }
6276    })();
6277    "use strict";
6278    CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment = function(a) {
6279        this.value = a;
6280        this._ = {
6281            isBlockLike: !1
6282        }
6283    };
6284    CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node, {
6285        type: CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT,
6286        filter: function(a, d) {
6287            var b = this.value;
6288            if (!(b = a.onComment(d, b, this))) return this.remove(), !1;
6289            if ("string" != typeof b) return this.replaceWith(b), !1;
6290            this.value = b;
6291            return !0
6292        },
6293        writeHtml: function(a, d) {
6294            d && this.filter(d);
6295            a.comment(this.value)
6296        }
6297    });
6298    "use strict";
6299    (function() {
6300        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text = function(a) {
6301            this.value = a;
6302            this._ = {
6303                isBlockLike: !1
6304            }
6305        };
6306        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node, {
6307            type: CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT,
6308            filter: function(a, d) {
6309                if (!(this.value = a.onText(d, this.value, this))) return this.remove(), !1
6310            },
6311            writeHtml: function(a, d) {
6312                d && this.filter(d);
6313                a.text(this.value)
6314            }
6315        })
6316    })();
6317    "use strict";
6318    (function() {
6319        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata = function(a) {
6320            this.value = a
6321        };
6322        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node, {
6323            type: CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT,
6324            filter: function() {},
6325            writeHtml: function(a) {
6326                a.write(this.value)
6327            }
6328        })
6329    })();
6330    "use strict";
6331    CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment = function() {
6332        this.children = [];
6333        this.parent = null;
6334        this._ = {
6335            isBlockLike: !0,
6336            hasInlineStarted: !1
6337        }
6338    };
6339    (function() {
6340        function a(a) {
6341            return a.attributes["data-cke-survive"] ? !1 : "a" == a.name && a.attributes.href || CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[a.name]
6342        }
6343        var d = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
6344                table: 1,
6345                ul: 1,
6346                ol: 1,
6347                dl: 1
6348            }, CKEDITOR.dtd.table, CKEDITOR.dtd.ul, CKEDITOR.dtd.ol, CKEDITOR.dtd.dl),
6349            b = {
6350                ol: 1,
6351                ul: 1
6352            },
6353            c = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, {
6354                html: 1
6355            }, CKEDITOR.dtd.html, CKEDITOR.dtd.body, CKEDITOR.dtd.head, {
6356                style: 1,
6357                script: 1
6358            }),
6359            f = {
6360                ul: "li",
6361                ol: "li",
6362                dl: "dd",
6363                table: "tbody",
6364                tbody: "tr",
6365                thead: "tr",
6366                tfoot: "tr",
6367                tr: "td"
6368            };
6369        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml =
6370            function(h, k, g) {
6371                function n(a) {
6372                    var b;
6373                    if (0 < m.length)
6374                        for (var c = 0; c < m.length; c++) {
6375                            var d = m[c],
6376                                f = d.name,
6377                                e = CKEDITOR.dtd[f],
6378                                l = u.name && CKEDITOR.dtd[u.name];
6379                            l && !l[f] || a && e && !e[a] && CKEDITOR.dtd[a] ? f == u.name && (y(u, u.parent, 1), c--) : (b || (r(), b = 1), d = d.clone(), d.parent = u, u = d, m.splice(c, 1), c--)
6380                        }
6381                }
6383                function r() {
6384                    for (; J.length;) y(J.shift(), u)
6385                }
6387                function e(a) {
6388                    if (a._.isBlockLike && "pre" != a.name && "textarea" != a.name) {
6389                        var b = a.children.length,
6390                            c = a.children[b - 1],
6391                            d;
6392                        c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && ((d = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim(c.value)) ?
6393                            c.value = d : a.children.length = b - 1)
6394                    }
6395                }
6397                function y(b, c, d) {
6398                    c = c || u || x;
6399                    var f = u;
6400                    void 0 === b.previous && (v(c, b) && (u = c, D.onTagOpen(g, {}), b.returnPoint = c = u), e(b), a(b) && !b.children.length || c.add(b), "pre" == b.name && (l = !1), "textarea" == b.name && (K = !1));
6401                    b.returnPoint ? (u = b.returnPoint, delete b.returnPoint) : u = d ? c : f
6402                }
6404                function v(a, b) {
6405                    if ((a == x || "body" == a.name) && g && (!a.name || CKEDITOR.dtd[a.name][g])) {
6406                        var c, d;
6407                        return (c = b.attributes && (d = b.attributes["data-cke-real-element-type"]) ? d : b.name) && c in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline && !(c in CKEDITOR.dtd.head) &&
6408                            !b.isOrphan || b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT
6409                    }
6410                }
6412                function B(a, b) {
6413                    return a in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem || a in CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent ? a == b || "dt" == a && "dd" == b || "dd" == a && "dt" == b : !1
6414                }
6415                var D = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser,
6416                    x = k instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ? k : "string" == typeof k ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element(k) : new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment,
6417                    m = [],
6418                    J = [],
6419                    u = x,
6420                    K = "textarea" == x.name,
6421                    l = "pre" == x.name;
6422                D.onTagOpen = function(f, e, h, g) {
6423                    e = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element(f, e);
6424                    e.isUnknown && h && (e.isEmpty = !0);
6425                    e.isOptionalClose = g;
6426                    if (a(e)) m.push(e);
6427                    else {
6428                        if ("pre" == f) l = !0;
6429                        else {
6430                            if ("br" == f && l) {
6431                                u.add(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text("\n"));
6432                                return
6433                            }
6434                            "textarea" == f && (K = !0)
6435                        }
6436                        if ("br" == f) J.push(e);
6437                        else {
6438                            for (; !(g = (h = u.name) ? CKEDITOR.dtd[h] || (u._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span) : c, e.isUnknown || u.isUnknown || g[f]);)
6439                                if (u.isOptionalClose) D.onTagClose(h);
6440                                else if (f in b && h in b) h = u.children, (h = h[h.length - 1]) && "li" == h.name || y(h = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element("li"), u), !e.returnPoint && (e.returnPoint = u), u = h;
6441                            else if (f in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem &&
6442                                !B(f, h)) D.onTagOpen("li" == f ? "ul" : "dl", {}, 0, 1);
6443                            else if (h in d && !B(f, h)) !e.returnPoint && (e.returnPoint = u), u = u.parent;
6444                            else if (h in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline && m.unshift(u), u.parent) y(u, u.parent, 1);
6445                            else {
6446                                e.isOrphan = 1;
6447                                break
6448                            }
6449                            n(f);
6450                            r();
6451                            e.parent = u;
6452                            e.isEmpty ? y(e) : u = e
6453                        }
6454                    }
6455                };
6456                D.onTagClose = function(a) {
6457                    for (var b = m.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--)
6458                        if (a == m[b].name) {
6459                            m.splice(b, 1);
6460                            return
6461                        } for (var c = [], d = [], f = u; f != x && f.name != a;) f._.isBlockLike || d.unshift(f), c.push(f), f = f.returnPoint || f.parent;
6462                    if (f != x) {
6463                        for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) {
6464                            var e = c[b];
6465                            y(e, e.parent)
6466                        }
6467                        u =
6468                            f;
6469                        f._.isBlockLike && r();
6470                        y(f, f.parent);
6471                        f == u && (u = u.parent);
6472                        m = m.concat(d)
6473                    }
6474                    "body" == a && (g = !1)
6475                };
6476                D.onText = function(a) {
6477                    if (!(u._.hasInlineStarted && !J.length || l || K) && (a = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(a), 0 === a.length)) return;
6478                    var b = u.name,
6479                        e = b ? CKEDITOR.dtd[b] || (u._.isBlockLike ? CKEDITOR.dtd.div : CKEDITOR.dtd.span) : c;
6480                    if (!K && !e["#"] && b in d) D.onTagOpen(f[b] || ""), D.onText(a);
6481                    else {
6482                        r();
6483                        n();
6484                        l || K || (a = a.replace(/[\t\r\n ]{2,}|[\t\r\n]/g, " "));
6485                        a = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text(a);
6486                        if (v(u, a)) this.onTagOpen(g, {}, 0, 1);
6487                        u.add(a)
6488                    }
6489                };
6490                D.onCDATA =
6491                    function(a) {
6492                        u.add(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cdata(a))
6493                    };
6494                D.onComment = function(a) {
6495                    r();
6496                    n();
6497                    u.add(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment(a))
6498                };
6499                D.parse(h);
6500                for (r(); u != x;) y(u, u.parent, 1);
6501                e(x);
6502                return x
6503            };
6504        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype = {
6506            add: function(a, b) {
6507                isNaN(b) && (b = this.children.length);
6508                var c = 0 < b ? this.children[b - 1] : null;
6509                if (c) {
6510                    if (a._.isBlockLike && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (c.value = CKEDITOR.tools.rtrim(c.value), 0 === c.value.length)) {
6511                        this.children.pop();
6512                        this.add(a);
6513                        return
6514                    }
6515                    c.next =
6516                        a
6517                }
6518                a.previous = c;
6519                a.parent = this;
6520                this.children.splice(b, 0, a);
6521                this._.hasInlineStarted || (this._.hasInlineStarted = a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !a._.isBlockLike)
6522            },
6523            filter: function(a, b) {
6524                b = this.getFilterContext(b);
6525                a.onRoot(b, this);
6526                this.filterChildren(a, !1, b)
6527            },
6528            filterChildren: function(a, b, c) {
6529                if (this.childrenFilteredBy != a.id) {
6530                    c = this.getFilterContext(c);
6531                    if (b && !this.parent) a.onRoot(c, this);
6532                    this.childrenFilteredBy = a.id;
6533                    for (b = 0; b < this.children.length; b++) !1 === this.children[b].filter(a,
6534                        c) && b--
6535                }
6536            },
6537            writeHtml: function(a, b) {
6538                b && this.filter(b);
6539                this.writeChildrenHtml(a)
6540            },
6541            writeChildrenHtml: function(a, b, c) {
6542                var d = this.getFilterContext();
6543                if (c && !this.parent && b) b.onRoot(d, this);
6544                b && this.filterChildren(b, !1, d);
6545                b = 0;
6546                c = this.children;
6547                for (d = c.length; b < d; b++) c[b].writeHtml(a)
6548            },
6549            forEach: function(a, b, c) {
6550                if (!(c || b && this.type != b)) var d = a(this);
6551                if (!1 !== d) {
6552                    c = this.children;
6553                    for (var f = 0; f < c.length; f++) d = c[f], d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? d.forEach(a, b) : b && d.type != b || a(d)
6554                }
6555            },
6556            getFilterContext: function(a) {
6557                return a || {}
6558            }
6559        }
6560    })();
6561    "use strict";
6562    (function() {
6563        function a() {
6564            this.rules = []
6565        }
6567        function d(b, c, d, h) {
6568            var k, g;
6569            for (k in c)(g = b[k]) || (g = b[k] = new a), g.add(c[k], d, h)
6570        }
6571        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
6572            $: function(b) {
6573                this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
6574                this.elementNameRules = new a;
6575                this.attributeNameRules = new a;
6576                this.elementsRules = {};
6577                this.attributesRules = {};
6578                this.textRules = new a;
6579                this.commentRules = new a;
6580                this.rootRules = new a;
6581                b && this.addRules(b, 10)
6582            },
6583            proto: {
6584                addRules: function(a, c) {
6585                    var f;
6586                    "number" == typeof c ? f = c : c && "priority" in c && (f =
6587                        c.priority);
6588                    "number" != typeof f && (f = 10);
6589                    "object" != typeof c && (c = {});
6590                    a.elementNames && this.elementNameRules.addMany(a.elementNames, f, c);
6591                    a.attributeNames && this.attributeNameRules.addMany(a.attributeNames, f, c);
6592                    a.elements && d(this.elementsRules, a.elements, f, c);
6593                    a.attributes && d(this.attributesRules, a.attributes, f, c);
6594                    a.text && this.textRules.add(a.text, f, c);
6595                    a.comment && this.commentRules.add(a.comment, f, c);
6596                    a.root && this.rootRules.add(a.root, f, c)
6597                },
6598                applyTo: function(a) {
6599                    a.filter(this)
6600                },
6601                onElementName: function(a, c) {
6602                    return this.elementNameRules.execOnName(a,
6603                        c)
6604                },
6605                onAttributeName: function(a, c) {
6606                    return this.attributeNameRules.execOnName(a, c)
6607                },
6608                onText: function(a, c, d) {
6609                    return this.textRules.exec(a, c, d)
6610                },
6611                onComment: function(a, c, d) {
6612                    return this.commentRules.exec(a, c, d)
6613                },
6614                onRoot: function(a, c) {
6615                    return this.rootRules.exec(a, c)
6616                },
6617                onElement: function(a, c) {
6618                    for (var d = [this.elementsRules["^"], this.elementsRules[c.name], this.elementsRules.$], h, k = 0; 3 > k; k++)
6619                        if (h = d[k]) {
6620                            h = h.exec(a, c, this);
6621                            if (!1 === h) return null;
6622                            if (h && h != c) return this.onNode(a, h);
6623                            if (c.parent && !c.name) break
6624                        } return c
6625                },
6626                onNode: function(a, c) {
6627                    var d = c.type;
6628                    return d == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? this.onElement(a, c) : d == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text(this.onText(a, c.value)) : d == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.comment(this.onComment(a, c.value)) : null
6629                },
6630                onAttribute: function(a, c, d, h) {
6631                    return (d = this.attributesRules[d]) ? d.exec(a, h, c, this) : h
6632                }
6633            }
6634        });
6635        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filterRulesGroup = a;
6636        a.prototype = {
6637            add: function(a, c, d) {
6638                this.rules.splice(this.findIndex(c), 0, {
6639                    value: a,
6640                    priority: c,
6641                    options: d
6642                })
6643            },
6644            addMany: function(a,
6645                c, d) {
6646                for (var h = [this.findIndex(c), 0], k = 0, g = a.length; k < g; k++) h.push({
6647                    value: a[k],
6648                    priority: c,
6649                    options: d
6650                });
6651                this.rules.splice.apply(this.rules, h)
6652            },
6653            findIndex: function(a) {
6654                for (var c = this.rules, d = c.length - 1; 0 <= d && a < c[d].priority;) d--;
6655                return d + 1
6656            },
6657            exec: function(a, c) {
6658                var d = c instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node || c instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment,
6659                    h = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
6660                    k = this.rules,
6661                    g = k.length,
6662                    n, r, e, y;
6663                for (y = 0; y < g; y++)
6664                    if (d && (n = c.type, r = c.name), e = k[y], !(a.nonEditable && !e.options.applyToAll ||
6665                            a.nestedEditable && e.options.excludeNestedEditable)) {
6666                        e = e.value.apply(null, h);
6667                        if (!1 === e || d && e && (e.name != r || e.type != n)) return e;
6668                        null != e && (h[0] = c = e)
6669                    } return c
6670            },
6671            execOnName: function(a, c) {
6672                for (var d = 0, h = this.rules, k = h.length, g; c && d < k; d++) g = h[d], a.nonEditable && !g.options.applyToAll || a.nestedEditable && g.options.excludeNestedEditable || (c = c.replace(g.value[0], g.value[1]));
6673                return c
6674            }
6675        }
6676    })();
6677    (function() {
6678        function a(a, d) {
6679            function e(a) {
6680                return a || CKEDITOR.env.needsNbspFiller ? new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text(" ") : new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element("br", {
6681                    "data-cke-bogus": 1
6682                })
6683            }
6685            function p(a, d) {
6686                return function(f) {
6687                    if (f.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
6688                        var l = [],
6689                            w = b(f),
6690                            p, E;
6691                        if (w)
6692                            for (q(w, 1) && l.push(w); w;) h(w) && (p = c(w)) && q(p) && ((E = c(p)) && !h(E) ? l.push(p) : (e(z).insertAfter(p), p.remove())), w = w.previous;
6693                        for (w = 0; w < l.length; w++) l[w].remove();
6694                        if (l = !a || !1 !== ("function" == typeof d ? d(f) : d)) z || CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ||
6695                            f.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT ? z || CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller || !(7 < document.documentMode || f.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.tr || f.name in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem) ? (l = b(f), l = !l || "form" == f.name && "input" == l.name) : l = !1 : l = !1;
6696                        l && f.add(e(a))
6697                    }
6698                }
6699            }
6701            function q(a, b) {
6702                if ((!z || CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller) && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "br" == a.name && !a.attributes["data-cke-eol"]) return !0;
6703                var c;
6704                return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (c = a.value.match(m)) && (c.index && ((new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text(a.value.substring(0, c.index))).insertBefore(a),
6705                    a.value = c[0]), !CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && z && (!b || a.parent.name in g) || !z && ((c = a.previous) && "br" == c.name || !c || h(c))) ? !0 : !1
6706            }
6707            var E = {
6708                    elements: {}
6709                },
6710                z = "html" == d,
6711                g = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, l),
6712                t;
6713            for (t in g) "#" in u[t] || delete g[t];
6714            for (t in g) E.elements[t] = p(z, a.config.fillEmptyBlocks);
6715            E.root = p(z, !1);
6716            E.elements.br = function(a) {
6717                return function(b) {
6718                    if (b.parent.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT) {
6719                        var d = b.attributes;
6720                        if ("data-cke-bogus" in d || "data-cke-eol" in d) delete d["data-cke-bogus"];
6721                        else {
6722                            for (d = b.next; d && f(d);) d =
6723                                d.next;
6724                            var l = c(b);
6725                            !d && h(b.parent) ? k(b.parent, e(a)) : h(d) && l && !h(l) && e(a).insertBefore(d)
6726                        }
6727                    }
6728                }
6729            }(z);
6730            return E
6731        }
6733        function d(a, b) {
6734            return a != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && !1 !== b ? a == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? "div" : "p" : !1
6735        }
6737        function b(a) {
6738            for (a = a.children[a.children.length - 1]; a && f(a);) a = a.previous;
6739            return a
6740        }
6742        function c(a) {
6743            for (a = a.previous; a && f(a);) a = a.previous;
6744            return a
6745        }
6747        function f(a) {
6748            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !CKEDITOR.tools.trim(a.value) || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.attributes["data-cke-bookmark"]
6749        }
6751        function h(a) {
6752            return a &&
6753                (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.name in l || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT)
6754        }
6756        function k(a, b) {
6757            var c = a.children[a.children.length - 1];
6758            a.children.push(b);
6759            b.parent = a;
6760            c && (c.next = b, b.previous = c)
6761        }
6763        function g(a) {
6764            a = a.attributes;
6765            "false" != a.contenteditable && (a["data-cke-editable"] = a.contenteditable ? "true" : 1);
6766            a.contenteditable = "false"
6767        }
6769        function n(a) {
6770            a = a.attributes;
6771            switch (a["data-cke-editable"]) {
6772                case "true":
6773                    a.contenteditable = "true";
6774                    break;
6775                case "1":
6776                    delete a.contenteditable
6777            }
6778        }
6780        function r(a) {
6781            return a.replace(M,
6782                function(a, b, c) {
6783                    return "\x3c" + b + c.replace(q, function(a, b) {
6784                        return E.test(b) && -1 == c.indexOf("data-cke-saved-" + b) ? " data-cke-saved-" + a + " data-cke-" + CKEDITOR.rnd + "-" + a : a
6785                    }) + "\x3e"
6786                })
6787        }
6789        function e(a, b) {
6790            return a.replace(b, function(a, b, c) {
6791                0 === a.indexOf("\x3ctextarea") && (a = b + B(c).replace(/</g, "\x26lt;").replace(/>/g, "\x26gt;") + "\x3c/textarea\x3e");
6792                return "\x3ccke:encoded\x3e" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x3c/cke:encoded\x3e"
6793            })
6794        }
6796        function y(a) {
6797            return a.replace(P, function(a, b) {
6798                return decodeURIComponent(b)
6799            })
6800        }
6802        function v(a) {
6803            return a.replace(/\x3c!--(?!{cke_protected})[\s\S]+?--\x3e/g,
6804                function(a) {
6805                    return "\x3c!--" + J + "{C}" + encodeURIComponent(a).replace(/--/g, "%2D%2D") + "--\x3e"
6806                })
6807        }
6809        function B(a) {
6810            return a.replace(/\x3c!--\{cke_protected\}\{C\}([\s\S]+?)--\x3e/g, function(a, b) {
6811                return decodeURIComponent(b)
6812            })
6813        }
6815        function D(a, b) {
6816            var c = b._.dataStore;
6817            return a.replace(/\x3c!--\{cke_protected\}([\s\S]+?)--\x3e/g, function(a, b) {
6818                return decodeURIComponent(b)
6819            }).replace(/\{cke_protected_(\d+)\}/g, function(a, b) {
6820                return c && c[b] || ""
6821            })
6822        }
6824        function x(a, b) {
6825            var c = [],
6826                d = b.config.protectedSource,
6827                f = b._.dataStore || (b._.dataStore = {
6828                    id: 1
6829                }),
6830                e = /<\!--\{cke_temp(comment)?\}(\d*?)--\x3e/g,
6831                d = [/<script[\s\S]*?(<\/script>|$)/gi, /<noscript[\s\S]*?<\/noscript>/gi, /<meta[\s\S]*?\/?>/gi].concat(d);
6832            a = a.replace(/\x3c!--[\s\S]*?--\x3e/g, function(a) {
6833                return "\x3c!--{cke_tempcomment}" + (c.push(a) - 1) + "--\x3e"
6834            });
6835            for (var l = 0; l < d.length; l++) a = a.replace(d[l], function(a) {
6836                a = a.replace(e, function(a, b, d) {
6837                    return c[d]
6838                });
6839                return /cke_temp(comment)?/.test(a) ? a : "\x3c!--{cke_temp}" + (c.push(a) - 1) + "--\x3e"
6840            });
6841            a = a.replace(e, function(a, b, d) {
6842                return "\x3c!--" + J + (b ? "{C}" :
6843                    "") + encodeURIComponent(c[d]).replace(/--/g, "%2D%2D") + "--\x3e"
6844            });
6845            a = a.replace(/<\w+(?:\s+(?:(?:[^\s=>]+\s*=\s*(?:[^'"\s>]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"))|[^\s=\/>]+))+\s*\/?>/g, function(a) {
6846                return a.replace(/\x3c!--\{cke_protected\}([^>]*)--\x3e/g, function(a, b) {
6847                    f[f.id] = decodeURIComponent(b);
6848                    return "{cke_protected_" + f.id++ + "}"
6849                })
6850            });
6851            return a = a.replace(/<(title|iframe|textarea)([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/\1>/g, function(a, c, d, f) {
6852                return "\x3c" + c + d + "\x3e" + D(B(f), b) + "\x3c/" + c + "\x3e"
6853            })
6854        }
6855        CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor = function(b) {
6856            var c,
6857                f, l = this;
6858            this.editor = b;
6859            this.dataFilter = c = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter;
6860            this.htmlFilter = f = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.filter;
6861            this.writer = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter;
6862            c.addRules(t);
6863            c.addRules(F, {
6864                applyToAll: !0
6865            });
6866            c.addRules(a(b, "data"), {
6867                applyToAll: !0
6868            });
6869            f.addRules(L);
6870            f.addRules(C, {
6871                applyToAll: !0
6872            });
6873            f.addRules(a(b, "html"), {
6874                applyToAll: !0
6875            });
6876            b.on("toHtml", function(a) {
6877                a = a.data;
6878                var c = a.dataValue,
6879                    f, c = x(c, b),
6880                    c = e(c, H),
6881                    c = r(c),
6882                    c = e(c, z),
6883                    c = c.replace(O, "$1cke:$2"),
6884                    c = c.replace(N, "\x3ccke:$1$2\x3e\x3c/cke:$1\x3e"),
6885                    c = c.replace(/(<pre\b[^>]*>)(\r\n|\n)/g, "$1$2$2"),
6886                    c = c.replace(/([^a-z0-9<\-])(on\w{3,})(?!>)/gi, "$1data-cke-" + CKEDITOR.rnd + "-$2");
6887                f = a.context || b.editable().getName();
6888                var l;
6889                CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version && "pre" == f && (f = "div", c = "\x3cpre\x3e" + c + "\x3c/pre\x3e", l = 1);
6890                f = b.document.createElement(f);
6891                f.setHtml("a" + c);
6892                c = f.getHtml().substr(1);
6893                c = c.replace(new RegExp("data-cke-" + CKEDITOR.rnd + "-", "ig"), "");
6894                l && (c = c.replace(/^<pre>|<\/pre>$/gi, ""));
6895                c = c.replace(p, "$1$2");
6896                c = y(c);
6897                c = B(c);
6898                f = !1 === a.fixForBody ? !1 :
6899                    d(a.enterMode, b.config.autoParagraph);
6900                c = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(c, a.context, f);
6901                f && (l = c, !l.children.length && CKEDITOR.dtd[l.name][f] && (f = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element(f), l.add(f)));
6902                a.dataValue = c
6903            }, null, null, 5);
6904            b.on("toHtml", function(a) {
6905                a.data.filter.applyTo(a.data.dataValue, !0, a.data.dontFilter, a.data.enterMode) && b.fire("dataFiltered")
6906            }, null, null, 6);
6907            b.on("toHtml", function(a) {
6908                a.data.dataValue.filterChildren(l.dataFilter, !0)
6909            }, null, null, 10);
6910            b.on("toHtml", function(a) {
6911                a = a.data;
6912                var b = a.dataValue,
6913                    c = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter;
6914                b.writeChildrenHtml(c);
6915                b = c.getHtml(!0);
6916                a.dataValue = v(b)
6917            }, null, null, 15);
6918            b.on("toDataFormat", function(a) {
6919                var c = a.data.dataValue;
6920                a.data.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && (c = c.replace(/^<br *\/?>/i, ""));
6921                a.data.dataValue = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(c, a.data.context, d(a.data.enterMode, b.config.autoParagraph))
6922            }, null, null, 5);
6923            b.on("toDataFormat", function(a) {
6924                a.data.dataValue.filterChildren(l.htmlFilter, !0)
6925            }, null, null, 10);
6926            b.on("toDataFormat", function(a) {
6927                a.data.filter.applyTo(a.data.dataValue,
6928                    !1, !0)
6929            }, null, null, 11);
6930            b.on("toDataFormat", function(a) {
6931                var c = a.data.dataValue,
6932                    d = l.writer;
6933                d.reset();
6934                c.writeChildrenHtml(d);
6935                c = d.getHtml(!0);
6936                c = B(c);
6937                c = D(c, b);
6938                a.data.dataValue = c
6939            }, null, null, 15)
6940        };
6941        CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor.prototype = {
6942            toHtml: function(a, b, c, d) {
6943                var f = this.editor,
6944                    e, l, p, h;
6945                b && "object" == typeof b ? (e = b.context, c = b.fixForBody, d = b.dontFilter, l = b.filter, p = b.enterMode, h = b.protectedWhitespaces) : e = b;
6946                e || null === e || (e = f.editable().getName());
6947                return f.fire("toHtml", {
6948                    dataValue: a,
6949                    context: e,
6950                    fixForBody: c,
6951                    dontFilter: d,
6952                    filter: l || f.filter,
6953                    enterMode: p || f.enterMode,
6954                    protectedWhitespaces: h
6955                }).dataValue
6956            },
6957            toDataFormat: function(a, b) {
6958                var c, d, f;
6959                b && (c = b.context, d = b.filter, f = b.enterMode);
6960                c || null === c || (c = this.editor.editable().getName());
6961                return this.editor.fire("toDataFormat", {
6962                    dataValue: a,
6963                    filter: d || this.editor.filter,
6964                    context: c,
6965                    enterMode: f || this.editor.enterMode
6966                }).dataValue
6967            }
6968        };
6969        var m = /(?:&nbsp;|\xa0)$/,
6970            J = "{cke_protected}",
6971            u = CKEDITOR.dtd,
6972            K = "caption colgroup col thead tfoot tbody".split(" "),
6973            l = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, u.$blockLimit,
6974                u.$block),
6975            t = {
6976                elements: {
6977                    input: g,
6978                    textarea: g
6979                }
6980            },
6981            F = {
6982                attributeNames: [
6983                    [/^on/, "data-cke-pa-on"],
6984                    [/^srcdoc/, "data-cke-pa-srcdoc"],
6985                    [/^data-cke-expando$/, ""]
6986                ],
6987                elements: {
6988                    iframe: function(a) {
6989                        if (a.attributes && a.attributes.src) {
6990                            var b = a.attributes.src.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/gi, "");
6991                            if (0 === b.indexOf("javascript") || 0 === b.indexOf("data")) a.attributes["data-cke-pa-src"] = a.attributes.src, delete a.attributes.src
6992                        }
6993                    }
6994                }
6995            },
6996            L = {
6997                elements: {
6998                    embed: function(a) {
6999                        var b = a.parent;
7000                        if (b && "object" == b.name) {
7001                            var c = b.attributes.width,
7002                                b = b.attributes.height;
7003                            c && (a.attributes.width = c);
7004                            b && (a.attributes.height = b)
7005                        }
7006                    },
7007                    a: function(a) {
7008                        var b = a.attributes;
7009                        if (!(a.children.length || b.name || b.id || a.attributes["data-cke-saved-name"])) return !1
7010                    }
7011                }
7012            },
7013            C = {
7014                elementNames: [
7015                    [/^cke:/, ""],
7016                    [/^\?xml:namespace$/, ""]
7017                ],
7018                attributeNames: [
7019                    [/^data-cke-(saved|pa)-/, ""],
7020                    [/^data-cke-.*/, ""],
7021                    ["hidefocus", ""]
7022                ],
7023                elements: {
7024                    $: function(a) {
7025                        var b = a.attributes;
7026                        if (b) {
7027                            if (b["data-cke-temp"]) return !1;
7028                            for (var c = ["name", "href", "src"], d, f = 0; f < c.length; f++) d = "data-cke-saved-" + c[f], d in b && delete b[c[f]]
7029                        }
7030                        return a
7031                    },
7032                    table: function(a) {
7033                        a.children.slice(0).sort(function(a, b) {
7034                            var c, d;
7035                            a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.type == a.type && (c = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(K, a.name), d = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(K, b.name)); - 1 < c && -1 < d && c != d || (c = a.parent ? a.getIndex() : -1, d = b.parent ? b.getIndex() : -1);
7036                            return c > d ? 1 : -1
7037                        })
7038                    },
7039                    param: function(a) {
7040                        a.children = [];
7041                        a.isEmpty = !0;
7042                        return a
7043                    },
7044                    span: function(a) {
7045                        "Apple-style-span" == a.attributes["class"] && delete a.name
7046                    },
7047                    html: function(a) {
7048                        delete a.attributes.contenteditable;
7049                        delete a.attributes["class"]
7050                    },
7051                    body: function(a) {
7052                        delete a.attributes.spellcheck;
7053                        delete a.attributes.contenteditable
7054                    },
7055                    style: function(a) {
7056                        var b = a.children[0];
7057                        b && b.value && (b.value = CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b.value));
7058                        a.attributes.type || (a.attributes.type = "text/css")
7059                    },
7060                    title: function(a) {
7061                        var b = a.children[0];
7062                        !b && k(a, b = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text);
7063                        b.value = a.attributes["data-cke-title"] || ""
7064                    },
7065                    input: n,
7066                    textarea: n
7067                },
7068                attributes: {
7069                    "class": function(a) {
7070                        return CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(a.replace(/(?:^|\s+)cke_[^\s]*/g, "")) || !1
7071                    }
7072                }
7073            };
7074        CKEDITOR.env.ie && (C.attributes.style = function(a) {
7075            return a.replace(/(^|;)([^\:]+)/g,
7076                function(a) {
7077                    return a.toLowerCase()
7078                })
7079        });
7080        var M = /<(a|area|img|input|source)\b([^>]*)>/gi,
7081            q = /([\w-:]+)\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|(?:[^ "'>]+))/gi,
7082            E = /^(href|src|name)$/i,
7083            z = /(?:<style(?=[ >])[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/style>)|(?:<(:?link|meta|base)[^>]*>)/gi,
7084            H = /(<textarea(?=[ >])[^>]*>)([\s\S]*?)(?:<\/textarea>)/gi,
7085            P = /<cke:encoded>([^<]*)<\/cke:encoded>/gi,
7086            O = /(<\/?)((?:object|embed|param|html|body|head|title)([\s][^>]*)?>)/gi,
7087            p = /(<\/?)cke:((?:html|body|head|title)[^>]*>)/gi,
7088            N = /<cke:(param|embed)([^>]*?)\/?>(?!\s*<\/cke:\1)/gi
7089    })();
7090    "use strict";
7091    CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element = function(a, d) {
7092        this.name = a;
7093        this.attributes = d || {};
7094        this.children = [];
7095        var b = a || "",
7096            c = b.match(/^cke:(.*)/);
7097        c && (b = c[1]);
7098        b = !!(CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonBodyContent[b] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[b] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem[b] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent[b] || CKEDITOR.dtd.$nonEditable[b] || "br" == b);
7099        this.isEmpty = !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[a];
7100        this.isUnknown = !CKEDITOR.dtd[a];
7101        this._ = {
7102            isBlockLike: b,
7103            hasInlineStarted: this.isEmpty || !b
7104        }
7105    };
7106    CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cssStyle = function(a) {
7107        var d = {};
7108        ((a instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ? a.attributes.style : a) || "").replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function(a, c, f) {
7109            "font-family" == c && (f = f.replace(/["']/g, ""));
7110            d[c.toLowerCase()] = f
7111        });
7112        return {
7113            rules: d,
7114            populate: function(a) {
7115                var c = this.toString();
7116                c && (a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ? a.setAttribute("style", c) : a instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element ? a.attributes.style = c : a.style = c)
7117            },
7118            toString: function() {
7119                var a = [],
7120                    c;
7121                for (c in d) d[c] && a.push(c, ":", d[c], ";");
7122                return a.join("")
7123            }
7124        }
7125    };
7126    (function() {
7127        function a(a) {
7128            return function(b) {
7129                return b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && ("string" == typeof a ? b.name == a : b.name in a)
7130            }
7131        }
7132        var d = function(a, b) {
7133                a = a[0];
7134                b = b[0];
7135                return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0
7136            },
7137            b = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype;
7138        CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node, {
7139            type: CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT,
7140            add: b.add,
7141            clone: function() {
7142                return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element(this.name, this.attributes)
7143            },
7144            filter: function(a, b) {
7145                var d = this,
7146                    k, g;
7147                b = d.getFilterContext(b);
7148                if (b.off) return !0;
7149                if (!d.parent) a.onRoot(b, d);
7150                for (;;) {
7151                    k = d.name;
7152                    if (!(g = a.onElementName(b, k))) return this.remove(), !1;
7153                    d.name = g;
7154                    if (!(d = a.onElement(b, d))) return this.remove(), !1;
7155                    if (d !== this) return this.replaceWith(d), !1;
7156                    if (d.name == k) break;
7157                    if (d.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return this.replaceWith(d), !1;
7158                    if (!d.name) return this.replaceWithChildren(), !1
7159                }
7160                k = d.attributes;
7161                var n, r;
7162                for (n in k) {
7163                    for (g = k[n];;)
7164                        if (r = a.onAttributeName(b, n))
7165                            if (r != n) delete k[n], n = r;
7166                            else break;
7167                    else {
7168                        delete k[n];
7169                        break
7170                    }
7171                    r && (!1 === (g = a.onAttribute(b, d, r, g)) ? delete k[r] :
7172                        k[r] = g)
7173                }
7174                d.isEmpty || this.filterChildren(a, !1, b);
7175                return !0
7176            },
7177            filterChildren: b.filterChildren,
7178            writeHtml: function(a, b) {
7179                b && this.filter(b);
7180                var h = this.name,
7181                    k = [],
7182                    g = this.attributes,
7183                    n, r;
7184                a.openTag(h, g);
7185                for (n in g) k.push([n, g[n]]);
7186                a.sortAttributes && k.sort(d);
7187                n = 0;
7188                for (r = k.length; n < r; n++) g = k[n], a.attribute(g[0], g[1]);
7189                a.openTagClose(h, this.isEmpty);
7190                this.writeChildrenHtml(a);
7191                this.isEmpty || a.closeTag(h)
7192            },
7193            writeChildrenHtml: b.writeChildrenHtml,
7194            replaceWithChildren: function() {
7195                for (var a = this.children, b = a.length; b;) a[--b].insertAfter(this);
7196                this.remove()
7197            },
7198            forEach: b.forEach,
7199            getFirst: function(b) {
7200                if (!b) return this.children.length ? this.children[0] : null;
7201                "function" != typeof b && (b = a(b));
7202                for (var d = 0, h = this.children.length; d < h; ++d)
7203                    if (b(this.children[d])) return this.children[d];
7204                return null
7205            },
7206            getHtml: function() {
7207                var a = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter;
7208                this.writeChildrenHtml(a);
7209                return a.getHtml()
7210            },
7211            setHtml: function(a) {
7212                a = this.children = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(a).children;
7213                for (var b = 0, d = a.length; b < d; ++b) a[b].parent = this
7214            },
7215            getOuterHtml: function() {
7216                var a =
7217                    new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter;
7218                this.writeHtml(a);
7219                return a.getHtml()
7220            },
7221            split: function(a) {
7222                for (var b = this.children.splice(a, this.children.length - a), d = this.clone(), k = 0; k < b.length; ++k) b[k].parent = d;
7223                d.children = b;
7224                b[0] && (b[0].previous = null);
7225                0 < a && (this.children[a - 1].next = null);
7226                this.parent.add(d, this.getIndex() + 1);
7227                return d
7228            },
7229            find: function(a, b) {
7230                void 0 === b && (b = !1);
7231                var d = [],
7232                    k;
7233                for (k = 0; k < this.children.length; k++) {
7234                    var g = this.children[k];
7235                    "function" == typeof a && a(g) ? d.push(g) : "string" == typeof a && g.name === a && d.push(g);
7236                    b && g.find && (d = d.concat(g.find(a, b)))
7237                }
7238                return d
7239            },
7240            addClass: function(a) {
7241                if (!this.hasClass(a)) {
7242                    var b = this.attributes["class"] || "";
7243                    this.attributes["class"] = b + (b ? " " : "") + a
7244                }
7245            },
7246            removeClass: function(a) {
7247                var b = this.attributes["class"];
7248                b && ((b = CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b.replace(new RegExp("(?:\\s+|^)" + a + "(?:\\s+|$)"), " "))) ? this.attributes["class"] = b : delete this.attributes["class"])
7249            },
7250            hasClass: function(a) {
7251                var b = this.attributes["class"];
7252                return b ? (new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + a + "(?\x3d\\s|$)")).test(b) : !1
7253            },
7254            getFilterContext: function(a) {
7255                var b = [];
7256                a || (a = {
7257                    off: !1,
7258                    nonEditable: !1,
7259                    nestedEditable: !1
7260                });
7261                a.off || "off" != this.attributes["data-cke-processor"] || b.push("off", !0);
7262                a.nonEditable || "false" != this.attributes.contenteditable ? a.nonEditable && !a.nestedEditable && "true" == this.attributes.contenteditable && b.push("nestedEditable", !0) : b.push("nonEditable", !0);
7263                if (b.length) {
7264                    a = CKEDITOR.tools.copy(a);
7265                    for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d += 2) a[b[d]] = b[d + 1]
7266                }
7267                return a
7268            }
7269        }, !0)
7270    })();
7271    (function() {
7272        var a = /{([^}]+)}/g;
7273        CKEDITOR.template = function(a) {
7274            this.source = String(a)
7275        };
7276        CKEDITOR.template.prototype.output = function(d, b) {
7277            var c = this.source.replace(a, function(a, b) {
7278                return void 0 !== d[b] ? d[b] : a
7279            });
7280            return b ? b.push(c) : c
7281        }
7282    })();
7283    delete CKEDITOR.loadFullCore;
7284    CKEDITOR.instances = {};
7285    CKEDITOR.document = new CKEDITOR.dom.document(document);
7286    CKEDITOR.add = function(a) {
7287        CKEDITOR.instances[a.name] = a;
7288        a.on("focus", function() {
7289            CKEDITOR.currentInstance != a && (CKEDITOR.currentInstance = a, CKEDITOR.fire("currentInstance"))
7290        });
7291        a.on("blur", function() {
7292            CKEDITOR.currentInstance == a && (CKEDITOR.currentInstance = null, CKEDITOR.fire("currentInstance"))
7293        });
7294        CKEDITOR.fire("instance", null, a)
7295    };
7296    CKEDITOR.remove = function(a) {
7297        delete CKEDITOR.instances[a.name]
7298    };
7299    (function() {
7300        var a = {};
7301        CKEDITOR.addTemplate = function(d, b) {
7302            var c = a[d];
7303            if (c) return c;
7304            c = {
7305                name: d,
7306                source: b
7307            };
7308            CKEDITOR.fire("template", c);
7309            return a[d] = new CKEDITOR.template(c.source)
7310        };
7311        CKEDITOR.getTemplate = function(d) {
7312            return a[d]
7313        }
7314    })();
7315    (function() {
7316        var a = [];
7317        CKEDITOR.addCss = function(d) {
7318            a.push(d)
7319        };
7320        CKEDITOR.getCss = function() {
7321            return a.join("\n")
7322        }
7323    })();
7324    CKEDITOR.on("instanceDestroyed", function() {
7325        CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(this.instances) && CKEDITOR.fire("reset")
7326    });
7330    (function() {
7331        CKEDITOR.inline = function(a, d) {
7332            if (!CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible) return null;
7333            a = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(a);
7334            if (a.getEditor()) throw 'The editor instance "' + a.getEditor().name + '" is already attached to the provided element.';
7335            var b = new CKEDITOR.editor(d, a, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE),
7336                c = a.is("textarea") ? a : null;
7337            c ? (b.setData(c.getValue(), null, !0), a = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cdiv contenteditable\x3d"' + !!b.readOnly + '" class\x3d"cke_textarea_inline"\x3e' + c.getValue() + "\x3c/div\x3e", CKEDITOR.document),
7338                a.insertAfter(c), c.hide(), c.$.form && b._attachToForm()) : b.setData(a.getHtml(), null, !0);
7339            b.on("loaded", function() {
7340                b.fire("uiReady");
7341                b.editable(a);
7342                b.container = a;
7343                b.ui.contentsElement = a;
7344                b.setData(b.getData(1));
7345                b.resetDirty();
7346                b.fire("contentDom");
7347                b.mode = "wysiwyg";
7348                b.fire("mode");
7349                b.status = "ready";
7350                b.fireOnce("instanceReady");
7351                CKEDITOR.fire("instanceReady", null, b)
7352            }, null, null, 1E4);
7353            b.on("destroy", function() {
7354                c && (b.container.clearCustomData(), b.container.remove(), c.show());
7355                b.element.clearCustomData();
7356                delete b.element
7357            });
7358            return b
7359        };
7360        CKEDITOR.inlineAll = function() {
7361            var a, d, b;
7362            for (b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable)
7363                for (var c = CKEDITOR.document.getElementsByTag(b), f = 0, h = c.count(); f < h; f++) a = c.getItem(f), "true" == a.getAttribute("contenteditable") && (d = {
7364                    element: a,
7365                    config: {}
7366                }, !1 !== CKEDITOR.fire("inline", d) && CKEDITOR.inline(a, d.config))
7367        };
7368        CKEDITOR.domReady(function() {
7369            !CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline && CKEDITOR.inlineAll()
7370        })
7371    })();
7372    CKEDITOR.replaceClass = "ckeditor";
7373    (function() {
7374        function a(a, f, h, k) {
7375            if (!CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible) return null;
7376            a = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(a);
7377            if (a.getEditor()) throw 'The editor instance "' + a.getEditor().name + '" is already attached to the provided element.';
7378            var g = new CKEDITOR.editor(f, a, k);
7379            k == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && (a.setStyle("visibility", "hidden"), g._.required = a.hasAttribute("required"), a.removeAttribute("required"));
7380            h && g.setData(h, null, !0);
7381            g.on("loaded", function() {
7382                b(g);
7383                k == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && g.config.autoUpdateElement &&
7384                    a.$.form && g._attachToForm();
7385                g.setMode(g.config.startupMode, function() {
7386                    g.resetDirty();
7387                    g.status = "ready";
7388                    g.fireOnce("instanceReady");
7389                    CKEDITOR.fire("instanceReady", null, g)
7390                })
7391            });
7392            g.on("destroy", d);
7393            return g
7394        }
7396        function d() {
7397            var a = this.container,
7398                b = this.element;
7399            a && (a.clearCustomData(), a.remove());
7400            b && (b.clearCustomData(), this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && (b.show(), this._.required && b.setAttribute("required", "required")), delete this.element)
7401        }
7403        function b(a) {
7404            var b = a.name,
7405                d = a.element,
7406                k = a.elementMode,
7407                g =
7408                a.fire("uiSpace", {
7409                    space: "top",
7410                    html: ""
7411                }).html,
7412                n = a.fire("uiSpace", {
7413                    space: "bottom",
7414                    html: ""
7415                }).html,
7416                r = new CKEDITOR.template('\x3c{outerEl} id\x3d"cke_{name}" class\x3d"{id} cke cke_reset cke_chrome cke_editor_{name} cke_{langDir} ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '"  dir\x3d"{langDir}" lang\x3d"{langCode}" role\x3d"application"' + (a.title ? ' aria-labelledby\x3d"cke_{name}_arialbl"' : "") + "\x3e" + (a.title ? '\x3cspan id\x3d"cke_{name}_arialbl" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e{voiceLabel}\x3c/span\x3e' : "") + '\x3c{outerEl} class\x3d"cke_inner cke_reset" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e{topHtml}\x3c{outerEl} id\x3d"{contentId}" class\x3d"cke_contents cke_reset" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3c/{outerEl}\x3e{bottomHtml}\x3c/{outerEl}\x3e\x3c/{outerEl}\x3e'),
7417                b = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(r.output({
7418                    id: a.id,
7419                    name: b,
7420                    langDir: a.lang.dir,
7421                    langCode: a.langCode,
7422                    voiceLabel: a.title,
7423                    topHtml: g ? '\x3cspan id\x3d"' + a.ui.spaceId("top") + '" class\x3d"cke_top cke_reset_all" role\x3d"presentation" style\x3d"height:auto"\x3e' + g + "\x3c/span\x3e" : "",
7424                    contentId: a.ui.spaceId("contents"),
7425                    bottomHtml: n ? '\x3cspan id\x3d"' + a.ui.spaceId("bottom") + '" class\x3d"cke_bottom cke_reset_all" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e' + n + "\x3c/span\x3e" : "",
7426                    outerEl: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "span" : "div"
7427                }));
7428            k == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE ?
7429                (d.hide(), b.insertAfter(d)) : d.append(b);
7430            a.container = b;
7431            a.ui.contentsElement = a.ui.space("contents");
7432            g && a.ui.space("top").unselectable();
7433            n && a.ui.space("bottom").unselectable();
7434            d = a.config.width;
7435            k = a.config.height;
7436            d && b.setStyle("width", CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(d));
7437            k && a.ui.space("contents").setStyle("height", CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(k));
7438            b.disableContextMenu();
7439            CKEDITOR.env.webkit && b.on("focus", function() {
7440                a.focus()
7441            });
7442            a.fireOnce("uiReady")
7443        }
7444        CKEDITOR.replace = function(b, d) {
7445            return a(b, d, null, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE)
7446        };
7447        CKEDITOR.appendTo = function(b, d, h) {
7448            return a(b, d, h, CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO)
7449        };
7450        CKEDITOR.replaceAll = function() {
7451            for (var a = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"), b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
7452                var d = null,
7453                    k = a[b];
7454                if (k.name || k.id) {
7455                    if ("string" == typeof arguments[0]) {
7456                        if (!(new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + arguments[0] + "(?:$|\\s)")).test(k.className)) continue
7457                    } else if ("function" == typeof arguments[0] && (d = {}, !1 === arguments[0](k, d))) continue;
7458                    this.replace(k, d)
7459                }
7460            }
7461        };
7462        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addMode = function(a, b) {
7463            (this._.modes || (this._.modes = {}))[a] = b
7464        };
7465        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.setMode = function(a, b) {
7466            var d = this,
7467                k = this._.modes;
7468            if (a != d.mode && k && k[a]) {
7469                d.fire("beforeSetMode", a);
7470                if (d.mode) {
7471                    var g = d.checkDirty(),
7472                        k = d._.previousModeData,
7473                        n, r = 0;
7474                    d.fire("beforeModeUnload");
7475                    d.editable(0);
7476                    d._.previousMode = d.mode;
7477                    d._.previousModeData = n = d.getData(1);
7478                    "source" == d.mode && k == n && (d.fire("lockSnapshot", {
7479                        forceUpdate: !0
7480                    }), r = 1);
7481                    d.ui.space("contents").setHtml("");
7482                    d.mode = ""
7483                } else d._.previousModeData = d.getData(1);
7484                this._.modes[a](function() {
7485                    d.mode = a;
7486                    void 0 !== g && !g &&
7487                        d.resetDirty();
7488                    r ? d.fire("unlockSnapshot") : "wysiwyg" == a && d.fire("saveSnapshot");
7489                    setTimeout(function() {
7490                        d.fire("mode");
7491                        b && b.call(d)
7492                    }, 0)
7493                })
7494            }
7495        };
7496        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.resize = function(a, b, d, k) {
7497            var g = this.container,
7498                n = this.ui.space("contents"),
7499                r = CKEDITOR.env.webkit && this.document && this.document.getWindow().$.frameElement;
7500            k = k ? this.container.getFirst(function(a) {
7501                return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasClass("cke_inner")
7502            }) : g;
7503            k.setSize("width", a, !0);
7504            r && (r.style.width = "1%");
7505            var e = (k.$.offsetHeight || 0) - (n.$.clientHeight ||
7506                    0),
7507                g = Math.max(b - (d ? 0 : e), 0);
7508            b = d ? b + e : b;
7509            n.setStyle("height", g + "px");
7510            r && (r.style.width = "100%");
7511            this.fire("resize", {
7512                outerHeight: b,
7513                contentsHeight: g,
7514                outerWidth: a || k.getSize("width")
7515            })
7516        };
7517        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getResizable = function(a) {
7518            return a ? this.ui.space("contents") : this.container
7519        };
7520        CKEDITOR.domReady(function() {
7521            CKEDITOR.replaceClass && CKEDITOR.replaceAll(CKEDITOR.replaceClass)
7522        })
7523    })();
7524    CKEDITOR.config.startupMode = "wysiwyg";
7525    (function() {
7526        function a(a) {
7527            var b = a.editor,
7528                e = a.data.path,
7529                f = e.blockLimit,
7530                g = a.data.selection,
7531                h = g.getRanges()[0],
7532                q;
7533            if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller)
7534                if (g = d(g, e)) g.appendBogus(), q = CKEDITOR.env.ie;
7535            k(b, e.block, f) && h.collapsed && !h.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly() && (e = h.clone(), e.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_BLOCK_CONTENTS), f = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(e), f.guard = function(a) {
7536                    return !c(a) || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT || a.isReadOnly()
7537                }, !f.checkForward() || e.checkStartOfBlock() && e.checkEndOfBlock()) &&
7538                (b = h.fixBlock(!0, b.activeEnterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? "div" : "p"), CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller || (b = b.getFirst(c)) && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b.getText()).match(/^(?:&nbsp;|\xa0)$/) && b.remove(), q = 1, a.cancel());
7539            q && h.select()
7540        }
7542        function d(a, b) {
7543            if (a.isFake) return 0;
7544            var d = b.block || b.blockLimit,
7545                e = d && d.getLast(c);
7546            if (!(!d || !d.isBlockBoundary() || e && e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && e.isBlockBoundary() || d.is("pre") || d.getBogus())) return d
7547        }
7549        function b(a) {
7550            var b = a.data.getTarget();
7551            b.is("input") &&
7552                (b = b.getAttribute("type"), "submit" != b && "reset" != b || a.data.preventDefault())
7553        }
7555        function c(a) {
7556            return e(a) && y(a)
7557        }
7559        function f(a, b) {
7560            return function(c) {
7561                var d = c.data.$.toElement || c.data.$.fromElement || c.data.$.relatedTarget;
7562                (d = d && d.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(d) : null) && (b.equals(d) || b.contains(d)) || a.call(this, c)
7563            }
7564        }
7566        function h(a) {
7567            function b(a) {
7568                return function(b, e) {
7569                    e && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.is(f) && (d = b);
7570                    if (!(e || !c(b) || a && B(b))) return !1
7571                }
7572            }
7573            var d, e = a.getRanges()[0];
7574            a = a.root;
7575            var f = {
7576                table: 1,
7577                ul: 1,
7578                ol: 1,
7579                dl: 1
7580            };
7581            if (e.startPath().contains(f)) {
7582                var g = e.clone();
7583                g.collapse(1);
7584                g.setStartAt(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
7585                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(g);
7586                a.guard = b();
7587                a.checkBackward();
7588                if (d) return g = e.clone(), g.collapse(), g.setEndAt(d, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(g), a.guard = b(!0), d = !1, a.checkForward(), d
7589            }
7590            return null
7591        }
7593        function k(a, b, c) {
7594            return !1 !== a.config.autoParagraph && a.activeEnterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && (a.editable().equals(c) && !b || b && "true" == b.getAttribute("contenteditable"))
7595        }
7597        function g(a) {
7598            return a.activeEnterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && !1 !== a.config.autoParagraph ? a.activeEnterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? "div" : "p" : !1
7599        }
7601        function n(a) {
7602            var b = a.editor;
7603            b.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
7604            setTimeout(function() {
7605                b.fire("saveSnapshot")
7606            }, 0)
7607        }
7609        function r(a, b, c) {
7610            var d = a.getCommonAncestor(b);
7611            for (b = a = c ? b : a;
7612                (a = a.getParent()) && !d.equals(a) && 1 == a.getChildCount();) b = a;
7613            b.remove()
7614        }
7615        var e, y, v, B, D, x, m, J, u, K;
7616        CKEDITOR.editable = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
7617            base: CKEDITOR.dom.element,
7618            $: function(a, b) {
7619                this.base(b.$ ||
7620                    b);
7621                this.editor = a;
7622                this.status = "unloaded";
7623                this.hasFocus = !1;
7624                this.setup()
7625            },
7626            proto: {
7627                focus: function() {
7628                    var a;
7629                    if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !this.hasFocus && (a = this.editor._.previousActive || this.getDocument().getActive(), this.contains(a))) {
7630                        a.focus();
7631                        return
7632                    }
7633                    CKEDITOR.env.edge && 14 < CKEDITOR.env.version && !this.hasFocus && this.getDocument().equals(CKEDITOR.document) && (this.editor._.previousScrollTop = this.$.scrollTop);
7634                    try {
7635                        if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.edge && 14 < CKEDITOR.env.version || !this.getDocument().equals(CKEDITOR.document))
7636                            if (CKEDITOR.env.chrome) {
7637                                var b =
7638                                    this.$.scrollTop;
7639                                this.$.focus();
7640                                this.$.scrollTop = b
7641                            } else this.$.focus();
7642                        else this.$.setActive()
7643                    } catch (c) {
7644                        if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie) throw c;
7645                    }
7646                    CKEDITOR.env.safari && !this.isInline() && (a = CKEDITOR.document.getActive(), a.equals(this.getWindow().getFrame()) || this.getWindow().focus())
7647                },
7648                on: function(a, b) {
7649                    var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
7650                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && /^focus|blur$/.exec(a) && (a = "focus" == a ? "focusin" : "focusout", b = f(b, this), c[0] = a, c[1] = b);
7651                    return CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.on.apply(this, c)
7652                },
7653                attachListener: function(a) {
7654                    !this._.listeners &&
7655                        (this._.listeners = []);
7656                    var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1),
7657                        b = a.on.apply(a, b);
7658                    this._.listeners.push(b);
7659                    return b
7660                },
7661                clearListeners: function() {
7662                    var a = this._.listeners;
7663                    try {
7664                        for (; a.length;) a.pop().removeListener()
7665                    } catch (b) {}
7666                },
7667                restoreAttrs: function() {
7668                    var a = this._.attrChanges,
7669                        b, c;
7670                    for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b = a[c], null !== b ? this.setAttribute(c, b) : this.removeAttribute(c))
7671                },
7672                attachClass: function(a) {
7673                    var b = this.getCustomData("classes");
7674                    this.hasClass(a) || (!b && (b = []), b.push(a), this.setCustomData("classes",
7675                        b), this.addClass(a))
7676                },
7677                changeAttr: function(a, b) {
7678                    var c = this.getAttribute(a);
7679                    b !== c && (!this._.attrChanges && (this._.attrChanges = {}), a in this._.attrChanges || (this._.attrChanges[a] = c), this.setAttribute(a, b))
7680                },
7681                insertText: function(a) {
7682                    this.editor.focus();
7683                    this.insertHtml(this.transformPlainTextToHtml(a), "text")
7684                },
7685                transformPlainTextToHtml: function(a) {
7686                    var b = this.editor.getSelection().getStartElement().hasAscendant("pre", !0) ? CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR : this.editor.activeEnterMode;
7687                    return CKEDITOR.tools.transformPlainTextToHtml(a,
7688                        b)
7689                },
7690                insertHtml: function(a, b, c) {
7691                    var d = this.editor;
7692                    d.focus();
7693                    d.fire("saveSnapshot");
7694                    c || (c = d.getSelection().getRanges()[0]);
7695                    x(this, b || "html", a, c);
7696                    c.select();
7697                    n(this);
7698                    this.editor.fire("afterInsertHtml", {})
7699                },
7700                insertHtmlIntoRange: function(a, b, c) {
7701                    x(this, c || "html", a, b);
7702                    this.editor.fire("afterInsertHtml", {
7703                        intoRange: b
7704                    })
7705                },
7706                insertElement: function(a, b) {
7707                    var d = this.editor;
7708                    d.focus();
7709                    d.fire("saveSnapshot");
7710                    var e = d.activeEnterMode,
7711                        d = d.getSelection(),
7712                        f = a.getName(),
7713                        f = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[f];
7714                    b || (b = d.getRanges()[0]);
7715                    this.insertElementIntoRange(a,
7716                        b) && (b.moveToPosition(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), f && ((f = a.getNext(function(a) {
7717                        return c(a) && !B(a)
7718                    })) && f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && f.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block) ? f.getDtd()["#"] ? b.moveToElementEditStart(f) : b.moveToElementEditEnd(a) : f || e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || (f = b.fixBlock(!0, e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? "div" : "p"), b.moveToElementEditStart(f))));
7719                    d.selectRanges([b]);
7720                    n(this)
7721                },
7722                insertElementIntoSelection: function(a) {
7723                    this.insertElement(a)
7724                },
7725                insertElementIntoRange: function(a, b) {
7726                    var c = this.editor,
7727                        d = c.config.enterMode,
7728                        e = a.getName(),
7729                        f = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[e];
7730                    if (b.checkReadOnly()) return !1;
7731                    b.deleteContents(1);
7732                    b.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b.startContainer.is({
7733                        tr: 1,
7734                        table: 1,
7735                        tbody: 1,
7736                        thead: 1,
7737                        tfoot: 1
7738                    }) ? m(b) : b.startContainer.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list) && J(b));
7739                    var q, g;
7740                    if (f)
7741                        for (;
7742                            (q = b.getCommonAncestor(0, 1)) && (g = CKEDITOR.dtd[q.getName()]) && (!g || !g[e]);) q.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.span ? b.splitElement(q) : b.checkStartOfBlock() && b.checkEndOfBlock() ? (b.setStartBefore(q), b.collapse(!0), q.remove()) : b.splitBlock(d == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ?
7743                            "div" : "p", c.editable());
7744                    b.insertNode(a);
7745                    return !0
7746                },
7747                setData: function(a, b) {
7748                    b || (a = this.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml(a));
7749                    this.setHtml(a);
7750                    this.fixInitialSelection();
7751                    "unloaded" == this.status && (this.status = "ready");
7752                    this.editor.fire("dataReady")
7753                },
7754                getData: function(a) {
7755                    var b = this.getHtml();
7756                    a || (b = this.editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat(b));
7757                    return b
7758                },
7759                setReadOnly: function(a) {
7760                    this.setAttribute("contenteditable", !a)
7761                },
7762                detach: function() {
7763                    this.removeClass("cke_editable");
7764                    this.status = "detached";
7765                    var a = this.editor;
7766                    this._.detach();
7767                    delete a.document;
7768                    delete a.window
7769                },
7770                isInline: function() {
7771                    return this.getDocument().equals(CKEDITOR.document)
7772                },
7773                fixInitialSelection: function() {
7774                    function a() {
7775                        var b = c.getDocument().$,
7776                            d = b.getSelection(),
7777                            e;
7778                        a: if (d.anchorNode && d.anchorNode == c.$) e = !0;
7779                            else {
7780                                if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (e = c.getDocument().getActive()) && e.equals(c) && !d.anchorNode) {
7781                                    e = !0;
7782                                    break a
7783                                }
7784                                e = void 0
7785                            } e && (e = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(c), e.moveToElementEditStart(c), b = b.createRange(), b.setStart(e.startContainer.$, e.startOffset), b.collapse(!0), d.removeAllRanges(),
7786                            d.addRange(b))
7787                    }
7789                    function b() {
7790                        var a = c.getDocument().$,
7791                            d = a.selection,
7792                            e = c.getDocument().getActive();
7793                        "None" == d.type && e.equals(c) && (d = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(c), a = a.body.createTextRange(), d.moveToElementEditStart(c), d = d.startContainer, d.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (d = d.getParent()), a.moveToElementText(d.$), a.collapse(!0), a.select())
7794                    }
7795                    var c = this;
7796                    if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && (9 > CKEDITOR.env.version || CKEDITOR.env.quirks)) this.hasFocus && (this.focus(), b());
7797                    else if (this.hasFocus) this.focus(), a();
7798                    else this.once("focus",
7799                        function() {
7800                            a()
7801                        }, null, null, -999)
7802                },
7803                getHtmlFromRange: function(a) {
7804                    if (a.collapsed) return new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(a.document);
7805                    a = {
7806                        doc: this.getDocument(),
7807                        range: a.clone()
7808                    };
7809                    u.eol.detect(a, this);
7810                    u.bogus.exclude(a);
7811                    u.cell.shrink(a);
7812                    a.fragment = a.range.cloneContents();
7813                    u.tree.rebuild(a, this);
7814                    u.eol.fix(a, this);
7815                    return new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(a.fragment.$)
7816                },
7817                extractHtmlFromRange: function(a, b) {
7818                    var c = K,
7819                        d = {
7820                            range: a,
7821                            doc: a.document
7822                        },
7823                        e = this.getHtmlFromRange(a);
7824                    if (a.collapsed) return a.optimize(), e;
7825                    a.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE,
7826                        1);
7827                    c.table.detectPurge(d);
7828                    d.bookmark = a.createBookmark();
7829                    delete d.range;
7830                    var f = this.editor.createRange();
7831                    f.moveToPosition(d.bookmark.startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
7832                    d.targetBookmark = f.createBookmark();
7833                    c.list.detectMerge(d, this);
7834                    c.table.detectRanges(d, this);
7835                    c.block.detectMerge(d, this);
7836                    d.tableContentsRanges ? (c.table.deleteRanges(d), a.moveToBookmark(d.bookmark), d.range = a) : (a.moveToBookmark(d.bookmark), d.range = a, a.extractContents(c.detectExtractMerge(d)));
7837                    a.moveToBookmark(d.targetBookmark);
7838                    a.optimize();
7839                    c.fixUneditableRangePosition(a);
7840                    c.list.merge(d, this);
7841                    c.table.purge(d, this);
7842                    c.block.merge(d, this);
7843                    if (b) {
7844                        c = a.startPath();
7845                        if (d = a.checkStartOfBlock() && a.checkEndOfBlock() && c.block && !a.root.equals(c.block)) {
7846                            a: {
7847                                var d = c.block.getElementsByTag("span"),
7848                                    f = 0,
7849                                    q;
7850                                if (d)
7851                                    for (; q = d.getItem(f++);)
7852                                        if (!y(q)) {
7853                                            d = !0;
7854                                            break a
7855                                        } d = !1
7856                            }
7857                            d = !d
7858                        }
7859                        d && (a.moveToPosition(c.block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), c.block.remove())
7860                    } else c.autoParagraph(this.editor, a), v(a.startContainer) && a.startContainer.appendBogus();
7861                    a.startContainer.mergeSiblings();
7862                    return e
7863                },
7864                setup: function() {
7865                    var a = this.editor;
7866                    this.attachListener(a, "beforeGetData", function() {
7867                        var b = this.getData();
7868                        this.is("textarea") || !1 !== a.config.ignoreEmptyParagraph && (b = b.replace(D, function(a, b) {
7869                            return b
7870                        }));
7871                        a.setData(b, null, 1)
7872                    }, this);
7873                    this.attachListener(a, "getSnapshot", function(a) {
7874                        a.data = this.getData(1)
7875                    }, this);
7876                    this.attachListener(a, "afterSetData", function() {
7877                        this.setData(a.getData(1))
7878                    }, this);
7879                    this.attachListener(a, "loadSnapshot", function(a) {
7880                        this.setData(a.data, 1)
7881                    }, this);
7882                    this.attachListener(a,
7883                        "beforeFocus",
7884                        function() {
7885                            var b = a.getSelection();
7886                            (b = b && b.getNative()) && "Control" == b.type || this.focus()
7887                        }, this);
7888                    this.attachListener(a, "insertHtml", function(a) {
7889                        this.insertHtml(a.data.dataValue, a.data.mode, a.data.range)
7890                    }, this);
7891                    this.attachListener(a, "insertElement", function(a) {
7892                        this.insertElement(a.data)
7893                    }, this);
7894                    this.attachListener(a, "insertText", function(a) {
7895                        this.insertText(a.data)
7896                    }, this);
7897                    this.setReadOnly(a.readOnly);
7898                    this.attachClass("cke_editable");
7899                    a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? this.attachClass("cke_editable_inline") :
7900                        a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_APPENDTO || this.attachClass("cke_editable_themed");
7901                    this.attachClass("cke_contents_" + a.config.contentsLangDirection);
7902                    a.keystrokeHandler.blockedKeystrokes[8] = +a.readOnly;
7903                    a.keystrokeHandler.attach(this);
7904                    this.on("blur", function() {
7905                        this.hasFocus = !1
7906                    }, null, null, -1);
7907                    this.on("focus", function() {
7908                        this.hasFocus = !0
7909                    }, null, null, -1);
7910                    if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) this.on("scroll", function() {
7911                            a._.previousScrollTop = a.editable().$.scrollTop
7912                        }, null,
7913                        null, -1);
7914                    if (CKEDITOR.env.edge && 14 < CKEDITOR.env.version) {
7915                        var d = function() {
7916                            var b = a.editable();
7917                            null != a._.previousScrollTop && b.getDocument().equals(CKEDITOR.document) && (b.$.scrollTop = a._.previousScrollTop, a._.previousScrollTop = null, this.removeListener("scroll", d))
7918                        };
7919                        this.on("scroll", d)
7920                    }
7921                    a.focusManager.add(this);
7922                    this.equals(CKEDITOR.document.getActive()) && (this.hasFocus = !0, a.once("contentDom", function() {
7923                        a.focusManager.focus(this)
7924                    }, this));
7925                    this.isInline() && this.changeAttr("tabindex", a.tabIndex);
7926                    if (!this.is("textarea")) {
7927                        a.document =
7928                            this.getDocument();
7929                        a.window = this.getWindow();
7930                        var f = a.document;
7931                        this.changeAttr("spellcheck", !a.config.disableNativeSpellChecker);
7932                        var g = a.config.contentsLangDirection;
7933                        this.getDirection(1) != g && this.changeAttr("dir", g);
7934                        var k = CKEDITOR.getCss();
7935                        if (k) {
7936                            var g = f.getHead(),
7937                                m = g.getCustomData("stylesheet");
7938                            m ? k != m.getText() && (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? m.$.styleSheet.cssText = k : m.setText(k)) : (k = f.appendStyleText(k), k = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(k.ownerNode || k.owningElement), g.setCustomData("stylesheet",
7939                                k), k.data("cke-temp", 1))
7940                        }
7941                        g = f.getCustomData("stylesheet_ref") || 0;
7942                        f.setCustomData("stylesheet_ref", g + 1);
7943                        this.setCustomData("cke_includeReadonly", !a.config.disableReadonlyStyling);
7944                        this.attachListener(this, "click", function(a) {
7945                            a = a.data;
7946                            var b = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(a.getTarget(), this)).contains("a");
7947                            b && 2 != a.$.button && b.isReadOnly() && a.preventDefault()
7948                        });
7949                        var q = {
7950                            8: 1,
7951                            46: 1
7952                        };
7953                        this.attachListener(a, "key", function(b) {
7954                            if (a.readOnly) return !0;
7955                            var c = b.data.domEvent.getKey(),
7956                                d;
7957                            b = a.getSelection();
7958                            if (0 !== b.getRanges().length) {
7959                                if (c in
7960                                    q) {
7961                                    var f, g = b.getRanges()[0],
7962                                        p = g.startPath(),
7963                                        k, w, A, c = 8 == c;
7964                                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && 11 > CKEDITOR.env.version && (f = b.getSelectedElement()) || (f = h(b)) ? (a.fire("saveSnapshot"), g.moveToPosition(f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), f.remove(), g.select(), a.fire("saveSnapshot"), d = 1) : g.collapsed && ((k = p.block) && (A = k[c ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](e)) && A.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && A.is("table") && g[c ? "checkStartOfBlock" : "checkEndOfBlock"]() ? (a.fire("saveSnapshot"), g[c ? "checkEndOfBlock" : "checkStartOfBlock"]() && k.remove(), g["moveToElementEdit" +
7965                                        (c ? "End" : "Start")](A), g.select(), a.fire("saveSnapshot"), d = 1) : p.blockLimit && p.blockLimit.is("td") && (w = p.blockLimit.getAscendant("table")) && g.checkBoundaryOfElement(w, c ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END) && (A = w[c ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](e)) ? (a.fire("saveSnapshot"), g["moveToElementEdit" + (c ? "End" : "Start")](A), g.checkStartOfBlock() && g.checkEndOfBlock() ? A.remove() : g.select(), a.fire("saveSnapshot"), d = 1) : (w = p.contains(["td", "th", "caption"])) && g.checkBoundaryOfElement(w, c ? CKEDITOR.START : CKEDITOR.END) && (d = 1))
7966                                }
7967                                return !d
7968                            }
7969                        });
7970                        a.blockless && CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && this.attachListener(this, "keyup", function(b) {
7971                            b.data.getKeystroke() in q && !this.getFirst(c) && (this.appendBogus(), b = a.createRange(), b.moveToPosition(this, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), b.select())
7972                        });
7973                        this.attachListener(this, "dblclick", function(b) {
7974                            if (a.readOnly) return !1;
7975                            b = {
7976                                element: b.data.getTarget()
7977                            };
7978                            a.fire("doubleclick", b)
7979                        });
7980                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && this.attachListener(this, "click", b);
7981                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge || this.attachListener(this, "mousedown",
7982                            function(b) {
7983                                var c = b.data.getTarget();
7984                                c.is("img", "hr", "input", "textarea", "select") && !c.isReadOnly() && (a.getSelection().selectElement(c), c.is("input", "textarea", "select") && b.data.preventDefault())
7985                            });
7986                        CKEDITOR.env.edge && this.attachListener(this, "mouseup", function(b) {
7987                            (b = b.data.getTarget()) && b.is("img") && !b.isReadOnly() && a.getSelection().selectElement(b)
7988                        });
7989                        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && this.attachListener(this, "mouseup", function(b) {
7990                            if (2 == b.data.$.button && (b = b.data.getTarget(), !b.getAscendant("table") && !b.getOuterHtml().replace(D,
7991                                    ""))) {
7992                                var c = a.createRange();
7993                                c.moveToElementEditStart(b);
7994                                c.select(!0)
7995                            }
7996                        });
7997                        CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (this.attachListener(this, "click", function(a) {
7998                            a.data.getTarget().is("input", "select") && a.data.preventDefault()
7999                        }), this.attachListener(this, "mouseup", function(a) {
8000                            a.data.getTarget().is("input", "textarea") && a.data.preventDefault()
8001                        }));
8002                        CKEDITOR.env.webkit && this.attachListener(a, "key", function(b) {
8003                            if (a.readOnly) return !0;
8004                            var c = b.data.domEvent.getKey();
8005                            if (c in q && (b = a.getSelection(), 0 !== b.getRanges().length)) {
8006                                var c =
8007                                    8 == c,
8008                                    d = b.getRanges()[0];
8009                                b = d.startPath();
8010                                if (d.collapsed) a: {
8011                                    var e = b.block;
8012                                    if (e && d[c ? "checkStartOfBlock" : "checkEndOfBlock"]() && d.moveToClosestEditablePosition(e, !c) && d.collapsed) {
8013                                        if (d.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
8014                                            var f = d.startContainer.getChild(d.startOffset - (c ? 1 : 0));
8015                                            if (f && f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && f.is("hr")) {
8016                                                a.fire("saveSnapshot");
8017                                                f.remove();
8018                                                b = !0;
8019                                                break a
8020                                            }
8021                                        }
8022                                        d = d.startPath().block;
8023                                        if (!d || d && d.contains(e)) b = void 0;
8024                                        else {
8025                                            a.fire("saveSnapshot");
8026                                            var p;
8027                                            (p = (c ? d : e).getBogus()) && p.remove();
8028                                            p = a.getSelection();
8029                                            f = p.createBookmarks();
8030                                            (c ? e : d).moveChildren(c ? d : e, !1);
8031                                            b.lastElement.mergeSiblings();
8032                                            r(e, d, !c);
8033                                            p.selectBookmarks(f);
8034                                            b = !0
8035                                        }
8036                                    } else b = !1
8037                                }
8038                                else c = d, p = b.block, d = c.endPath().block, p && d && !p.equals(d) ? (a.fire("saveSnapshot"), (e = p.getBogus()) && e.remove(), c.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE), c.deleteContents(), d.getParent() && (d.moveChildren(p, !1), b.lastElement.mergeSiblings(), r(p, d, !0)), c = a.getSelection().getRanges()[0], c.collapse(1), c.optimize(), "" === c.startContainer.getHtml() && c.startContainer.appendBogus(),
8039                                    c.select(), b = !0) : b = !1;
8040                                if (!b) return;
8041                                a.getSelection().scrollIntoView();
8042                                a.fire("saveSnapshot");
8043                                return !1
8044                            }
8045                        }, this, null, 100)
8046                    }
8047                }
8048            },
8049            _: {
8050                detach: function() {
8051                    this.editor.setData(this.editor.getData(), 0, 1);
8052                    this.clearListeners();
8053                    this.restoreAttrs();
8054                    var a;
8055                    if (a = this.removeCustomData("classes"))
8056                        for (; a.length;) this.removeClass(a.pop());
8057                    if (!this.is("textarea")) {
8058                        a = this.getDocument();
8059                        var b = a.getHead();
8060                        if (b.getCustomData("stylesheet")) {
8061                            var c = a.getCustomData("stylesheet_ref");
8062                            --c ? a.setCustomData("stylesheet_ref", c) : (a.removeCustomData("stylesheet_ref"),
8063                                b.removeCustomData("stylesheet").remove())
8064                        }
8065                    }
8066                    this.editor.fire("contentDomUnload");
8067                    delete this.editor
8068                }
8069            }
8070        });
8071        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.editable = function(a) {
8072            var b = this._.editable;
8073            if (b && a) return 0;
8074            arguments.length && (b = this._.editable = a ? a instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ? a : new CKEDITOR.editable(this, a) : (b && b.detach(), null));
8075            return b
8076        };
8077        CKEDITOR.on("instanceLoaded", function(b) {
8078            var c = b.editor;
8079            c.on("insertElement", function(a) {
8080                a = a.data;
8081                a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (a.is("input") || a.is("textarea")) && ("false" != a.getAttribute("contentEditable") &&
8082                    a.data("cke-editable", a.hasAttribute("contenteditable") ? "true" : "1"), a.setAttribute("contentEditable", !1))
8083            });
8084            c.on("selectionChange", function(b) {
8085                if (!c.readOnly) {
8086                    var d = c.getSelection();
8087                    d && !d.isLocked && (d = c.checkDirty(), c.fire("lockSnapshot"), a(b), c.fire("unlockSnapshot"), !d && c.resetDirty())
8088                }
8089            })
8090        });
8091        CKEDITOR.on("instanceCreated", function(a) {
8092            var b = a.editor;
8093            b.on("mode", function() {
8094                var a = b.editable();
8095                if (a && a.isInline()) {
8096                    var c = b.title;
8097                    a.changeAttr("role", "textbox");
8098                    a.changeAttr("aria-multiline", "true");
8099                    a.changeAttr("aria-label",
8100                        c);
8101                    c && a.changeAttr("title", c);
8102                    var d = b.fire("ariaEditorHelpLabel", {}).label;
8103                    if (d && (c = this.ui.space(this.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? "top" : "contents"))) {
8104                        var e = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
8105                            d = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cspan id\x3d"' + e + '" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e' + d + "\x3c/span\x3e");
8106                        c.append(d);
8107                        a.changeAttr("aria-describedby", e)
8108                    }
8109                }
8110            })
8111        });
8112        CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable{cursor:text}.cke_editable img,.cke_editable input,.cke_editable textarea{cursor:default}");
8113        e = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(!0);
8114        y = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!1, !0);
8115        v = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.empty();
8116        B = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
8117        D = /(^|<body\b[^>]*>)\s*<(p|div|address|h\d|center|pre)[^>]*>\s*(?:<br[^>]*>|&nbsp;|\u00A0|&#160;)?\s*(:?<\/\2>)?\s*(?=$|<\/body>)/gi;
8118        x = function() {
8119            function a(b) {
8120                return b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
8121            }
8123            function b(c, d) {
8124                var e, f, g, q, h = [],
8125                    z = d.range.startContainer;
8126                e = d.range.startPath();
8127                for (var z = E[z.getName()], k = 0, H = c.getChildren(), m = H.count(), n = -1, r = -1, C = 0, P = e.contains(E.$list); k < m; ++k) e = H.getItem(k), a(e) ? (g =
8128                    e.getName(), P && g in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list ? h = h.concat(b(e, d)) : (q = !!z[g], "br" != g || !e.data("cke-eol") || k && k != m - 1 || (C = (f = k ? h[k - 1].node : H.getItem(k + 1)) && (!a(f) || !f.is("br")), f = f && a(f) && E.$block[f.getName()]), -1 != n || q || (n = k), q || (r = k), h.push({
8129                        isElement: 1,
8130                        isLineBreak: C,
8131                        isBlock: e.isBlockBoundary(),
8132                        hasBlockSibling: f,
8133                        node: e,
8134                        name: g,
8135                        allowed: q
8136                    }), f = C = 0)) : h.push({
8137                    isElement: 0,
8138                    node: e,
8139                    allowed: 1
8140                }); - 1 < n && (h[n].firstNotAllowed = 1); - 1 < r && (h[r].lastNotAllowed = 1);
8141                return h
8142            }
8144            function d(b, c) {
8145                var e = [],
8146                    f = b.getChildren(),
8147                    g = f.count(),
8148                    q, h = 0,
8149                    z = E[c],
8150                    k = !b.is(E.$inline) || b.is("br");
8151                for (k && e.push(" "); h < g; h++) q = f.getItem(h), a(q) && !q.is(z) ? e = e.concat(d(q, c)) : e.push(q);
8152                k && e.push(" ");
8153                return e
8154            }
8156            function e(b) {
8157                return a(b.startContainer) && b.startContainer.getChild(b.startOffset - 1)
8158            }
8160            function f(b) {
8161                return b && a(b) && (b.is(E.$removeEmpty) || b.is("a") && !b.isBlockBoundary())
8162            }
8164            function h(b, c, d, e) {
8165                var f = b.clone(),
8166                    g, q;
8167                f.setEndAt(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
8168                (g = (new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(f)).next()) && a(g) && z[g.getName()] && (q = g.getPrevious()) && a(q) && !q.getParent().equals(b.startContainer) &&
8169                    d.contains(q) && e.contains(g) && g.isIdentical(q) && (g.moveChildren(q), g.remove(), h(b, c, d, e))
8170            }
8172            function q(b, c) {
8173                function d(b, c) {
8174                    if (c.isBlock && c.isElement && !c.node.is("br") && a(b) && b.is("br")) return b.remove(), 1
8175                }
8176                var e = c.endContainer.getChild(c.endOffset),
8177                    f = c.endContainer.getChild(c.endOffset - 1);
8178                e && d(e, b[b.length - 1]);
8179                f && d(f, b[0]) && (c.setEnd(c.endContainer, c.endOffset - 1), c.collapse())
8180            }
8181            var E = CKEDITOR.dtd,
8182                z = {
8183                    p: 1,
8184                    div: 1,
8185                    h1: 1,
8186                    h2: 1,
8187                    h3: 1,
8188                    h4: 1,
8189                    h5: 1,
8190                    h6: 1,
8191                    ul: 1,
8192                    ol: 1,
8193                    li: 1,
8194                    pre: 1,
8195                    dl: 1,
8196                    blockquote: 1
8197                },
8198                H = {
8199                    p: 1,
8200                    div: 1,
8201                    h1: 1,
8202                    h2: 1,
8203                    h3: 1,
8204                    h4: 1,
8205                    h5: 1,
8206                    h6: 1
8207                },
8208                m = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, E.$inline);
8209            delete m.br;
8210            return function(z, p, N, w) {
8211                var A = z.editor,
8212                    G = !1;
8213                "unfiltered_html" == p && (p = "html", G = !0);
8214                if (!w.checkReadOnly()) {
8215                    var I = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(w.startContainer, w.root)).blockLimit || w.root;
8216                    z = {
8217                        type: p,
8218                        dontFilter: G,
8219                        editable: z,
8220                        editor: A,
8221                        range: w,
8222                        blockLimit: I,
8223                        mergeCandidates: [],
8224                        zombies: []
8225                    };
8226                    p = z.range;
8227                    w = z.mergeCandidates;
8228                    var n, r;
8229                    "text" == z.type && p.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, !0, !1) && (n = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml("\x3cspan\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e",
8230                        p.document), p.insertNode(n), p.setStartAfter(n));
8231                    G = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(p.startContainer);
8232                    z.endPath = I = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(p.endContainer);
8233                    if (!p.collapsed) {
8234                        var A = I.block || I.blockLimit,
8235                            v = p.getCommonAncestor();
8236                        A && !A.equals(v) && !A.contains(v) && p.checkEndOfBlock() && z.zombies.push(A);
8237                        p.deleteContents()
8238                    }
8239                    for (;
8240                        (r = e(p)) && a(r) && r.isBlockBoundary() && G.contains(r);) p.moveToPosition(r, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
8241                    h(p, z.blockLimit, G, I);
8242                    n && (p.setEndBefore(n), p.collapse(), n.remove());
8243                    n = p.startPath();
8244                    if (A = n.contains(f, !1, 1)) p.splitElement(A), z.inlineStylesRoot = A, z.inlineStylesPeak = n.lastElement;
8245                    n = p.createBookmark();
8246                    (A = n.startNode.getPrevious(c)) && a(A) && f(A) && w.push(A);
8247                    (A = n.startNode.getNext(c)) && a(A) && f(A) && w.push(A);
8248                    for (A = n.startNode;
8249                        (A = A.getParent()) && f(A);) w.push(A);
8250                    p.moveToBookmark(n);
8251                    if (n = N) {
8252                        n = z.range;
8253                        if ("text" == z.type && z.inlineStylesRoot) {
8254                            r = z.inlineStylesPeak;
8255                            p = r.getDocument().createText("{cke-peak}");
8256                            for (w = z.inlineStylesRoot.getParent(); !r.equals(w);) p = p.appendTo(r.clone()), r = r.getParent();
8257                            N = p.getOuterHtml().split("{cke-peak}").join(N)
8258                        }
8259                        r = z.blockLimit.getName();
8260                        if (/^\s+|\s+$/.test(N) && "span" in CKEDITOR.dtd[r]) {
8261                            var x = '\x3cspan data-cke-marker\x3d"1"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e';
8262                            N = x + N + x
8263                        }
8264                        N = z.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml(N, {
8265                            context: null,
8266                            fixForBody: !1,
8267                            protectedWhitespaces: !!x,
8268                            dontFilter: z.dontFilter,
8269                            filter: z.editor.activeFilter,
8270                            enterMode: z.editor.activeEnterMode
8271                        });
8272                        r = n.document.createElement("body");
8273                        r.setHtml(N);
8274                        x && (r.getFirst().remove(), r.getLast().remove());
8275                        if ((x = n.startPath().block) && (1 !=
8276                                x.getChildCount() || !x.getBogus())) a: {
8277                            var y;
8278                            if (1 == r.getChildCount() && a(y = r.getFirst()) && y.is(H) && !y.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) {
8279                                x = y.getElementsByTag("*");
8280                                n = 0;
8281                                for (w = x.count(); n < w; n++)
8282                                    if (p = x.getItem(n), !p.is(m)) break a;
8283                                y.moveChildren(y.getParent(1));
8284                                y.remove()
8285                            }
8286                        }
8287                        z.dataWrapper = r;
8288                        n = N
8289                    }
8290                    if (n) {
8291                        y = z.range;
8292                        n = y.document;
8293                        var u;
8294                        r = z.blockLimit;
8295                        w = 0;
8296                        var B, x = [],
8297                            D, T;
8298                        N = A = 0;
8299                        var J, K;
8300                        p = y.startContainer;
8301                        var G = z.endPath.elements[0],
8302                            W, I = G.getPosition(p),
8303                            v = !!G.getCommonAncestor(p) && I != CKEDITOR.POSITION_IDENTICAL && !(I & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS +
8304                                CKEDITOR.POSITION_IS_CONTAINED);
8305                        p = b(z.dataWrapper, z);
8306                        for (q(p, y); w < p.length; w++) {
8307                            I = p[w];
8308                            if (u = I.isLineBreak) {
8309                                u = y;
8310                                J = r;
8311                                var S = void 0,
8312                                    Y = void 0;
8313                                I.hasBlockSibling ? u = 1 : (S = u.startContainer.getAscendant(E.$block, 1)) && S.is({
8314                                    div: 1,
8315                                    p: 1
8316                                }) ? (Y = S.getPosition(J), Y == CKEDITOR.POSITION_IDENTICAL || Y == CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS ? u = 0 : (J = u.splitElement(S), u.moveToPosition(J, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), u = 1)) : u = 0
8317                            }
8318                            if (u) N = 0 < w;
8319                            else {
8320                                u = y.startPath();
8321                                !I.isBlock && k(z.editor, u.block, u.blockLimit) && (T = g(z.editor)) && (T = n.createElement(T),
8322                                    T.appendBogus(), y.insertNode(T), CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller && (B = T.getBogus()) && B.remove(), y.moveToPosition(T, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END));
8323                                if ((u = y.startPath().block) && !u.equals(D)) {
8324                                    if (B = u.getBogus()) B.remove(), x.push(u);
8325                                    D = u
8326                                }
8327                                I.firstNotAllowed && (A = 1);
8328                                if (A && I.isElement) {
8329                                    u = y.startContainer;
8330                                    for (J = null; u && !E[u.getName()][I.name];) {
8331                                        if (u.equals(r)) {
8332                                            u = null;
8333                                            break
8334                                        }
8335                                        J = u;
8336                                        u = u.getParent()
8337                                    }
8338                                    if (u) J && (K = y.splitElement(J), z.zombies.push(K), z.zombies.push(J));
8339                                    else {
8340                                        J = r.getName();
8341                                        W = !w;
8342                                        u = w == p.length - 1;
8343                                        J = d(I.node, J);
8344                                        for (var S = [], Y = J.length, Z = 0, ba = void 0, ca = 0, U = -1; Z < Y; Z++) ba = J[Z], " " == ba ? (ca || W && !Z || (S.push(new CKEDITOR.dom.text(" ")), U = S.length), ca = 1) : (S.push(ba), ca = 0);
8345                                        u && U == S.length && S.pop();
8346                                        W = S
8347                                    }
8348                                }
8349                                if (W) {
8350                                    for (; u = W.pop();) y.insertNode(u);
8351                                    W = 0
8352                                } else y.insertNode(I.node);
8353                                I.lastNotAllowed && w < p.length - 1 && ((K = v ? G : K) && y.setEndAt(K, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), A = 0);
8354                                y.collapse()
8355                            }
8356                        }
8357                        1 != p.length ? B = !1 : (B = p[0], B = B.isElement && "false" == B.node.getAttribute("contenteditable"));
8358                        B && (N = !0, u = p[0].node, y.setStartAt(u, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START),
8359                            y.setEndAt(u, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END));
8360                        z.dontMoveCaret = N;
8361                        z.bogusNeededBlocks = x
8362                    }
8363                    B = z.range;
8364                    var R;
8365                    K = z.bogusNeededBlocks;
8366                    for (W = B.createBookmark(); D = z.zombies.pop();) D.getParent() && (T = B.clone(), T.moveToElementEditStart(D), T.removeEmptyBlocksAtEnd());
8367                    if (K)
8368                        for (; D = K.pop();) CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? D.appendBogus() : D.append(B.document.createText(" "));
8369                    for (; D = z.mergeCandidates.pop();) D.mergeSiblings();
8370                    B.moveToBookmark(W);
8371                    if (!z.dontMoveCaret) {
8372                        for (D = e(B); D && a(D) && !D.is(E.$empty);) {
8373                            if (D.isBlockBoundary()) B.moveToPosition(D,
8374                                CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
8375                            else {
8376                                if (f(D) && D.getHtml().match(/(\s|&nbsp;)$/g)) {
8377                                    R = null;
8378                                    break
8379                                }
8380                                R = B.clone();
8381                                R.moveToPosition(D, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END)
8382                            }
8383                            D = D.getLast(c)
8384                        }
8385                        R && B.moveToRange(R)
8386                    }
8387                }
8388            }
8389        }();
8390        m = function() {
8391            function a(b) {
8392                b = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(b);
8393                b.guard = function(a, b) {
8394                    if (b) return !1;
8395                    if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent)
8396                };
8397                b.evaluator = function(a) {
8398                    return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
8399                };
8400                return b
8401            }
8403            function b(a, c, d) {
8404                c = a.getDocument().createElement(c);
8405                a.append(c, d);
8406                return c
8407            }
8409            function c(a) {
8410                var b = a.count(),
8411                    d;
8412                for (b; 0 < b--;) d = a.getItem(b), CKEDITOR.tools.trim(d.getHtml()) || (d.appendBogus(), CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version && d.getChildCount() && d.getFirst().remove())
8413            }
8414            return function(d) {
8415                var e = d.startContainer,
8416                    f = e.getAscendant("table", 1),
8417                    g = !1;
8418                c(f.getElementsByTag("td"));
8419                c(f.getElementsByTag("th"));
8420                f = d.clone();
8421                f.setStart(e, 0);
8422                f = a(f).lastBackward();
8423                f || (f = d.clone(), f.setEndAt(e, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), f = a(f).lastForward(), g = !0);
8424                f || (f = e);
8425                f.is("table") ? (d.setStartAt(f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START),
8426                    d.collapse(!0), f.remove()) : (f.is({
8427                    tbody: 1,
8428                    thead: 1,
8429                    tfoot: 1
8430                }) && (f = b(f, "tr", g)), f.is("tr") && (f = b(f, f.getParent().is("thead") ? "th" : "td", g)), (e = f.getBogus()) && e.remove(), d.moveToPosition(f, g ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END))
8431            }
8432        }();
8433        J = function() {
8434            function a(b) {
8435                b = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(b);
8436                b.guard = function(a, b) {
8437                    if (b) return !1;
8438                    if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list) || a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem)
8439                };
8440                b.evaluator = function(a) {
8441                    return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
8442                        a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem)
8443                };
8444                return b
8445            }
8446            return function(b) {
8447                var c = b.startContainer,
8448                    d = !1,
8449                    e;
8450                e = b.clone();
8451                e.setStart(c, 0);
8452                e = a(e).lastBackward();
8453                e || (e = b.clone(), e.setEndAt(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), e = a(e).lastForward(), d = !0);
8454                e || (e = c);
8455                e.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list) ? (b.setStartAt(e, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), b.collapse(!0), e.remove()) : ((c = e.getBogus()) && c.remove(), b.moveToPosition(e, d ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), b.select())
8456            }
8457        }();
8458        u = {
8459            eol: {
8460                detect: function(a, b) {
8461                    var c = a.range,
8462                        d = c.clone(),
8463                        e = c.clone(),
8464                        f = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(c.startContainer, b),
8465                        g = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(c.endContainer, b);
8466                    d.collapse(1);
8467                    e.collapse();
8468                    f.block && d.checkBoundaryOfElement(f.block, CKEDITOR.END) && (c.setStartAfter(f.block), a.prependEolBr = 1);
8469                    g.block && e.checkBoundaryOfElement(g.block, CKEDITOR.START) && (c.setEndBefore(g.block), a.appendEolBr = 1)
8470                },
8471                fix: function(a, b) {
8472                    var c = b.getDocument(),
8473                        d;
8474                    a.appendEolBr && (d = this.createEolBr(c), a.fragment.append(d));
8475                    !a.prependEolBr || d && !d.getPrevious() || a.fragment.append(this.createEolBr(c),
8476                        1)
8477                },
8478                createEolBr: function(a) {
8479                    return a.createElement("br", {
8480                        attributes: {
8481                            "data-cke-eol": 1
8482                        }
8483                    })
8484                }
8485            },
8486            bogus: {
8487                exclude: function(a) {
8488                    var b = a.range.getBoundaryNodes(),
8489                        c = b.startNode,
8490                        b = b.endNode;
8491                    !b || !B(b) || c && c.equals(b) || a.range.setEndBefore(b)
8492                }
8493            },
8494            tree: {
8495                rebuild: function(a, b) {
8496                    var c = a.range,
8497                        d = c.getCommonAncestor(),
8498                        e = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(d, b),
8499                        f = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(c.startContainer, b),
8500                        c = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(c.endContainer, b),
8501                        g;
8502                    d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (d = d.getParent());
8503                    if (e.blockLimit.is({
8504                            tr: 1,
8505                            table: 1
8506                        })) {
8507                        var h = e.contains("table").getParent();
8508                        g = function(a) {
8509                            return !a.equals(h)
8510                        }
8511                    } else if (e.block && e.block.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem) && (f = f.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list), c = c.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list), !f.equals(c))) {
8512                        var z = e.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list).getParent();
8513                        g = function(a) {
8514                            return !a.equals(z)
8515                        }
8516                    }
8517                    g || (g = function(a) {
8518                        return !a.equals(e.block) && !a.equals(e.blockLimit)
8519                    });
8520                    this.rebuildFragment(a, b, d, g)
8521                },
8522                rebuildFragment: function(a, b, c, d) {
8523                    for (var e; c && !c.equals(b) && d(c);) e = c.clone(0, 1), a.fragment.appendTo(e),
8524                        a.fragment = e, c = c.getParent()
8525                }
8526            },
8527            cell: {
8528                shrink: function(a) {
8529                    a = a.range;
8530                    var b = a.startContainer,
8531                        c = a.endContainer,
8532                        d = a.startOffset,
8533                        e = a.endOffset;
8534                    b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.equals(c) && b.is("tr") && ++d == e && a.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT)
8535                }
8536            }
8537        };
8538        K = function() {
8539            function a(b, c) {
8540                var d = b.getParent();
8541                if (d.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline)) b[c ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](d)
8542            }
8544            function b(c, d, e) {
8545                a(d);
8546                a(e, 1);
8547                for (var f; f = e.getNext();) f.insertAfter(d), d = f;
8548                v(c) && c.remove()
8549            }
8551            function c(a, b) {
8552                var d = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(a);
8553                d.setStartAfter(b.startNode);
8554                d.setEndBefore(b.endNode);
8555                return d
8556            }
8557            return {
8558                list: {
8559                    detectMerge: function(a, b) {
8560                        var d = c(b, a.bookmark),
8561                            e = d.startPath(),
8562                            f = d.endPath(),
8563                            g = e.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list),
8564                            h = f.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list);
8565                        a.mergeList = g && h && g.getParent().equals(h.getParent()) && !g.equals(h);
8566                        a.mergeListItems = e.block && f.block && e.block.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem) && f.block.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem);
8567                        if (a.mergeList || a.mergeListItems) d = d.clone(), d.setStartBefore(a.bookmark.startNode), d.setEndAfter(a.bookmark.endNode), a.mergeListBookmark =
8568                            d.createBookmark()
8569                    },
8570                    merge: function(a, c) {
8571                        if (a.mergeListBookmark) {
8572                            var d = a.mergeListBookmark.startNode,
8573                                e = a.mergeListBookmark.endNode,
8574                                f = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(d, c),
8575                                g = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(e, c);
8576                            if (a.mergeList) {
8577                                var h = f.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list),
8578                                    k = g.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list);
8579                                h.equals(k) || (k.moveChildren(h), k.remove())
8580                            }
8581                            a.mergeListItems && (f = f.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem), g = g.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem), f.equals(g) || b(g, d, e));
8582                            d.remove();
8583                            e.remove()
8584                        }
8585                    }
8586                },
8587                block: {
8588                    detectMerge: function(a,
8589                        b) {
8590                        if (!a.tableContentsRanges && !a.mergeListBookmark) {
8591                            var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(b);
8592                            c.setStartBefore(a.bookmark.startNode);
8593                            c.setEndAfter(a.bookmark.endNode);
8594                            a.mergeBlockBookmark = c.createBookmark()
8595                        }
8596                    },
8597                    merge: function(a, c) {
8598                        if (a.mergeBlockBookmark && !a.purgeTableBookmark) {
8599                            var d = a.mergeBlockBookmark.startNode,
8600                                e = a.mergeBlockBookmark.endNode,
8601                                f = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(d, c),
8602                                g = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(e, c),
8603                                f = f.block,
8604                                g = g.block;
8605                            f && g && !f.equals(g) && b(g, d, e);
8606                            d.remove();
8607                            e.remove()
8608                        }
8609                    }
8610                },
8611                table: function() {
8612                    function a(c) {
8613                        var e = [],
8614                            f, g = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c),
8615                            h = c.startPath().contains(d),
8616                            k = c.endPath().contains(d),
8617                            p = {};
8618                        g.guard = function(a, g) {
8619                            if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
8620                                var A = "visited_" + (g ? "out" : "in");
8621                                if (a.getCustomData(A)) return;
8622                                CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(p, a, A, 1)
8623                            }
8624                            if (g && h && a.equals(h)) f = c.clone(), f.setEndAt(h, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), e.push(f);
8625                            else if (!g && k && a.equals(k)) f = c.clone(), f.setStartAt(k, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), e.push(f);
8626                            else {
8627                                if (A = !g) A = a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.is(d) && (!h || b(a, h)) && (!k ||
8628                                    b(a, k));
8629                                if (!A && (A = g))
8630                                    if (a.is(d)) var A = h && h.getAscendant("table", !0),
8631                                        l = k && k.getAscendant("table", !0),
8632                                        H = a.getAscendant("table", !0),
8633                                        A = A && A.contains(H) || l && l.contains(H);
8634                                    else A = void 0;
8635                                A && (f = c.clone(), f.selectNodeContents(a), e.push(f))
8636                            }
8637                        };
8638                        g.lastForward();
8639                        CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(p);
8640                        return e
8641                    }
8643                    function b(a, c) {
8645                            e = a.getPosition(c);
8646                        return e === CKEDITOR.POSITION_IDENTICAL ? !1 : 0 === (e & d)
8647                    }
8648                    var d = {
8649                        td: 1,
8650                        th: 1,
8651                        caption: 1
8652                    };
8653                    return {
8654                        detectPurge: function(a) {
8655                            var b =
8656                                a.range,
8657                                c = b.clone();
8658                            c.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT);
8659                            var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c),
8660                                e = 0;
8661                            c.evaluator = function(a) {
8662                                a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.is(d) && ++e
8663                            };
8664                            c.checkForward();
8665                            if (1 < e) {
8666                                var c = b.startPath().contains("table"),
8667                                    f = b.endPath().contains("table");
8668                                c && f && b.checkBoundaryOfElement(c, CKEDITOR.START) && b.checkBoundaryOfElement(f, CKEDITOR.END) && (b = a.range.clone(), b.setStartBefore(c), b.setEndAfter(f), a.purgeTableBookmark = b.createBookmark())
8669                            }
8670                        },
8671                        detectRanges: function(e, f) {
8672                            var g = c(f, e.bookmark),
8673                                h = g.clone(),
8674                                k, l, p = g.getCommonAncestor();
8675                            p.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent) && !p.is(d) && (p = p.getAscendant("table", !0));
8676                            l = p;
8677                            p = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(g.startContainer, l);
8678                            l = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(g.endContainer, l);
8679                            p = p.contains("table");
8680                            l = l.contains("table");
8681                            if (p || l) p && l && b(p, l) ? (e.tableSurroundingRange = h, h.setStartAt(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), h.setEndAt(l, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), h = g.clone(), h.setEndAt(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), k = g.clone(), k.setStartAt(l, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START),
8682                                k = a(h).concat(a(k))) : p ? l || (e.tableSurroundingRange = h, h.setStartAt(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END), g.setEndAt(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END)) : (e.tableSurroundingRange = h, h.setEndAt(l, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), g.setStartAt(l, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START)), e.tableContentsRanges = k ? k : a(g)
8683                        },
8684                        deleteRanges: function(a) {
8685                            for (var b; b = a.tableContentsRanges.pop();) b.extractContents(), v(b.startContainer) && b.startContainer.appendBogus();
8686                            a.tableSurroundingRange && a.tableSurroundingRange.extractContents()
8687                        },
8688                        purge: function(a) {
8689                            if (a.purgeTableBookmark) {
8690                                var b =
8691                                    a.doc,
8692                                    c = a.range.clone(),
8693                                    b = b.createElement("p");
8694                                b.insertBefore(a.purgeTableBookmark.startNode);
8695                                c.moveToBookmark(a.purgeTableBookmark);
8696                                c.deleteContents();
8697                                a.range.moveToPosition(b, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START)
8698                            }
8699                        }
8700                    }
8701                }(),
8702                detectExtractMerge: function(a) {
8703                    return !(a.range.startPath().contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem) && a.range.endPath().contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem))
8704                },
8705                fixUneditableRangePosition: function(a) {
8706                    a.startContainer.getDtd()["#"] || a.moveToClosestEditablePosition(null, !0)
8707                },
8708                autoParagraph: function(a, b) {
8709                    var c =
8710                        b.startPath(),
8711                        d;
8712                    k(a, c.block, c.blockLimit) && (d = g(a)) && (d = b.document.createElement(d), d.appendBogus(), b.insertNode(d), b.moveToPosition(d, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START))
8713                }
8714            }
8715        }()
8716    })();
8717    (function() {
8718        function a(a) {
8719            return CKEDITOR.plugins.widget && CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.isDomWidget(a)
8720        }
8722        function d(b, c) {
8723            if (0 === b.length || a(b[0].getEnclosedNode())) return !1;
8724            var d, e;
8725            if ((d = !c && 1 === b.length) && !(d = b[0].collapsed)) {
8726                var f = b[0];
8727                d = f.startContainer.getAscendant({
8728                    td: 1,
8729                    th: 1
8730                }, !0);
8731                var g = f.endContainer.getAscendant({
8732                    td: 1,
8733                    th: 1
8734                }, !0);
8735                e = CKEDITOR.tools.trim;
8736                d && d.equals(g) && !d.findOne("td, th, tr, tbody, table") ? (f = f.cloneContents(), d = f.getFirst() ? e(f.getFirst().getText()) !== e(d.getText()) : !0) : d = !1
8737            }
8738            if (d) return !1;
8739            for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++)
8740                if (d = b[e]._getTableElement(), !d) return !1;
8741            return !0
8742        }
8744        function b(a) {
8745            function b(a) {
8746                a = a.find("td, th");
8747                var c = [],
8748                    d;
8749                for (d = 0; d < a.count(); d++) c.push(a.getItem(d));
8750                return c
8751            }
8752            var c = [],
8753                d, e;
8754            for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) d = a[e]._getTableElement(), d.is && d.is({
8755                td: 1,
8756                th: 1
8757            }) ? c.push(d) : c = c.concat(b(d));
8758            return c
8759        }
8761        function c(a) {
8762            a = b(a);
8763            var c = "",
8764                d = [],
8765                e, f;
8766            for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++) e && !e.equals(a[f].getAscendant("tr")) ? (c += d.join("\t") + "\n", e = a[f].getAscendant("tr"), d = []) : 0 === f && (e = a[f].getAscendant("tr")), d.push(a[f].getText());
8767            return c += d.join("\t")
8768        }
8770        function f(a) {
8771            var b = this.root.editor,
8772                d = b.getSelection(1);
8773            this.reset();
8774            l = !0;
8775            d.root.once("selectionchange", function(a) {
8776                a.cancel()
8777            }, null, null, 0);
8778            d.selectRanges([a[0]]);
8779            d = this._.cache;
8780            d.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList(a);
8781            d.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT;
8782            d.selectedElement = a[0]._getTableElement();
8783            d.selectedText = c(a);
8784            d.nativeSel = null;
8785            this.isFake = 1;
8786            this.rev = J++;
8787            b._.fakeSelection = this;
8788            l = !1;
8789            this.root.fire("selectionchange")
8790        }
8792        function h() {
8793            var b = this._.fakeSelection,
8794                c;
8795            if (b) {
8796                c = this.getSelection(1);
8797                var e;
8798                if (!(e = !c) && (e = !c.isHidden())) {
8799                    e = b;
8800                    var f = c.getRanges(),
8801                        g = e.getRanges(),
8802                        h = f.length && f[0]._getTableElement() && f[0]._getTableElement().getAscendant("table", !0),
8803                        p = g.length && g[0]._getTableElement() && g[0]._getTableElement().getAscendant("table", !0),
8804                        k = 1 === f.length && f[0]._getTableElement() && f[0]._getTableElement().is("table"),
8805                        w = 1 === g.length && g[0]._getTableElement() && g[0]._getTableElement().is("table");
8806                    if (a(e.getSelectedElement())) e = !1;
8807                    else {
8808                        var l = 1 === f.length && f[0].collapsed,
8809                            g = d(f, !!CKEDITOR.env.webkit) &&
8810                            d(g);
8811                        h = h && p ? h.equals(p) || p.contains(h) : !1;
8812                        h && (l || g) ? (k && !w && e.selectRanges(f), e = !0) : e = !1
8813                    }
8814                    e = !e
8815                }
8816                e && (b.reset(), b = 0)
8817            }
8818            if (!b && (b = c || this.getSelection(1), !b || b.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE)) return;
8819            this.fire("selectionCheck", b);
8820            c = this.elementPath();
8821            c.compare(this._.selectionPreviousPath) || (e = this._.selectionPreviousPath && this._.selectionPreviousPath.blockLimit.equals(c.blockLimit), CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !e && (this._.previousActive = this.document.getActive()), this._.selectionPreviousPath = c, this.fire("selectionChange", {
8822                selection: b,
8823                path: c
8824            }))
8825        }
8827        function k() {
8828            F = !0;
8829            t || (g.call(this), t = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(g, 200, this))
8830        }
8832        function g() {
8833            t = null;
8834            F && (CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(h, 0, this), F = !1)
8835        }
8837        function n(a) {
8838            return L(a) || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty) ? !0 : !1
8839        }
8841        function r(a) {
8842            function b(c, d) {
8843                return c && c.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? a.clone()["moveToElementEdit" + (d ? "End" : "Start")](c) : !1
8844            }
8845            if (!(a.root instanceof CKEDITOR.editable)) return !1;
8846            var c = a.startContainer,
8847                d = a.getPreviousNode(n, null, c),
8848                e = a.getNextNode(n, null,
8849                    c);
8850            return b(d) || b(e, 1) || !(d || e || c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.isBlockBoundary() && c.getBogus()) ? !0 : !1
8851        }
8853        function e(a) {
8854            y(a, !1);
8855            var b = a.getDocument().createText(u);
8856            a.setCustomData("cke-fillingChar", b);
8857            return b
8858        }
8860        function y(a, b) {
8861            var c = a && a.removeCustomData("cke-fillingChar");
8862            if (c) {
8863                if (!1 !== b) {
8864                    var d = a.getDocument().getSelection().getNative(),
8865                        e = d && "None" != d.type && d.getRangeAt(0),
8866                        f = u.length;
8867                    if (c.getLength() > f && e && e.intersectsNode(c.$)) {
8868                        var g = [{
8869                            node: d.anchorNode,
8870                            offset: d.anchorOffset
8871                        }, {
8872                            node: d.focusNode,
8873                            offset: d.focusOffset
8874                        }];
8875                        d.anchorNode == c.$ && d.anchorOffset > f && (g[0].offset -= f);
8876                        d.focusNode == c.$ && d.focusOffset > f && (g[1].offset -= f)
8877                    }
8878                }
8879                c.setText(v(c.getText(), 1));
8880                g && (c = a.getDocument().$, d = c.getSelection(), c = c.createRange(), c.setStart(g[0].node, g[0].offset), c.collapse(!0), d.removeAllRanges(), d.addRange(c), d.extend(g[1].node, g[1].offset))
8881            }
8882        }
8884        function v(a, b) {
8885            return b ? a.replace(K, function(a, b) {
8886                return b ? " " : ""
8887            }) : a.replace(u, "")
8888        }
8890        function B(a, b) {
8891            var c = b && CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(b) || "\x26nbsp;",
8892                c = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cdiv data-cke-hidden-sel\x3d"1" data-cke-temp\x3d"1" style\x3d"' +
8893                    (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 14 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? "display:none" : "position:fixed;top:0;left:-1000px") + '"\x3e' + c + "\x3c/div\x3e", a.document);
8894            a.fire("lockSnapshot");
8895            a.editable().append(c);
8896            var d = a.getSelection(1),
8897                e = a.createRange(),
8898                f = d.root.on("selectionchange", function(a) {
8899                    a.cancel()
8900                }, null, null, 0);
8901            e.setStartAt(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
8902            e.setEndAt(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
8903            d.selectRanges([e]);
8904            f.removeListener();
8905            a.fire("unlockSnapshot");
8906            a._.hiddenSelectionContainer = c
8907        }
8909        function D(a) {
8910            var b = {
8911                37: 1,
8912                39: 1,
8913                8: 1,
8914                46: 1
8915            };
8916            return function(c) {
8917                var d = c.data.getKeystroke();
8918                if (b[d]) {
8919                    var e = a.getSelection().getRanges(),
8920                        f = e[0];
8921                    1 == e.length && f.collapsed && (d = f[38 > d ? "getPreviousEditableNode" : "getNextEditableNode"]()) && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "false" == d.getAttribute("contenteditable") && (a.getSelection().fake(d), c.data.preventDefault(), c.cancel())
8922                }
8923            }
8924        }
8926        function x(a) {
8927            for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) {
8928                var c = a[b];
8929                c.getCommonAncestor().isReadOnly() && a.splice(b, 1);
8930                if (!c.collapsed) {
8931                    if (c.startContainer.isReadOnly())
8932                        for (var d = c.startContainer,
8933                                e; d && !((e = d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) && d.is("body") || !d.isReadOnly());) e && "false" == d.getAttribute("contentEditable") && c.setStartAfter(d), d = d.getParent();
8934                    d = c.startContainer;
8935                    e = c.endContainer;
8936                    var f = c.startOffset,
8937                        g = c.endOffset,
8938                        h = c.clone();
8939                    d && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (f >= d.getLength() ? h.setStartAfter(d) : h.setStartBefore(d));
8940                    e && e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (g ? h.setEndAfter(e) : h.setEndBefore(e));
8941                    d = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(h);
8942                    d.evaluator = function(d) {
8943                        if (d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.isReadOnly()) {
8944                            var e =
8945                                c.clone();
8946                            c.setEndBefore(d);
8947                            c.collapsed && a.splice(b--, 1);
8948                            d.getPosition(h.endContainer) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS || (e.setStartAfter(d), e.collapsed || a.splice(b + 1, 0, e));
8949                            return !0
8950                        }
8951                        return !1
8952                    };
8953                    d.next()
8954                }
8955            }
8956            return a
8957        }
8958        var m = "function" != typeof window.getSelection,
8959            J = 1,
8960            u = CKEDITOR.tools.repeat("​", 7),
8961            K = new RegExp(u + "( )?", "g"),
8962            l, t, F, L = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible(1),
8963            C = function() {
8964                function a(b) {
8965                    return function(a) {
8966                        var c = a.editor.createRange();
8967                        c.moveToClosestEditablePosition(a.selected, b) && a.editor.getSelection().selectRanges([c]);
8968                        return !1
8969                    }
8970                }
8972                function b(a) {
8973                    return function(b) {
8974                        var c = b.editor,
8975                            d = c.createRange(),
8976                            e;
8977                        if (!c.readOnly) return (e = d.moveToClosestEditablePosition(b.selected, a)) || (e = d.moveToClosestEditablePosition(b.selected, !a)), e && c.getSelection().selectRanges([d]), c.fire("saveSnapshot"), b.selected.remove(), e || (d.moveToElementEditablePosition(c.editable()), c.getSelection().selectRanges([d])), c.fire("saveSnapshot"), !1
8978                    }
8979                }
8980                var c = a(),
8981                    d = a(1);
8982                return {
8983                    37: c,
8984                    38: c,
8985                    39: d,
8986                    40: d,
8987                    8: b(),
8988                    46: b(1)
8989                }
8990            }();
8991        CKEDITOR.on("instanceCreated", function(a) {
8992            function b() {
8993                var a =
8994                    c.getSelection();
8995                a && a.removeAllRanges()
8996            }
8997            var c = a.editor;
8998            c.on("contentDom", function() {
8999                function a() {
9000                    r = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection(c.getSelection());
9001                    r.lock()
9002                }
9004                function b() {
9005                    f.removeListener("mouseup", b);
9006                    q.removeListener("mouseup", b);
9007                    var a = CKEDITOR.document.$.selection,
9008                        c = a.createRange();
9009                    "None" != a.type && c.parentElement() && c.parentElement().ownerDocument == e.$ && c.select()
9010                }
9012                function d(a) {
9013                    a = a.getRanges()[0];
9014                    return a ? (a = a.startContainer.getAscendant(function(a) {
9015                            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasAttribute("contenteditable")
9016                        },
9017                        !0)) && "false" === a.getAttribute("contenteditable") ? a : null : null
9018                }
9019                var e = c.document,
9020                    f = CKEDITOR.document,
9021                    g = c.editable(),
9022                    l = e.getBody(),
9023                    q = e.getDocumentElement(),
9024                    E = g.isInline(),
9025                    n, r;
9026                CKEDITOR.env.gecko && g.attachListener(g, "focus", function(a) {
9027                    a.removeListener();
9028                    0 !== n && (a = c.getSelection().getNative()) && a.isCollapsed && a.anchorNode == g.$ && (a = c.createRange(), a.moveToElementEditStart(g), a.select())
9029                }, null, null, -2);
9030                g.attachListener(g, CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? "DOMFocusIn" : "focus", function() {
9031                    n && CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (n = c._.previousActive &&
9032                        c._.previousActive.equals(e.getActive())) && null != c._.previousScrollTop && c._.previousScrollTop != g.$.scrollTop && (g.$.scrollTop = c._.previousScrollTop);
9033                    c.unlockSelection(n);
9034                    n = 0
9035                }, null, null, -1);
9036                g.attachListener(g, "mousedown", function() {
9037                    n = 0
9038                });
9039                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie || E) m ? g.attachListener(g, "beforedeactivate", a, null, null, -1) : g.attachListener(c, "selectionCheck", a, null, null, -1), g.attachListener(g, CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? "DOMFocusOut" : "blur", function() {
9040                    c.lockSelection(r);
9041                    n = 1
9042                }, null, null, -1), g.attachListener(g, "mousedown",
9043                    function() {
9044                        n = 0
9045                    });
9046                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && !E) {
9047                    var v;
9048                    g.attachListener(g, "mousedown", function(a) {
9049                        2 == a.data.$.button && ((a = c.document.getSelection()) && a.getType() != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE || (v = c.window.getScrollPosition()))
9050                    });
9051                    g.attachListener(g, "mouseup", function(a) {
9052                        2 == a.data.$.button && v && (c.document.$.documentElement.scrollLeft = v.x, c.document.$.documentElement.scrollTop = v.y);
9053                        v = null
9054                    });
9055                    if ("BackCompat" != e.$.compatMode) {
9056                        if (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) {
9057                            var t, u;
9058                            q.on("mousedown", function(a) {
9059                                function b(a) {
9060                                    a =
9061                                        a.data.$;
9062                                    if (t) {
9063                                        var c = l.$.createTextRange();
9064                                        try {
9065                                            c.moveToPoint(a.clientX, a.clientY)
9066                                        } catch (d) {}
9067                                        t.setEndPoint(0 > u.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", c) ? "EndToEnd" : "StartToStart", c);
9068                                        t.select()
9069                                    }
9070                                }
9072                                function c() {
9073                                    q.removeListener("mousemove", b);
9074                                    f.removeListener("mouseup", c);
9075                                    q.removeListener("mouseup", c);
9076                                    t.select()
9077                                }
9078                                a = a.data;
9079                                if (a.getTarget().is("html") && a.$.y < q.$.clientHeight && a.$.x < q.$.clientWidth) {
9080                                    t = l.$.createTextRange();
9081                                    try {
9082                                        t.moveToPoint(a.$.clientX, a.$.clientY)
9083                                    } catch (d) {}
9084                                    u = t.duplicate();
9085                                    q.on("mousemove", b);
9086                                    f.on("mouseup",
9087                                        c);
9088                                    q.on("mouseup", c)
9089                                }
9090                            })
9091                        }
9092                        if (7 < CKEDITOR.env.version && 11 > CKEDITOR.env.version) q.on("mousedown", function(a) {
9093                            a.data.getTarget().is("html") && (f.on("mouseup", b), q.on("mouseup", b))
9094                        })
9095                    }
9096                }
9097                g.attachListener(g, "selectionchange", h, c);
9098                g.attachListener(g, "keyup", k, c);
9099                CKEDITOR.env.ie && g.attachListener(g, "keydown", function(a) {
9100                    var b = this.getSelection(1),
9101                        c = d(b);
9102                    c && !c.equals(g) && (b.selectElement(c), a.data.preventDefault())
9103                }, c);
9104                g.attachListener(g, CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? "DOMFocusIn" : "focus", function() {
9105                    c.forceNextSelectionCheck();
9106                    c.selectionChange(1)
9107                });
9108                if (E && (CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.gecko)) {
9109                    var x;
9110                    g.attachListener(g, "mousedown", function() {
9111                        x = 1
9112                    });
9113                    g.attachListener(e.getDocumentElement(), "mouseup", function() {
9114                        x && k.call(c);
9115                        x = 0
9116                    })
9117                } else g.attachListener(CKEDITOR.env.ie ? g : e.getDocumentElement(), "mouseup", k, c);
9118                CKEDITOR.env.webkit && g.attachListener(e, "keydown", function(a) {
9119                    switch (a.data.getKey()) {
9120                        case 13:
9121                        case 33:
9122                        case 34:
9123                        case 35:
9124                        case 36:
9125                        case 37:
9126                        case 39:
9127                        case 8:
9128                        case 45:
9129                        case 46:
9130                            g.hasFocus && y(g)
9131                    }
9132                }, null, null, -1);
9133                g.attachListener(g,
9134                    "keydown", D(c), null, null, -1)
9135            });
9136            c.on("setData", function() {
9137                c.unlockSelection();
9138                CKEDITOR.env.webkit && b()
9139            });
9140            c.on("contentDomUnload", function() {
9141                c.unlockSelection()
9142            });
9143            if (CKEDITOR.env.ie9Compat) c.on("beforeDestroy", b, null, null, 9);
9144            c.on("dataReady", function() {
9145                delete c._.fakeSelection;
9146                delete c._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
9147                c.selectionChange(1)
9148            });
9149            c.on("loadSnapshot", function() {
9150                var a = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType(CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT),
9151                    b = c.editable().getLast(a);
9152                b && b.hasAttribute("data-cke-hidden-sel") && (b.remove(),
9153                    CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (a = c.editable().getFirst(a)) && a.is("br") && a.getAttribute("_moz_editor_bogus_node") && a.remove())
9154            }, null, null, 100);
9155            c.on("key", function(a) {
9156                if ("wysiwyg" == c.mode) {
9157                    var b = c.getSelection();
9158                    if (b.isFake) {
9159                        var d = C[a.data.keyCode];
9160                        if (d) return d({
9161                            editor: c,
9162                            selected: b.getSelectedElement(),
9163                            selection: b,
9164                            keyEvent: a
9165                        })
9166                    }
9167                }
9168            })
9169        });
9170        if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) CKEDITOR.on("instanceReady", function(a) {
9171            var b = a.editor;
9172            b.on("selectionChange", function() {
9173                var a = b.editable(),
9174                    c = a.getCustomData("cke-fillingChar");
9175                c && (c.getCustomData("ready") ?
9176                    (y(a), a.editor.fire("selectionCheck")) : c.setCustomData("ready", 1))
9177            }, null, null, -1);
9178            b.on("beforeSetMode", function() {
9179                y(b.editable())
9180            }, null, null, -1);
9181            b.on("getSnapshot", function(a) {
9182                a.data && (a.data = v(a.data))
9183            }, b, null, 20);
9184            b.on("toDataFormat", function(a) {
9185                a.data.dataValue = v(a.data.dataValue)
9186            }, null, null, 0)
9187        });
9188        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.selectionChange = function(a) {
9189            (a ? h : k).call(this)
9190        };
9191        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getSelection = function(a) {
9192            return !this._.savedSelection && !this._.fakeSelection || a ? (a = this.editable()) &&
9193                "wysiwyg" == this.mode ? new CKEDITOR.dom.selection(a) : null : this._.savedSelection || this._.fakeSelection
9194        };
9195        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.lockSelection = function(a) {
9196            a = a || this.getSelection(1);
9197            return a.getType() != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE ? (!a.isLocked && a.lock(), this._.savedSelection = a, !0) : !1
9198        };
9199        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.unlockSelection = function(a) {
9200            var b = this._.savedSelection;
9201            return b ? (b.unlock(a), delete this._.savedSelection, !0) : !1
9202        };
9203        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.forceNextSelectionCheck = function() {
9204            delete this._.selectionPreviousPath
9205        };
9206        CKEDITOR.dom.document.prototype.getSelection = function() {
9207            return new CKEDITOR.dom.selection(this)
9208        };
9209        CKEDITOR.dom.range.prototype.select = function() {
9210            var a = this.root instanceof CKEDITOR.editable ? this.root.editor.getSelection() : new CKEDITOR.dom.selection(this.root);
9211            a.selectRanges([this]);
9212            return a
9213        };
9217        CKEDITOR.dom.selection = function(a) {
9218            if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection) {
9219                var b = a;
9220                a = a.root
9221            }
9222            var c = a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element;
9223            this.rev = b ? b.rev : J++;
9224            this.document = a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document ? a : a.getDocument();
9225            this.root = c ? a : this.document.getBody();
9226            this.isLocked = 0;
9227            this._ = {
9228                cache: {}
9229            };
9230            if (b) return CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this._.cache, b._.cache), this.isFake = b.isFake, this.isLocked = b.isLocked, this;
9231            a = this.getNative();
9232            var d, e;
9233            if (a)
9234                if (a.getRangeAt) d = (e = a.rangeCount && a.getRangeAt(0)) && new CKEDITOR.dom.node(e.commonAncestorContainer);
9235                else {
9236                    try {
9237                        e = a.createRange()
9238                    } catch (f) {}
9239                    d = e && CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(e.item && e.item(0) || e.parentElement())
9240                } if (!d ||
9241                d.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || !this.root.equals(d) && !this.root.contains(d)) this._.cache.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE, this._.cache.startElement = null, this._.cache.selectedElement = null, this._.cache.selectedText = "", this._.cache.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList;
9242            return this
9243        };
9244        var M = {
9245            img: 1,
9246            hr: 1,
9247            li: 1,
9248            table: 1,
9249            tr: 1,
9250            td: 1,
9251            th: 1,
9252            embed: 1,
9253            object: 1,
9254            ol: 1,
9255            ul: 1,
9256            a: 1,
9257            input: 1,
9258            form: 1,
9259            select: 1,
9260            textarea: 1,
9261            button: 1,
9262            fieldset: 1,
9263            thead: 1,
9264            tfoot: 1
9265        };
9266        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.selection, {
9267            _removeFillingCharSequenceString: v,
9268            _createFillingCharSequenceNode: e,
9269            FILLING_CHAR_SEQUENCE: u
9270        });
9271        CKEDITOR.dom.selection.prototype = {
9272            getNative: function() {
9273                return void 0 !== this._.cache.nativeSel ? this._.cache.nativeSel : this._.cache.nativeSel = m ? this.document.$.selection : this.document.getWindow().$.getSelection()
9274            },
9275            getType: m ? function() {
9276                var a = this._.cache;
9277                if (a.type) return a.type;
9278                var b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE;
9279                try {
9280                    var c = this.getNative(),
9281                        d = c.type;
9282                    "Text" == d && (b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT);
9283                    "Control" == d && (b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT);
9284                    c.createRange().parentElement() &&
9285                        (b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT)
9286                } catch (e) {}
9287                return a.type = b
9288            } : function() {
9289                var a = this._.cache;
9290                if (a.type) return a.type;
9291                var b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT,
9292                    c = this.getNative();
9293                if (!c || !c.rangeCount) b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE;
9294                else if (1 == c.rangeCount) {
9295                    var c = c.getRangeAt(0),
9296                        d = c.startContainer;
9297                    d == c.endContainer && 1 == d.nodeType && 1 == c.endOffset - c.startOffset && M[d.childNodes[c.startOffset].nodeName.toLowerCase()] && (b = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT)
9298                }
9299                return a.type = b
9300            },
9301            getRanges: function() {
9302                var a = m ? function() {
9303                    function a(b) {
9304                        return (new CKEDITOR.dom.node(b)).getIndex()
9305                    }
9306                    var b = function(b, c) {
9307                        b = b.duplicate();
9308                        b.collapse(c);
9309                        var d = b.parentElement();
9310                        if (!d.hasChildNodes()) return {
9311                            container: d,
9312                            offset: 0
9313                        };
9314                        for (var e = d.children, f, g, h = b.duplicate(), k = 0, l = e.length - 1, q = -1, m, n; k <= l;)
9315                            if (q = Math.floor((k + l) / 2), f = e[q], h.moveToElementText(f), m = h.compareEndPoints("StartToStart", b), 0 < m) l = q - 1;
9316                            else if (0 > m) k = q + 1;
9317                        else return {
9318                            container: d,
9319                            offset: a(f)
9320                        };
9321                        if (-1 == q || q == e.length - 1 && 0 > m) {
9322                            h.moveToElementText(d);
9323                            h.setEndPoint("StartToStart", b);
9324                            h = h.text.replace(/(\r\n|\r)/g, "\n").length;
9325                            e = d.childNodes;
9326                            if (!h) return f =
9327                                e[e.length - 1], f.nodeType != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ? {
9328                                    container: d,
9329                                    offset: e.length
9330                                } : {
9331                                    container: f,
9332                                    offset: f.nodeValue.length
9333                                };
9334                            for (d = e.length; 0 < h && 0 < d;) g = e[--d], g.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (n = g, h -= g.nodeValue.length);
9335                            return {
9336                                container: n,
9337                                offset: -h
9338                            }
9339                        }
9340                        h.collapse(0 < m ? !0 : !1);
9341                        h.setEndPoint(0 < m ? "StartToStart" : "EndToStart", b);
9342                        h = h.text.replace(/(\r\n|\r)/g, "\n").length;
9343                        if (!h) return {
9344                            container: d,
9345                            offset: a(f) + (0 < m ? 0 : 1)
9346                        };
9347                        for (; 0 < h;) try {
9348                            g = f[0 < m ? "previousSibling" : "nextSibling"], g.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (h -= g.nodeValue.length,
9349                                n = g), f = g
9350                        } catch (r) {
9351                            return {
9352                                container: d,
9353                                offset: a(f)
9354                            }
9355                        }
9356                        return {
9357                            container: n,
9358                            offset: 0 < m ? -h : n.nodeValue.length + h
9359                        }
9360                    };
9361                    return function() {
9362                        var a = this.getNative(),
9363                            c = a && a.createRange(),
9364                            d = this.getType();
9365                        if (!a) return [];
9366                        if (d == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT) return a = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root), d = b(c, !0), a.setStart(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(d.container), d.offset), d = b(c), a.setEnd(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(d.container), d.offset), a.endContainer.getPosition(a.startContainer) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING && a.endOffset <= a.startContainer.getIndex() &&
9367                            a.collapse(), [a];
9368                        if (d == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT) {
9369                            for (var d = [], e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
9370                                for (var f = c.item(e), g = f.parentNode, h = 0, a = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root); h < g.childNodes.length && g.childNodes[h] != f; h++);
9371                                a.setStart(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(g), h);
9372                                a.setEnd(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(g), h + 1);
9373                                d.push(a)
9374                            }
9375                            return d
9376                        }
9377                        return []
9378                    }
9379                }() : function() {
9380                    var a = [],
9381                        b, c = this.getNative();
9382                    if (!c) return a;
9383                    for (var d = 0; d < c.rangeCount; d++) {
9384                        var e = c.getRangeAt(d);
9385                        b = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root);
9386                        b.setStart(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(e.startContainer),
9387                            e.startOffset);
9388                        b.setEnd(new CKEDITOR.dom.node(e.endContainer), e.endOffset);
9389                        a.push(b)
9390                    }
9391                    return a
9392                };
9393                return function(b) {
9394                    var c = this._.cache,
9395                        d = c.ranges;
9396                    d || (c.ranges = d = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList(a.call(this)));
9397                    return b ? x(new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList(d.slice())) : d
9398                }
9399            }(),
9400            getStartElement: function() {
9401                var a = this._.cache;
9402                if (void 0 !== a.startElement) return a.startElement;
9403                var b;
9404                switch (this.getType()) {
9405                    case CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT:
9406                        return this.getSelectedElement();
9407                    case CKEDITOR.SELECTION_TEXT:
9408                        var c = this.getRanges()[0];
9409                        if (c) {
9410                            if (c.collapsed) b = c.startContainer, b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b = b.getParent());
9411                            else {
9412                                for (c.optimize(); b = c.startContainer, c.startOffset == (b.getChildCount ? b.getChildCount() : b.getLength()) && !b.isBlockBoundary();) c.setStartAfter(b);
9413                                b = c.startContainer;
9414                                if (b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return b.getParent();
9415                                if ((b = b.getChild(c.startOffset)) && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
9416                                    for (c = b.getFirst(); c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT;) b = c, c = c.getFirst();
9417                                else b = c.startContainer
9418                            }
9419                            b = b.$
9420                        }
9421                }
9422                return a.startElement = b ?
9423                    new CKEDITOR.dom.element(b) : null
9424            },
9425            getSelectedElement: function() {
9426                var a = this._.cache;
9427                if (void 0 !== a.selectedElement) return a.selectedElement;
9428                var b = this,
9429                    c = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(function() {
9430                        return b.getNative().createRange().item(0)
9431                    }, function() {
9432                        for (var a = b.getRanges()[0].clone(), c, d, e = 2; e && !((c = a.getEnclosedNode()) && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && M[c.getName()] && (d = c)); e--) a.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT);
9433                        return d && d.$
9434                    });
9435                return a.selectedElement = c ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c) : null
9436            },
9437            getSelectedText: function() {
9438                var a =
9439                    this._.cache;
9440                if (void 0 !== a.selectedText) return a.selectedText;
9441                var b = this.getNative(),
9442                    b = m ? "Control" == b.type ? "" : b.createRange().text : b.toString();
9443                return a.selectedText = b
9444            },
9445            lock: function() {
9446                this.getRanges();
9447                this.getStartElement();
9448                this.getSelectedElement();
9449                this.getSelectedText();
9450                this._.cache.nativeSel = null;
9451                this.isLocked = 1
9452            },
9453            unlock: function(a) {
9454                if (this.isLocked) {
9455                    if (a) var b = this.getSelectedElement(),
9456                        c = this.getRanges(),
9457                        e = this.isFake;
9458                    this.isLocked = 0;
9459                    this.reset();
9460                    a && (a = b || c[0] && c[0].getCommonAncestor()) && a.getAscendant("body",
9461                        1) && (d(c) ? f.call(this, c) : e ? this.fake(b) : b ? this.selectElement(b) : this.selectRanges(c))
9462                }
9463            },
9464            reset: function() {
9465                this._.cache = {};
9466                this.isFake = 0;
9467                var a = this.root.editor;
9468                if (a && a._.fakeSelection)
9469                    if (this.rev == a._.fakeSelection.rev) {
9470                        delete a._.fakeSelection;
9471                        var b = a._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
9472                        if (b) {
9473                            var c = a.checkDirty();
9474                            a.fire("lockSnapshot");
9475                            b.remove();
9476                            a.fire("unlockSnapshot");
9477                            !c && a.resetDirty()
9478                        }
9479                        delete a._.hiddenSelectionContainer
9480                    } else CKEDITOR.warn("selection-fake-reset");
9481                this.rev = J++
9482            },
9483            selectElement: function(a) {
9484                var b =
9485                    new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root);
9486                b.setStartBefore(a);
9487                b.setEndAfter(a);
9488                this.selectRanges([b])
9489            },
9490            selectRanges: function(a) {
9491                var b = this.root.editor,
9492                    c = b && b._.hiddenSelectionContainer;
9493                this.reset();
9494                if (c)
9495                    for (var c = this.root, g, h = 0; h < a.length; ++h) g = a[h], g.endContainer.equals(c) && (g.endOffset = Math.min(g.endOffset, c.getChildCount()));
9496                if (a.length)
9497                    if (this.isLocked) {
9498                        var k = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
9499                        this.unlock();
9500                        this.selectRanges(a);
9501                        this.lock();
9502                        k && !k.equals(this.root) && k.focus()
9503                    } else {
9504                        var p;
9505                        a: {
9506                            var n, w;
9507                            if (1 == a.length &&
9508                                !(w = a[0]).collapsed && (p = w.getEnclosedNode()) && p.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (w = w.clone(), w.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, !0), (n = w.getEnclosedNode()) && n.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (p = n), "false" == p.getAttribute("contenteditable"))) break a;p = void 0
9509                        }
9510                        if (p) this.fake(p);
9511                        else if (b && b.plugins.tableselection && CKEDITOR.plugins.tableselection.isSupportedEnvironment && d(a) && !l) f.call(this, a);
9512                        else {
9513                            if (m) {
9514                                n = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(!0);
9515                                p = /\ufeff|\u00a0/;
9516                                w = {
9517                                    table: 1,
9518                                    tbody: 1,
9519                                    tr: 1
9520                                };
9521                                1 < a.length && (b = a[a.length -
9522                                    1], a[0].setEnd(b.endContainer, b.endOffset));
9523                                b = a[0];
9524                                a = b.collapsed;
9525                                var A, G, I;
9526                                if ((c = b.getEnclosedNode()) && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.getName() in M && (!c.is("a") || !c.getText())) try {
9527                                    I = c.$.createControlRange();
9528                                    I.addElement(c.$);
9529                                    I.select();
9530                                    return
9531                                } catch (v) {}
9532                                if (b.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.startContainer.getName() in w || b.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.endContainer.getName() in w) b.shrink(CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0), a = b.collapsed;
9533                                I = b.createBookmark();
9534                                w = I.startNode;
9535                                a || (k = I.endNode);
9536                                I = b.document.$.body.createTextRange();
9537                                I.moveToElementText(w.$);
9538                                I.moveStart("character", 1);
9539                                k ? (p = b.document.$.body.createTextRange(), p.moveToElementText(k.$), I.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", p), I.moveEnd("character", -1)) : (A = w.getNext(n), G = w.hasAscendant("pre"), A = !(A && A.getText && A.getText().match(p)) && (G || !w.hasPrevious() || w.getPrevious().is && w.getPrevious().is("br")), G = b.document.createElement("span"), G.setHtml("\x26#65279;"), G.insertBefore(w), A && b.document.createText("").insertBefore(w));
9540                                b.setStartBefore(w);
9541                                w.remove();
9542                                a ? (A ? (I.moveStart("character", -1), I.select(), b.document.$.selection.clear()) : I.select(), b.moveToPosition(G, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), G.remove()) : (b.setEndBefore(k), k.remove(), I.select())
9543                            } else {
9544                                k = this.getNative();
9545                                if (!k) return;
9546                                this.removeAllRanges();
9547                                for (I = 0; I < a.length; I++) {
9548                                    if (I < a.length - 1 && (A = a[I], G = a[I + 1], p = A.clone(), p.setStart(A.endContainer, A.endOffset), p.setEnd(G.startContainer, G.startOffset), !p.collapsed && (p.shrink(CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0), b = p.getCommonAncestor(), p = p.getEnclosedNode(),
9549                                            b.isReadOnly() || p && p.isReadOnly()))) {
9550                                        G.setStart(A.startContainer, A.startOffset);
9551                                        a.splice(I--, 1);
9552                                        continue
9553                                    }
9554                                    b = a[I];
9555                                    G = this.document.$.createRange();
9556                                    b.collapsed && CKEDITOR.env.webkit && r(b) && (p = e(this.root), b.insertNode(p), (A = p.getNext()) && !p.getPrevious() && A.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "br" == A.getName() ? (y(this.root), b.moveToPosition(A, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START)) : b.moveToPosition(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END));
9557                                    G.setStart(b.startContainer.$, b.startOffset);
9558                                    try {
9559                                        G.setEnd(b.endContainer.$, b.endOffset)
9560                                    } catch (t) {
9561                                        if (0 <=
9562                                            t.toString().indexOf("NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE")) b.collapse(1), G.setEnd(b.endContainer.$, b.endOffset);
9563                                        else throw t;
9564                                    }
9565                                    k.addRange(G)
9566                                }
9567                            }
9568                            this.reset();
9569                            this.root.fire("selectionchange")
9570                        }
9571                    }
9572            },
9573            fake: function(a, b) {
9574                var c = this.root.editor;
9575                void 0 === b && a.hasAttribute("aria-label") && (b = a.getAttribute("aria-label"));
9576                this.reset();
9577                B(c, b);
9578                var d = this._.cache,
9579                    e = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root);
9580                e.setStartBefore(a);
9581                e.setEndAfter(a);
9582                d.ranges = new CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList(e);
9583                d.selectedElement = d.startElement = a;
9584                d.type = CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT;
9585                d.selectedText = d.nativeSel = null;
9586                this.isFake = 1;
9587                this.rev = J++;
9588                c._.fakeSelection = this;
9589                this.root.fire("selectionchange")
9590            },
9591            isHidden: function() {
9592                var a = this.getCommonAncestor();
9593                a && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (a = a.getParent());
9594                return !(!a || !a.data("cke-hidden-sel"))
9595            },
9596            isInTable: function(a) {
9597                return d(this.getRanges(), a)
9598            },
9599            isCollapsed: function() {
9600                var a = this.getRanges();
9601                return 1 === a.length && a[0].collapsed
9602            },
9603            createBookmarks: function(a) {
9604                a = this.getRanges().createBookmarks(a);
9605                this.isFake && (a.isFake = 1);
9606                return a
9607            },
9608            createBookmarks2: function(a) {
9609                a =
9610                    this.getRanges().createBookmarks2(a);
9611                this.isFake && (a.isFake = 1);
9612                return a
9613            },
9614            selectBookmarks: function(a) {
9615                for (var b = [], c, e = 0; e < a.length; e++) {
9616                    var f = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(this.root);
9617                    f.moveToBookmark(a[e]);
9618                    b.push(f)
9619                }
9620                a.isFake && (c = d(b) ? b[0]._getTableElement() : b[0].getEnclosedNode(), c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || (CKEDITOR.warn("selection-not-fake"), a.isFake = 0));
9621                a.isFake && !d(b) ? this.fake(c) : this.selectRanges(b);
9622                return this
9623            },
9624            getCommonAncestor: function() {
9625                var a = this.getRanges();
9626                return a.length ? a[0].startContainer.getCommonAncestor(a[a.length -
9627                    1].endContainer) : null
9628            },
9629            scrollIntoView: function() {
9630                this.type != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE && this.getRanges()[0].scrollIntoView()
9631            },
9632            removeAllRanges: function() {
9633                if (this.getType() != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE) {
9634                    var a = this.getNative();
9635                    try {
9636                        a && a[m ? "empty" : "removeAllRanges"]()
9637                    } catch (b) {}
9638                    this.reset()
9639                }
9640            }
9641        }
9642    })();
9643    "use strict";
9647    (function() {
9648        function a(a, b) {
9649            for (var c, d;
9650                (a = a.getParent()) && !a.equals(b);)
9651                if (a.getAttribute("data-nostyle")) c = a;
9652                else if (!d) {
9653                var e = a.getAttribute("contentEditable");
9654                "false" == e ? c = a : "true" == e && (d = 1)
9655            }
9656            return c
9657        }
9659        function d(a, b, c, d) {
9660            return (a.getPosition(b) | d) == d && (!c.childRule || c.childRule(a))
9661        }
9663        function b(c) {
9664            var e = c.document;
9665            if (c.collapsed) e = J(this, e), c.insertNode(e), c.moveToPosition(e, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
9666            else {
9667                var g = this.element,
9668                    h = this._.definition,
9669                    k, l = h.ignoreReadonly,
9670                    m = l || h.includeReadonly;
9671                null ==
9672                    m && (m = c.root.getCustomData("cke_includeReadonly"));
9673                var n = CKEDITOR.dtd[g];
9674                n || (k = !0, n = CKEDITOR.dtd.span);
9675                c.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE, 1);
9676                c.trim();
9677                var r = c.createBookmark(),
9678                    v = r.startNode,
9679                    t = r.endNode,
9680                    q = v,
9681                    u;
9682                if (!l) {
9683                    var x = c.getCommonAncestor(),
9684                        l = a(v, x),
9685                        x = a(t, x);
9686                    l && (q = l.getNextSourceNode(!0));
9687                    x && (t = x)
9688                }
9689                for (q.getPosition(t) == CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING && (q = 0); q;) {
9690                    l = !1;
9691                    if (q.equals(t)) q = null, l = !0;
9692                    else {
9693                        var y = q.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? q.getName() : null,
9694                            x = y && "false" == q.getAttribute("contentEditable"),
9695                            B = y &&
9696                            q.getAttribute("data-nostyle");
9697                        if (y && q.data("cke-bookmark")) {
9698                            q = q.getNextSourceNode(!0);
9699                            continue
9700                        }
9701                        if (x && m && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[y])
9702                            for (var C = q, E = f(C), F = void 0, H = E.length, K = 0, C = H && new CKEDITOR.dom.range(C.getDocument()); K < H; ++K) {
9703                                var F = E[K],
9704                                    L = CKEDITOR.filter.instances[F.data("cke-filter")];
9705                                if (L ? L.check(this) : 1) C.selectNodeContents(F), b.call(this, C)
9706                            }
9707                        E = y ? !n[y] || B ? 0 : x && !m ? 0 : d(q, t, h, P) : 1;
9708                        if (E)
9709                            if (F = q.getParent(), E = h, H = g, K = k, !F || !(F.getDtd() || CKEDITOR.dtd.span)[H] && !K || E.parentRule && !E.parentRule(F)) l = !0;
9710                            else {
9711                                if (u ||
9712                                    y && CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[y] && (q.getPosition(t) | P) != P || (u = c.clone(), u.setStartBefore(q)), y = q.type, y == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || x || y == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !q.getChildCount()) {
9713                                    for (var y = q, M;
9714                                        (l = !y.getNext(z)) && (M = y.getParent(), n[M.getName()]) && d(M, v, h, O);) y = M;
9715                                    u.setEndAfter(y)
9716                                }
9717                            }
9718                        else l = !0;
9719                        q = q.getNextSourceNode(B || x)
9720                    }
9721                    if (l && u && !u.collapsed) {
9722                        for (var l = J(this, e), x = l.hasAttributes(), B = u.getCommonAncestor(), y = {}, E = {}, F = {}, H = {}, U, R, aa; l && B;) {
9723                            if (B.getName() == g) {
9724                                for (U in h.attributes) !H[U] && (aa = B.getAttribute(R)) &&
9725                                    (l.getAttribute(U) == aa ? E[U] = 1 : H[U] = 1);
9726                                for (R in h.styles) !F[R] && (aa = B.getStyle(R)) && (l.getStyle(R) == aa ? y[R] = 1 : F[R] = 1)
9727                            }
9728                            B = B.getParent()
9729                        }
9730                        for (U in E) l.removeAttribute(U);
9731                        for (R in y) l.removeStyle(R);
9732                        x && !l.hasAttributes() && (l = null);
9733                        l ? (u.extractContents().appendTo(l), u.insertNode(l), D.call(this, l), l.mergeSiblings(), CKEDITOR.env.ie || l.$.normalize()) : (l = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("span"), u.extractContents().appendTo(l), u.insertNode(l), D.call(this, l), l.remove(!0));
9734                        u = null
9735                    }
9736                }
9737                c.moveToBookmark(r);
9738                c.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT);
9739                c.shrink(CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0)
9740            }
9741        }
9743        function c(a) {
9744            function b() {
9745                for (var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(d.getParent()), c = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(n.getParent()), e = null, f = null, g = 0; g < a.elements.length; g++) {
9746                    var h = a.elements[g];
9747                    if (h == a.block || h == a.blockLimit) break;
9748                    r.checkElementRemovable(h, !0) && (e = h)
9749                }
9750                for (g = 0; g < c.elements.length; g++) {
9751                    h = c.elements[g];
9752                    if (h == c.block || h == c.blockLimit) break;
9753                    r.checkElementRemovable(h, !0) && (f = h)
9754                }
9755                f && n.breakParent(f);
9756                e && d.breakParent(e)
9757            }
9758            a.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_INLINE, 1);
9759            var c =
9760                a.createBookmark(),
9761                d = c.startNode,
9762                e = this._.definition.alwaysRemoveElement;
9763            if (a.collapsed) {
9764                for (var f = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(d.getParent(), a.root), g, h = 0, k; h < f.elements.length && (k = f.elements[h]) && k != f.block && k != f.blockLimit; h++)
9765                    if (this.checkElementRemovable(k)) {
9766                        var m;
9767                        !e && a.collapsed && (a.checkBoundaryOfElement(k, CKEDITOR.END) || (m = a.checkBoundaryOfElement(k, CKEDITOR.START))) ? (g = k, g.match = m ? "start" : "end") : (k.mergeSiblings(), k.is(this.element) ? B.call(this, k) : x(k, l(this)[k.getName()]))
9768                    } if (g) {
9769                    e = d;
9770                    for (h =
9771                        0;; h++) {
9772                        k = f.elements[h];
9773                        if (k.equals(g)) break;
9774                        else if (k.match) continue;
9775                        else k = k.clone();
9776                        k.append(e);
9777                        e = k
9778                    }
9779                    e["start" == g.match ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](g)
9780                }
9781            } else {
9782                var n = c.endNode,
9783                    r = this;
9784                b();
9785                for (f = d; !f.equals(n);) g = f.getNextSourceNode(), f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.checkElementRemovable(f) && (f.getName() == this.element ? B.call(this, f) : x(f, l(this)[f.getName()]), g.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && g.contains(d) && (b(), g = d.getNext())), f = g
9786            }
9787            a.moveToBookmark(c);
9788            a.shrink(CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0)
9789        }
9791        function f(a) {
9792            var b = [];
9793            a.forEach(function(a) {
9794                if ("true" == a.getAttribute("contenteditable")) return b.push(a), !1
9795            }, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0);
9796            return b
9797        }
9799        function h(a) {
9800            var b = a.getEnclosedNode() || a.getCommonAncestor(!1, !0);
9801            (a = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(b, a.root)).contains(this.element, 1)) && !a.isReadOnly() && u(a, this)
9802        }
9804        function k(a) {
9805            var b = a.getCommonAncestor(!0, !0);
9806            if (a = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(b, a.root)).contains(this.element, 1)) {
9807                var b = this._.definition,
9808                    c = b.attributes;
9809                if (c)
9810                    for (var d in c) a.removeAttribute(d, c[d]);
9811                if (b.styles)
9812                    for (var e in b.styles) b.styles.hasOwnProperty(e) &&
9813                        a.removeStyle(e)
9814            }
9815        }
9817        function g(a) {
9818            var b = a.createBookmark(!0),
9819                c = a.createIterator();
9820            c.enforceRealBlocks = !0;
9821            this._.enterMode && (c.enlargeBr = this._.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR);
9822            for (var d, e = a.document, f; d = c.getNextParagraph();) !d.isReadOnly() && (c.activeFilter ? c.activeFilter.check(this) : 1) && (f = J(this, e, d), r(d, f));
9823            a.moveToBookmark(b)
9824        }
9826        function n(a) {
9827            var b = a.createBookmark(1),
9828                c = a.createIterator();
9829            c.enforceRealBlocks = !0;
9830            c.enlargeBr = this._.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
9831            for (var d, e; d = c.getNextParagraph();) this.checkElementRemovable(d) &&
9832                (d.is("pre") ? ((e = this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? null : a.document.createElement(this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div")) && d.copyAttributes(e), r(d, e)) : B.call(this, d));
9833            a.moveToBookmark(b)
9834        }
9836        function r(a, b) {
9837            var c = !b;
9838            c && (b = a.getDocument().createElement("div"), a.copyAttributes(b));
9839            var d = b && b.is("pre"),
9840                f = a.is("pre"),
9841                g = !d && f;
9842            if (d && !f) {
9843                f = b;
9844                (g = a.getBogus()) && g.remove();
9845                g = a.getHtml();
9846                g = y(g, /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, "");
9847                g = g.replace(/[ \t\r\n]*(<br[^>]*>)[ \t\r\n]*/gi, "$1");
9848                g = g.replace(/([ \t\n\r]+|&nbsp;)/g,
9849                    " ");
9850                g = g.replace(/<br\b[^>]*>/gi, "\n");
9851                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
9852                    var h = a.getDocument().createElement("div");
9853                    h.append(f);
9854                    f.$.outerHTML = "\x3cpre\x3e" + g + "\x3c/pre\x3e";
9855                    f.copyAttributes(h.getFirst());
9856                    f = h.getFirst().remove()
9857                } else f.setHtml(g);
9858                b = f
9859            } else g ? b = v(c ? [a.getHtml()] : e(a), b) : a.moveChildren(b);
9860            b.replace(a);
9861            if (d) {
9862                var c = b,
9863                    k;
9864                (k = c.getPrevious(H)) && k.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && k.is("pre") && (d = y(k.getHtml(), /\n$/, "") + "\n\n" + y(c.getHtml(), /^\n/, ""), CKEDITOR.env.ie ? c.$.outerHTML = "\x3cpre\x3e" + d + "\x3c/pre\x3e" :
9865                    c.setHtml(d), k.remove())
9866            } else c && m(b)
9867        }
9869        function e(a) {
9870            var b = [];
9871            y(a.getOuterHtml(), /(\S\s*)\n(?:\s|(<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark.*?\/span>))*\n(?!$)/gi, function(a, b, c) {
9872                return b + "\x3c/pre\x3e" + c + "\x3cpre\x3e"
9873            }).replace(/<pre\b.*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/pre>/gi, function(a, c) {
9874                b.push(c)
9875            });
9876            return b
9877        }
9879        function y(a, b, c) {
9880            var d = "",
9881                e = "";
9882            a = a.replace(/(^<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark.*?\/span>)|(<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark.*?\/span>$)/gi, function(a, b, c) {
9883                b && (d = b);
9884                c && (e = c);
9885                return ""
9886            });
9887            return d + a.replace(b, c) + e
9888        }
9890        function v(a, b) {
9891            var c;
9892            1 < a.length && (c = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(b.getDocument()));
9893            for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
9894                var e = a[d],
9895                    e = e.replace(/(\r\n|\r)/g, "\n"),
9896                    e = y(e, /^[ \t]*\n/, ""),
9897                    e = y(e, /\n$/, ""),
9898                    e = y(e, /^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/g, function(a, b) {
9899                        return 1 == a.length ? "\x26nbsp;" : b ? " " + CKEDITOR.tools.repeat("\x26nbsp;", a.length - 1) : CKEDITOR.tools.repeat("\x26nbsp;", a.length - 1) + " "
9900                    }),
9901                    e = e.replace(/\n/g, "\x3cbr\x3e"),
9902                    e = e.replace(/[ \t]{2,}/g, function(a) {
9903                        return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat("\x26nbsp;", a.length - 1) + " "
9904                    });
9905                if (c) {
9906                    var f = b.clone();
9907                    f.setHtml(e);
9908                    c.append(f)
9909                } else b.setHtml(e)
9910            }
9911            return c || b
9912        }
9914        function B(a, b) {
9915            var c = this._.definition,
9916                d = c.attributes,
9917                c = c.styles,
9918                e = l(this)[a.getName()],
9919                f = CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(d) && CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(c),
9920                g;
9921            for (g in d)
9922                if ("class" != g && !this._.definition.fullMatch || a.getAttribute(g) == t(g, d[g])) b && "data-" == g.slice(0, 5) || (f = a.hasAttribute(g), a.removeAttribute(g));
9923            for (var h in c) this._.definition.fullMatch && a.getStyle(h) != t(h, c[h], !0) || (f = f || !!a.getStyle(h), a.removeStyle(h));
9924            x(a, e, C[a.getName()]);
9925            f && (this._.definition.alwaysRemoveElement ?
9926                m(a, 1) : !CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[a.getName()] || this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && !a.hasAttributes() ? m(a) : a.renameNode(this._.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div"))
9927        }
9929        function D(a) {
9930            for (var b = l(this), c = a.getElementsByTag(this.element), d, e = c.count(); 0 <= --e;) d = c.getItem(e), d.isReadOnly() || B.call(this, d, !0);
9931            for (var f in b)
9932                if (f != this.element)
9933                    for (c = a.getElementsByTag(f), e = c.count() - 1; 0 <= e; e--) d = c.getItem(e), d.isReadOnly() || x(d, b[f])
9934        }
9936        function x(a, b, c) {
9937            if (b = b && b.attributes)
9938                for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
9939                    var e = b[d][0],
9940                        f;
9941                    if (f = a.getAttribute(e)) {
9942                        var g = b[d][1];
9943                        (null === g || g.test && g.test(f) || "string" == typeof g && f == g) && a.removeAttribute(e)
9944                    }
9945                }
9946            c || m(a)
9947        }
9949        function m(a, b) {
9950            if (!a.hasAttributes() || b)
9951                if (CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[a.getName()]) {
9952                    var c = a.getPrevious(H),
9953                        d = a.getNext(H);
9954                    !c || c.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && c.isBlockBoundary({
9955                        br: 1
9956                    }) || a.append("br", 1);
9957                    !d || d.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && d.isBlockBoundary({
9958                        br: 1
9959                    }) || a.append("br");
9960                    a.remove(!0)
9961                } else c = a.getFirst(), d = a.getLast(), a.remove(!0), c && (c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.mergeSiblings(),
9962                    d && !c.equals(d) && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.mergeSiblings())
9963        }
9965        function J(a, b, c) {
9966            var d;
9967            d = a.element;
9968            "*" == d && (d = "span");
9969            d = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(d, b);
9970            c && c.copyAttributes(d);
9971            d = u(d, a);
9972            b.getCustomData("doc_processing_style") && d.hasAttribute("id") ? d.removeAttribute("id") : b.setCustomData("doc_processing_style", 1);
9973            return d
9974        }
9976        function u(a, b) {
9977            var c = b._.definition,
9978                d = c.attributes,
9979                c = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText(c);
9980            if (d)
9981                for (var e in d) a.setAttribute(e, d[e]);
9982            c && a.setAttribute("style", c);
9983            a.getDocument().removeCustomData("doc_processing_style");
9984            return a
9985        }
9987        function K(a, b) {
9988            for (var c in a) a[c] = a[c].replace(E, function(a, c) {
9989                return b[c]
9990            })
9991        }
9993        function l(a) {
9994            if (a._.overrides) return a._.overrides;
9995            var b = a._.overrides = {},
9996                c = a._.definition.overrides;
9997            if (c) {
9998                CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(c) || (c = [c]);
9999                for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
10000                    var e = c[d],
10001                        f, g;
10002                    "string" == typeof e ? f = e.toLowerCase() : (f = e.element ? e.element.toLowerCase() : a.element, g = e.attributes);
10003                    e = b[f] || (b[f] = {});
10004                    if (g) {
10005                        var e = e.attributes = e.attributes || [],
10006                            h;
10007                        for (h in g) e.push([h.toLowerCase(), g[h]])
10008                    }
10009                }
10010            }
10011            return b
10012        }
10014        function t(a,
10015            b, c) {
10016            var d = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("span");
10017            d[c ? "setStyle" : "setAttribute"](a, b);
10018            return d[c ? "getStyle" : "getAttribute"](a)
10019        }
10021        function F(a, b) {
10022            function c(a, b) {
10023                return "font-family" == b.toLowerCase() ? a.replace(/["']/g, "") : a
10024            }
10025            "string" == typeof a && (a = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText(a));
10026            "string" == typeof b && (b = CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText(b, !0));
10027            for (var d in a)
10028                if (!(d in b) || c(b[d], d) != c(a[d], d) && "inherit" != a[d] && "inherit" != b[d]) return !1;
10029            return !0
10030        }
10032        function L(a, b, c) {
10033            var d = a.getRanges();
10034            b = b ? this.removeFromRange : this.applyToRange;
10035            var e, f;
10036            if (a.isFake && a.isInTable())
10037                for (e = [], f = 0; f < d.length; f++) e.push(d[f].clone());
10038            for (var g = d.createIterator(); f = g.getNextRange();) b.call(this, f, c);
10039            a.selectRanges(e || d)
10040        }
10041        var C = {
10042                address: 1,
10043                div: 1,
10044                h1: 1,
10045                h2: 1,
10046                h3: 1,
10047                h4: 1,
10048                h5: 1,
10049                h6: 1,
10050                p: 1,
10051                pre: 1,
10052                section: 1,
10053                header: 1,
10054                footer: 1,
10055                nav: 1,
10056                article: 1,
10057                aside: 1,
10058                figure: 1,
10059                dialog: 1,
10060                hgroup: 1,
10061                time: 1,
10062                meter: 1,
10063                menu: 1,
10064                command: 1,
10065                keygen: 1,
10066                output: 1,
10067                progress: 1,
10068                details: 1,
10069                datagrid: 1,
10070                datalist: 1
10071            },
10072            M = {
10073                a: 1,
10074                blockquote: 1,
10075                embed: 1,
10076                hr: 1,
10077                img: 1,
10078                li: 1,
10079                object: 1,
10080                ol: 1,
10081                table: 1,
10082                td: 1,
10083                tr: 1,
10084                th: 1,
10085                ul: 1,
10086                dl: 1,
10087                dt: 1,
10088                dd: 1,
10089                form: 1,
10090                audio: 1,
10091                video: 1
10092            },
10093            q = /\s*(?:;\s*|$)/,
10094            E = /#\((.+?)\)/g,
10095            z = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(0, 1),
10096            H = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(1);
10097        CKEDITOR.style = function(a, b) {
10098            if ("string" == typeof a.type) return new CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers[a.type](a);
10099            var c = a.attributes;
10100            c && c.style && (a.styles = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a.styles, CKEDITOR.tools.parseCssText(c.style)), delete c.style);
10101            b && (a = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(a), K(a.attributes, b), K(a.styles, b));
10102            c = this.element = a.element ? "string" == typeof a.element ? a.element.toLowerCase() :
10103                a.element : "*";
10104            this.type = a.type || (C[c] ? CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK : M[c] ? CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT : CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE);
10105            "object" == typeof this.element && (this.type = CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT);
10106            this._ = {
10107                definition: a
10108            }
10109        };
10110        CKEDITOR.style.prototype = {
10111            apply: function(a) {
10112                if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document) return L.call(this, a.getSelection());
10113                if (this.checkApplicable(a.elementPath(), a)) {
10114                    var b = this._.enterMode;
10115                    b || (this._.enterMode = a.activeEnterMode);
10116                    L.call(this, a.getSelection(), 0, a);
10117                    this._.enterMode = b
10118                }
10119            },
10120            remove: function(a) {
10121                if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.document) return L.call(this, a.getSelection(), 1);
10122                if (this.checkApplicable(a.elementPath(), a)) {
10123                    var b = this._.enterMode;
10124                    b || (this._.enterMode = a.activeEnterMode);
10125                    L.call(this, a.getSelection(), 1, a);
10126                    this._.enterMode = b
10127                }
10128            },
10129            applyToRange: function(a) {
10130                this.applyToRange = this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ? b : this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ? g : this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? h : null;
10131                return this.applyToRange(a)
10132            },
10133            removeFromRange: function(a) {
10134                this.removeFromRange = this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE ? c : this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ?
10135                    n : this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? k : null;
10136                return this.removeFromRange(a)
10137            },
10138            applyToObject: function(a) {
10139                u(a, this)
10140            },
10141            checkActive: function(a, b) {
10142                switch (this.type) {
10143                    case CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK:
10144                        return this.checkElementRemovable(a.block || a.blockLimit, !0, b);
10145                    case CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT:
10146                    case CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE:
10147                        for (var c = a.elements, d = 0, e; d < c.length; d++)
10148                            if (e = c[d], this.type != CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE || e != a.block && e != a.blockLimit) {
10149                                if (this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT) {
10150                                    var f = e.getName();
10151                                    if (!("string" == typeof this.element ?
10152                                            f == this.element : f in this.element)) continue
10153                                }
10154                                if (this.checkElementRemovable(e, !0, b)) return !0
10155                            }
10156                }
10157                return !1
10158            },
10159            checkApplicable: function(a, b, c) {
10160                b && b instanceof CKEDITOR.filter && (c = b);
10161                if (c && !c.check(this)) return !1;
10162                switch (this.type) {
10163                    case CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT:
10164                        return !!a.contains(this.element);
10165                    case CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK:
10166                        return !!a.blockLimit.getDtd()[this.element]
10167                }
10168                return !0
10169            },
10170            checkElementMatch: function(a, b) {
10171                var c = this._.definition;
10172                if (!a || !c.ignoreReadonly && a.isReadOnly()) return !1;
10173                var d = a.getName();
10174                if ("string" == typeof this.element ?
10175                    d == this.element : d in this.element) {
10176                    if (!b && !a.hasAttributes()) return !0;
10177                    if (d = c._AC) c = d;
10178                    else {
10179                        var d = {},
10180                            e = 0,
10181                            f = c.attributes;
10182                        if (f)
10183                            for (var g in f) e++, d[g] = f[g];
10184                        if (g = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText(c)) d.style || e++, d.style = g;
10185                        d._length = e;
10186                        c = c._AC = d
10187                    }
10188                    if (c._length) {
10189                        for (var h in c)
10190                            if ("_length" != h)
10191                                if (d = a.getAttribute(h) || "", "style" == h ? F(c[h], d) : c[h] == d) {
10192                                    if (!b) return !0
10193                                } else if (b) return !1;
10194                        if (b) return !0
10195                    } else return !0
10196                }
10197                return !1
10198            },
10199            checkElementRemovable: function(a, b, c) {
10200                if (this.checkElementMatch(a, b, c)) return !0;
10201                if (b = l(this)[a.getName()]) {
10202                    var d;
10203                    if (!(b = b.attributes)) return !0;
10204                    for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++)
10205                        if (d = b[c][0], d = a.getAttribute(d)) {
10206                            var e = b[c][1];
10207                            if (null === e) return !0;
10208                            if ("string" == typeof e) {
10209                                if (d == e) return !0
10210                            } else if (e.test(d)) return !0
10211                        }
10212                }
10213                return !1
10214            },
10215            buildPreview: function(a) {
10216                var b = this._.definition,
10217                    c = [],
10218                    d = b.element;
10219                "bdo" == d && (d = "span");
10220                var c = ["\x3c", d],
10221                    e = b.attributes;
10222                if (e)
10223                    for (var f in e) c.push(" ", f, '\x3d"', e[f], '"');
10224                (e = CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText(b)) && c.push(' style\x3d"', e, '"');
10225                c.push("\x3e", a || b.name, "\x3c/", d, "\x3e");
10226                return c.join("")
10227            },
10228            getDefinition: function() {
10229                return this._.definition
10230            }
10231        };
10232        CKEDITOR.style.getStyleText = function(a) {
10233            var b = a._ST;
10234            if (b) return b;
10235            var b = a.styles,
10236                c = a.attributes && a.attributes.style || "",
10237                d = "";
10238            c.length && (c = c.replace(q, ";"));
10239            for (var e in b) {
10240                var f = b[e],
10241                    g = (e + ":" + f).replace(q, ";");
10242                "inherit" == f ? d += g : c += g
10243            }
10244            c.length && (c = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText(c, !0));
10245            return a._ST = c + d
10246        };
10247        CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers = {};
10248        CKEDITOR.style.addCustomHandler = function(a) {
10249            var b = function(a) {
10250                this._ = {
10251                    definition: a
10252                };
10253                this.setup && this.setup(a)
10254            };
10255            b.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy(CKEDITOR.style.prototype), {
10256                assignedTo: CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT
10257            }, a, !0);
10258            return this.customHandlers[a.type] = b
10259        };
10262    })();
10263    CKEDITOR.styleCommand = function(a, d) {
10264        this.requiredContent = this.allowedContent = this.style = a;
10265        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, d, !0)
10266    };
10267    CKEDITOR.styleCommand.prototype.exec = function(a) {
10268        a.focus();
10269        this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ? a.applyStyle(this.style) : this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && a.removeStyle(this.style)
10270    };
10271    CKEDITOR.stylesSet = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager("", "stylesSet");
10272    CKEDITOR.addStylesSet = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add, CKEDITOR.stylesSet);
10273    CKEDITOR.loadStylesSet = function(a, d, b) {
10274        CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal(a, d, "");
10275        CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load(a, b)
10276    };
10277    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
10278        attachStyleStateChange: function(a, d) {
10279            var b = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks;
10280            b || (b = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks = [], this.on("selectionChange", function(a) {
10281                for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
10282                    var h = b[d],
10283                        k = h.style.checkActive(a.data.path, this) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
10284                    h.fn.call(this, k)
10285                }
10286            }));
10287            b.push({
10288                style: a,
10289                fn: d
10290            })
10291        },
10292        applyStyle: function(a) {
10293            a.apply(this)
10294        },
10295        removeStyle: function(a) {
10296            a.remove(this)
10297        },
10298        getStylesSet: function(a) {
10299            if (this._.stylesDefinitions) a(this._.stylesDefinitions);
10300            else {
10301                var d = this,
10302                    b = d.config.stylesCombo_stylesSet || d.config.stylesSet;
10303                if (!1 === b) a(null);
10304                else if (b instanceof Array) d._.stylesDefinitions = b, a(b);
10305                else {
10306                    b || (b = "default");
10307                    var b = b.split(":"),
10308                        c = b[0];
10309                    CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal(c, b[1] ? b.slice(1).join(":") : CKEDITOR.getUrl("styles.js"), "");
10310                    CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load(c, function(b) {
10311                        d._.stylesDefinitions = b[c];
10312                        a(d._.stylesDefinitions)
10313                    })
10314                }
10315            }
10316        }
10317    });
10318    CKEDITOR.dom.comment = function(a, d) {
10319        "string" == typeof a && (a = (d ? d.$ : document).createComment(a));
10320        CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call(this, a)
10321    };
10322    CKEDITOR.dom.comment.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node;
10323    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.comment.prototype, {
10324        type: CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT,
10325        getOuterHtml: function() {
10326            return "\x3c!--" + this.$.nodeValue + "--\x3e"
10327        }
10328    });
10329    "use strict";
10330    (function() {
10331        var a = {},
10332            d = {},
10333            b;
10334        for (b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit) b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list || (a[b] = 1);
10335        for (b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block) b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$blockLimit || b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty || (d[b] = 1);
10336        CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath = function(b, f) {
10337            var h = null,
10338                k = null,
10339                g = [],
10340                n = b,
10341                r;
10342            f = f || b.getDocument().getBody();
10343            n || (n = f);
10344            do
10345                if (n.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
10346                    g.push(n);
10347                    if (!this.lastElement && (this.lastElement = n, n.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$object) || "false" == n.getAttribute("contenteditable"))) continue;
10348                    if (n.equals(f)) break;
10349                    if (!k && (r = n.getName(),
10350                            "true" == n.getAttribute("contenteditable") ? k = n : !h && d[r] && (h = n), a[r])) {
10351                        if (r = !h && "div" == r) {
10352                            a: {
10353                                r = n.getChildren();
10354                                for (var e = 0, y = r.count(); e < y; e++) {
10355                                    var v = r.getItem(e);
10356                                    if (v.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[v.getName()]) {
10357                                        r = !0;
10358                                        break a
10359                                    }
10360                                }
10361                                r = !1
10362                            }
10363                            r = !r
10364                        }
10365                        r ? h = n : k = n
10366                    }
10367                } while (n = n.getParent());
10368            k || (k = f);
10369            this.block = h;
10370            this.blockLimit = k;
10371            this.root = f;
10372            this.elements = g
10373        }
10374    })();
10375    CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath.prototype = {
10376        compare: function(a) {
10377            var d = this.elements;
10378            a = a && a.elements;
10379            if (!a || d.length != a.length) return !1;
10380            for (var b = 0; b < d.length; b++)
10381                if (!d[b].equals(a[b])) return !1;
10382            return !0
10383        },
10384        contains: function(a, d, b) {
10385            var c = 0,
10386                f;
10387            "string" == typeof a && (f = function(b) {
10388                return b.getName() == a
10389            });
10390            a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ? f = function(b) {
10391                return b.equals(a)
10392            } : CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a) ? f = function(b) {
10393                return -1 < CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(a, b.getName())
10394            } : "function" == typeof a ? f = a : "object" == typeof a && (f = function(b) {
10395                return b.getName() in
10396                    a
10397            });
10398            var h = this.elements,
10399                k = h.length;
10400            d && (b ? c += 1 : --k);
10401            b && (h = Array.prototype.slice.call(h, 0), h.reverse());
10402            for (; c < k; c++)
10403                if (f(h[c])) return h[c];
10404            return null
10405        },
10406        isContextFor: function(a) {
10407            var d;
10408            return a in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block ? (d = this.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$intermediate) || this.root.equals(this.block) && this.block || this.blockLimit, !!d.getDtd()[a]) : !0
10409        },
10410        direction: function() {
10411            return (this.block || this.blockLimit || this.root).getDirection(1)
10412        }
10413    };
10414    CKEDITOR.dom.text = function(a, d) {
10415        "string" == typeof a && (a = (d ? d.$ : document).createTextNode(a));
10416        this.$ = a
10417    };
10418    CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype = new CKEDITOR.dom.node;
10419    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.text.prototype, {
10420        type: CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT,
10421        getLength: function() {
10422            return this.$.nodeValue.length
10423        },
10424        getText: function() {
10425            return this.$.nodeValue
10426        },
10427        setText: function(a) {
10428            this.$.nodeValue = a
10429        },
10430        split: function(a) {
10431            var d = this.$.parentNode,
10432                b = d.childNodes.length,
10433                c = this.getLength(),
10434                f = this.getDocument(),
10435                h = new CKEDITOR.dom.text(this.$.splitText(a), f);
10436            d.childNodes.length == b && (a >= c ? (h = f.createText(""), h.insertAfter(this)) : (a = f.createText(""), a.insertAfter(h), a.remove()));
10437            return h
10438        },
10439        substring: function(a,
10440            d) {
10441            return "number" != typeof d ? this.$.nodeValue.substr(a) : this.$.nodeValue.substring(a, d)
10442        }
10443    });
10444    (function() {
10445        function a(a, c, d) {
10446            var h = a.serializable,
10447                k = c[d ? "endContainer" : "startContainer"],
10448                g = d ? "endOffset" : "startOffset",
10449                n = h ? c.document.getById(a.startNode) : a.startNode;
10450            a = h ? c.document.getById(a.endNode) : a.endNode;
10451            k.equals(n.getPrevious()) ? (c.startOffset = c.startOffset - k.getLength() - a.getPrevious().getLength(), k = a.getNext()) : k.equals(a.getPrevious()) && (c.startOffset -= k.getLength(), k = a.getNext());
10452            k.equals(n.getParent()) && c[g]++;
10453            k.equals(a.getParent()) && c[g]++;
10454            c[d ? "endContainer" : "startContainer"] = k;
10455            return c
10456        }
10457        CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList = function(a) {
10458            if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.rangeList) return a;
10459            a ? a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.range && (a = [a]) : a = [];
10460            return CKEDITOR.tools.extend(a, d)
10461        };
10462        var d = {
10463            createIterator: function() {
10464                var a = this,
10465                    c = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
10466                    d = [],
10467                    h;
10468                return {
10469                    getNextRange: function(k) {
10470                        h = void 0 === h ? 0 : h + 1;
10471                        var g = a[h];
10472                        if (g && 1 < a.length) {
10473                            if (!h)
10474                                for (var n = a.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) d.unshift(a[n].createBookmark(!0));
10475                            if (k)
10476                                for (var r = 0; a[h + r + 1];) {
10477                                    var e = g.document;
10478                                    k = 0;
10479                                    n = e.getById(d[r].endNode);
10480                                    for (e = e.getById(d[r + 1].startNode);;) {
10481                                        n =
10482                                            n.getNextSourceNode(!1);
10483                                        if (e.equals(n)) k = 1;
10484                                        else if (c(n) || n.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && n.isBlockBoundary()) continue;
10485                                        break
10486                                    }
10487                                    if (!k) break;
10488                                    r++
10489                                }
10490                            for (g.moveToBookmark(d.shift()); r--;) n = a[++h], n.moveToBookmark(d.shift()), g.setEnd(n.endContainer, n.endOffset)
10491                        }
10492                        return g
10493                    }
10494                }
10495            },
10496            createBookmarks: function(b) {
10497                for (var c = [], d, h = 0; h < this.length; h++) {
10498                    c.push(d = this[h].createBookmark(b, !0));
10499                    for (var k = h + 1; k < this.length; k++) this[k] = a(d, this[k]), this[k] = a(d, this[k], !0)
10500                }
10501                return c
10502            },
10503            createBookmarks2: function(a) {
10504                for (var c = [], d = 0; d <
10505                    this.length; d++) c.push(this[d].createBookmark2(a));
10506                return c
10507            },
10508            moveToBookmarks: function(a) {
10509                for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) this[c].moveToBookmark(a[c])
10510            }
10511        }
10512    })();
10513    (function() {
10514        function a() {
10515            return CKEDITOR.getUrl(CKEDITOR.skinName.split(",")[1] || "skins/" + CKEDITOR.skinName.split(",")[0] + "/")
10516        }
10518        function d(b) {
10519            var c = CKEDITOR.skin["ua_" + b],
10520                d = CKEDITOR.env;
10521            if (c)
10522                for (var c = c.split(",").sort(function(a, b) {
10523                        return a > b ? -1 : 1
10524                    }), f = 0, g; f < c.length; f++)
10525                    if (g = c[f], d.ie && (g.replace(/^ie/, "") == d.version || d.quirks && "iequirks" == g) && (g = "ie"), d[g]) {
10526                        b += "_" + c[f];
10527                        break
10528                    } return CKEDITOR.getUrl(a() + b + ".css")
10529        }
10531        function b(a, b) {
10532            h[a] || (CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(d(a)), h[a] = 1);
10533            b && b()
10534        }
10536        function c(a) {
10537            var b =
10538                a.getById(k);
10539            b || (b = a.getHead().append("style"), b.setAttribute("id", k), b.setAttribute("type", "text/css"));
10540            return b
10541        }
10543        function f(a, b, c) {
10544            var d, f, g;
10545            if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit)
10546                for (b = b.split("}").slice(0, -1), f = 0; f < b.length; f++) b[f] = b[f].split("{");
10547            for (var h = 0; h < a.length; h++)
10548                if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit)
10549                    for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++) {
10550                        g = b[f][1];
10551                        for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) g = g.replace(c[d][0], c[d][1]);
10552                        a[h].$.sheet.addRule(b[f][0], g)
10553                    } else {
10554                        g = b;
10555                        for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) g = g.replace(c[d][0], c[d][1]);
10556                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && 11 > CKEDITOR.env.version ?
10557                            a[h].$.styleSheet.cssText += g : a[h].$.innerHTML += g
10558                    }
10559        }
10560        var h = {};
10561        CKEDITOR.skin = {
10562            path: a,
10563            loadPart: function(c, d) {
10564                CKEDITOR.skin.name != CKEDITOR.skinName.split(",")[0] ? CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(a() + "skin.js"), function() {
10565                    b(c, d)
10566                }) : b(c, d)
10567            },
10568            getPath: function(a) {
10569                return CKEDITOR.getUrl(d(a))
10570            },
10571            icons: {},
10572            addIcon: function(a, b, c, d) {
10573                a = a.toLowerCase();
10574                this.icons[a] || (this.icons[a] = {
10575                    path: b,
10576                    offset: c || 0,
10577                    bgsize: d || "16px"
10578                })
10579            },
10580            getIconStyle: function(a, b, c, d, f) {
10581                var g;
10582                a && (a = a.toLowerCase(), b && (g = this.icons[a + "-rtl"]),
10583                    g || (g = this.icons[a]));
10584                a = c || g && g.path || "";
10585                d = d || g && g.offset;
10586                f = f || g && g.bgsize || "16px";
10587                a && (a = a.replace(/'/g, "\\'"));
10588                return a && "background-image:url('" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(a) + "');background-position:0 " + d + "px;background-size:" + f + ";"
10589            }
10590        };
10591        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
10592            getUiColor: function() {
10593                return this.uiColor
10594            },
10595            setUiColor: function(a) {
10596                var b = c(CKEDITOR.document);
10597                return (this.setUiColor = function(a) {
10598                    this.uiColor = a;
10599                    var c = CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon,
10600                        d = "",
10601                        h = "";
10602                    "function" == typeof c && (d = c(this, "editor"), h =
10603                        c(this, "panel"));
10604                    a = [
10605                        [n, a]
10606                    ];
10607                    f([b], d, a);
10608                    f(g, h, a)
10609                }).call(this, a)
10610            }
10611        });
10612        var k = "cke_ui_color",
10613            g = [],
10614            n = /\$color/g;
10615        CKEDITOR.on("instanceLoaded", function(a) {
10616            if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie || !CKEDITOR.env.quirks) {
10617                var b = a.editor;
10618                a = function(a) {
10619                    a = (a.data[0] || a.data).element.getElementsByTag("iframe").getItem(0).getFrameDocument();
10620                    if (!a.getById("cke_ui_color")) {
10621                        a = c(a);
10622                        g.push(a);
10623                        var d = b.getUiColor();
10624                        d && f([a], CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon(b, "panel"), [
10625                            [n, d]
10626                        ])
10627                    }
10628                };
10629                b.on("panelShow", a);
10630                b.on("menuShow", a);
10631                b.config.uiColor && b.setUiColor(b.config.uiColor)
10632            }
10633        })
10634    })();
10635    (function() {
10636        if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) CKEDITOR.env.hc = !1;
10637        else {
10638            var a = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cdiv style\x3d"width:0;height:0;position:absolute;left:-10000px;border:1px solid;border-color:red blue"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e', CKEDITOR.document);
10639            a.appendTo(CKEDITOR.document.getHead());
10640            try {
10641                var d = a.getComputedStyle("border-top-color"),
10642                    b = a.getComputedStyle("border-right-color");
10643                CKEDITOR.env.hc = !(!d || d != b)
10644            } catch (c) {
10645                CKEDITOR.env.hc = !1
10646            }
10647            a.remove()
10648        }
10649        CKEDITOR.env.hc && (CKEDITOR.env.cssClass += " cke_hc");
10650        CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleText(".cke{visibility:hidden;}");
10651        CKEDITOR.status = "loaded";
10652        CKEDITOR.fireOnce("loaded");
10653        if (a = CKEDITOR._.pending)
10654            for (delete CKEDITOR._.pending, d = 0; d < a.length; d++) CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.constructor.apply(a[d][0], a[d][1]), CKEDITOR.add(a[d][0])
10655    })();
10656    /*
10657     Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
10658     For licensing, see LICENSE.md or https://ckeditor.com/legal/ckeditor-oss-license
10659    */
10660    CKEDITOR.skin.name = "moono-lisa";
10661    CKEDITOR.skin.ua_editor = "ie,iequirks,ie8,gecko";
10662    CKEDITOR.skin.ua_dialog = "ie,iequirks,ie8";
10663    CKEDITOR.skin.chameleon = function() {
10664        var b = function() {
10665                return function(b, d) {
10666                    for (var a = b.match(/[^#]./g), e = 0; 3 > e; e++) {
10667                        var f = e,
10668                            c;
10669                        c = parseInt(a[e], 16);
10670                        c = ("0" + (0 > d ? 0 | c * (1 + d) : 0 | c + (255 - c) * d).toString(16)).slice(-2);
10671                        a[f] = c
10672                    }
10673                    return "#" + a.join("")
10674                }
10675            }(),
10676            f = {
10677                editor: new CKEDITOR.template("{id}.cke_chrome [border-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_top [ background-color:{defaultBackground};border-bottom-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_bottom [background-color:{defaultBackground};border-top-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_resizer [border-right-color:{ckeResizer}] {id} .cke_dialog_title [background-color:{defaultBackground};border-bottom-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_dialog_footer [background-color:{defaultBackground};outline-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_dialog_tab [background-color:{dialogTab};border-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_dialog_tab:hover [background-color:{lightBackground};] {id} .cke_dialog_contents [border-top-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} .cke_dialog_tab_selected, {id} .cke_dialog_tab_selected:hover [background:{dialogTabSelected};border-bottom-color:{dialogTabSelectedBorder};] {id} .cke_dialog_body [background:{dialogBody};border-color:{defaultBorder};] {id} a.cke_button_off:hover,{id} a.cke_button_off:focus,{id} a.cke_button_off:active [background-color:{darkBackground};border-color:{toolbarElementsBorder};] {id} .cke_button_on [background-color:{ckeButtonOn};border-color:{toolbarElementsBorder};] {id} .cke_toolbar_separator,{id} .cke_toolgroup a.cke_button:last-child:after,{id} .cke_toolgroup a.cke_button.cke_button_disabled:hover:last-child:after [background-color: {toolbarElementsBorder};border-color: {toolbarElementsBorder};] {id} a.cke_combo_button:hover,{id} a.cke_combo_button:focus,{id} .cke_combo_on a.cke_combo_button [border-color:{toolbarElementsBorder};background-color:{darkBackground};] {id} .cke_combo:after [border-color:{toolbarElementsBorder};] {id} .cke_path_item [color:{elementsPathColor};] {id} a.cke_path_item:hover,{id} a.cke_path_item:focus,{id} a.cke_path_item:active [background-color:{darkBackground};] {id}.cke_panel [border-color:{defaultBorder};] "),
10678                panel: new CKEDITOR.template(".cke_panel_grouptitle [background-color:{lightBackground};border-color:{defaultBorder};] .cke_menubutton_icon [background-color:{menubuttonIcon};] .cke_menubutton:hover,.cke_menubutton:focus,.cke_menubutton:active [background-color:{menubuttonHover};] .cke_menubutton:hover .cke_menubutton_icon, .cke_menubutton:focus .cke_menubutton_icon, .cke_menubutton:active .cke_menubutton_icon [background-color:{menubuttonIconHover};] .cke_menubutton_disabled:hover .cke_menubutton_icon,.cke_menubutton_disabled:focus .cke_menubutton_icon,.cke_menubutton_disabled:active .cke_menubutton_icon [background-color:{menubuttonIcon};] .cke_menuseparator [background-color:{menubuttonIcon};] a:hover.cke_colorbox, a:active.cke_colorbox [border-color:{defaultBorder};] a:hover.cke_colorauto, a:hover.cke_colormore, a:active.cke_colorauto, a:active.cke_colormore [background-color:{ckeColorauto};border-color:{defaultBorder};] ")
10679            };
10680        return function(g, d) {
10681            var a = b(g.uiColor, .4),
10682                a = {
10683                    id: "." + g.id,
10684                    defaultBorder: b(a, -.2),
10685                    toolbarElementsBorder: b(a, -.25),
10686                    defaultBackground: a,
10687                    lightBackground: b(a, .8),
10688                    darkBackground: b(a, -.15),
10689                    ckeButtonOn: b(a, .4),
10690                    ckeResizer: b(a, -.4),
10691                    ckeColorauto: b(a, .8),
10692                    dialogBody: b(a, .7),
10693                    dialogTab: b(a, .65),
10694                    dialogTabSelected: "#FFF",
10695                    dialogTabSelectedBorder: "#FFF",
10696                    elementsPathColor: b(a, -.6),
10697                    menubuttonHover: b(a, .1),
10698                    menubuttonIcon: b(a, .5),
10699                    menubuttonIconHover: b(a, .3)
10700                };
10701            return f[d].output(a).replace(/\[/g, "{").replace(/\]/g, "}")
10702        }
10703    }();
10704    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("dialogui", {
10705        onLoad: function() {
10706            var h = function(b) {
10707                    this._ || (this._ = {});
10708                    this._["default"] = this._.initValue = b["default"] || "";
10709                    this._.required = b.required || !1;
10710                    for (var a = [this._], d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) a.push(arguments[d]);
10711                    a.push(!0);
10712                    CKEDITOR.tools.extend.apply(CKEDITOR.tools, a);
10713                    return this._
10714                },
10715                v = {
10716                    build: function(b, a, d) {
10717                        return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput(b, a, d)
10718                    }
10719                },
10720                n = {
10721                    build: function(b, a, d) {
10722                        return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[a.type](b, a, d)
10723                    }
10724                },
10725                q = {
10726                    isChanged: function() {
10727                        return this.getValue() !=
10728                            this.getInitValue()
10729                    },
10730                    reset: function(b) {
10731                        this.setValue(this.getInitValue(), b)
10732                    },
10733                    setInitValue: function() {
10734                        this._.initValue = this.getValue()
10735                    },
10736                    resetInitValue: function() {
10737                        this._.initValue = this._["default"]
10738                    },
10739                    getInitValue: function() {
10740                        return this._.initValue
10741                    }
10742                },
10743                r = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors, {
10744                    onChange: function(b, a) {
10745                        this._.domOnChangeRegistered || (b.on("load", function() {
10746                            this.getInputElement().on("change", function() {
10747                                    b.parts.dialog.isVisible() && this.fire("change", {
10748                                        value: this.getValue()
10749                                    })
10750                                },
10751                                this)
10752                        }, this), this._.domOnChangeRegistered = !0);
10753                        this.on("change", a)
10754                    }
10755                }, !0),
10756                x = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
10757                t = function(b) {
10758                    for (var a in b)(x.test(a) || "title" == a || "type" == a) && delete b[a];
10759                    return b
10760                },
10761                w = function(b) {
10762                    b = b.data.getKeystroke();
10763                    b == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + CKEDITOR.ALT + 36 ? this.setDirectionMarker("ltr") : b == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + CKEDITOR.ALT + 35 && this.setDirectionMarker("rtl")
10764                };
10765            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.ui.dialog, {
10766                labeledElement: function(b, a, d, f) {
10767                    if (!(4 > arguments.length)) {
10768                        var c = h.call(this, a);
10769                        c.labelId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() +
10770                            "_label";
10771                        this._.children = [];
10772                        var e = {
10773                            role: a.role || "presentation"
10774                        };
10775                        a.includeLabel && (e["aria-labelledby"] = c.labelId);
10776                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this, b, a, d, "div", null, e, function() {
10777                            var e = [],
10778                                g = a.required ? " cke_required" : "";
10779                            "horizontal" != a.labelLayout ? e.push('\x3clabel class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label' + g + '" ', ' id\x3d"' + c.labelId + '"', c.inputId ? ' for\x3d"' + c.inputId + '"' : "", (a.labelStyle ? ' style\x3d"' + a.labelStyle + '"' : "") + "\x3e", a.label, "\x3c/label\x3e", '\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content"',
10780                                a.controlStyle ? ' style\x3d"' + a.controlStyle + '"' : "", ' role\x3d"presentation"\x3e', f.call(this, b, a), "\x3c/div\x3e") : (g = {
10781                                type: "hbox",
10782                                widths: a.widths,
10783                                padding: 0,
10784                                children: [{
10785                                    type: "html",
10786                                    html: '\x3clabel class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_labeled_label' + g + '" id\x3d"' + c.labelId + '" for\x3d"' + c.inputId + '"' + (a.labelStyle ? ' style\x3d"' + a.labelStyle + '"' : "") + "\x3e" + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(a.label) + "\x3c/label\x3e"
10787                                }, {
10788                                    type: "html",
10789                                    html: '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_labeled_content"' + (a.controlStyle ? ' style\x3d"' + a.controlStyle +
10790                                        '"' : "") + "\x3e" + f.call(this, b, a) + "\x3c/span\x3e"
10791                                }]
10792                            }, CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.hbox.build(b, g, e));
10793                            return e.join("")
10794                        })
10795                    }
10796                },
10797                textInput: function(b, a, d) {
10798                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
10799                        h.call(this, a);
10800                        var f = this._.inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_textInput",
10801                            c = {
10802                                "class": "cke_dialog_ui_input_" + a.type,
10803                                id: f,
10804                                type: a.type
10805                            };
10806                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
10807                        a.maxLength && (c.maxlength = a.maxLength);
10808                        a.size && (c.size = a.size);
10809                        a.inputStyle && (c.style = a.inputStyle);
10810                        var e = this,
10811                            m = !1;
10812                        b.on("load", function() {
10813                            e.getInputElement().on("keydown",
10814                                function(a) {
10815                                    13 == a.data.getKeystroke() && (m = !0)
10816                                });
10817                            e.getInputElement().on("keyup", function(a) {
10818                                13 == a.data.getKeystroke() && m && (b.getButton("ok") && setTimeout(function() {
10819                                    b.getButton("ok").click()
10820                                }, 0), m = !1);
10821                                e.bidi && w.call(e, a)
10822                            }, null, null, 1E3)
10823                        });
10824                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call(this, b, a, d, function() {
10825                            var b = ['\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_input_', a.type, '" role\x3d"presentation"'];
10826                            a.width && b.push('style\x3d"width:' + a.width + '" ');
10827                            b.push("\x3e\x3cinput ");
10828                            c["aria-labelledby"] = this._.labelId;
10829                            this._.required &&
10830                                (c["aria-required"] = this._.required);
10831                            for (var e in c) b.push(e + '\x3d"' + c[e] + '" ');
10832                            b.push(" /\x3e\x3c/div\x3e");
10833                            return b.join("")
10834                        })
10835                    }
10836                },
10837                textarea: function(b, a, d) {
10838                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
10839                        h.call(this, a);
10840                        var f = this,
10841                            c = this._.inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_textarea",
10842                            e = {};
10843                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
10844                        e.rows = a.rows || 5;
10845                        e.cols = a.cols || 20;
10846                        e["class"] = "cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea " + (a["class"] || "");
10847                        "undefined" != typeof a.inputStyle && (e.style = a.inputStyle);
10848                        a.dir && (e.dir = a.dir);
10849                        if (f.bidi) b.on("load",
10850                            function() {
10851                                f.getInputElement().on("keyup", w)
10852                            }, f);
10853                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call(this, b, a, d, function() {
10854                            e["aria-labelledby"] = this._.labelId;
10855                            this._.required && (e["aria-required"] = this._.required);
10856                            var a = ['\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_input_textarea" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3ctextarea id\x3d"', c, '" '],
10857                                b;
10858                            for (b in e) a.push(b + '\x3d"' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(e[b]) + '" ');
10859                            a.push("\x3e", CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(f._["default"]), "\x3c/textarea\x3e\x3c/div\x3e");
10860                            return a.join("")
10861                        })
10862                    }
10863                },
10864                checkbox: function(b,
10865                    a, d) {
10866                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
10867                        var f = h.call(this, a, {
10868                            "default": !!a["default"]
10869                        });
10870                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
10871                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this, b, a, d, "span", null, null, function() {
10872                            var c = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a, {
10873                                    id: a.id ? a.id + "_checkbox" : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_checkbox"
10874                                }, !0),
10875                                e = [],
10876                                d = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_label",
10877                                g = {
10878                                    "class": "cke_dialog_ui_checkbox_input",
10879                                    type: "checkbox",
10880                                    "aria-labelledby": d
10881                                };
10882                            t(c);
10883                            a["default"] && (g.checked = "checked");
10884                            "undefined" != typeof c.inputStyle && (c.style = c.inputStyle);
10885                            f.checkbox = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement(b, c, e, "input", null, g);
10886                            e.push(' \x3clabel id\x3d"', d, '" for\x3d"', g.id, '"' + (a.labelStyle ? ' style\x3d"' + a.labelStyle + '"' : "") + "\x3e", CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(a.label), "\x3c/label\x3e");
10887                            return e.join("")
10888                        })
10889                    }
10890                },
10891                radio: function(b, a, d) {
10892                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
10893                        h.call(this, a);
10894                        this._["default"] || (this._["default"] = this._.initValue = a.items[0][1]);
10895                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
10896                        var f = [],
10897                            c = this;
10898                        a.role = "radiogroup";
10899                        a.includeLabel = !0;
10900                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call(this,
10901                            b, a, d,
10902                            function() {
10903                                for (var e = [], d = [], g = (a.id ? a.id : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId()) + "_radio", k = 0; k < a.items.length; k++) {
10904                                    var l = a.items[k],
10905                                        h = void 0 !== l[2] ? l[2] : l[0],
10906                                        n = void 0 !== l[1] ? l[1] : l[0],
10907                                        p = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_radio_input",
10908                                        q = p + "_label",
10909                                        p = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a, {
10910                                            id: p,
10911                                            title: null,
10912                                            type: null
10913                                        }, !0),
10914                                        h = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, p, {
10915                                            title: h
10916                                        }, !0),
10917                                        r = {
10918                                            type: "radio",
10919                                            "class": "cke_dialog_ui_radio_input",
10920                                            name: g,
10921                                            value: n,
10922                                            "aria-labelledby": q
10923                                        },
10924                                        u = [];
10925                                    c._["default"] == n && (r.checked = "checked");
10926                                    t(p);
10927                                    t(h);
10928                                    "undefined" != typeof p.inputStyle &&
10929                                        (p.style = p.inputStyle);
10930                                    p.keyboardFocusable = !0;
10931                                    f.push(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement(b, p, u, "input", null, r));
10932                                    u.push(" ");
10933                                    new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement(b, h, u, "label", null, {
10934                                        id: q,
10935                                        "for": r.id
10936                                    }, l[0]);
10937                                    e.push(u.join(""))
10938                                }
10939                                new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox(b, f, e, d);
10940                                return d.join("")
10941                            });
10942                        this._.children = f
10943                    }
10944                },
10945                button: function(b, a, d) {
10946                    if (arguments.length) {
10947                        "function" == typeof a && (a = a(b.getParentEditor()));
10948                        h.call(this, a, {
10949                            disabled: a.disabled || !1
10950                        });
10951                        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(this);
10952                        var f = this;
10953                        b.on("load", function() {
10954                            var a = this.getElement();
10955                            (function() {
10956                                a.on("click", function(a) {
10957                                    f.click();
10958                                    a.data.preventDefault()
10959                                });
10960                                a.on("keydown", function(a) {
10961                                    a.data.getKeystroke() in {
10962                                        32: 1
10963                                    } && (f.click(), a.data.preventDefault())
10964                                })
10965                            })();
10966                            a.unselectable()
10967                        }, this);
10968                        var c = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a);
10969                        delete c.style;
10970                        var e = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_label";
10971                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this, b, c, d, "a", null, {
10972                                style: a.style,
10973                                href: "javascript:void(0)",
10974                                title: a.label,
10975                                hidefocus: "true",
10976                                "class": a["class"],
10977                                role: "button",
10978                                "aria-labelledby": e
10979                            }, '\x3cspan id\x3d"' + e + '" class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_button"\x3e' +
10980                            CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(a.label) + "\x3c/span\x3e")
10981                    }
10982                },
10983                select: function(b, a, d) {
10984                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
10985                        var f = h.call(this, a);
10986                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
10987                        f.inputId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_select";
10988                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call(this, b, a, d, function() {
10989                            var c = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a, {
10990                                    id: a.id ? a.id + "_select" : CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_select"
10991                                }, !0),
10992                                e = [],
10993                                d = [],
10994                                g = {
10995                                    id: f.inputId,
10996                                    "class": "cke_dialog_ui_input_select",
10997                                    "aria-labelledby": this._.labelId
10998                                };
10999                            e.push('\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_input_',
11000                                a.type, '" role\x3d"presentation"');
11001                            a.width && e.push('style\x3d"width:' + a.width + '" ');
11002                            e.push("\x3e");
11003                            void 0 !== a.size && (g.size = a.size);
11004                            void 0 !== a.multiple && (g.multiple = a.multiple);
11005                            t(c);
11006                            for (var k = 0, l; k < a.items.length && (l = a.items[k]); k++) d.push('\x3coption value\x3d"', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(void 0 !== l[1] ? l[1] : l[0]).replace(/"/g, "\x26quot;"), '" /\x3e ', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(l[0]));
11007                            "undefined" != typeof c.inputStyle && (c.style = c.inputStyle);
11008                            f.select = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement(b, c, e, "select", null,
11009                                g, d.join(""));
11010                            e.push("\x3c/div\x3e");
11011                            return e.join("")
11012                        })
11013                    }
11014                },
11015                file: function(b, a, d) {
11016                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
11017                        void 0 === a["default"] && (a["default"] = "");
11018                        var f = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(h.call(this, a), {
11019                            definition: a,
11020                            buttons: []
11021                        });
11022                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
11023                        b.on("load", function() {
11024                            CKEDITOR.document.getById(f.frameId).getParent().addClass("cke_dialog_ui_input_file")
11025                        });
11026                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.call(this, b, a, d, function() {
11027                            f.frameId = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_fileInput";
11028                            var b = ['\x3ciframe frameborder\x3d"0" allowtransparency\x3d"0" class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_input_file" role\x3d"presentation" id\x3d"',
11029                                f.frameId, '" title\x3d"', a.label, '" src\x3d"javascript:void('
11030                            ];
11031                            b.push(CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "(function(){" + encodeURIComponent("document.open();(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();document.close();") + "})()" : "0");
11032                            b.push(')"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e');
11033                            return b.join("")
11034                        })
11035                    }
11036                },
11037                fileButton: function(b, a, d) {
11038                    var f = this;
11039                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
11040                        h.call(this, a);
11041                        a.validate && (this.validate = a.validate);
11042                        var c = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, a),
11043                            e = c.onClick;
11044                        c.className = (c.className ? c.className + " " : "") + "cke_dialog_ui_button";
11045                        c.onClick = function(c) {
11046                            var d =
11047                                a["for"];
11048                            c = e ? e.call(this, c) : !1;
11049                            !1 !== c && ("xhr" !== c && b.getContentElement(d[0], d[1]).submit(), this.disable())
11050                        };
11051                        b.on("load", function() {
11052                            b.getContentElement(a["for"][0], a["for"][1])._.buttons.push(f)
11053                        });
11054                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.call(this, b, c, d)
11055                    }
11056                },
11057                html: function() {
11058                    var b = /^\s*<[\w:]+\s+([^>]*)?>/,
11059                        a = /^(\s*<[\w:]+(?:\s+[^>]*)?)((?:.|\r|\n)+)$/,
11060                        d = /\/$/;
11061                    return function(f, c, e) {
11062                        if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
11063                            var m = [],
11064                                g = c.html;
11065                            "\x3c" != g.charAt(0) && (g = "\x3cspan\x3e" + g + "\x3c/span\x3e");
11066                            var k = c.focus;
11067                            if (k) {
11068                                var l = this.focus;
11069                                this.focus = function() {
11070                                    ("function" == typeof k ? k : l).call(this);
11071                                    this.fire("focus")
11072                                };
11073                                c.isFocusable && (this.isFocusable = this.isFocusable);
11074                                this.keyboardFocusable = !0
11075                            }
11076                            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this, f, c, m, "span", null, null, "");
11077                            m = m.join("").match(b);
11078                            g = g.match(a) || ["", "", ""];
11079                            d.test(g[1]) && (g[1] = g[1].slice(0, -1), g[2] = "/" + g[2]);
11080                            e.push([g[1], " ", m[1] || "", g[2]].join(""))
11081                        }
11082                    }
11083                }(),
11084                fieldset: function(b, a, d, f, c) {
11085                    var e = c.label;
11086                    this._ = {
11087                        children: a
11088                    };
11089                    CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this, b, c, f, "fieldset", null, null, function() {
11090                        var a = [];
11091                        e && a.push("\x3clegend" + (c.labelStyle ? ' style\x3d"' + c.labelStyle + '"' : "") + "\x3e" + e + "\x3c/legend\x3e");
11092                        for (var b = 0; b < d.length; b++) a.push(d[b]);
11093                        return a.join("")
11094                    })
11095                }
11096            }, !0);
11097            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.html.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement;
11098            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
11099                setLabel: function(b) {
11100                    var a = CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.labelId);
11101                    1 > a.getChildCount() ? (new CKEDITOR.dom.text(b, CKEDITOR.document)).appendTo(a) : a.getChild(0).$.nodeValue =
11102                        b;
11103                    return this
11104                },
11105                getLabel: function() {
11106                    var b = CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.labelId);
11107                    return !b || 1 > b.getChildCount() ? "" : b.getChild(0).getText()
11108                },
11109                eventProcessors: r
11110            }, !0);
11111            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
11112                click: function() {
11113                    return this._.disabled ? !1 : this.fire("click", {
11114                        dialog: this._.dialog
11115                    })
11116                },
11117                enable: function() {
11118                    this._.disabled = !1;
11119                    var b = this.getElement();
11120                    b && b.removeClass("cke_disabled")
11121                },
11122                disable: function() {
11123                    this._.disabled = !0;
11124                    this.getElement().addClass("cke_disabled")
11125                },
11126                isVisible: function() {
11127                    return this.getElement().getFirst().isVisible()
11128                },
11129                isEnabled: function() {
11130                    return !this._.disabled
11131                },
11132                eventProcessors: CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.eventProcessors, {
11133                    onClick: function(b, a) {
11134                        this.on("click", function() {
11135                            a.apply(this, arguments)
11136                        })
11137                    }
11138                }, !0),
11139                accessKeyUp: function() {
11140                    this.click()
11141                },
11142                accessKeyDown: function() {
11143                    this.focus()
11144                },
11145                keyboardFocusable: !0
11146            }, !0);
11147            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement, {
11148                getInputElement: function() {
11149                    return CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.inputId)
11150                },
11151                focus: function() {
11152                    var b = this.selectParentTab();
11153                    setTimeout(function() {
11154                        var a = b.getInputElement();
11155                        a && a.$.focus()
11156                    }, 0)
11157                },
11158                select: function() {
11159                    var b = this.selectParentTab();
11160                    setTimeout(function() {
11161                        var a = b.getInputElement();
11162                        a && (a.$.focus(), a.$.select())
11163                    }, 0)
11164                },
11165                accessKeyUp: function() {
11166                    this.select()
11167                },
11168                setValue: function(b) {
11169                    if (this.bidi) {
11170                        var a = b && b.charAt(0);
11171                        (a = "‪" == a ? "ltr" : "‫" == a ? "rtl" : null) && (b = b.slice(1));
11172                        this.setDirectionMarker(a)
11173                    }
11174                    b || (b = "");
11175                    return CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.setValue.apply(this, arguments)
11176                },
11177                getValue: function() {
11178                    var b = CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype.getValue.call(this);
11179                    if (this.bidi && b) {
11180                        var a = this.getDirectionMarker();
11181                        a && (b = ("ltr" == a ? "‪" : "‫") + b)
11182                    }
11183                    return b
11184                },
11185                setDirectionMarker: function(b) {
11186                    var a = this.getInputElement();
11187                    b ? a.setAttributes({
11188                        dir: b,
11189                        "data-cke-dir-marker": b
11190                    }) : this.getDirectionMarker() && a.removeAttributes(["dir", "data-cke-dir-marker"])
11191                },
11192                getDirectionMarker: function() {
11193                    return this.getInputElement().data("cke-dir-marker")
11194                },
11195                keyboardFocusable: !0
11196            }, q, !0);
11197            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textarea.prototype =
11198                new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.textInput;
11199            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.select.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement, {
11200                getInputElement: function() {
11201                    return this._.select.getElement()
11202                },
11203                add: function(b, a, d) {
11204                    var f = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("option", this.getDialog().getParentEditor().document),
11205                        c = this.getInputElement().$;
11206                    f.$.text = b;
11207                    f.$.value = void 0 === a || null === a ? b : a;
11208                    void 0 === d || null === d ? CKEDITOR.env.ie ? c.add(f.$) : c.add(f.$, null) : c.add(f.$, d);
11209                    return this
11210                },
11211                remove: function(b) {
11212                    this.getInputElement().$.remove(b);
11213                    return this
11214                },
11215                clear: function() {
11216                    for (var b = this.getInputElement().$; 0 < b.length;) b.remove(0);
11217                    return this
11218                },
11219                keyboardFocusable: !0
11220            }, q, !0);
11221            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.checkbox.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
11222                getInputElement: function() {
11223                    return this._.checkbox.getElement()
11224                },
11225                setValue: function(b, a) {
11226                    this.getInputElement().$.checked = b;
11227                    !a && this.fire("change", {
11228                        value: b
11229                    })
11230                },
11231                getValue: function() {
11232                    return this.getInputElement().$.checked
11233                },
11234                accessKeyUp: function() {
11235                    this.setValue(!this.getValue())
11236                },
11237                eventProcessors: {
11238                    onChange: function(b,
11239                        a) {
11240                        if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie || 8 < CKEDITOR.env.version) return r.onChange.apply(this, arguments);
11241                        b.on("load", function() {
11242                            var a = this._.checkbox.getElement();
11243                            a.on("propertychange", function(b) {
11244                                b = b.data.$;
11245                                "checked" == b.propertyName && this.fire("change", {
11246                                    value: a.$.checked
11247                                })
11248                            }, this)
11249                        }, this);
11250                        this.on("change", a);
11251                        return null
11252                    }
11253                },
11254                keyboardFocusable: !0
11255            }, q, !0);
11256            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.radio.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
11257                setValue: function(b, a) {
11258                    for (var d = this._.children, f, c = 0; c < d.length && (f = d[c]); c++) f.getElement().$.checked =
11259                        f.getValue() == b;
11260                    !a && this.fire("change", {
11261                        value: b
11262                    })
11263                },
11264                getValue: function() {
11265                    for (var b = this._.children, a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
11266                        if (b[a].getElement().$.checked) return b[a].getValue();
11267                    return null
11268                },
11269                accessKeyUp: function() {
11270                    var b = this._.children,
11271                        a;
11272                    for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++)
11273                        if (b[a].getElement().$.checked) {
11274                            b[a].getElement().focus();
11275                            return
11276                        } b[0].getElement().focus()
11277                },
11278                eventProcessors: {
11279                    onChange: function(b, a) {
11280                        if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie || 8 < CKEDITOR.env.version) return r.onChange.apply(this, arguments);
11281                        b.on("load", function() {
11282                            for (var a =
11283                                    this._.children, b = this, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c].getElement().on("propertychange", function(a) {
11284                                a = a.data.$;
11285                                "checked" == a.propertyName && this.$.checked && b.fire("change", {
11286                                    value: this.getAttribute("value")
11287                                })
11288                            })
11289                        }, this);
11290                        this.on("change", a);
11291                        return null
11292                    }
11293                }
11294            }, q, !0);
11295            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.file.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.labeledElement, q, {
11296                getInputElement: function() {
11297                    var b = CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.frameId).getFrameDocument();
11298                    return 0 < b.$.forms.length ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(b.$.forms[0].elements[0]) :
11299                        this.getElement()
11300                },
11301                submit: function() {
11302                    this.getInputElement().getParent().$.submit();
11303                    return this
11304                },
11305                getAction: function() {
11306                    return this.getInputElement().getParent().$.action
11307                },
11308                registerEvents: function(b) {
11309                    var a = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
11310                        d, f = function(a, b, c, d) {
11311                            a.on("formLoaded", function() {
11312                                a.getInputElement().on(c, d, a)
11313                            })
11314                        },
11315                        c;
11316                    for (c in b)
11317                        if (d = c.match(a)) this.eventProcessors[c] ? this.eventProcessors[c].call(this, this._.dialog, b[c]) : f(this, this._.dialog, d[1].toLowerCase(), b[c]);
11318                    return this
11319                },
11320                reset: function() {
11321                    function b() {
11322                        d.$.open();
11323                        var b = "";
11324                        f.size && (b = f.size - (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 7 : 0));
11325                        var h = a.frameId + "_input";
11326                        d.$.write(['\x3chtml dir\x3d"' + g + '" lang\x3d"' + k + '"\x3e\x3chead\x3e\x3ctitle\x3e\x3c/title\x3e\x3c/head\x3e\x3cbody style\x3d"margin: 0; overflow: hidden; background: transparent;"\x3e', '\x3cform enctype\x3d"multipart/form-data" method\x3d"POST" dir\x3d"' + g + '" lang\x3d"' + k + '" action\x3d"', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(f.action), '"\x3e\x3clabel id\x3d"', a.labelId, '" for\x3d"', h, '" style\x3d"display:none"\x3e', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(f.label),
11327                            '\x3c/label\x3e\x3cinput style\x3d"width:100%" id\x3d"', h, '" aria-labelledby\x3d"', a.labelId, '" type\x3d"file" name\x3d"', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(f.id || "cke_upload"), '" size\x3d"', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(0 < b ? b : ""), '" /\x3e\x3c/form\x3e\x3c/body\x3e\x3c/html\x3e\x3cscript\x3e', CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();" : "", "window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" + e + ");", "window.onbeforeunload \x3d function() {window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" + m + ")}", "\x3c/script\x3e"
11328                        ].join(""));
11329                        d.$.close();
11330                        for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) c[b].enable()
11331                    }
11332                    var a = this._,
11333                        d = CKEDITOR.document.getById(a.frameId).getFrameDocument(),
11334                        f = a.definition,
11335                        c = a.buttons,
11336                        e = this.formLoadedNumber,
11337                        m = this.formUnloadNumber,
11338                        g = a.dialog._.editor.lang.dir,
11339                        k = a.dialog._.editor.langCode;
11340                    e || (e = this.formLoadedNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function() {
11341                        this.fire("formLoaded")
11342                    }, this), m = this.formUnloadNumber = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function() {
11343                        this.getInputElement().clearCustomData()
11344                    }, this), this.getDialog()._.editor.on("destroy", function() {
11345                        CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(e);
11346                        CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(m)
11347                    }));
11348                    CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? setTimeout(b, 500) : b()
11349                },
11350                getValue: function() {
11351                    return this.getInputElement().$.value || ""
11352                },
11353                setInitValue: function() {
11354                    this._.initValue = ""
11355                },
11356                eventProcessors: {
11357                    onChange: function(b, a) {
11358                        this._.domOnChangeRegistered || (this.on("formLoaded", function() {
11359                            this.getInputElement().on("change", function() {
11360                                this.fire("change", {
11361                                    value: this.getValue()
11362                                })
11363                            }, this)
11364                        }, this), this._.domOnChangeRegistered = !0);
11365                        this.on("change", a)
11366                    }
11367                },
11368                keyboardFocusable: !0
11369            }, !0);
11370            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fileButton.prototype =
11371                new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button;
11372            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.fieldset.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype);
11373            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("text", v);
11374            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("password", v);
11375            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("textarea", n);
11376            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("checkbox", n);
11377            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("radio", n);
11378            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("button", n);
11379            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("select", n);
11380            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("file", n);
11381            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("fileButton", n);
11382            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("html",
11383                n);
11384            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("fieldset", {
11385                build: function(b, a, d) {
11386                    for (var f = a.children, c, e = [], h = [], g = 0; g < f.length && (c = f[g]); g++) {
11387                        var k = [];
11388                        e.push(k);
11389                        h.push(CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders[c.type].build(b, c, k))
11390                    }
11391                    return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[a.type](b, h, e, d, a)
11392                }
11393            })
11394        }
11395    });
11402    (function() {
11403        function x() {
11404            for (var a = this._.tabIdList.length, b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this._.tabIdList, this._.currentTabId) + a, c = b - 1; c > b - a; c--)
11405                if (this._.tabs[this._.tabIdList[c % a]][0].$.offsetHeight) return this._.tabIdList[c % a];
11406            return null
11407        }
11409        function A() {
11410            for (var a = this._.tabIdList.length, b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this._.tabIdList, this._.currentTabId), c = b + 1; c < b + a; c++)
11411                if (this._.tabs[this._.tabIdList[c % a]][0].$.offsetHeight) return this._.tabIdList[c % a];
11412            return null
11413        }
11415        function K(a, b) {
11416            for (var c = a.$.getElementsByTagName("input"),
11417                    e = 0, d = c.length; e < d; e++) {
11418                var f = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c[e]);
11419                "text" == f.getAttribute("type").toLowerCase() && (b ? (f.setAttribute("value", f.getCustomData("fake_value") || ""), f.removeCustomData("fake_value")) : (f.setCustomData("fake_value", f.getAttribute("value")), f.setAttribute("value", "")))
11420            }
11421        }
11423        function T(a, b) {
11424            var c = this.getInputElement();
11425            c && (a ? c.removeAttribute("aria-invalid") : c.setAttribute("aria-invalid", !0));
11426            a || (this.select ? this.select() : this.focus());
11427            b && alert(b);
11428            this.fire("validated", {
11429                valid: a,
11430                msg: b
11431            })
11432        }
11434        function U() {
11435            var a = this.getInputElement();
11436            a && a.removeAttribute("aria-invalid")
11437        }
11439        function V(a) {
11440            var b = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(CKEDITOR.addTemplate("dialog", W).output({
11441                    id: CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
11442                    editorId: a.id,
11443                    langDir: a.lang.dir,
11444                    langCode: a.langCode,
11445                    editorDialogClass: "cke_editor_" + a.name.replace(/\./g, "\\.") + "_dialog",
11446                    closeTitle: a.lang.common.close,
11447                    hidpi: CKEDITOR.env.hidpi ? "cke_hidpi" : ""
11448                })),
11449                c = b.getChild([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
11450                e = c.getChild(0),
11451                d = c.getChild(1);
11452            a.plugins.clipboard && CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.preventDefaultDropOnElement(c);
11453            !CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.quirks || CKEDITOR.env.edge || (a = "javascript:void(function(){" + encodeURIComponent("document.open();(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();document.close();") + "}())", CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3ciframe frameBorder\x3d"0" class\x3d"cke_iframe_shim" src\x3d"' + a + '" tabIndex\x3d"-1"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e').appendTo(c.getParent()));
11454            e.unselectable();
11455            d.unselectable();
11456            return {
11457                element: b,
11458                parts: {
11459                    dialog: b.getChild(0),
11460                    title: e,
11461                    close: d,
11462                    tabs: c.getChild(2),
11463                    contents: c.getChild([3, 0, 0, 0]),
11464                    footer: c.getChild([3, 0, 1, 0])
11465                }
11466            }
11467        }
11469        function L(a, b, c) {
11470            this.element = b;
11471            this.focusIndex = c;
11472            this.tabIndex = 0;
11473            this.isFocusable = function() {
11474                return !b.getAttribute("disabled") && b.isVisible()
11475            };
11476            this.focus = function() {
11477                a._.currentFocusIndex = this.focusIndex;
11478                this.element.focus()
11479            };
11480            b.on("keydown", function(a) {
11481                a.data.getKeystroke() in {
11482                    32: 1,
11483                    13: 1
11484                } && this.fire("click")
11485            });
11486            b.on("focus", function() {
11487                this.fire("mouseover")
11488            });
11489            b.on("blur", function() {
11490                this.fire("mouseout")
11491            })
11492        }
11494        function X(a) {
11495            function b() {
11496                a.layout()
11497            }
11498            var c = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
11499            c.on("resize", b);
11500            a.on("hide", function() {
11501                c.removeListener("resize", b)
11502            })
11503        }
11505        function M(a, b) {
11506            this._ = {
11507                dialog: a
11508            };
11509            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, b)
11510        }
11512        function Y(a) {
11513            function b(b) {
11514                var c = a.getSize(),
11515                    k = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize(),
11516                    q = b.data.$.screenX,
11517                    n = b.data.$.screenY,
11518                    r = q - e.x,
11519                    l = n - e.y;
11520                e = {
11521                    x: q,
11522                    y: n
11523                };
11524                d.x += r;
11525                d.y += l;
11526                a.move(d.x + h[3] < g ? -h[3] : d.x - h[1] > k.width - c.width - g ? k.width - c.width + ("rtl" == f.lang.dir ? 0 : h[1]) : d.x, d.y + h[0] < g ? -h[0] : d.y - h[2] > k.height - c.height - g ? k.height - c.height + h[2] : d.y, 1);
11527                b.data.preventDefault()
11528            }
11530            function c() {
11531                CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mousemove", b);
11532                CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mouseup", c);
11533                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) {
11534                    var a = u.getChild(0).getFrameDocument();
11535                    a.removeListener("mousemove", b);
11536                    a.removeListener("mouseup", c)
11537                }
11538            }
11539            var e = null,
11540                d = null,
11541                f = a.getParentEditor(),
11542                g = f.config.dialog_magnetDistance,
11543                h = CKEDITOR.skin.margins || [0, 0, 0, 0];
11544            "undefined" == typeof g && (g = 20);
11545            a.parts.title.on("mousedown", function(g) {
11546                e = {
11547                    x: g.data.$.screenX,
11548                    y: g.data.$.screenY
11549                };
11550                CKEDITOR.document.on("mousemove", b);
11551                CKEDITOR.document.on("mouseup",
11552                    c);
11553                d = a.getPosition();
11554                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) {
11555                    var f = u.getChild(0).getFrameDocument();
11556                    f.on("mousemove", b);
11557                    f.on("mouseup", c)
11558                }
11559                g.data.preventDefault()
11560            }, a)
11561        }
11563        function Z(a) {
11564            function b(b) {
11565                var c = "rtl" == f.lang.dir,
11566                    n = k.width,
11567                    q = k.height,
11568                    G = n + (b.data.$.screenX - m.x) * (c ? -1 : 1) * (a._.moved ? 1 : 2),
11569                    H = q + (b.data.$.screenY - m.y) * (a._.moved ? 1 : 2),
11570                    B = a._.element.getFirst(),
11571                    B = c && B.getComputedStyle("right"),
11572                    C = a.getPosition();
11573                C.y + H > p.height && (H = p.height - C.y);
11574                (c ? B : C.x) + G > p.width && (G = p.width - (c ? B : C.x));
11575                if (d == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_WIDTH ||
11576                    d == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH) n = Math.max(e.minWidth || 0, G - g);
11577                if (d == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_HEIGHT || d == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH) q = Math.max(e.minHeight || 0, H - h);
11578                a.resize(n, q);
11579                a._.moved || a.layout();
11580                b.data.preventDefault()
11581            }
11583            function c() {
11584                CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mouseup", c);
11585                CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mousemove", b);
11586                q && (q.remove(), q = null);
11587                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) {
11588                    var a = u.getChild(0).getFrameDocument();
11589                    a.removeListener("mouseup", c);
11590                    a.removeListener("mousemove", b)
11591                }
11592            }
11593            var e = a.definition,
11594                d = e.resizable;
11595            if (d != CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_NONE) {
11596                var f = a.getParentEditor(),
11597                    g, h, p, m, k, q, n = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(d) {
11598                        k = a.getSize();
11599                        var e = a.parts.contents;
11600                        e.$.getElementsByTagName("iframe").length && (q = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_dialog_resize_cover" style\x3d"height: 100%; position: absolute; width: 100%;"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e'), e.append(q));
11601                        h = k.height - a.parts.contents.getSize("height", !(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks));
11602                        g = k.width - a.parts.contents.getSize("width",
11603                            1);
11604                        m = {
11605                            x: d.screenX,
11606                            y: d.screenY
11607                        };
11608                        p = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize();
11609                        CKEDITOR.document.on("mousemove", b);
11610                        CKEDITOR.document.on("mouseup", c);
11611                        CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat && (e = u.getChild(0).getFrameDocument(), e.on("mousemove", b), e.on("mouseup", c));
11612                        d.preventDefault && d.preventDefault()
11613                    });
11614                a.on("load", function() {
11615                    var b = "";
11616                    d == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_WIDTH ? b = " cke_resizer_horizontal" : d == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_HEIGHT && (b = " cke_resizer_vertical");
11617                    b = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_resizer' +
11618                        b + " cke_resizer_" + f.lang.dir + '" title\x3d"' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(f.lang.common.resize) + '" onmousedown\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + n + ', event )"\x3e' + ("ltr" == f.lang.dir ? "◢" : "◣") + "\x3c/div\x3e");
11619                    a.parts.footer.append(b, 1)
11620                });
11621                f.on("destroy", function() {
11622                    CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(n)
11623                })
11624            }
11625        }
11627        function I(a) {
11628            a.data.preventDefault(1)
11629        }
11631        function N(a) {
11632            var b = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(),
11633                c = a.config,
11634                e = CKEDITOR.skinName || a.config.skin,
11635                d = c.dialog_backgroundCoverColor || ("moono-lisa" == e ? "black" : "white"),
11636                e = c.dialog_backgroundCoverOpacity,
11637                f = c.baseFloatZIndex,
11638                c = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey(d, e, f),
11639                g = z[c];
11640            g ? g.show() : (f = ['\x3cdiv tabIndex\x3d"-1" style\x3d"position: ', CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? "absolute" : "fixed", "; z-index: ", f, "; top: 0px; left: 0px; ", CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? "" : "background-color: " + d, '" class\x3d"cke_dialog_background_cover"\x3e'], CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat && (d = "\x3chtml\x3e\x3cbody style\x3d\\'background-color:" + d + ";\\'\x3e\x3c/body\x3e\x3c/html\x3e", f.push('\x3ciframe hidefocus\x3d"true" frameborder\x3d"0" id\x3d"cke_dialog_background_iframe" src\x3d"javascript:'),
11641                    f.push("void((function(){" + encodeURIComponent("document.open();(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();document.write( '" + d + "' );document.close();") + "})())"), f.push('" style\x3d"position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:100%;height: 100%;filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity\x3d0)"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e')), f.push("\x3c/div\x3e"), g = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(f.join("")), g.setOpacity(void 0 !== e ? e : .5), g.on("keydown", I), g.on("keypress", I), g.on("keyup", I), g.appendTo(CKEDITOR.document.getBody()),
11642                z[c] = g);
11643            a.focusManager.add(g);
11644            u = g;
11645            a = function() {
11646                var a = b.getViewPaneSize();
11647                g.setStyles({
11648                    width: a.width + "px",
11649                    height: a.height + "px"
11650                })
11651            };
11652            var h = function() {
11653                var a = b.getScrollPosition(),
11654                    c = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;
11655                g.setStyles({
11656                    left: a.x + "px",
11657                    top: a.y + "px"
11658                });
11659                if (c) {
11660                    do a = c.getPosition(), c.move(a.x, a.y); while (c = c._.parentDialog)
11661                }
11662            };
11663            J = a;
11664            b.on("resize", a);
11665            a();
11666            CKEDITOR.env.mac && CKEDITOR.env.webkit || g.focus();
11667            if (CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) {
11668                var p = function() {
11669                    h();
11670                    arguments.callee.prevScrollHandler.apply(this, arguments)
11671                };
11672                b.$.setTimeout(function() {
11673                    p.prevScrollHandler =
11674                        window.onscroll || function() {};
11675                    window.onscroll = p
11676                }, 0);
11677                h()
11678            }
11679        }
11681        function O(a) {
11682            u && (a.focusManager.remove(u), a = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(), u.hide(), a.removeListener("resize", J), CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat && a.$.setTimeout(function() {
11683                window.onscroll = window.onscroll && window.onscroll.prevScrollHandler || null
11684            }, 0), J = null)
11685        }
11686        var v = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength,
11687            W = '\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_reset_all {editorId} {editorDialogClass} {hidpi}" dir\x3d"{langDir}" lang\x3d"{langCode}" role\x3d"dialog" aria-labelledby\x3d"cke_dialog_title_{id}"\x3e\x3ctable class\x3d"cke_dialog ' +
11688            CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + ' cke_{langDir}" style\x3d"position:absolute" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_dialog_body" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3cdiv id\x3d"cke_dialog_title_{id}" class\x3d"cke_dialog_title" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3ca id\x3d"cke_dialog_close_button_{id}" class\x3d"cke_dialog_close_button" href\x3d"javascript:void(0)" title\x3d"{closeTitle}" role\x3d"button"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_label"\x3eX\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/a\x3e\x3cdiv id\x3d"cke_dialog_tabs_{id}" class\x3d"cke_dialog_tabs" role\x3d"tablist"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3ctable class\x3d"cke_dialog_contents" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd id\x3d"cke_dialog_contents_{id}" class\x3d"cke_dialog_contents_body" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd id\x3d"cke_dialog_footer_{id}" class\x3d"cke_dialog_footer" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/table\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/table\x3e\x3c/div\x3e';
11689        CKEDITOR.dialog = function(a, b) {
11690            function c() {
11691                var a = l._.focusList;
11692                a.sort(function(a, b) {
11693                    return a.tabIndex != b.tabIndex ? b.tabIndex - a.tabIndex : a.focusIndex - b.focusIndex
11694                });
11695                for (var b = a.length, c = 0; c < b; c++) a[c].focusIndex = c
11696            }
11698            function e(a) {
11699                var b = l._.focusList;
11700                a = a || 0;
11701                if (!(1 > b.length)) {
11702                    var c = l._.currentFocusIndex;
11703                    l._.tabBarMode && 0 > a && (c = 0);
11704                    try {
11705                        b[c].getInputElement().$.blur()
11706                    } catch (d) {}
11707                    var e = c,
11708                        g = 1 < l._.pageCount;
11709                    do {
11710                        e += a;
11711                        if (g && !l._.tabBarMode && (e == b.length || -1 == e)) {
11712                            l._.tabBarMode = !0;
11713                            l._.tabs[l._.currentTabId][0].focus();
11714                            l._.currentFocusIndex = -1;
11715                            return
11716                        }
11717                        e = (e + b.length) % b.length;
11718                        if (e == c) break
11719                    } while (a && !b[e].isFocusable());
11720                    b[e].focus();
11721                    "text" == b[e].type && b[e].select()
11722                }
11723            }
11725            function d(b) {
11726                if (l == CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop) {
11727                    var c = b.data.getKeystroke(),
11728                        d = "rtl" == a.lang.dir,
11729                        g = [37, 38, 39, 40];
11730                    q = n = 0;
11731                    if (9 == c || c == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9) e(c == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 ? -1 : 1), q = 1;
11732                    else if (c == CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 && !l._.tabBarMode && 1 < l.getPageCount()) l._.tabBarMode = !0, l._.tabs[l._.currentTabId][0].focus(), l._.currentFocusIndex = -1, q = 1;
11733                    else if (-1 != CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(g,
11734                            c) && l._.tabBarMode) c = -1 != CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf([d ? 39 : 37, 38], c) ? x.call(l) : A.call(l), l.selectPage(c), l._.tabs[c][0].focus(), q = 1;
11735                    else if (13 != c && 32 != c || !l._.tabBarMode)
11736                        if (13 == c) c = b.data.getTarget(), c.is("a", "button", "select", "textarea") || c.is("input") && "button" == c.$.type || ((c = this.getButton("ok")) && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(c.click, 0, c), q = 1), n = 1;
11737                        else if (27 == c)(c = this.getButton("cancel")) ? CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(c.click, 0, c) : !1 !== this.fire("cancel", {
11738                        hide: !0
11739                    }).hide && this.hide(), n = 1;
11740                    else return;
11741                    else this.selectPage(this._.currentTabId),
11742                        this._.tabBarMode = !1, this._.currentFocusIndex = -1, e(1), q = 1;
11743                    f(b)
11744                }
11745            }
11747            function f(a) {
11748                q ? a.data.preventDefault(1) : n && a.data.stopPropagation()
11749            }
11750            var g = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[b],
11751                h = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(aa),
11752                p = a.config.dialog_buttonsOrder || "OS",
11753                m = a.lang.dir,
11754                k = {},
11755                q, n;
11756            ("OS" == p && CKEDITOR.env.mac || "rtl" == p && "ltr" == m || "ltr" == p && "rtl" == m) && h.buttons.reverse();
11757            g = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(g(a), h);
11758            g = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(g);
11759            g = new P(this, g);
11760            h = V(a);
11761            this._ = {
11762                editor: a,
11763                element: h.element,
11764                name: b,
11765                contentSize: {
11766                    width: 0,
11767                    height: 0
11768                },
11769                size: {
11770                    width: 0,
11771                    height: 0
11772                },
11773                contents: {},
11774                buttons: {},
11775                accessKeyMap: {},
11776                tabs: {},
11777                tabIdList: [],
11778                currentTabId: null,
11779                currentTabIndex: null,
11780                pageCount: 0,
11781                lastTab: null,
11782                tabBarMode: !1,
11783                focusList: [],
11784                currentFocusIndex: 0,
11785                hasFocus: !1
11786            };
11787            this.parts = h.parts;
11788            CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
11789                a.fire("ariaWidget", this.parts.contents)
11790            }, 0, this);
11791            h = {
11792                position: CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? "absolute" : "fixed",
11793                top: 0,
11794                visibility: "hidden"
11795            };
11796            h["rtl" == m ? "right" : "left"] = 0;
11797            this.parts.dialog.setStyles(h);
11798            CKEDITOR.event.call(this);
11799            this.definition = g = CKEDITOR.fire("dialogDefinition", {
11800                name: b,
11801                definition: g
11802            }, a).definition;
11803            if (!("removeDialogTabs" in a._) && a.config.removeDialogTabs) {
11804                h = a.config.removeDialogTabs.split(";");
11805                for (m = 0; m < h.length; m++)
11806                    if (p = h[m].split(":"), 2 == p.length) {
11807                        var r = p[0];
11808                        k[r] || (k[r] = []);
11809                        k[r].push(p[1])
11810                    } a._.removeDialogTabs = k
11811            }
11812            if (a._.removeDialogTabs && (k = a._.removeDialogTabs[b]))
11813                for (m = 0; m < k.length; m++) g.removeContents(k[m]);
11814            if (g.onLoad) this.on("load", g.onLoad);
11815            if (g.onShow) this.on("show", g.onShow);
11816            if (g.onHide) this.on("hide", g.onHide);
11817            if (g.onOk) this.on("ok", function(b) {
11818                a.fire("saveSnapshot");
11819                setTimeout(function() {
11820                    a.fire("saveSnapshot")
11821                }, 0);
11822                !1 === g.onOk.call(this, b) && (b.data.hide = !1)
11823            });
11824            this.state = CKEDITOR.DIALOG_STATE_IDLE;
11825            if (g.onCancel) this.on("cancel", function(a) {
11826                !1 === g.onCancel.call(this, a) && (a.data.hide = !1)
11827            });
11828            var l = this,
11829                t = function(a) {
11830                    var b = l._.contents,
11831                        c = !1,
11832                        d;
11833                    for (d in b)
11834                        for (var e in b[d])
11835                            if (c = a.call(this, b[d][e])) return
11836                };
11837            this.on("ok", function(a) {
11838                t(function(b) {
11839                    if (b.validate) {
11840                        var c = b.validate(this),
11841                            d = "string" == typeof c || !1 === c;
11842                        d && (a.data.hide = !1, a.stop());
11843                        T.call(b, !d, "string" == typeof c ?
11844                            c : void 0);
11845                        return d
11846                    }
11847                })
11848            }, this, null, 0);
11849            this.on("cancel", function(b) {
11850                t(function(c) {
11851                    if (c.isChanged()) return a.config.dialog_noConfirmCancel || confirm(a.lang.common.confirmCancel) || (b.data.hide = !1), !0
11852                })
11853            }, this, null, 0);
11854            this.parts.close.on("click", function(a) {
11855                !1 !== this.fire("cancel", {
11856                    hide: !0
11857                }).hide && this.hide();
11858                a.data.preventDefault()
11859            }, this);
11860            this.changeFocus = e;
11861            var y = this._.element;
11862            a.focusManager.add(y, 1);
11863            this.on("show", function() {
11864                y.on("keydown", d, this);
11865                if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko) y.on("keypress", f, this)
11866            });
11867            this.on("hide",
11868                function() {
11869                    y.removeListener("keydown", d);
11870                    CKEDITOR.env.gecko && y.removeListener("keypress", f);
11871                    t(function(a) {
11872                        U.apply(a)
11873                    })
11874                });
11875            this.on("iframeAdded", function(a) {
11876                (new CKEDITOR.dom.document(a.data.iframe.$.contentWindow.document)).on("keydown", d, this, null, 0)
11877            });
11878            this.on("show", function() {
11879                c();
11880                var b = 1 < l._.pageCount;
11881                a.config.dialog_startupFocusTab && b ? (l._.tabBarMode = !0, l._.tabs[l._.currentTabId][0].focus(), l._.currentFocusIndex = -1) : this._.hasFocus || (this._.currentFocusIndex = b ? -1 : this._.focusList.length - 1, g.onFocus ?
11882                    (b = g.onFocus.call(this)) && b.focus() : e(1))
11883            }, this, null, 4294967295);
11884            if (CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) this.on("load", function() {
11885                var a = this.getElement(),
11886                    b = a.getFirst();
11887                b.remove();
11888                b.appendTo(a)
11889            }, this);
11890            Y(this);
11891            Z(this);
11892            (new CKEDITOR.dom.text(g.title, CKEDITOR.document)).appendTo(this.parts.title);
11893            for (m = 0; m < g.contents.length; m++)(k = g.contents[m]) && this.addPage(k);
11894            this.parts.tabs.on("click", function(a) {
11895                var b = a.data.getTarget();
11896                b.hasClass("cke_dialog_tab") && (b = b.$.id, this.selectPage(b.substring(4, b.lastIndexOf("_"))),
11897                    this._.tabBarMode && (this._.tabBarMode = !1, this._.currentFocusIndex = -1, e(1)), a.data.preventDefault())
11898            }, this);
11899            m = [];
11900            k = CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.hbox.build(this, {
11901                type: "hbox",
11902                className: "cke_dialog_footer_buttons",
11903                widths: [],
11904                children: g.buttons
11905            }, m).getChild();
11906            this.parts.footer.setHtml(m.join(""));
11907            for (m = 0; m < k.length; m++) this._.buttons[k[m].id] = k[m]
11908        };
11909        CKEDITOR.dialog.prototype = {
11910            destroy: function() {
11911                this.hide();
11912                this._.element.remove()
11913            },
11914            resize: function() {
11915                return function(a, b) {
11916                    this._.contentSize && this._.contentSize.width ==
11917                        a && this._.contentSize.height == b || (CKEDITOR.dialog.fire("resize", {
11918                            dialog: this,
11919                            width: a,
11920                            height: b
11921                        }, this._.editor), this.fire("resize", {
11922                            width: a,
11923                            height: b
11924                        }, this._.editor), this.parts.contents.setStyles({
11925                            width: a + "px",
11926                            height: b + "px"
11927                        }), "rtl" == this._.editor.lang.dir && this._.position && (this._.position.x = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize().width - this._.contentSize.width - parseInt(this._.element.getFirst().getStyle("right"), 10)), this._.contentSize = {
11928                            width: a,
11929                            height: b
11930                        })
11931                }
11932            }(),
11933            getSize: function() {
11934                var a = this._.element.getFirst();
11935                return {
11936                    width: a.$.offsetWidth || 0,
11937                    height: a.$.offsetHeight || 0
11938                }
11939            },
11940            move: function(a, b, c) {
11941                var e = this._.element.getFirst(),
11942                    d = "rtl" == this._.editor.lang.dir,
11943                    f = "fixed" == e.getComputedStyle("position");
11944                CKEDITOR.env.ie && e.setStyle("zoom", "100%");
11945                f && this._.position && this._.position.x == a && this._.position.y == b || (this._.position = {
11946                        x: a,
11947                        y: b
11948                    }, f || (f = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition(), a += f.x, b += f.y), d && (f = this.getSize(), a = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize().width - f.width - a), b = {
11949                        top: (0 < b ? b : 0) + "px"
11950                    },
11951                    b[d ? "right" : "left"] = (0 < a ? a : 0) + "px", e.setStyles(b), c && (this._.moved = 1))
11952            },
11953            getPosition: function() {
11954                return CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, this._.position)
11955            },
11956            show: function() {
11957                var a = this._.element,
11958                    b = this.definition;
11959                a.getParent() && a.getParent().equals(CKEDITOR.document.getBody()) ? a.setStyle("display", "block") : a.appendTo(CKEDITOR.document.getBody());
11960                this.resize(this._.contentSize && this._.contentSize.width || b.width || b.minWidth, this._.contentSize && this._.contentSize.height || b.height || b.minHeight);
11961                this.reset();
11962                null ===
11963                    this._.currentTabId && this.selectPage(this.definition.contents[0].id);
11964                null === CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex && (CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex = this._.editor.config.baseFloatZIndex);
11965                this._.element.getFirst().setStyle("z-index", CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex += 10);
11966                null === CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop ? (CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop = this, this._.parentDialog = null, N(this._.editor)) : (this._.parentDialog = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop, this._.parentDialog.getElement().getFirst().$.style.zIndex -= Math.floor(this._.editor.config.baseFloatZIndex /
11967                    2), CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop = this);
11968                a.on("keydown", Q);
11969                a.on("keyup", R);
11970                this._.hasFocus = !1;
11971                for (var c in b.contents)
11972                    if (b.contents[c]) {
11973                        var a = b.contents[c],
11974                            e = this._.tabs[a.id],
11975                            d = a.requiredContent,
11976                            f = 0;
11977                        if (e) {
11978                            for (var g in this._.contents[a.id]) {
11979                                var h = this._.contents[a.id][g];
11980                                "hbox" != h.type && "vbox" != h.type && h.getInputElement() && (h.requiredContent && !this._.editor.activeFilter.check(h.requiredContent) ? h.disable() : (h.enable(), f++))
11981                            }!f || d && !this._.editor.activeFilter.check(d) ? e[0].addClass("cke_dialog_tab_disabled") :
11982                                e[0].removeClass("cke_dialog_tab_disabled")
11983                        }
11984                    } CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
11985                    this.layout();
11986                    X(this);
11987                    this.parts.dialog.setStyle("visibility", "");
11988                    this.fireOnce("load", {});
11989                    CKEDITOR.ui.fire("ready", this);
11990                    this.fire("show", {});
11991                    this._.editor.fire("dialogShow", this);
11992                    this._.parentDialog || this._.editor.focusManager.lock();
11993                    this.foreach(function(a) {
11994                        a.setInitValue && a.setInitValue()
11995                    })
11996                }, 100, this)
11997            },
11998            layout: function() {
11999                var a = this.parts.dialog,
12000                    b = this.getSize(),
12001                    c = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getViewPaneSize(),
12002                    e =
12003                    (c.width - b.width) / 2,
12004                    d = (c.height - b.height) / 2;
12005                CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat || (b.height + (0 < d ? d : 0) > c.height || b.width + (0 < e ? e : 0) > c.width ? a.setStyle("position", "absolute") : a.setStyle("position", "fixed"));
12006                this.move(this._.moved ? this._.position.x : e, this._.moved ? this._.position.y : d)
12007            },
12008            foreach: function(a) {
12009                for (var b in this._.contents)
12010                    for (var c in this._.contents[b]) a.call(this, this._.contents[b][c]);
12011                return this
12012            },
12013            reset: function() {
12014                var a = function(a) {
12015                    a.reset && a.reset(1)
12016                };
12017                return function() {
12018                    this.foreach(a);
12019                    return this
12020                }
12021            }(),
12022            setupContent: function() {
12023                var a = arguments;
12024                this.foreach(function(b) {
12025                    b.setup && b.setup.apply(b, a)
12026                })
12027            },
12028            commitContent: function() {
12029                var a = arguments;
12030                this.foreach(function(b) {
12031                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && this._.currentFocusIndex == b.focusIndex && b.getInputElement().$.blur();
12032                    b.commit && b.commit.apply(b, a)
12033                })
12034            },
12035            hide: function() {
12036                if (this.parts.dialog.isVisible()) {
12037                    this.fire("hide", {});
12038                    this._.editor.fire("dialogHide", this);
12039                    this.selectPage(this._.tabIdList[0]);
12040                    var a = this._.element;
12041                    a.setStyle("display", "none");
12042                    this.parts.dialog.setStyle("visibility",
12043                        "hidden");
12044                    for (ba(this); CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop != this;) CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop.hide();
12045                    if (this._.parentDialog) {
12046                        var b = this._.parentDialog.getElement().getFirst();
12047                        b.setStyle("z-index", parseInt(b.$.style.zIndex, 10) + Math.floor(this._.editor.config.baseFloatZIndex / 2))
12048                    } else O(this._.editor);
12049                    if (CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop = this._.parentDialog) CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex -= 10;
12050                    else {
12051                        CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentZIndex = null;
12052                        a.removeListener("keydown", Q);
12053                        a.removeListener("keyup", R);
12054                        var c = this._.editor;
12055                        c.focus();
12056                        setTimeout(function() {
12057                            c.focusManager.unlock();
12058                            CKEDITOR.env.iOS && c.window.focus()
12059                        }, 0)
12060                    }
12061                    delete this._.parentDialog;
12062                    this.foreach(function(a) {
12063                        a.resetInitValue && a.resetInitValue()
12064                    });
12065                    this.setState(CKEDITOR.DIALOG_STATE_IDLE)
12066                }
12067            },
12068            addPage: function(a) {
12069                if (!a.requiredContent || this._.editor.filter.check(a.requiredContent)) {
12070                    for (var b = [], c = a.label ? ' title\x3d"' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(a.label) + '"' : "", e = CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders.vbox.build(this, {
12071                            type: "vbox",
12072                            className: "cke_dialog_page_contents",
12073                            children: a.elements,
12074                            expand: !!a.expand,
12075                            padding: a.padding,
12076                            style: a.style || "width: 100%;"
12077                        }, b), d = this._.contents[a.id] = {}, f = e.getChild(), g = 0; e = f.shift();) e.notAllowed || "hbox" == e.type || "vbox" == e.type || g++, d[e.id] = e, "function" == typeof e.getChild && f.push.apply(f, e.getChild());
12078                    g || (a.hidden = !0);
12079                    b = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(b.join(""));
12080                    b.setAttribute("role", "tabpanel");
12081                    e = CKEDITOR.env;
12082                    d = "cke_" + a.id + "_" + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
12083                    c = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(['\x3ca class\x3d"cke_dialog_tab"',
12084                        0 < this._.pageCount ? " cke_last" : "cke_first", c, a.hidden ? ' style\x3d"display:none"' : "", ' id\x3d"', d, '"', e.gecko && !e.hc ? "" : ' href\x3d"javascript:void(0)"', ' tabIndex\x3d"-1" hidefocus\x3d"true" role\x3d"tab"\x3e', a.label, "\x3c/a\x3e"
12085                    ].join(""));
12086                    b.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", d);
12087                    this._.tabs[a.id] = [c, b];
12088                    this._.tabIdList.push(a.id);
12089                    !a.hidden && this._.pageCount++;
12090                    this._.lastTab = c;
12091                    this.updateStyle();
12092                    b.setAttribute("name", a.id);
12093                    b.appendTo(this.parts.contents);
12094                    c.unselectable();
12095                    this.parts.tabs.append(c);
12096                    a.accessKey &&
12097                        (S(this, this, "CTRL+" + a.accessKey, ca, da), this._.accessKeyMap["CTRL+" + a.accessKey] = a.id)
12098                }
12099            },
12100            selectPage: function(a) {
12101                if (this._.currentTabId != a && !this._.tabs[a][0].hasClass("cke_dialog_tab_disabled") && !1 !== this.fire("selectPage", {
12102                        page: a,
12103                        currentPage: this._.currentTabId
12104                    })) {
12105                    for (var b in this._.tabs) {
12106                        var c = this._.tabs[b][0],
12107                            e = this._.tabs[b][1];
12108                        b != a && (c.removeClass("cke_dialog_tab_selected"), e.hide());
12109                        e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", b != a)
12110                    }
12111                    var d = this._.tabs[a];
12112                    d[0].addClass("cke_dialog_tab_selected");
12113                    CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ||
12114                        CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ? (K(d[1]), d[1].show(), setTimeout(function() {
12115                            K(d[1], 1)
12116                        }, 0)) : d[1].show();
12117                    this._.currentTabId = a;
12118                    this._.currentTabIndex = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this._.tabIdList, a)
12119                }
12120            },
12121            updateStyle: function() {
12122                this.parts.dialog[(1 === this._.pageCount ? "add" : "remove") + "Class"]("cke_single_page")
12123            },
12124            hidePage: function(a) {
12125                var b = this._.tabs[a] && this._.tabs[a][0];
12126                b && 1 != this._.pageCount && b.isVisible() && (a == this._.currentTabId && this.selectPage(x.call(this)), b.hide(), this._.pageCount--, this.updateStyle())
12127            },
12128            showPage: function(a) {
12129                if (a =
12130                    this._.tabs[a] && this._.tabs[a][0]) a.show(), this._.pageCount++, this.updateStyle()
12131            },
12132            getElement: function() {
12133                return this._.element
12134            },
12135            getName: function() {
12136                return this._.name
12137            },
12138            getContentElement: function(a, b) {
12139                var c = this._.contents[a];
12140                return c && c[b]
12141            },
12142            getValueOf: function(a, b) {
12143                return this.getContentElement(a, b).getValue()
12144            },
12145            setValueOf: function(a, b, c) {
12146                return this.getContentElement(a, b).setValue(c)
12147            },
12148            getButton: function(a) {
12149                return this._.buttons[a]
12150            },
12151            click: function(a) {
12152                return this._.buttons[a].click()
12153            },
12154            disableButton: function(a) {
12155                return this._.buttons[a].disable()
12156            },
12157            enableButton: function(a) {
12158                return this._.buttons[a].enable()
12159            },
12160            getPageCount: function() {
12161                return this._.pageCount
12162            },
12163            getParentEditor: function() {
12164                return this._.editor
12165            },
12166            getSelectedElement: function() {
12167                return this.getParentEditor().getSelection().getSelectedElement()
12168            },
12169            addFocusable: function(a, b) {
12170                if ("undefined" == typeof b) b = this._.focusList.length, this._.focusList.push(new L(this, a, b));
12171                else {
12172                    this._.focusList.splice(b, 0, new L(this, a, b));
12173                    for (var c = b + 1; c < this._.focusList.length; c++) this._.focusList[c].focusIndex++
12174                }
12175            },
12176            setState: function(a) {
12177                if (this.state != a) {
12178                    this.state = a;
12179                    if (a == CKEDITOR.DIALOG_STATE_BUSY) {
12180                        if (!this.parts.spinner) {
12181                            var b = this.getParentEditor().lang.dir,
12182                                c = {
12183                                    attributes: {
12184                                        "class": "cke_dialog_spinner"
12185                                    },
12186                                    styles: {
12187                                        "float": "rtl" == b ? "right" : "left"
12188                                    }
12189                                };
12190                            c.styles["margin-" + ("rtl" == b ? "left" : "right")] = "8px";
12191                            this.parts.spinner = CKEDITOR.document.createElement("div", c);
12192                            this.parts.spinner.setHtml("\x26#8987;");
12193                            this.parts.spinner.appendTo(this.parts.title, 1)
12194                        }
12195                        this.parts.spinner.show();
12196                        this.getButton("ok").disable()
12197                    } else a ==
12198                        CKEDITOR.DIALOG_STATE_IDLE && (this.parts.spinner && this.parts.spinner.hide(), this.getButton("ok").enable());
12199                    this.fire("state", a)
12200                }
12201            }
12202        };
12203        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dialog, {
12204            add: function(a, b) {
12205                this._.dialogDefinitions[a] && "function" != typeof b || (this._.dialogDefinitions[a] = b)
12206            },
12207            exists: function(a) {
12208                return !!this._.dialogDefinitions[a]
12209            },
12210            getCurrent: function() {
12211                return CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop
12212            },
12213            isTabEnabled: function(a, b, c) {
12214                a = a.config.removeDialogTabs;
12215                return !(a && a.match(new RegExp("(?:^|;)" + b + ":" + c + "(?:$|;)",
12216                    "i")))
12217            },
12218            okButton: function() {
12219                var a = function(a, c) {
12220                    c = c || {};
12221                    return CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
12222                        id: "ok",
12223                        type: "button",
12224                        label: a.lang.common.ok,
12225                        "class": "cke_dialog_ui_button_ok",
12226                        onClick: function(a) {
12227                            a = a.data.dialog;
12228                            !1 !== a.fire("ok", {
12229                                hide: !0
12230                            }).hide && a.hide()
12231                        }
12232                    }, c, !0)
12233                };
12234                a.type = "button";
12235                a.override = function(b) {
12236                    return CKEDITOR.tools.extend(function(c) {
12237                        return a(c, b)
12238                    }, {
12239                        type: "button"
12240                    }, !0)
12241                };
12242                return a
12243            }(),
12244            cancelButton: function() {
12245                var a = function(a, c) {
12246                    c = c || {};
12247                    return CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
12248                        id: "cancel",
12249                        type: "button",
12250                        label: a.lang.common.cancel,
12251                        "class": "cke_dialog_ui_button_cancel",
12252                        onClick: function(a) {
12253                            a = a.data.dialog;
12254                            !1 !== a.fire("cancel", {
12255                                hide: !0
12256                            }).hide && a.hide()
12257                        }
12258                    }, c, !0)
12259                };
12260                a.type = "button";
12261                a.override = function(b) {
12262                    return CKEDITOR.tools.extend(function(c) {
12263                        return a(c, b)
12264                    }, {
12265                        type: "button"
12266                    }, !0)
12267                };
12268                return a
12269            }(),
12270            addUIElement: function(a, b) {
12271                this._.uiElementBuilders[a] = b
12272            }
12273        });
12274        CKEDITOR.dialog._ = {
12275            uiElementBuilders: {},
12276            dialogDefinitions: {},
12277            currentTop: null,
12278            currentZIndex: null
12279        };
12280        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(CKEDITOR.dialog);
12281        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(CKEDITOR.dialog.prototype);
12282        var aa = {
12283                resizable: CKEDITOR.DIALOG_RESIZE_BOTH,
12284                minWidth: 600,
12285                minHeight: 400,
12286                buttons: [CKEDITOR.dialog.okButton, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton]
12287            },
12288            D = function(a, b, c) {
12289                for (var e = 0, d; d = a[e]; e++)
12290                    if (d.id == b || c && d[c] && (d = D(d[c], b, c))) return d;
12291                return null
12292            },
12293            E = function(a, b, c, e, d) {
12294                if (c) {
12295                    for (var f = 0, g; g = a[f]; f++) {
12296                        if (g.id == c) return a.splice(f, 0, b), b;
12297                        if (e && g[e] && (g = E(g[e], b, c, e, !0))) return g
12298                    }
12299                    if (d) return null
12300                }
12301                a.push(b);
12302                return b
12303            },
12304            F = function(a, b, c) {
12305                for (var e = 0, d; d = a[e]; e++) {
12306                    if (d.id == b) return a.splice(e, 1);
12307                    if (c && d[c] && (d = F(d[c],
12308                            b, c))) return d
12309                }
12310                return null
12311            },
12312            P = function(a, b) {
12313                this.dialog = a;
12314                for (var c = b.contents, e = 0, d; d = c[e]; e++) c[e] = d && new M(a, d);
12315                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, b)
12316            };
12317        P.prototype = {
12318            getContents: function(a) {
12319                return D(this.contents, a)
12320            },
12321            getButton: function(a) {
12322                return D(this.buttons, a)
12323            },
12324            addContents: function(a, b) {
12325                return E(this.contents, a, b)
12326            },
12327            addButton: function(a, b) {
12328                return E(this.buttons, a, b)
12329            },
12330            removeContents: function(a) {
12331                F(this.contents, a)
12332            },
12333            removeButton: function(a) {
12334                F(this.buttons, a)
12335            }
12336        };
12337        M.prototype = {
12338            get: function(a) {
12339                return D(this.elements,
12340                    a, "children")
12341            },
12342            add: function(a, b) {
12343                return E(this.elements, a, b, "children")
12344            },
12345            remove: function(a) {
12346                F(this.elements, a, "children")
12347            }
12348        };
12349        var J, z = {},
12350            u, w = {},
12351            Q = function(a) {
12352                var b = a.data.$.ctrlKey || a.data.$.metaKey,
12353                    c = a.data.$.altKey,
12354                    e = a.data.$.shiftKey,
12355                    d = String.fromCharCode(a.data.$.keyCode);
12356                (b = w[(b ? "CTRL+" : "") + (c ? "ALT+" : "") + (e ? "SHIFT+" : "") + d]) && b.length && (b = b[b.length - 1], b.keydown && b.keydown.call(b.uiElement, b.dialog, b.key), a.data.preventDefault())
12357            },
12358            R = function(a) {
12359                var b = a.data.$.ctrlKey || a.data.$.metaKey,
12360                    c = a.data.$.altKey,
12361                    e = a.data.$.shiftKey,
12362                    d = String.fromCharCode(a.data.$.keyCode);
12363                (b = w[(b ? "CTRL+" : "") + (c ? "ALT+" : "") + (e ? "SHIFT+" : "") + d]) && b.length && (b = b[b.length - 1], b.keyup && (b.keyup.call(b.uiElement, b.dialog, b.key), a.data.preventDefault()))
12364            },
12365            S = function(a, b, c, e, d) {
12366                (w[c] || (w[c] = [])).push({
12367                    uiElement: a,
12368                    dialog: b,
12369                    key: c,
12370                    keyup: d || a.accessKeyUp,
12371                    keydown: e || a.accessKeyDown
12372                })
12373            },
12374            ba = function(a) {
12375                for (var b in w) {
12376                    for (var c = w[b], e = c.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) c[e].dialog != a && c[e].uiElement != a || c.splice(e, 1);
12377                    0 === c.length && delete w[b]
12378                }
12379            },
12380            da = function(a,
12381                b) {
12382                a._.accessKeyMap[b] && a.selectPage(a._.accessKeyMap[b])
12383            },
12384            ca = function() {};
12385        (function() {
12386            CKEDITOR.ui.dialog = {
12387                uiElement: function(a, b, c, e, d, f, g) {
12388                    if (!(4 > arguments.length)) {
12389                        var h = (e.call ? e(b) : e) || "div",
12390                            p = ["\x3c", h, " "],
12391                            m = (d && d.call ? d(b) : d) || {},
12392                            k = (f && f.call ? f(b) : f) || {},
12393                            q = (g && g.call ? g.call(this, a, b) : g) || "",
12394                            n = this.domId = k.id || CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_uiElement";
12395                        b.requiredContent && !a.getParentEditor().filter.check(b.requiredContent) && (m.display = "none", this.notAllowed = !0);
12396                        k.id = n;
12397                        var r = {};
12398                        b.type && (r["cke_dialog_ui_" +
12399                            b.type] = 1);
12400                        b.className && (r[b.className] = 1);
12401                        b.disabled && (r.cke_disabled = 1);
12402                        for (var l = k["class"] && k["class"].split ? k["class"].split(" ") : [], n = 0; n < l.length; n++) l[n] && (r[l[n]] = 1);
12403                        l = [];
12404                        for (n in r) l.push(n);
12405                        k["class"] = l.join(" ");
12406                        b.title && (k.title = b.title);
12407                        r = (b.style || "").split(";");
12408                        b.align && (l = b.align, m["margin-left"] = "left" == l ? 0 : "auto", m["margin-right"] = "right" == l ? 0 : "auto");
12409                        for (n in m) r.push(n + ":" + m[n]);
12410                        b.hidden && r.push("display:none");
12411                        for (n = r.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) "" === r[n] && r.splice(n, 1);
12412                        0 < r.length && (k.style =
12413                            (k.style ? k.style + "; " : "") + r.join("; "));
12414                        for (n in k) p.push(n + '\x3d"' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(k[n]) + '" ');
12415                        p.push("\x3e", q, "\x3c/", h, "\x3e");
12416                        c.push(p.join(""));
12417                        (this._ || (this._ = {})).dialog = a;
12418                        "boolean" == typeof b.isChanged && (this.isChanged = function() {
12419                            return b.isChanged
12420                        });
12421                        "function" == typeof b.isChanged && (this.isChanged = b.isChanged);
12422                        "function" == typeof b.setValue && (this.setValue = CKEDITOR.tools.override(this.setValue, function(a) {
12423                            return function(c) {
12424                                a.call(this, b.setValue.call(this, c))
12425                            }
12426                        }));
12427                        "function" == typeof b.getValue &&
12428                            (this.getValue = CKEDITOR.tools.override(this.getValue, function(a) {
12429                                return function() {
12430                                    return b.getValue.call(this, a.call(this))
12431                                }
12432                            }));
12433                        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(this);
12434                        this.registerEvents(b);
12435                        this.accessKeyUp && this.accessKeyDown && b.accessKey && S(this, a, "CTRL+" + b.accessKey);
12436                        var t = this;
12437                        a.on("load", function() {
12438                            var b = t.getInputElement();
12439                            if (b) {
12440                                var c = t.type in {
12441                                    checkbox: 1,
12442                                    ratio: 1
12443                                } && CKEDITOR.env.ie && 8 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? "cke_dialog_ui_focused" : "";
12444                                b.on("focus", function() {
12445                                    a._.tabBarMode = !1;
12446                                    a._.hasFocus = !0;
12447                                    t.fire("focus");
12448                                    c && this.addClass(c)
12449                                });
12450                                b.on("blur", function() {
12451                                    t.fire("blur");
12452                                    c && this.removeClass(c)
12453                                })
12454                            }
12455                        });
12456                        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, b);
12457                        this.keyboardFocusable && (this.tabIndex = b.tabIndex || 0, this.focusIndex = a._.focusList.push(this) - 1, this.on("focus", function() {
12458                            a._.currentFocusIndex = t.focusIndex
12459                        }))
12460                    }
12461                },
12462                hbox: function(a, b, c, e, d) {
12463                    if (!(4 > arguments.length)) {
12464                        this._ || (this._ = {});
12465                        var f = this._.children = b,
12466                            g = d && d.widths || null,
12467                            h = d && d.height || null,
12468                            p, m = {
12469                                role: "presentation"
12470                            };
12471                        d && d.align && (m.align = d.align);
12472                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this,
12473                            a, d || {
12474                                type: "hbox"
12475                            }, e, "table", {}, m,
12476                            function() {
12477                                var a = ['\x3ctbody\x3e\x3ctr class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_hbox"\x3e'];
12478                                for (p = 0; p < c.length; p++) {
12479                                    var b = "cke_dialog_ui_hbox_child",
12480                                        e = [];
12481                                    0 === p && (b = "cke_dialog_ui_hbox_first");
12482                                    p == c.length - 1 && (b = "cke_dialog_ui_hbox_last");
12483                                    a.push('\x3ctd class\x3d"', b, '" role\x3d"presentation" ');
12484                                    g ? g[p] && e.push("width:" + v(g[p])) : e.push("width:" + Math.floor(100 / c.length) + "%");
12485                                    h && e.push("height:" + v(h));
12486                                    d && void 0 !== d.padding && e.push("padding:" + v(d.padding));
12487                                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks &&
12488                                        f[p].align && e.push("text-align:" + f[p].align);
12489                                    0 < e.length && a.push('style\x3d"' + e.join("; ") + '" ');
12490                                    a.push("\x3e", c[p], "\x3c/td\x3e")
12491                                }
12492                                a.push("\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/tbody\x3e");
12493                                return a.join("")
12494                            })
12495                    }
12496                },
12497                vbox: function(a, b, c, e, d) {
12498                    if (!(3 > arguments.length)) {
12499                        this._ || (this._ = {});
12500                        var f = this._.children = b,
12501                            g = d && d.width || null,
12502                            h = d && d.heights || null;
12503                        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.call(this, a, d || {
12504                            type: "vbox"
12505                        }, e, "div", null, {
12506                            role: "presentation"
12507                        }, function() {
12508                            var b = ['\x3ctable role\x3d"presentation" cellspacing\x3d"0" border\x3d"0" '];
12509                            b.push('style\x3d"');
12510                            d && d.expand && b.push("height:100%;");
12511                            b.push("width:" + v(g || "100%"), ";");
12512                            CKEDITOR.env.webkit && b.push("float:none;");
12513                            b.push('"');
12514                            b.push('align\x3d"', CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(d && d.align || ("ltr" == a.getParentEditor().lang.dir ? "left" : "right")), '" ');
12515                            b.push("\x3e\x3ctbody\x3e");
12516                            for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) {
12517                                var k = [];
12518                                b.push('\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd role\x3d"presentation" ');
12519                                g && k.push("width:" + v(g || "100%"));
12520                                h ? k.push("height:" + v(h[e])) : d && d.expand && k.push("height:" + Math.floor(100 / c.length) + "%");
12521                                d && void 0 !== d.padding && k.push("padding:" + v(d.padding));
12522                                CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && f[e].align && k.push("text-align:" + f[e].align);
12523                                0 < k.length && b.push('style\x3d"', k.join("; "), '" ');
12524                                b.push(' class\x3d"cke_dialog_ui_vbox_child"\x3e', c[e], "\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e")
12525                            }
12526                            b.push("\x3c/tbody\x3e\x3c/table\x3e");
12527                            return b.join("")
12528                        })
12529                    }
12530                }
12531            }
12532        })();
12533        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.prototype = {
12534            getElement: function() {
12535                return CKEDITOR.document.getById(this.domId)
12536            },
12537            getInputElement: function() {
12538                return this.getElement()
12539            },
12540            getDialog: function() {
12541                return this._.dialog
12542            },
12543            setValue: function(a, b) {
12544                this.getInputElement().setValue(a);
12545                !b && this.fire("change", {
12546                    value: a
12547                });
12548                return this
12549            },
12550            getValue: function() {
12551                return this.getInputElement().getValue()
12552            },
12553            isChanged: function() {
12554                return !1
12555            },
12556            selectParentTab: function() {
12557                for (var a = this.getInputElement();
12558                    (a = a.getParent()) && -1 == a.$.className.search("cke_dialog_page_contents"););
12559                if (!a) return this;
12560                a = a.getAttribute("name");
12561                this._.dialog._.currentTabId != a && this._.dialog.selectPage(a);
12562                return this
12563            },
12564            focus: function() {
12565                this.selectParentTab().getInputElement().focus();
12566                return this
12567            },
12568            registerEvents: function(a) {
12569                var b = /^on([A-Z]\w+)/,
12570                    c, e = function(a, b, c, d) {
12571                        b.on("load", function() {
12572                            a.getInputElement().on(c, d, a)
12573                        })
12574                    },
12575                    d;
12576                for (d in a)
12577                    if (c = d.match(b)) this.eventProcessors[d] ? this.eventProcessors[d].call(this, this._.dialog, a[d]) : e(this, this._.dialog, c[1].toLowerCase(), a[d]);
12578                return this
12579            },
12580            eventProcessors: {
12581                onLoad: function(a, b) {
12582                    a.on("load", b, this)
12583                },
12584                onShow: function(a, b) {
12585                    a.on("show", b, this)
12586                },
12587                onHide: function(a, b) {
12588                    a.on("hide", b, this)
12589                }
12590            },
12591            accessKeyDown: function() {
12592                this.focus()
12593            },
12594            accessKeyUp: function() {},
12595            disable: function() {
12596                var a = this.getElement();
12597                this.getInputElement().setAttribute("disabled", "true");
12598                a.addClass("cke_disabled")
12599            },
12600            enable: function() {
12601                var a = this.getElement();
12602                this.getInputElement().removeAttribute("disabled");
12603                a.removeClass("cke_disabled")
12604            },
12605            isEnabled: function() {
12606                return !this.getElement().hasClass("cke_disabled")
12607            },
12608            isVisible: function() {
12609                return this.getInputElement().isVisible()
12610            },
12611            isFocusable: function() {
12612                return this.isEnabled() && this.isVisible() ? !0 : !1
12613            }
12614        };
12615        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement, {
12616            getChild: function(a) {
12617                if (1 > arguments.length) return this._.children.concat();
12618                a.splice || (a = [a]);
12619                return 2 > a.length ? this._.children[a[0]] : this._.children[a[0]] && this._.children[a[0]].getChild ? this._.children[a[0]].getChild(a.slice(1, a.length)) : null
12620            }
12621        }, !0);
12622        CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.vbox.prototype = new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.hbox;
12623        (function() {
12624            var a = {
12625                build: function(a, c, e) {
12626                    for (var d = c.children, f, g = [], h = [], p = 0; p < d.length && (f = d[p]); p++) {
12627                        var m = [];
12628                        g.push(m);
12629                        h.push(CKEDITOR.dialog._.uiElementBuilders[f.type].build(a, f, m))
12630                    }
12631                    return new CKEDITOR.ui.dialog[c.type](a,
12632                        h, g, e, c)
12633                }
12634            };
12635            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("hbox", a);
12636            CKEDITOR.dialog.addUIElement("vbox", a)
12637        })();
12638        CKEDITOR.dialogCommand = function(a, b) {
12639            this.dialogName = a;
12640            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, b, !0)
12641        };
12642        CKEDITOR.dialogCommand.prototype = {
12643            exec: function(a) {
12644                var b = this.tabId;
12645                a.openDialog(this.dialogName, function(a) {
12646                    b && a.selectPage(b)
12647                })
12648            },
12649            canUndo: !1,
12650            editorFocus: 1
12651        };
12652        (function() {
12653            var a = /^([a]|[^a])+$/,
12654                b = /^\d*$/,
12655                c = /^\d*(?:\.\d+)?$/,
12656                e = /^(((\d*(\.\d+))|(\d*))(px|\%)?)?$/,
12657                d = /^(((\d*(\.\d+))|(\d*))(px|em|ex|in|cm|mm|pt|pc|\%)?)?$/i,
12658                f = /^(\s*[\w-]+\s*:\s*[^:;]+(?:;|$))*$/;
12659            CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_OR = 1;
12660            CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND = 2;
12661            CKEDITOR.dialog.validate = {
12662                functions: function() {
12663                    var a = arguments;
12664                    return function() {
12665                        var b = this && this.getValue ? this.getValue() : a[0],
12666                            c, d = CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND,
12667                            e = [],
12668                            f;
12669                        for (f = 0; f < a.length; f++)
12670                            if ("function" == typeof a[f]) e.push(a[f]);
12671                            else break;
12672                        f < a.length && "string" == typeof a[f] && (c = a[f], f++);
12673                        f < a.length && "number" == typeof a[f] && (d = a[f]);
12674                        var n = d == CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND ? !0 : !1;
12675                        for (f = 0; f < e.length; f++) n = d == CKEDITOR.VALIDATE_AND ? n &&
12676                            e[f](b) : n || e[f](b);
12677                        return n ? !0 : c
12678                    }
12679                },
12680                regex: function(a, b) {
12681                    return function(c) {
12682                        c = this && this.getValue ? this.getValue() : c;
12683                        return a.test(c) ? !0 : b
12684                    }
12685                },
12686                notEmpty: function(b) {
12687                    return this.regex(a, b)
12688                },
12689                integer: function(a) {
12690                    return this.regex(b, a)
12691                },
12692                number: function(a) {
12693                    return this.regex(c, a)
12694                },
12695                cssLength: function(a) {
12696                    return this.functions(function(a) {
12697                        return d.test(CKEDITOR.tools.trim(a))
12698                    }, a)
12699                },
12700                htmlLength: function(a) {
12701                    return this.functions(function(a) {
12702                        return e.test(CKEDITOR.tools.trim(a))
12703                    }, a)
12704                },
12705                inlineStyle: function(a) {
12706                    return this.functions(function(a) {
12707                            return f.test(CKEDITOR.tools.trim(a))
12708                        },
12709                        a)
12710                },
12711                equals: function(a, b) {
12712                    return this.functions(function(b) {
12713                        return b == a
12714                    }, b)
12715                },
12716                notEqual: function(a, b) {
12717                    return this.functions(function(b) {
12718                        return b != a
12719                    }, b)
12720                }
12721            };
12722            CKEDITOR.on("instanceDestroyed", function(a) {
12723                if (CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(CKEDITOR.instances)) {
12724                    for (var b; b = CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop;) b.hide();
12725                    for (var c in z) z[c].remove();
12726                    z = {}
12727                }
12728                a = a.editor._.storedDialogs;
12729                for (var d in a) a[d].destroy()
12730            })
12731        })();
12732        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
12733            openDialog: function(a, b) {
12734                var c = null,
12735                    e = CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[a];
12736                null === CKEDITOR.dialog._.currentTop && N(this);
12737                if ("function" == typeof e) c = this._.storedDialogs || (this._.storedDialogs = {}), c = c[a] || (c[a] = new CKEDITOR.dialog(this, a)), b && b.call(c, c), c.show();
12738                else {
12739                    if ("failed" == e) throw O(this), Error('[CKEDITOR.dialog.openDialog] Dialog "' + a + '" failed when loading definition.');
12740                    "string" == typeof e && CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(e), function() {
12741                        "function" != typeof CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[a] && (CKEDITOR.dialog._.dialogDefinitions[a] = "failed");
12742                        this.openDialog(a,
12743                            b)
12744                    }, this, 0, 1)
12745                }
12746                CKEDITOR.skin.loadPart("dialog");
12747                return c
12748            }
12749        })
12750    })();
12751    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("dialog", {
12752        requires: "dialogui",
12753        init: function(x) {
12754            x.on("doubleclick", function(A) {
12755                A.data.dialog && x.openDialog(A.data.dialog)
12756            }, null, null, 999)
12757        }
12758    });
12759    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("about", {
12760        requires: "dialog",
12761        init: function(a) {
12762            var b = a.addCommand("about", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("about"));
12763            b.modes = {
12764                wysiwyg: 1,
12765                source: 1
12766            };
12767            b.canUndo = !1;
12768            b.readOnly = 1;
12769            a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("About", {
12770                label: a.lang.about.dlgTitle,
12771                command: "about",
12772                toolbar: "about"
12773            });
12774            CKEDITOR.dialog.add("about", this.path + "dialogs/about.js")
12775        }
12776    });
12777    (function() {
12778        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("a11yhelp", {
12779            requires: "dialog",
12780            availableLangs: {
12781                af: 1,
12782                ar: 1,
12783                az: 1,
12784                bg: 1,
12785                ca: 1,
12786                cs: 1,
12787                cy: 1,
12788                da: 1,
12789                de: 1,
12790                "de-ch": 1,
12791                el: 1,
12792                en: 1,
12793                "en-au": 1,
12794                "en-gb": 1,
12795                eo: 1,
12796                es: 1,
12797                "es-mx": 1,
12798                et: 1,
12799                eu: 1,
12800                fa: 1,
12801                fi: 1,
12802                fo: 1,
12803                fr: 1,
12804                "fr-ca": 1,
12805                gl: 1,
12806                gu: 1,
12807                he: 1,
12808                hi: 1,
12809                hr: 1,
12810                hu: 1,
12811                id: 1,
12812                it: 1,
12813                ja: 1,
12814                km: 1,
12815                ko: 1,
12816                ku: 1,
12817                lt: 1,
12818                lv: 1,
12819                mk: 1,
12820                mn: 1,
12821                nb: 1,
12822                nl: 1,
12823                no: 1,
12824                oc: 1,
12825                pl: 1,
12826                pt: 1,
12827                "pt-br": 1,
12828                ro: 1,
12829                ru: 1,
12830                si: 1,
12831                sk: 1,
12832                sl: 1,
12833                sq: 1,
12834                sr: 1,
12835                "sr-latn": 1,
12836                sv: 1,
12837                th: 1,
12838                tr: 1,
12839                tt: 1,
12840                ug: 1,
12841                uk: 1,
12842                vi: 1,
12843                zh: 1,
12844                "zh-cn": 1
12845            },
12846            init: function(b) {
12847                var c = this;
12848                b.addCommand("a11yHelp", {
12849                    exec: function() {
12850                        var a =
12851                            b.langCode,
12852                            a = c.availableLangs[a] ? a : c.availableLangs[a.replace(/-.*/, "")] ? a.replace(/-.*/, "") : "en";
12853                        CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(c.path + "dialogs/lang/" + a + ".js"), function() {
12854                            b.lang.a11yhelp = c.langEntries[a];
12855                            b.openDialog("a11yHelp")
12856                        })
12857                    },
12858                    modes: {
12859                        wysiwyg: 1,
12860                        source: 1
12861                    },
12862                    readOnly: 1,
12863                    canUndo: !1
12864                });
12865                b.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.ALT + 48, "a11yHelp");
12866                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("a11yHelp", this.path + "dialogs/a11yhelp.js");
12867                b.on("ariaEditorHelpLabel", function(a) {
12868                    a.data.label = b.lang.common.editorHelp
12869                })
12870            }
12871        })
12872    })();
12873    (function() {
12874        function f(c) {
12875            var a = this.att;
12876            c = c && c.hasAttribute(a) && c.getAttribute(a) || "";
12877            void 0 !== c && this.setValue(c)
12878        }
12880        function g() {
12881            for (var c, a = 0; a < arguments.length; a++)
12882                if (arguments[a] instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element) {
12883                    c = arguments[a];
12884                    break
12885                } if (c) {
12886                var a = this.att,
12887                    b = this.getValue();
12888                b ? c.setAttribute(a, b) : c.removeAttribute(a, b)
12889            }
12890        }
12891        var k = {
12892            id: 1,
12893            dir: 1,
12894            classes: 1,
12895            styles: 1
12896        };
12897        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("dialogadvtab", {
12898            requires: "dialog",
12899            allowedContent: function(c) {
12900                c || (c = k);
12901                var a = [];
12902                c.id && a.push("id");
12903                c.dir && a.push("dir");
12904                var b =
12905                    "";
12906                a.length && (b += "[" + a.join(",") + "]");
12907                c.classes && (b += "(*)");
12908                c.styles && (b += "{*}");
12909                return b
12910            },
12911            createAdvancedTab: function(c, a, b) {
12912                a || (a = k);
12913                var d = c.lang.common,
12914                    h = {
12915                        id: "advanced",
12916                        label: d.advancedTab,
12917                        title: d.advancedTab,
12918                        elements: [{
12919                            type: "vbox",
12920                            padding: 1,
12921                            children: []
12922                        }]
12923                    },
12924                    e = [];
12925                if (a.id || a.dir) a.id && e.push({
12926                    id: "advId",
12927                    att: "id",
12928                    type: "text",
12929                    requiredContent: b ? b + "[id]" : null,
12930                    label: d.id,
12931                    setup: f,
12932                    commit: g
12933                }), a.dir && e.push({
12934                    id: "advLangDir",
12935                    att: "dir",
12936                    type: "select",
12937                    requiredContent: b ? b + "[dir]" : null,
12938                    label: d.langDir,
12939                    "default": "",
12940                    style: "width:100%",
12941                    items: [
12942                        [d.notSet, ""],
12943                        [d.langDirLTR, "ltr"],
12944                        [d.langDirRTL, "rtl"]
12945                    ],
12946                    setup: f,
12947                    commit: g
12948                }), h.elements[0].children.push({
12949                    type: "hbox",
12950                    widths: ["50%", "50%"],
12951                    children: [].concat(e)
12952                });
12953                if (a.styles || a.classes) e = [], a.styles && e.push({
12954                    id: "advStyles",
12955                    att: "style",
12956                    type: "text",
12957                    requiredContent: b ? b + "{cke-xyz}" : null,
12958                    label: d.styles,
12959                    "default": "",
12960                    validate: CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle(d.invalidInlineStyle),
12961                    onChange: function() {},
12962                    getStyle: function(a, c) {
12963                        var b = this.getValue().match(new RegExp("(?:^|;)\\s*" +
12964                            a + "\\s*:\\s*([^;]*)", "i"));
12965                        return b ? b[1] : c
12966                    },
12967                    updateStyle: function(a, b) {
12968                        var d = this.getValue(),
12969                            e = c.document.createElement("span");
12970                        e.setAttribute("style", d);
12971                        e.setStyle(a, b);
12972                        d = CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeCssText(e.getAttribute("style"));
12973                        this.setValue(d, 1)
12974                    },
12975                    setup: f,
12976                    commit: g
12977                }), a.classes && e.push({
12978                    type: "hbox",
12979                    widths: ["45%", "55%"],
12980                    children: [{
12981                        id: "advCSSClasses",
12982                        att: "class",
12983                        type: "text",
12984                        requiredContent: b ? b + "(cke-xyz)" : null,
12985                        label: d.cssClasses,
12986                        "default": "",
12987                        setup: f,
12988                        commit: g
12989                    }]
12990                }), h.elements[0].children.push({
12991                    type: "hbox",
12992                    widths: ["50%", "50%"],
12993                    children: [].concat(e)
12994                });
12995                return h
12996            }
12997        })
12998    })();
12999    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("basicstyles", {
13000        init: function(c) {
13001            var e = 0,
13002                d = function(g, d, b, a) {
13003                    if (a) {
13004                        a = new CKEDITOR.style(a);
13005                        var f = h[b];
13006                        f.unshift(a);
13007                        c.attachStyleStateChange(a, function(a) {
13008                            !c.readOnly && c.getCommand(b).setState(a)
13009                        });
13010                        c.addCommand(b, new CKEDITOR.styleCommand(a, {
13011                            contentForms: f
13012                        }));
13013                        c.ui.addButton && c.ui.addButton(g, {
13014                            label: d,
13015                            command: b,
13016                            toolbar: "basicstyles," + (e += 10)
13017                        })
13018                    }
13019                },
13020                h = {
13021                    bold: ["strong", "b", ["span", function(a) {
13022                        a = a.styles["font-weight"];
13023                        return "bold" == a || 700 <= +a
13024                    }]],
13025                    italic: ["em", "i", ["span", function(a) {
13026                        return "italic" ==
13027                            a.styles["font-style"]
13028                    }]],
13029                    underline: ["u", ["span", function(a) {
13030                        return "underline" == a.styles["text-decoration"]
13031                    }]],
13032                    strike: ["s", "strike", ["span", function(a) {
13033                        return "line-through" == a.styles["text-decoration"]
13034                    }]],
13035                    subscript: ["sub"],
13036                    superscript: ["sup"]
13037                },
13038                b = c.config,
13039                a = c.lang.basicstyles;
13040            d("Bold", a.bold, "bold", b.coreStyles_bold);
13041            d("Italic", a.italic, "italic", b.coreStyles_italic);
13042            d("Underline", a.underline, "underline", b.coreStyles_underline);
13043            d("Strike", a.strike, "strike", b.coreStyles_strike);
13044            d("Subscript", a.subscript,
13045                "subscript", b.coreStyles_subscript);
13046            d("Superscript", a.superscript, "superscript", b.coreStyles_superscript);
13047            c.setKeystroke([
13048                [CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66, "bold"],
13049                [CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73, "italic"],
13050                [CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85, "underline"]
13051            ])
13052        }
13053    });
13054    CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_bold = {
13055        element: "strong",
13056        overrides: "b"
13057    };
13058    CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_italic = {
13059        element: "em",
13060        overrides: "i"
13061    };
13062    CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_underline = {
13063        element: "u"
13064    };
13065    CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_strike = {
13066        element: "s",
13067        overrides: "strike"
13068    };
13069    CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_subscript = {
13070        element: "sub"
13071    };
13072    CKEDITOR.config.coreStyles_superscript = {
13073        element: "sup"
13074    };
13075    (function() {
13076        function q(a, f, d, b) {
13077            if (!a.isReadOnly() && !a.equals(d.editable())) {
13078                CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(b, a, "bidi_processed", 1);
13079                b = a;
13080                for (var c = d.editable();
13081                    (b = b.getParent()) && !b.equals(c);)
13082                    if (b.getCustomData("bidi_processed")) {
13083                        a.removeStyle("direction");
13084                        a.removeAttribute("dir");
13085                        return
13086                    } b = "useComputedState" in d.config ? d.config.useComputedState : 1;
13087                (b ? a.getComputedStyle("direction") : a.getStyle("direction") || a.hasAttribute("dir")) != f && (a.removeStyle("direction"), b ? (a.removeAttribute("dir"), f != a.getComputedStyle("direction") &&
13088                    a.setAttribute("dir", f)) : a.setAttribute("dir", f), d.forceNextSelectionCheck())
13089            }
13090        }
13092        function v(a, f, d) {
13093            var b = a.getCommonAncestor(!1, !0);
13094            a = a.clone();
13096            if (a.checkBoundaryOfElement(b, CKEDITOR.START) && a.checkBoundaryOfElement(b, CKEDITOR.END)) {
13097                for (var c; b && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (c = b.getParent()) && 1 == c.getChildCount() && !(b.getName() in f);) b = c;
13098                return b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.getName() in f && b
13099            }
13100        }
13102        function p(a) {
13103            return {
13104                context: "p",
13105                allowedContent: {
13106                    "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 table ul ol blockquote div tr p div li td": {
13107                        propertiesOnly: !0,
13108                        attributes: "dir"
13109                    }
13110                },
13111                requiredContent: "p[dir]",
13112                refresh: function(a, d) {
13113                    var b = a.config.useComputedState,
13114                        c, b = void 0 === b || b;
13115                    if (!b) {
13116                        c = d.lastElement;
13117                        for (var h = a.editable(); c && !(c.getName() in u || c.equals(h));) {
13118                            var e = c.getParent();
13119                            if (!e) break;
13120                            c = e
13121                        }
13122                    }
13123                    c = c || d.block || d.blockLimit;
13124                    c.equals(a.editable()) && (h = a.getSelection().getRanges()[0].getEnclosedNode()) && h.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (c = h);
13125                    c && (b = b ? c.getComputedStyle("direction") :
13126                        c.getStyle("direction") || c.getAttribute("dir"), a.getCommand("bidirtl").setState("rtl" == b ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF), a.getCommand("bidiltr").setState("ltr" == b ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF));
13127                    b = (d.block || d.blockLimit || a.editable()).getDirection(1);
13128                    b != (a._.selDir || a.lang.dir) && (a._.selDir = b, a.fire("contentDirChanged", b))
13129                },
13130                exec: function(f) {
13131                    var d = f.getSelection(),
13132                        b = f.config.enterMode,
13133                        c = d.getRanges();
13134                    if (c && c.length) {
13135                        for (var h = {}, e = d.createBookmarks(), c = c.createIterator(), g,
13136                                l = 0; g = c.getNextRange(1);) {
13137                            var k = g.getEnclosedNode();
13138                            k && (!k || k.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && k.getName() in r) || (k = v(g, t, b));
13139                            k && q(k, a, f, h);
13140                            var m = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(g),
13141                                n = e[l].startNode,
13142                                p = e[l++].endNode;
13143                            m.evaluator = function(a) {
13144                                var c = b == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div",
13145                                    d;
13146                                if (d = (a ? a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT : !1) && a.getName() in t) {
13147                                    if (c = a.is(c)) c = (c = a.getParent()) ? c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT : !1;
13148                                    d = !(c && a.getParent().is("blockquote"))
13149                                }
13150                                return !!(d && a.getPosition(n) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING && (a.getPosition(p) &
13152                            };
13153                            for (; k = m.next();) q(k, a, f, h);
13154                            g = g.createIterator();
13155                            for (g.enlargeBr = b != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; k = g.getNextParagraph(b == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div");) q(k, a, f, h)
13156                        }
13157                        CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(h);
13158                        f.forceNextSelectionCheck();
13159                        d.selectBookmarks(e);
13160                        f.focus()
13161                    }
13162                }
13163            }
13164        }
13166        function w(a) {
13167            var f = a == l.setAttribute,
13168                d = a == l.removeAttribute,
13169                b = /\bdirection\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*(:?$|;)/;
13170            return function(c, h) {
13171                if (!this.isReadOnly()) {
13172                    var e;
13173                    if (e = c == (f || d ?
13174                            "dir" : "direction") || "style" == c && (d || b.test(h))) {
13175                        a: {
13176                            e = this;
13177                            for (var g = e.getDocument().getBody().getParent(); e;) {
13178                                if (e.equals(g)) {
13179                                    e = !1;
13180                                    break a
13181                                }
13182                                e = e.getParent()
13183                            }
13184                            e = !0
13185                        }
13186                        e = !e
13187                    }
13188                    if (e && (e = this.getDirection(1), g = a.apply(this, arguments), e != this.getDirection(1))) return this.getDocument().fire("dirChanged", this), g
13189                }
13190                return a.apply(this, arguments)
13191            }
13192        }
13193        var t = {
13194                table: 1,
13195                ul: 1,
13196                ol: 1,
13197                blockquote: 1,
13198                div: 1
13199            },
13200            r = {},
13201            u = {};
13202        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(r, t, {
13203            tr: 1,
13204            p: 1,
13205            div: 1,
13206            li: 1
13207        });
13208        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(u, r, {
13209            td: 1
13210        });
13211        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("bidi", {
13212            init: function(a) {
13213                function f(b,
13214                    c, d, e, f) {
13215                    a.addCommand(d, new CKEDITOR.command(a, e));
13216                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton(b, {
13217                        label: c,
13218                        command: d,
13219                        toolbar: "bidi," + f
13220                    })
13221                }
13222                if (!a.blockless) {
13223                    var d = a.lang.bidi;
13224                    f("BidiLtr", d.ltr, "bidiltr", p("ltr"), 10);
13225                    f("BidiRtl", d.rtl, "bidirtl", p("rtl"), 20);
13226                    a.on("contentDom", function() {
13227                        a.document.on("dirChanged", function(b) {
13228                            a.fire("dirChanged", {
13229                                node: b.data,
13230                                dir: b.data.getDirection(1)
13231                            })
13232                        })
13233                    });
13234                    a.on("contentDirChanged", function(b) {
13235                        b = (a.lang.dir != b.data ? "add" : "remove") + "Class";
13236                        var c = a.ui.space(a.config.toolbarLocation);
13237                        if (c) c[b]("cke_mixed_dir_content")
13238                    })
13239                }
13240            }
13241        });
13242        for (var l = CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype, n = ["setStyle", "removeStyle", "setAttribute", "removeAttribute"], m = 0; m < n.length; m++) l[n[m]] = CKEDITOR.tools.override(l[n[m]], w)
13243    })();
13244    (function() {
13245        var m = {
13246            exec: function(g) {
13247                var a = g.getCommand("blockquote").state,
13248                    k = g.getSelection(),
13249                    c = k && k.getRanges()[0];
13250                if (c) {
13251                    var h = k.createBookmarks();
13252                    if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
13253                        var e = h[0].startNode,
13254                            b = h[0].endNode,
13255                            d;
13256                        if (e && "blockquote" == e.getParent().getName())
13257                            for (d = e; d = d.getNext();)
13258                                if (d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.isBlockBoundary()) {
13259                                    e.move(d, !0);
13260                                    break
13261                                } if (b && "blockquote" == b.getParent().getName())
13262                            for (d = b; d = d.getPrevious();)
13263                                if (d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.isBlockBoundary()) {
13264                                    b.move(d);
13265                                    break
13266                                }
13267                    }
13268                    var f = c.createIterator();
13269                    f.enlargeBr = g.config.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
13270                    if (a == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) {
13271                        for (e = []; a = f.getNextParagraph();) e.push(a);
13272                        1 > e.length && (a = g.document.createElement(g.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div"), b = h.shift(), c.insertNode(a), a.append(new CKEDITOR.dom.text("", g.document)), c.moveToBookmark(b), c.selectNodeContents(a), c.collapse(!0), b = c.createBookmark(), e.push(a), h.unshift(b));
13273                        d = e[0].getParent();
13274                        c = [];
13275                        for (b = 0; b < e.length; b++) a = e[b], d = d.getCommonAncestor(a.getParent());
13276                        for (a = {
13277                                table: 1,
13278                                tbody: 1,
13279                                tr: 1,
13280                                ol: 1,
13281                                ul: 1
13282                            }; a[d.getName()];) d = d.getParent();
13283                        for (b = null; 0 < e.length;) {
13284                            for (a = e.shift(); !a.getParent().equals(d);) a = a.getParent();
13285                            a.equals(b) || c.push(a);
13286                            b = a
13287                        }
13288                        for (; 0 < c.length;)
13289                            if (a = c.shift(), "blockquote" == a.getName()) {
13290                                for (b = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(g.document); a.getFirst();) b.append(a.getFirst().remove()), e.push(b.getLast());
13291                                b.replace(a)
13292                            } else e.push(a);
13293                        c = g.document.createElement("blockquote");
13294                        for (c.insertBefore(e[0]); 0 < e.length;) a = e.shift(), c.append(a)
13295                    } else if (a == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
13296                        b = [];
13297                        for (d = {}; a = f.getNextParagraph();) {
13298                            for (e = c = null; a.getParent();) {
13299                                if ("blockquote" == a.getParent().getName()) {
13300                                    c = a.getParent();
13301                                    e = a;
13302                                    break
13303                                }
13304                                a = a.getParent()
13305                            }
13306                            c && e && !e.getCustomData("blockquote_moveout") && (b.push(e), CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(d, e, "blockquote_moveout", !0))
13307                        }
13308                        CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(d);
13309                        a = [];
13310                        e = [];
13311                        for (d = {}; 0 < b.length;) f = b.shift(), c = f.getParent(), f.getPrevious() ? f.getNext() ? (f.breakParent(f.getParent()), e.push(f.getNext())) : f.remove().insertAfter(c) : f.remove().insertBefore(c), c.getCustomData("blockquote_processed") ||
13312                            (e.push(c), CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(d, c, "blockquote_processed", !0)), a.push(f);
13313                        CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(d);
13314                        for (b = e.length - 1; 0 <= b; b--) {
13315                            c = e[b];
13316                            a: {
13317                                d = c;
13318                                for (var f = 0, m = d.getChildCount(), l = void 0; f < m && (l = d.getChild(f)); f++)
13319                                    if (l.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && l.isBlockBoundary()) {
13320                                        d = !1;
13321                                        break a
13322                                    } d = !0
13323                            }
13324                            d && c.remove()
13325                        }
13326                        if (g.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR)
13327                            for (c = !0; a.length;)
13328                                if (f = a.shift(), "div" == f.getName()) {
13329                                    b = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(g.document);
13330                                    !c || !f.getPrevious() || f.getPrevious().type ==
13331                                        CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && f.getPrevious().isBlockBoundary() || b.append(g.document.createElement("br"));
13332                                    for (c = f.getNext() && !(f.getNext().type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && f.getNext().isBlockBoundary()); f.getFirst();) f.getFirst().remove().appendTo(b);
13333                                    c && b.append(g.document.createElement("br"));
13334                                    b.replace(f);
13335                                    c = !1
13336                                }
13337                    }
13338                    k.selectBookmarks(h);
13339                    g.focus()
13340                }
13341            },
13342            refresh: function(g, a) {
13343                this.setState(g.elementPath(a.block || a.blockLimit).contains("blockquote", 1) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
13344            },
13345            context: "blockquote",
13346            allowedContent: "blockquote",
13347            requiredContent: "blockquote"
13348        };
13349        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("blockquote", {
13350            init: function(g) {
13351                g.blockless || (g.addCommand("blockquote", m), g.ui.addButton && g.ui.addButton("Blockquote", {
13352                    label: g.lang.blockquote.toolbar,
13353                    command: "blockquote",
13354                    toolbar: "blocks,10"
13355                }))
13356            }
13357        })
13358    })();
13359    (function() {
13360        function q(b, a) {
13361            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, a, {
13362                editor: b,
13363                id: "cke-" + CKEDITOR.tools.getUniqueId(),
13364                area: b._.notificationArea
13365            });
13366            a.type || (this.type = "info");
13367            this.element = this._createElement();
13368            b.plugins.clipboard && CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.preventDefaultDropOnElement(this.element)
13369        }
13371        function r(b) {
13372            var a = this;
13373            this.editor = b;
13374            this.notifications = [];
13375            this.element = this._createElement();
13376            this._uiBuffer = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer(10, this._layout, this);
13377            this._changeBuffer = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer(500, this._layout,
13378                this);
13379            b.on("destroy", function() {
13380                a._removeListeners();
13381                a.element.remove()
13382            })
13383        }
13384        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("notification", {
13385            init: function(b) {
13386                function a(b) {
13387                    var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div");
13388                    a.setStyles({
13389                        position: "fixed",
13390                        "margin-left": "-9999px"
13391                    });
13392                    a.setAttributes({
13393                        "aria-live": "assertive",
13394                        "aria-atomic": "true"
13395                    });
13396                    a.setText(b);
13397                    CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append(a);
13398                    setTimeout(function() {
13399                        a.remove()
13400                    }, 100)
13401                }
13402                b._.notificationArea = new r(b);
13403                b.showNotification = function(a, d, e) {
13404                    var f, l;
13405                    "progress" == d ? f = e : l = e;
13406                    a = new CKEDITOR.plugins.notification(b, {
13407                        message: a,
13408                        type: d,
13409                        progress: f,
13410                        duration: l
13411                    });
13412                    a.show();
13413                    return a
13414                };
13415                b.on("key", function(c) {
13416                    if (27 == c.data.keyCode) {
13417                        var d = b._.notificationArea.notifications;
13418                        d.length && (a(b.lang.notification.closed), d[d.length - 1].hide(), c.cancel())
13419                    }
13420                })
13421            }
13422        });
13423        q.prototype = {
13424            show: function() {
13425                !1 !== this.editor.fire("notificationShow", {
13426                    notification: this
13427                }) && (this.area.add(this), this._hideAfterTimeout())
13428            },
13429            update: function(b) {
13430                var a = !0;
13431                !1 === this.editor.fire("notificationUpdate", {
13432                    notification: this,
13433                    options: b
13434                }) && (a = !1);
13435                var c = this.element,
13436                    d = c.findOne(".cke_notification_message"),
13437                    e = c.findOne(".cke_notification_progress"),
13438                    f = b.type;
13439                c.removeAttribute("role");
13440                b.progress && "progress" != this.type && (f = "progress");
13441                f && (c.removeClass(this._getClass()), c.removeAttribute("aria-label"), this.type = f, c.addClass(this._getClass()), c.setAttribute("aria-label", this.type), "progress" != this.type || e ? "progress" != this.type && e && e.remove() : (e = this._createProgressElement(), e.insertBefore(d)));
13442                void 0 !== b.message && (this.message = b.message, d.setHtml(this.message));
13443                void 0 !== b.progress && (this.progress = b.progress,
13444                    e && e.setStyle("width", this._getPercentageProgress()));
13445                a && b.important && (c.setAttribute("role", "alert"), this.isVisible() || this.area.add(this));
13446                this.duration = b.duration;
13447                this._hideAfterTimeout()
13448            },
13449            hide: function() {
13450                !1 !== this.editor.fire("notificationHide", {
13451                    notification: this
13452                }) && this.area.remove(this)
13453            },
13454            isVisible: function() {
13455                return 0 <= CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this.area.notifications, this)
13456            },
13457            _createElement: function() {
13458                var b = this,
13459                    a, c, d = this.editor.lang.common.close;
13460                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div");
13461                a.addClass("cke_notification");
13462                a.addClass(this._getClass());
13463                a.setAttributes({
13464                    id: this.id,
13465                    role: "alert",
13466                    "aria-label": this.type
13467                });
13468                "progress" == this.type && a.append(this._createProgressElement());
13469                c = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("p");
13470                c.addClass("cke_notification_message");
13471                c.setHtml(this.message);
13472                a.append(c);
13473                c = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3ca class\x3d"cke_notification_close" href\x3d"javascript:void(0)" title\x3d"' + d + '" role\x3d"button" tabindex\x3d"-1"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_label"\x3eX\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/a\x3e');
13474                a.append(c);
13475                c.on("click",
13476                    function() {
13477                        b.editor.focus();
13478                        b.hide()
13479                    });
13480                return a
13481            },
13482            _getClass: function() {
13483                return "progress" == this.type ? "cke_notification_info" : "cke_notification_" + this.type
13484            },
13485            _createProgressElement: function() {
13486                var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("span");
13487                b.addClass("cke_notification_progress");
13488                b.setStyle("width", this._getPercentageProgress());
13489                return b
13490            },
13491            _getPercentageProgress: function() {
13492                return Math.round(100 * (this.progress || 0)) + "%"
13493            },
13494            _hideAfterTimeout: function() {
13495                var b = this,
13496                    a;
13497                this._hideTimeoutId && clearTimeout(this._hideTimeoutId);
13498                if ("number" == typeof this.duration) a = this.duration;
13499                else if ("info" == this.type || "success" == this.type) a = "number" == typeof this.editor.config.notification_duration ? this.editor.config.notification_duration : 5E3;
13500                a && (b._hideTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
13501                    b.hide()
13502                }, a))
13503            }
13504        };
13505        r.prototype = {
13506            add: function(b) {
13507                this.notifications.push(b);
13508                this.element.append(b.element);
13509                1 == this.element.getChildCount() && (CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append(this.element), this._attachListeners());
13510                this._layout()
13511            },
13512            remove: function(b) {
13513                var a = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this.notifications,
13514                    b);
13515                0 > a || (this.notifications.splice(a, 1), b.element.remove(), this.element.getChildCount() || (this._removeListeners(), this.element.remove()))
13516            },
13517            _createElement: function() {
13518                var b = this.editor,
13519                    a = b.config,
13520                    c = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div");
13521                c.addClass("cke_notifications_area");
13522                c.setAttribute("id", "cke_notifications_area_" + b.name);
13523                c.setStyle("z-index", a.baseFloatZIndex - 2);
13524                return c
13525            },
13526            _attachListeners: function() {
13527                var b = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(),
13528                    a = this.editor;
13529                b.on("scroll", this._uiBuffer.input);
13530                b.on("resize", this._uiBuffer.input);
13531                a.on("change", this._changeBuffer.input);
13532                a.on("floatingSpaceLayout", this._layout, this, null, 20);
13533                a.on("blur", this._layout, this, null, 20)
13534            },
13535            _removeListeners: function() {
13536                var b = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(),
13537                    a = this.editor;
13538                b.removeListener("scroll", this._uiBuffer.input);
13539                b.removeListener("resize", this._uiBuffer.input);
13540                a.removeListener("change", this._changeBuffer.input);
13541                a.removeListener("floatingSpaceLayout", this._layout);
13542                a.removeListener("blur", this._layout)
13543            },
13544            _layout: function() {
13545                function b() {
13546                    a.setStyle("left",
13547                        k(n + d.width - g - h))
13548                }
13549                var a = this.element,
13550                    c = this.editor,
13551                    d = c.ui.contentsElement.getClientRect(),
13552                    e = c.ui.contentsElement.getDocumentPosition(),
13553                    f, l, u = a.getClientRect(),
13554                    m, g = this._notificationWidth,
13555                    h = this._notificationMargin;
13556                m = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow();
13557                var p = m.getScrollPosition(),
13558                    t = m.getViewPaneSize(),
13559                    q = CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
13560                    r = q.getDocumentPosition(),
13561                    k = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
13562                g && h || (m = this.element.getChild(0), g = this._notificationWidth = m.getClientRect().width, h = this._notificationMargin = parseInt(m.getComputedStyle("margin-left"),
13563                    10) + parseInt(m.getComputedStyle("margin-right"), 10));
13564                c.toolbar && (f = c.ui.space("top"), l = f.getClientRect());
13565                f && f.isVisible() && l.bottom > d.top && l.bottom < d.bottom - u.height ? a.setStyles({
13566                    position: "fixed",
13567                    top: k(l.bottom)
13568                }) : 0 < d.top ? a.setStyles({
13569                    position: "absolute",
13570                    top: k(e.y)
13571                }) : e.y + d.height - u.height > p.y ? a.setStyles({
13572                    position: "fixed",
13573                    top: 0
13574                }) : a.setStyles({
13575                    position: "absolute",
13576                    top: k(e.y + d.height - u.height)
13577                });
13578                var n = "fixed" == a.getStyle("position") ? d.left : "static" != q.getComputedStyle("position") ? e.x - r.x : e.x;
13579                d.width <
13580                    g + h ? e.x + g + h > p.x + t.width ? b() : a.setStyle("left", k(n)) : e.x + g + h > p.x + t.width ? a.setStyle("left", k(n)) : e.x + d.width / 2 + g / 2 + h > p.x + t.width ? a.setStyle("left", k(n - e.x + p.x + t.width - g - h)) : 0 > d.left + d.width - g - h ? b() : 0 > d.left + d.width / 2 - g / 2 ? a.setStyle("left", k(n - e.x + p.x)) : a.setStyle("left", k(n + d.width / 2 - g / 2 - h / 2))
13581            }
13582        };
13583        CKEDITOR.plugins.notification = q
13584    })();
13585    (function() {
13586        var c = '\x3ca id\x3d"{id}" class\x3d"cke_button cke_button__{name} cke_button_{state} {cls}"' + (CKEDITOR.env.gecko && !CKEDITOR.env.hc ? "" : " href\x3d\"javascript:void('{titleJs}')\"") + ' title\x3d"{title}" tabindex\x3d"-1" hidefocus\x3d"true" role\x3d"button" aria-labelledby\x3d"{id}_label" aria-describedby\x3d"{id}_description" aria-haspopup\x3d"{hasArrow}" aria-disabled\x3d"{ariaDisabled}"';
13587        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac && (c += ' onkeypress\x3d"return false;"');
13588        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (c +=
13589            ' onblur\x3d"this.style.cssText \x3d this.style.cssText;"');
13590        var c = c + (' onkeydown\x3d"return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({keydownFn},event);" onfocus\x3d"return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({focusFn},event);" ' + (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick\x3d"return false;" onmouseup' : "onclick") + '\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},this);return false;"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_button_icon cke_button__{iconName}_icon" style\x3d"{style}"'),
13591            c = c + '\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan id\x3d"{id}_label" class\x3d"cke_button_label cke_button__{name}_label" aria-hidden\x3d"false"\x3e{label}\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan id\x3d"{id}_description" class\x3d"cke_button_label" aria-hidden\x3d"false"\x3e{ariaShortcut}\x3c/span\x3e{arrowHtml}\x3c/a\x3e',
13592            v = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("buttonArrow", '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_button_arrow"\x3e' + (CKEDITOR.env.hc ? "\x26#9660;" : "") + "\x3c/span\x3e"),
13593            w = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("button", c);
13594        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("button", {
13595            beforeInit: function(a) {
13596                a.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler)
13597            }
13598        });
13599        CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON = "button";
13600        CKEDITOR.ui.button = function(a) {
13601            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, a, {
13602                title: a.label,
13603                click: a.click || function(b) {
13604                    b.execCommand(a.command)
13605                }
13606            });
13607            this._ = {}
13608        };
13609        CKEDITOR.ui.button.handler = {
13610            create: function(a) {
13611                return new CKEDITOR.ui.button(a)
13612            }
13613        };
13614        CKEDITOR.ui.button.prototype = {
13615            render: function(a, b) {
13616                function c() {
13617                    var f = a.mode;
13618                    f && (f = this.modes[f] ? void 0 !== n[f] ? n[f] : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED, f = a.readOnly && !this.readOnly ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : f, this.setState(f), this.refresh && this.refresh())
13619                }
13620                var n = null,
13621                    p = CKEDITOR.env,
13622                    q = this._.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
13623                    g = "",
13624                    d = this.command,
13625                    t, k, l;
13626                this._.editor = a;
13627                var e = {
13628                        id: q,
13629                        button: this,
13630                        editor: a,
13631                        focus: function() {
13632                            CKEDITOR.document.getById(q).focus()
13633                        },
13634                        execute: function() {
13635                            this.button.click(a)
13636                        },
13637                        attach: function(a) {
13638                            this.button.attach(a)
13639                        }
13640                    },
13641                    x = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a) {
13642                        if (e.onkey) return a = new CKEDITOR.dom.event(a), !1 !== e.onkey(e, a.getKeystroke())
13643                    }),
13644                    y = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a) {
13645                        var b;
13646                        e.onfocus && (b = !1 !== e.onfocus(e, new CKEDITOR.dom.event(a)));
13647                        return b
13648                    }),
13649                    u = 0;
13650                e.clickFn = t = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function() {
13651                    u && (a.unlockSelection(1), u = 0);
13652                    e.execute();
13653                    p.iOS && a.focus()
13654                });
13655                this.modes ? (n = {}, a.on("beforeModeUnload", function() {
13656                    a.mode && this._.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && (n[a.mode] =
13657                        this._.state)
13658                }, this), a.on("activeFilterChange", c, this), a.on("mode", c, this), !this.readOnly && a.on("readOnly", c, this)) : d && (d = a.getCommand(d)) && (d.on("state", function() {
13659                    this.setState(d.state)
13660                }, this), g += d.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? "on" : d.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? "disabled" : "off");
13661                var m;
13662                if (this.directional) a.on("contentDirChanged", function(b) {
13663                    var c = CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.id),
13664                        d = c.getFirst();
13665                    b = b.data;
13666                    b != a.lang.dir ? c.addClass("cke_" + b) : c.removeClass("cke_ltr").removeClass("cke_rtl");
13667                    d.setAttribute("style",
13668                        CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle(m, "rtl" == b, this.icon, this.iconOffset))
13669                }, this);
13670                d ? (k = a.getCommandKeystroke(d)) && (l = CKEDITOR.tools.keystrokeToString(a.lang.common.keyboard, k)) : g += "off";
13671                k = this.name || this.command;
13672                var h = null,
13673                    r = this.icon;
13674                m = k;
13675                this.icon && !/\./.test(this.icon) ? (m = this.icon, r = null) : (this.icon && (h = this.icon), CKEDITOR.env.hidpi && this.iconHiDpi && (h = this.iconHiDpi));
13676                h ? (CKEDITOR.skin.addIcon(h, h), r = null) : h = m;
13677                g = {
13678                    id: q,
13679                    name: k,
13680                    iconName: m,
13681                    label: this.label,
13682                    cls: this.className || "",
13683                    state: g,
13684                    ariaDisabled: "disabled" ==
13685                        g ? "true" : "false",
13686                    title: this.title + (l ? " (" + l.display + ")" : ""),
13687                    ariaShortcut: l ? a.lang.common.keyboardShortcut + " " + l.aria : "",
13688                    titleJs: p.gecko && !p.hc ? "" : (this.title || "").replace("'", ""),
13689                    hasArrow: this.hasArrow ? "true" : "false",
13690                    keydownFn: x,
13691                    focusFn: y,
13692                    clickFn: t,
13693                    style: CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle(h, "rtl" == a.lang.dir, r, this.iconOffset),
13694                    arrowHtml: this.hasArrow ? v.output() : ""
13695                };
13696                w.output(g, b);
13697                if (this.onRender) this.onRender();
13698                return e
13699            },
13700            setState: function(a) {
13701                if (this._.state == a) return !1;
13702                this._.state = a;
13703                var b = CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.id);
13704                return b ? (b.setState(a, "cke_button"), a == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? b.setAttribute("aria-disabled", !0) : b.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"), this.hasArrow ? (a = a == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? this._.editor.lang.button.selectedLabel.replace(/%1/g, this.label) : this.label, CKEDITOR.document.getById(this._.id + "_label").setText(a)) : a == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? b.setAttribute("aria-pressed", !0) : b.removeAttribute("aria-pressed"), !0) : !1
13705            },
13706            getState: function() {
13707                return this._.state
13708            },
13709            toFeature: function(a) {
13710                if (this._.feature) return this._.feature;
13711                var b = this;
13712                this.allowedContent || this.requiredContent || !this.command || (b = a.getCommand(this.command) || b);
13713                return this._.feature = b
13714            }
13715        };
13716        CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addButton = function(a, b) {
13717            this.add(a, CKEDITOR.UI_BUTTON, b)
13718        }
13719    })();
13720    (function() {
13721        function D(a) {
13722            function d() {
13723                for (var b = f(), e = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(a.config.toolbarGroups) || v(a), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
13724                    var g = e[n];
13725                    if ("/" != g) {
13726                        "string" == typeof g && (g = e[n] = {
13727                            name: g
13728                        });
13729                        var l, d = g.groups;
13730                        if (d)
13731                            for (var h = 0; h < d.length; h++) l = d[h], (l = b[l]) && c(g, l);
13732                        (l = b[g.name]) && c(g, l)
13733                    }
13734                }
13735                return e
13736            }
13738            function f() {
13739                var b = {},
13740                    c, e, g;
13741                for (c in a.ui.items) e = a.ui.items[c], g = e.toolbar || "others", g = g.split(","), e = g[0], g = parseInt(g[1] || -1, 10), b[e] || (b[e] = []), b[e].push({
13742                    name: c,
13743                    order: g
13744                });
13745                for (e in b) b[e] = b[e].sort(function(b,
13746                    a) {
13747                    return b.order == a.order ? 0 : 0 > a.order ? -1 : 0 > b.order ? 1 : b.order < a.order ? -1 : 1
13748                });
13749                return b
13750            }
13752            function c(c, e) {
13753                if (e.length) {
13754                    c.items ? c.items.push(a.ui.create("-")) : c.items = [];
13755                    for (var d; d = e.shift();) d = "string" == typeof d ? d : d.name, b && -1 != CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(b, d) || (d = a.ui.create(d)) && a.addFeature(d) && c.items.push(d)
13756                }
13757            }
13759            function h(b) {
13760                var a = [],
13761                    e, d, h;
13762                for (e = 0; e < b.length; ++e) d = b[e], h = {}, "/" == d ? a.push(d) : CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(d) ? (c(h, CKEDITOR.tools.clone(d)), a.push(h)) : d.items && (c(h, CKEDITOR.tools.clone(d.items)),
13763                    h.name = d.name, a.push(h));
13764                return a
13765            }
13766            var b = a.config.removeButtons,
13767                b = b && b.split(","),
13768                e = a.config.toolbar;
13769            "string" == typeof e && (e = a.config["toolbar_" + e]);
13770            return a.toolbar = e ? h(e) : d()
13771        }
13773        function v(a) {
13774            return a._.toolbarGroups || (a._.toolbarGroups = [{
13775                name: "document",
13776                groups: ["mode", "document", "doctools"]
13777            }, {
13778                name: "clipboard",
13779                groups: ["clipboard", "undo"]
13780            }, {
13781                name: "editing",
13782                groups: ["find", "selection", "spellchecker"]
13783            }, {
13784                name: "forms"
13785            }, "/", {
13786                name: "basicstyles",
13787                groups: ["basicstyles", "cleanup"]
13788            }, {
13789                name: "paragraph",
13790                groups: ["list",
13791                    "indent", "blocks", "align", "bidi"
13792                ]
13793            }, {
13794                name: "links"
13795            }, {
13796                name: "insert"
13797            }, "/", {
13798                name: "styles"
13799            }, {
13800                name: "colors"
13801            }, {
13802                name: "tools"
13803            }, {
13804                name: "others"
13805            }, {
13806                name: "about"
13807            }])
13808        }
13809        var z = function() {
13810            this.toolbars = [];
13811            this.focusCommandExecuted = !1
13812        };
13813        z.prototype.focus = function() {
13814            for (var a = 0, d; d = this.toolbars[a++];)
13815                for (var f = 0, c; c = d.items[f++];)
13816                    if (c.focus) {
13817                        c.focus();
13818                        return
13819                    }
13820        };
13821        var E = {
13822            modes: {
13823                wysiwyg: 1,
13824                source: 1
13825            },
13826            readOnly: 1,
13827            exec: function(a) {
13828                a.toolbox && (a.toolbox.focusCommandExecuted = !0, CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.air ? setTimeout(function() {
13829                        a.toolbox.focus()
13830                    },
13831                    100) : a.toolbox.focus())
13832            }
13833        };
13834        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("toolbar", {
13835            requires: "button",
13836            init: function(a) {
13837                var d, f = function(c, h) {
13838                    var b, e = "rtl" == a.lang.dir,
13839                        k = a.config.toolbarGroupCycling,
13840                        q = e ? 37 : 39,
13841                        e = e ? 39 : 37,
13842                        k = void 0 === k || k;
13843                    switch (h) {
13844                        case 9:
13845                        case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9:
13846                            for (; !b || !b.items.length;)
13847                                if (b = 9 == h ? (b ? b.next : c.toolbar.next) || a.toolbox.toolbars[0] : (b ? b.previous : c.toolbar.previous) || a.toolbox.toolbars[a.toolbox.toolbars.length - 1], b.items.length)
13848                                    for (c = b.items[d ? b.items.length - 1 : 0]; c && !c.focus;)(c = d ? c.previous : c.next) ||
13849                                        (b = 0);
13850                            c && c.focus();
13851                            return !1;
13852                        case q:
13853                            b = c;
13854                            do b = b.next, !b && k && (b = c.toolbar.items[0]); while (b && !b.focus);
13855                            b ? b.focus() : f(c, 9);
13856                            return !1;
13857                        case 40:
13858                            return c.button && c.button.hasArrow ? c.execute() : f(c, 40 == h ? q : e), !1;
13859                        case e:
13860                        case 38:
13861                            b = c;
13862                            do b = b.previous, !b && k && (b = c.toolbar.items[c.toolbar.items.length - 1]); while (b && !b.focus);
13863                            b ? b.focus() : (d = 1, f(c, CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9), d = 0);
13864                            return !1;
13865                        case 27:
13866                            return a.focus(), !1;
13867                        case 13:
13868                        case 32:
13869                            return c.execute(), !1
13870                    }
13871                    return !0
13872                };
13873                a.on("uiSpace", function(c) {
13874                    if (c.data.space == a.config.toolbarLocation) {
13875                        c.removeListener();
13876                        a.toolbox = new z;
13877                        var d = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
13878                            b = ['\x3cspan id\x3d"', d, '" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e', a.lang.toolbar.toolbars, "\x3c/span\x3e", '\x3cspan id\x3d"' + a.ui.spaceId("toolbox") + '" class\x3d"cke_toolbox" role\x3d"group" aria-labelledby\x3d"', d, '" onmousedown\x3d"return false;"\x3e'],
13879                            d = !1 !== a.config.toolbarStartupExpanded,
13880                            e, k;
13881                        a.config.toolbarCanCollapse && a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && b.push('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_toolbox_main"' + (d ? "\x3e" : ' style\x3d"display:none"\x3e'));
13882                        for (var q = a.toolbox.toolbars, n = D(a), g = n.length, l = 0; l < g; l++) {
13883                            var r, m = 0,
13884                                w, p = n[l],
13885                                v = "/" !== p && ("/" === n[l + 1] || l == g - 1),
13886                                x;
13887                            if (p)
13888                                if (e && (b.push("\x3c/span\x3e"), k = e = 0), "/" === p) b.push('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_toolbar_break"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e');
13889                                else {
13890                                    x = p.items || p;
13891                                    for (var y = 0; y < x.length; y++) {
13892                                        var t = x[y],
13893                                            A;
13894                                        if (t) {
13895                                            var B = function(c) {
13896                                                c = c.render(a, b);
13897                                                u = m.items.push(c) - 1;
13898                                                0 < u && (c.previous = m.items[u - 1], c.previous.next = c);
13899                                                c.toolbar = m;
13900                                                c.onkey = f;
13901                                                c.onfocus = function() {
13902                                                    a.toolbox.focusCommandExecuted || a.focus()
13903                                                }
13904                                            };
13905                                            if (t.type == CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR) k =
13906                                                e && t;
13907                                            else {
13908                                                A = !1 !== t.canGroup;
13909                                                if (!m) {
13910                                                    r = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
13911                                                    m = {
13912                                                        id: r,
13913                                                        items: []
13914                                                    };
13915                                                    w = p.name && (a.lang.toolbar.toolbarGroups[p.name] || p.name);
13916                                                    b.push('\x3cspan id\x3d"', r, '" class\x3d"cke_toolbar' + (v ? ' cke_toolbar_last"' : '"'), w ? ' aria-labelledby\x3d"' + r + '_label"' : "", ' role\x3d"toolbar"\x3e');
13917                                                    w && b.push('\x3cspan id\x3d"', r, '_label" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e', w, "\x3c/span\x3e");
13918                                                    b.push('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_toolbar_start"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e');
13919                                                    var u = q.push(m) - 1;
13920                                                    0 < u && (m.previous = q[u - 1], m.previous.next =
13921                                                        m)
13922                                                }
13923                                                A ? e || (b.push('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_toolgroup" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e'), e = 1) : e && (b.push("\x3c/span\x3e"), e = 0);
13924                                                k && (B(k), k = 0);
13925                                                B(t)
13926                                            }
13927                                        }
13928                                    }
13929                                    e && (b.push("\x3c/span\x3e"), k = e = 0);
13930                                    m && b.push('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_toolbar_end"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/span\x3e')
13931                                }
13932                        }
13933                        a.config.toolbarCanCollapse && b.push("\x3c/span\x3e");
13934                        if (a.config.toolbarCanCollapse && a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) {
13935                            var C = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function() {
13936                                a.execCommand("toolbarCollapse")
13937                            });
13938                            a.on("destroy", function() {
13939                                CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(C)
13940                            });
13941                            a.addCommand("toolbarCollapse", {
13942                                readOnly: 1,
13943                                exec: function(b) {
13944                                    var a = b.ui.space("toolbar_collapser"),
13945                                        c = a.getPrevious(),
13946                                        d = b.ui.space("contents"),
13947                                        e = c.getParent(),
13948                                        h = parseInt(d.$.style.height, 10),
13949                                        g = e.$.offsetHeight,
13950                                        f = a.hasClass("cke_toolbox_collapser_min");
13951                                    f ? (c.show(), a.removeClass("cke_toolbox_collapser_min"), a.setAttribute("title", b.lang.toolbar.toolbarCollapse)) : (c.hide(), a.addClass("cke_toolbox_collapser_min"), a.setAttribute("title", b.lang.toolbar.toolbarExpand));
13952                                    a.getFirst().setText(f ? "▲" : "◀");
13953                                    d.setStyle("height",
13954                                        h - (e.$.offsetHeight - g) + "px");
13955                                    b.fire("resize", {
13956                                        outerHeight: b.container.$.offsetHeight,
13957                                        contentsHeight: d.$.offsetHeight,
13958                                        outerWidth: b.container.$.offsetWidth
13959                                    })
13960                                },
13961                                modes: {
13962                                    wysiwyg: 1,
13963                                    source: 1
13964                                }
13965                            });
13966                            a.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.ALT + (CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 189 : 109), "toolbarCollapse");
13967                            b.push('\x3ca title\x3d"' + (d ? a.lang.toolbar.toolbarCollapse : a.lang.toolbar.toolbarExpand) + '" id\x3d"' + a.ui.spaceId("toolbar_collapser") + '" tabIndex\x3d"-1" class\x3d"cke_toolbox_collapser');
13968                            d || b.push(" cke_toolbox_collapser_min");
13969                            b.push('" onclick\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + C + ')"\x3e', '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_arrow"\x3e\x26#9650;\x3c/span\x3e', "\x3c/a\x3e")
13970                        }
13971                        b.push("\x3c/span\x3e");
13972                        c.data.html += b.join("")
13973                    }
13974                });
13975                a.on("destroy", function() {
13976                    if (this.toolbox) {
13977                        var a, d = 0,
13978                            b, e, f;
13979                        for (a = this.toolbox.toolbars; d < a.length; d++)
13980                            for (e = a[d].items, b = 0; b < e.length; b++) f = e[b], f.clickFn && CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(f.clickFn), f.keyDownFn && CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(f.keyDownFn)
13981                    }
13982                });
13983                a.on("uiReady", function() {
13984                    var c = a.ui.space("toolbox");
13985                    c && a.focusManager.add(c,
13986                        1)
13987                });
13988                a.addCommand("toolbarFocus", E);
13989                a.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.ALT + 121, "toolbarFocus");
13990                a.ui.add("-", CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR, {});
13991                a.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR, {
13992                    create: function() {
13993                        return {
13994                            render: function(a, d) {
13995                                d.push('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_toolbar_separator" role\x3d"separator"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e');
13996                                return {}
13997                            }
13998                        }
13999                    }
14000                })
14001            }
14002        });
14003        CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addToolbarGroup = function(a, d, f) {
14004            var c = v(this.editor),
14005                h = 0 === d,
14006                b = {
14007                    name: a
14008                };
14009            if (f) {
14010                if (f = CKEDITOR.tools.search(c, function(a) {
14011                        return a.name == f
14012                    })) {
14013                    !f.groups && (f.groups = []);
14014                    if (d &&
14015                        (d = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(f.groups, d), 0 <= d)) {
14016                        f.groups.splice(d + 1, 0, a);
14017                        return
14018                    }
14019                    h ? f.groups.splice(0, 0, a) : f.groups.push(a);
14020                    return
14021                }
14022                d = null
14023            }
14024            d && (d = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(c, function(a) {
14025                return a.name == d
14026            }));
14027            h ? c.splice(0, 0, a) : "number" == typeof d ? c.splice(d + 1, 0, b) : c.push(a)
14028        }
14029    })();
14030    CKEDITOR.UI_SEPARATOR = "separator";
14031    CKEDITOR.config.toolbarLocation = "top";
14032    (function() {
14033        function r(a, b, c) {
14034            b.type || (b.type = "auto");
14035            if (c && !1 === a.fire("beforePaste", b) || !b.dataValue && b.dataTransfer.isEmpty()) return !1;
14036            b.dataValue || (b.dataValue = "");
14037            if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko && "drop" == b.method && a.toolbox) a.once("afterPaste", function() {
14038                a.toolbox.focus()
14039            });
14040            return a.fire("paste", b)
14041        }
14043        function x(a) {
14044            function b() {
14045                var b = a.editable();
14046                if (CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomCopyCutSupported) {
14047                    var c = function(b) {
14048                        a.getSelection().isCollapsed() || (a.readOnly && "cut" == b.name || p.initPasteDataTransfer(b,
14049                            a), b.data.preventDefault())
14050                    };
14051                    b.on("copy", c);
14052                    b.on("cut", c);
14053                    b.on("cut", function() {
14054                        a.readOnly || a.extractSelectedHtml()
14055                    }, null, null, 999)
14056                }
14057                b.on(p.mainPasteEvent, function(a) {
14058                    "beforepaste" == p.mainPasteEvent && m || k(a)
14059                });
14060                "beforepaste" == p.mainPasteEvent && (b.on("paste", function(a) {
14061                    u || (g(), a.data.preventDefault(), k(a), e("paste"))
14062                }), b.on("contextmenu", h, null, null, 0), b.on("beforepaste", function(a) {
14063                    !a.data || a.data.$.ctrlKey || a.data.$.shiftKey || h()
14064                }, null, null, 0));
14065                b.on("beforecut", function() {
14066                    !m && f(a)
14067                });
14068                var d;
14069                b.attachListener(CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
14070                    b : a.document.getDocumentElement(), "mouseup",
14071                    function() {
14072                        d = setTimeout(function() {
14073                            t()
14074                        }, 0)
14075                    });
14076                a.on("destroy", function() {
14077                    clearTimeout(d)
14078                });
14079                b.on("keyup", t)
14080            }
14082            function c(b) {
14083                return {
14084                    type: b,
14085                    canUndo: "cut" == b,
14086                    startDisabled: !0,
14087                    fakeKeystroke: "cut" == b ? CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88 : CKEDITOR.CTRL + 67,
14088                    exec: function() {
14089                        "cut" == this.type && f();
14090                        var b;
14091                        var c = this.type;
14092                        if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) b = e(c);
14093                        else try {
14094                            b = a.document.$.execCommand(c, !1, null)
14095                        } catch (d) {
14096                            b = !1
14097                        }
14098                        b || a.showNotification(a.lang.clipboard[this.type + "Error"]);
14099                        return b
14100                    }
14101                }
14102            }
14104            function d() {
14105                return {
14106                    canUndo: !1,
14107                    async: !0,
14108                    fakeKeystroke: CKEDITOR.CTRL + 86,
14109                    exec: function(a, b) {
14110                        function c(b, h) {
14111                            h = "undefined" !== typeof h ? h : !0;
14112                            b ? (b.method = "paste", b.dataTransfer || (b.dataTransfer = p.initPasteDataTransfer()), r(a, b, h)) : e && !a._.forcePasteDialog && a.showNotification(n, "info", a.config.clipboard_notificationDuration);
14113                            a._.forcePasteDialog = !1;
14114                            a.fire("afterCommandExec", {
14115                                name: "paste",
14116                                command: d,
14117                                returnValue: !!b
14118                            })
14119                        }
14120                        b = "undefined" !== typeof b && null !== b ? b : {};
14121                        var d = this,
14122                            e = "undefined" !== typeof b.notification ? b.notification : !0,
14123                            h = b.type,
14124                            f = CKEDITOR.tools.keystrokeToString(a.lang.common.keyboard,
14125                                a.getCommandKeystroke(this)),
14126                            n = "string" === typeof e ? e : a.lang.clipboard.pasteNotification.replace(/%1/, '\x3ckbd aria-label\x3d"' + f.aria + '"\x3e' + f.display + "\x3c/kbd\x3e"),
14127                            f = "string" === typeof b ? b : b.dataValue;
14128                        h && !0 !== a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText && "allow-word" !== a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ? a._.nextPasteType = h : delete a._.nextPasteType;
14129                        "string" === typeof f ? c({
14130                            dataValue: f
14131                        }) : a.getClipboardData(c)
14132                    }
14133                }
14134            }
14136            function g() {
14137                u = 1;
14138                setTimeout(function() {
14139                    u = 0
14140                }, 100)
14141            }
14143            function h() {
14144                m = 1;
14145                setTimeout(function() {
14146                    m = 0
14147                }, 10)
14148            }
14150            function e(b) {
14151                var c =
14152                    a.document,
14153                    d = c.getBody(),
14154                    e = !1,
14155                    h = function() {
14156                        e = !0
14157                    };
14158                d.on(b, h);
14159                7 < CKEDITOR.env.version ? c.$.execCommand(b) : c.$.selection.createRange().execCommand(b);
14160                d.removeListener(b, h);
14161                return e
14162            }
14164            function f() {
14165                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.quirks) {
14166                    var b = a.getSelection(),
14167                        c, d, e;
14168                    b.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_ELEMENT && (c = b.getSelectedElement()) && (d = b.getRanges()[0], e = a.document.createText(""), e.insertBefore(c), d.setStartBefore(e), d.setEndAfter(c), b.selectRanges([d]), setTimeout(function() {
14169                            c.getParent() && (e.remove(), b.selectElement(c))
14170                        },
14171                        0))
14172                }
14173            }
14175            function l(b, c) {
14176                var d = a.document,
14177                    e = a.editable(),
14178                    h = function(a) {
14179                        a.cancel()
14180                    },
14181                    f;
14182                if (!d.getById("cke_pastebin")) {
14183                    var n = a.getSelection(),
14184                        g = n.createBookmarks();
14185                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && n.root.fire("selectionchange");
14186                    var k = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(!CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !e.is("body") || CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "div" : "body", d);
14187                    k.setAttributes({
14188                        id: "cke_pastebin",
14189                        "data-cke-temp": "1"
14190                    });
14191                    var l = 0,
14192                        d = d.getWindow();
14193                    CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? (e.append(k), k.addClass("cke_editable"), e.is("body") || (l = "static" != e.getComputedStyle("position") ?
14194                        e : CKEDITOR.dom.element.get(e.$.offsetParent), l = l.getDocumentPosition().y)) : e.getAscendant(CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "body" : "html", 1).append(k);
14195                    k.setStyles({
14196                        position: "absolute",
14197                        top: d.getScrollPosition().y - l + 10 + "px",
14198                        width: "1px",
14199                        height: Math.max(1, d.getViewPaneSize().height - 20) + "px",
14200                        overflow: "hidden",
14201                        margin: 0,
14202                        padding: 0
14203                    });
14204                    CKEDITOR.env.safari && k.setStyles(CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix("user-select", "text"));
14205                    (l = k.getParent().isReadOnly()) ? (k.setOpacity(0), k.setAttribute("contenteditable", !0)) : k.setStyle("ltr" == a.config.contentsLangDirection ?
14206                        "left" : "right", "-10000px");
14207                    a.on("selectionChange", h, null, null, 0);
14208                    if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.gecko) f = e.once("blur", h, null, null, -100);
14209                    l && k.focus();
14210                    l = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(k);
14211                    l.selectNodeContents(k);
14212                    var t = l.select();
14213                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && (f = e.once("blur", function() {
14214                        a.lockSelection(t)
14215                    }));
14216                    var q = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition().y;
14217                    setTimeout(function() {
14218                        CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (CKEDITOR.document.getBody().$.scrollTop = q);
14219                        f && f.removeListener();
14220                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && e.focus();
14221                        n.selectBookmarks(g);
14222                        k.remove();
14223                        var b;
14224                        CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (b = k.getFirst()) && b.is && b.hasClass("Apple-style-span") && (k = b);
14225                        a.removeListener("selectionChange", h);
14226                        c(k.getHtml())
14227                    }, 0)
14228                }
14229            }
14231            function y() {
14232                if ("paste" == p.mainPasteEvent) return a.fire("beforePaste", {
14233                    type: "auto",
14234                    method: "paste"
14235                }), !1;
14236                a.focus();
14237                g();
14238                var b = a.focusManager;
14239                b.lock();
14240                if (a.editable().fire(p.mainPasteEvent) && !e("paste")) return b.unlock(), !1;
14241                b.unlock();
14242                return !0
14243            }
14245            function n(b) {
14246                if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode) switch (b.data.keyCode) {
14247                    case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 86:
14248                    case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 45:
14249                        b =
14250                            a.editable();
14251                        g();
14252                        "paste" == p.mainPasteEvent && b.fire("beforepaste");
14253                        break;
14254                    case CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88:
14255                    case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 46:
14256                        a.fire("saveSnapshot"), setTimeout(function() {
14257                            a.fire("saveSnapshot")
14258                        }, 50)
14259                }
14260            }
14262            function k(b) {
14263                var c = {
14264                    type: "auto",
14265                    method: "paste",
14266                    dataTransfer: p.initPasteDataTransfer(b)
14267                };
14268                c.dataTransfer.cacheData();
14269                var d = !1 !== a.fire("beforePaste", c);
14270                d && p.canClipboardApiBeTrusted(c.dataTransfer, a) ? (b.data.preventDefault(), setTimeout(function() {
14271                    r(a, c)
14272                }, 0)) : l(b, function(b) {
14273                    c.dataValue = b.replace(/<span[^>]+data-cke-bookmark[^<]*?<\/span>/ig,
14274                        "");
14275                    d && r(a, c)
14276                })
14277            }
14279            function t() {
14280                if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode) {
14281                    var b = q("paste");
14282                    a.getCommand("cut").setState(q("cut"));
14283                    a.getCommand("copy").setState(q("copy"));
14284                    a.getCommand("paste").setState(b);
14285                    a.fire("pasteState", b)
14286                }
14287            }
14289            function q(b) {
14290                if (v && b in {
14291                        paste: 1,
14292                        cut: 1
14293                    }) return CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED;
14294                if ("paste" == b) return CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
14295                b = a.getSelection();
14296                var c = b.getRanges();
14297                return b.getType() == CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE || 1 == c.length && c[0].collapsed ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
14298            }
14299            var p = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard,
14300                m = 0,
14301                u = 0,
14302                v = 0;
14303            (function() {
14304                a.on("key", n);
14305                a.on("contentDom", b);
14306                a.on("selectionChange", function(a) {
14307                    v = a.data.selection.getRanges()[0].checkReadOnly();
14308                    t()
14309                });
14310                if (a.contextMenu) {
14311                    a.contextMenu.addListener(function(a, b) {
14312                        v = b.getRanges()[0].checkReadOnly();
14313                        return {
14314                            cut: q("cut"),
14315                            copy: q("copy"),
14316                            paste: q("paste")
14317                        }
14318                    });
14319                    var c = null;
14320                    a.on("menuShow", function() {
14321                        c && (c.removeListener(), c = null);
14322                        var b = a.contextMenu.findItemByCommandName("paste");
14323                        b && b.element && (c = b.element.on("touchend", function() {
14324                            a._.forcePasteDialog = !0
14325                        }))
14326                    })
14327                }
14328                if (a.ui.addButton) a.once("instanceReady",
14329                    function() {
14330                        a._.pasteButtons && CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(a._.pasteButtons, function(b) {
14331                            if (b = a.ui.get(b))
14332                                if (b = CKEDITOR.document.getById(b._.id)) b.on("touchend", function() {
14333                                    a._.forcePasteDialog = !0
14334                                })
14335                        })
14336                    })
14337            })();
14338            (function() {
14339                function b(c, d, e, h, f) {
14340                    var n = a.lang.clipboard[d];
14341                    a.addCommand(d, e);
14342                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton(c, {
14343                        label: n,
14344                        command: d,
14345                        toolbar: "clipboard," + h
14346                    });
14347                    a.addMenuItems && a.addMenuItem(d, {
14348                        label: n,
14349                        command: d,
14350                        group: "clipboard",
14351                        order: f
14352                    })
14353                }
14354                b("Cut", "cut", c("cut"), 10, 1);
14355                b("Copy", "copy", c("copy"), 20, 4);
14356                b("Paste",
14357                    "paste", d(), 30, 8);
14358                a._.pasteButtons || (a._.pasteButtons = []);
14359                a._.pasteButtons.push("Paste")
14360            })();
14361            a.getClipboardData = function(b, c) {
14362                function d(a) {
14363                    a.removeListener();
14364                    a.cancel();
14365                    c(a.data)
14366                }
14368                function e(a) {
14369                    a.removeListener();
14370                    a.cancel();
14371                    c({
14372                        type: f,
14373                        dataValue: a.data.dataValue,
14374                        dataTransfer: a.data.dataTransfer,
14375                        method: "paste"
14376                    })
14377                }
14378                var h = !1,
14379                    f = "auto";
14380                c || (c = b, b = null);
14381                a.on("beforePaste", function(a) {
14382                    a.removeListener();
14383                    h = !0;
14384                    f = a.data.type
14385                }, null, null, 1E3);
14386                a.on("paste", d, null, null, 0);
14387                !1 === y() && (a.removeListener("paste", d), a._.forcePasteDialog &&
14388                    h && a.fire("pasteDialog") ? (a.on("pasteDialogCommit", e), a.on("dialogHide", function(a) {
14389                        a.removeListener();
14390                        a.data.removeListener("pasteDialogCommit", e);
14391                        a.data._.committed || c(null)
14392                    })) : c(null))
14393            }
14394        }
14396        function z(a) {
14397            if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
14398                if (!a.match(/^[^<]*$/g) && !a.match(/^(<div><br( ?\/)?><\/div>|<div>[^<]*<\/div>)*$/gi)) return "html"
14399            } else if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
14400                if (!a.match(/^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi) && !a.match(/^(<p>([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*<\/p>|(\r\n))*$/gi)) return "html"
14401            } else if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko) {
14402                if (!a.match(/^([^<]|<br( ?\/)?>)*$/gi)) return "html"
14403            } else return "html";
14404            return "htmlifiedtext"
14405        }
14407        function A(a, b) {
14408            function c(a) {
14409                return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat("\x3c/p\x3e\x3cp\x3e", ~~(a / 2)) + (1 == a % 2 ? "\x3cbr\x3e" : "")
14410            }
14411            b = b.replace(/(?!\u3000)\s+/g, " ").replace(/> +</g, "\x3e\x3c").replace(/<br ?\/>/gi, "\x3cbr\x3e");
14412            b = b.replace(/<\/?[A-Z]+>/g, function(a) {
14413                return a.toLowerCase()
14414            });
14415            if (b.match(/^[^<]$/)) return b;
14416            CKEDITOR.env.webkit && -1 < b.indexOf("\x3cdiv\x3e") && (b = b.replace(/^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)(?!$|(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>))/g, "\x3cbr\x3e").replace(/^(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>){2}(?!$)/g, "\x3cdiv\x3e\x3c/div\x3e"),
14417                b.match(/<div>(<br>|)<\/div>/) && (b = "\x3cp\x3e" + b.replace(/(<div>(<br>|)<\/div>)+/g, function(a) {
14418                    return c(a.split("\x3c/div\x3e\x3cdiv\x3e").length + 1)
14419                }) + "\x3c/p\x3e"), b = b.replace(/<\/div><div>/g, "\x3cbr\x3e"), b = b.replace(/<\/?div>/g, ""));
14420            CKEDITOR.env.gecko && a.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && (CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (b = b.replace(/^<br><br>$/, "\x3cbr\x3e")), -1 < b.indexOf("\x3cbr\x3e\x3cbr\x3e") && (b = "\x3cp\x3e" + b.replace(/(<br>){2,}/g, function(a) {
14421                return c(a.length / 4)
14422            }) + "\x3c/p\x3e"));
14423            return B(a, b)
14424        }
14426        function C() {
14427            function a() {
14428                var a = {},
14429                    b;
14430                for (b in CKEDITOR.dtd) "$" != b.charAt(0) && "div" != b && "span" != b && (a[b] = 1);
14431                return a
14432            }
14433            var b = {};
14434            return {
14435                get: function(c) {
14436                    return "plain-text" == c ? b.plainText || (b.plainText = new CKEDITOR.filter("br")) : "semantic-content" == c ? ((c = b.semanticContent) || (c = new CKEDITOR.filter, c.allow({
14437                        $1: {
14438                            elements: a(),
14439                            attributes: !0,
14440                            styles: !1,
14441                            classes: !1
14442                        }
14443                    }), c = b.semanticContent = c), c) : c ? new CKEDITOR.filter(c) : null
14444                }
14445            }
14446        }
14448        function w(a, b, c) {
14449            b = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(b);
14450            var d = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter;
14451            c.applyTo(b, !0, !1,
14452                a.activeEnterMode);
14453            b.writeHtml(d);
14454            return d.getHtml()
14455        }
14457        function B(a, b) {
14458            a.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? b = b.replace(/(<\/p><p>)+/g, function(a) {
14459                return CKEDITOR.tools.repeat("\x3cbr\x3e", a.length / 7 * 2)
14460            }).replace(/<\/?p>/g, "") : a.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV && (b = b.replace(/<(\/)?p>/g, "\x3c$1div\x3e"));
14461            return b
14462        }
14464        function D(a) {
14465            a.data.preventDefault();
14466            a.data.$.dataTransfer.dropEffect = "none"
14467        }
14469        function E(a) {
14470            var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard;
14471            a.on("contentDom", function() {
14472                function c(b, c, e) {
14473                    c.select();
14474                    r(a, {
14475                        dataTransfer: e,
14476                        method: "drop"
14477                    }, 1);
14478                    e.sourceEditor.fire("saveSnapshot");
14479                    e.sourceEditor.editable().extractHtmlFromRange(b);
14480                    e.sourceEditor.getSelection().selectRanges([b]);
14481                    e.sourceEditor.fire("saveSnapshot")
14482                }
14484                function d(c, e) {
14485                    c.select();
14486                    r(a, {
14487                        dataTransfer: e,
14488                        method: "drop"
14489                    }, 1);
14490                    b.resetDragDataTransfer()
14491                }
14493                function g(b, c, e) {
14494                    var d = {
14495                        $: b.data.$,
14496                        target: b.data.getTarget()
14497                    };
14498                    c && (d.dragRange = c);
14499                    e && (d.dropRange = e);
14500                    !1 === a.fire(b.name, d) && b.data.preventDefault()
14501                }
14503                function h(a) {
14504                    a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (a = a.getParent());
14505                    return a.getChildCount()
14506                }
14507                var e = a.editable(),
14508                    f = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.getDropTarget(a),
14509                    l = a.ui.space("top"),
14510                    m = a.ui.space("bottom");
14511                b.preventDefaultDropOnElement(l);
14512                b.preventDefaultDropOnElement(m);
14513                e.attachListener(f, "dragstart", g);
14514                e.attachListener(a, "dragstart", b.resetDragDataTransfer, b, null, 1);
14515                e.attachListener(a, "dragstart", function(c) {
14516                    b.initDragDataTransfer(c, a)
14517                }, null, null, 2);
14518                e.attachListener(a, "dragstart", function() {
14519                    var c = b.dragRange = a.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
14520                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && 10 > CKEDITOR.env.version && (b.dragStartContainerChildCount =
14521                        c ? h(c.startContainer) : null, b.dragEndContainerChildCount = c ? h(c.endContainer) : null)
14522                }, null, null, 100);
14523                e.attachListener(f, "dragend", g);
14524                e.attachListener(a, "dragend", b.initDragDataTransfer, b, null, 1);
14525                e.attachListener(a, "dragend", b.resetDragDataTransfer, b, null, 100);
14526                e.attachListener(f, "dragover", function(a) {
14527                    if (CKEDITOR.env.edge) a.data.preventDefault();
14528                    else {
14529                        var b = a.data.getTarget();
14530                        b && b.is && b.is("html") ? a.data.preventDefault() : CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isFileApiSupported && a.data.$.dataTransfer.types.contains("Files") &&
14531                            a.data.preventDefault()
14532                    }
14533                });
14534                e.attachListener(f, "drop", function(c) {
14535                    if (!c.data.$.defaultPrevented) {
14536                        c.data.preventDefault();
14537                        var e = c.data.getTarget();
14538                        if (!e.isReadOnly() || e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && e.is("html")) {
14539                            var e = b.getRangeAtDropPosition(c, a),
14540                                d = b.dragRange;
14541                            e && g(c, d, e)
14542                        }
14543                    }
14544                }, null, null, 9999);
14545                e.attachListener(a, "drop", b.initDragDataTransfer, b, null, 1);
14546                e.attachListener(a, "drop", function(e) {
14547                    if (e = e.data) {
14548                        var h = e.dropRange,
14549                            f = e.dragRange,
14550                            g = e.dataTransfer;
14551                        g.getTransferType(a) == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL ?
14552                            setTimeout(function() {
14553                                b.internalDrop(f, h, g, a)
14554                            }, 0) : g.getTransferType(a) == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_CROSS_EDITORS ? c(f, h, g) : d(h, g)
14555                    }
14556                }, null, null, 9999)
14557            })
14558        }
14559        var m;
14560        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("clipboard", {
14561            requires: "dialog,notification,toolbar",
14562            init: function(a) {
14563                var b, c = C();
14564                a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ? b = "plain-text" : a.config.pasteFilter ? b = a.config.pasteFilter : !CKEDITOR.env.webkit || "pasteFilter" in a.config || (b = "semantic-content");
14565                a.pasteFilter = c.get(b);
14566                x(a);
14567                E(a);
14568                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("paste", CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path +
14569                    "dialogs/paste.js"));
14570                if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko) {
14571                    var d = ["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/gif"],
14572                        g;
14573                    a.on("paste", function(b) {
14574                        var c = b.data,
14575                            f = c.dataTransfer;
14576                        if (!c.dataValue && "paste" == c.method && f && 1 == f.getFilesCount() && g != f.id && (f = f.getFile(0), -1 != CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(d, f.type))) {
14577                            var l = new FileReader;
14578                            l.addEventListener("load", function() {
14579                                b.data.dataValue = '\x3cimg src\x3d"' + l.result + '" /\x3e';
14580                                a.fire("paste", b.data)
14581                            }, !1);
14582                            l.addEventListener("abort", function() {
14583                                a.fire("paste", b.data)
14584                            }, !1);
14585                            l.addEventListener("error",
14586                                function() {
14587                                    a.fire("paste", b.data)
14588                                }, !1);
14589                            l.readAsDataURL(f);
14590                            g = c.dataTransfer.id;
14591                            b.stop()
14592                        }
14593                    }, null, null, 1)
14594                }
14595                a.on("paste", function(b) {
14596                    b.data.dataTransfer || (b.data.dataTransfer = new CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer);
14597                    if (!b.data.dataValue) {
14598                        var c = b.data.dataTransfer,
14599                            d = c.getData("text/html");
14600                        if (d) b.data.dataValue = d, b.data.type = "html";
14601                        else if (d = c.getData("text/plain")) b.data.dataValue = a.editable().transformPlainTextToHtml(d), b.data.type = "text"
14602                    }
14603                }, null, null, 1);
14604                a.on("paste", function(a) {
14605                    var b = a.data.dataValue,
14606                        c = CKEDITOR.dtd.$block; - 1 < b.indexOf("Apple-") && (b = b.replace(/<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;<\/span>/gi, " "), "html" != a.data.type && (b = b.replace(/<span class="Apple-tab-span"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/span>/gi, function(a, b) {
14607                        return b.replace(/\t/g, "\x26nbsp;\x26nbsp; \x26nbsp;")
14608                    })), -1 < b.indexOf('\x3cbr class\x3d"Apple-interchange-newline"\x3e') && (a.data.startsWithEOL = 1, a.data.preSniffing = "html", b = b.replace(/<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">/, "")), b = b.replace(/(<[^>]+) class="Apple-[^"]*"/gi, "$1"));
14609                    if (b.match(/^<[^<]+cke_(editable|contents)/i)) {
14610                        var d, g, n = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div");
14611                        for (n.setHtml(b); 1 == n.getChildCount() && (d = n.getFirst()) && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (d.hasClass("cke_editable") || d.hasClass("cke_contents"));) n = g = d;
14612                        g && (b = g.getHtml().replace(/<br>$/i, ""))
14613                    }
14614                    CKEDITOR.env.ie ? b = b.replace(/^&nbsp;(?: |\r\n)?<(\w+)/g, function(b, d) {
14615                        return d.toLowerCase() in c ? (a.data.preSniffing = "html", "\x3c" + d) : b
14616                    }) : CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? b = b.replace(/<\/(\w+)><div><br><\/div>$/, function(b, d) {
14617                        return d in
14618                            c ? (a.data.endsWithEOL = 1, "\x3c/" + d + "\x3e") : b
14619                    }) : CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (b = b.replace(/(\s)<br>$/, "$1"));
14620                    a.data.dataValue = b
14621                }, null, null, 3);
14622                a.on("paste", function(b) {
14623                    b = b.data;
14624                    var d = a._.nextPasteType || b.type,
14625                        f = b.dataValue,
14626                        g, m = a.config.clipboard_defaultContentType || "html",
14627                        n = b.dataTransfer.getTransferType(a) == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL,
14628                        k = !0 === a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText;
14629                    g = "html" == d || "html" == b.preSniffing ? "html" : z(f);
14630                    delete a._.nextPasteType;
14631                    "htmlifiedtext" == g && (f = A(a.config, f));
14632                    if ("text" == d && "html" == g) f =
14633                        w(a, f, c.get("plain-text"));
14634                    else if (n && a.pasteFilter && !b.dontFilter || k) f = w(a, f, a.pasteFilter);
14635                    b.startsWithEOL && (f = '\x3cbr data-cke-eol\x3d"1"\x3e' + f);
14636                    b.endsWithEOL && (f += '\x3cbr data-cke-eol\x3d"1"\x3e');
14637                    "auto" == d && (d = "html" == g || "html" == m ? "html" : "text");
14638                    b.type = d;
14639                    b.dataValue = f;
14640                    delete b.preSniffing;
14641                    delete b.startsWithEOL;
14642                    delete b.endsWithEOL
14643                }, null, null, 6);
14644                a.on("paste", function(b) {
14645                        b = b.data;
14646                        b.dataValue && (a.insertHtml(b.dataValue, b.type, b.range), setTimeout(function() {
14647                            a.fire("afterPaste")
14648                        }, 0))
14649                    }, null, null,
14650                    1E3);
14651                a.on("pasteDialog", function(b) {
14652                    setTimeout(function() {
14653                        a.openDialog("paste", b.data)
14654                    }, 0)
14655                })
14656            }
14657        });
14658        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard = {
14659            isCustomCopyCutSupported: (!CKEDITOR.env.ie || 16 <= CKEDITOR.env.version) && !CKEDITOR.env.iOS,
14660            isCustomDataTypesSupported: !CKEDITOR.env.ie || 16 <= CKEDITOR.env.version,
14661            isFileApiSupported: !CKEDITOR.env.ie || 9 < CKEDITOR.env.version,
14662            mainPasteEvent: CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge ? "beforepaste" : "paste",
14663            addPasteButton: function(a, b, c) {
14664                a.ui.addButton && (a.ui.addButton(b, c), a._.pasteButtons ||
14665                    (a._.pasteButtons = []), a._.pasteButtons.push(b))
14666            },
14667            canClipboardApiBeTrusted: function(a, b) {
14668                return a.getTransferType(b) != CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL || CKEDITOR.env.chrome && !a.isEmpty() || CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (a.getData("text/html") || a.getFilesCount()) || CKEDITOR.env.safari && 603 <= CKEDITOR.env.version && !CKEDITOR.env.iOS || CKEDITOR.env.edge && 16 <= CKEDITOR.env.version ? !0 : !1
14669            },
14670            getDropTarget: function(a) {
14671                var b = a.editable();
14672                return CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version || b.isInline() ? b : a.document
14673            },
14674            fixSplitNodesAfterDrop: function(a,
14675                b, c, d) {
14676                function g(a, c, d) {
14677                    var g = a;
14678                    g.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (g = a.getParent());
14679                    if (g.equals(c) && d != c.getChildCount()) return a = b.startContainer.getChild(b.startOffset - 1), c = b.startContainer.getChild(b.startOffset), a && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && (d = a.getLength(), a.setText(a.getText() + c.getText()), c.remove(), b.setStart(a, d), b.collapse(!0)), !0
14680                }
14681                var h = b.startContainer;
14682                "number" == typeof d && "number" == typeof c && h.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (g(a.startContainer, h, c) || g(a.endContainer,
14683                    h, d))
14684            },
14685            isDropRangeAffectedByDragRange: function(a, b) {
14686                var c = b.startContainer,
14687                    d = b.endOffset;
14688                return a.endContainer.equals(c) && a.endOffset <= d || a.startContainer.getParent().equals(c) && a.startContainer.getIndex() < d || a.endContainer.getParent().equals(c) && a.endContainer.getIndex() < d ? !0 : !1
14689            },
14690            internalDrop: function(a, b, c, d) {
14691                var g = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard,
14692                    h = d.editable(),
14693                    e, f;
14694                d.fire("saveSnapshot");
14695                d.fire("lockSnapshot", {
14696                    dontUpdate: 1
14697                });
14698                CKEDITOR.env.ie && 10 > CKEDITOR.env.version && this.fixSplitNodesAfterDrop(a, b, g.dragStartContainerChildCount,
14699                    g.dragEndContainerChildCount);
14700                (f = this.isDropRangeAffectedByDragRange(a, b)) || (e = a.createBookmark(!1));
14701                g = b.clone().createBookmark(!1);
14702                f && (e = a.createBookmark(!1));
14703                a = e.startNode;
14704                b = e.endNode;
14705                f = g.startNode;
14706                b && a.getPosition(f) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING && b.getPosition(f) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_FOLLOWING && f.insertBefore(a);
14707                a = d.createRange();
14708                a.moveToBookmark(e);
14709                h.extractHtmlFromRange(a, 1);
14710                b = d.createRange();
14711                b.moveToBookmark(g);
14712                r(d, {
14713                    dataTransfer: c,
14714                    method: "drop",
14715                    range: b
14716                }, 1);
14717                d.fire("unlockSnapshot")
14718            },
14719            getRangeAtDropPosition: function(a,
14720                b) {
14721                var c = a.data.$,
14722                    d = c.clientX,
14723                    g = c.clientY,
14724                    h = b.getSelection(!0).getRanges()[0],
14725                    e = b.createRange();
14726                if (a.data.testRange) return a.data.testRange;
14727                if (document.caretRangeFromPoint && b.document.$.caretRangeFromPoint(d, g)) c = b.document.$.caretRangeFromPoint(d, g), e.setStart(CKEDITOR.dom.node(c.startContainer), c.startOffset), e.collapse(!0);
14728                else if (c.rangeParent) e.setStart(CKEDITOR.dom.node(c.rangeParent), c.rangeOffset), e.collapse(!0);
14729                else {
14730                    if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 8 < CKEDITOR.env.version && h && b.editable().hasFocus) return h;
14731                    if (document.body.createTextRange) {
14732                        b.focus();
14733                        c = b.document.getBody().$.createTextRange();
14734                        try {
14735                            for (var f = !1, l = 0; 20 > l && !f; l++) {
14736                                if (!f) try {
14737                                    c.moveToPoint(d, g - l), f = !0
14738                                } catch (m) {}
14739                                if (!f) try {
14740                                    c.moveToPoint(d, g + l), f = !0
14741                                } catch (n) {}
14742                            }
14743                            if (f) {
14744                                var k = "cke-temp-" + (new Date).getTime();
14745                                c.pasteHTML('\x3cspan id\x3d"' + k + '"\x3e​\x3c/span\x3e');
14746                                var t = b.document.getById(k);
14747                                e.moveToPosition(t, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
14748                                t.remove()
14749                            } else {
14750                                var q = b.document.$.elementFromPoint(d, g),
14751                                    p = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(q),
14752                                    r;
14753                                if (p.equals(b.editable()) ||
14754                                    "html" == p.getName()) return h && h.startContainer && !h.startContainer.equals(b.editable()) ? h : null;
14755                                r = p.getClientRect();
14756                                d < r.left ? e.setStartAt(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START) : e.setStartAt(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
14757                                e.collapse(!0)
14758                            }
14759                        } catch (u) {
14760                            return null
14761                        }
14762                    } else return null
14763                }
14764                return e
14765            },
14766            initDragDataTransfer: function(a, b) {
14767                var c = a.data.$ ? a.data.$.dataTransfer : null,
14768                    d = new this.dataTransfer(c, b);
14769                "dragstart" === a.name && d.storeId();
14770                c ? this.dragData && d.id == this.dragData.id ? d = this.dragData : this.dragData = d : this.dragData ?
14771                    d = this.dragData : this.dragData = d;
14772                a.data.dataTransfer = d
14773            },
14774            resetDragDataTransfer: function() {
14775                this.dragData = null
14776            },
14777            initPasteDataTransfer: function(a, b) {
14778                if (this.isCustomCopyCutSupported) {
14779                    if (a && a.data && a.data.$) {
14780                        var c = a.data.$.clipboardData,
14781                            d = new this.dataTransfer(c, b);
14782                        "copy" !== a.name && "cut" !== a.name || d.storeId();
14783                        this.copyCutData && d.id == this.copyCutData.id ? (d = this.copyCutData, d.$ = c) : this.copyCutData = d;
14784                        return d
14785                    }
14786                    return new this.dataTransfer(null, b)
14787                }
14788                return new this.dataTransfer(CKEDITOR.env.edge && a && a.data.$ &&
14789                    a.data.$.clipboardData || null, b)
14790            },
14791            preventDefaultDropOnElement: function(a) {
14792                a && a.on("dragover", D)
14793            }
14794        };
14795        m = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported ? "cke/id" : "Text";
14796        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer = function(a, b) {
14797            a && (this.$ = a);
14798            this._ = {
14799                metaRegExp: /^<meta.*?>/i,
14800                bodyRegExp: /<body(?:[\s\S]*?)>([\s\S]*)<\/body>/i,
14801                fragmentRegExp: /\x3c!--(?:Start|End)Fragment--\x3e/g,
14802                data: {},
14803                files: [],
14804                nativeHtmlCache: "",
14805                normalizeType: function(a) {
14806                    a = a.toLowerCase();
14807                    return "text" == a || "text/plain" == a ? "Text" : "url" == a ?
14808                        "URL" : a
14809                }
14810            };
14811            this._.fallbackDataTransfer = new CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer(this);
14812            this.id = this.getData(m);
14813            this.id || (this.id = "Text" == m ? "" : "cke-" + CKEDITOR.tools.getUniqueId());
14814            b && (this.sourceEditor = b, this.setData("text/html", b.getSelectedHtml(1)), "Text" == m || this.getData("text/plain") || this.setData("text/plain", b.getSelection().getSelectedText()))
14815        };
14819        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dataTransfer.prototype = {
14820            getData: function(a, b) {
14821                a = this._.normalizeType(a);
14822                var c = "text/html" == a && b ? this._.nativeHtmlCache : this._.data[a];
14823                if (void 0 === c || null === c || "" === c) {
14824                    if (this._.fallbackDataTransfer.isRequired()) c = this._.fallbackDataTransfer.getData(a, b);
14825                    else try {
14826                        c = this.$.getData(a) || ""
14827                    } catch (d) {
14828                        c = ""
14829                    }
14830                    "text/html" != a || b || (c = this._stripHtml(c))
14831                }
14832                "Text" == a && CKEDITOR.env.gecko && this.getFilesCount() && "file://" == c.substring(0, 7) && (c = "");
14833                if ("string" === typeof c) var g = c.indexOf("\x3c/html\x3e"),
14834                    c = -1 !== g ? c.substring(0, g + 7) : c;
14835                return c
14836            },
14837            setData: function(a, b) {
14838                a = this._.normalizeType(a);
14839                "text/html" == a ? (this._.data[a] = this._stripHtml(b), this._.nativeHtmlCache = b) : this._.data[a] = b;
14840                if (CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported || "URL" == a || "Text" == a)
14841                    if ("Text" == m && "Text" == a && (this.id = b), this._.fallbackDataTransfer.isRequired()) this._.fallbackDataTransfer.setData(a, b);
14842                    else try {
14843                        this.$.setData(a, b)
14844                    } catch (c) {}
14845            },
14846            storeId: function() {
14847                "Text" !== m && this.setData(m, this.id)
14848            },
14849            getTransferType: function(a) {
14850                return this.sourceEditor ? this.sourceEditor ==
14852            },
14853            cacheData: function() {
14854                function a(a) {
14855                    a = b._.normalizeType(a);
14856                    var c = b.getData(a);
14857                    "text/html" == a && (b._.nativeHtmlCache = b.getData(a, !0), c = b._stripHtml(c));
14858                    c && (b._.data[a] = c)
14859                }
14860                if (this.$) {
14861                    var b = this,
14862                        c, d;
14863                    if (CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported) {
14864                        if (this.$.types)
14865                            for (c = 0; c < this.$.types.length; c++) a(this.$.types[c])
14866                    } else a("Text"), a("URL");
14867                    d = this._getImageFromClipboard();
14868                    if (this.$ && this.$.files ||
14869                        d) {
14870                        this._.files = [];
14871                        if (this.$.files && this.$.files.length)
14872                            for (c = 0; c < this.$.files.length; c++) this._.files.push(this.$.files[c]);
14873                        0 === this._.files.length && d && this._.files.push(d)
14874                    }
14875                }
14876            },
14877            getFilesCount: function() {
14878                return this._.files.length ? this._.files.length : this.$ && this.$.files && this.$.files.length ? this.$.files.length : this._getImageFromClipboard() ? 1 : 0
14879            },
14880            getFile: function(a) {
14881                return this._.files.length ? this._.files[a] : this.$ && this.$.files && this.$.files.length ? this.$.files[a] : 0 === a ? this._getImageFromClipboard() :
14882                    void 0
14883            },
14884            isEmpty: function() {
14885                var a = {},
14886                    b;
14887                if (this.getFilesCount()) return !1;
14888                CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys(this._.data), function(b) {
14889                    a[b] = 1
14890                });
14891                if (this.$)
14892                    if (CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported) {
14893                        if (this.$.types)
14894                            for (var c = 0; c < this.$.types.length; c++) a[this.$.types[c]] = 1
14895                    } else a.Text = 1, a.URL = 1;
14896                "Text" != m && (a[m] = 0);
14897                for (b in a)
14898                    if (a[b] && "" !== this.getData(b)) return !1;
14899                return !0
14900            },
14901            _getImageFromClipboard: function() {
14902                var a;
14903                if (this.$ && this.$.items && this.$.items[0]) try {
14904                    if ((a = this.$.items[0].getAsFile()) &&
14905                        a.type) return a
14906                } catch (b) {}
14907            },
14908            _stripHtml: function(a) {
14909                if (a && a.length) {
14910                    a = a.replace(this._.metaRegExp, "");
14911                    var b = this._.bodyRegExp.exec(a);
14912                    b && b.length && (a = b[1], a = a.replace(this._.fragmentRegExp, ""))
14913                }
14914                return a
14915            }
14916        };
14917        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer = function(a) {
14918            this._dataTransfer = a;
14919            this._customDataFallbackType = "text/html"
14920        };
14921        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer._isCustomMimeTypeSupported = null;
14922        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer._customTypes = [];
14923        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer.prototype = {
14924            isRequired: function() {
14925                var a = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer,
14926                    b = this._dataTransfer.$;
14927                if (null === a._isCustomMimeTypeSupported)
14928                    if (b) {
14929                        a._isCustomMimeTypeSupported = !1;
14930                        if (CKEDITOR.env.edge && 17 <= CKEDITOR.env.version) return !0;
14931                        try {
14932                            b.setData("cke/mimetypetest", "cke test value"), a._isCustomMimeTypeSupported = "cke test value" === b.getData("cke/mimetypetest"), b.clearData("cke/mimetypetest")
14933                        } catch (c) {}
14934                    } else return !1;
14935                return !a._isCustomMimeTypeSupported
14936            },
14937            getData: function(a, b) {
14938                var c = this._getData(this._customDataFallbackType,
14939                    !0);
14940                if (b) return c;
14941                var c = this._extractDataComment(c),
14942                    d = null,
14943                    d = a === this._customDataFallbackType ? c.content : c.data && c.data[a] ? c.data[a] : this._getData(a, !0);
14944                return null !== d ? d : ""
14945            },
14946            setData: function(a, b) {
14947                var c = a === this._customDataFallbackType;
14948                c && (b = this._applyDataComment(b, this._getFallbackTypeData()));
14949                var d = b,
14950                    g = this._dataTransfer.$;
14951                try {
14952                    g.setData(a, d), c && (this._dataTransfer._.nativeHtmlCache = d)
14953                } catch (h) {
14954                    if (this._isUnsupportedMimeTypeError(h)) {
14955                        c = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer; - 1 === CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(c._customTypes,
14956                            a) && c._customTypes.push(a);
14957                        var c = this._getFallbackTypeContent(),
14958                            e = this._getFallbackTypeData();
14959                        e[a] = d;
14960                        try {
14961                            d = this._applyDataComment(c, e), g.setData(this._customDataFallbackType, d), this._dataTransfer._.nativeHtmlCache = d
14962                        } catch (f) {
14963                            d = ""
14964                        }
14965                    }
14966                }
14967                return d
14968            },
14969            _getData: function(a, b) {
14970                var c = this._dataTransfer._.data;
14971                if (!b && c[a]) return c[a];
14972                try {
14973                    return this._dataTransfer.$.getData(a)
14974                } catch (d) {
14975                    return null
14976                }
14977            },
14978            _getFallbackTypeContent: function() {
14979                var a = this._dataTransfer._.data[this._customDataFallbackType];
14980                a || (a = this._extractDataComment(this._getData(this._customDataFallbackType,
14981                    !0)).content);
14982                return a
14983            },
14984            _getFallbackTypeData: function() {
14985                var a = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.fallbackDataTransfer._customTypes,
14986                    b = this._extractDataComment(this._getData(this._customDataFallbackType, !0)).data || {},
14987                    c = this._dataTransfer._.data;
14988                CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(a, function(a) {
14989                    void 0 !== c[a] ? b[a] = c[a] : void 0 !== b[a] && (b[a] = b[a])
14990                }, this);
14991                return b
14992            },
14993            _isUnsupportedMimeTypeError: function(a) {
14994                return a.message && -1 !== a.message.search(/element not found/gi)
14995            },
14996            _extractDataComment: function(a) {
14997                var b = {
14998                    data: null,
14999                    content: a ||
15000                        ""
15001                };
15002                if (a && 16 < a.length) {
15003                    var c;
15004                    (c = /\x3c!--cke-data:(.*?)--\x3e/g.exec(a)) && c[1] && (b.data = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(c[1])), b.content = a.replace(c[0], ""))
15005                }
15006                return b
15007            },
15008            _applyDataComment: function(a, b) {
15009                var c = "";
15010                b && CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys(b).length && (c = "\x3c!--cke-data:" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(b)) + "--\x3e");
15011                return c + (a && a.length ? a : "")
15012            }
15013        }
15014    })();
15015    CKEDITOR.config.clipboard_notificationDuration = 1E4;
15016    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("panelbutton", {
15017        requires: "button",
15018        onLoad: function() {
15019            function e(c) {
15020                var a = this._;
15021                a.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && (this.createPanel(c), a.on ? a.panel.hide() : a.panel.showBlock(this._.id, this.document.getById(this._.id), 4))
15022            }
15023            CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
15024                base: CKEDITOR.ui.button,
15025                $: function(c) {
15026                    var a = c.panel || {};
15027                    delete c.panel;
15028                    this.base(c);
15029                    this.document = a.parent && a.parent.getDocument() || CKEDITOR.document;
15030                    a.block = {
15031                        attributes: a.attributes
15032                    };
15033                    this.hasArrow = a.toolbarRelated = !0;
15034                    this.click = e;
15035                    this._ = {
15036                        panelDefinition: a
15037                    }
15038                },
15039                statics: {
15040                    handler: {
15041                        create: function(c) {
15042                            return new CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton(c)
15043                        }
15044                    }
15045                },
15046                proto: {
15047                    createPanel: function(c) {
15048                        var a = this._;
15049                        if (!a.panel) {
15050                            var f = this._.panelDefinition,
15051                                e = this._.panelDefinition.block,
15052                                g = f.parent || CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
15053                                d = this._.panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel(c, g, f),
15054                                f = d.addBlock(a.id, e),
15055                                b = this;
15056                            d.onShow = function() {
15057                                b.className && this.element.addClass(b.className + "_panel");
15058                                b.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
15059                                a.on = 1;
15060                                b.editorFocus && c.focus();
15061                                if (b.onOpen) b.onOpen()
15062                            };
15063                            d.onHide = function(d) {
15064                                b.className && this.element.getFirst().removeClass(b.className + "_panel");
15065                                b.setState(b.modes && b.modes[c.mode] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
15066                                a.on = 0;
15067                                if (!d && b.onClose) b.onClose()
15068                            };
15069                            d.onEscape = function() {
15070                                d.hide(1);
15071                                b.document.getById(a.id).focus()
15072                            };
15073                            if (this.onBlock) this.onBlock(d, f);
15074                            f.onHide = function() {
15075                                a.on = 0;
15076                                b.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
15077                            }
15078                        }
15079                    }
15080                }
15081            })
15082        },
15083        beforeInit: function(e) {
15084            e.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.panelButton.handler)
15085        }
15086    });
15087    CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON = "panelbutton";
15088    (function() {
15089        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("panel", {
15090            beforeInit: function(a) {
15091                a.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_PANEL, CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler)
15092            }
15093        });
15094        CKEDITOR.UI_PANEL = "panel";
15095        CKEDITOR.ui.panel = function(a, b) {
15096            b && CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, b);
15097            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, {
15098                className: "",
15099                css: []
15100            });
15101            this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
15102            this.document = a;
15103            this.isFramed = this.forceIFrame || this.css.length;
15104            this._ = {
15105                blocks: {}
15106            }
15107        };
15108        CKEDITOR.ui.panel.handler = {
15109            create: function(a) {
15110                return new CKEDITOR.ui.panel(a)
15111            }
15112        };
15113        var g = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("panel",
15114                '\x3cdiv lang\x3d"{langCode}" id\x3d"{id}" dir\x3d{dir} class\x3d"cke cke_reset_all {editorId} cke_panel cke_panel {cls} cke_{dir}" style\x3d"z-index:{z-index}" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e{frame}\x3c/div\x3e'),
15115            h = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("panel-frame", '\x3ciframe id\x3d"{id}" class\x3d"cke_panel_frame" role\x3d"presentation" frameborder\x3d"0" src\x3d"{src}"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e'),
15116            k = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("panel-frame-inner", '\x3c!DOCTYPE html\x3e\x3chtml class\x3d"cke_panel_container {env}" dir\x3d"{dir}" lang\x3d"{langCode}"\x3e\x3chead\x3e{css}\x3c/head\x3e\x3cbody class\x3d"cke_{dir}" style\x3d"margin:0;padding:0" onload\x3d"{onload}"\x3e\x3c/body\x3e\x3c/html\x3e');
15117        CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype = {
15118            render: function(a, b) {
15119                this.getHolderElement = function() {
15120                    var a = this._.holder;
15121                    if (!a) {
15122                        if (this.isFramed) {
15123                            var a = this.document.getById(this.id + "_frame"),
15124                                b = a.getParent(),
15125                                a = a.getFrameDocument();
15126                            CKEDITOR.env.iOS && b.setStyles({
15127                                overflow: "scroll",
15128                                "-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch"
15129                            });
15130                            b = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function() {
15131                                this.isLoaded = !0;
15132                                if (this.onLoad) this.onLoad()
15133                            }, this));
15134                            a.write(k.output(CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
15135                                css: CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml(this.css),
15136                                onload: "window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" +
15137                                    b + ");"
15138                            }, e)));
15139                            a.getWindow().$.CKEDITOR = CKEDITOR;
15140                            a.on("keydown", function(a) {
15141                                var b = a.data.getKeystroke(),
15142                                    c = this.document.getById(this.id).getAttribute("dir");
15143                                this._.onKeyDown && !1 === this._.onKeyDown(b) ? a.data.preventDefault() : (27 == b || b == ("rtl" == c ? 39 : 37)) && this.onEscape && !1 === this.onEscape(b) && a.data.preventDefault()
15144                            }, this);
15145                            a = a.getBody();
15146                            a.unselectable();
15147                            CKEDITOR.env.air && CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(b)
15148                        } else a = this.document.getById(this.id);
15149                        this._.holder = a
15150                    }
15151                    return a
15152                };
15153                var e = {
15154                    editorId: a.id,
15155                    id: this.id,
15156                    langCode: a.langCode,
15157                    dir: a.lang.dir,
15158                    cls: this.className,
15159                    frame: "",
15160                    env: CKEDITOR.env.cssClass,
15161                    "z-index": a.config.baseFloatZIndex + 1
15162                };
15163                if (this.isFramed) {
15164                    var d = CKEDITOR.env.air ? "javascript:void(0)" : CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "javascript:void(function(){" + encodeURIComponent("document.open();(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();document.close();") + "}())" : "";
15165                    e.frame = h.output({
15166                        id: this.id + "_frame",
15167                        src: d
15168                    })
15169                }
15170                d = g.output(e);
15171                b && b.push(d);
15172                return d
15173            },
15174            addBlock: function(a, b) {
15175                b = this._.blocks[a] = b instanceof CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block ? b : new CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block(this.getHolderElement(),
15176                    b);
15177                this._.currentBlock || this.showBlock(a);
15178                return b
15179            },
15180            getBlock: function(a) {
15181                return this._.blocks[a]
15182            },
15183            showBlock: function(a) {
15184                a = this._.blocks[a];
15185                var b = this._.currentBlock,
15186                    e = !this.forceIFrame || CKEDITOR.env.ie ? this._.holder : this.document.getById(this.id + "_frame");
15187                b && b.hide();
15188                this._.currentBlock = a;
15189                CKEDITOR.fire("ariaWidget", e);
15190                a._.focusIndex = -1;
15191                this._.onKeyDown = a.onKeyDown && CKEDITOR.tools.bind(a.onKeyDown, a);
15192                a.show();
15193                return a
15194            },
15195            destroy: function() {
15196                this.element && this.element.remove()
15197            }
15198        };
15199        CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block =
15200            CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
15201                $: function(a, b) {
15202                    this.element = a.append(a.getDocument().createElement("div", {
15203                        attributes: {
15204                            tabindex: -1,
15205                            "class": "cke_panel_block"
15206                        },
15207                        styles: {
15208                            display: "none"
15209                        }
15210                    }));
15211                    b && CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, b);
15212                    this.element.setAttributes({
15213                        role: this.attributes.role || "presentation",
15214                        "aria-label": this.attributes["aria-label"],
15215                        title: this.attributes.title || this.attributes["aria-label"]
15216                    });
15217                    this.keys = {};
15218                    this._.focusIndex = -1;
15219                    this.element.disableContextMenu()
15220                },
15221                _: {
15222                    markItem: function(a) {
15223                        -1 != a && (a = this.element.getElementsByTag("a").getItem(this._.focusIndex =
15224                            a), CKEDITOR.env.webkit && a.getDocument().getWindow().focus(), a.focus(), this.onMark && this.onMark(a))
15225                    },
15226                    markFirstDisplayed: function(a) {
15227                        for (var b = function(a) {
15228                                return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "none" == a.getStyle("display")
15229                            }, e = this._.getItems(), d, c, f = e.count() - 1; 0 <= f; f--)
15230                            if (d = e.getItem(f), d.getAscendant(b) || (c = d, this._.focusIndex = f), "true" == d.getAttribute("aria-selected")) {
15231                                c = d;
15232                                this._.focusIndex = f;
15233                                break
15234                            } c && (a && a(), CKEDITOR.env.webkit && c.getDocument().getWindow().focus(), c.focus(), this.onMark && this.onMark(c))
15235                    },
15236                    getItems: function() {
15237                        return this.element.getElementsByTag("a")
15238                    }
15239                },
15240                proto: {
15241                    show: function() {
15242                        this.element.setStyle("display", "")
15243                    },
15244                    hide: function() {
15245                        this.onHide && !0 === this.onHide.call(this) || this.element.setStyle("display", "none")
15246                    },
15247                    onKeyDown: function(a, b) {
15248                        var e = this.keys[a];
15249                        switch (e) {
15250                            case "next":
15251                                for (var d = this._.focusIndex, e = this.element.getElementsByTag("a"), c; c = e.getItem(++d);)
15252                                    if (c.getAttribute("_cke_focus") && c.$.offsetWidth) {
15253                                        this._.focusIndex = d;
15254                                        c.focus();
15255                                        break
15256                                    } return c || b ? !1 : (this._.focusIndex = -1, this.onKeyDown(a,
15257                                    1));
15258                            case "prev":
15259                                d = this._.focusIndex;
15260                                for (e = this.element.getElementsByTag("a"); 0 < d && (c = e.getItem(--d));) {
15261                                    if (c.getAttribute("_cke_focus") && c.$.offsetWidth) {
15262                                        this._.focusIndex = d;
15263                                        c.focus();
15264                                        break
15265                                    }
15266                                    c = null
15267                                }
15268                                return c || b ? !1 : (this._.focusIndex = e.count(), this.onKeyDown(a, 1));
15269                            case "click":
15270                            case "mouseup":
15271                                return d = this._.focusIndex, (c = 0 <= d && this.element.getElementsByTag("a").getItem(d)) && (c.$[e] ? c.$[e]() : c.$["on" + e]()), !1
15272                        }
15273                        return !0
15274                    }
15275                }
15276            })
15277    })();
15278    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("floatpanel", {
15279        requires: "panel"
15280    });
15281    (function() {
15282        function v(a, b, c, m, h) {
15283            h = CKEDITOR.tools.genKey(b.getUniqueId(), c.getUniqueId(), a.lang.dir, a.uiColor || "", m.css || "", h || "");
15284            var g = f[h];
15285            g || (g = f[h] = new CKEDITOR.ui.panel(b, m), g.element = c.append(CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(g.render(a), b)), g.element.setStyles({
15286                display: "none",
15287                position: "absolute"
15288            }));
15289            return g
15290        }
15291        var f = {};
15292        CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
15293            $: function(a, b, c, m) {
15294                function h() {
15295                    e.hide()
15296                }
15297                c.forceIFrame = 1;
15298                c.toolbarRelated && a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE &&
15299                    (b = CKEDITOR.document.getById("cke_" + a.name));
15300                var g = b.getDocument();
15301                m = v(a, g, b, c, m || 0);
15302                var n = m.element,
15303                    k = n.getFirst(),
15304                    e = this;
15305                n.disableContextMenu();
15306                this.element = n;
15307                this._ = {
15308                    editor: a,
15309                    panel: m,
15310                    parentElement: b,
15311                    definition: c,
15312                    document: g,
15313                    iframe: k,
15314                    children: [],
15315                    dir: a.lang.dir,
15316                    showBlockParams: null
15317                };
15318                a.on("mode", h);
15319                a.on("resize", h);
15320                g.getWindow().on("resize", function() {
15321                    this.reposition()
15322                }, this)
15323            },
15324            proto: {
15325                addBlock: function(a, b) {
15326                    return this._.panel.addBlock(a, b)
15327                },
15328                addListBlock: function(a, b) {
15329                    return this._.panel.addListBlock(a,
15330                        b)
15331                },
15332                getBlock: function(a) {
15333                    return this._.panel.getBlock(a)
15334                },
15335                showBlock: function(a, b, c, m, h, g) {
15336                    var n = this._.panel,
15337                        k = n.showBlock(a);
15338                    this._.showBlockParams = [].slice.call(arguments);
15339                    this.allowBlur(!1);
15340                    var e = this._.editor.editable();
15341                    this._.returnFocus = e.hasFocus ? e : new CKEDITOR.dom.element(CKEDITOR.document.$.activeElement);
15342                    this._.hideTimeout = 0;
15343                    var l = this.element,
15344                        e = this._.iframe,
15345                        e = CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge ? e : new CKEDITOR.dom.window(e.$.contentWindow),
15346                        f = l.getDocument(),
15347                        r = this._.parentElement.getPositionedAncestor(),
15348                        t = b.getDocumentPosition(f),
15349                        f = r ? r.getDocumentPosition(f) : {
15350                            x: 0,
15351                            y: 0
15352                        },
15353                        q = "rtl" == this._.dir,
15354                        d = t.x + (m || 0) - f.x,
15355                        p = t.y + (h || 0) - f.y;
15356                    !q || 1 != c && 4 != c ? q || 2 != c && 3 != c || (d += b.$.offsetWidth - 1) : d += b.$.offsetWidth;
15357                    if (3 == c || 4 == c) p += b.$.offsetHeight - 1;
15358                    this._.panel._.offsetParentId = b.getId();
15359                    l.setStyles({
15360                        top: p + "px",
15361                        left: 0,
15362                        display: ""
15363                    });
15364                    l.setOpacity(0);
15365                    l.getFirst().removeStyle("width");
15366                    this._.editor.focusManager.add(e);
15367                    this._.blurSet || (CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = !0, e.on("blur", function(a) {
15368                            function u() {
15369                                delete this._.returnFocus;
15370                                this.hide()
15371                            }
15372                            this.allowBlur() && a.data.getPhase() == CKEDITOR.EVENT_PHASE_AT_TARGET && this.visible && !this._.activeChild && (CKEDITOR.env.iOS ? this._.hideTimeout || (this._.hideTimeout = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(u, 0, this)) : u.call(this))
15373                        }, this), e.on("focus", function() {
15374                            this._.focused = !0;
15375                            this.hideChild();
15376                            this.allowBlur(!0)
15377                        }, this), CKEDITOR.env.iOS && (e.on("touchstart", function() {
15378                            clearTimeout(this._.hideTimeout)
15379                        }, this), e.on("touchend", function() {
15380                            this._.hideTimeout = 0;
15381                            this.focus()
15382                        }, this)), CKEDITOR.event.useCapture = !1,
15383                        this._.blurSet = 1);
15384                    n.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function(a) {
15385                        if (this.onEscape && !1 === this.onEscape(a)) return !1
15386                    }, this);
15387                    CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
15388                        var a = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function() {
15389                            var a = l;
15390                            a.removeStyle("width");
15391                            if (k.autoSize) {
15392                                var b = k.element.getDocument(),
15393                                    b = (CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.edge ? k.element : b.getBody()).$.scrollWidth;
15394                                CKEDITOR.env.ie && CKEDITOR.env.quirks && 0 < b && (b += (a.$.offsetWidth || 0) - (a.$.clientWidth || 0) + 3);
15395                                a.setStyle("width", b + 10 + "px");
15396                                b = k.element.$.scrollHeight;
15397                                CKEDITOR.env.ie &&
15398                                    CKEDITOR.env.quirks && 0 < b && (b += (a.$.offsetHeight || 0) - (a.$.clientHeight || 0) + 3);
15399                                a.setStyle("height", b + "px");
15400                                n._.currentBlock.element.setStyle("display", "none").removeStyle("display")
15401                            } else a.removeStyle("height");
15402                            q && (d -= l.$.offsetWidth);
15403                            l.setStyle("left", d + "px");
15404                            var b = n.element.getWindow(),
15405                                a = l.$.getBoundingClientRect(),
15406                                b = b.getViewPaneSize(),
15407                                c = a.width || a.right - a.left,
15408                                e = a.height || a.bottom - a.top,
15409                                m = q ? a.right : b.width - a.left,
15410                                h = q ? b.width - a.right : a.left;
15411                            q ? m < c && (d = h > c ? d + c : b.width > c ? d - a.left : d - a.right + b.width) :
15412                                m < c && (d = h > c ? d - c : b.width > c ? d - a.right + b.width : d - a.left);
15413                            c = a.top;
15414                            b.height - a.top < e && (p = c > e ? p - e : b.height > e ? p - a.bottom + b.height : p - a.top);
15415                            CKEDITOR.env.ie && (b = a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(l.$.offsetParent), "html" == b.getName() && (b = b.getDocument().getBody()), "rtl" == b.getComputedStyle("direction") && (d = CKEDITOR.env.ie8Compat ? d - 2 * l.getDocument().getDocumentElement().$.scrollLeft : d - (a.$.scrollWidth - a.$.clientWidth)));
15416                            var a = l.getFirst(),
15417                                f;
15418                            (f = a.getCustomData("activePanel")) && f.onHide && f.onHide.call(this, 1);
15419                            a.setCustomData("activePanel",
15420                                this);
15421                            l.setStyles({
15422                                top: p + "px",
15423                                left: d + "px"
15424                            });
15425                            l.setOpacity(1);
15426                            g && g()
15427                        }, this);
15428                        n.isLoaded ? a() : n.onLoad = a;
15429                        CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
15430                            var a = CKEDITOR.env.webkit && CKEDITOR.document.getWindow().getScrollPosition().y;
15431                            this.focus();
15432                            k.element.focus();
15433                            CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (CKEDITOR.document.getBody().$.scrollTop = a);
15434                            this.allowBlur(!0);
15435                            CKEDITOR.env.ie ? CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
15436                                    k.markFirstDisplayed ? k.markFirstDisplayed() : k._.markFirstDisplayed()
15437                                }, 0) : k.markFirstDisplayed ? k.markFirstDisplayed() :
15438                                k._.markFirstDisplayed();
15439                            this._.editor.fire("panelShow", this)
15440                        }, 0, this)
15441                    }, CKEDITOR.env.air ? 200 : 0, this);
15442                    this.visible = 1;
15443                    this.onShow && this.onShow.call(this)
15444                },
15445                reposition: function() {
15446                    var a = this._.showBlockParams;
15447                    this.visible && this._.showBlockParams && (this.hide(), this.showBlock.apply(this, a))
15448                },
15449                focus: function() {
15450                    if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
15451                        var a = CKEDITOR.document.getActive();
15452                        a && !a.equals(this._.iframe) && a.$.blur()
15453                    }(this._.lastFocused || this._.iframe.getFrameDocument().getWindow()).focus()
15454                },
15455                blur: function() {
15456                    var a =
15457                        this._.iframe.getFrameDocument().getActive();
15458                    a && a.is("a") && (this._.lastFocused = a)
15459                },
15460                hide: function(a) {
15461                    if (this.visible && (!this.onHide || !0 !== this.onHide.call(this))) {
15462                        this.hideChild();
15463                        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && this._.iframe.getFrameDocument().$.activeElement.blur();
15464                        this.element.setStyle("display", "none");
15465                        this.visible = 0;
15466                        this.element.getFirst().removeCustomData("activePanel");
15467                        if (a = a && this._.returnFocus) CKEDITOR.env.webkit && a.type && a.getWindow().$.focus(), a.focus();
15468                        delete this._.lastFocused;
15469                        this._.showBlockParams =
15470                            null;
15471                        this._.editor.fire("panelHide", this)
15472                    }
15473                },
15474                allowBlur: function(a) {
15475                    var b = this._.panel;
15476                    void 0 !== a && (b.allowBlur = a);
15477                    return b.allowBlur
15478                },
15479                showAsChild: function(a, b, c, f, h, g) {
15480                    if (this._.activeChild != a || a._.panel._.offsetParentId != c.getId()) this.hideChild(), a.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function() {
15481                        CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
15482                            this._.focused || this.hide()
15483                        }, 0, this)
15484                    }, this), this._.activeChild = a, this._.focused = !1, a.showBlock(b, c, f, h, g), this.blur(), (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat) && setTimeout(function() {
15485                        a.element.getChild(0).$.style.cssText +=
15486                            ""
15487                    }, 100)
15488                },
15489                hideChild: function(a) {
15490                    var b = this._.activeChild;
15491                    b && (delete b.onHide, delete this._.activeChild, b.hide(), a && this.focus())
15492                }
15493            }
15494        });
15495        CKEDITOR.on("instanceDestroyed", function() {
15496            var a = CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(CKEDITOR.instances),
15497                b;
15498            for (b in f) {
15499                var c = f[b];
15500                a ? c.destroy() : c.element.hide()
15501            }
15502            a && (f = {})
15503        })
15504    })();
15505    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("colorbutton", {
15506        requires: "panelbutton,floatpanel",
15507        init: function(e) {
15508            function t(a, d, g, r, k) {
15509                var p = new CKEDITOR.style(l["colorButton_" + d + "Style"]),
15510                    m = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId() + "_colorBox",
15511                    q;
15512                k = k || {};
15513                e.ui.add(a, CKEDITOR.UI_PANELBUTTON, {
15514                    label: g,
15515                    title: g,
15516                    modes: {
15517                        wysiwyg: 1
15518                    },
15519                    editorFocus: 0,
15520                    toolbar: "colors," + r,
15521                    allowedContent: p,
15522                    requiredContent: p,
15523                    contentTransformations: k.contentTransformations,
15524                    panel: {
15525                        css: CKEDITOR.skin.getPath("editor"),
15526                        attributes: {
15527                            role: "listbox",
15528                            "aria-label": h.panelTitle
15529                        }
15530                    },
15531                    onBlock: function(a,
15532                        b) {
15533                        q = b;
15534                        b.autoSize = !0;
15535                        b.element.addClass("cke_colorblock");
15536                        b.element.setHtml(y(a, d, m));
15537                        b.element.getDocument().getBody().setStyle("overflow", "hidden");
15538                        CKEDITOR.ui.fire("ready", this);
15539                        var c = b.keys,
15540                            f = "rtl" == e.lang.dir;
15541                        c[f ? 37 : 39] = "next";
15542                        c[40] = "next";
15543                        c[9] = "next";
15544                        c[f ? 39 : 37] = "prev";
15545                        c[38] = "prev";
15546                        c[CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9] = "prev";
15547                        c[32] = "click"
15548                    },
15549                    refresh: function() {
15550                        e.activeFilter.check(p) || this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
15551                    },
15552                    onOpen: function() {
15553                        var a = e.getSelection(),
15554                            b = a && a.getStartElement(),
15555                            c = e.elementPath(b);
15556                        if (c) {
15557                            b = c.block || c.blockLimit || e.document.getBody();
15558                            do c = b && b.getComputedStyle("back" == d ? "background-color" : "color") || "transparent"; while ("back" == d && "transparent" == c && b && (b = b.getParent()));
15559                            c && "transparent" != c || (c = "#ffffff");
15560                            !1 !== l.colorButton_enableAutomatic && this._.panel._.iframe.getFrameDocument().getById(m).setStyle("background-color", c);
15561                            if (b = a && a.getRanges()[0]) {
15562                                for (var a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(b), f = b.collapsed ? b.startContainer : a.next(), b = ""; f;) {
15563                                    f.type !== CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (f = f.getParent());
15564                                    f = u(f.getComputedStyle("back" == d ? "background-color" : "color"));
15565                                    b = b || f;
15566                                    if (b !== f) {
15567                                        b = "";
15568                                        break
15569                                    }
15570                                    f = a.next()
15571                                }
15572                                a = b;
15573                                b = q._.getItems();
15574                                for (f = 0; f < b.count(); f++) {
15575                                    var g = b.getItem(f);
15576                                    g.removeAttribute("aria-selected");
15577                                    a && a == u(g.getAttribute("data-value")) && g.setAttribute("aria-selected", !0)
15578                                }
15579                            }
15580                            return c
15581                        }
15582                    }
15583                })
15584            }
15586            function y(a, d, g) {
15587                a = [];
15588                var r = l.colorButton_colors.split(","),
15589                    k = l.colorButton_colorsPerRow || 6,
15590                    p = e.plugins.colordialog && !1 !== l.colorButton_enableMore,
15591                    m = r.length + (p ? 2 : 1),
15592                    q = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a, b) {
15593                        function c(a) {
15594                            var d =
15595                                l["colorButton_" + b + "Style"];
15596                            e.removeStyle(new CKEDITOR.style(d, {
15597                                color: "inherit"
15598                            }));
15599                            d.childRule = "back" == b ? function(a) {
15600                                return v(a)
15601                            } : function(a) {
15602                                return !(a.is("a") || a.getElementsByTag("a").count()) || v(a)
15603                            };
15604                            e.focus();
15605                            a && e.applyStyle(new CKEDITOR.style(d, {
15606                                color: a
15607                            }));
15608                            e.fire("saveSnapshot")
15609                        }
15610                        e.focus();
15611                        e.fire("saveSnapshot");
15612                        if ("?" == a) e.getColorFromDialog(function(a) {
15613                            if (a) return c(a)
15614                        });
15615                        else return c(a)
15616                    });
15617                !1 !== l.colorButton_enableAutomatic && a.push('\x3ca class\x3d"cke_colorauto" _cke_focus\x3d1 hidefocus\x3dtrue title\x3d"',
15618                    h.auto, '" onclick\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', q, ",null,'", d, "');return false;\" href\x3d\"javascript:void('", h.auto, '\')" role\x3d"option" aria-posinset\x3d"1" aria-setsize\x3d"', m, '"\x3e\x3ctable role\x3d"presentation" cellspacing\x3d0 cellpadding\x3d0 width\x3d"100%"\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd colspan\x3d"' + k + '" align\x3d"center"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_colorbox" id\x3d"', g, '"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e', h.auto, "\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/table\x3e\x3c/a\x3e");
15619                a.push('\x3ctable role\x3d"presentation" cellspacing\x3d0 cellpadding\x3d0 width\x3d"100%"\x3e');
15620                for (g = 0; g < r.length; g++) {
15621                    0 === g % k && a.push("\x3c/tr\x3e\x3ctr\x3e");
15622                    var n = r[g].split("/"),
15623                        b = n[0],
15624                        c = n[1] || b;
15625                    n[1] ? n = b : (b = "#" + b.replace(/^(.)(.)(.)$/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3"), n = e.lang.colorbutton.colors[c] || c);
15626                    a.push('\x3ctd\x3e\x3ca class\x3d"cke_colorbox" _cke_focus\x3d1 hidefocus\x3dtrue title\x3d"', n, '" onclick\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', q, ",'", b, "','", d, "'); return false;\" href\x3d\"javascript:void('", n, '\')" data-value\x3d"' + c + '" role\x3d"option" aria-posinset\x3d"', g + 2, '" aria-setsize\x3d"', m, '"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_colorbox" style\x3d"background-color:#',
15627                        c, '"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/td\x3e')
15628                }
15629                p && a.push('\x3c/tr\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd colspan\x3d"' + k + '" align\x3d"center"\x3e\x3ca class\x3d"cke_colormore" _cke_focus\x3d1 hidefocus\x3dtrue title\x3d"', h.more, '" onclick\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(', q, ",'?','", d, "');return false;\" href\x3d\"javascript:void('", h.more, "')\"", ' role\x3d"option" aria-posinset\x3d"', m, '" aria-setsize\x3d"', m, '"\x3e', h.more, "\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/td\x3e");
15630                a.push("\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/table\x3e");
15631                return a.join("")
15632            }
15634            function v(a) {
15635                return "false" ==
15636                    a.getAttribute("contentEditable") || a.getAttribute("data-nostyle")
15637            }
15639            function u(a) {
15640                return CKEDITOR.tools.normalizeHex("#" + CKEDITOR.tools.convertRgbToHex(a || "")).replace(/#/g, "")
15641            }
15642            var l = e.config,
15643                h = e.lang.colorbutton;
15644            if (!CKEDITOR.env.hc) {
15645                t("TextColor", "fore", h.textColorTitle, 10, {
15646                    contentTransformations: [
15647                        [{
15648                            element: "font",
15649                            check: "span{color}",
15650                            left: function(a) {
15651                                return !!a.attributes.color
15652                            },
15653                            right: function(a) {
15654                                a.name = "span";
15655                                a.attributes.color && (a.styles.color = a.attributes.color);
15656                                delete a.attributes.color
15657                            }
15658                        }]
15659                    ]
15660                });
15661                var w = {},
15662                    x = e.config.colorButton_normalizeBackground;
15663                if (void 0 === x || x) w.contentTransformations = [
15664                    [{
15665                        element: "span",
15666                        left: function(a) {
15667                            var d = CKEDITOR.tools;
15668                            if ("span" != a.name || !a.styles || !a.styles.background) return !1;
15669                            a = d.style.parse.background(a.styles.background);
15670                            return a.color && 1 === d.objectKeys(a).length
15671                        },
15672                        right: function(a) {
15673                            var d = (new CKEDITOR.style(e.config.colorButton_backStyle, {
15674                                color: a.styles.background
15675                            })).getDefinition();
15676                            a.name = d.element;
15677                            a.styles = d.styles;
15678                            a.attributes = d.attributes || {};
15679                            return a
15680                        }
15681                    }]
15682                ];
15683                t("BGColor",
15684                    "back", h.bgColorTitle, 20, w)
15685            }
15686        }
15687    });
15688    CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_colors = "1ABC9C,2ECC71,3498DB,9B59B6,4E5F70,F1C40F,16A085,27AE60,2980B9,8E44AD,2C3E50,F39C12,E67E22,E74C3C,ECF0F1,95A5A6,DDD,FFF,D35400,C0392B,BDC3C7,7F8C8D,999,000";
15689    CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_foreStyle = {
15690        element: "span",
15691        styles: {
15692            color: "#(color)"
15693        },
15694        overrides: [{
15695            element: "font",
15696            attributes: {
15697                color: null
15698            }
15699        }]
15700    };
15701    CKEDITOR.config.colorButton_backStyle = {
15702        element: "span",
15703        styles: {
15704            "background-color": "#(color)"
15705        }
15706    };
15707    CKEDITOR.plugins.colordialog = {
15708        requires: "dialog",
15709        init: function(b) {
15710            var d = new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("colordialog");
15711            d.editorFocus = !1;
15712            b.addCommand("colordialog", d);
15713            CKEDITOR.dialog.add("colordialog", this.path + "dialogs/colordialog.js");
15714            b.getColorFromDialog = function(d, g) {
15715                var c, f, e;
15716                c = function(a) {
15717                    f(this);
15718                    a = "ok" == a.name ? this.getValueOf("picker", "selectedColor") : null;
15719                    /^[0-9a-f]{3}([0-9a-f]{3})?$/i.test(a) && (a = "#" + a);
15720                    d.call(g, a)
15721                };
15722                f = function(a) {
15723                    a.removeListener("ok", c);
15724                    a.removeListener("cancel", c)
15725                };
15726                e = function(a) {
15727                    a.on("ok",
15728                        c);
15729                    a.on("cancel", c)
15730                };
15731                b.execCommand("colordialog");
15732                if (b._.storedDialogs && b._.storedDialogs.colordialog) e(b._.storedDialogs.colordialog);
15733                else CKEDITOR.on("dialogDefinition", function(a) {
15734                    if ("colordialog" == a.data.name) {
15735                        var b = a.data.definition;
15736                        a.removeListener();
15737                        b.onLoad = CKEDITOR.tools.override(b.onLoad, function(a) {
15738                            return function() {
15739                                e(this);
15740                                b.onLoad = a;
15741                                "function" == typeof a && a.call(this)
15742                            }
15743                        })
15744                    }
15745                })
15746            }
15747        }
15748    };
15749    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("colordialog", CKEDITOR.plugins.colordialog);
15750    (function() {
15751        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("templates", {
15752            requires: "dialog",
15753            init: function(a) {
15754                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("templates", CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "dialogs/templates.js"));
15755                a.addCommand("templates", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("templates"));
15756                a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Templates", {
15757                    label: a.lang.templates.button,
15758                    command: "templates",
15759                    toolbar: "doctools,10"
15760                })
15761            }
15762        });
15763        var c = {},
15764            f = {};
15765        CKEDITOR.addTemplates = function(a, d) {
15766            c[a] = d
15767        };
15768        CKEDITOR.getTemplates = function(a) {
15769            return c[a]
15770        };
15771        CKEDITOR.loadTemplates = function(a, d) {
15772            for (var e = [], b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) f[a[b]] || (e.push(a[b]), f[a[b]] = 1);
15773            e.length ? CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(e, d) : setTimeout(d, 0)
15774        }
15775    })();
15776    CKEDITOR.config.templates_files = [CKEDITOR.getUrl("plugins/templates/templates/default.js")];
15777    CKEDITOR.config.templates_replaceContent = !0;
15778    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("menu", {
15779        requires: "floatpanel",
15780        beforeInit: function(l) {
15781            for (var h = l.config.menu_groups.split(","), r = l._.menuGroups = {}, t = l._.menuItems = {}, n = 0; n < h.length; n++) r[h[n]] = n + 1;
15782            l.addMenuGroup = function(a, b) {
15783                r[a] = b || 100
15784            };
15785            l.addMenuItem = function(a, b) {
15786                r[b.group] && (t[a] = new CKEDITOR.menuItem(this, a, b))
15787            };
15788            l.addMenuItems = function(a) {
15789                for (var b in a) this.addMenuItem(b, a[b])
15790            };
15791            l.getMenuItem = function(a) {
15792                return t[a]
15793            };
15794            l.removeMenuItem = function(a) {
15795                delete t[a]
15796            }
15797        }
15798    });
15799    (function() {
15800        function l(a) {
15801            a.sort(function(a, d) {
15802                return a.group < d.group ? -1 : a.group > d.group ? 1 : a.order < d.order ? -1 : a.order > d.order ? 1 : 0
15803            })
15804        }
15805        var h = '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_menuitem"\x3e\x3ca id\x3d"{id}" class\x3d"cke_menubutton cke_menubutton__{name} cke_menubutton_{state} {cls}" href\x3d"{href}" title\x3d"{title}" tabindex\x3d"-1" _cke_focus\x3d1 hidefocus\x3d"true" role\x3d"{role}" aria-label\x3d"{label}" aria-describedby\x3d"{id}_description" aria-haspopup\x3d"{hasPopup}" aria-disabled\x3d"{disabled}" {ariaChecked} draggable\x3d"false"';
15806        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac && (h += ' onkeypress\x3d"return false;"');
15807        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (h += ' onblur\x3d"this.style.cssText \x3d this.style.cssText;" ondragstart\x3d"return false;"');
15808        var h = h + (' onmouseover\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({hoverFn},{index});" onmouseout\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({moveOutFn},{index});" ' + (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick\x3d"return false;" onmouseup' : "onclick") + '\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},{index}); return false;"\x3e'),
15809            r = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("menuItem",
15810                h + '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_menubutton_inner"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_menubutton_icon"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_button_icon cke_button__{iconName}_icon" style\x3d"{iconStyle}"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_menubutton_label"\x3e{label}\x3c/span\x3e{shortcutHtml}{arrowHtml}\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/a\x3e\x3cspan id\x3d"{id}_description" class\x3d"cke_voice_label" aria-hidden\x3d"false"\x3e{ariaShortcut}\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/span\x3e'),
15811            t = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("menuArrow", '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_menuarrow"\x3e\x3cspan\x3e{label}\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/span\x3e'),
15812            n = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("menuShortcut", '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_menubutton_label cke_menubutton_shortcut"\x3e{shortcut}\x3c/span\x3e');
15813        CKEDITOR.menu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
15814            $: function(a, b) {
15815                b = this._.definition = b || {};
15816                this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
15817                this.editor = a;
15818                this.items = [];
15819                this._.listeners = [];
15820                this._.level = b.level || 1;
15821                var d = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, b.panel, {
15822                        css: [CKEDITOR.skin.getPath("editor")],
15823                        level: this._.level - 1,
15824                        block: {}
15825                    }),
15826                    m = d.block.attributes = d.attributes || {};
15827                !m.role && (m.role = "menu");
15828                this._.panelDefinition =
15829                    d
15830            },
15831            _: {
15832                onShow: function() {
15833                    var a = this.editor.getSelection(),
15834                        b = a && a.getStartElement(),
15835                        d = this.editor.elementPath(),
15836                        m = this._.listeners;
15837                    this.removeAll();
15838                    for (var g = 0; g < m.length; g++) {
15839                        var k = m[g](b, a, d);
15840                        if (k)
15841                            for (var e in k) {
15842                                var f = this.editor.getMenuItem(e);
15843                                !f || f.command && !this.editor.getCommand(f.command).state || (f.state = k[e], this.add(f))
15844                            }
15845                    }
15846                },
15847                onClick: function(a) {
15848                    this.hide();
15849                    if (a.onClick) a.onClick();
15850                    else a.command && this.editor.execCommand(a.command)
15851                },
15852                onEscape: function(a) {
15853                    var b = this.parent;
15854                    b ? b._.panel.hideChild(1) :
15855                        27 == a && this.hide(1);
15856                    return !1
15857                },
15858                onHide: function() {
15859                    this.onHide && this.onHide()
15860                },
15861                showSubMenu: function(a) {
15862                    var b = this._.subMenu,
15863                        d = this.items[a];
15864                    if (d = d.getItems && d.getItems()) {
15865                        b ? b.removeAll() : (b = this._.subMenu = new CKEDITOR.menu(this.editor, CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, this._.definition, {
15866                            level: this._.level + 1
15867                        }, !0)), b.parent = this, b._.onClick = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(this._.onClick, this));
15868                        for (var m in d) {
15869                            var g = this.editor.getMenuItem(m);
15870                            g && (g.state = d[m], b.add(g))
15871                        }
15872                        var k = this._.panel.getBlock(this.id).element.getDocument().getById(this.id +
15873                            String(a));
15874                        setTimeout(function() {
15875                            b.show(k, 2)
15876                        }, 0)
15877                    } else this._.panel.hideChild(1)
15878                }
15879            },
15880            proto: {
15881                add: function(a) {
15882                    a.order || (a.order = this.items.length);
15883                    this.items.push(a)
15884                },
15885                removeAll: function() {
15886                    this.items = []
15887                },
15888                show: function(a, b, d, m) {
15889                    if (!this.parent && (this._.onShow(), !this.items.length)) return;
15890                    b = b || ("rtl" == this.editor.lang.dir ? 2 : 1);
15891                    var g = this.items,
15892                        k = this.editor,
15893                        e = this._.panel,
15894                        f = this._.element;
15895                    if (!e) {
15896                        e = this._.panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel(this.editor, CKEDITOR.document.getBody(), this._.panelDefinition, this._.level);
15897                        e.onEscape = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function(a) {
15898                            if (!1 === this._.onEscape(a)) return !1
15899                        }, this);
15900                        e.onShow = function() {
15901                            e._.panel.getHolderElement().getParent().addClass("cke").addClass("cke_reset_all")
15902                        };
15903                        e.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function() {
15904                            this._.onHide && this._.onHide()
15905                        }, this);
15906                        f = e.addBlock(this.id, this._.panelDefinition.block);
15907                        f.autoSize = !0;
15908                        var c = f.keys;
15909                        c[40] = "next";
15910                        c[9] = "next";
15911                        c[38] = "prev";
15912                        c[CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9] = "prev";
15913                        c["rtl" == k.lang.dir ? 37 : 39] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "mouseup" : "click";
15914                        c[32] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "mouseup" :
15915                            "click";
15916                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && (c[13] = "mouseup");
15917                        f = this._.element = f.element;
15918                        c = f.getDocument();
15919                        c.getBody().setStyle("overflow", "hidden");
15920                        c.getElementsByTag("html").getItem(0).setStyle("overflow", "hidden");
15921                        this._.itemOverFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a) {
15922                            clearTimeout(this._.showSubTimeout);
15923                            this._.showSubTimeout = CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(this._.showSubMenu, k.config.menu_subMenuDelay || 400, this, [a])
15924                        }, this);
15925                        this._.itemOutFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function() {
15926                            clearTimeout(this._.showSubTimeout)
15927                        }, this);
15928                        this._.itemClickFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a) {
15929                            var b = this.items[a];
15930                            if (b.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED) this.hide(1);
15931                            else if (b.getItems) this._.showSubMenu(a);
15932                            else this._.onClick(b)
15933                        }, this)
15934                    }
15935                    l(g);
15936                    for (var c = k.elementPath(), c = ['\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_menu' + (c && c.direction() != k.lang.dir ? " cke_mixed_dir_content" : "") + '" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e'], h = g.length, n = h && g[0].group, q = 0; q < h; q++) {
15937                        var p = g[q];
15938                        n != p.group && (c.push('\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_menuseparator" role\x3d"separator"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e'),
15939                            n = p.group);
15940                        p.render(this, q, c)
15941                    }
15942                    c.push("\x3c/div\x3e");
15943                    f.setHtml(c.join(""));
15944                    CKEDITOR.ui.fire("ready", this);
15945                    this.parent ? this.parent._.panel.showAsChild(e, this.id, a, b, d, m) : e.showBlock(this.id, a, b, d, m);
15946                    k.fire("menuShow", [e])
15947                },
15948                addListener: function(a) {
15949                    this._.listeners.push(a)
15950                },
15951                hide: function(a) {
15952                    this._.onHide && this._.onHide();
15953                    this._.panel && this._.panel.hide(a)
15954                },
15955                findItemByCommandName: function(a) {
15956                    var b = CKEDITOR.tools.array.filter(this.items, function(b) {
15957                        return a === b.command
15958                    });
15959                    return b.length ? (b = b[0], {
15960                        item: b,
15961                        element: this._.element.findOne("." + b.className)
15962                    }) : null
15963                }
15964            }
15965        });
15966        CKEDITOR.menuItem = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
15967            $: function(a, b, d) {
15968                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, d, {
15969                    order: 0,
15970                    className: "cke_menubutton__" + b
15971                });
15972                this.group = a._.menuGroups[this.group];
15973                this.editor = a;
15974                this.name = b
15975            },
15976            proto: {
15977                render: function(a, b, d) {
15978                    var h = a.id + String(b),
15979                        g = "undefined" == typeof this.state ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : this.state,
15980                        k = "",
15981                        e = this.editor,
15982                        f, c, l = g == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? "on" : g == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? "disabled" : "off";
15983                    this.role in {
15984                        menuitemcheckbox: 1,
15985                        menuitemradio: 1
15986                    } && (k = ' aria-checked\x3d"' + (g == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? "true" : "false") + '"');
15987                    var u = this.getItems,
15988                        q = "\x26#" + ("rtl" == this.editor.lang.dir ? "9668" : "9658") + ";",
15989                        p = this.name;
15990                    this.icon && !/\./.test(this.icon) && (p = this.icon);
15991                    this.command && (f = e.getCommand(this.command), (f = e.getCommandKeystroke(f)) && (c = CKEDITOR.tools.keystrokeToString(e.lang.common.keyboard, f)));
15992                    a = {
15993                        id: h,
15994                        name: this.name,
15995                        iconName: p,
15996                        label: this.label,
15997                        cls: this.className || "",
15998                        state: l,
15999                        hasPopup: u ? "true" : "false",
16000                        disabled: g == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
16001                        title: this.label + (c ? " (" + c.display + ")" : ""),
16002                        ariaShortcut: c ? e.lang.common.keyboardShortcut + " " + c.aria : "",
16003                        href: "javascript:void('" + (this.label || "").replace("'") + "')",
16004                        hoverFn: a._.itemOverFn,
16005                        moveOutFn: a._.itemOutFn,
16006                        clickFn: a._.itemClickFn,
16007                        index: b,
16008                        iconStyle: CKEDITOR.skin.getIconStyle(p, "rtl" == this.editor.lang.dir, p == this.icon ? null : this.icon, this.iconOffset),
16009                        shortcutHtml: c ? n.output({
16010                            shortcut: c.display
16011                        }) : "",
16012                        arrowHtml: u ? t.output({
16013                            label: q
16014                        }) : "",
16015                        role: this.role ? this.role : "menuitem",
16016                        ariaChecked: k
16017                    };
16018                    r.output(a, d)
16019                }
16020            }
16021        })
16022    })();
16023    CKEDITOR.config.menu_groups = "clipboard,form,tablecell,tablecellproperties,tablerow,tablecolumn,table,anchor,link,image,flash,checkbox,radio,textfield,hiddenfield,imagebutton,button,select,textarea,div";
16024    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("contextmenu", {
16025        requires: "menu",
16026        onLoad: function() {
16027            CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
16028                base: CKEDITOR.menu,
16029                $: function(a) {
16030                    this.base.call(this, a, {
16031                        panel: {
16032                            className: "cke_menu_panel",
16033                            attributes: {
16034                                "aria-label": a.lang.contextmenu.options
16035                            }
16036                        }
16037                    })
16038                },
16039                proto: {
16040                    addTarget: function(a, e) {
16041                        a.on("contextmenu", function(a) {
16042                            a = a.data;
16043                            var c = CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? f : CKEDITOR.env.mac ? a.$.metaKey : a.$.ctrlKey;
16044                            if (!e || !c) {
16045                                a.preventDefault();
16046                                if (CKEDITOR.env.mac && CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
16047                                    var c = this.editor,
16048                                        b = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(a.getTarget(), c.editable())).contains(function(a) {
16049                                            return a.hasAttribute("contenteditable")
16050                                        }, !0);
16051                                    b && "false" == b.getAttribute("contenteditable") && c.getSelection().fake(b)
16052                                }
16053                                var b = a.getTarget().getDocument(),
16054                                    d = a.getTarget().getDocument().getDocumentElement(),
16055                                    c = !b.equals(CKEDITOR.document),
16056                                    b = b.getWindow().getScrollPosition(),
16057                                    g = c ? a.$.clientX : a.$.pageX || b.x + a.$.clientX,
16058                                    h = c ? a.$.clientY : a.$.pageY || b.y + a.$.clientY;
16059                                CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
16060                                        this.open(d, null, g, h)
16061                                    }, CKEDITOR.env.ie ?
16062                                    200 : 0, this)
16063                            }
16064                        }, this);
16065                        if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
16066                            var f, d = function() {
16067                                f = 0
16068                            };
16069                            a.on("keydown", function(a) {
16070                                f = CKEDITOR.env.mac ? a.data.$.metaKey : a.data.$.ctrlKey
16071                            });
16072                            a.on("keyup", d);
16073                            a.on("contextmenu", d)
16074                        }
16075                    },
16076                    open: function(a, e, f, d) {
16077                        !1 !== this.editor.config.enableContextMenu && (this.editor.focus(), a = a || CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement(), this.editor.selectionChange(1), this.show(a, e, f, d))
16078                    }
16079                }
16080            })
16081        },
16082        beforeInit: function(a) {
16083            var e = a.contextMenu = new CKEDITOR.plugins.contextMenu(a);
16084            a.on("contentDom", function() {
16085                e.addTarget(a.editable(),
16086                    !1 !== a.config.browserContextMenuOnCtrl)
16087            });
16088            a.addCommand("contextMenu", {
16089                exec: function() {
16090                    a.contextMenu.open(a.document.getBody())
16091                }
16092            });
16093            a.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121, "contextMenu");
16094            a.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 121, "contextMenu")
16095        }
16096    });
16097    (function() {
16098        function k(a, b, d, e) {
16099            var c = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(a);
16100            if (a = a.startContainer.getAscendant(b, !0) || a.endContainer.getAscendant(b, !0))
16101                if (d(a), e) return;
16102            for (; a = c.next();)
16103                if (a = a.getAscendant(b, !0))
16104                    if (d(a), e) break
16105        }
16107        function u(a, b) {
16108            var d = {
16109                ul: "ol",
16110                ol: "ul"
16111            };
16112            return -1 !== l(b, function(b) {
16113                return b.element === a || b.element === d[a]
16114            })
16115        }
16117        function q(a) {
16118            this.styles = null;
16119            this.sticky = !1;
16120            this.editor = a;
16121            this.filter = new CKEDITOR.filter(a.config.copyFormatting_allowRules);
16122            !0 === a.config.copyFormatting_allowRules && (this.filter.disabled = !0);
16123            a.config.copyFormatting_disallowRules && this.filter.disallow(a.config.copyFormatting_disallowRules)
16124        }
16125        var l = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf,
16126            r = CKEDITOR.tools.getMouseButton,
16127            t = !1;
16128        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("copyformatting", {
16129            lang: "az,de,en,it,ja,nb,nl,oc,pl,pt-br,ru,sv,tr,zh,zh-cn",
16130            icons: "copyformatting",
16131            hidpi: !0,
16132            init: function(a) {
16133                var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting;
16134                b._addScreenReaderContainer();
16135                t || (CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "styles/copyformatting.css"), t = !0);
16136                a.addContentsCss && a.addContentsCss(this.path +
16137                    "styles/copyformatting.css");
16138                a.copyFormatting = new b.state(a);
16139                a.addCommand("copyFormatting", b.commands.copyFormatting);
16140                a.addCommand("applyFormatting", b.commands.applyFormatting);
16141                a.ui.addButton("CopyFormatting", {
16142                    label: a.lang.copyformatting.label,
16143                    command: "copyFormatting",
16144                    toolbar: "cleanup,0"
16145                });
16146                a.on("contentDom", function() {
16147                    var d = a.editable(),
16148                        b = d.isInline() ? d : a.document,
16149                        c = a.ui.get("CopyFormatting");
16150                    d.attachListener(b, "mouseup", function(b) {
16151                        r(b) === CKEDITOR.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT && a.execCommand("applyFormatting")
16152                    });
16153                    d.attachListener(CKEDITOR.document, "mouseup", function(b) {
16154                        var e = a.getCommand("copyFormatting");
16155                        r(b) !== CKEDITOR.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT || e.state !== CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON || d.contains(b.data.getTarget()) || a.execCommand("copyFormatting")
16156                    });
16157                    c && (b = CKEDITOR.document.getById(c._.id), d.attachListener(b, "dblclick", function() {
16158                        a.execCommand("copyFormatting", {
16159                            sticky: !0
16160                        })
16161                    }), d.attachListener(b, "mouseup", function(a) {
16162                        a.data.stopPropagation()
16163                    }))
16164                });
16165                a.config.copyFormatting_keystrokeCopy && a.setKeystroke(a.config.copyFormatting_keystrokeCopy,
16166                    "copyFormatting");
16167                a.on("key", function(b) {
16168                    var e = a.getCommand("copyFormatting");
16169                    b = b.data.domEvent;
16170                    b.getKeystroke && 27 === b.getKeystroke() && e.state === CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && a.execCommand("copyFormatting")
16171                });
16172                a.copyFormatting.on("extractFormatting", function(d) {
16173                    var e = d.data.element;
16174                    if (e.contains(a.editable()) || e.equals(a.editable())) return d.cancel();
16175                    e = b._convertElementToStyleDef(e);
16176                    if (!a.copyFormatting.filter.check(new CKEDITOR.style(e), !0, !0)) return d.cancel();
16177                    d.data.styleDef = e
16178                });
16179                a.copyFormatting.on("applyFormatting",
16180                    function(d) {
16181                        if (!d.data.preventFormatStripping) {
16182                            var e = d.data.range,
16183                                c = b._extractStylesFromRange(a, e),
16184                                f = b._determineContext(e),
16185                                g, h;
16186                            if (a.copyFormatting._isContextAllowed(f))
16187                                for (h = 0; h < c.length; h++) f = c[h], g = e.createBookmark(), -1 === l(b.preservedElements, f.element) ? CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !CKEDITOR.env.chrome ? c[h].removeFromRange(d.data.range, d.editor) : c[h].remove(d.editor) : u(f.element, d.data.styles) && b._removeStylesFromElementInRange(e, f.element), e.moveToBookmark(g)
16188                        }
16189                    });
16190                a.copyFormatting.on("applyFormatting",
16191                    function(b) {
16192                        var e = CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting,
16193                            c = e._determineContext(b.data.range);
16194                        "list" === c && a.copyFormatting._isContextAllowed("list") ? e._applyStylesToListContext(b.editor, b.data.range, b.data.styles) : "table" === c && a.copyFormatting._isContextAllowed("table") ? e._applyStylesToTableContext(b.editor, b.data.range, b.data.styles) : a.copyFormatting._isContextAllowed("text") && e._applyStylesToTextContext(b.editor, b.data.range, b.data.styles)
16195                    }, null, null, 999)
16196            }
16197        });
16198        q.prototype._isContextAllowed = function(a) {
16199            var b =
16200                this.editor.config.copyFormatting_allowedContexts;
16201            return !0 === b || -1 !== l(b, a)
16202        };
16203        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(q.prototype);
16204        CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting = {
16205            state: q,
16206            inlineBoundary: "h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p div".split(" "),
16207            excludedAttributes: ["id", "style", "href", "data-cke-saved-href", "dir"],
16208            elementsForInlineTransform: ["li"],
16209            excludedElementsFromInlineTransform: ["table", "thead", "tbody", "ul", "ol"],
16210            excludedAttributesFromInlineTransform: ["value", "type"],
16211            preservedElements: "ul ol li td th tr thead tbody table".split(" "),
16212            breakOnElements: ["ul", "ol", "table"],
16213            _initialKeystrokePasteCommand: null,
16214            commands: {
16215                copyFormatting: {
16216                    exec: function(a, b) {
16217                        var d = CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting,
16218                            e = a.copyFormatting,
16219                            c = b ? "keystrokeHandler" == b.from : !1,
16220                            f = b ? b.sticky || c : !1,
16221                            g = d._getCursorContainer(a),
16222                            h = CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement();
16223                        if (this.state === CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) return e.styles = null, e.sticky = !1, g.removeClass("cke_copyformatting_active"), h.removeClass("cke_copyformatting_disabled"), h.removeClass("cke_copyformatting_tableresize_cursor"),
16224                            d._putScreenReaderMessage(a, "canceled"), d._detachPasteKeystrokeHandler(a), this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF);
16225                        e.styles = d._extractStylesFromElement(a, a.elementPath().lastElement);
16226                        this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
16227                        c || (g.addClass("cke_copyformatting_active"), h.addClass("cke_copyformatting_tableresize_cursor"), a.config.copyFormatting_outerCursor && h.addClass("cke_copyformatting_disabled"));
16228                        e.sticky = f;
16229                        d._putScreenReaderMessage(a, "copied");
16230                        d._attachPasteKeystrokeHandler(a)
16231                    }
16232                },
16233                applyFormatting: {
16234                    editorFocus: CKEDITOR.env.ie &&
16235                        !CKEDITOR.env.edge ? !1 : !0,
16236                    exec: function(a, b) {
16237                        var d = a.getCommand("copyFormatting"),
16238                            e = b ? "keystrokeHandler" == b.from : !1,
16239                            c = CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting,
16240                            f = a.copyFormatting,
16241                            g = c._getCursorContainer(a),
16242                            h = CKEDITOR.document.getDocumentElement();
16243                        if (e || d.state === CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
16244                            if (e && !f.styles) return c._putScreenReaderMessage(a, "failed"), c._detachPasteKeystrokeHandler(a), !1;
16245                            e = c._applyFormat(a, f.styles);
16246                            f.sticky || (f.styles = null, g.removeClass("cke_copyformatting_active"), h.removeClass("cke_copyformatting_disabled"),
16247                                h.removeClass("cke_copyformatting_tableresize_cursor"), d.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF), c._detachPasteKeystrokeHandler(a));
16248                            c._putScreenReaderMessage(a, e ? "applied" : "canceled")
16249                        }
16250                    }
16251                }
16252            },
16253            _getCursorContainer: function(a) {
16254                return a.elementMode === CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? a.editable() : a.editable().getParent()
16255            },
16256            _convertElementToStyleDef: function(a) {
16257                var b = CKEDITOR.tools,
16258                    d = a.getAttributes(CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting.excludedAttributes),
16259                    b = b.parseCssText(a.getAttribute("style"), !0, !0);
16260                return {
16261                    element: a.getName(),
16262                    type: CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE,
16263                    attributes: d,
16264                    styles: b
16265                }
16266            },
16267            _extractStylesFromElement: function(a, b) {
16268                var d = {},
16269                    e = [];
16270                do
16271                    if (b.type === CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !b.hasAttribute("data-cke-bookmark") && (d.element = b, a.copyFormatting.fire("extractFormatting", d, a) && d.styleDef && e.push(new CKEDITOR.style(d.styleDef)), b.getName && -1 !== l(CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting.breakOnElements, b.getName()))) break; while ((b = b.getParent()) && b.type === CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT);
16272                return e
16273            },
16274            _extractStylesFromRange: function(a, b) {
16275                for (var d = [], e = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(b),
16276                        c; c = e.next();) d = d.concat(CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting._extractStylesFromElement(a, c));
16277                return d
16278            },
16279            _removeStylesFromElementInRange: function(a, b) {
16280                for (var d = -1 !== l(["ol", "ul", "table"], b), e = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(a), c; c = e.next();)
16281                    if (c = c.getAscendant(b, !0))
16282                        if (c.removeAttributes(c.getAttributes()), d) break
16283            },
16284            _getSelectedWordOffset: function(a) {
16285                function b(a, b) {
16286                    return a[b ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](function(a) {
16287                        return a.type !== CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT
16288                    })
16289                }
16291                function d(a) {
16292                    return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? (a = a.getHtml().replace(/<span.*?>&nbsp;<\/span>/g,
16293                        ""), a.replace(/<.*?>/g, "")) : a.getText()
16294                }
16296                function e(a, c) {
16297                    var f = a,
16298                        g = /\s/g,
16299                        h = "p br ol ul li td th div caption body".split(" "),
16300                        m = !1,
16301                        k = !1,
16302                        p, n;
16303                    do {
16304                        for (p = b(f, c); !p && f.getParent();) {
16305                            f = f.getParent();
16306                            if (-1 !== l(h, f.getName())) {
16307                                k = m = !0;
16308                                break
16309                            }
16310                            p = b(f, c)
16311                        }
16312                        if (p && p.getName && -1 !== l(h, p.getName())) {
16313                            m = !0;
16314                            break
16315                        }
16316                        f = p
16317                    } while (f && f.getStyle && ("none" == f.getStyle("display") || !f.getText()));
16318                    for (f || (f = a); f.type !== CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT;) f = !m || c || k ? f.getChild(0) : f.getChild(f.getChildCount() - 1);
16319                    for (h = d(f); null != (k = g.exec(h)) && (n = k.index,
16320                            c););
16321                    if ("number" !== typeof n && !m) return e(f, c);
16322                    if (m) c ? n = 0 : (g = /([\.\b]*$)/, n = (k = g.exec(h)) ? k.index : h.length);
16323                    else if (c && (n += 1, n > h.length)) return e(f);
16324                    return {
16325                        node: f,
16326                        offset: n
16327                    }
16328                }
16329                var c = /\b\w+\b/ig,
16330                    f, g, h, m, k;
16331                h = m = k = a.startContainer;
16332                for (f = d(h); null != (g = c.exec(f));)
16333                    if (g.index + g[0].length >= a.startOffset) return a = g.index, c = g.index + g[0].length, 0 === g.index && (g = e(h, !0), m = g.node, a = g.offset), c >= f.length && (f = e(h), k = f.node, c = f.offset), {
16334                        startNode: m,
16335                        startOffset: a,
16336                        endNode: k,
16337                        endOffset: c
16338                    };
16339                return null
16340            },
16341            _filterStyles: function(a) {
16342                var b =
16343                    CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty,
16344                    d = [],
16345                    e, c;
16346                for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) e = a[c]._.definition, -1 !== CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting.inlineBoundary, e.element) && (e.element = a[c].element = "span"), "span" === e.element && b(e.attributes) && b(e.styles) || d.push(a[c]);
16347                return d
16348            },
16349            _determineContext: function(a) {
16350                function b(b) {
16351                    var e = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(a),
16352                        c;
16353                    if (a.startContainer.getAscendant(b, !0) || a.endContainer.getAscendant(b, !0)) return !0;
16354                    for (; c = e.next();)
16355                        if (c.getAscendant(b, !0)) return !0
16356                }
16357                return b({
16358                        ul: 1,
16359                        ol: 1
16360                    }) ?
16361                    "list" : b("table") ? "table" : "text"
16362            },
16363            _applyStylesToTextContext: function(a, b, d) {
16364                var e = CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting,
16365                    c = e.excludedAttributesFromInlineTransform,
16366                    f, g;
16367                CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !CKEDITOR.env.chrome && a.getSelection().selectRanges([b]);
16368                for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++)
16369                    if (b = d[f], -1 === l(e.excludedElementsFromInlineTransform, b.element)) {
16370                        if (-1 !== l(e.elementsForInlineTransform, b.element))
16371                            for (b.element = b._.definition.element = "span", g = 0; g < c.length; g++) b._.definition.attributes[c[g]] && delete b._.definition.attributes[c[g]];
16372                        b.apply(a)
16373                    }
16374            },
16375            _applyStylesToListContext: function(a, b, d) {
16376                var e, c, f;
16377                for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++) e = d[f], c = b.createBookmark(), "ol" === e.element || "ul" === e.element ? k(b, {
16378                    ul: 1,
16379                    ol: 1
16380                }, function(a) {
16381                    var b = e;
16382                    a.getName() !== b.element && a.renameNode(b.element);
16383                    b.applyToObject(a)
16384                }, !0) : "li" === e.element ? k(b, "li", function(a) {
16385                    e.applyToObject(a)
16386                }) : CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting._applyStylesToTextContext(a, b, [e]), b.moveToBookmark(c)
16387            },
16388            _applyStylesToTableContext: function(a, b, d) {
16389                function e(a, b) {
16390                    a.getName() !== b.element && (b = b.getDefinition(),
16391                        b.element = a.getName(), b = new CKEDITOR.style(b));
16392                    b.applyToObject(a)
16393                }
16394                var c, f, g;
16395                for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) c = d[g], f = b.createBookmark(), -1 !== l(["table", "tr"], c.element) ? k(b, c.element, function(a) {
16396                    c.applyToObject(a)
16397                }) : -1 !== l(["td", "th"], c.element) ? k(b, {
16398                    td: 1,
16399                    th: 1
16400                }, function(a) {
16401                    e(a, c)
16402                }) : -1 !== l(["thead", "tbody"], c.element) ? k(b, {
16403                    thead: 1,
16404                    tbody: 1
16405                }, function(a) {
16406                    e(a, c)
16407                }) : CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting._applyStylesToTextContext(a, b, [c]), b.moveToBookmark(f)
16408            },
16409            _applyFormat: function(a, b) {
16410                var d = a.getSelection().getRanges()[0],
16411                    e = CKEDITOR.plugins.copyformatting,
16412                    c, f;
16413                if (!d) return !1;
16414                if (d.collapsed) {
16415                    f = a.getSelection().createBookmarks();
16416                    if (!(c = e._getSelectedWordOffset(d))) return;
16417                    d = a.createRange();
16418                    d.setStart(c.startNode, c.startOffset);
16419                    d.setEnd(c.endNode, c.endOffset);
16420                    d.select()
16421                }
16422                b = e._filterStyles(b);
16423                if (!a.copyFormatting.fire("applyFormatting", {
16424                        styles: b,
16425                        range: d,
16426                        preventFormatStripping: !1
16427                    }, a)) return !1;
16428                f && a.getSelection().selectBookmarks(f);
16429                return !0
16430            },
16431            _putScreenReaderMessage: function(a, b) {
16432                var d = this._getScreenReaderContainer();
16433                d && d.setText(a.lang.copyformatting.notification[b])
16434            },
16435            _addScreenReaderContainer: function() {
16436                if (this._getScreenReaderContainer()) return this._getScreenReaderContainer();
16437                if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat && !CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat) return CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append(CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_screen_reader_only cke_copyformatting_notification"\x3e\x3cdiv aria-live\x3d"polite"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e')).getChild(0)
16438            },
16439            _getScreenReaderContainer: function() {
16440                if (!CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat && !CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat) return CKEDITOR.document.getBody().findOne(".cke_copyformatting_notification div[aria-live]")
16441            },
16442            _attachPasteKeystrokeHandler: function(a) {
16443                var b = a.config.copyFormatting_keystrokePaste;
16444                b && (this._initialKeystrokePasteCommand = a.keystrokeHandler.keystrokes[b], a.setKeystroke(b, "applyFormatting"))
16445            },
16446            _detachPasteKeystrokeHandler: function(a) {
16447                var b = a.config.copyFormatting_keystrokePaste;
16448                b && a.setKeystroke(b, this._initialKeystrokePasteCommand || !1)
16449            }
16450        };
16451        CKEDITOR.config.copyFormatting_outerCursor = !0;
16452        CKEDITOR.config.copyFormatting_allowRules = "b s u i em strong span p div td th ol ul li(*)[*]{*}";
16453        CKEDITOR.config.copyFormatting_disallowRules =
16454            "*[data-cke-widget*,data-widget*,data-cke-realelement](cke_widget*)";
16455        CKEDITOR.config.copyFormatting_allowedContexts = !0;
16456        CKEDITOR.config.copyFormatting_keystrokeCopy = CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 67;
16457        CKEDITOR.config.copyFormatting_keystrokePaste = CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 86
16458    })();
16459    (function() {
16460        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("div", {
16461            requires: "dialog",
16462            init: function(a) {
16463                if (!a.blockless) {
16464                    var c = a.lang.div,
16465                        b = "div(*)";
16466                    CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled(a, "editdiv", "advanced") && (b += ";div[dir,id,lang,title]{*}");
16467                    a.addCommand("creatediv", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("creatediv", {
16468                        allowedContent: b,
16469                        requiredContent: "div",
16470                        contextSensitive: !0,
16471                        contentTransformations: [
16472                            ["div: alignmentToStyle"]
16473                        ],
16474                        refresh: function(a, c) {
16475                            this.setState("div" in (a.config.div_wrapTable ? c.root : c.blockLimit).getDtd() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF :
16476                                CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
16477                        }
16478                    }));
16479                    a.addCommand("editdiv", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("editdiv", {
16480                        requiredContent: "div"
16481                    }));
16482                    a.addCommand("removediv", {
16483                        requiredContent: "div",
16484                        exec: function(a) {
16485                            function c(b) {
16486                                (b = CKEDITOR.plugins.div.getSurroundDiv(a, b)) && !b.data("cke-div-added") && (f.push(b), b.data("cke-div-added"))
16487                            }
16488                            for (var b = a.getSelection(), g = b && b.getRanges(), e, h = b.createBookmarks(), f = [], d = 0; d < g.length; d++) e = g[d], e.collapsed ? c(b.getStartElement()) : (e = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(e), e.evaluator = c, e.lastForward());
16489                            for (d = 0; d < f.length; d++) f[d].remove(!0);
16490                            b.selectBookmarks(h)
16491                        }
16492                    });
16493                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("CreateDiv", {
16494                        label: c.toolbar,
16495                        command: "creatediv",
16496                        toolbar: "blocks,50"
16497                    });
16498                    a.addMenuItems && (a.addMenuItems({
16499                        editdiv: {
16500                            label: c.edit,
16501                            command: "editdiv",
16502                            group: "div",
16503                            order: 1
16504                        },
16505                        removediv: {
16506                            label: c.remove,
16507                            command: "removediv",
16508                            group: "div",
16509                            order: 5
16510                        }
16511                    }), a.contextMenu && a.contextMenu.addListener(function(b) {
16512                        return !b || b.isReadOnly() ? null : CKEDITOR.plugins.div.getSurroundDiv(a) ? {
16513                                editdiv: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
16514                                removediv: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
16515                            } :
16516                            null
16517                    }));
16518                    CKEDITOR.dialog.add("creatediv", this.path + "dialogs/div.js");
16519                    CKEDITOR.dialog.add("editdiv", this.path + "dialogs/div.js")
16520                }
16521            }
16522        });
16523        CKEDITOR.plugins.div = {
16524            getSurroundDiv: function(a, c) {
16525                var b = a.elementPath(c);
16526                return a.elementPath(b.blockLimit).contains(function(a) {
16527                    return a.is("div") && !a.isReadOnly()
16528                }, 1)
16529            }
16530        }
16531    })();
16532    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("resize", {
16533        init: function(b) {
16534            function f(d) {
16535                var e = c.width,
16536                    m = c.height,
16537                    f = e + (d.data.$.screenX - n.x) * ("rtl" == g ? -1 : 1);
16538                d = m + (d.data.$.screenY - n.y);
16539                h && (e = Math.max(a.resize_minWidth, Math.min(f, a.resize_maxWidth)));
16540                p && (m = Math.max(a.resize_minHeight, Math.min(d, a.resize_maxHeight)));
16541                b.resize(h ? e : null, m)
16542            }
16544            function k() {
16545                CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mousemove", f);
16546                CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mouseup", k);
16547                b.document && (b.document.removeListener("mousemove", f), b.document.removeListener("mouseup",
16548                    k))
16549            }
16550            var a = b.config,
16551                r = b.ui.spaceId("resizer"),
16552                g = b.element ? b.element.getDirection(1) : "ltr";
16553            !a.resize_dir && (a.resize_dir = "vertical");
16554            void 0 === a.resize_maxWidth && (a.resize_maxWidth = 3E3);
16555            void 0 === a.resize_maxHeight && (a.resize_maxHeight = 3E3);
16556            void 0 === a.resize_minWidth && (a.resize_minWidth = 750);
16557            void 0 === a.resize_minHeight && (a.resize_minHeight = 250);
16558            if (!1 !== a.resize_enabled) {
16559                var l = null,
16560                    n, c, h = ("both" == a.resize_dir || "horizontal" == a.resize_dir) && a.resize_minWidth != a.resize_maxWidth,
16561                    p = ("both" == a.resize_dir || "vertical" ==
16562                        a.resize_dir) && a.resize_minHeight != a.resize_maxHeight,
16563                    q = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(d) {
16564                        l || (l = b.getResizable());
16565                        c = {
16566                            width: l.$.offsetWidth || 0,
16567                            height: l.$.offsetHeight || 0
16568                        };
16569                        n = {
16570                            x: d.screenX,
16571                            y: d.screenY
16572                        };
16573                        a.resize_minWidth > c.width && (a.resize_minWidth = c.width);
16574                        a.resize_minHeight > c.height && (a.resize_minHeight = c.height);
16575                        CKEDITOR.document.on("mousemove", f);
16576                        CKEDITOR.document.on("mouseup", k);
16577                        b.document && (b.document.on("mousemove", f), b.document.on("mouseup", k));
16578                        d.preventDefault && d.preventDefault()
16579                    });
16580                b.on("destroy",
16581                    function() {
16582                        CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(q)
16583                    });
16584                b.on("uiSpace", function(a) {
16585                    if ("bottom" == a.data.space) {
16586                        var e = "";
16587                        h && !p && (e = " cke_resizer_horizontal");
16588                        !h && p && (e = " cke_resizer_vertical");
16589                        var c = '\x3cspan id\x3d"' + r + '" class\x3d"cke_resizer' + e + " cke_resizer_" + g + '" title\x3d"' + CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncode(b.lang.common.resize) + '" onmousedown\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(' + q + ', event)"\x3e' + ("ltr" == g ? "◢" : "◣") + "\x3c/span\x3e";
16590                        "ltr" == g && "ltr" == e ? a.data.html += c : a.data.html = c + a.data.html
16591                    }
16592                }, b, null, 100);
16593                b.on("maximize",
16594                    function(a) {
16595                        b.ui.space("resizer")[a.data == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? "hide" : "show"]()
16596                    })
16597            }
16598        }
16599    });
16600    (function() {
16601        function q(a, c) {
16602            function k(b) {
16603                b = h.list[b];
16604                var e;
16605                b.equals(a.editable()) || "true" == b.getAttribute("contenteditable") ? (e = a.createRange(), e.selectNodeContents(b), e = e.select()) : (e = a.getSelection(), e.selectElement(b));
16606                CKEDITOR.env.ie && a.fire("selectionChange", {
16607                    selection: e,
16608                    path: new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(b)
16609                });
16610                a.focus()
16611            }
16613            function l() {
16614                m && m.setHtml('\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_path_empty"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e');
16615                delete h.list
16616            }
16617            var n = a.ui.spaceId("path"),
16618                m, h = a._.elementsPath,
16619                q = h.idBase;
16620            c.html += '\x3cspan id\x3d"' +
16621                n + '_label" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e' + a.lang.elementspath.eleLabel + '\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan id\x3d"' + n + '" class\x3d"cke_path" role\x3d"group" aria-labelledby\x3d"' + n + '_label"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_path_empty"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/span\x3e';
16622            a.on("uiReady", function() {
16623                var b = a.ui.space("path");
16624                b && a.focusManager.add(b, 1)
16625            });
16626            h.onClick = k;
16627            var v = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(k),
16628                w = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(b, e) {
16629                    var g = h.idBase,
16630                        d;
16631                    e = new CKEDITOR.dom.event(e);
16632                    d = "rtl" == a.lang.dir;
16633                    switch (e.getKeystroke()) {
16634                        case d ?
16635                        39:
16636                            37: case 9: return (d = CKEDITOR.document.getById(g + (b + 1))) || (d = CKEDITOR.document.getById(g + "0")), d.focus(), !1;
16637                        case d ? 37:
16638                            39: case CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9: return (d = CKEDITOR.document.getById(g + (b - 1))) || (d = CKEDITOR.document.getById(g + (h.list.length - 1))), d.focus(), !1;
16639                        case 27:
16640                            return a.focus(), !1;
16641                        case 13:
16642                        case 32:
16643                            return k(b), !1
16644                    }
16645                    return !0
16646                });
16647            a.on("selectionChange", function(b) {
16648                for (var e = [], g = h.list = [], d = [], c = h.filters, p = !0, k = b.data.path.elements, u = k.length; u--;) {
16649                    var f = k[u],
16650                        r = 0;
16651                    b = f.data("cke-display-name") ? f.data("cke-display-name") :
16652                        f.data("cke-real-element-type") ? f.data("cke-real-element-type") : f.getName();
16653                    (p = f.hasAttribute("contenteditable") ? "true" == f.getAttribute("contenteditable") : p) || f.hasAttribute("contenteditable") || (r = 1);
16654                    for (var t = 0; t < c.length; t++) {
16655                        var l = c[t](f, b);
16656                        if (!1 === l) {
16657                            r = 1;
16658                            break
16659                        }
16660                        b = l || b
16661                    }
16662                    r || (g.unshift(f), d.unshift(b))
16663                }
16664                g = g.length;
16665                for (c = 0; c < g; c++) b = d[c], p = a.lang.elementspath.eleTitle.replace(/%1/, b), b = x.output({
16666                    id: q + c,
16667                    label: p,
16668                    text: b,
16669                    jsTitle: "javascript:void('" + b + "')",
16670                    index: c,
16671                    keyDownFn: w,
16672                    clickFn: v
16673                }), e.unshift(b);
16674                m ||
16675                    (m = CKEDITOR.document.getById(n));
16676                d = m;
16677                d.setHtml(e.join("") + '\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_path_empty"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e');
16678                a.fire("elementsPathUpdate", {
16679                    space: d
16680                })
16681            });
16682            a.on("readOnly", l);
16683            a.on("contentDomUnload", l);
16684            a.addCommand("elementsPathFocus", y.toolbarFocus);
16685            a.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.ALT + 122, "elementsPathFocus")
16686        }
16687        var y = {
16688                toolbarFocus: {
16689                    editorFocus: !1,
16690                    readOnly: 1,
16691                    exec: function(a) {
16692                        (a = CKEDITOR.document.getById(a._.elementsPath.idBase + "0")) && a.focus(CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.air)
16693                    }
16694                }
16695            },
16696            c = "";
16697        CKEDITOR.env.gecko &&
16698            CKEDITOR.env.mac && (c += ' onkeypress\x3d"return false;"');
16699        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (c += ' onblur\x3d"this.style.cssText \x3d this.style.cssText;"');
16700        var x = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("pathItem", '\x3ca id\x3d"{id}" href\x3d"{jsTitle}" tabindex\x3d"-1" class\x3d"cke_path_item" title\x3d"{label}"' + c + ' hidefocus\x3d"true"  onkeydown\x3d"return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({keyDownFn},{index}, event );" onclick\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},{index}); return false;" role\x3d"button" aria-label\x3d"{label}"\x3e{text}\x3c/a\x3e');
16701        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("elementspath", {
16702            init: function(a) {
16703                a._.elementsPath = {
16704                    idBase: "cke_elementspath_" + CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber() + "_",
16705                    filters: []
16706                };
16707                a.on("uiSpace", function(c) {
16708                    "bottom" == c.data.space && q(a, c.data)
16709                })
16710            }
16711        })
16712    })();
16713    (function() {
16714        function x(a, e, b) {
16715            b = a.config.forceEnterMode || b;
16716            if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode) {
16717                e || (e = a.activeEnterMode);
16718                var g = a.elementPath();
16719                g && !g.isContextFor("p") && (e = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR, b = 1);
16720                a.fire("saveSnapshot");
16721                e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? u(a, e, null, b) : r(a, e, null, b);
16722                a.fire("saveSnapshot")
16723            }
16724        }
16726        function y(a) {
16727            a = a.getSelection().getRanges(!0);
16728            for (var e = a.length - 1; 0 < e; e--) a[e].deleteContents();
16729            return a[0]
16730        }
16732        function z(a) {
16733            var e = a.startContainer.getAscendant(function(a) {
16734                    return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "true" == a.getAttribute("contenteditable")
16735                },
16736                !0);
16737            if (a.root.equals(e)) return a;
16738            e = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(e);
16739            e.moveToRange(a);
16740            return e
16741        }
16742        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("enterkey", {
16743            init: function(a) {
16744                a.addCommand("enter", {
16745                    modes: {
16746                        wysiwyg: 1
16747                    },
16748                    editorFocus: !1,
16749                    exec: function(a) {
16750                        x(a)
16751                    }
16752                });
16753                a.addCommand("shiftEnter", {
16754                    modes: {
16755                        wysiwyg: 1
16756                    },
16757                    editorFocus: !1,
16758                    exec: function(a) {
16759                        x(a, a.activeShiftEnterMode, 1)
16760                    }
16761                });
16762                a.setKeystroke([
16763                    [13, "enter"],
16764                    [CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 13, "shiftEnter"]
16765                ])
16766            }
16767        });
16768        var A = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
16769            B = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
16770            v, u, r, w;
16771        CKEDITOR.plugins.enterkey = {
16772            enterBlock: function(a, e, b, g) {
16773                function m(a) {
16774                    var b;
16775                    if (a === CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || -1 === CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(["td", "th"], p.lastElement.getName()) || 1 !== p.lastElement.getChildCount()) return !1;
16776                    a = p.lastElement.getChild(0).clone(!0);
16777                    (b = a.getBogus()) && b.remove();
16778                    return a.getText().length ? !1 : !0
16779                }
16780                if (b = b || y(a)) {
16781                    b = z(b);
16782                    var h = b.document,
16783                        n = b.checkStartOfBlock(),
16784                        f = b.checkEndOfBlock(),
16785                        p = a.elementPath(b.startContainer),
16786                        c = p.block,
16787                        l = e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV ? "div" : "p",
16788                        d;
16789                    if (n && f) {
16790                        if (c && (c.is("li") || c.getParent().is("li"))) {
16791                            c.is("li") ||
16792                                (c = c.getParent());
16793                            b = c.getParent();
16794                            d = b.getParent();
16795                            g = !c.hasPrevious();
16796                            var f = !c.hasNext(),
16797                                l = a.getSelection(),
16798                                n = l.createBookmarks(),
16799                                k = c.getDirection(1),
16800                                t = c.getAttribute("class"),
16801                                q = c.getAttribute("style"),
16802                                r = d.getDirection(1) != k;
16803                            a = a.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || r || q || t;
16804                            if (d.is("li")) g || f ? (g && f && b.remove(), c[f ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"](d)) : c.breakParent(d);
16805                            else {
16806                                if (a)
16807                                    if (p.block.is("li") ? (d = h.createElement(e == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div"), r && d.setAttribute("dir", k), q && d.setAttribute("style", q), t && d.setAttribute("class",
16808                                            t), c.moveChildren(d)) : d = p.block, g || f) d[g ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](b);
16809                                    else c.breakParent(b), d.insertAfter(b);
16810                                else if (c.appendBogus(!0), g || f)
16811                                    for (; h = c[g ? "getFirst" : "getLast"]();) h[g ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](b);
16812                                else
16813                                    for (c.breakParent(b); h = c.getLast();) h.insertAfter(b);
16814                                c.remove()
16815                            }
16816                            l.selectBookmarks(n);
16817                            return
16818                        }
16819                        if (c && c.getParent().is("blockquote")) {
16820                            c.breakParent(c.getParent());
16821                            c.getPrevious().getFirst(CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible(1)) || c.getPrevious().remove();
16822                            c.getNext().getFirst(CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible(1)) ||
16823                                c.getNext().remove();
16824                            b.moveToElementEditStart(c);
16825                            b.select();
16826                            return
16827                        }
16828                    } else if (c && c.is("pre") && !f) {
16829                        u(a, e, b, g);
16830                        return
16831                    }
16832                    if (q = b.splitBlock(l)) {
16833                        a = q.previousBlock;
16834                        c = q.nextBlock;
16835                        n = q.wasStartOfBlock;
16836                        f = q.wasEndOfBlock;
16837                        c ? (k = c.getParent(), k.is("li") && (c.breakParent(k), c.move(c.getNext(), 1))) : a && (k = a.getParent()) && k.is("li") && (a.breakParent(k), k = a.getNext(), b.moveToElementEditStart(k), a.move(a.getPrevious()));
16838                        if (n || f)
16839                            if (m(e)) b.moveToElementEditStart(b.getTouchedStartNode());
16840                            else {
16841                                if (a) {
16842                                    if (a.is("li") || !w.test(a.getName()) &&
16843                                        !a.is("pre")) d = a.clone()
16844                                } else c && (d = c.clone());
16845                                d ? g && !d.is("li") && d.renameNode(l) : k && k.is("li") ? d = k : (d = h.createElement(l), a && (t = a.getDirection()) && d.setAttribute("dir", t));
16846                                if (h = q.elementPath)
16847                                    for (e = 0, g = h.elements.length; e < g; e++) {
16848                                        l = h.elements[e];
16849                                        if (l.equals(h.block) || l.equals(h.blockLimit)) break;
16850                                        CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[l.getName()] && (l = l.clone(), d.moveChildren(l), d.append(l))
16851                                    }
16852                                d.appendBogus();
16853                                d.getParent() || b.insertNode(d);
16854                                d.is("li") && d.removeAttribute("value");
16855                                !CKEDITOR.env.ie || !n || f && a.getChildCount() ||
16856                                    (b.moveToElementEditStart(f ? a : d), b.select());
16857                                b.moveToElementEditStart(n && !f ? c : d)
16858                            }
16859                        else c.is("li") && (d = b.clone(), d.selectNodeContents(c), d = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(d), d.evaluator = function(a) {
16860                            return !(B(a) || A(a) || a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline && !(a.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty))
16861                        }, (k = d.next()) && k.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && k.is("ul", "ol") && (CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? h.createElement("br") : h.createText(" ")).insertBefore(k)), c && b.moveToElementEditStart(c);
16862                        b.select();
16863                        b.scrollIntoView()
16864                    }
16865                }
16866            },
16867            enterBr: function(a, e, b, g) {
16868                if (b = b || y(a)) {
16869                    var m = b.document,
16870                        h = b.checkEndOfBlock(),
16871                        n = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(a.getSelection().getStartElement()),
16872                        f = n.block,
16873                        p = f && n.block.getName();
16874                    g || "li" != p ? (!g && h && w.test(p) ? (h = f.getDirection()) ? (m = m.createElement("div"), m.setAttribute("dir", h), m.insertAfter(f), b.setStart(m, 0)) : (m.createElement("br").insertAfter(f), CKEDITOR.env.gecko && m.createText("").insertAfter(f), b.setStartAt(f.getNext(), CKEDITOR.env.ie ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START)) :
16875                        (a = "pre" == p && CKEDITOR.env.ie && 8 > CKEDITOR.env.version ? m.createText("\r") : m.createElement("br"), b.deleteContents(), b.insertNode(a), CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller ? (m.createText("").insertAfter(a), h && (f || n.blockLimit).appendBogus(), a.getNext().$.nodeValue = "", b.setStartAt(a.getNext(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START)) : b.setStartAt(a, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END)), b.collapse(!0), b.select(), b.scrollIntoView()) : r(a, e, b, g)
16876                }
16877            }
16878        };
16879        v = CKEDITOR.plugins.enterkey;
16880        u = v.enterBr;
16881        r = v.enterBlock;
16882        w = /^h[1-6]$/
16883    })();
16884    (function() {
16885        function k(b, f) {
16886            var g = {},
16887                c = [],
16888                e = {
16889                    nbsp: " ",
16890                    shy: "­",
16891                    gt: "\x3e",
16892                    lt: "\x3c",
16893                    amp: "\x26",
16894                    apos: "'",
16895                    quot: '"'
16896                };
16897            b = b.replace(/\b(nbsp|shy|gt|lt|amp|apos|quot)(?:,|$)/g, function(b, a) {
16898                var d = f ? "\x26" + a + ";" : e[a];
16899                g[d] = f ? e[a] : "\x26" + a + ";";
16900                c.push(d);
16901                return ""
16902            });
16903            if (!f && b) {
16904                b = b.split(",");
16905                var a = document.createElement("div"),
16906                    d;
16907                a.innerHTML = "\x26" + b.join(";\x26") + ";";
16908                d = a.innerHTML;
16909                a = null;
16910                for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++) {
16911                    var h = d.charAt(a);
16912                    g[h] = "\x26" + b[a] + ";";
16913                    c.push(h)
16914                }
16915            }
16916            g.regex = c.join(f ? "|" : "");
16917            return g
16918        }
16919        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("entities", {
16920            afterInit: function(b) {
16921                function f(a) {
16922                    return h[a]
16923                }
16925                function g(b) {
16926                    return "force" != c.entities_processNumerical && a[b] ? a[b] : "\x26#" + b.charCodeAt(0) + ";"
16927                }
16928                var c = b.config;
16929                if (b = (b = b.dataProcessor) && b.htmlFilter) {
16930                    var e = [];
16931                    !1 !== c.basicEntities && e.push("nbsp,gt,lt,amp");
16932                    c.entities && (e.length && e.push("quot,iexcl,cent,pound,curren,yen,brvbar,sect,uml,copy,ordf,laquo,not,shy,reg,macr,deg,plusmn,sup2,sup3,acute,micro,para,middot,cedil,sup1,ordm,raquo,frac14,frac12,frac34,iquest,times,divide,fnof,bull,hellip,prime,Prime,oline,frasl,weierp,image,real,trade,alefsym,larr,uarr,rarr,darr,harr,crarr,lArr,uArr,rArr,dArr,hArr,forall,part,exist,empty,nabla,isin,notin,ni,prod,sum,minus,lowast,radic,prop,infin,ang,and,or,cap,cup,int,there4,sim,cong,asymp,ne,equiv,le,ge,sub,sup,nsub,sube,supe,oplus,otimes,perp,sdot,lceil,rceil,lfloor,rfloor,lang,rang,loz,spades,clubs,hearts,diams,circ,tilde,ensp,emsp,thinsp,zwnj,zwj,lrm,rlm,ndash,mdash,lsquo,rsquo,sbquo,ldquo,rdquo,bdquo,dagger,Dagger,permil,lsaquo,rsaquo,euro"),
16933                        c.entities_latin && e.push("Agrave,Aacute,Acirc,Atilde,Auml,Aring,AElig,Ccedil,Egrave,Eacute,Ecirc,Euml,Igrave,Iacute,Icirc,Iuml,ETH,Ntilde,Ograve,Oacute,Ocirc,Otilde,Ouml,Oslash,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucirc,Uuml,Yacute,THORN,szlig,agrave,aacute,acirc,atilde,auml,aring,aelig,ccedil,egrave,eacute,ecirc,euml,igrave,iacute,icirc,iuml,eth,ntilde,ograve,oacute,ocirc,otilde,ouml,oslash,ugrave,uacute,ucirc,uuml,yacute,thorn,yuml,OElig,oelig,Scaron,scaron,Yuml"), c.entities_greek && e.push("Alpha,Beta,Gamma,Delta,Epsilon,Zeta,Eta,Theta,Iota,Kappa,Lambda,Mu,Nu,Xi,Omicron,Pi,Rho,Sigma,Tau,Upsilon,Phi,Chi,Psi,Omega,alpha,beta,gamma,delta,epsilon,zeta,eta,theta,iota,kappa,lambda,mu,nu,xi,omicron,pi,rho,sigmaf,sigma,tau,upsilon,phi,chi,psi,omega,thetasym,upsih,piv"),
16934                        c.entities_additional && e.push(c.entities_additional));
16935                    var a = k(e.join(",")),
16936                        d = a.regex ? "[" + a.regex + "]" : "a^";
16937                    delete a.regex;
16938                    c.entities && c.entities_processNumerical && (d = "[^ -~]|" + d);
16939                    var d = new RegExp(d, "g"),
16940                        h = k("nbsp,gt,lt,amp,shy", !0),
16941                        l = new RegExp(h.regex, "g");
16942                    b.addRules({
16943                        text: function(a) {
16944                            return a.replace(l, f).replace(d, g)
16945                        }
16946                    }, {
16947                        applyToAll: !0,
16948                        excludeNestedEditable: !0
16949                    })
16950                }
16951            }
16952        })
16953    })();
16954    CKEDITOR.config.basicEntities = !0;
16955    CKEDITOR.config.entities = !0;
16956    CKEDITOR.config.entities_latin = !0;
16957    CKEDITOR.config.entities_greek = !0;
16958    CKEDITOR.config.entities_additional = "#39";
16959    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("popup");
16960    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.editor.prototype, {
16961        popup: function(e, a, b, d) {
16962            a = a || "80%";
16963            b = b || "70%";
16964            "string" == typeof a && 1 < a.length && "%" == a.substr(a.length - 1, 1) && (a = parseInt(window.screen.width * parseInt(a, 10) / 100, 10));
16965            "string" == typeof b && 1 < b.length && "%" == b.substr(b.length - 1, 1) && (b = parseInt(window.screen.height * parseInt(b, 10) / 100, 10));
16966            640 > a && (a = 640);
16967            420 > b && (b = 420);
16968            var f = parseInt((window.screen.height - b) / 2, 10),
16969                g = parseInt((window.screen.width - a) / 2, 10);
16970            d = (d || "location\x3dno,menubar\x3dno,toolbar\x3dno,dependent\x3dyes,minimizable\x3dno,modal\x3dyes,alwaysRaised\x3dyes,resizable\x3dyes,scrollbars\x3dyes") + ",width\x3d" +
16971                a + ",height\x3d" + b + ",top\x3d" + f + ",left\x3d" + g;
16972            var c = window.open("", null, d, !0);
16973            if (!c) return !1;
16974            try {
16975                -1 == navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(" chrome/") && (c.moveTo(g, f), c.resizeTo(a, b)), c.focus(), c.location.href = e
16976            } catch (h) {
16977                window.open(e, null, d, !0)
16978            }
16979            return !0
16980        }
16981    });
16982    (function() {
16983        function k(a) {
16984            this.editor = a;
16985            this.loaders = []
16986        }
16988        function l(a, c, b) {
16989            var d = a.config.fileTools_defaultFileName;
16990            this.editor = a;
16991            this.lang = a.lang;
16992            "string" === typeof c ? (this.data = c, this.file = n(this.data), this.loaded = this.total = this.file.size) : (this.data = null, this.file = c, this.total = this.file.size, this.loaded = 0);
16993            b ? this.fileName = b : this.file.name ? this.fileName = this.file.name : (a = this.file.type.split("/"), d && (a[0] = d), this.fileName = a.join("."));
16994            this.uploaded = 0;
16995            this.responseData = this.uploadTotal = null;
16996            this.status =
16997                "created";
16998            this.abort = function() {
16999                this.changeStatus("abort")
17000            }
17001        }
17003        function n(a) {
17004            var c = a.match(m)[1];
17005            a = a.replace(m, "");
17006            a = atob(a);
17007            var b = [],
17008                d, f, g, e;
17009            for (d = 0; d < a.length; d += 512) {
17010                f = a.slice(d, d + 512);
17011                g = Array(f.length);
17012                for (e = 0; e < f.length; e++) g[e] = f.charCodeAt(e);
17013                f = new Uint8Array(g);
17014                b.push(f)
17015            }
17016            return new Blob(b, {
17017                type: c
17018            })
17019        }
17020        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("filetools", {
17021            beforeInit: function(a) {
17022                a.uploadRepository = new k(a);
17023                a.on("fileUploadRequest", function(a) {
17024                    var b = a.data.fileLoader;
17025                    b.xhr.open("POST", b.uploadUrl, !0);
17026                    a.data.requestData.upload = {
17027                        file: b.file,
17028                        name: b.fileName
17029                    }
17030                }, null, null, 5);
17031                a.on("fileUploadRequest", function(c) {
17032                    var b = c.data.fileLoader,
17033                        d = new FormData;
17034                    c = c.data.requestData;
17035                    var f = a.config.fileTools_requestHeaders,
17036                        g, e;
17037                    for (e in c) {
17038                        var h = c[e];
17039                        "object" === typeof h && h.file ? d.append(e, h.file, h.name) : d.append(e, h)
17040                    }
17041                    d.append("ckCsrfToken", CKEDITOR.tools.getCsrfToken());
17042                    if (f)
17043                        for (g in f) b.xhr.setRequestHeader(g, f[g]);
17044                    b.xhr.send(d)
17045                }, null, null, 999);
17046                a.on("fileUploadResponse", function(a) {
17047                    var b = a.data.fileLoader,
17048                        d = b.xhr,
17049                        f = a.data;
17050                    try {
17051                        var g = JSON.parse(d.responseText);
17052                        g.error && g.error.message && (f.message = g.error.message);
17053                        if (g.uploaded)
17054                            for (var e in g) f[e] = g[e];
17055                        else a.cancel()
17056                    } catch (h) {
17057                        f.message = b.lang.filetools.responseError, CKEDITOR.warn("filetools-response-error", {
17058                            responseText: d.responseText
17059                        }), a.cancel()
17060                    }
17061                }, null, null, 999)
17062            }
17063        });
17064        k.prototype = {
17065            create: function(a, c, b) {
17066                b = b || l;
17067                var d = this.loaders.length;
17068                a = new b(this.editor, a, c);
17069                a.id = d;
17070                this.loaders[d] = a;
17071                this.fire("instanceCreated", a);
17072                return a
17073            },
17074            isFinished: function() {
17075                for (var a = 0; a < this.loaders.length; ++a)
17076                    if (!this.loaders[a].isFinished()) return !1;
17077                return !0
17078            }
17079        };
17080        l.prototype = {
17081            loadAndUpload: function(a, c) {
17082                var b = this;
17083                this.once("loaded", function(d) {
17084                    d.cancel();
17085                    b.once("update", function(a) {
17086                        a.cancel()
17087                    }, null, null, 0);
17088                    b.upload(a, c)
17089                }, null, null, 0);
17090                this.load()
17091            },
17092            load: function() {
17093                var a = this,
17094                    c = this.reader = new FileReader;
17095                a.changeStatus("loading");
17096                this.abort = function() {
17097                    a.reader.abort()
17098                };
17099                c.onabort = function() {
17100                    a.changeStatus("abort")
17101                };
17102                c.onerror = function() {
17103                    a.message = a.lang.filetools.loadError;
17104                    a.changeStatus("error")
17105                };
17106                c.onprogress = function(b) {
17107                    a.loaded = b.loaded;
17108                    a.update()
17109                };
17110                c.onload = function() {
17111                    a.loaded = a.total;
17112                    a.data = c.result;
17113                    a.changeStatus("loaded")
17114                };
17115                c.readAsDataURL(this.file)
17116            },
17117            upload: function(a, c) {
17118                var b = c || {};
17119                a ? (this.uploadUrl = a, this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest, this.attachRequestListeners(), this.editor.fire("fileUploadRequest", {
17120                    fileLoader: this,
17121                    requestData: b
17122                }) && this.changeStatus("uploading")) : (this.message = this.lang.filetools.noUrlError, this.changeStatus("error"))
17123            },
17124            attachRequestListeners: function() {
17125                function a() {
17126                    "error" != b.status && (b.message = b.lang.filetools.networkError,
17127                        b.changeStatus("error"))
17128                }
17130                function c() {
17131                    "abort" != b.status && b.changeStatus("abort")
17132                }
17133                var b = this,
17134                    d = this.xhr;
17135                b.abort = function() {
17136                    d.abort();
17137                    c()
17138                };
17139                d.onerror = a;
17140                d.onabort = c;
17141                d.upload ? (d.upload.onprogress = function(a) {
17142                    a.lengthComputable && (b.uploadTotal || (b.uploadTotal = a.total), b.uploaded = a.loaded, b.update())
17143                }, d.upload.onerror = a, d.upload.onabort = c) : (b.uploadTotal = b.total, b.update());
17144                d.onload = function() {
17145                    b.update();
17146                    if ("abort" != b.status)
17147                        if (b.uploaded = b.uploadTotal, 200 > d.status || 299 < d.status) b.message = b.lang.filetools["httpError" +
17148                            d.status], b.message || (b.message = b.lang.filetools.httpError.replace("%1", d.status)), b.changeStatus("error");
17149                        else {
17150                            for (var a = {
17151                                    fileLoader: b
17152                                }, c = ["message", "fileName", "url"], e = b.editor.fire("fileUploadResponse", a), h = 0; h < c.length; h++) {
17153                                var k = c[h];
17154                                "string" === typeof a[k] && (b[k] = a[k])
17155                            }
17156                            b.responseData = a;
17157                            delete b.responseData.fileLoader;
17158                            !1 === e ? b.changeStatus("error") : b.changeStatus("uploaded")
17159                        }
17160                }
17161            },
17162            changeStatus: function(a) {
17163                this.status = a;
17164                if ("error" == a || "abort" == a || "loaded" == a || "uploaded" == a) this.abort = function() {};
17165                this.fire(a);
17166                this.update()
17167            },
17168            update: function() {
17169                this.fire("update")
17170            },
17171            isFinished: function() {
17172                return !!this.status.match(/^(?:loaded|uploaded|error|abort)$/)
17173            }
17174        };
17175        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(k.prototype);
17176        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(l.prototype);
17177        var m = /^data:(\S*?);base64,/;
17178        CKEDITOR.fileTools || (CKEDITOR.fileTools = {});
17179        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.fileTools, {
17180            uploadRepository: k,
17181            fileLoader: l,
17182            getUploadUrl: function(a, c) {
17183                var b = CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize;
17184                return c && a[c + "UploadUrl"] ? a[c + "UploadUrl"] : a.uploadUrl ? a.uploadUrl :
17185                    c && a["filebrowser" + b(c, 1) + "UploadUrl"] ? a["filebrowser" + b(c, 1) + "UploadUrl"] + "\x26responseType\x3djson" : a.filebrowserUploadUrl ? a.filebrowserUploadUrl + "\x26responseType\x3djson" : null
17186            },
17187            isTypeSupported: function(a, c) {
17188                return !!a.type.match(c)
17189            },
17190            isFileUploadSupported: "function" === typeof FileReader && "function" === typeof(new FileReader).readAsDataURL && "function" === typeof FormData && "function" === typeof(new FormData).append && "function" === typeof XMLHttpRequest && "function" === typeof Blob
17191        })
17192    })();
17193    (function() {
17194        function g(a, b) {
17195            var d = [];
17196            if (b)
17197                for (var c in b) d.push(c + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b[c]));
17198            else return a;
17199            return a + (-1 != a.indexOf("?") ? "\x26" : "?") + d.join("\x26")
17200        }
17202        function p(a) {
17203            return !a.match(/command=QuickUpload/) || a.match(/(\?|&)responseType=json/) ? a : g(a, {
17204                responseType: "json"
17205            })
17206        }
17208        function k(a) {
17209            a += "";
17210            return a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substr(1)
17211        }
17213        function q() {
17214            var a = this.getDialog(),
17215                b = a.getParentEditor();
17216            b._.filebrowserSe = this;
17217            var d = b.config["filebrowser" + k(a.getName()) + "WindowWidth"] || b.config.filebrowserWindowWidth ||
17218                "80%",
17219                a = b.config["filebrowser" + k(a.getName()) + "WindowHeight"] || b.config.filebrowserWindowHeight || "70%",
17220                c = this.filebrowser.params || {};
17221            c.CKEditor = b.name;
17222            c.CKEditorFuncNum = b._.filebrowserFn;
17223            c.langCode || (c.langCode = b.langCode);
17224            c = g(this.filebrowser.url, c);
17225            b.popup(c, d, a, b.config.filebrowserWindowFeatures || b.config.fileBrowserWindowFeatures)
17226        }
17228        function r(a) {
17229            var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a.$.form);
17230            b && ((a = b.$.elements.ckCsrfToken) ? a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a) : (a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("input"), a.setAttributes({
17231                name: "ckCsrfToken",
17232                type: "hidden"
17233            }), b.append(a)), a.setAttribute("value", CKEDITOR.tools.getCsrfToken()))
17234        }
17236        function t() {
17237            var a = this.getDialog();
17238            a.getParentEditor()._.filebrowserSe = this;
17239            return a.getContentElement(this["for"][0], this["for"][1]).getInputElement().$.value && a.getContentElement(this["for"][0], this["for"][1]).getAction() ? !0 : !1
17240        }
17242        function u(a, b, d) {
17243            var c = d.params || {};
17244            c.CKEditor = a.name;
17245            c.CKEditorFuncNum = a._.filebrowserFn;
17246            c.langCode || (c.langCode = a.langCode);
17247            b.action = g(d.url, c);
17248            b.filebrowser = d
17249        }
17251        function l(a, b, d, c) {
17252            if (c &&
17253                c.length)
17254                for (var e, g = c.length; g--;)
17255                    if (e = c[g], "hbox" != e.type && "vbox" != e.type && "fieldset" != e.type || l(a, b, d, e.children), e.filebrowser)
17256                        if ("string" == typeof e.filebrowser && (e.filebrowser = {
17257                                action: "fileButton" == e.type ? "QuickUpload" : "Browse",
17258                                target: e.filebrowser
17259                            }), "Browse" == e.filebrowser.action) {
17260                            var f = e.filebrowser.url;
17261                            void 0 === f && (f = a.config["filebrowser" + k(b) + "BrowseUrl"], void 0 === f && (f = a.config.filebrowserBrowseUrl));
17262                            f && (e.onClick = q, e.filebrowser.url = f, e.hidden = !1)
17263                        } else if ("QuickUpload" == e.filebrowser.action &&
17264                e["for"] && (f = e.filebrowser.url, void 0 === f && (f = a.config["filebrowser" + k(b) + "UploadUrl"], void 0 === f && (f = a.config.filebrowserUploadUrl)), f)) {
17265                var h = e.onClick;
17266                e.onClick = function(b) {
17267                    var c = b.sender,
17268                        d = c.getDialog().getContentElement(this["for"][0], this["for"][1]).getInputElement(),
17269                        e = CKEDITOR.fileTools && CKEDITOR.fileTools.isFileUploadSupported;
17270                    if (h && !1 === h.call(c, b)) return !1;
17271                    if (t.call(c, b)) {
17272                        if ("form" !== a.config.filebrowserUploadMethod && e) return b = a.uploadRepository.create(d.$.files[0]), b.on("uploaded", function(a) {
17273                            var b =
17274                                a.sender.responseData;
17275                            m.call(a.sender.editor, b.url, b.message)
17276                        }), b.on("error", n.bind(this)), b.on("abort", n.bind(this)), b.loadAndUpload(p(f)), "xhr";
17277                        r(d);
17278                        return !0
17279                    }
17280                    return !1
17281                };
17282                e.filebrowser.url = f;
17283                e.hidden = !1;
17284                u(a, d.getContents(e["for"][0]).get(e["for"][1]), e.filebrowser)
17285            }
17286        }
17288        function n(a) {
17289            var b = {};
17290            try {
17291                b = JSON.parse(a.sender.xhr.response) || {}
17292            } catch (d) {}
17293            this.enable();
17294            alert(b.error ? b.error.message : a.sender.message)
17295        }
17297        function h(a, b, d) {
17298            if (-1 !== d.indexOf(";")) {
17299                d = d.split(";");
17300                for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
17301                    if (h(a, b, d[c])) return !0;
17302                return !1
17303            }
17304            return (a = a.getContents(b).get(d).filebrowser) && a.url
17305        }
17307        function m(a, b) {
17308            var d = this._.filebrowserSe.getDialog(),
17309                c = this._.filebrowserSe["for"],
17310                e = this._.filebrowserSe.filebrowser.onSelect;
17311            c && d.getContentElement(c[0], c[1]).reset();
17312            if ("function" != typeof b || !1 !== b.call(this._.filebrowserSe))
17313                if (!e || !1 !== e.call(this._.filebrowserSe, a, b))
17314                    if ("string" == typeof b && b && alert(b), a && (c = this._.filebrowserSe, d = c.getDialog(), c = c.filebrowser.target || null))
17315                        if (c = c.split(":"), e = d.getContentElement(c[0], c[1])) e.setValue(a),
17316                            d.selectPage(c[0])
17317        }
17318        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("filebrowser", {
17319            requires: "popup,filetools",
17320            init: function(a) {
17321                a._.filebrowserFn = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(m, a);
17322                a.on("destroy", function() {
17323                    CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(this._.filebrowserFn)
17324                })
17325            }
17326        });
17327        CKEDITOR.on("dialogDefinition", function(a) {
17328            if (a.editor.plugins.filebrowser)
17329                for (var b = a.data.definition, d, c = 0; c < b.contents.length; ++c)
17330                    if (d = b.contents[c]) l(a.editor, a.data.name, b, d.elements), d.hidden && d.filebrowser && (d.hidden = !h(b, d.id, d.filebrowser))
17331        })
17332    })();
17333    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("find", {
17334        requires: "dialog",
17335        init: function(a) {
17336            var b = a.addCommand("find", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("find")),
17337                c = a.addCommand("replace", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("find", {
17338                    tabId: "replace"
17339                }));
17340            b.canUndo = !1;
17341            b.readOnly = 1;
17342            c.canUndo = !1;
17343            a.ui.addButton && (a.ui.addButton("Find", {
17344                label: a.lang.find.find,
17345                command: "find",
17346                toolbar: "find,10"
17347            }), a.ui.addButton("Replace", {
17348                label: a.lang.find.replace,
17349                command: "replace",
17350                toolbar: "find,20"
17351            }));
17352            CKEDITOR.dialog.add("find", this.path + "dialogs/find.js")
17353        }
17354    });
17355    CKEDITOR.config.find_highlight = {
17356        element: "span",
17357        styles: {
17358            "background-color": "#004",
17359            color: "#fff"
17360        }
17361    };
17362    (function() {
17363        function g(a, b) {
17364            var c = l.exec(a),
17365                d = l.exec(b);
17366            if (c) {
17367                if (!c[2] && "px" == d[2]) return d[1];
17368                if ("px" == c[2] && !d[2]) return d[1] + "px"
17369            }
17370            return b
17371        }
17372        var k = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.cssStyle,
17373            h = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength,
17374            l = /^((?:\d*(?:\.\d+))|(?:\d+))(.*)?$/i,
17375            m = {
17376                elements: {
17377                    $: function(a) {
17378                        var b = a.attributes;
17379                        if ((b = (b = (b = b && b["data-cke-realelement"]) && new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml(decodeURIComponent(b))) && b.children[0]) && a.attributes["data-cke-resizable"]) {
17380                            var c = (new k(a)).rules;
17381                            a = b.attributes;
17382                            var d = c.width,
17383                                c = c.height;
17384                            d && (a.width = g(a.width, d));
17385                            c && (a.height = g(a.height, c))
17386                        }
17387                        return b
17388                    }
17389                }
17390            };
17391        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("fakeobjects", {
17392            init: function(a) {
17393                a.filter.allow("img[!data-cke-realelement,src,alt,title](*){*}", "fakeobjects")
17394            },
17395            afterInit: function(a) {
17396                (a = (a = a.dataProcessor) && a.htmlFilter) && a.addRules(m, {
17397                    applyToAll: !0
17398                })
17399            }
17400        });
17401        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.createFakeElement = function(a, b, c, d) {
17402            var e = this.lang.fakeobjects,
17403                e = e[c] || e.unknown;
17404            b = {
17405                "class": b,
17406                "data-cke-realelement": encodeURIComponent(a.getOuterHtml()),
17407                "data-cke-real-node-type": a.type,
17408                alt: e,
17409                title: e,
17410                align: a.getAttribute("align") || ""
17411            };
17412            CKEDITOR.env.hc || (b.src = CKEDITOR.tools.transparentImageData);
17413            c && (b["data-cke-real-element-type"] = c);
17414            d && (b["data-cke-resizable"] = d, c = new k, d = a.getAttribute("width"), a = a.getAttribute("height"), d && (c.rules.width = h(d)), a && (c.rules.height = h(a)), c.populate(b));
17415            return this.document.createElement("img", {
17416                attributes: b
17417            })
17418        };
17419        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.createFakeParserElement = function(a, b, c, d) {
17420            var e = this.lang.fakeobjects,
17421                e = e[c] || e.unknown,
17422                f;
17423            f = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter;
17424            a.writeHtml(f);
17425            f = f.getHtml();
17426            b = {
17427                "class": b,
17428                "data-cke-realelement": encodeURIComponent(f),
17429                "data-cke-real-node-type": a.type,
17430                alt: e,
17431                title: e,
17432                align: a.attributes.align || ""
17433            };
17434            CKEDITOR.env.hc || (b.src = CKEDITOR.tools.transparentImageData);
17435            c && (b["data-cke-real-element-type"] = c);
17436            d && (b["data-cke-resizable"] = d, d = a.attributes, a = new k, c = d.width, d = d.height, void 0 !== c && (a.rules.width = h(c)), void 0 !== d && (a.rules.height = h(d)), a.populate(b));
17437            return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element("img", b)
17438        };
17439        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.restoreRealElement =
17440            function(a) {
17441                if (a.data("cke-real-node-type") != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) return null;
17442                var b = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(decodeURIComponent(a.data("cke-realelement")), this.document);
17443                if (a.data("cke-resizable")) {
17444                    var c = a.getStyle("width");
17445                    a = a.getStyle("height");
17446                    c && b.setAttribute("width", g(b.getAttribute("width"), c));
17447                    a && b.setAttribute("height", g(b.getAttribute("height"), a))
17448                }
17449                return b
17450            }
17451    })();
17452    (function() {
17453        function d(a) {
17454            a = a.attributes;
17455            return "application/x-shockwave-flash" == a.type || f.test(a.src || "")
17456        }
17458        function e(a, b) {
17459            return a.createFakeParserElement(b, "cke_flash", "flash", !0)
17460        }
17461        var f = /\.swf(?:$|\?)/i;
17462        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("flash", {
17463            requires: "dialog,fakeobjects",
17464            onLoad: function() {
17465                CKEDITOR.addCss("img.cke_flash{background-image: url(" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "images/placeholder.png") + ");background-position: center center;background-repeat: no-repeat;border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;width: 80px;height: 80px;}")
17466            },
17467            init: function(a) {
17468                var b = "object[classid,codebase,height,hspace,vspace,width];param[name,value];embed[height,hspace,pluginspage,src,type,vspace,width]";
17469                CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled(a, "flash", "properties") && (b += ";object[align]; embed[allowscriptaccess,quality,scale,wmode]");
17470                CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled(a, "flash", "advanced") && (b += ";object[id]{*}; embed[bgcolor]{*}(*)");
17471                a.addCommand("flash", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("flash", {
17472                    allowedContent: b,
17473                    requiredContent: "embed"
17474                }));
17475                a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Flash", {
17476                    label: a.lang.common.flash,
17477                    command: "flash",
17478                    toolbar: "insert,20"
17479                });
17480                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("flash", this.path + "dialogs/flash.js");
17481                a.addMenuItems && a.addMenuItems({
17482                    flash: {
17483                        label: a.lang.flash.properties,
17484                        command: "flash",
17485                        group: "flash"
17486                    }
17487                });
17488                a.on("doubleclick", function(a) {
17489                    var b = a.data.element;
17490                    b.is("img") && "flash" == b.data("cke-real-element-type") && (a.data.dialog = "flash")
17491                });
17492                a.contextMenu && a.contextMenu.addListener(function(a) {
17493                    if (a && a.is("img") && !a.isReadOnly() && "flash" == a.data("cke-real-element-type")) return {
17494                        flash: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
17495                    }
17496                })
17497            },
17498            afterInit: function(a) {
17499                var b = a.dataProcessor;
17500                (b = b && b.dataFilter) && b.addRules({
17501                    elements: {
17502                        "cke:object": function(b) {
17503                            var c = b.attributes;
17504                            if (!(c.classid && String(c.classid).toLowerCase() || d(b))) {
17505                                for (c = 0; c < b.children.length; c++)
17506                                    if ("cke:embed" == b.children[c].name) {
17507                                        if (!d(b.children[c])) break;
17508                                        return e(a, b)
17509                                    } return null
17510                            }
17511                            return e(a, b)
17512                        },
17513                        "cke:embed": function(b) {
17514                            return d(b) ? e(a, b) : null
17515                        }
17516                    }
17517                }, 5)
17518            }
17519        })
17520    })();
17521    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.config, {
17522        flashEmbedTagOnly: !1,
17523        flashAddEmbedTag: !0,
17524        flashConvertOnEdit: !1
17525    });
17526    (function() {
17527        function k(a) {
17528            var l = a.config,
17529                p = a.fire("uiSpace", {
17530                    space: "top",
17531                    html: ""
17532                }).html,
17533                t = function() {
17534                    function f(a, c, e) {
17535                        b.setStyle(c, w(e));
17536                        b.setStyle("position", a)
17537                    }
17539                    function e(a) {
17540                        var b = k.getDocumentPosition();
17541                        switch (a) {
17542                            case "top":
17543                                f("absolute", "top", b.y - q - r);
17544                                break;
17545                            case "pin":
17546                                f("fixed", "top", x);
17547                                break;
17548                            case "bottom":
17549                                f("absolute", "top", b.y + (c.height || c.bottom - c.top) + r)
17550                        }
17551                        m = a
17552                    }
17553                    var m, k, n, c, h, q, v, p = l.floatSpaceDockedOffsetX || 0,
17554                        r = l.floatSpaceDockedOffsetY || 0,
17555                        u = l.floatSpacePinnedOffsetX || 0,
17556                        x = l.floatSpacePinnedOffsetY ||
17557                        0;
17558                    return function(d) {
17559                        if (k = a.editable()) {
17560                            var f = d && "focus" == d.name;
17561                            f && b.show();
17562                            a.fire("floatingSpaceLayout", {
17563                                show: f
17564                            });
17565                            b.removeStyle("left");
17566                            b.removeStyle("right");
17567                            n = b.getClientRect();
17568                            c = k.getClientRect();
17569                            h = g.getViewPaneSize();
17570                            q = n.height;
17571                            v = "pageXOffset" in g.$ ? g.$.pageXOffset : CKEDITOR.document.$.documentElement.scrollLeft;
17572                            m ? (q + r <= c.top ? e("top") : q + r > h.height - c.bottom ? e("pin") : e("bottom"), d = h.width / 2, d = l.floatSpacePreferRight ? "right" : 0 < c.left && c.right < h.width && c.width > n.width ? "rtl" == l.contentsLangDirection ?
17573                                "right" : "left" : d - c.left > c.right - d ? "left" : "right", n.width > h.width ? (d = "left", f = 0) : (f = "left" == d ? 0 < c.left ? c.left : 0 : c.right < h.width ? h.width - c.right : 0, f + n.width > h.width && (d = "left" == d ? "right" : "left", f = 0)), b.setStyle(d, w(("pin" == m ? u : p) + f + ("pin" == m ? 0 : "left" == d ? v : -v)))) : (m = "pin", e("pin"), t(d))
17574                        }
17575                    }
17576                }();
17577            if (p) {
17578                var k = new CKEDITOR.template('\x3cdiv id\x3d"cke_{name}" class\x3d"cke {id} cke_reset_all cke_chrome cke_editor_{name} cke_float cke_{langDir} ' + CKEDITOR.env.cssClass + '" dir\x3d"{langDir}" title\x3d"' + (CKEDITOR.env.gecko ?
17579                        " " : "") + '" lang\x3d"{langCode}" role\x3d"application" style\x3d"{style}"' + (a.title ? ' aria-labelledby\x3d"cke_{name}_arialbl"' : " ") + "\x3e" + (a.title ? '\x3cspan id\x3d"cke_{name}_arialbl" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e{voiceLabel}\x3c/span\x3e' : " ") + '\x3cdiv class\x3d"cke_inner"\x3e\x3cdiv id\x3d"{topId}" class\x3d"cke_top" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e{content}\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e'),
17580                    b = CKEDITOR.document.getBody().append(CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(k.output({
17581                        content: p,
17582                        id: a.id,
17583                        langDir: a.lang.dir,
17584                        langCode: a.langCode,
17585                        name: a.name,
17586                        style: "display:none;z-index:" + (l.baseFloatZIndex - 1),
17587                        topId: a.ui.spaceId("top"),
17588                        voiceLabel: a.title
17589                    }))),
17590                    u = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer(500, t),
17591                    e = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer(100, t);
17592                b.unselectable();
17593                b.on("mousedown", function(a) {
17594                    a = a.data;
17595                    a.getTarget().hasAscendant("a", 1) || a.preventDefault()
17596                });
17597                a.on("focus", function(b) {
17598                    t(b);
17599                    a.on("change", u.input);
17600                    g.on("scroll", e.input);
17601                    g.on("resize", e.input)
17602                });
17603                a.on("blur", function() {
17604                    b.hide();
17605                    a.removeListener("change", u.input);
17606                    g.removeListener("scroll",
17607                        e.input);
17608                    g.removeListener("resize", e.input)
17609                });
17610                a.on("destroy", function() {
17611                    g.removeListener("scroll", e.input);
17612                    g.removeListener("resize", e.input);
17613                    b.clearCustomData();
17614                    b.remove()
17615                });
17616                a.focusManager.hasFocus && b.show();
17617                a.focusManager.add(b, 1)
17618            }
17619        }
17620        var g = CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(),
17621            w = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength;
17622        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("floatingspace", {
17623            init: function(a) {
17624                a.on("loaded", function() {
17625                    k(this)
17626                }, null, null, 20)
17627            }
17628        })
17629    })();
17630    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("listblock", {
17631        requires: "panel",
17632        onLoad: function() {
17633            var f = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("panel-list", '\x3cul role\x3d"presentation" class\x3d"cke_panel_list"\x3e{items}\x3c/ul\x3e'),
17634                g = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("panel-list-item", '\x3cli id\x3d"{id}" class\x3d"cke_panel_listItem" role\x3dpresentation\x3e\x3ca id\x3d"{id}_option" _cke_focus\x3d1 hidefocus\x3dtrue title\x3d"{title}" href\x3d"javascript:void(\'{val}\')"  {onclick}\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},\'{val}\'); return false;" role\x3d"option"\x3e{text}\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/li\x3e'),
17635                h = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("panel-list-group", '\x3ch1 id\x3d"{id}" class\x3d"cke_panel_grouptitle" role\x3d"presentation" \x3e{label}\x3c/h1\x3e'),
17636                k = /\'/g;
17637            CKEDITOR.ui.panel.prototype.addListBlock = function(a, b) {
17638                return this.addBlock(a, new CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock(this.getHolderElement(), b))
17639            };
17640            CKEDITOR.ui.listBlock = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
17641                base: CKEDITOR.ui.panel.block,
17642                $: function(a, b) {
17643                    b = b || {};
17644                    var c = b.attributes || (b.attributes = {});
17645                    (this.multiSelect = !!b.multiSelect) && (c["aria-multiselectable"] = !0);
17646                    !c.role &&
17647                        (c.role = "listbox");
17648                    this.base.apply(this, arguments);
17649                    this.element.setAttribute("role", c.role);
17650                    c = this.keys;
17651                    c[40] = "next";
17652                    c[9] = "next";
17653                    c[38] = "prev";
17654                    c[CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9] = "prev";
17655                    c[32] = CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "mouseup" : "click";
17656                    CKEDITOR.env.ie && (c[13] = "mouseup");
17657                    this._.pendingHtml = [];
17658                    this._.pendingList = [];
17659                    this._.items = {};
17660                    this._.groups = {}
17661                },
17662                _: {
17663                    close: function() {
17664                        if (this._.started) {
17665                            var a = f.output({
17666                                items: this._.pendingList.join("")
17667                            });
17668                            this._.pendingList = [];
17669                            this._.pendingHtml.push(a);
17670                            delete this._.started
17671                        }
17672                    },
17673                    getClick: function() {
17674                        this._.click ||
17675                            (this._.click = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a) {
17676                                var b = this.toggle(a);
17677                                if (this.onClick) this.onClick(a, b)
17678                            }, this));
17679                        return this._.click
17680                    }
17681                },
17682                proto: {
17683                    add: function(a, b, c) {
17684                        var d = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
17685                        this._.started || (this._.started = 1, this._.size = this._.size || 0);
17686                        this._.items[a] = d;
17687                        var e;
17688                        e = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr(a).replace(k, "\\'");
17689                        a = {
17690                            id: d,
17691                            val: e,
17692                            onclick: CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick\x3d"return false;" onmouseup' : "onclick",
17693                            clickFn: this._.getClick(),
17694                            title: CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr(c || a),
17695                            text: b || a
17696                        };
17697                        this._.pendingList.push(g.output(a))
17698                    },
17699                    startGroup: function(a) {
17700                        this._.close();
17701                        var b = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId();
17702                        this._.groups[a] = b;
17703                        this._.pendingHtml.push(h.output({
17704                            id: b,
17705                            label: a
17706                        }))
17707                    },
17708                    commit: function() {
17709                        this._.close();
17710                        this.element.appendHtml(this._.pendingHtml.join(""));
17711                        delete this._.size;
17712                        this._.pendingHtml = []
17713                    },
17714                    toggle: function(a) {
17715                        var b = this.isMarked(a);
17716                        b ? this.unmark(a) : this.mark(a);
17717                        return !b
17718                    },
17719                    hideGroup: function(a) {
17720                        var b = (a = this.element.getDocument().getById(this._.groups[a])) && a.getNext();
17721                        a && (a.setStyle("display",
17722                            "none"), b && "ul" == b.getName() && b.setStyle("display", "none"))
17723                    },
17724                    hideItem: function(a) {
17725                        this.element.getDocument().getById(this._.items[a]).setStyle("display", "none")
17726                    },
17727                    showAll: function() {
17728                        var a = this._.items,
17729                            b = this._.groups,
17730                            c = this.element.getDocument(),
17731                            d;
17732                        for (d in a) c.getById(a[d]).setStyle("display", "");
17733                        for (var e in b) a = c.getById(b[e]), d = a.getNext(), a.setStyle("display", ""), d && "ul" == d.getName() && d.setStyle("display", "")
17734                    },
17735                    mark: function(a) {
17736                        this.multiSelect || this.unmarkAll();
17737                        a = this._.items[a];
17738                        var b = this.element.getDocument().getById(a);
17739                        b.addClass("cke_selected");
17740                        this.element.getDocument().getById(a + "_option").setAttribute("aria-selected", !0);
17741                        this.onMark && this.onMark(b)
17742                    },
17743                    markFirstDisplayed: function() {
17744                        var a = this;
17745                        this._.markFirstDisplayed(function() {
17746                            a.multiSelect || a.unmarkAll()
17747                        })
17748                    },
17749                    unmark: function(a) {
17750                        var b = this.element.getDocument();
17751                        a = this._.items[a];
17752                        var c = b.getById(a);
17753                        c.removeClass("cke_selected");
17754                        b.getById(a + "_option").removeAttribute("aria-selected");
17755                        this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark(c)
17756                    },
17757                    unmarkAll: function() {
17758                        var a = this._.items,
17759                            b = this.element.getDocument(),
17760                            c;
17761                        for (c in a) {
17762                            var d = a[c];
17763                            b.getById(d).removeClass("cke_selected");
17764                            b.getById(d + "_option").removeAttribute("aria-selected")
17765                        }
17766                        this.onUnmark && this.onUnmark()
17767                    },
17768                    isMarked: function(a) {
17769                        return this.element.getDocument().getById(this._.items[a]).hasClass("cke_selected")
17770                    },
17771                    focus: function(a) {
17772                        this._.focusIndex = -1;
17773                        var b = this.element.getElementsByTag("a"),
17774                            c, d = -1;
17775                        if (a)
17776                            for (c = this.element.getDocument().getById(this._.items[a]).getFirst(); a = b.getItem(++d);) {
17777                                if (a.equals(c)) {
17778                                    this._.focusIndex = d;
17779                                    break
17780                                }
17781                            } else this.element.focus();
17782                        c && setTimeout(function() {
17783                            c.focus()
17784                        }, 0)
17785                    }
17786                }
17787            })
17788        }
17789    });
17790    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("richcombo", {
17791        requires: "floatpanel,listblock,button",
17792        beforeInit: function(c) {
17793            c.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO, CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo.handler)
17794        }
17795    });
17796    (function() {
17797        var c = '\x3cspan id\x3d"{id}" class\x3d"cke_combo cke_combo__{name} {cls}" role\x3d"presentation"\x3e\x3cspan id\x3d"{id}_label" class\x3d"cke_combo_label"\x3e{label}\x3c/span\x3e\x3ca class\x3d"cke_combo_button" title\x3d"{title}" tabindex\x3d"-1"' + (CKEDITOR.env.gecko && !CKEDITOR.env.hc ? "" : " href\x3d\"javascript:void('{titleJs}')\"") + ' hidefocus\x3d"true" role\x3d"button" aria-labelledby\x3d"{id}_label" aria-haspopup\x3d"true"';
17798        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.mac && (c += ' onkeypress\x3d"return false;"');
17799        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (c += ' onblur\x3d"this.style.cssText \x3d this.style.cssText;"');
17800        var c = c + (' onkeydown\x3d"return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({keydownFn},event,this);" onfocus\x3d"return CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({focusFn},event);" ' + (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? 'onclick\x3d"return false;" onmouseup' : "onclick") + '\x3d"CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction({clickFn},this);return false;"\x3e\x3cspan id\x3d"{id}_text" class\x3d"cke_combo_text cke_combo_inlinelabel"\x3e{label}\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_combo_open"\x3e\x3cspan class\x3d"cke_combo_arrow"\x3e' +
17801                (CKEDITOR.env.hc ? "\x26#9660;" : CKEDITOR.env.air ? "\x26nbsp;" : "") + "\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/a\x3e\x3c/span\x3e"),
17802            k = CKEDITOR.addTemplate("combo", c);
17803        CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO = "richcombo";
17804        CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
17805            $: function(a) {
17806                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, a, {
17807                    canGroup: !1,
17808                    title: a.label,
17809                    modes: {
17810                        wysiwyg: 1
17811                    },
17812                    editorFocus: 1
17813                });
17814                a = this.panel || {};
17815                delete this.panel;
17816                this.id = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber();
17817                this.document = a.parent && a.parent.getDocument() || CKEDITOR.document;
17818                a.className = "cke_combopanel";
17819                a.block = {
17820                    multiSelect: a.multiSelect,
17821                    attributes: a.attributes
17822                };
17823                a.toolbarRelated = !0;
17824                this._ = {
17825                    panelDefinition: a,
17826                    items: {}
17827                }
17828            },
17829            proto: {
17830                renderHtml: function(a) {
17831                    var b = [];
17832                    this.render(a, b);
17833                    return b.join("")
17834                },
17835                render: function(a, b) {
17836                    function f() {
17837                        if (this.getState() != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
17838                            var b = this.modes[a.mode] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED;
17839                            a.readOnly && !this.readOnly && (b = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
17840                            this.setState(b);
17841                            this.setValue("");
17842                            b != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && this.refresh && this.refresh()
17843                        }
17844                    }
17845                    var c =
17846                        CKEDITOR.env,
17847                        h = "cke_" + this.id,
17848                        e = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(b) {
17849                            l && (a.unlockSelection(1), l = 0);
17850                            g.execute(b)
17851                        }, this),
17852                        d = this,
17853                        g = {
17854                            id: h,
17855                            combo: this,
17856                            focus: function() {
17857                                CKEDITOR.document.getById(h).getChild(1).focus()
17858                            },
17859                            execute: function(b) {
17860                                var c = d._;
17861                                if (c.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
17862                                    if (d.createPanel(a), c.on) c.panel.hide();
17863                                    else {
17864                                        d.commit();
17865                                        var f = d.getValue();
17866                                        f ? c.list.mark(f) : c.list.unmarkAll();
17867                                        c.panel.showBlock(d.id, new CKEDITOR.dom.element(b), 4)
17868                                    }
17869                            },
17870                            clickFn: e
17871                        };
17872                    a.on("activeFilterChange", f, this);
17873                    a.on("mode",
17874                        f, this);
17875                    a.on("selectionChange", f, this);
17876                    !this.readOnly && a.on("readOnly", f, this);
17877                    var m = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a, b) {
17878                            a = new CKEDITOR.dom.event(a);
17879                            var d = a.getKeystroke();
17880                            switch (d) {
17881                                case 13:
17882                                case 32:
17883                                case 40:
17884                                    CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(e, b);
17885                                    break;
17886                                default:
17887                                    g.onkey(g, d)
17888                            }
17889                            a.preventDefault()
17890                        }),
17891                        n = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function() {
17892                            g.onfocus && g.onfocus()
17893                        }),
17894                        l = 0;
17895                    g.keyDownFn = m;
17896                    c = {
17897                        id: h,
17898                        name: this.name || this.command,
17899                        label: this.label,
17900                        title: this.title,
17901                        cls: this.className || "",
17902                        titleJs: c.gecko && !c.hc ? "" : (this.title ||
17903                            "").replace("'", ""),
17904                        keydownFn: m,
17905                        focusFn: n,
17906                        clickFn: e
17907                    };
17908                    k.output(c, b);
17909                    if (this.onRender) this.onRender();
17910                    return g
17911                },
17912                createPanel: function(a) {
17913                    if (!this._.panel) {
17914                        var b = this._.panelDefinition,
17915                            c = this._.panelDefinition.block,
17916                            k = b.parent || CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
17917                            h = "cke_combopanel__" + this.name,
17918                            e = new CKEDITOR.ui.floatPanel(a, k, b),
17919                            b = e.addListBlock(this.id, c),
17920                            d = this;
17921                        e.onShow = function() {
17922                            this.element.addClass(h);
17923                            d.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
17924                            d._.on = 1;
17925                            d.editorFocus && !a.focusManager.hasFocus && a.focus();
17926                            if (d.onOpen) d.onOpen()
17927                        };
17928                        e.onHide = function(b) {
17929                            this.element.removeClass(h);
17930                            d.setState(d.modes && d.modes[a.mode] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
17931                            d._.on = 0;
17932                            if (!b && d.onClose) d.onClose()
17933                        };
17934                        e.onEscape = function() {
17935                            e.hide(1)
17936                        };
17937                        b.onClick = function(a, b) {
17938                            d.onClick && d.onClick.call(d, a, b);
17939                            e.hide()
17940                        };
17941                        this._.panel = e;
17942                        this._.list = b;
17943                        e.getBlock(this.id).onHide = function() {
17944                            d._.on = 0;
17945                            d.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
17946                        };
17947                        this.init && this.init()
17948                    }
17949                },
17950                setValue: function(a, b) {
17951                    this._.value = a;
17952                    var c = this.document.getById("cke_" + this.id + "_text");
17953                    c &&
17954                        (a || b ? c.removeClass("cke_combo_inlinelabel") : (b = this.label, c.addClass("cke_combo_inlinelabel")), c.setText("undefined" != typeof b ? b : a))
17955                },
17956                getValue: function() {
17957                    return this._.value || ""
17958                },
17959                unmarkAll: function() {
17960                    this._.list.unmarkAll()
17961                },
17962                mark: function(a) {
17963                    this._.list.mark(a)
17964                },
17965                hideItem: function(a) {
17966                    this._.list.hideItem(a)
17967                },
17968                hideGroup: function(a) {
17969                    this._.list.hideGroup(a)
17970                },
17971                showAll: function() {
17972                    this._.list.showAll()
17973                },
17974                add: function(a, b, c) {
17975                    this._.items[a] = c || a;
17976                    this._.list.add(a, b, c)
17977                },
17978                startGroup: function(a) {
17979                    this._.list.startGroup(a)
17980                },
17981                commit: function() {
17982                    this._.committed || (this._.list.commit(), this._.committed = 1, CKEDITOR.ui.fire("ready", this));
17983                    this._.committed = 1
17984                },
17985                setState: function(a) {
17986                    if (this._.state != a) {
17987                        var b = this.document.getById("cke_" + this.id);
17988                        b.setState(a, "cke_combo");
17989                        a == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED ? b.setAttribute("aria-disabled", !0) : b.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
17990                        this._.state = a
17991                    }
17992                },
17993                getState: function() {
17994                    return this._.state
17995                },
17996                enable: function() {
17997                    this._.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && this.setState(this._.lastState)
17998                },
17999                disable: function() {
18000                    this._.state !=
18001                        CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && (this._.lastState = this._.state, this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED))
18002                }
18003            },
18004            statics: {
18005                handler: {
18006                    create: function(a) {
18007                        return new CKEDITOR.ui.richCombo(a)
18008                    }
18009                }
18010            }
18011        });
18012        CKEDITOR.ui.prototype.addRichCombo = function(a, b) {
18013            this.add(a, CKEDITOR.UI_RICHCOMBO, b)
18014        }
18015    })();
18016    (function() {
18017        function p(b, f, e, d, r, p, t, x) {
18018            var y = b.config,
18019                u = new CKEDITOR.style(t),
18020                g = r.split(";");
18021            r = [];
18022            for (var k = {}, l = 0; l < g.length; l++) {
18023                var m = g[l];
18024                if (m) {
18025                    var m = m.split("/"),
18026                        w = {},
18027                        q = g[l] = m[0];
18028                    w[e] = r[l] = m[1] || q;
18029                    k[q] = new CKEDITOR.style(t, w);
18030                    k[q]._.definition.name = q
18031                } else g.splice(l--, 1)
18032            }
18033            b.ui.addRichCombo(f, {
18034                label: d.label,
18035                title: d.panelTitle,
18036                toolbar: "styles," + x,
18037                defaultValue: "cke-default",
18038                allowedContent: u,
18039                requiredContent: u,
18040                contentTransformations: "span" === t.element ? [
18041                    [{
18042                        element: "font",
18043                        check: "span",
18044                        left: function(a) {
18045                            return !!a.attributes.size ||
18046                                !!a.attributes.align || !!a.attributes.face
18047                        },
18048                        right: function(a) {
18049                            var b = " x-small small medium large x-large xx-large 48px".split(" ");
18050                            a.name = "span";
18051                            a.attributes.size && (a.styles["font-size"] = b[a.attributes.size], delete a.attributes.size);
18052                            a.attributes.align && (a.styles["text-align"] = a.attributes.align, delete a.attributes.align);
18053                            a.attributes.face && (a.styles["font-family"] = a.attributes.face, delete a.attributes.face)
18054                        }
18055                    }]
18056                ] : null,
18057                panel: {
18058                    css: [CKEDITOR.skin.getPath("editor")].concat(y.contentsCss),
18059                    multiSelect: !1,
18060                    attributes: {
18061                        "aria-label": d.panelTitle
18062                    }
18063                },
18064                init: function() {
18065                    var a;
18066                    a = "(" + b.lang.common.optionDefault + ")";
18067                    this.startGroup(d.panelTitle);
18068                    this.add(this.defaultValue, a, a);
18069                    for (var c = 0; c < g.length; c++) a = g[c], this.add(a, k[a].buildPreview(), a)
18070                },
18071                onClick: function(a) {
18072                    b.focus();
18073                    b.fire("saveSnapshot");
18074                    var c = this.getValue(),
18075                        f = k[a],
18076                        e, n, h, d, g;
18077                    if (c && a != c)
18078                        if (e = k[c], c = b.getSelection().getRanges()[0], c.collapsed) {
18079                            if (n = b.elementPath(), h = n.contains(function(a) {
18080                                    return e.checkElementRemovable(a)
18081                                })) {
18082                                d = c.checkBoundaryOfElement(h,
18083                                    CKEDITOR.START);
18084                                g = c.checkBoundaryOfElement(h, CKEDITOR.END);
18085                                if (d && g) {
18086                                    for (d = c.createBookmark(); n = h.getFirst();) n.insertBefore(h);
18087                                    h.remove();
18088                                    c.moveToBookmark(d)
18089                                } else d || g ? c.moveToPosition(h, d ? CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START : CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END) : (c.splitElement(h), c.moveToPosition(h, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END)), v(c, n.elements.slice(), h);
18090                                b.getSelection().selectRanges([c])
18091                            }
18092                        } else b.removeStyle(e);
18093                    a === this.defaultValue ? e && b.removeStyle(e) : b.applyStyle(f);
18094                    b.fire("saveSnapshot")
18095                },
18096                onRender: function() {
18097                    b.on("selectionChange",
18098                        function(a) {
18099                            var c = this.getValue();
18100                            a = a.data.path.elements;
18101                            for (var d = 0, f; d < a.length; d++) {
18102                                f = a[d];
18103                                for (var e in k)
18104                                    if (k[e].checkElementMatch(f, !0, b)) {
18105                                        e != c && this.setValue(e);
18106                                        return
18107                                    }
18108                            }
18109                            this.setValue("", p)
18110                        }, this)
18111                },
18112                refresh: function() {
18113                    b.activeFilter.check(u) || this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
18114                }
18115            })
18116        }
18118        function v(b, f, e) {
18119            var d = f.pop();
18120            if (d) {
18121                if (e) return v(b, f, d.equals(e) ? null : e);
18122                e = d.clone();
18123                b.insertNode(e);
18124                b.moveToPosition(e, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
18125                v(b, f)
18126            }
18127        }
18128        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("font", {
18129            requires: "richcombo",
18130            init: function(b) {
18131                var f = b.config;
18132                p(b, "Font", "family", b.lang.font, f.font_names, f.font_defaultLabel, f.font_style, 30);
18133                p(b, "FontSize", "size", b.lang.font.fontSize, f.fontSize_sizes, f.fontSize_defaultLabel, f.fontSize_style, 40)
18134            }
18135        })
18136    })();
18137    CKEDITOR.config.font_names = "Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;Comic Sans MS/Comic Sans MS, cursive;Courier New/Courier New, Courier, monospace;Georgia/Georgia, serif;Lucida Sans Unicode/Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;Tahoma/Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif;Trebuchet MS/Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif;Verdana/Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif";
18138    CKEDITOR.config.font_defaultLabel = "";
18139    CKEDITOR.config.font_style = {
18140        element: "span",
18141        styles: {
18142            "font-family": "#(family)"
18143        },
18144        overrides: [{
18145            element: "font",
18146            attributes: {
18147                face: null
18148            }
18149        }]
18150    };
18151    CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_sizes = "8/8px;9/9px;10/10px;11/11px;12/12px;14/14px;16/16px;18/18px;20/20px;22/22px;24/24px;26/26px;28/28px;36/36px;48/48px;72/72px";
18152    CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_defaultLabel = "";
18153    CKEDITOR.config.fontSize_style = {
18154        element: "span",
18155        styles: {
18156            "font-size": "#(size)"
18157        },
18158        overrides: [{
18159            element: "font",
18160            attributes: {
18161                size: null
18162            }
18163        }]
18164    };
18165    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("forms", {
18166        requires: "dialog,fakeobjects",
18167        onLoad: function() {
18168            CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_editable form{border: 1px dotted #FF0000;padding: 2px;}\n");
18169            CKEDITOR.addCss("img.cke_hidden{background-image: url(" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "images/hiddenfield.gif") + ");background-position: center center;background-repeat: no-repeat;border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;width: 16px !important;height: 16px !important;}")
18170        },
18171        init: function(a) {
18172            var b = a.lang,
18173                g = 0,
18174                h = {
18175                    email: 1,
18176                    password: 1,
18177                    search: 1,
18178                    tel: 1,
18179                    text: 1,
18180                    url: 1
18181                },
18182                l = {
18183                    checkbox: "input[type,name,checked,required]",
18184                    radio: "input[type,name,checked,required]",
18185                    textfield: "input[type,name,value,size,maxlength,required]",
18186                    textarea: "textarea[cols,rows,name,required]",
18187                    select: "select[name,size,multiple,required]; option[value,selected]",
18188                    button: "input[type,name,value]",
18189                    form: "form[action,name,id,enctype,target,method]",
18190                    hiddenfield: "input[type,name,value]",
18191                    imagebutton: "input[type,alt,src]{width,height,border,border-width,border-style,margin,float}"
18192                },
18193                m = {
18194                    checkbox: "input",
18195                    radio: "input",
18196                    textfield: "input",
18197                    textarea: "textarea",
18198                    select: "select",
18199                    button: "input",
18200                    form: "form",
18201                    hiddenfield: "input",
18202                    imagebutton: "input"
18203                },
18204                e = function(d, c, e) {
18205                    var h = {
18206                        allowedContent: l[c],
18207                        requiredContent: m[c]
18208                    };
18209                    "form" == c && (h.context = "form");
18210                    a.addCommand(c, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand(c, h));
18211                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton(d, {
18212                        label: b.common[d.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + d.slice(1)],
18213                        command: c,
18214                        toolbar: "forms," + (g += 10)
18215                    });
18216                    CKEDITOR.dialog.add(c, e)
18217                },
18218                f = this.path + "dialogs/";
18219            !a.blockless && e("Form", "form", f + "form.js");
18220            e("Checkbox", "checkbox", f + "checkbox.js");
18221            e("Radio", "radio",
18222                f + "radio.js");
18223            e("TextField", "textfield", f + "textfield.js");
18224            e("Textarea", "textarea", f + "textarea.js");
18225            e("Select", "select", f + "select.js");
18226            e("Button", "button", f + "button.js");
18227            var k = a.plugins.image;
18228            k && !a.plugins.image2 && e("ImageButton", "imagebutton", CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath("image") + "dialogs/image.js");
18229            e("HiddenField", "hiddenfield", f + "hiddenfield.js");
18230            a.addMenuItems && (e = {
18231                    checkbox: {
18232                        label: b.forms.checkboxAndRadio.checkboxTitle,
18233                        command: "checkbox",
18234                        group: "checkbox"
18235                    },
18236                    radio: {
18237                        label: b.forms.checkboxAndRadio.radioTitle,
18238                        command: "radio",
18239                        group: "radio"
18240                    },
18241                    textfield: {
18242                        label: b.forms.textfield.title,
18243                        command: "textfield",
18244                        group: "textfield"
18245                    },
18246                    hiddenfield: {
18247                        label: b.forms.hidden.title,
18248                        command: "hiddenfield",
18249                        group: "hiddenfield"
18250                    },
18251                    button: {
18252                        label: b.forms.button.title,
18253                        command: "button",
18254                        group: "button"
18255                    },
18256                    select: {
18257                        label: b.forms.select.title,
18258                        command: "select",
18259                        group: "select"
18260                    },
18261                    textarea: {
18262                        label: b.forms.textarea.title,
18263                        command: "textarea",
18264                        group: "textarea"
18265                    }
18266                }, k && (e.imagebutton = {
18267                    label: b.image.titleButton,
18268                    command: "imagebutton",
18269                    group: "imagebutton"
18270                }), !a.blockless &&
18271                (e.form = {
18272                    label: b.forms.form.menu,
18273                    command: "form",
18274                    group: "form"
18275                }), a.addMenuItems(e));
18276            a.contextMenu && (!a.blockless && a.contextMenu.addListener(function(d, c, a) {
18277                if ((d = a.contains("form", 1)) && !d.isReadOnly()) return {
18278                    form: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18279                }
18280            }), a.contextMenu.addListener(function(d) {
18281                if (d && !d.isReadOnly()) {
18282                    var c = d.getName();
18283                    if ("select" == c) return {
18284                        select: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18285                    };
18286                    if ("textarea" == c) return {
18287                        textarea: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18288                    };
18289                    if ("input" == c) {
18290                        var a = d.getAttribute("type") || "text";
18291                        switch (a) {
18292                            case "button":
18293                            case "submit":
18294                            case "reset":
18295                                return {
18296                                    button: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18297                                };
18298                            case "checkbox":
18299                                return {
18300                                    checkbox: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18301                                };
18302                            case "radio":
18303                                return {
18304                                    radio: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18305                                };
18306                            case "image":
18307                                return k ? {
18308                                    imagebutton: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18309                                } : null
18310                        }
18311                        if (h[a]) return {
18312                            textfield: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18313                        }
18314                    }
18315                    if ("img" == c && "hiddenfield" == d.data("cke-real-element-type")) return {
18316                        hiddenfield: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18317                    }
18318                }
18319            }));
18320            a.on("doubleclick", function(d) {
18321                var c = d.data.element;
18322                if (!a.blockless && c.is("form")) d.data.dialog = "form";
18323                else if (c.is("select")) d.data.dialog = "select";
18324                else if (c.is("textarea")) d.data.dialog =
18325                    "textarea";
18326                else if (c.is("img") && "hiddenfield" == c.data("cke-real-element-type")) d.data.dialog = "hiddenfield";
18327                else if (c.is("input")) {
18328                    c = c.getAttribute("type") || "text";
18329                    switch (c) {
18330                        case "button":
18331                        case "submit":
18332                        case "reset":
18333                            d.data.dialog = "button";
18334                            break;
18335                        case "checkbox":
18336                            d.data.dialog = "checkbox";
18337                            break;
18338                        case "radio":
18339                            d.data.dialog = "radio";
18340                            break;
18341                        case "image":
18342                            d.data.dialog = "imagebutton"
18343                    }
18344                    h[c] && (d.data.dialog = "textfield")
18345                }
18346            })
18347        },
18348        afterInit: function(a) {
18349            var b = a.dataProcessor,
18350                g = b && b.htmlFilter,
18351                b = b && b.dataFilter;
18352            CKEDITOR.env.ie &&
18353                g && g.addRules({
18354                    elements: {
18355                        input: function(a) {
18356                            a = a.attributes;
18357                            var b = a.type;
18358                            b || (a.type = "text");
18359                            "checkbox" != b && "radio" != b || "on" != a.value || delete a.value
18360                        }
18361                    }
18362                }, {
18363                    applyToAll: !0
18364                });
18365            b && b.addRules({
18366                elements: {
18367                    input: function(b) {
18368                        if ("hidden" == b.attributes.type) return a.createFakeParserElement(b, "cke_hidden", "hiddenfield")
18369                    }
18370                }
18371            }, {
18372                applyToAll: !0
18373            })
18374        }
18375    });
18376    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("format", {
18377        requires: "richcombo",
18378        init: function(a) {
18379            if (!a.blockless) {
18380                for (var f = a.config, c = a.lang.format, l = f.format_tags.split(";"), d = {}, m = 0, n = [], g = 0; g < l.length; g++) {
18381                    var h = l[g],
18382                        k = new CKEDITOR.style(f["format_" + h]);
18383                    if (!a.filter.customConfig || a.filter.check(k)) m++, d[h] = k, d[h]._.enterMode = a.config.enterMode, n.push(k)
18384                }
18385                0 !== m && a.ui.addRichCombo("Format", {
18386                    label: c.label,
18387                    title: c.panelTitle,
18388                    toolbar: "styles,20",
18389                    allowedContent: n,
18390                    panel: {
18391                        css: [CKEDITOR.skin.getPath("editor")].concat(f.contentsCss),
18392                        multiSelect: !1,
18393                        attributes: {
18394                            "aria-label": c.panelTitle
18395                        }
18396                    },
18397                    init: function() {
18398                        this.startGroup(c.panelTitle);
18399                        for (var a in d) {
18400                            var e = c["tag_" + a];
18401                            this.add(a, d[a].buildPreview(e), e)
18402                        }
18403                    },
18404                    onClick: function(b) {
18405                        a.focus();
18406                        a.fire("saveSnapshot");
18407                        b = d[b];
18408                        var e = a.elementPath();
18409                        b.checkActive(e, a) || a.applyStyle(b);
18410                        setTimeout(function() {
18411                            a.fire("saveSnapshot")
18412                        }, 0)
18413                    },
18414                    onRender: function() {
18415                        a.on("selectionChange", function(b) {
18416                            var e = this.getValue();
18417                            b = b.data.path;
18418                            this.refresh();
18419                            for (var c in d)
18420                                if (d[c].checkActive(b, a)) {
18421                                    c != e && this.setValue(c,
18422                                        a.lang.format["tag_" + c]);
18423                                    return
18424                                } this.setValue("")
18425                        }, this)
18426                    },
18427                    onOpen: function() {
18428                        this.showAll();
18429                        for (var b in d) a.activeFilter.check(d[b]) || this.hideItem(b)
18430                    },
18431                    refresh: function() {
18432                        var b = a.elementPath();
18433                        if (b) {
18434                            if (b.isContextFor("p"))
18435                                for (var c in d)
18436                                    if (a.activeFilter.check(d[c])) return;
18437                            this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
18438                        }
18439                    }
18440                })
18441            }
18442        }
18443    });
18444    CKEDITOR.config.format_tags = "p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre;address;div";
18445    CKEDITOR.config.format_p = {
18446        element: "p"
18447    };
18448    CKEDITOR.config.format_div = {
18449        element: "div"
18450    };
18451    CKEDITOR.config.format_pre = {
18452        element: "pre"
18453    };
18454    CKEDITOR.config.format_address = {
18455        element: "address"
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18457    CKEDITOR.config.format_h1 = {
18458        element: "h1"
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18460    CKEDITOR.config.format_h2 = {
18461        element: "h2"
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18463    CKEDITOR.config.format_h3 = {
18464        element: "h3"
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18466    CKEDITOR.config.format_h4 = {
18467        element: "h4"
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18469    CKEDITOR.config.format_h5 = {
18470        element: "h5"
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18472    CKEDITOR.config.format_h6 = {
18473        element: "h6"
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18475    (function() {
18476        var b = {
18477            canUndo: !1,
18478            exec: function(a) {
18479                var b = a.document.createElement("hr");
18480                a.insertElement(b)
18481            },
18482            allowedContent: "hr",
18483            requiredContent: "hr"
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18485        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("horizontalrule", {
18486            init: function(a) {
18487                a.blockless || (a.addCommand("horizontalrule", b), a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("HorizontalRule", {
18488                    label: a.lang.horizontalrule.toolbar,
18489                    command: "horizontalrule",
18490                    toolbar: "insert,40"
18491                }))
18492            }
18493        })
18494    })();
18495    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("htmlwriter", {
18496        init: function(b) {
18497            var a = new CKEDITOR.htmlWriter;
18498            a.forceSimpleAmpersand = b.config.forceSimpleAmpersand;
18499            a.indentationChars = b.config.dataIndentationChars || "\t";
18500            b.dataProcessor.writer = a
18501        }
18502    });
18503    CKEDITOR.htmlWriter = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
18504        base: CKEDITOR.htmlParser.basicWriter,
18505        $: function() {
18506            this.base();
18507            this.indentationChars = "\t";
18508            this.selfClosingEnd = " /\x3e";
18509            this.lineBreakChars = "\n";
18510            this.sortAttributes = 1;
18511            this._.indent = 0;
18512            this._.indentation = "";
18513            this._.inPre = 0;
18514            this._.rules = {};
18515            var b = CKEDITOR.dtd,
18516                a;
18517            for (a in CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, b.$nonBodyContent, b.$block, b.$listItem, b.$tableContent)) this.setRules(a, {
18518                indent: !b[a]["#"],
18519                breakBeforeOpen: 1,
18520                breakBeforeClose: !b[a]["#"],
18521                breakAfterClose: 1,
18522                needsSpace: a in
18523                    b.$block && !(a in {
18524                        li: 1,
18525                        dt: 1,
18526                        dd: 1
18527                    })
18528            });
18529            this.setRules("br", {
18530                breakAfterOpen: 1
18531            });
18532            this.setRules("title", {
18533                indent: 0,
18534                breakAfterOpen: 0
18535            });
18536            this.setRules("style", {
18537                indent: 0,
18538                breakBeforeClose: 1
18539            });
18540            this.setRules("pre", {
18541                breakAfterOpen: 1,
18542                indent: 0
18543            })
18544        },
18545        proto: {
18546            openTag: function(b) {
18547                var a = this._.rules[b];
18548                this._.afterCloser && a && a.needsSpace && this._.needsSpace && this._.output.push("\n");
18549                this._.indent ? this.indentation() : a && a.breakBeforeOpen && (this.lineBreak(), this.indentation());
18550                this._.output.push("\x3c", b);
18551                this._.afterCloser = 0
18552            },
18553            openTagClose: function(b, a) {
18554                var c = this._.rules[b];
18555                a ? (this._.output.push(this.selfClosingEnd), c && c.breakAfterClose && (this._.needsSpace = c.needsSpace)) : (this._.output.push("\x3e"), c && c.indent && (this._.indentation += this.indentationChars));
18556                c && c.breakAfterOpen && this.lineBreak();
18557                "pre" == b && (this._.inPre = 1)
18558            },
18559            attribute: function(b, a) {
18560                "string" == typeof a && (this.forceSimpleAmpersand && (a = a.replace(/&amp;/g, "\x26")), a = CKEDITOR.tools.htmlEncodeAttr(a));
18561                this._.output.push(" ", b, '\x3d"', a, '"')
18562            },
18563            closeTag: function(b) {
18564                var a =
18565                    this._.rules[b];
18566                a && a.indent && (this._.indentation = this._.indentation.substr(this.indentationChars.length));
18567                this._.indent ? this.indentation() : a && a.breakBeforeClose && (this.lineBreak(), this.indentation());
18568                this._.output.push("\x3c/", b, "\x3e");
18569                "pre" == b && (this._.inPre = 0);
18570                a && a.breakAfterClose && (this.lineBreak(), this._.needsSpace = a.needsSpace);
18571                this._.afterCloser = 1
18572            },
18573            text: function(b) {
18574                this._.indent && (this.indentation(), !this._.inPre && (b = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(b)));
18575                this._.output.push(b)
18576            },
18577            comment: function(b) {
18578                this._.indent &&
18579                    this.indentation();
18580                this._.output.push("\x3c!--", b, "--\x3e")
18581            },
18582            lineBreak: function() {
18583                !this._.inPre && 0 < this._.output.length && this._.output.push(this.lineBreakChars);
18584                this._.indent = 1
18585            },
18586            indentation: function() {
18587                !this._.inPre && this._.indentation && this._.output.push(this._.indentation);
18588                this._.indent = 0
18589            },
18590            reset: function() {
18591                this._.output = [];
18592                this._.indent = 0;
18593                this._.indentation = "";
18594                this._.afterCloser = 0;
18595                this._.inPre = 0;
18596                this._.needsSpace = 0
18597            },
18598            setRules: function(b, a) {
18599                var c = this._.rules[b];
18600                c ? CKEDITOR.tools.extend(c, a, !0) : this._.rules[b] =
18601                    a
18602            }
18603        }
18604    });
18605    (function() {
18606        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("iframe", {
18607            requires: "dialog,fakeobjects",
18608            onLoad: function() {
18609                CKEDITOR.addCss("img.cke_iframe{background-image: url(" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "images/placeholder.png") + ");background-position: center center;background-repeat: no-repeat;border: 1px solid #a9a9a9;width: 80px;height: 80px;}")
18610            },
18611            init: function(a) {
18612                var b = a.lang.iframe,
18613                    c = "iframe[align,longdesc,frameborder,height,name,scrolling,src,title,width]";
18614                a.plugins.dialogadvtab && (c += ";iframe" + a.plugins.dialogadvtab.allowedContent({
18615                    id: 1,
18616                    classes: 1,
18617                    styles: 1
18618                }));
18619                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("iframe", this.path + "dialogs/iframe.js");
18620                a.addCommand("iframe", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("iframe", {
18621                    allowedContent: c,
18622                    requiredContent: "iframe"
18623                }));
18624                a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Iframe", {
18625                    label: b.toolbar,
18626                    command: "iframe",
18627                    toolbar: "insert,80"
18628                });
18629                a.on("doubleclick", function(a) {
18630                    var b = a.data.element;
18631                    b.is("img") && "iframe" == b.data("cke-real-element-type") && (a.data.dialog = "iframe")
18632                });
18633                a.addMenuItems && a.addMenuItems({
18634                    iframe: {
18635                        label: b.title,
18636                        command: "iframe",
18637                        group: "image"
18638                    }
18639                });
18640                a.contextMenu && a.contextMenu.addListener(function(a) {
18641                    if (a && a.is("img") && "iframe" == a.data("cke-real-element-type")) return {
18642                        iframe: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18643                    }
18644                })
18645            },
18646            afterInit: function(a) {
18647                var b = a.dataProcessor;
18648                (b = b && b.dataFilter) && b.addRules({
18649                    elements: {
18650                        iframe: function(b) {
18651                            return a.createFakeParserElement(b, "cke_iframe", "iframe", !0)
18652                        }
18653                    }
18654                })
18655            }
18656        })
18657    })();
18658    (function() {
18659        function m(a) {
18660            function f(a) {
18661                var b = !1;
18662                g.attachListener(g, "keydown", function() {
18663                    var d = c.getBody().getElementsByTag(a);
18664                    if (!b) {
18665                        for (var e = 0; e < d.count(); e++) d.getItem(e).setCustomData("retain", !0);
18666                        b = !0
18667                    }
18668                }, null, null, 1);
18669                g.attachListener(g, "keyup", function() {
18670                    var d = c.getElementsByTag(a);
18671                    b && (1 == d.count() && !d.getItem(0).getCustomData("retain") && CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(d.getItem(0).getAttributes()) && d.getItem(0).remove(1), b = !1)
18672                })
18673            }
18674            var b = this.editor,
18675                c = a.document,
18676                d = c.body,
18677                e = c.getElementById("cke_actscrpt");
18678            e && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
18679            (e = c.getElementById("cke_shimscrpt")) && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
18680            (e = c.getElementById("cke_basetagscrpt")) && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
18681            d.contentEditable = !0;
18682            CKEDITOR.env.ie && (d.hideFocus = !0, d.disabled = !0, d.removeAttribute("disabled"));
18683            delete this._.isLoadingData;
18684            this.$ = d;
18685            c = new CKEDITOR.dom.document(c);
18686            this.setup();
18687            this.fixInitialSelection();
18688            var g = this;
18689            CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge && c.getDocumentElement().addClass(c.$.compatMode);
18690            CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge &&
18691                b.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? f("p") : CKEDITOR.env.edge && 15 > CKEDITOR.env.version && b.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV && f("div");
18692            if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit || CKEDITOR.env.ie && 10 < CKEDITOR.env.version) c.getDocumentElement().on("mousedown", function(a) {
18693                a.data.getTarget().is("html") && setTimeout(function() {
18694                    b.editable().focus()
18695                })
18696            });
18697            n(b);
18698            try {
18699                b.document.$.execCommand("2D-position", !1, !0)
18700            } catch (h) {}(CKEDITOR.env.gecko || CKEDITOR.env.ie && "CSS1Compat" == b.document.$.compatMode) && this.attachListener(this, "keydown", function(a) {
18701                var c =
18702                    a.data.getKeystroke();
18703                if (33 == c || 34 == c)
18704                    if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) setTimeout(function() {
18705                        b.getSelection().scrollIntoView()
18706                    }, 0);
18707                    else if (b.window.$.innerHeight > this.$.offsetHeight) {
18708                    var d = b.createRange();
18709                    d[33 == c ? "moveToElementEditStart" : "moveToElementEditEnd"](this);
18710                    d.select();
18711                    a.data.preventDefault()
18712                }
18713            });
18714            CKEDITOR.env.ie && this.attachListener(c, "blur", function() {
18715                try {
18716                    c.$.selection.empty()
18717                } catch (a) {}
18718            });
18719            CKEDITOR.env.iOS && this.attachListener(c, "touchend", function() {
18720                a.focus()
18721            });
18722            d = b.document.getElementsByTag("title").getItem(0);
18723            d.data("cke-title", d.getText());
18724            CKEDITOR.env.ie && (b.document.$.title = this._.docTitle);
18725            CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
18726                "unloaded" == this.status && (this.status = "ready");
18727                b.fire("contentDom");
18728                this._.isPendingFocus && (b.focus(), this._.isPendingFocus = !1);
18729                setTimeout(function() {
18730                    b.fire("dataReady")
18731                }, 0)
18732            }, 0, this)
18733        }
18735        function n(a) {
18736            function f() {
18737                var c;
18738                a.editable().attachListener(a, "selectionChange", function() {
18739                    var d = a.getSelection().getSelectedElement();
18740                    d && (c && (c.detachEvent("onresizestart", b), c = null), d.$.attachEvent("onresizestart",
18741                        b), c = d.$)
18742                })
18743            }
18745            function b(a) {
18746                a.returnValue = !1
18747            }
18748            if (CKEDITOR.env.gecko) try {
18749                var c = a.document.$;
18750                c.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", !1, !a.config.disableObjectResizing);
18751                c.execCommand("enableInlineTableEditing", !1, !a.config.disableNativeTableHandles)
18752            } catch (d) {} else CKEDITOR.env.ie && 11 > CKEDITOR.env.version && a.config.disableObjectResizing && f(a)
18753        }
18755        function p() {
18756            var a = [];
18757            if (8 <= CKEDITOR.document.$.documentMode) {
18758                a.push("html.CSS1Compat [contenteditable\x3dfalse]{min-height:0 !important}");
18759                var f = [],
18760                    b;
18761                for (b in CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty) f.push("html.CSS1Compat " +
18762                    b + "[contenteditable\x3dfalse]");
18763                a.push(f.join(",") + "{display:inline-block}")
18764            } else CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (a.push("html{height:100% !important}"), a.push("img:-moz-broken{-moz-force-broken-image-icon:1;min-width:24px;min-height:24px}"));
18765            a.push("html{cursor:text;*cursor:auto}");
18766            a.push("img,input,textarea{cursor:default}");
18767            return a.join("\n")
18768        }
18769        var l;
18770        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("wysiwygarea", {
18771            init: function(a) {
18772                a.config.fullPage && a.addFeature({
18773                    allowedContent: "html head title; style [media,type]; body (*)[id]; meta link [*]",
18774                    requiredContent: "body"
18775                });
18776                a.addMode("wysiwyg", function(f) {
18777                    function b(b) {
18778                        b && b.removeListener();
18779                        a.editable(new l(a, d.$.contentWindow.document.body));
18780                        a.setData(a.getData(1), f)
18781                    }
18782                    var c = "document.open();" + (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();" : "") + "document.close();",
18783                        c = CKEDITOR.env.air ? "javascript:void(0)" : CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge ? "javascript:void(function(){" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "}())" : "",
18784                        d = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3ciframe src\x3d"' + c + '" frameBorder\x3d"0"\x3e\x3c/iframe\x3e');
18785                    d.setStyles({
18786                        width: "100%",
18787                        height: "100%"
18788                    });
18789                    d.addClass("cke_wysiwyg_frame").addClass("cke_reset");
18790                    c = a.ui.space("contents");
18791                    c.append(d);
18792                    var e = CKEDITOR.env.ie && !CKEDITOR.env.edge || CKEDITOR.env.gecko;
18793                    if (e) d.on("load", b);
18794                    var g = a.title,
18795                        h = a.fire("ariaEditorHelpLabel", {}).label;
18796                    g && (CKEDITOR.env.ie && h && (g += ", " + h), d.setAttribute("title", g));
18797                    if (h) {
18798                        var g = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextId(),
18799                            k = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('\x3cspan id\x3d"' + g + '" class\x3d"cke_voice_label"\x3e' + h + "\x3c/span\x3e");
18800                        c.append(k, 1);
18801                        d.setAttribute("aria-describedby",
18802                            g)
18803                    }
18804                    a.on("beforeModeUnload", function(a) {
18805                        a.removeListener();
18806                        k && k.remove()
18807                    });
18808                    d.setAttributes({
18809                        tabIndex: a.tabIndex,
18810                        allowTransparency: "true"
18811                    });
18812                    !e && b();
18813                    a.fire("ariaWidget", d)
18814                })
18815            }
18816        });
18817        CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addContentsCss = function(a) {
18818            var f = this.config,
18819                b = f.contentsCss;
18820            CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(b) || (f.contentsCss = b ? [b] : []);
18821            f.contentsCss.push(a)
18822        };
18823        l = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
18824            $: function() {
18825                this.base.apply(this, arguments);
18826                this._.frameLoadedHandler = CKEDITOR.tools.addFunction(function(a) {
18827                    CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(m,
18828                        0, this, a)
18829                }, this);
18830                this._.docTitle = this.getWindow().getFrame().getAttribute("title")
18831            },
18832            base: CKEDITOR.editable,
18833            proto: {
18834                setData: function(a, f) {
18835                    var b = this.editor;
18836                    if (f) this.setHtml(a), this.fixInitialSelection(), b.fire("dataReady");
18837                    else {
18838                        this._.isLoadingData = !0;
18839                        b._.dataStore = {
18840                            id: 1
18841                        };
18842                        var c = b.config,
18843                            d = c.fullPage,
18844                            e = c.docType,
18845                            g = CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml(p()).replace(/<style>/, '\x3cstyle data-cke-temp\x3d"1"\x3e');
18846                        d || (g += CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml(b.config.contentsCss));
18847                        var h = c.baseHref ? '\x3cbase href\x3d"' +
18848                            c.baseHref + '" data-cke-temp\x3d"1" /\x3e' : "";
18849                        d && (a = a.replace(/<!DOCTYPE[^>]*>/i, function(a) {
18850                            b.docType = e = a;
18851                            return ""
18852                        }).replace(/<\?xml\s[^\?]*\?>/i, function(a) {
18853                            b.xmlDeclaration = a;
18854                            return ""
18855                        }));
18856                        a = b.dataProcessor.toHtml(a);
18857                        d ? (/<body[\s|>]/.test(a) || (a = "\x3cbody\x3e" + a), /<html[\s|>]/.test(a) || (a = "\x3chtml\x3e" + a + "\x3c/html\x3e"), /<head[\s|>]/.test(a) ? /<title[\s|>]/.test(a) || (a = a.replace(/<head[^>]*>/, "$\x26\x3ctitle\x3e\x3c/title\x3e")) : a = a.replace(/<html[^>]*>/, "$\x26\x3chead\x3e\x3ctitle\x3e\x3c/title\x3e\x3c/head\x3e"),
18858                            h && (a = a.replace(/<head[^>]*?>/, "$\x26" + h)), a = a.replace(/<\/head\s*>/, g + "$\x26"), a = e + a) : a = c.docType + '\x3chtml dir\x3d"' + c.contentsLangDirection + '" lang\x3d"' + (c.contentsLanguage || b.langCode) + '"\x3e\x3chead\x3e\x3ctitle\x3e' + this._.docTitle + "\x3c/title\x3e" + h + g + "\x3c/head\x3e\x3cbody" + (c.bodyId ? ' id\x3d"' + c.bodyId + '"' : "") + (c.bodyClass ? ' class\x3d"' + c.bodyClass + '"' : "") + "\x3e" + a + "\x3c/body\x3e\x3c/html\x3e";
18859                        CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (a = a.replace(/<body/, '\x3cbody contenteditable\x3d"true" '), 2E4 > CKEDITOR.env.version &&
18860                            (a = a.replace(/<body[^>]*>/, "$\x26\x3c!-- cke-content-start --\x3e")));
18861                        c = '\x3cscript id\x3d"cke_actscrpt" type\x3d"text/javascript"' + (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? ' defer\x3d"defer" ' : "") + "\x3evar wasLoaded\x3d0;function onload(){if(!wasLoaded)window.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(" + this._.frameLoadedHandler + ",window);wasLoaded\x3d1;}" + (CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "onload();" : 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onload, false );') + "\x3c/script\x3e";
18862                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version && (c += '\x3cscript id\x3d"cke_shimscrpt"\x3ewindow.parent.CKEDITOR.tools.enableHtml5Elements(document)\x3c/script\x3e');
18863                        h && CKEDITOR.env.ie && 10 > CKEDITOR.env.version && (c += '\x3cscript id\x3d"cke_basetagscrpt"\x3evar baseTag \x3d document.querySelector( "base" );baseTag.href \x3d baseTag.href;\x3c/script\x3e');
18864                        a = a.replace(/(?=\s*<\/(:?head)>)/, c);
18865                        this.clearCustomData();
18866                        this.clearListeners();
18867                        b.fire("contentDomUnload");
18868                        var k = this.getDocument();
18869                        try {
18870                            k.write(a)
18871                        } catch (l) {
18872                            setTimeout(function() {
18873                                k.write(a)
18874                            }, 0)
18875                        }
18876                    }
18877                },
18878                getData: function(a) {
18879                    if (a) return this.getHtml();
18880                    a = this.editor;
18881                    var f = a.config,
18882                        b = f.fullPage,
18883                        c = b && a.docType,
18884                        d = b && a.xmlDeclaration,
18885                        e = this.getDocument(),
18886                        b = b ? e.getDocumentElement().getOuterHtml() : e.getBody().getHtml();
18887                    CKEDITOR.env.gecko && f.enterMode != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && (b = b.replace(/<br>(?=\s*(:?$|<\/body>))/, ""));
18888                    b = a.dataProcessor.toDataFormat(b);
18889                    d && (b = d + "\n" + b);
18890                    c && (b = c + "\n" + b);
18891                    return b
18892                },
18893                focus: function() {
18894                    this._.isLoadingData ? this._.isPendingFocus = !0 : l.baseProto.focus.call(this)
18895                },
18896                detach: function() {
18897                    var a = this.editor,
18898                        f = a.document,
18899                        b;
18900                    try {
18901                        b = a.window.getFrame()
18902                    } catch (c) {}
18903                    l.baseProto.detach.call(this);
18904                    this.clearCustomData();
18905                    f.getDocumentElement().clearCustomData();
18906                    CKEDITOR.tools.removeFunction(this._.frameLoadedHandler);
18907                    b && b.getParent() ? (b.clearCustomData(), (a = b.removeCustomData("onResize")) && a.removeListener(), b.remove()) : CKEDITOR.warn("editor-destroy-iframe")
18908                }
18909            }
18910        })
18911    })();
18912    CKEDITOR.config.disableObjectResizing = !1;
18913    CKEDITOR.config.disableNativeTableHandles = !0;
18914    CKEDITOR.config.disableNativeSpellChecker = !0;
18915    (function() {
18916        function e(b, a) {
18917            a || (a = b.getSelection().getSelectedElement());
18918            if (a && a.is("img") && !a.data("cke-realelement") && !a.isReadOnly()) return a
18919        }
18921        function f(b) {
18922            var a = b.getStyle("float");
18923            if ("inherit" == a || "none" == a) a = 0;
18924            a || (a = b.getAttribute("align"));
18925            return a
18926        }
18927        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("image", {
18928            requires: "dialog",
18929            init: function(b) {
18930                if (!b.plugins.detectConflict("image", ["easyimage", "image2"])) {
18931                    CKEDITOR.dialog.add("image", this.path + "dialogs/image.js");
18932                    var a = "img[alt,!src]{border-style,border-width,float,height,margin,margin-bottom,margin-left,margin-right,margin-top,width}";
18933                    CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled(b, "image", "advanced") && (a = "img[alt,dir,id,lang,longdesc,!src,title]{*}(*)");
18934                    b.addCommand("image", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("image", {
18935                        allowedContent: a,
18936                        requiredContent: "img[alt,src]",
18937                        contentTransformations: [
18938                            ["img{width}: sizeToStyle", "img[width]: sizeToAttribute"],
18939                            ["img{float}: alignmentToStyle", "img[align]: alignmentToAttribute"]
18940                        ]
18941                    }));
18942                    b.ui.addButton && b.ui.addButton("Image", {
18943                        label: b.lang.common.image,
18944                        command: "image",
18945                        toolbar: "insert,10"
18946                    });
18947                    b.on("doubleclick", function(b) {
18948                        var a =
18949                            b.data.element;
18950                        !a.is("img") || a.data("cke-realelement") || a.isReadOnly() || (b.data.dialog = "image")
18951                    });
18952                    b.addMenuItems && b.addMenuItems({
18953                        image: {
18954                            label: b.lang.image.menu,
18955                            command: "image",
18956                            group: "image"
18957                        }
18958                    });
18959                    b.contextMenu && b.contextMenu.addListener(function(a) {
18960                        if (e(b, a)) return {
18961                            image: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
18962                        }
18963                    })
18964                }
18965            },
18966            afterInit: function(b) {
18967                function a(a) {
18968                    var d = b.getCommand("justify" + a);
18969                    if (d) {
18970                        if ("left" == a || "right" == a) d.on("exec", function(d) {
18971                            var c = e(b),
18972                                g;
18973                            c && (g = f(c), g == a ? (c.removeStyle("float"), a == f(c) && c.removeAttribute("align")) :
18974                                c.setStyle("float", a), d.cancel())
18975                        });
18976                        d.on("refresh", function(d) {
18977                            var c = e(b);
18978                            c && (c = f(c), this.setState(c == a ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : "right" == a || "left" == a ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED), d.cancel())
18979                        })
18980                    }
18981                }
18982                b.plugins.image2 || (a("left"), a("right"), a("center"), a("block"))
18983            }
18984        })
18985    })();
18986    CKEDITOR.config.image_removeLinkByEmptyURL = !0;
18987    (function() {
18988        function m(a, b) {
18989            var e, f;
18990            b.on("refresh", function(a) {
18991                var b = [k],
18992                    c;
18993                for (c in a.data.states) b.push(a.data.states[c]);
18994                this.setState(CKEDITOR.tools.search(b, p) ? p : k)
18995            }, b, null, 100);
18996            b.on("exec", function(b) {
18997                e = a.getSelection();
18998                f = e.createBookmarks(1);
18999                b.data || (b.data = {});
19000                b.data.done = !1
19001            }, b, null, 0);
19002            b.on("exec", function() {
19003                a.forceNextSelectionCheck();
19004                e.selectBookmarks(f)
19005            }, b, null, 100)
19006        }
19007        var k = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
19008            p = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
19009        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("indent", {
19010            init: function(a) {
19011                var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.indent.genericDefinition;
19012                m(a, a.addCommand("indent", new b(!0)));
19013                m(a, a.addCommand("outdent", new b));
19014                a.ui.addButton && (a.ui.addButton("Indent", {
19015                    label: a.lang.indent.indent,
19016                    command: "indent",
19017                    directional: !0,
19018                    toolbar: "indent,20"
19019                }), a.ui.addButton("Outdent", {
19020                    label: a.lang.indent.outdent,
19021                    command: "outdent",
19022                    directional: !0,
19023                    toolbar: "indent,10"
19024                }));
19025                a.on("dirChanged", function(b) {
19026                    var f = a.createRange(),
19027                        l = b.data.node;
19028                    f.setStartBefore(l);
19029                    f.setEndAfter(l);
19030                    for (var n = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(f), c; c = n.next();)
19031                        if (c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
19032                            if (!c.equals(l) &&
19033                                c.getDirection()) f.setStartAfter(c), n = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(f);
19034                            else {
19035                                var d = a.config.indentClasses;
19036                                if (d)
19037                                    for (var g = "ltr" == b.data.dir ? ["_rtl", ""] : ["", "_rtl"], h = 0; h < d.length; h++) c.hasClass(d[h] + g[0]) && (c.removeClass(d[h] + g[0]), c.addClass(d[h] + g[1]));
19038                                d = c.getStyle("margin-right");
19039                                g = c.getStyle("margin-left");
19040                                d ? c.setStyle("margin-left", d) : c.removeStyle("margin-left");
19041                                g ? c.setStyle("margin-right", g) : c.removeStyle("margin-right")
19042                            }
19043                })
19044            }
19045        });
19046        CKEDITOR.plugins.indent = {
19047            genericDefinition: function(a) {
19048                this.isIndent = !!a;
19049                this.startDisabled = !this.isIndent
19050            },
19051            specificDefinition: function(a, b, e) {
19052                this.name = b;
19053                this.editor = a;
19054                this.jobs = {};
19055                this.enterBr = a.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
19056                this.isIndent = !!e;
19057                this.relatedGlobal = e ? "indent" : "outdent";
19058                this.indentKey = e ? 9 : CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9;
19059                this.database = {}
19060            },
19061            registerCommands: function(a, b) {
19062                a.on("pluginsLoaded", function() {
19063                    for (var a in b)(function(a, b) {
19064                        var e = a.getCommand(b.relatedGlobal),
19065                            c;
19066                        for (c in b.jobs) e.on("exec", function(d) {
19067                            d.data.done || (a.fire("lockSnapshot"), b.execJob(a, c) && (d.data.done = !0), a.fire("unlockSnapshot"), CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(b.database))
19068                        }, this, null, c), e.on("refresh", function(d) {
19069                            d.data.states || (d.data.states = {});
19070                            d.data.states[b.name + "@" + c] = b.refreshJob(a, c, d.data.path)
19071                        }, this, null, c);
19072                        a.addFeature(b)
19073                    })(this, b[a])
19074                })
19075            }
19076        };
19077        CKEDITOR.plugins.indent.genericDefinition.prototype = {
19078            context: "p",
19079            exec: function() {}
19080        };
19081        CKEDITOR.plugins.indent.specificDefinition.prototype = {
19082            execJob: function(a, b) {
19083                var e = this.jobs[b];
19084                if (e.state != k) return e.exec.call(this, a)
19085            },
19086            refreshJob: function(a,
19087                b, e) {
19088                b = this.jobs[b];
19089                a.activeFilter.checkFeature(this) ? b.state = b.refresh.call(this, a, e) : b.state = k;
19090                return b.state
19091            },
19092            getContext: function(a) {
19093                return a.contains(this.context)
19094            }
19095        }
19096    })();
19097    (function() {
19098        function f(b, c, a) {
19099            if (!b.getCustomData("indent_processed")) {
19100                var d = this.editor,
19101                    l = this.isIndent;
19102                if (c) {
19103                    d = b.$.className.match(this.classNameRegex);
19104                    a = 0;
19105                    d && (d = d[1], a = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(c, d) + 1);
19106                    if (0 > (a += l ? 1 : -1)) return;
19107                    a = Math.min(a, c.length);
19108                    a = Math.max(a, 0);
19109                    b.$.className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(b.$.className.replace(this.classNameRegex, ""));
19110                    0 < a && b.addClass(c[a - 1])
19111                } else {
19112                    c = m(b, a);
19113                    a = parseInt(b.getStyle(c), 10);
19114                    var g = d.config.indentOffset || 40;
19115                    isNaN(a) && (a = 0);
19116                    a += (l ? 1 : -1) * g;
19117                    if (0 > a) return;
19118                    a = Math.max(a,
19119                        0);
19120                    a = Math.ceil(a / g) * g;
19121                    b.setStyle(c, a ? a + (d.config.indentUnit || "px") : "");
19122                    "" === b.getAttribute("style") && b.removeAttribute("style")
19123                }
19124                CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(this.database, b, "indent_processed", 1)
19125            }
19126        }
19128        function m(b, c) {
19129            return "ltr" == (c || b.getComputedStyle("direction")) ? "margin-left" : "margin-right"
19130        }
19131        var h = CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem,
19132            p = CKEDITOR.dtd.$list,
19133            k = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
19134            n = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
19135        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("indentblock", {
19136            requires: "indent",
19137            init: function(b) {
19138                function c() {
19139                    a.specificDefinition.apply(this,
19140                        arguments);
19141                    this.allowedContent = {
19142                        "div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ol p pre ul": {
19143                            propertiesOnly: !0,
19144                            styles: d ? null : "margin-left,margin-right",
19145                            classes: d || null
19146                        }
19147                    };
19148                    this.contentTransformations = [
19149                        ["div: splitMarginShorthand"],
19150                        ["h1: splitMarginShorthand"],
19151                        ["h2: splitMarginShorthand"],
19152                        ["h3: splitMarginShorthand"],
19153                        ["h4: splitMarginShorthand"],
19154                        ["h5: splitMarginShorthand"],
19155                        ["h6: splitMarginShorthand"],
19156                        ["ol: splitMarginShorthand"],
19157                        ["p: splitMarginShorthand"],
19158                        ["pre: splitMarginShorthand"],
19159                        ["ul: splitMarginShorthand"]
19160                    ];
19161                    this.enterBr &&
19162                        (this.allowedContent.div = !0);
19163                    this.requiredContent = (this.enterBr ? "div" : "p") + (d ? "(" + d.join(",") + ")" : "{margin-left}");
19164                    this.jobs = {
19165                        20: {
19166                            refresh: function(a, b) {
19167                                var e = b.block || b.blockLimit;
19168                                if (!e.is(h)) var c = e.getAscendant(h),
19169                                    e = c && b.contains(c) || e;
19170                                e.is(h) && (e = e.getParent());
19171                                if (this.enterBr || this.getContext(b)) {
19172                                    if (d) {
19173                                        var c = d,
19174                                            e = e.$.className.match(this.classNameRegex),
19175                                            f = this.isIndent,
19176                                            c = e ? f ? e[1] != c.slice(-1) : !0 : f;
19177                                        return c ? n : k
19178                                    }
19179                                    return this.isIndent ? n : e ? CKEDITOR[0 >= (parseInt(e.getStyle(m(e)), 10) || 0) ? "TRISTATE_DISABLED" :
19180                                        "TRISTATE_OFF"] : k
19181                                }
19182                                return k
19183                            },
19184                            exec: function(a) {
19185                                var b = a.getSelection(),
19186                                    b = b && b.getRanges()[0],
19187                                    c;
19188                                if (c = a.elementPath().contains(p)) f.call(this, c, d);
19189                                else
19190                                    for (b = b.createIterator(), a = a.config.enterMode, b.enforceRealBlocks = !0, b.enlargeBr = a != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; c = b.getNextParagraph(a == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div");) c.isReadOnly() || f.call(this, c, d);
19191                                return !0
19192                            }
19193                        }
19194                    }
19195                }
19196                var a = CKEDITOR.plugins.indent,
19197                    d = b.config.indentClasses;
19198                a.registerCommands(b, {
19199                    indentblock: new c(b, "indentblock", !0),
19200                    outdentblock: new c(b, "outdentblock")
19201                });
19202                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(c.prototype, a.specificDefinition.prototype, {
19203                    context: {
19204                        div: 1,
19205                        dl: 1,
19206                        h1: 1,
19207                        h2: 1,
19208                        h3: 1,
19209                        h4: 1,
19210                        h5: 1,
19211                        h6: 1,
19212                        ul: 1,
19213                        ol: 1,
19214                        p: 1,
19215                        pre: 1,
19216                        table: 1
19217                    },
19218                    classNameRegex: d ? new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)(" + d.join("|") + ")(?\x3d$|\\s)") : null
19219                })
19220            }
19221        })
19222    })();
19223    (function() {
19224        function w(f) {
19225            function g(b) {
19226                for (var e = c.startContainer, a = c.endContainer; e && !e.getParent().equals(b);) e = e.getParent();
19227                for (; a && !a.getParent().equals(b);) a = a.getParent();
19228                if (!e || !a) return !1;
19229                for (var d = [], h = !1; !h;) e.equals(a) && (h = !0), d.push(e), e = e.getNext();
19230                if (1 > d.length) return !1;
19231                e = b.getParents(!0);
19232                for (a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
19233                    if (e[a].getName && p[e[a].getName()]) {
19234                        b = e[a];
19235                        break
19236                    } for (var e = k.isIndent ? 1 : -1, a = d[0], d = d[d.length - 1], h = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray(b, q), m = h[d.getCustomData("listarray_index")].indent,
19237                        a = a.getCustomData("listarray_index"); a <= d.getCustomData("listarray_index"); a++)
19238                    if (h[a].indent += e, 0 < e) {
19239                        for (var g = h[a].parent, n = a - 1; 0 <= n; n--)
19240                            if (h[n].indent === e) {
19241                                g = h[n].parent;
19242                                break
19243                            } h[a].parent = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(g.getName(), g.getDocument())
19244                    } for (a = d.getCustomData("listarray_index") + 1; a < h.length && h[a].indent > m; a++) h[a].indent += e;
19245                e = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList(h, q, null, f.config.enterMode, b.getDirection());
19246                if (!k.isIndent) {
19247                    var t;
19248                    if ((t = b.getParent()) && t.is("li"))
19249                        for (var d = e.listNode.getChildren(),
19250                                r = [], l, a = d.count() - 1; 0 <= a; a--)(l = d.getItem(a)) && l.is && l.is("li") && r.push(l)
19251                }
19252                e && e.listNode.replace(b);
19253                if (r && r.length)
19254                    for (a = 0; a < r.length; a++) {
19255                        for (l = b = r[a];
19256                            (l = l.getNext()) && l.is && l.getName() in p;) CKEDITOR.env.needsNbspFiller && !b.getFirst(x) && b.append(c.document.createText(" ")), b.append(l);
19257                        b.insertAfter(t)
19258                    }
19259                e && f.fire("contentDomInvalidated");
19260                return !0
19261            }
19262            for (var k = this, q = this.database, p = this.context, c, m = f.getSelection(), m = (m && m.getRanges()).createIterator(); c = m.getNextRange();) {
19263                for (var b = c.getCommonAncestor(); b &&
19264                    (b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !p[b.getName()]);) {
19265                    if (f.editable().equals(b)) {
19266                        b = !1;
19267                        break
19268                    }
19269                    b = b.getParent()
19270                }
19271                b || (b = c.startPath().contains(p)) && c.setEndAt(b, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
19272                if (!b) {
19273                    var d = c.getEnclosedNode();
19274                    d && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.getName() in p && (c.setStartAt(d, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), c.setEndAt(d, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), b = d)
19275                }
19276                b && c.startContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.startContainer.getName() in p && (d = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c), d.evaluator = n, c.startContainer =
19277                    d.next());
19278                b && c.endContainer.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.endContainer.getName() in p && (d = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(c), d.evaluator = n, c.endContainer = d.previous());
19279                if (b) return g(b)
19280            }
19281            return 0
19282        }
19284        function n(f) {
19285            return f.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && f.is("li")
19286        }
19288        function x(f) {
19289            return y(f) && z(f)
19290        }
19291        var y = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(!0),
19292            z = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(!1, !0),
19293            u = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
19294            v = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
19295        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("indentlist", {
19296            requires: "indent",
19297            init: function(f) {
19298                function g(f) {
19299                    k.specificDefinition.apply(this,
19300                        arguments);
19301                    this.requiredContent = ["ul", "ol"];
19302                    f.on("key", function(g) {
19303                        var c = f.elementPath();
19304                        if ("wysiwyg" == f.mode && g.data.keyCode == this.indentKey && c) {
19305                            var m = this.getContext(c);
19306                            !m || this.isIndent && CKEDITOR.plugins.indentList.firstItemInPath(this.context, c, m) || (f.execCommand(this.relatedGlobal), g.cancel())
19307                        }
19308                    }, this);
19309                    this.jobs[this.isIndent ? 10 : 30] = {
19310                        refresh: this.isIndent ? function(f, c) {
19311                            var g = this.getContext(c),
19312                                b = CKEDITOR.plugins.indentList.firstItemInPath(this.context, c, g);
19313                            return g && this.isIndent && !b ? v : u
19314                        } : function(f,
19315                            c) {
19316                            return !this.getContext(c) || this.isIndent ? u : v
19317                        },
19318                        exec: CKEDITOR.tools.bind(w, this)
19319                    }
19320                }
19321                var k = CKEDITOR.plugins.indent;
19322                k.registerCommands(f, {
19323                    indentlist: new g(f, "indentlist", !0),
19324                    outdentlist: new g(f, "outdentlist")
19325                });
19326                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(g.prototype, k.specificDefinition.prototype, {
19327                    context: {
19328                        ol: 1,
19329                        ul: 1
19330                    }
19331                })
19332            }
19333        });
19334        CKEDITOR.plugins.indentList = {};
19335        CKEDITOR.plugins.indentList.firstItemInPath = function(f, g, k) {
19336            var q = g.contains(n);
19337            k || (k = g.contains(f));
19338            return k && q && q.equals(k.getFirst(n))
19339        }
19340    })();
19341    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("smiley", {
19342        requires: "dialog",
19343        init: function(a) {
19344            a.config.smiley_path = a.config.smiley_path || this.path + "images/";
19345            a.addCommand("smiley", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("smiley", {
19346                allowedContent: "img[alt,height,!src,title,width]",
19347                requiredContent: "img"
19348            }));
19349            a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Smiley", {
19350                label: a.lang.smiley.toolbar,
19351                command: "smiley",
19352                toolbar: "insert,50"
19353            });
19354            CKEDITOR.dialog.add("smiley", this.path + "dialogs/smiley.js")
19355        }
19356    });
19357    CKEDITOR.config.smiley_images = "regular_smile.png sad_smile.png wink_smile.png teeth_smile.png confused_smile.png tongue_smile.png embarrassed_smile.png omg_smile.png whatchutalkingabout_smile.png angry_smile.png angel_smile.png shades_smile.png devil_smile.png cry_smile.png lightbulb.png thumbs_down.png thumbs_up.png heart.png broken_heart.png kiss.png envelope.png".split(" ");
19358    CKEDITOR.config.smiley_descriptions = "smiley;sad;wink;laugh;frown;cheeky;blush;surprise;indecision;angry;angel;cool;devil;crying;enlightened;no;yes;heart;broken heart;kiss;mail".split(";");
19359    (function() {
19360        function q(a, c) {
19361            c = void 0 === c || c;
19362            var b;
19363            if (c) b = a.getComputedStyle("text-align");
19364            else {
19365                for (; !a.hasAttribute || !a.hasAttribute("align") && !a.getStyle("text-align");) {
19366                    b = a.getParent();
19367                    if (!b) break;
19368                    a = b
19369                }
19370                b = a.getStyle("text-align") || a.getAttribute("align") || ""
19371            }
19372            b && (b = b.replace(/(?:-(?:moz|webkit)-)?(?:start|auto)/i, ""));
19373            !b && c && (b = "rtl" == a.getComputedStyle("direction") ? "right" : "left");
19374            return b
19375        }
19377        function h(a, c, b) {
19378            this.editor = a;
19379            this.name = c;
19380            this.value = b;
19381            this.context = "p";
19382            c = a.config.justifyClasses;
19383            var f = a.config.enterMode ==
19384                CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div";
19385            if (c) {
19386                switch (b) {
19387                    case "left":
19388                        this.cssClassName = c[0];
19389                        break;
19390                    case "center":
19391                        this.cssClassName = c[1];
19392                        break;
19393                    case "right":
19394                        this.cssClassName = c[2];
19395                        break;
19396                    case "justify":
19397                        this.cssClassName = c[3]
19398                }
19399                this.cssClassRegex = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)(?:" + c.join("|") + ")(?\x3d$|\\s)");
19400                this.requiredContent = f + "(" + this.cssClassName + ")"
19401            } else this.requiredContent = f + "{text-align}";
19402            this.allowedContent = {
19403                "caption div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p pre td th li": {
19404                    propertiesOnly: !0,
19405                    styles: this.cssClassName ? null : "text-align",
19406                    classes: this.cssClassName || null
19407                }
19408            };
19409            a.config.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR && (this.allowedContent.div = !0)
19410        }
19412        function m(a) {
19413            var c = a.editor,
19414                b = c.createRange();
19415            b.setStartBefore(a.data.node);
19416            b.setEndAfter(a.data.node);
19417            for (var f = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(b), d; d = f.next();)
19418                if (d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
19419                    if (!d.equals(a.data.node) && d.getDirection()) b.setStartAfter(d), f = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(b);
19420                    else {
19421                        var e = c.config.justifyClasses;
19422                        e && (d.hasClass(e[0]) ? (d.removeClass(e[0]), d.addClass(e[2])) : d.hasClass(e[2]) && (d.removeClass(e[2]),
19423                            d.addClass(e[0])));
19424                        e = d.getStyle("text-align");
19425                        "left" == e ? d.setStyle("text-align", "right") : "right" == e && d.setStyle("text-align", "left")
19426                    }
19427        }
19428        h.prototype = {
19429            exec: function(a) {
19430                var c = a.getSelection(),
19431                    b = a.config.enterMode;
19432                if (c) {
19433                    for (var f = c.createBookmarks(), d = c.getRanges(), e = this.cssClassName, h, g, k = a.config.useComputedState, k = void 0 === k || k, n = d.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--)
19434                        for (h = d[n].createIterator(), h.enlargeBr = b != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; g = h.getNextParagraph(b == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div");)
19435                            if (!g.isReadOnly()) {
19436                                var l = g.getName(),
19437                                    p;
19438                                p = a.activeFilter.check(l + "{text-align}");
19439                                if ((l = a.activeFilter.check(l + "(" + e + ")")) || p) {
19440                                    g.removeAttribute("align");
19441                                    g.removeStyle("text-align");
19442                                    var m = e && (g.$.className = CKEDITOR.tools.ltrim(g.$.className.replace(this.cssClassRegex, ""))),
19443                                        r = this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF && (!k || q(g, !0) != this.value);
19444                                    e && l ? r ? g.addClass(e) : m || g.removeAttribute("class") : r && p && g.setStyle("text-align", this.value)
19445                                }
19446                            } a.focus();
19447                    a.forceNextSelectionCheck();
19448                    c.selectBookmarks(f)
19449                }
19450            },
19451            refresh: function(a, c) {
19452                var b = c.block || c.blockLimit,
19453                    f = b.getName(),
19454                    d = b.equals(a.editable()),
19455                    f = this.cssClassName ? a.activeFilter.check(f + "(" + this.cssClassName + ")") : a.activeFilter.check(f + "{text-align}");
19456                d && 1 === c.elements.length ? this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) : !d && f ? this.setState(q(b, this.editor.config.useComputedState) == this.value ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) : this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
19457            }
19458        };
19459        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("justify", {
19460            init: function(a) {
19461                if (!a.blockless) {
19462                    var c = new h(a, "justifyleft", "left"),
19463                        b = new h(a, "justifycenter", "center"),
19464                        f = new h(a, "justifyright", "right"),
19465                        d = new h(a, "justifyblock", "justify");
19466                    a.addCommand("justifyleft", c);
19467                    a.addCommand("justifycenter", b);
19468                    a.addCommand("justifyright", f);
19469                    a.addCommand("justifyblock", d);
19470                    a.ui.addButton && (a.ui.addButton("JustifyLeft", {
19471                        label: a.lang.common.alignLeft,
19472                        command: "justifyleft",
19473                        toolbar: "align,10"
19474                    }), a.ui.addButton("JustifyCenter", {
19475                        label: a.lang.common.center,
19476                        command: "justifycenter",
19477                        toolbar: "align,20"
19478                    }), a.ui.addButton("JustifyRight", {
19479                        label: a.lang.common.alignRight,
19480                        command: "justifyright",
19481                        toolbar: "align,30"
19482                    }), a.ui.addButton("JustifyBlock", {
19483                        label: a.lang.common.justify,
19484                        command: "justifyblock",
19485                        toolbar: "align,40"
19486                    }));
19487                    a.on("dirChanged", m)
19488                }
19489            }
19490        })
19491    })();
19492    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("menubutton", {
19493        requires: "button,menu",
19494        onLoad: function() {
19495            var d = function(c) {
19496                var a = this._,
19497                    b = a.menu;
19498                a.state !== CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && (a.on && b ? b.hide() : (a.previousState = a.state, b || (b = a.menu = new CKEDITOR.menu(c, {
19499                        panel: {
19500                            className: "cke_menu_panel",
19501                            attributes: {
19502                                "aria-label": c.lang.common.options
19503                            }
19504                        }
19505                    }), b.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(function() {
19506                        var b = this.command ? c.getCommand(this.command).modes : this.modes;
19507                        this.setState(!b || b[c.mode] ? a.previousState : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
19508                        a.on = 0
19509                    }, this),
19510                    this.onMenu && b.addListener(this.onMenu)), this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON), a.on = 1, setTimeout(function() {
19511                    b.show(CKEDITOR.document.getById(a.id), 4)
19512                }, 0)))
19513            };
19514            CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
19515                base: CKEDITOR.ui.button,
19516                $: function(c) {
19517                    delete c.panel;
19518                    this.base(c);
19519                    this.hasArrow = !0;
19520                    this.click = d
19521                },
19522                statics: {
19523                    handler: {
19524                        create: function(c) {
19525                            return new CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton(c)
19526                        }
19527                    }
19528                }
19529            })
19530        },
19531        beforeInit: function(d) {
19532            d.ui.addHandler(CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, CKEDITOR.ui.menuButton.handler)
19533        }
19534    });
19535    CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON = "menubutton";
19536    (function() {
19537        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("language", {
19538            requires: "menubutton",
19539            init: function(a) {
19540                var b = a.config.language_list || ["ar:Arabic:rtl", "fr:French", "es:Spanish"],
19541                    c = this,
19542                    d = a.lang.language,
19543                    e = {},
19544                    g, h, k, f;
19545                a.addCommand("language", {
19546                    allowedContent: "span[!lang,!dir]",
19547                    requiredContent: "span[lang,dir]",
19548                    contextSensitive: !0,
19549                    exec: function(a, b) {
19550                        var c = e["language_" + b];
19551                        if (c) a[c.style.checkActive(a.elementPath(), a) ? "removeStyle" : "applyStyle"](c.style)
19552                    },
19553                    refresh: function(a) {
19554                        this.setState(c.getCurrentLangElement(a) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON :
19555                            CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
19556                    }
19557                });
19558                for (f = 0; f < b.length; f++) g = b[f].split(":"), h = g[0], k = "language_" + h, e[k] = {
19559                    label: g[1],
19560                    langId: h,
19561                    group: "language",
19562                    order: f,
19563                    ltr: "rtl" != ("" + g[2]).toLowerCase(),
19564                    onClick: function() {
19565                        a.execCommand("language", this.langId)
19566                    },
19567                    role: "menuitemcheckbox"
19568                }, e[k].style = new CKEDITOR.style({
19569                    element: "span",
19570                    attributes: {
19571                        lang: h,
19572                        dir: e[k].ltr ? "ltr" : "rtl"
19573                    }
19574                });
19575                e.language_remove = {
19576                    label: d.remove,
19577                    group: "language_remove",
19578                    state: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
19579                    order: e.length,
19580                    onClick: function() {
19581                        var b = c.getCurrentLangElement(a);
19582                        b && a.execCommand("language", b.getAttribute("lang"))
19583                    }
19584                };
19585                a.addMenuGroup("language", 1);
19586                a.addMenuGroup("language_remove");
19587                a.addMenuItems(e);
19588                a.ui.add("Language", CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, {
19589                    label: d.button,
19590                    allowedContent: "span[!lang,!dir]",
19591                    requiredContent: "span[lang,dir]",
19592                    toolbar: "bidi,30",
19593                    command: "language",
19594                    onMenu: function() {
19595                        var b = {},
19596                            d = c.getCurrentLangElement(a),
19597                            f;
19598                        for (f in e) b[f] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
19599                        b.language_remove = d ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED;
19600                        d && (b["language_" + d.getAttribute("lang")] =
19601                            CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
19602                        return b
19603                    }
19604                });
19605                a.addRemoveFormatFilter && a.addRemoveFormatFilter(function(a) {
19606                    return !(a.is("span") && a.getAttribute("dir") && a.getAttribute("lang"))
19607                })
19608            },
19609            getCurrentLangElement: function(a) {
19610                var b = a.elementPath();
19611                a = b && b.elements;
19612                var c;
19613                if (b)
19614                    for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) b = a[d], !c && "span" == b.getName() && b.hasAttribute("dir") && b.hasAttribute("lang") && (c = b);
19615                return c
19616            }
19617        })
19618    })();
19619    (function() {
19620        function p(c) {
19621            return c.replace(/'/g, "\\$\x26")
19622        }
19624        function q(c) {
19625            for (var b, a = c.length, d = [], f = 0; f < a; f++) b = c.charCodeAt(f), d.push(b);
19626            return "String.fromCharCode(" + d.join(",") + ")"
19627        }
19629        function r(c, b) {
19630            var a = c.plugins.link,
19631                d = a.compiledProtectionFunction.params,
19632                f, e;
19633            e = [a.compiledProtectionFunction.name, "("];
19634            for (var g = 0; g < d.length; g++) a = d[g].toLowerCase(), f = b[a], 0 < g && e.push(","), e.push("'", f ? p(encodeURIComponent(b[a])) : "", "'");
19635            e.push(")");
19636            return e.join("")
19637        }
19639        function n(c) {
19640            c = c.config.emailProtection || "";
19641            var b;
19642            c && "encode" != c && (b = {}, c.replace(/^([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/, function(a, c, f) {
19643                b.name = c;
19644                b.params = [];
19645                f.replace(/[^,\s]+/g, function(a) {
19646                    b.params.push(a)
19647                })
19648            }));
19649            return b
19650        }
19651        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("link", {
19652            requires: "dialog,fakeobjects",
19653            onLoad: function() {
19654                function c(b) {
19655                    return a.replace(/%1/g, "rtl" == b ? "right" : "left").replace(/%2/g, "cke_contents_" + b)
19656                }
19657                var b = "background:url(" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "images" + (CKEDITOR.env.hidpi ? "/hidpi" : "") + "/anchor.png") + ") no-repeat %1 center;border:1px dotted #00f;background-size:16px;",
19658                    a = ".%2 a.cke_anchor,.%2 a.cke_anchor_empty,.cke_editable.%2 a[name],.cke_editable.%2 a[data-cke-saved-name]{" + b + "padding-%1:18px;cursor:auto;}.%2 img.cke_anchor{" + b + "width:16px;min-height:15px;height:1.15em;vertical-align:text-bottom;}";
19659                CKEDITOR.addCss(c("ltr") + c("rtl"))
19660            },
19661            init: function(c) {
19662                var b = "a[!href]";
19663                CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled(c, "link", "advanced") && (b = b.replace("]", ",accesskey,charset,dir,id,lang,name,rel,tabindex,title,type,download]{*}(*)"));
19664                CKEDITOR.dialog.isTabEnabled(c, "link", "target") &&
19665                    (b = b.replace("]", ",target,onclick]"));
19666                c.addCommand("link", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("link", {
19667                    allowedContent: b,
19668                    requiredContent: "a[href]"
19669                }));
19670                c.addCommand("anchor", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("anchor", {
19671                    allowedContent: "a[!name,id]",
19672                    requiredContent: "a[name]"
19673                }));
19674                c.addCommand("unlink", new CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand);
19675                c.addCommand("removeAnchor", new CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand);
19676                c.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76, "link");
19677                c.ui.addButton && (c.ui.addButton("Link", {
19678                        label: c.lang.link.toolbar,
19679                        command: "link",
19680                        toolbar: "links,10"
19681                    }),
19682                    c.ui.addButton("Unlink", {
19683                        label: c.lang.link.unlink,
19684                        command: "unlink",
19685                        toolbar: "links,20"
19686                    }), c.ui.addButton("Anchor", {
19687                        label: c.lang.link.anchor.toolbar,
19688                        command: "anchor",
19689                        toolbar: "links,30"
19690                    }));
19691                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("link", this.path + "dialogs/link.js");
19692                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("anchor", this.path + "dialogs/anchor.js");
19693                c.on("doubleclick", function(a) {
19694                    var b = a.data.element.getAscendant({
19695                        a: 1,
19696                        img: 1
19697                    }, !0);
19698                    b && !b.isReadOnly() && (b.is("a") ? (a.data.dialog = !b.getAttribute("name") || b.getAttribute("href") && b.getChildCount() ? "link" :
19699                        "anchor", a.data.link = b) : CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor(c, b) && (a.data.dialog = "anchor"))
19700                }, null, null, 0);
19701                c.on("doubleclick", function(a) {
19702                    a.data.dialog in {
19703                        link: 1,
19704                        anchor: 1
19705                    } && a.data.link && c.getSelection().selectElement(a.data.link)
19706                }, null, null, 20);
19707                c.addMenuItems && c.addMenuItems({
19708                    anchor: {
19709                        label: c.lang.link.anchor.menu,
19710                        command: "anchor",
19711                        group: "anchor",
19712                        order: 1
19713                    },
19714                    removeAnchor: {
19715                        label: c.lang.link.anchor.remove,
19716                        command: "removeAnchor",
19717                        group: "anchor",
19718                        order: 5
19719                    },
19720                    link: {
19721                        label: c.lang.link.menu,
19722                        command: "link",
19723                        group: "link",
19724                        order: 1
19725                    },
19726                    unlink: {
19727                        label: c.lang.link.unlink,
19728                        command: "unlink",
19729                        group: "link",
19730                        order: 5
19731                    }
19732                });
19733                c.contextMenu && c.contextMenu.addListener(function(a) {
19734                    if (!a || a.isReadOnly()) return null;
19735                    a = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor(c, a);
19736                    if (!a && !(a = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink(c))) return null;
19737                    var b = {};
19738                    a.getAttribute("href") && a.getChildCount() && (b = {
19739                        link: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
19740                        unlink: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
19741                    });
19742                    a && a.hasAttribute("name") && (b.anchor = b.removeAnchor = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF);
19743                    return b
19744                });
19745                this.compiledProtectionFunction =
19746                    n(c)
19747            },
19748            afterInit: function(c) {
19749                c.dataProcessor.dataFilter.addRules({
19750                    elements: {
19751                        a: function(a) {
19752                            return a.attributes.name ? a.children.length ? null : c.createFakeParserElement(a, "cke_anchor", "anchor") : null
19753                        }
19754                    }
19755                });
19756                var b = c._.elementsPath && c._.elementsPath.filters;
19757                b && b.push(function(a, b) {
19758                    if ("a" == b && (CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor(c, a) || a.getAttribute("name") && (!a.getAttribute("href") || !a.getChildCount()))) return "anchor"
19759                })
19760            }
19761        });
19762        var t = /^javascript:/,
19763            u = /^mailto:([^?]+)(?:\?(.+))?$/,
19764            v = /subject=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/i,
19765            w = /body=([^;?:@&=$,\/]*)/i,
19766            x = /^#(.*)$/,
19767            y = /^((?:http|https|ftp|news):\/\/)?(.*)$/,
19768            z = /^(_(?:self|top|parent|blank))$/,
19769            A = /^javascript:void\(location\.href='mailto:'\+String\.fromCharCode\(([^)]+)\)(?:\+'(.*)')?\)$/,
19770            B = /^javascript:([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)$/,
19771            C = /\s*window.open\(\s*this\.href\s*,\s*(?:'([^']*)'|null)\s*,\s*'([^']*)'\s*\)\s*;\s*return\s*false;*\s*/,
19772            D = /(?:^|,)([^=]+)=(\d+|yes|no)/gi,
19773            m = {
19774                id: "advId",
19775                dir: "advLangDir",
19776                accessKey: "advAccessKey",
19777                name: "advName",
19778                lang: "advLangCode",
19779                tabindex: "advTabIndex",
19780                title: "advTitle",
19781                type: "advContentType",
19782                "class": "advCSSClasses",
19783                charset: "advCharset",
19784                style: "advStyles",
19785                rel: "advRel"
19786            };
19787        CKEDITOR.plugins.link = {
19788            getSelectedLink: function(c, b) {
19789                var a = c.getSelection(),
19790                    d = a.getSelectedElement(),
19791                    f = a.getRanges(),
19792                    e = [],
19793                    g;
19794                if (!b && d && d.is("a")) return d;
19795                for (d = 0; d < f.length; d++)
19796                    if (g = a.getRanges()[d], g.shrink(CKEDITOR.SHRINK_ELEMENT, !0, {
19797                            skipBogus: !0
19798                        }), (g = c.elementPath(g.getCommonAncestor()).contains("a", 1)) && b) e.push(g);
19799                    else if (g) return g;
19800                return b ? e : null
19801            },
19802            getEditorAnchors: function(c) {
19803                for (var b =
19804                        c.editable(), a = b.isInline() && !c.plugins.divarea ? c.document : b, b = a.getElementsByTag("a"), a = a.getElementsByTag("img"), d = [], f = 0, e; e = b.getItem(f++);)(e.data("cke-saved-name") || e.hasAttribute("name")) && d.push({
19805                    name: e.data("cke-saved-name") || e.getAttribute("name"),
19806                    id: e.getAttribute("id")
19807                });
19808                for (f = 0; e = a.getItem(f++);)(e = this.tryRestoreFakeAnchor(c, e)) && d.push({
19809                    name: e.getAttribute("name"),
19810                    id: e.getAttribute("id")
19811                });
19812                return d
19813            },
19814            fakeAnchor: !0,
19815            tryRestoreFakeAnchor: function(c, b) {
19816                if (b && b.data("cke-real-element-type") &&
19817                    "anchor" == b.data("cke-real-element-type")) {
19818                    var a = c.restoreRealElement(b);
19819                    if (a.data("cke-saved-name")) return a
19820                }
19821            },
19822            parseLinkAttributes: function(c, b) {
19823                var a = b && (b.data("cke-saved-href") || b.getAttribute("href")) || "",
19824                    d = c.plugins.link.compiledProtectionFunction,
19825                    f = c.config.emailProtection,
19826                    e, g = {};
19827                a.match(t) && ("encode" == f ? a = a.replace(A, function(a, b, c) {
19828                    c = c || "";
19829                    return "mailto:" + String.fromCharCode.apply(String, b.split(",")) + c.replace(/\\'/g, "'")
19830                }) : f && a.replace(B, function(a, b, c) {
19831                    if (b == d.name) {
19832                        g.type = "email";
19833                        a = g.email = {};
19834                        b = /(^')|('$)/g;
19835                        c = c.match(/[^,\s]+/g);
19836                        for (var e = c.length, f, h, k = 0; k < e; k++) f = decodeURIComponent, h = c[k].replace(b, "").replace(/\\'/g, "'"), h = f(h), f = d.params[k].toLowerCase(), a[f] = h;
19837                        a.address = [a.name, a.domain].join("@")
19838                    }
19839                }));
19840                if (!g.type)
19841                    if (f = a.match(x)) g.type = "anchor", g.anchor = {}, g.anchor.name = g.anchor.id = f[1];
19842                    else if (f = a.match(u)) {
19843                    e = a.match(v);
19844                    a = a.match(w);
19845                    g.type = "email";
19846                    var k = g.email = {};
19847                    k.address = f[1];
19848                    e && (k.subject = decodeURIComponent(e[1]));
19849                    a && (k.body = decodeURIComponent(a[1]))
19850                } else a && (e = a.match(y)) &&
19851                    (g.type = "url", g.url = {}, g.url.protocol = e[1], g.url.url = e[2]);
19852                if (b) {
19853                    if (a = b.getAttribute("target")) g.target = {
19854                        type: a.match(z) ? a : "frame",
19855                        name: a
19856                    };
19857                    else if (a = (a = b.data("cke-pa-onclick") || b.getAttribute("onclick")) && a.match(C))
19858                        for (g.target = {
19859                                type: "popup",
19860                                name: a[1]
19861                            }; f = D.exec(a[2]);) "yes" != f[2] && "1" != f[2] || f[1] in {
19862                            height: 1,
19863                            width: 1,
19864                            top: 1,
19865                            left: 1
19866                        } ? isFinite(f[2]) && (g.target[f[1]] = f[2]) : g.target[f[1]] = !0;
19867                    null !== b.getAttribute("download") && (g.download = !0);
19868                    var a = {},
19869                        h;
19870                    for (h in m)(f = b.getAttribute(h)) && (a[m[h]] = f);
19871                    if (h =
19872                        b.data("cke-saved-name") || a.advName) a.advName = h;
19873                    CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(a) || (g.advanced = a)
19874                }
19875                return g
19876            },
19877            getLinkAttributes: function(c, b) {
19878                var a = c.config.emailProtection || "",
19879                    d = {};
19880                switch (b.type) {
19881                    case "url":
19882                        var a = b.url && void 0 !== b.url.protocol ? b.url.protocol : "http://",
19883                            f = b.url && CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b.url.url) || "";
19884                        d["data-cke-saved-href"] = 0 === f.indexOf("/") ? f : a + f;
19885                        break;
19886                    case "anchor":
19887                        a = b.anchor && b.anchor.id;
19888                        d["data-cke-saved-href"] = "#" + (b.anchor && b.anchor.name || a || "");
19889                        break;
19890                    case "email":
19891                        var e = b.email,
19892                            f = e.address;
19893                        switch (a) {
19894                            case "":
19895                            case "encode":
19896                                var g = encodeURIComponent(e.subject || ""),
19897                                    k = encodeURIComponent(e.body || ""),
19898                                    e = [];
19899                                g && e.push("subject\x3d" + g);
19900                                k && e.push("body\x3d" + k);
19901                                e = e.length ? "?" + e.join("\x26") : "";
19902                                "encode" == a ? (a = ["javascript:void(location.href\x3d'mailto:'+", q(f)], e && a.push("+'", p(e), "'"), a.push(")")) : a = ["mailto:", f, e];
19903                                break;
19904                            default:
19905                                a = f.split("@", 2), e.name = a[0], e.domain = a[1], a = ["javascript:", r(c, e)]
19906                        }
19907                        d["data-cke-saved-href"] = a.join("")
19908                }
19909                if (b.target)
19910                    if ("popup" == b.target.type) {
19911                        for (var a = ["window.open(this.href, '",
19912                                b.target.name || "", "', '"
19913                            ], h = "resizable status location toolbar menubar fullscreen scrollbars dependent".split(" "), f = h.length, g = function(a) {
19914                                b.target[a] && h.push(a + "\x3d" + b.target[a])
19915                            }, e = 0; e < f; e++) h[e] += b.target[h[e]] ? "\x3dyes" : "\x3dno";
19916                        g("width");
19917                        g("left");
19918                        g("height");
19919                        g("top");
19920                        a.push(h.join(","), "'); return false;");
19921                        d["data-cke-pa-onclick"] = a.join("")
19922                    } else "notSet" != b.target.type && b.target.name && (d.target = b.target.name);
19923                b.download && (d.download = "");
19924                if (b.advanced) {
19925                    for (var l in m)(a = b.advanced[m[l]]) &&
19926                        (d[l] = a);
19927                    d.name && (d["data-cke-saved-name"] = d.name)
19928                }
19929                d["data-cke-saved-href"] && (d.href = d["data-cke-saved-href"]);
19930                l = {
19931                    target: 1,
19932                    onclick: 1,
19933                    "data-cke-pa-onclick": 1,
19934                    "data-cke-saved-name": 1,
19935                    download: 1
19936                };
19937                b.advanced && CKEDITOR.tools.extend(l, m);
19938                for (var n in d) delete l[n];
19939                return {
19940                    set: d,
19941                    removed: CKEDITOR.tools.objectKeys(l)
19942                }
19943            },
19944            showDisplayTextForElement: function(c, b) {
19945                var a = {
19946                        img: 1,
19947                        table: 1,
19948                        tbody: 1,
19949                        thead: 1,
19950                        tfoot: 1,
19951                        input: 1,
19952                        select: 1,
19953                        textarea: 1
19954                    },
19955                    d = b.getSelection();
19956                return b.widgets && b.widgets.focused || d && 1 < d.getRanges().length ?
19957                    !1 : !c || !c.getName || !c.is(a)
19958            }
19959        };
19960        CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand = function() {};
19961        CKEDITOR.unlinkCommand.prototype = {
19962            exec: function(c) {
19963                if (CKEDITOR.env.ie) {
19964                    var b = c.getSelection().getRanges()[0],
19965                        a = b.getPreviousEditableNode() && b.getPreviousEditableNode().getAscendant("a", !0) || b.getNextEditableNode() && b.getNextEditableNode().getAscendant("a", !0),
19966                        d;
19967                    b.collapsed && a && (d = b.createBookmark(), b.selectNodeContents(a), b.select())
19968                }
19969                a = new CKEDITOR.style({
19970                    element: "a",
19971                    type: CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE,
19972                    alwaysRemoveElement: 1
19973                });
19974                c.removeStyle(a);
19975                d && (b.moveToBookmark(d), b.select())
19976            },
19977            refresh: function(c, b) {
19978                var a = b.lastElement && b.lastElement.getAscendant("a", !0);
19979                a && "a" == a.getName() && a.getAttribute("href") && a.getChildCount() ? this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) : this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
19980            },
19981            contextSensitive: 1,
19982            startDisabled: 1,
19983            requiredContent: "a[href]",
19984            editorFocus: 1
19985        };
19986        CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand = function() {};
19987        CKEDITOR.removeAnchorCommand.prototype = {
19988            exec: function(c) {
19989                var b = c.getSelection(),
19990                    a = b.createBookmarks(),
19991                    d;
19992                if (b && (d = b.getSelectedElement()) &&
19993                    (d.getChildCount() ? d.is("a") : CKEDITOR.plugins.link.tryRestoreFakeAnchor(c, d))) d.remove(1);
19994                else if (d = CKEDITOR.plugins.link.getSelectedLink(c)) d.hasAttribute("href") ? (d.removeAttributes({
19995                    name: 1,
19996                    "data-cke-saved-name": 1
19997                }), d.removeClass("cke_anchor")) : d.remove(1);
19998                b.selectBookmarks(a)
19999            },
20000            requiredContent: "a[name]"
20001        };
20002        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.config, {
20003            linkShowAdvancedTab: !0,
20004            linkShowTargetTab: !0
20005        })
20006    })();
20007    (function() {
20008        function I(b, m, e) {
20009            function c(c) {
20010                if (!(!(a = d[c ? "getFirst" : "getLast"]()) || a.is && a.isBlockBoundary() || !(p = m.root[c ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](CKEDITOR.dom.walker.invisible(!0))) || p.is && p.isBlockBoundary({
20011                        br: 1
20012                    }))) b.document.createElement("br")[c ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](a)
20013            }
20014            for (var f = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray(m.root, e), g = [], k = 0; k < m.contents.length; k++) {
20015                var h = m.contents[k];
20016                (h = h.getAscendant("li", !0)) && !h.getCustomData("list_item_processed") && (g.push(h), CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(e,
20017                    h, "list_item_processed", !0))
20018            }
20019            h = null;
20020            for (k = 0; k < g.length; k++) h = g[k].getCustomData("listarray_index"), f[h].indent = -1;
20021            for (k = h + 1; k < f.length; k++)
20022                if (f[k].indent > f[k - 1].indent + 1) {
20023                    g = f[k - 1].indent + 1 - f[k].indent;
20024                    for (h = f[k].indent; f[k] && f[k].indent >= h;) f[k].indent += g, k++;
20025                    k--
20026                } var d = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList(f, e, null, b.config.enterMode, m.root.getAttribute("dir")).listNode,
20027                a, p;
20028            c(!0);
20029            c();
20030            d.replace(m.root);
20031            b.fire("contentDomInvalidated")
20032        }
20034        function B(b, m) {
20035            this.name = b;
20036            this.context = this.type = m;
20037            this.allowedContent =
20038                m + " li";
20039            this.requiredContent = m
20040        }
20042        function E(b, m, e, c) {
20043            for (var f, g; f = b[c ? "getLast" : "getFirst"](J);)(g = f.getDirection(1)) !== m.getDirection(1) && f.setAttribute("dir", g), f.remove(), e ? f[c ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](e) : m.append(f, c)
20044        }
20046        function F(b) {
20047            function m(e) {
20048                var c = b[e ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](u);
20049                c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.is(b.getName()) && (E(b, c, null, !e), b.remove(), b = c)
20050            }
20051            m();
20052            m(1)
20053        }
20055        function G(b) {
20056            return b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block || b.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem) &&
20057                CKEDITOR.dtd[b.getName()]["#"]
20058        }
20060        function C(b, m, e) {
20061            b.fire("saveSnapshot");
20062            e.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_LIST_ITEM_CONTENTS);
20063            var c = e.extractContents();
20064            m.trim(!1, !0);
20065            var f = m.createBookmark(),
20066                g = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(m.startContainer),
20067                k = g.block,
20068                g = g.lastElement.getAscendant("li", 1) || k,
20069                h = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(e.startContainer),
20070                d = h.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem),
20071                h = h.contains(CKEDITOR.dtd.$list);
20072            k ? (k = k.getBogus()) && k.remove() : h && (k = h.getPrevious(u)) && z(k) && k.remove();
20073            (k = c.getLast()) && k.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT &&
20074                k.is("br") && k.remove();
20075            (k = m.startContainer.getChild(m.startOffset)) ? c.insertBefore(k): m.startContainer.append(c);
20076            d && (c = A(d)) && (g.contains(d) ? (E(c, d.getParent(), d), c.remove()) : g.append(c));
20077            for (; e.checkStartOfBlock() && e.checkEndOfBlock();) {
20078                h = e.startPath();
20079                c = h.block;
20080                if (!c) break;
20081                c.is("li") && (g = c.getParent(), c.equals(g.getLast(u)) && c.equals(g.getFirst(u)) && (c = g));
20082                e.moveToPosition(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
20083                c.remove()
20084            }
20085            e = e.clone();
20086            c = b.editable();
20087            e.setEndAt(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
20088            e = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(e);
20089            e.evaluator = function(a) {
20090                return u(a) && !z(a)
20091            };
20092            (e = e.next()) && e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && e.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list && F(e);
20093            m.moveToBookmark(f);
20094            m.select();
20095            b.fire("saveSnapshot")
20096        }
20098        function A(b) {
20099            return (b = b.getLast(u)) && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.getName() in v ? b : null
20100        }
20101        var v = {
20102                ol: 1,
20103                ul: 1
20104            },
20105            K = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
20106            H = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bookmark(),
20107            u = function(b) {
20108                return !(K(b) || H(b))
20109            },
20110            z = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.bogus();
20111        CKEDITOR.plugins.list = {
20112            listToArray: function(b, m, e, c, f) {
20113                if (!v[b.getName()]) return [];
20114                c || (c = 0);
20115                e || (e = []);
20116                for (var g = 0, k = b.getChildCount(); g < k; g++) {
20117                    var h = b.getChild(g);
20118                    h.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && h.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$list && CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray(h, m, e, c + 1);
20119                    if ("li" == h.$.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
20120                        var d = {
20121                            parent: b,
20122                            indent: c,
20123                            element: h,
20124                            contents: []
20125                        };
20126                        f ? d.grandparent = f : (d.grandparent = b.getParent(), d.grandparent && "li" == d.grandparent.$.nodeName.toLowerCase() && (d.grandparent = d.grandparent.getParent()));
20127                        m && CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(m, h, "listarray_index", e.length);
20128                        e.push(d);
20129                        for (var a = 0, p = h.getChildCount(), l; a < p; a++) l = h.getChild(a), l.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && v[l.getName()] ? CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray(l, m, e, c + 1, d.grandparent) : d.contents.push(l)
20130                    }
20131                }
20132                return e
20133            },
20134            arrayToList: function(b, m, e, c, f) {
20135                e || (e = 0);
20136                if (!b || b.length < e + 1) return null;
20137                for (var g, k = b[e].parent.getDocument(), h = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(k), d = null, a = e, p = Math.max(b[e].indent, 0), l = null, q, n, t = c == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div";;) {
20138                    var r = b[a];
20139                    g = r.grandparent;
20140                    q = r.element.getDirection(1);
20141                    if (r.indent == p) {
20142                        d && b[a].parent.getName() ==
20143                            d.getName() || (d = b[a].parent.clone(!1, 1), f && d.setAttribute("dir", f), h.append(d));
20144                        l = d.append(r.element.clone(0, 1));
20145                        q != d.getDirection(1) && l.setAttribute("dir", q);
20146                        for (g = 0; g < r.contents.length; g++) l.append(r.contents[g].clone(1, 1));
20147                        a++
20148                    } else if (r.indent == Math.max(p, 0) + 1) r = b[a - 1].element.getDirection(1), a = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList(b, null, a, c, r != q ? q : null), !l.getChildCount() && CKEDITOR.env.needsNbspFiller && 7 >= k.$.documentMode && l.append(k.createText(" ")), l.append(a.listNode), a = a.nextIndex;
20149                    else if (-1 ==
20150                        r.indent && !e && g) {
20151                        v[g.getName()] ? (l = r.element.clone(!1, !0), q != g.getDirection(1) && l.setAttribute("dir", q)) : l = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(k);
20152                        var d = g.getDirection(1) != q,
20153                            y = r.element,
20154                            D = y.getAttribute("class"),
20155                            z = y.getAttribute("style"),
20156                            A = l.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT && (c != CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || d || z || D),
20157                            w, B = r.contents.length,
20158                            x;
20159                        for (g = 0; g < B; g++)
20160                            if (w = r.contents[g], H(w) && 1 < B) A ? x = w.clone(1, 1) : l.append(w.clone(1, 1));
20161                            else if (w.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && w.isBlockBoundary()) {
20162                            d && !w.getDirection() &&
20163                                w.setAttribute("dir", q);
20164                            n = w;
20165                            var C = y.getAttribute("style");
20166                            C && n.setAttribute("style", C.replace(/([^;])$/, "$1;") + (n.getAttribute("style") || ""));
20167                            D && w.addClass(D);
20168                            n = null;
20169                            x && (l.append(x), x = null);
20170                            l.append(w.clone(1, 1))
20171                        } else A ? (n || (n = k.createElement(t), l.append(n), d && n.setAttribute("dir", q)), z && n.setAttribute("style", z), D && n.setAttribute("class", D), x && (n.append(x), x = null), n.append(w.clone(1, 1))) : l.append(w.clone(1, 1));
20172                        x && ((n || l).append(x), x = null);
20173                        l.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT && a != b.length - 1 && (CKEDITOR.env.needsBrFiller &&
20174                            (q = l.getLast()) && q.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && q.is("br") && q.remove(), (q = l.getLast(u)) && q.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && q.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block) || l.append(k.createElement("br")));
20175                        q = l.$.nodeName.toLowerCase();
20176                        "div" != q && "p" != q || l.appendBogus();
20177                        h.append(l);
20178                        d = null;
20179                        a++
20180                    } else return null;
20181                    n = null;
20182                    if (b.length <= a || Math.max(b[a].indent, 0) < p) break
20183                }
20184                if (m)
20185                    for (b = h.getFirst(); b;) {
20186                        if (b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers(m, b), b.getName() in CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem && (e = b, k = f = c = void 0, c = e.getDirection()))) {
20187                            for (f =
20188                                e.getParent(); f && !(k = f.getDirection());) f = f.getParent();
20189                            c == k && e.removeAttribute("dir")
20190                        }
20191                        b = b.getNextSourceNode()
20192                    }
20193                return {
20194                    listNode: h,
20195                    nextIndex: a
20196                }
20197            }
20198        };
20199        var L = /^h[1-6]$/,
20200            J = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType(CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT);
20201        B.prototype = {
20202            exec: function(b) {
20203                this.refresh(b, b.elementPath());
20204                var m = b.config,
20205                    e = b.getSelection(),
20206                    c = e && e.getRanges();
20207                if (this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) {
20208                    var f = b.editable();
20209                    if (f.getFirst(u)) {
20210                        var g = 1 == c.length && c[0];
20211                        (m = g && g.getEnclosedNode()) && m.is && this.type == m.getName() && this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON)
20212                    } else m.enterMode ==
20213                        CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? f.appendBogus() : c[0].fixBlock(1, m.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_P ? "p" : "div"), e.selectRanges(c)
20214                }
20215                for (var m = e.createBookmarks(!0), f = [], k = {}, c = c.createIterator(), h = 0;
20216                    (g = c.getNextRange()) && ++h;) {
20217                    var d = g.getBoundaryNodes(),
20218                        a = d.startNode,
20219                        p = d.endNode;
20220                    a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "td" == a.getName() && g.setStartAt(d.startNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
20221                    p.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "td" == p.getName() && g.setEndAt(d.endNode, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
20222                    g = g.createIterator();
20223                    for (g.forceBrBreak =
20224                        this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF; d = g.getNextParagraph();)
20225                        if (!d.getCustomData("list_block")) {
20226                            CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(k, d, "list_block", 1);
20227                            for (var l = b.elementPath(d), a = l.elements, p = 0, l = l.blockLimit, q, n = a.length - 1; 0 <= n && (q = a[n]); n--)
20228                                if (v[q.getName()] && l.contains(q)) {
20229                                    l.removeCustomData("list_group_object_" + h);
20230                                    (a = q.getCustomData("list_group_object")) ? a.contents.push(d): (a = {
20231                                        root: q,
20232                                        contents: [d]
20233                                    }, f.push(a), CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(k, q, "list_group_object", a));
20234                                    p = 1;
20235                                    break
20236                                } p || (p = l, p.getCustomData("list_group_object_" +
20237                                h) ? p.getCustomData("list_group_object_" + h).contents.push(d) : (a = {
20238                                root: p,
20239                                contents: [d]
20240                            }, CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(k, p, "list_group_object_" + h, a), f.push(a)))
20241                        }
20242                }
20243                for (q = []; 0 < f.length;)
20244                    if (a = f.shift(), this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
20245                        if (v[a.root.getName()]) {
20246                            c = b;
20247                            h = a;
20248                            a = k;
20249                            g = q;
20250                            p = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.listToArray(h.root, a);
20251                            l = [];
20252                            for (d = 0; d < h.contents.length; d++) n = h.contents[d], (n = n.getAscendant("li", !0)) && !n.getCustomData("list_item_processed") && (l.push(n), CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(a, n, "list_item_processed",
20253                                !0));
20254                            for (var n = h.root.getDocument(), t = void 0, r = void 0, d = 0; d < l.length; d++) {
20255                                var y = l[d].getCustomData("listarray_index"),
20256                                    t = p[y].parent;
20257                                t.is(this.type) || (r = n.createElement(this.type), t.copyAttributes(r, {
20258                                    start: 1,
20259                                    type: 1
20260                                }), r.removeStyle("list-style-type"), p[y].parent = r)
20261                            }
20262                            a = CKEDITOR.plugins.list.arrayToList(p, a, null, c.config.enterMode);
20263                            p = void 0;
20264                            l = a.listNode.getChildCount();
20265                            for (d = 0; d < l && (p = a.listNode.getChild(d)); d++) p.getName() == this.type && g.push(p);
20266                            a.listNode.replace(h.root);
20267                            c.fire("contentDomInvalidated")
20268                        } else {
20269                            p =
20270                                b;
20271                            g = a;
20272                            d = q;
20273                            l = g.contents;
20274                            c = g.root.getDocument();
20275                            h = [];
20276                            1 == l.length && l[0].equals(g.root) && (a = c.createElement("div"), l[0].moveChildren && l[0].moveChildren(a), l[0].append(a), l[0] = a);
20277                            g = g.contents[0].getParent();
20278                            for (n = 0; n < l.length; n++) g = g.getCommonAncestor(l[n].getParent());
20279                            t = p.config.useComputedState;
20280                            p = a = void 0;
20281                            t = void 0 === t || t;
20282                            for (n = 0; n < l.length; n++)
20283                                for (r = l[n]; y = r.getParent();) {
20284                                    if (y.equals(g)) {
20285                                        h.push(r);
20286                                        !p && r.getDirection() && (p = 1);
20287                                        r = r.getDirection(t);
20288                                        null !== a && (a = a && a != r ? null : r);
20289                                        break
20290                                    }
20291                                    r = y
20292                                }
20293                            if (!(1 > h.length)) {
20294                                l =
20295                                    h[h.length - 1].getNext();
20296                                n = c.createElement(this.type);
20297                                d.push(n);
20298                                for (t = d = void 0; h.length;) d = h.shift(), t = c.createElement("li"), r = d, r.is("pre") || L.test(r.getName()) || "false" == r.getAttribute("contenteditable") ? d.appendTo(t) : (d.copyAttributes(t), a && d.getDirection() && (t.removeStyle("direction"), t.removeAttribute("dir")), d.moveChildren(t), d.remove()), t.appendTo(n);
20299                                a && p && n.setAttribute("dir", a);
20300                                l ? n.insertBefore(l) : n.appendTo(g)
20301                            }
20302                        }
20303                else this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && v[a.root.getName()] && I.call(this, b, a, k);
20304                for (n = 0; n < q.length; n++) F(q[n]);
20305                CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(k);
20306                e.selectBookmarks(m);
20307                b.focus()
20308            },
20309            refresh: function(b, m) {
20310                var e = m.contains(v, 1),
20311                    c = m.blockLimit || m.root;
20312                e && c.contains(e) ? this.setState(e.is(this.type) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) : this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
20313            }
20314        };
20315        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("list", {
20316            requires: "indentlist",
20317            init: function(b) {
20318                b.blockless || (b.addCommand("numberedlist", new B("numberedlist", "ol")), b.addCommand("bulletedlist", new B("bulletedlist", "ul")), b.ui.addButton &&
20319                    (b.ui.addButton("NumberedList", {
20320                        label: b.lang.list.numberedlist,
20321                        command: "numberedlist",
20322                        directional: !0,
20323                        toolbar: "list,10"
20324                    }), b.ui.addButton("BulletedList", {
20325                        label: b.lang.list.bulletedlist,
20326                        command: "bulletedlist",
20327                        directional: !0,
20328                        toolbar: "list,20"
20329                    })), b.on("key", function(m) {
20330                        var e = m.data.domEvent.getKey(),
20331                            c;
20332                        if ("wysiwyg" == b.mode && e in {
20333                                8: 1,
20334                                46: 1
20335                            }) {
20336                            var f = b.getSelection().getRanges()[0],
20337                                g = f && f.startPath();
20338                            if (f && f.collapsed) {
20339                                var k = 8 == e,
20340                                    h = b.editable(),
20341                                    d = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(f.clone());
20342                                d.evaluator = function(a) {
20343                                    return u(a) &&
20344                                        !z(a)
20345                                };
20346                                d.guard = function(a, b) {
20347                                    return !(b && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.is("table"))
20348                                };
20349                                e = f.clone();
20350                                if (k) {
20351                                    var a;
20352                                    (a = g.contains(v)) && f.checkBoundaryOfElement(a, CKEDITOR.START) && (a = a.getParent()) && a.is("li") && (a = A(a)) ? (c = a, a = a.getPrevious(u), e.moveToPosition(a && z(a) ? a : c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START)) : (d.range.setStartAt(h, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START), d.range.setEnd(f.startContainer, f.startOffset), (a = d.previous()) && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (a.getName() in v || a.is("li")) && (a.is("li") || (d.range.selectNodeContents(a),
20353                                        d.reset(), d.evaluator = G, a = d.previous()), c = a, e.moveToElementEditEnd(c), e.moveToPosition(e.endPath().block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END)));
20354                                    if (c) C(b, e, f), m.cancel();
20355                                    else {
20356                                        var p = g.contains(v);
20357                                        p && f.checkBoundaryOfElement(p, CKEDITOR.START) && (c = p.getFirst(u), f.checkBoundaryOfElement(c, CKEDITOR.START) && (a = p.getPrevious(u), A(c) ? a && (f.moveToElementEditEnd(a), f.select()) : b.execCommand("outdent"), m.cancel()))
20358                                    }
20359                                } else if (c = g.contains("li")) {
20360                                    if (d.range.setEndAt(h, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), k = (h = c.getLast(u)) &&
20361                                        G(h) ? h : c, g = 0, (a = d.next()) && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.getName() in v && a.equals(h) ? (g = 1, a = d.next()) : f.checkBoundaryOfElement(k, CKEDITOR.END) && (g = 2), g && a) {
20362                                        f = f.clone();
20363                                        f.moveToElementEditStart(a);
20364                                        if (1 == g && (e.optimize(), !e.startContainer.equals(c))) {
20365                                            for (c = e.startContainer; c.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline);) p = c, c = c.getParent();
20366                                            p && e.moveToPosition(p, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END)
20367                                        }
20368                                        2 == g && (e.moveToPosition(e.endPath().block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), f.endPath().block && f.moveToPosition(f.endPath().block, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START));
20369                                        C(b, e, f);
20370                                        m.cancel()
20371                                    }
20372                                } else d.range.setEndAt(h, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), (a = d.next()) && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.is(v) && (a = a.getFirst(u), g.block && f.checkStartOfBlock() && f.checkEndOfBlock() ? (g.block.remove(), f.moveToElementEditStart(a), f.select()) : A(a) ? (f.moveToElementEditStart(a), f.select()) : (f = f.clone(), f.moveToElementEditStart(a), C(b, e, f)), m.cancel());
20373                                setTimeout(function() {
20374                                    b.selectionChange(1)
20375                                })
20376                            }
20377                        }
20378                    }))
20379            }
20380        })
20381    })();
20382    (function() {
20383        CKEDITOR.plugins.liststyle = {
20384            requires: "dialog,contextmenu",
20385            init: function(a) {
20386                if (!a.blockless) {
20387                    var b;
20388                    b = new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("numberedListStyle", {
20389                        requiredContent: "ol",
20390                        allowedContent: "ol{list-style-type}[start]; li{list-style-type}[value]",
20391                        contentTransformations: [
20392                            ["ol: listTypeToStyle"]
20393                        ]
20394                    });
20395                    b = a.addCommand("numberedListStyle", b);
20396                    a.addFeature(b);
20397                    CKEDITOR.dialog.add("numberedListStyle", this.path + "dialogs/liststyle.js");
20398                    b = new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("bulletedListStyle", {
20399                        requiredContent: "ul",
20400                        allowedContent: "ul{list-style-type}",
20401                        contentTransformations: [
20402                            ["ul: listTypeToStyle"]
20403                        ]
20404                    });
20405                    b = a.addCommand("bulletedListStyle", b);
20406                    a.addFeature(b);
20407                    CKEDITOR.dialog.add("bulletedListStyle", this.path + "dialogs/liststyle.js");
20408                    a.addMenuGroup("list", 108);
20409                    a.addMenuItems({
20410                        numberedlist: {
20411                            label: a.lang.liststyle.numberedTitle,
20412                            group: "list",
20413                            command: "numberedListStyle"
20414                        },
20415                        bulletedlist: {
20416                            label: a.lang.liststyle.bulletedTitle,
20417                            group: "list",
20418                            command: "bulletedListStyle"
20419                        }
20420                    });
20421                    a.contextMenu.addListener(function(a) {
20422                        if (!a || a.isReadOnly()) return null;
20423                        for (; a;) {
20424                            var b = a.getName();
20425                            if ("ol" == b) return {
20426                                numberedlist: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
20427                            };
20428                            if ("ul" == b) return {
20429                                bulletedlist: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
20430                            };
20431                            a = a.getParent()
20432                        }
20433                        return null
20434                    })
20435                }
20436            }
20437        };
20438        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("liststyle", CKEDITOR.plugins.liststyle)
20439    })();
20440    (function() {
20441        function V(a, c, d) {
20442            return n(c) && n(d) && d.equals(c.getNext(function(a) {
20443                return !(E(a) || F(a) || u(a))
20444            }))
20445        }
20447        function z(a) {
20448            this.upper = a[0];
20449            this.lower = a[1];
20450            this.set.apply(this, a.slice(2))
20451        }
20453        function O(a) {
20454            var c = a.element;
20455            if (c && n(c) && (c = c.getAscendant(a.triggers, !0)) && a.editable.contains(c)) {
20456                var d = P(c);
20457                if ("true" == d.getAttribute("contenteditable")) return c;
20458                if (d.is(a.triggers)) return d
20459            }
20460            return null
20461        }
20463        function ka(a, c, d) {
20464            r(a, c);
20465            r(a, d);
20466            a = c.size.bottom;
20467            d = d.size.top;
20468            return a && d ? 0 | (a + d) / 2 : a || d
20469        }
20471        function w(a, c, d) {
20472            return c =
20473                c[d ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](function(b) {
20474                    return b && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && !E(b) || n(b) && !u(b) && !A(a, b)
20475                })
20476        }
20478        function q(a, c, d) {
20479            return a > c && a < d
20480        }
20482        function P(a, c) {
20483            if (a.data("cke-editable")) return null;
20484            for (c || (a = a.getParent()); a && !a.data("cke-editable");) {
20485                if (a.hasAttribute("contenteditable")) return a;
20486                a = a.getParent()
20487            }
20488            return null
20489        }
20491        function la(a) {
20492            var c = a.doc,
20493                d = G('\x3cspan contenteditable\x3d"false" data-cke-magic-line\x3d"1" style\x3d"' + Q + "position:absolute;border-top:1px dashed " + a.boxColor + '"\x3e\x3c/span\x3e',
20494                    c),
20495                b = CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "images/" + (t.hidpi ? "hidpi/" : "") + "icon" + (a.rtl ? "-rtl" : "") + ".png");
20496            v(d, {
20497                attach: function() {
20498                    this.wrap.getParent() || this.wrap.appendTo(a.editable, !0);
20499                    return this
20500                },
20501                lineChildren: [v(G('\x3cspan title\x3d"' + a.editor.lang.magicline.title + '" contenteditable\x3d"false"\x3e\x26#8629;\x3c/span\x3e', c), {
20502                    base: Q + "height:17px;width:17px;" + (a.rtl ? "left" : "right") + ":17px;background:url(" + b + ") center no-repeat " + a.boxColor + ";cursor:pointer;" + (t.hc ? "font-size: 15px;line-height:14px;border:1px solid #fff;text-align:center;" :
20503                        "") + (t.hidpi ? "background-size: 9px 10px;" : ""),
20504                    looks: ["top:-8px; border-radius: 2px;", "top:-17px; border-radius: 2px 2px 0px 0px;", "top:-1px; border-radius: 0px 0px 2px 2px;"]
20505                }), v(G(W, c), {
20506                    base: X + "left:0px;border-left-color:" + a.boxColor + ";",
20507                    looks: ["border-width:8px 0 8px 8px;top:-8px", "border-width:8px 0 0 8px;top:-8px", "border-width:0 0 8px 8px;top:0px"]
20508                }), v(G(W, c), {
20509                    base: X + "right:0px;border-right-color:" + a.boxColor + ";",
20510                    looks: ["border-width:8px 8px 8px 0;top:-8px", "border-width:8px 8px 0 0;top:-8px",
20511                        "border-width:0 8px 8px 0;top:0px"
20512                    ]
20513                })],
20514                detach: function() {
20515                    this.wrap.getParent() && this.wrap.remove();
20516                    return this
20517                },
20518                mouseNear: function() {
20519                    r(a, this);
20520                    var b = a.holdDistance,
20521                        c = this.size;
20522                    return c && q(a.mouse.y, c.top - b, c.bottom + b) && q(a.mouse.x, c.left - b, c.right + b) ? !0 : !1
20523                },
20524                place: function() {
20525                    var b = a.view,
20526                        c = a.editable,
20527                        d = a.trigger,
20528                        h = d.upper,
20529                        g = d.lower,
20530                        l = h || g,
20531                        p = l.getParent(),
20532                        m = {};
20533                    this.trigger = d;
20534                    h && r(a, h, !0);
20535                    g && r(a, g, !0);
20536                    r(a, p, !0);
20537                    a.inInlineMode && H(a, !0);
20538                    p.equals(c) ? (m.left = b.scroll.x, m.right = -b.scroll.x, m.width = "") : (m.left =
20539                        l.size.left - l.size.margin.left + b.scroll.x - (a.inInlineMode ? b.editable.left + b.editable.border.left : 0), m.width = l.size.outerWidth + l.size.margin.left + l.size.margin.right + b.scroll.x, m.right = "");
20540                    h && g ? m.top = h.size.margin.bottom === g.size.margin.top ? 0 | h.size.bottom + h.size.margin.bottom / 2 : h.size.margin.bottom < g.size.margin.top ? h.size.bottom + h.size.margin.bottom : h.size.bottom + h.size.margin.bottom - g.size.margin.top : h ? g || (m.top = h.size.bottom + h.size.margin.bottom) : m.top = g.size.top - g.size.margin.top;
20541                    d.is(C) || q(m.top,
20542                        b.scroll.y - 15, b.scroll.y + 5) ? (m.top = a.inInlineMode ? 0 : b.scroll.y, this.look(C)) : d.is(D) || q(m.top, b.pane.bottom - 5, b.pane.bottom + 15) ? (m.top = a.inInlineMode ? b.editable.height + b.editable.padding.top + b.editable.padding.bottom : b.pane.bottom - 1, this.look(D)) : (a.inInlineMode && (m.top -= b.editable.top + b.editable.border.top), this.look(x));
20543                    a.inInlineMode && (m.top--, m.top += b.editable.scroll.top, m.left += b.editable.scroll.left);
20544                    for (var n in m) m[n] = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(m[n]);
20545                    this.setStyles(m)
20546                },
20547                look: function(a) {
20548                    if (this.oldLook !=
20549                        a) {
20550                        for (var b = this.lineChildren.length, c; b--;)(c = this.lineChildren[b]).setAttribute("style", c.base + c.looks[0 | a / 2]);
20551                        this.oldLook = a
20552                    }
20553                },
20554                wrap: new R("span", a.doc)
20555            });
20556            for (c = d.lineChildren.length; c--;) d.lineChildren[c].appendTo(d);
20557            d.look(x);
20558            d.appendTo(d.wrap);
20559            d.unselectable();
20560            d.lineChildren[0].on("mouseup", function(b) {
20561                d.detach();
20562                S(a, function(b) {
20563                    var c = a.line.trigger;
20564                    b[c.is(I) ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"](c.is(I) ? c.lower : c.upper)
20565                }, !0);
20566                a.editor.focus();
20567                t.ie || a.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || a.hotNode.scrollIntoView();
20568                b.data.preventDefault(!0)
20569            });
20570            d.on("mousedown", function(a) {
20571                a.data.preventDefault(!0)
20572            });
20573            a.line = d
20574        }
20576        function S(a, c, d) {
20577            var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(a.doc),
20578                e = a.editor,
20579                f;
20580            t.ie && a.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR ? f = a.doc.createText(J) : (f = (f = P(a.element, !0)) && f.data("cke-enter-mode") || a.enterMode, f = new R(K[f], a.doc), f.is("br") || a.doc.createText(J).appendTo(f));
20581            d && e.fire("saveSnapshot");
20582            c(f);
20583            b.moveToPosition(f, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START);
20584            e.getSelection().selectRanges([b]);
20585            a.hotNode = f;
20586            d && e.fire("saveSnapshot")
20587        }
20589        function Y(a, c) {
20590            return {
20591                canUndo: !0,
20592                modes: {
20593                    wysiwyg: 1
20594                },
20595                exec: function() {
20596                    function d(b) {
20597                        var d = t.ie && 9 > t.version ? " " : J,
20598                            f = a.hotNode && a.hotNode.getText() == d && a.element.equals(a.hotNode) && a.lastCmdDirection === !!c;
20599                        S(a, function(d) {
20600                            f && a.hotNode && a.hotNode.remove();
20601                            d[c ? "insertAfter" : "insertBefore"](b);
20602                            d.setAttributes({
20603                                "data-cke-magicline-hot": 1,
20604                                "data-cke-magicline-dir": !!c
20605                            });
20606                            a.lastCmdDirection = !!c
20607                        });
20608                        t.ie || a.enterMode == CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR || a.hotNode.scrollIntoView();
20609                        a.line.detach()
20610                    }
20611                    return function(b) {
20612                        b = b.getSelection().getStartElement();
20613                        var e;
20614                        b = b.getAscendant(Z, 1);
20615                        if (!aa(a, b) && b && !b.equals(a.editable) && !b.contains(a.editable)) {
20616                            (e = P(b)) && "false" == e.getAttribute("contenteditable") && (b = e);
20617                            a.element = b;
20618                            e = w(a, b, !c);
20619                            var f;
20620                            n(e) && e.is(a.triggers) && e.is(ma) && (!w(a, e, !c) || (f = w(a, e, !c)) && n(f) && f.is(a.triggers)) ? d(e) : (f = O(a, b), n(f) && (w(a, f, !c) ? (b = w(a, f, !c)) && n(b) && b.is(a.triggers) && d(f) : d(f)))
20621                        }
20622                    }
20623                }()
20624            }
20625        }
20627        function A(a, c) {
20628            if (!c || c.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !c.$) return !1;
20629            var d = a.line;
20630            return d.wrap.equals(c) || d.wrap.contains(c)
20631        }
20633        function n(a) {
20634            return a &&
20635                a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.$
20636        }
20638        function u(a) {
20639            if (!n(a)) return !1;
20640            var c;
20641            (c = ba(a)) || (n(a) ? (c = {
20642                left: 1,
20643                right: 1,
20644                center: 1
20645            }, c = !(!c[a.getComputedStyle("float")] && !c[a.getAttribute("align")])) : c = !1);
20646            return c
20647        }
20649        function ba(a) {
20650            return !!{
20651                absolute: 1,
20652                fixed: 1
20653            } [a.getComputedStyle("position")]
20654        }
20656        function L(a, c) {
20657            return n(c) ? c.is(a.triggers) : null
20658        }
20660        function aa(a, c) {
20661            if (!c) return !1;
20662            for (var d = c.getParents(1), b = d.length; b--;)
20663                for (var e = a.tabuList.length; e--;)
20664                    if (d[b].hasAttribute(a.tabuList[e])) return !0;
20665            return !1
20666        }
20668        function na(a,
20669            c, d) {
20670            c = c[d ? "getLast" : "getFirst"](function(b) {
20671                return a.isRelevant(b) && !b.is(oa)
20672            });
20673            if (!c) return !1;
20674            r(a, c);
20675            return d ? c.size.top > a.mouse.y : c.size.bottom < a.mouse.y
20676        }
20678        function ca(a) {
20679            var c = a.editable,
20680                d = a.mouse,
20681                b = a.view,
20682                e = a.triggerOffset;
20683            H(a);
20684            var f = d.y > (a.inInlineMode ? b.editable.top + b.editable.height / 2 : Math.min(b.editable.height, b.pane.height) / 2),
20685                c = c[f ? "getLast" : "getFirst"](function(a) {
20686                    return !(E(a) || F(a))
20687                });
20688            if (!c) return null;
20689            A(a, c) && (c = a.line.wrap[f ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"](function(a) {
20690                return !(E(a) || F(a))
20691            }));
20692            if (!n(c) || u(c) || !L(a, c)) return null;
20693            r(a, c);
20694            return !f && 0 <= c.size.top && q(d.y, 0, c.size.top + e) ? (a = a.inInlineMode || 0 === b.scroll.y ? C : x, new z([null, c, I, M, a])) : f && c.size.bottom <= b.pane.height && q(d.y, c.size.bottom - e, b.pane.height) ? (a = a.inInlineMode || q(c.size.bottom, b.pane.height - e, b.pane.height) ? D : x, new z([c, null, da, M, a])) : null
20695        }
20697        function ea(a) {
20698            var c = a.mouse,
20699                d = a.view,
20700                b = a.triggerOffset,
20701                e = O(a);
20702            if (!e) return null;
20703            r(a, e);
20704            var b = Math.min(b, 0 | e.size.outerHeight / 2),
20705                f = [],
20706                k, h;
20707            if (q(c.y, e.size.top - 1, e.size.top + b)) h = !1;
20708            else if (q(c.y,
20709                    e.size.bottom - b, e.size.bottom + 1)) h = !0;
20710            else return null;
20711            if (u(e) || na(a, e, h) || e.getParent().is(fa)) return null;
20712            var g = w(a, e, !h);
20713            if (g) {
20714                if (g && g.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT) return null;
20715                if (n(g)) {
20716                    if (u(g) || !L(a, g) || g.getParent().is(fa)) return null;
20717                    f = [g, e][h ? "reverse" : "concat"]().concat([T, M])
20718                }
20719            } else e.equals(a.editable[h ? "getLast" : "getFirst"](a.isRelevant)) ? (H(a), h && q(c.y, e.size.bottom - b, d.pane.height) && q(e.size.bottom, d.pane.height - b, d.pane.height) ? k = D : q(c.y, 0, e.size.top + b) && (k = C)) : k = x, f = [null, e][h ? "reverse" :
20720                "concat"
20721            ]().concat([h ? da : I, M, k, e.equals(a.editable[h ? "getLast" : "getFirst"](a.isRelevant)) ? h ? D : C : x]);
20722            return 0 in f ? new z(f) : null
20723        }
20725        function U(a, c, d, b) {
20726            for (var e = c.getDocumentPosition(), f = {}, k = {}, h = {}, g = {}, l = y.length; l--;) f[y[l]] = parseInt(c.getComputedStyle.call(c, "border-" + y[l] + "-width"), 10) || 0, h[y[l]] = parseInt(c.getComputedStyle.call(c, "padding-" + y[l]), 10) || 0, k[y[l]] = parseInt(c.getComputedStyle.call(c, "margin-" + y[l]), 10) || 0;
20727            d && !b || N(a, b);
20728            g.top = e.y - (d ? 0 : a.view.scroll.y);
20729            g.left = e.x - (d ? 0 : a.view.scroll.x);
20730            g.outerWidth = c.$.offsetWidth;
20731            g.outerHeight = c.$.offsetHeight;
20732            g.height = g.outerHeight - (h.top + h.bottom + f.top + f.bottom);
20733            g.width = g.outerWidth - (h.left + h.right + f.left + f.right);
20734            g.bottom = g.top + g.outerHeight;
20735            g.right = g.left + g.outerWidth;
20736            a.inInlineMode && (g.scroll = {
20737                top: c.$.scrollTop,
20738                left: c.$.scrollLeft
20739            });
20740            return v({
20741                border: f,
20742                padding: h,
20743                margin: k,
20744                ignoreScroll: d
20745            }, g, !0)
20746        }
20748        function r(a, c, d) {
20749            if (!n(c)) return c.size = null;
20750            if (!c.size) c.size = {};
20751            else if (c.size.ignoreScroll == d && c.size.date > new Date - ga) return null;
20752            return v(c.size,
20753                U(a, c, d), {
20754                    date: +new Date
20755                }, !0)
20756        }
20758        function H(a, c) {
20759            a.view.editable = U(a, a.editable, c, !0)
20760        }
20762        function N(a, c) {
20763            a.view || (a.view = {});
20764            var d = a.view;
20765            if (!(!c && d && d.date > new Date - ga)) {
20766                var b = a.win,
20767                    d = b.getScrollPosition(),
20768                    b = b.getViewPaneSize();
20769                v(a.view, {
20770                    scroll: {
20771                        x: d.x,
20772                        y: d.y,
20773                        width: a.doc.$.documentElement.scrollWidth - b.width,
20774                        height: a.doc.$.documentElement.scrollHeight - b.height
20775                    },
20776                    pane: {
20777                        width: b.width,
20778                        height: b.height,
20779                        bottom: b.height + d.y
20780                    },
20781                    date: +new Date
20782                }, !0)
20783            }
20784        }
20786        function pa(a, c, d, b) {
20787            for (var e = b, f = b, k = 0, h = !1, g = !1, l = a.view.pane.height,
20788                    p = a.mouse; p.y + k < l && 0 < p.y - k;) {
20789                h || (h = c(e, b));
20790                g || (g = c(f, b));
20791                !h && 0 < p.y - k && (e = d(a, {
20792                    x: p.x,
20793                    y: p.y - k
20794                }));
20795                !g && p.y + k < l && (f = d(a, {
20796                    x: p.x,
20797                    y: p.y + k
20798                }));
20799                if (h && g) break;
20800                k += 2
20801            }
20802            return new z([e, f, null, null])
20803        }
20804        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("magicline", {
20805            init: function(a) {
20806                var c = a.config,
20807                    d = c.magicline_triggerOffset || 30,
20808                    b = {
20809                        editor: a,
20810                        enterMode: c.enterMode,
20811                        triggerOffset: d,
20812                        holdDistance: 0 | d * (c.magicline_holdDistance || .5),
20813                        boxColor: c.magicline_color || "#ff0000",
20814                        rtl: "rtl" == c.contentsLangDirection,
20815                        tabuList: ["data-cke-hidden-sel"].concat(c.magicline_tabuList || []),
20816                        triggers: c.magicline_everywhere ? Z : {
20817                            table: 1,
20818                            hr: 1,
20819                            div: 1,
20820                            ul: 1,
20821                            ol: 1,
20822                            dl: 1,
20823                            form: 1,
20824                            blockquote: 1
20825                        }
20826                    },
20827                    e, f, k;
20828                b.isRelevant = function(a) {
20829                    return n(a) && !A(b, a) && !u(a)
20830                };
20831                a.on("contentDom", function() {
20832                    var d = a.editable(),
20833                        g = a.document,
20834                        l = a.window;
20835                    v(b, {
20836                        editable: d,
20837                        inInlineMode: d.isInline(),
20838                        doc: g,
20839                        win: l,
20840                        hotNode: null
20841                    }, !0);
20842                    b.boundary = b.inInlineMode ? b.editable : b.doc.getDocumentElement();
20843                    d.is(B.$inline) || (b.inInlineMode && !ba(d) && d.setStyles({
20844                        position: "relative",
20845                        top: null,
20846                        left: null
20847                    }), la.call(this, b), N(b), d.attachListener(a, "beforeUndoImage",
20848                        function() {
20849                            b.line.detach()
20850                        }), d.attachListener(a, "beforeGetData", function() {
20851                        b.line.wrap.getParent() && (b.line.detach(), a.once("getData", function() {
20852                            b.line.attach()
20853                        }, null, null, 1E3))
20854                    }, null, null, 0), d.attachListener(b.inInlineMode ? g : g.getWindow().getFrame(), "mouseout", function(c) {
20855                        if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode)
20856                            if (b.inInlineMode) {
20857                                var d = c.data.$.clientX;
20858                                c = c.data.$.clientY;
20859                                N(b);
20860                                H(b, !0);
20861                                var e = b.view.editable,
20862                                    f = b.view.scroll;
20863                                d > e.left - f.x && d < e.right - f.x && c > e.top - f.y && c < e.bottom - f.y || (clearTimeout(k), k = null, b.line.detach())
20864                            } else clearTimeout(k),
20865                                k = null, b.line.detach()
20866                    }), d.attachListener(d, "keyup", function() {
20867                        b.hiddenMode = 0
20868                    }), d.attachListener(d, "keydown", function(c) {
20869                        if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode) switch (c.data.getKeystroke()) {
20870                            case 2228240:
20871                            case 16:
20872                                b.hiddenMode = 1, b.line.detach()
20873                        }
20874                    }), d.attachListener(b.inInlineMode ? d : g, "mousemove", function(c) {
20875                        f = !0;
20876                        if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode && !a.readOnly && !k) {
20877                            var d = {
20878                                x: c.data.$.clientX,
20879                                y: c.data.$.clientY
20880                            };
20881                            k = setTimeout(function() {
20882                                b.mouse = d;
20883                                k = b.trigger = null;
20884                                N(b);
20885                                f && !b.hiddenMode && a.focusManager.hasFocus && !b.line.mouseNear() && (b.element =
20886                                    ha(b, !0)) && ((b.trigger = ca(b) || ea(b) || ia(b)) && !aa(b, b.trigger.upper || b.trigger.lower) ? b.line.attach().place() : (b.trigger = null, b.line.detach()), f = !1)
20887                            }, 30)
20888                        }
20889                    }), d.attachListener(l, "scroll", function() {
20890                        "wysiwyg" == a.mode && (b.line.detach(), t.webkit && (b.hiddenMode = 1, clearTimeout(e), e = setTimeout(function() {
20891                            b.mouseDown || (b.hiddenMode = 0)
20892                        }, 50)))
20893                    }), d.attachListener(ja ? g : l, "mousedown", function() {
20894                        "wysiwyg" == a.mode && (b.line.detach(), b.hiddenMode = 1, b.mouseDown = 1)
20895                    }), d.attachListener(ja ? g : l, "mouseup", function() {
20896                        b.hiddenMode =
20897                            0;
20898                        b.mouseDown = 0
20899                    }), a.addCommand("accessPreviousSpace", Y(b)), a.addCommand("accessNextSpace", Y(b, !0)), a.setKeystroke([
20900                        [c.magicline_keystrokePrevious, "accessPreviousSpace"],
20901                        [c.magicline_keystrokeNext, "accessNextSpace"]
20902                    ]), a.on("loadSnapshot", function() {
20903                        var c, d, e, f;
20904                        for (f in {
20905                                p: 1,
20906                                br: 1,
20907                                div: 1
20908                            })
20909                            for (c = a.document.getElementsByTag(f), e = c.count(); e--;)
20910                                if ((d = c.getItem(e)).data("cke-magicline-hot")) {
20911                                    b.hotNode = d;
20912                                    b.lastCmdDirection = "true" === d.data("cke-magicline-dir") ? !0 : !1;
20913                                    return
20914                                }
20915                    }), this.backdoor = {
20916                        accessFocusSpace: S,
20917                        boxTrigger: z,
20918                        isLine: A,
20919                        getAscendantTrigger: O,
20920                        getNonEmptyNeighbour: w,
20921                        getSize: U,
20922                        that: b,
20923                        triggerEdge: ea,
20924                        triggerEditable: ca,
20925                        triggerExpand: ia
20926                    })
20927                }, this)
20928            }
20929        });
20930        var v = CKEDITOR.tools.extend,
20931            R = CKEDITOR.dom.element,
20932            G = R.createFromHtml,
20933            t = CKEDITOR.env,
20934            ja = CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version,
20935            B = CKEDITOR.dtd,
20936            K = {},
20937            I = 128,
20938            da = 64,
20939            T = 32,
20940            M = 16,
20941            C = 4,
20942            D = 2,
20943            x = 1,
20944            J = " ",
20945            fa = B.$listItem,
20946            oa = B.$tableContent,
20947            ma = v({}, B.$nonEditable, B.$empty),
20948            Z = B.$block,
20949            ga = 100,
20950            Q = "width:0px;height:0px;padding:0px;margin:0px;display:block;z-index:9999;color:#fff;position:absolute;font-size: 0px;line-height:0px;",
20951            X = Q + "border-color:transparent;display:block;border-style:solid;",
20952            W = "\x3cspan\x3e" + J + "\x3c/span\x3e";
20953        K[CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR] = "br";
20954        K[CKEDITOR.ENTER_P] = "p";
20955        K[CKEDITOR.ENTER_DIV] = "div";
20956        z.prototype = {
20957            set: function(a, c, d) {
20958                this.properties = a + c + (d || x);
20959                return this
20960            },
20961            is: function(a) {
20962                return (this.properties & a) == a
20963            }
20964        };
20965        var ha = function() {
20966                function a(a, d) {
20967                    var b = a.$.elementFromPoint(d.x, d.y);
20968                    return b && b.nodeType ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(b) : null
20969                }
20970                return function(c, d, b) {
20971                    if (!c.mouse) return null;
20972                    var e = c.doc,
20973                        f = c.line.wrap;
20974                    b = b || c.mouse;
20975                    var k = a(e, b);
20976                    d && A(c, k) && (f.hide(), k = a(e, b), f.show());
20977                    return !k || k.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !k.$ || t.ie && 9 > t.version && !c.boundary.equals(k) && !c.boundary.contains(k) ? null : k
20978                }
20979            }(),
20980            E = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(),
20981            F = CKEDITOR.dom.walker.nodeType(CKEDITOR.NODE_COMMENT),
20982            ia = function() {
20983                function a(a) {
20984                    var b = a.element,
20985                        e, f, k;
20986                    if (!n(b) || b.contains(a.editable) || b.isReadOnly()) return null;
20987                    k = pa(a, function(a, b) {
20988                        return !b.equals(a)
20989                    }, function(a, b) {
20990                        return ha(a, !0, b)
20991                    }, b);
20992                    e = k.upper;
20993                    f = k.lower;
20994                    if (V(a, e, f)) return k.set(T,
20995                        8);
20996                    if (e && b.contains(e))
20997                        for (; !e.getParent().equals(b);) e = e.getParent();
20998                    else e = b.getFirst(function(b) {
20999                        return c(a, b)
21000                    });
21001                    if (f && b.contains(f))
21002                        for (; !f.getParent().equals(b);) f = f.getParent();
21003                    else f = b.getLast(function(b) {
21004                        return c(a, b)
21005                    });
21006                    if (!e || !f) return null;
21007                    r(a, e);
21008                    r(a, f);
21009                    if (!q(a.mouse.y, e.size.top, f.size.bottom)) return null;
21010                    for (var b = Number.MAX_VALUE, h, g, l, p; f && !f.equals(e) && (g = e.getNext(a.isRelevant));) h = Math.abs(ka(a, e, g) - a.mouse.y), h < b && (b = h, l = e, p = g), e = g, r(a, e);
21011                    if (!l || !p || !q(a.mouse.y, l.size.top, p.size.bottom)) return null;
21012                    k.upper = l;
21013                    k.lower = p;
21014                    return k.set(T, 8)
21015                }
21017                function c(a, b) {
21018                    return !(b && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || F(b) || u(b) || A(a, b) || b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && b.$ && b.is("br"))
21019                }
21020                return function(c) {
21021                    var b = a(c),
21022                        e;
21023                    if (e = b) {
21024                        e = b.upper;
21025                        var f = b.lower;
21026                        e = !e || !f || u(f) || u(e) || f.equals(e) || e.equals(f) || f.contains(e) || e.contains(f) ? !1 : L(c, e) && L(c, f) && V(c, e, f) ? !0 : !1
21027                    }
21028                    return e ? b : null
21029                }
21030            }(),
21031            y = ["top", "left", "right", "bottom"]
21032    })();
21033    CKEDITOR.config.magicline_keystrokePrevious = CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 51;
21034    CKEDITOR.config.magicline_keystrokeNext = CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 52;
21035    (function() {
21036        function n(a) {
21037            if (!a || a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || "form" != a.getName()) return [];
21038            for (var e = [], f = ["style", "className"], b = 0; b < f.length; b++) {
21039                var c = a.$.elements.namedItem(f[b]);
21040                c && (c = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c), e.push([c, c.nextSibling]), c.remove())
21041            }
21042            return e
21043        }
21045        function t(a, e) {
21046            if (a && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && "form" == a.getName() && 0 < e.length)
21047                for (var f = e.length - 1; 0 <= f; f--) {
21048                    var b = e[f][0],
21049                        c = e[f][1];
21050                    c ? b.insertBefore(c) : b.appendTo(a)
21051                }
21052        }
21054        function r(a, e) {
21055            var f = n(a),
21056                b = {},
21057                c = a.$;
21058            e || (b["class"] = c.className ||
21059                "", c.className = "");
21060            b.inline = c.style.cssText || "";
21061            e || (c.style.cssText = "position: static; overflow: visible");
21062            t(f);
21063            return b
21064        }
21066        function u(a, e) {
21067            var f = n(a),
21068                b = a.$;
21069            "class" in e && (b.className = e["class"]);
21070            "inline" in e && (b.style.cssText = e.inline);
21071            t(f)
21072        }
21074        function v(a) {
21075            if (!a.editable().isInline()) {
21076                var e = CKEDITOR.instances,
21077                    f;
21078                for (f in e) {
21079                    var b = e[f];
21080                    "wysiwyg" != b.mode || b.readOnly || (b = b.document.getBody(), b.setAttribute("contentEditable", !1), b.setAttribute("contentEditable", !0))
21081                }
21082                a.editable().hasFocus && (a.toolbox.focus(),
21083                    a.focus())
21084            }
21085        }
21086        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("maximize", {
21087            init: function(a) {
21088                function e() {
21089                    var b = c.getViewPaneSize();
21090                    a.resize(b.width, b.height, null, !0)
21091                }
21092                if (a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) {
21093                    var f = a.lang,
21094                        b = CKEDITOR.document,
21095                        c = b.getWindow(),
21096                        l, m, p, n = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
21097                    a.addCommand("maximize", {
21098                        modes: {
21099                            wysiwyg: !CKEDITOR.env.iOS,
21100                            source: !CKEDITOR.env.iOS
21101                        },
21102                        readOnly: 1,
21103                        editorFocus: !1,
21104                        exec: function() {
21105                            var h = a.container.getFirst(function(a) {
21106                                    return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasClass("cke_inner")
21107                                }),
21108                                g = a.ui.space("contents");
21109                            if ("wysiwyg" == a.mode) {
21110                                var d = a.getSelection();
21111                                l = d && d.getRanges();
21112                                m = c.getScrollPosition()
21113                            } else {
21114                                var k = a.editable().$;
21115                                l = !CKEDITOR.env.ie && [k.selectionStart, k.selectionEnd];
21116                                m = [k.scrollLeft, k.scrollTop]
21117                            }
21118                            if (this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) {
21119                                c.on("resize", e);
21120                                p = c.getScrollPosition();
21121                                for (d = a.container; d = d.getParent();) d.setCustomData("maximize_saved_styles", r(d)), d.setStyle("z-index", a.config.baseFloatZIndex - 5);
21122                                g.setCustomData("maximize_saved_styles", r(g, !0));
21123                                h.setCustomData("maximize_saved_styles", r(h, !0));
21124                                g = {
21125                                    overflow: CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? "" : "hidden",
21126                                    width: 0,
21127                                    height: 0
21128                                };
21129                                b.getDocumentElement().setStyles(g);
21130                                !CKEDITOR.env.gecko && b.getDocumentElement().setStyle("position", "fixed");
21131                                CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.quirks || b.getBody().setStyles(g);
21132                                CKEDITOR.env.ie ? setTimeout(function() {
21133                                    c.$.scrollTo(0, 0)
21134                                }, 0) : c.$.scrollTo(0, 0);
21135                                h.setStyle("position", CKEDITOR.env.gecko && CKEDITOR.env.quirks ? "fixed" : "absolute");
21136                                h.$.offsetLeft;
21137                                h.setStyles({
21138                                    "z-index": a.config.baseFloatZIndex - 5,
21139                                    left: "0px",
21140                                    top: "0px"
21141                                });
21142                                h.addClass("cke_maximized");
21143                                e();
21144                                g = h.getDocumentPosition();
21145                                h.setStyles({
21146                                    left: -1 * g.x + "px",
21147                                    top: -1 * g.y + "px"
21148                                });
21149                                CKEDITOR.env.gecko && v(a)
21150                            } else if (this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) {
21151                                c.removeListener("resize", e);
21152                                for (var d = [g, h], q = 0; q < d.length; q++) u(d[q], d[q].getCustomData("maximize_saved_styles")), d[q].removeCustomData("maximize_saved_styles");
21153                                for (d = a.container; d = d.getParent();) u(d, d.getCustomData("maximize_saved_styles")), d.removeCustomData("maximize_saved_styles");
21154                                CKEDITOR.env.ie ? setTimeout(function() {
21155                                    c.$.scrollTo(p.x, p.y)
21156                                }, 0) : c.$.scrollTo(p.x,
21157                                    p.y);
21158                                h.removeClass("cke_maximized");
21159                                CKEDITOR.env.webkit && (h.setStyle("display", "inline"), setTimeout(function() {
21160                                    h.setStyle("display", "block")
21161                                }, 0));
21162                                a.fire("resize", {
21163                                    outerHeight: a.container.$.offsetHeight,
21164                                    contentsHeight: g.$.offsetHeight,
21165                                    outerWidth: a.container.$.offsetWidth
21166                                })
21167                            }
21168                            this.toggleState();
21169                            if (d = this.uiItems[0]) g = this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ? f.maximize.maximize : f.maximize.minimize, d = CKEDITOR.document.getById(d._.id), d.getChild(1).setHtml(g), d.setAttribute("title", g), d.setAttribute("href", 'javascript:void("' +
21170                                g + '");');
21171                            "wysiwyg" == a.mode ? l ? (CKEDITOR.env.gecko && v(a), a.getSelection().selectRanges(l), (k = a.getSelection().getStartElement()) && k.scrollIntoView(!0)) : c.$.scrollTo(m.x, m.y) : (l && (k.selectionStart = l[0], k.selectionEnd = l[1]), k.scrollLeft = m[0], k.scrollTop = m[1]);
21172                            l = m = null;
21173                            n = this.state;
21174                            a.fire("maximize", this.state)
21175                        },
21176                        canUndo: !1
21177                    });
21178                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Maximize", {
21179                        label: f.maximize.maximize,
21180                        command: "maximize",
21181                        toolbar: "tools,10"
21182                    });
21183                    a.on("mode", function() {
21184                        var b = a.getCommand("maximize");
21185                        b.setState(b.state ==
21187                    }, null, null, 100)
21188                }
21189            }
21190        })
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21192    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("newpage", {
21193        init: function(a) {
21194            a.addCommand("newpage", {
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21196                    wysiwyg: 1,
21197                    source: 1
21198                },
21199                exec: function(b) {
21200                    var a = this;
21201                    b.setData(b.config.newpage_html || "", function() {
21202                        b.focus();
21203                        setTimeout(function() {
21204                            b.fire("afterCommandExec", {
21205                                name: "newpage",
21206                                command: a
21207                            });
21208                            b.selectionChange()
21209                        }, 200)
21210                    })
21211                },
21212                async: !0
21213            });
21214            a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("NewPage", {
21215                label: a.lang.newpage.toolbar,
21216                command: "newpage",
21217                toolbar: "document,20"
21218            })
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21221    (function() {
21222        function e(a) {
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21225                "class": "cke_pagebreak",
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21227                "data-cke-display-name": "pagebreak",
21228                "data-cke-pagebreak": 1,
21229                style: "page-break-after: always",
21230                title: a
21231            }
21232        }
21233        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("pagebreak", {
21234            requires: "fakeobjects",
21235            onLoad: function() {
21236                var a = ("background:url(" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "images/pagebreak.gif") + ") no-repeat center center;clear:both;width:100%;border-top:#999 1px dotted;border-bottom:#999 1px dotted;padding:0;height:7px;cursor:default;").replace(/;/g,
21237                    " !important;");
21238                CKEDITOR.addCss("div.cke_pagebreak{" + a + "}")
21239            },
21240            init: function(a) {
21241                a.blockless || (a.addCommand("pagebreak", CKEDITOR.plugins.pagebreakCmd), a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("PageBreak", {
21242                    label: a.lang.pagebreak.toolbar,
21243                    command: "pagebreak",
21244                    toolbar: "insert,70"
21245                }), CKEDITOR.env.webkit && a.on("contentDom", function() {
21246                    a.document.on("click", function(b) {
21247                        b = b.data.getTarget();
21248                        b.is("div") && b.hasClass("cke_pagebreak") && a.getSelection().selectElement(b)
21249                    })
21250                }))
21251            },
21252            afterInit: function(a) {
21253                function b(f) {
21254                    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(f.attributes,
21255                        e(a.lang.pagebreak.alt), !0);
21256                    f.children.length = 0
21257                }
21258                var c = a.dataProcessor,
21259                    g = c && c.dataFilter,
21260                    c = c && c.htmlFilter,
21261                    h = /page-break-after\s*:\s*always/i,
21262                    k = /display\s*:\s*none/i;
21263                c && c.addRules({
21264                    attributes: {
21265                        "class": function(a, b) {
21266                            var c = a.replace("cke_pagebreak", "");
21267                            if (c != a) {
21268                                var d = CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml('\x3cspan style\x3d"display: none;"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e').children[0];
21269                                b.children.length = 0;
21270                                b.add(d);
21271                                d = b.attributes;
21272                                delete d["aria-label"];
21273                                delete d.contenteditable;
21274                                delete d.title
21275                            }
21276                            return c
21277                        }
21278                    }
21279                }, {
21280                    applyToAll: !0,
21281                    priority: 5
21282                });
21283                g && g.addRules({
21284                    elements: {
21285                        div: function(a) {
21286                            if (a.attributes["data-cke-pagebreak"]) b(a);
21287                            else if (h.test(a.attributes.style)) {
21288                                var c = a.children[0];
21289                                c && "span" == c.name && k.test(c.attributes.style) && b(a)
21290                            }
21291                        }
21292                    }
21293                })
21294            }
21295        });
21296        CKEDITOR.plugins.pagebreakCmd = {
21297            exec: function(a) {
21298                var b = a.document.createElement("div", {
21299                    attributes: e(a.lang.pagebreak.alt)
21300                });
21301                a.insertElement(b)
21302            },
21303            context: "div",
21304            allowedContent: {
21305                div: {
21306                    styles: "!page-break-after"
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21308                span: {
21309                    match: function(a) {
21310                        return (a = a.parent) && "div" == a.name && a.styles && a.styles["page-break-after"]
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21312                    styles: "display"
21313                }
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21315            requiredContent: "div{page-break-after}"
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21317    })();
21318    (function() {
21319        var f = {
21320            canUndo: !1,
21321            async: !0,
21322            exec: function(a, b) {
21323                var c = a.lang,
21324                    e = CKEDITOR.tools.keystrokeToString(c.common.keyboard, a.getCommandKeystroke(CKEDITOR.env.ie ? a.commands.paste : this)),
21325                    d = b && "undefined" !== typeof b.notification ? b.notification : !b || !b.from || "keystrokeHandler" === b.from && CKEDITOR.env.ie,
21326                    c = d && "string" === typeof d ? d : c.pastetext.pasteNotification.replace(/%1/, '\x3ckbd aria-label\x3d"' + e.aria + '"\x3e' + e.display + "\x3c/kbd\x3e");
21327                a.execCommand("paste", {
21328                    type: "text",
21329                    notification: d ? c : !1
21330                })
21331            }
21332        };
21333        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("pastetext", {
21334            requires: "clipboard",
21335            init: function(a) {
21336                var b = CKEDITOR.env.safari ? CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.ALT + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 86 : CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 86;
21337                a.addCommand("pastetext", f);
21338                a.setKeystroke(b, "pastetext");
21339                CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.addPasteButton(a, "PasteText", {
21340                    label: a.lang.pastetext.button,
21341                    command: "pastetext",
21342                    toolbar: "clipboard,40"
21343                });
21344                if (a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText) a.on("beforePaste", function(a) {
21345                    "html" != a.data.type && (a.data.type = "text")
21346                });
21347                a.on("pasteState", function(b) {
21348                    a.getCommand("pastetext").setState(b.data)
21349                })
21350            }
21351        })
21352    })();
21353    (function() {
21354        function l(a, f, e) {
21355            var h = CKEDITOR.cleanWord;
21356            h ? e() : (a = CKEDITOR.getUrl(a.config.pasteFromWordCleanupFile || f + "filter/default.js"), CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(a, e, null, !0));
21357            return !h
21358        }
21359        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("pastefromword", {
21360            requires: "clipboard",
21361            init: function(a) {
21362                function f(a) {
21363                    var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword && CKEDITOR.plugins.pastefromword.images,
21364                        c, d = [];
21365                    if (b && a.editor.filter.check("img[src]") && (c = b.extractTagsFromHtml(a.data.dataValue), 0 !== c.length && (b = b.extractFromRtf(a.data.dataTransfer["text/rtf"]),
21366                            0 !== b.length && (CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(b, function(a) {
21367                                d.push(a.type ? "data:" + a.type + ";base64," + CKEDITOR.tools.convertBytesToBase64(CKEDITOR.tools.convertHexStringToBytes(a.hex)) : null)
21368                            }, this), c.length === d.length))))
21369                        for (b = 0; b < c.length; b++) 0 === c[b].indexOf("file://") && d[b] && (a.data.dataValue = a.data.dataValue.replace(c[b], d[b]))
21370                }
21371                var e = 0,
21372                    h = this.path,
21373                    m = void 0 === a.config.pasteFromWord_inlineImages ? !0 : a.config.pasteFromWord_inlineImages;
21374                a.addCommand("pastefromword", {
21375                    canUndo: !1,
21376                    async: !0,
21377                    exec: function(a,
21378                        b) {
21379                        e = 1;
21380                        a.execCommand("paste", {
21381                            type: "html",
21382                            notification: b && "undefined" !== typeof b.notification ? b.notification : !0
21383                        })
21384                    }
21385                });
21386                CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.addPasteButton(a, "PasteFromWord", {
21387                    label: a.lang.pastefromword.toolbar,
21388                    command: "pastefromword",
21389                    toolbar: "clipboard,50"
21390                });
21391                a.on("paste", function(f) {
21392                    var b = f.data,
21393                        c = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported ? b.dataTransfer.getData("text/html", !0) : null,
21394                        d = CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported ? b.dataTransfer.getData("text/rtf") : null,
21395                        c = c ||
21396                        b.dataValue,
21397                        g = {
21398                            dataValue: c,
21399                            dataTransfer: {
21400                                "text/rtf": d
21401                            }
21402                        },
21403                        d = /(class=\"?Mso|style=(?:\"|\')[^\"]*?\bmso\-|w:WordDocument|<o:\w+>|<\/font>)/,
21404                        d = /<meta\s*name=(?:\"|\')?generator(?:\"|\')?\s*content=(?:\"|\')?microsoft/gi.test(c) || d.test(c);
21405                    if (c && (e || d) && (!1 !== a.fire("pasteFromWord", g) || e)) {
21406                        b.dontFilter = !0;
21407                        var k = l(a, h, function() {
21408                            if (k) a.fire("paste", b);
21409                            else if (!a.config.pasteFromWordPromptCleanup || e || confirm(a.lang.pastefromword.confirmCleanup)) g.dataValue = CKEDITOR.cleanWord(g.dataValue, a), a.fire("afterPasteFromWord",
21410                                g), b.dataValue = g.dataValue, !0 === a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText ? b.type = "text" : CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomCopyCutSupported || "allow-word" !== a.config.forcePasteAsPlainText || (b.type = "html");
21411                            e = 0
21412                        });
21413                        k && f.cancel()
21414                    }
21415                }, null, null, 3);
21416                if (CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomDataTypesSupported && m) a.on("afterPasteFromWord", f)
21417            }
21418        })
21419    })();
21420    (function() {
21421        var h, k = {
21422            modes: {
21423                wysiwyg: 1,
21424                source: 1
21425            },
21426            canUndo: !1,
21427            readOnly: 1,
21428            exec: function(a) {
21429                var g, b = a.config,
21430                    f = b.baseHref ? '\x3cbase href\x3d"' + b.baseHref + '"/\x3e' : "";
21431                if (b.fullPage) g = a.getData().replace(/<head>/, "$\x26" + f).replace(/[^>]*(?=<\/title>)/, "$\x26 \x26mdash; " + a.lang.preview.preview);
21432                else {
21433                    var b = "\x3cbody ",
21434                        d = a.document && a.document.getBody();
21435                    d && (d.getAttribute("id") && (b += 'id\x3d"' + d.getAttribute("id") + '" '), d.getAttribute("class") && (b += 'class\x3d"' + d.getAttribute("class") + '" '));
21436                    b += "\x3e";
21437                    g = a.config.docType +
21438                        '\x3chtml dir\x3d"' + a.config.contentsLangDirection + '"\x3e\x3chead\x3e' + f + "\x3ctitle\x3e" + a.lang.preview.preview + "\x3c/title\x3e" + CKEDITOR.tools.buildStyleHtml(a.config.contentsCss) + "\x3c/head\x3e" + b + a.getData() + "\x3c/body\x3e\x3c/html\x3e"
21439                }
21440                f = 640;
21441                b = 420;
21442                d = 80;
21443                try {
21444                    var c = window.screen,
21445                        f = Math.round(.8 * c.width),
21446                        b = Math.round(.7 * c.height),
21447                        d = Math.round(.1 * c.width)
21448                } catch (k) {}
21449                if (!1 === a.fire("contentPreview", a = {
21450                        dataValue: g
21451                    })) return !1;
21452                var c = "",
21453                    e;
21454                CKEDITOR.env.ie && (window._cke_htmlToLoad = a.dataValue, e = "javascript:void( (function(){document.open();" +
21455                    ("(" + CKEDITOR.tools.fixDomain + ")();").replace(/\/\/.*?\n/g, "").replace(/parent\./g, "window.opener.") + "document.write( window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad );document.close();window.opener._cke_htmlToLoad \x3d null;})() )", c = "");
21456                CKEDITOR.env.gecko && (window._cke_htmlToLoad = a.dataValue, c = CKEDITOR.getUrl(h + "preview.html"));
21457                c = window.open(c, null, "toolbar\x3dyes,location\x3dno,status\x3dyes,menubar\x3dyes,scrollbars\x3dyes,resizable\x3dyes,width\x3d" + f + ",height\x3d" + b + ",left\x3d" + d);
21458                CKEDITOR.env.ie && c && (c.location =
21459                    e);
21460                CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.gecko || (e = c.document, e.open(), e.write(a.dataValue), e.close());
21461                return !0
21462            }
21463        };
21464        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("preview", {
21465            init: function(a) {
21466                a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && (h = this.path, a.addCommand("preview", k), a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Preview", {
21467                    label: a.lang.preview.preview,
21468                    command: "preview",
21469                    toolbar: "document,40"
21470                }))
21471            }
21472        })
21473    })();
21474    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("print", {
21475        init: function(a) {
21476            a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && (a.addCommand("print", CKEDITOR.plugins.print), a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Print", {
21477                label: a.lang.print.toolbar,
21478                command: "print",
21479                toolbar: "document,50"
21480            }))
21481        }
21482    });
21483    CKEDITOR.plugins.print = {
21484        exec: function(a) {
21485            CKEDITOR.env.gecko ? a.window.$.print() : a.document.$.execCommand("Print")
21486        },
21487        canUndo: !1,
21488        readOnly: 1,
21489        modes: {
21490            wysiwyg: 1
21491        }
21492    };
21493    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("removeformat", {
21494        init: function(a) {
21495            a.addCommand("removeFormat", CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat.commands.removeformat);
21496            a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("RemoveFormat", {
21497                label: a.lang.removeformat.toolbar,
21498                command: "removeFormat",
21499                toolbar: "cleanup,10"
21500            })
21501        }
21502    });
21503    CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat = {
21504        commands: {
21505            removeformat: {
21506                exec: function(a) {
21507                    for (var h = a._.removeFormatRegex || (a._.removeFormatRegex = new RegExp("^(?:" + a.config.removeFormatTags.replace(/,/g, "|") + ")$", "i")), e = a._.removeAttributes || (a._.removeAttributes = a.config.removeFormatAttributes.split(",")), f = CKEDITOR.plugins.removeformat.filter, m = a.getSelection().getRanges(), n = m.createIterator(), p = function(a) {
21508                            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT
21509                        }, c; c = n.getNextRange();) {
21510                        c.collapsed || c.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT);
21511                        var l = c.createBookmark(),
21512                            b = l.startNode,
21513                            d = l.endNode,
21514                            k = function(b) {
21515                                for (var c = a.elementPath(b), e = c.elements, d = 1, g;
21516                                    (g = e[d]) && !g.equals(c.block) && !g.equals(c.blockLimit); d++) h.test(g.getName()) && f(a, g) && b.breakParent(g)
21517                            };
21518                        k(b);
21519                        if (d)
21520                            for (k(d), b = b.getNextSourceNode(!0, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT); b && !b.equals(d);)
21521                                if (b.isReadOnly()) {
21522                                    if (b.getPosition(d) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_CONTAINS) break;
21523                                    b = b.getNext(p)
21524                                } else k = b.getNextSourceNode(!1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT), "img" == b.getName() && b.data("cke-realelement") || !f(a, b) || (h.test(b.getName()) ?
21525                                    b.remove(1) : (b.removeAttributes(e), a.fire("removeFormatCleanup", b))), b = k;
21526                        c.moveToBookmark(l)
21527                    }
21528                    a.forceNextSelectionCheck();
21529                    a.getSelection().selectRanges(m)
21530                }
21531            }
21532        },
21533        filter: function(a, h) {
21534            for (var e = a._.removeFormatFilters || [], f = 0; f < e.length; f++)
21535                if (!1 === e[f](h)) return !1;
21536            return !0
21537        }
21538    };
21539    CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.addRemoveFormatFilter = function(a) {
21540        this._.removeFormatFilters || (this._.removeFormatFilters = []);
21541        this._.removeFormatFilters.push(a)
21542    };
21543    CKEDITOR.config.removeFormatTags = "b,big,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,ins,kbd,q,s,samp,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,u,var";
21544    CKEDITOR.config.removeFormatAttributes = "class,style,lang,width,height,align,hspace,valign";
21545    (function() {
21546        var b = {
21547            readOnly: 1,
21548            modes: {
21549                wysiwyg: 1,
21550                source: 1
21551            },
21552            exec: function(a) {
21553                if (a.fire("save") && (a = a.element.$.form)) try {
21554                    a.submit()
21555                } catch (b) {
21556                    a.submit.click && a.submit.click()
21557                }
21558            }
21559        };
21560        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("save", {
21561            init: function(a) {
21562                a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE && (a.addCommand("save", b).startDisabled = !a.element.$.form, a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Save", {
21563                    label: a.lang.save.toolbar,
21564                    command: "save",
21565                    toolbar: "document,10"
21566                }))
21567            }
21568        })
21569    })();
21570    (function() {
21571        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("selectall", {
21572            init: function(b) {
21573                b.addCommand("selectAll", {
21574                    modes: {
21575                        wysiwyg: 1,
21576                        source: 1
21577                    },
21578                    exec: function(a) {
21579                        var b = a.editable();
21580                        if (b.is("textarea")) a = b.$, CKEDITOR.env.ie && a.createTextRange ? a.createTextRange().execCommand("SelectAll") : (a.selectionStart = 0, a.selectionEnd = a.value.length), a.focus();
21581                        else {
21582                            if (b.is("body")) a.document.$.execCommand("SelectAll", !1, null);
21583                            else {
21584                                var c = a.createRange();
21585                                c.selectNodeContents(b);
21586                                c.select()
21587                            }
21588                            a.forceNextSelectionCheck();
21589                            a.selectionChange()
21590                        }
21591                    },
21592                    canUndo: !1
21593                });
21594                b.ui.addButton && b.ui.addButton("SelectAll", {
21595                    label: b.lang.selectall.toolbar,
21596                    command: "selectAll",
21597                    toolbar: "selection,10"
21598                })
21599            }
21600        })
21601    })();
21602    (function() {
21603        var k = {
21604            readOnly: 1,
21605            preserveState: !0,
21606            editorFocus: !1,
21607            exec: function(a) {
21608                this.toggleState();
21609                this.refresh(a)
21610            },
21611            refresh: function(a) {
21612                if (a.document) {
21613                    var c = this.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON || a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && !a.focusManager.hasFocus ? "removeClass" : "attachClass";
21614                    a.editable()[c]("cke_show_blocks")
21615                }
21616            }
21617        };
21618        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("showblocks", {
21619            onLoad: function() {
21620                var a = "p div pre address blockquote h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6".split(" "),
21621                    c, b, e, f, k = CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path),
21622                    l = !(CKEDITOR.env.ie &&
21623                        9 > CKEDITOR.env.version),
21624                    g = l ? ":not([contenteditable\x3dfalse]):not(.cke_show_blocks_off)" : "",
21625                    d, h;
21626                for (c = b = e = f = ""; d = a.pop();) h = a.length ? "," : "", c += ".cke_show_blocks " + d + g + h, e += ".cke_show_blocks.cke_contents_ltr " + d + g + h, f += ".cke_show_blocks.cke_contents_rtl " + d + g + h, b += ".cke_show_blocks " + d + g + "{background-image:url(" + CKEDITOR.getUrl(k + "images/block_" + d + ".png") + ")}";
21627                CKEDITOR.addCss((c + "{background-repeat:no-repeat;border:1px dotted gray;padding-top:8px}").concat(b, e + "{background-position:top left;padding-left:8px}",
21628                    f + "{background-position:top right;padding-right:8px}"));
21629                l || CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_show_blocks [contenteditable\x3dfalse],.cke_show_blocks .cke_show_blocks_off{border:none;padding-top:0;background-image:none}.cke_show_blocks.cke_contents_rtl [contenteditable\x3dfalse],.cke_show_blocks.cke_contents_rtl .cke_show_blocks_off{padding-right:0}.cke_show_blocks.cke_contents_ltr [contenteditable\x3dfalse],.cke_show_blocks.cke_contents_ltr .cke_show_blocks_off{padding-left:0}")
21630            },
21631            init: function(a) {
21632                function c() {
21633                    b.refresh(a)
21634                }
21635                if (!a.blockless) {
21636                    var b = a.addCommand("showblocks", k);
21637                    b.canUndo = !1;
21638                    a.config.startupOutlineBlocks && b.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
21639                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("ShowBlocks", {
21640                        label: a.lang.showblocks.toolbar,
21641                        command: "showblocks",
21642                        toolbar: "tools,20"
21643                    });
21644                    a.on("mode", function() {
21645                        b.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && b.refresh(a)
21646                    });
21647                    a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE && (a.on("focus", c), a.on("blur", c));
21648                    a.on("contentDom", function() {
21649                        b.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && b.refresh(a)
21650                    })
21651                }
21652            }
21653        })
21654    })();
21655    (function() {
21656        var f = {
21657            preserveState: !0,
21658            editorFocus: !1,
21659            readOnly: 1,
21660            exec: function(a) {
21661                this.toggleState();
21662                this.refresh(a)
21663            },
21664            refresh: function(a) {
21665                if (a.document) {
21666                    var b = this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ? "attachClass" : "removeClass";
21667                    a.editable()[b]("cke_show_borders")
21668                }
21669            }
21670        };
21671        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("showborders", {
21672            modes: {
21673                wysiwyg: 1
21674            },
21675            onLoad: function() {
21676                var a;
21677                a = (CKEDITOR.env.ie6Compat ? [".%1 table.%2,", ".%1 table.%2 td, .%1 table.%2 th", "{", "border : #d3d3d3 1px dotted", "}"] : ".%1 table.%2,;.%1 table.%2 \x3e tr \x3e td, .%1 table.%2 \x3e tr \x3e th,;.%1 table.%2 \x3e tbody \x3e tr \x3e td, .%1 table.%2 \x3e tbody \x3e tr \x3e th,;.%1 table.%2 \x3e thead \x3e tr \x3e td, .%1 table.%2 \x3e thead \x3e tr \x3e th,;.%1 table.%2 \x3e tfoot \x3e tr \x3e td, .%1 table.%2 \x3e tfoot \x3e tr \x3e th;{;border : #d3d3d3 1px dotted;}".split(";")).join("").replace(/%2/g,
21678                    "cke_show_border").replace(/%1/g, "cke_show_borders ");
21679                CKEDITOR.addCss(a)
21680            },
21681            init: function(a) {
21682                var b = a.addCommand("showborders", f);
21683                b.canUndo = !1;
21684                !1 !== a.config.startupShowBorders && b.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON);
21685                a.on("mode", function() {
21686                    b.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && b.refresh(a)
21687                }, null, null, 100);
21688                a.on("contentDom", function() {
21689                    b.state != CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED && b.refresh(a)
21690                });
21691                a.on("removeFormatCleanup", function(d) {
21692                    d = d.data;
21693                    a.getCommand("showborders").state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON && d.is("table") && (!d.hasAttribute("border") ||
21694                        0 >= parseInt(d.getAttribute("border"), 10)) && d.addClass("cke_show_border")
21695                })
21696            },
21697            afterInit: function(a) {
21698                var b = a.dataProcessor;
21699                a = b && b.dataFilter;
21700                b = b && b.htmlFilter;
21701                a && a.addRules({
21702                    elements: {
21703                        table: function(a) {
21704                            a = a.attributes;
21705                            var b = a["class"],
21706                                c = parseInt(a.border, 10);
21707                            c && !(0 >= c) || b && -1 != b.indexOf("cke_show_border") || (a["class"] = (b || "") + " cke_show_border")
21708                        }
21709                    }
21710                });
21711                b && b.addRules({
21712                    elements: {
21713                        table: function(a) {
21714                            a = a.attributes;
21715                            var b = a["class"];
21716                            b && (a["class"] = b.replace("cke_show_border", "").replace(/\s{2}/, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/,
21717                                ""))
21718                        }
21719                    }
21720                })
21721            }
21722        });
21723        CKEDITOR.on("dialogDefinition", function(a) {
21724            var b = a.data.name;
21725            if ("table" == b || "tableProperties" == b)
21726                if (a = a.data.definition, b = a.getContents("info").get("txtBorder"), b.commit = CKEDITOR.tools.override(b.commit, function(a) {
21727                        return function(b, c) {
21728                            a.apply(this, arguments);
21729                            var e = parseInt(this.getValue(), 10);
21730                            c[!e || 0 >= e ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("cke_show_border")
21731                        }
21732                    }), a = (a = a.getContents("advanced")) && a.get("advCSSClasses")) a.setup = CKEDITOR.tools.override(a.setup, function(a) {
21733                    return function() {
21734                        a.apply(this,
21735                            arguments);
21736                        this.setValue(this.getValue().replace(/cke_show_border/, ""))
21737                    }
21738                }), a.commit = CKEDITOR.tools.override(a.commit, function(a) {
21739                    return function(b, c) {
21740                        a.apply(this, arguments);
21741                        parseInt(c.getAttribute("border"), 10) || c.addClass("cke_show_border")
21742                    }
21743                })
21744        })
21745    })();
21746    (function() {
21747        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("sourcearea", {
21748            init: function(a) {
21749                function d() {
21750                    var a = e && this.equals(CKEDITOR.document.getActive());
21751                    this.hide();
21752                    this.setStyle("height", this.getParent().$.clientHeight + "px");
21753                    this.setStyle("width", this.getParent().$.clientWidth + "px");
21754                    this.show();
21755                    a && this.focus()
21756                }
21757                if (a.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE) {
21758                    var f = CKEDITOR.plugins.sourcearea;
21759                    a.addMode("source", function(e) {
21760                        var b = a.ui.space("contents").getDocument().createElement("textarea");
21761                        b.setStyles(CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
21762                            width: CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat ?
21763                                "99%" : "100%",
21764                            height: "100%",
21765                            resize: "none",
21766                            outline: "none",
21767                            "text-align": "left"
21768                        }, CKEDITOR.tools.cssVendorPrefix("tab-size", a.config.sourceAreaTabSize || 4)));
21769                        b.setAttribute("dir", "ltr");
21770                        b.addClass("cke_source").addClass("cke_reset").addClass("cke_enable_context_menu");
21771                        a.ui.space("contents").append(b);
21772                        b = a.editable(new c(a, b));
21773                        b.setData(a.getData(1));
21774                        CKEDITOR.env.ie && (b.attachListener(a, "resize", d, b), b.attachListener(CKEDITOR.document.getWindow(), "resize", d, b), CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(d, 0, b));
21775                        a.fire("ariaWidget",
21776                            this);
21777                        e()
21778                    });
21779                    a.addCommand("source", f.commands.source);
21780                    a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Source", {
21781                        label: a.lang.sourcearea.toolbar,
21782                        command: "source",
21783                        toolbar: "mode,10"
21784                    });
21785                    a.on("mode", function() {
21786                        a.getCommand("source").setState("source" == a.mode ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
21787                    });
21788                    var e = CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 == CKEDITOR.env.version
21789                }
21790            }
21791        });
21792        var c = CKEDITOR.tools.createClass({
21793            base: CKEDITOR.editable,
21794            proto: {
21795                setData: function(a) {
21796                    this.setValue(a);
21797                    this.status = "ready";
21798                    this.editor.fire("dataReady")
21799                },
21800                getData: function() {
21801                    return this.getValue()
21802                },
21803                insertHtml: function() {},
21804                insertElement: function() {},
21805                insertText: function() {},
21806                setReadOnly: function(a) {
21807                    this[(a ? "set" : "remove") + "Attribute"]("readOnly", "readonly")
21808                },
21809                detach: function() {
21810                    c.baseProto.detach.call(this);
21811                    this.clearCustomData();
21812                    this.remove()
21813                }
21814            }
21815        })
21816    })();
21817    CKEDITOR.plugins.sourcearea = {
21818        commands: {
21819            source: {
21820                modes: {
21821                    wysiwyg: 1,
21822                    source: 1
21823                },
21824                editorFocus: !1,
21825                readOnly: 1,
21826                exec: function(c) {
21827                    "wysiwyg" == c.mode && c.fire("saveSnapshot");
21828                    c.getCommand("source").setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
21829                    c.setMode("source" == c.mode ? "wysiwyg" : "source")
21830                },
21831                canUndo: !1
21832            }
21833        }
21834    };
21835    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("specialchar", {
21836        availableLangs: {
21837            af: 1,
21838            ar: 1,
21839            az: 1,
21840            bg: 1,
21841            ca: 1,
21842            cs: 1,
21843            cy: 1,
21844            da: 1,
21845            de: 1,
21846            "de-ch": 1,
21847            el: 1,
21848            en: 1,
21849            "en-au": 1,
21850            "en-ca": 1,
21851            "en-gb": 1,
21852            eo: 1,
21853            es: 1,
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21855            et: 1,
21856            eu: 1,
21857            fa: 1,
21858            fi: 1,
21859            fr: 1,
21860            "fr-ca": 1,
21861            gl: 1,
21862            he: 1,
21863            hr: 1,
21864            hu: 1,
21865            id: 1,
21866            it: 1,
21867            ja: 1,
21868            km: 1,
21869            ko: 1,
21870            ku: 1,
21871            lt: 1,
21872            lv: 1,
21873            nb: 1,
21874            nl: 1,
21875            no: 1,
21876            oc: 1,
21877            pl: 1,
21878            pt: 1,
21879            "pt-br": 1,
21880            ro: 1,
21881            ru: 1,
21882            si: 1,
21883            sk: 1,
21884            sl: 1,
21885            sq: 1,
21886            sv: 1,
21887            th: 1,
21888            tr: 1,
21889            tt: 1,
21890            ug: 1,
21891            uk: 1,
21892            vi: 1,
21893            zh: 1,
21894            "zh-cn": 1
21895        },
21896        requires: "dialog",
21897        init: function(a) {
21898            var c = this;
21899            CKEDITOR.dialog.add("specialchar", this.path + "dialogs/specialchar.js");
21900            a.addCommand("specialchar", {
21901                exec: function() {
21902                    var b = a.langCode,
21903                        b = c.availableLangs[b] ? b : c.availableLangs[b.replace(/-.*/, "")] ? b.replace(/-.*/, "") : "en";
21904                    CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(CKEDITOR.getUrl(c.path + "dialogs/lang/" + b + ".js"), function() {
21905                        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(a.lang.specialchar, c.langEntries[b]);
21906                        a.openDialog("specialchar")
21907                    })
21908                },
21909                modes: {
21910                    wysiwyg: 1
21911                },
21912                canUndo: !1
21913            });
21914            a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("SpecialChar", {
21915                label: a.lang.specialchar.toolbar,
21916                command: "specialchar",
21917                toolbar: "insert,50"
21918            })
21919        }
21920    });
21921    CKEDITOR.config.specialChars = "! \x26quot; # $ % \x26amp; ' ( ) * + - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; \x26lt; \x3d \x26gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ \x26euro; \x26lsquo; \x26rsquo; \x26ldquo; \x26rdquo; \x26ndash; \x26mdash; \x26iexcl; \x26cent; \x26pound; \x26curren; \x26yen; \x26brvbar; \x26sect; \x26uml; \x26copy; \x26ordf; \x26laquo; \x26not; \x26reg; \x26macr; \x26deg; \x26sup2; \x26sup3; \x26acute; \x26micro; \x26para; \x26middot; \x26cedil; \x26sup1; \x26ordm; \x26raquo; \x26frac14; \x26frac12; \x26frac34; \x26iquest; \x26Agrave; \x26Aacute; \x26Acirc; \x26Atilde; \x26Auml; \x26Aring; \x26AElig; \x26Ccedil; \x26Egrave; \x26Eacute; \x26Ecirc; \x26Euml; \x26Igrave; \x26Iacute; \x26Icirc; \x26Iuml; \x26ETH; \x26Ntilde; \x26Ograve; \x26Oacute; \x26Ocirc; \x26Otilde; \x26Ouml; \x26times; \x26Oslash; \x26Ugrave; \x26Uacute; \x26Ucirc; \x26Uuml; \x26Yacute; \x26THORN; \x26szlig; \x26agrave; \x26aacute; \x26acirc; \x26atilde; \x26auml; \x26aring; \x26aelig; \x26ccedil; \x26egrave; \x26eacute; \x26ecirc; \x26euml; \x26igrave; \x26iacute; \x26icirc; \x26iuml; \x26eth; \x26ntilde; \x26ograve; \x26oacute; \x26ocirc; \x26otilde; \x26ouml; \x26divide; \x26oslash; \x26ugrave; \x26uacute; \x26ucirc; \x26uuml; \x26yacute; \x26thorn; \x26yuml; \x26OElig; \x26oelig; \x26#372; \x26#374 \x26#373 \x26#375; \x26sbquo; \x26#8219; \x26bdquo; \x26hellip; \x26trade; \x26#9658; \x26bull; \x26rarr; \x26rArr; \x26hArr; \x26diams; \x26asymp;".split(" ");
21922    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("scayt", {
21923        requires: "menubutton,dialog",
21924        tabToOpen: null,
21925        dialogName: "scaytDialog",
21926        onLoad: function(a) {
21927            CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.onLoadTimestamp = (new Date).getTime();
21928            "moono-lisa" == (CKEDITOR.skinName || a.config.skin) && CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "skins/" + CKEDITOR.skin.name + "/scayt.css");
21929            CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "dialogs/dialog.css")
21930        },
21931        init: function(a) {
21932            var c = this,
21933                d = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt;
21934            this.bindEvents(a);
21935            this.parseConfig(a);
21936            this.addRule(a);
21937            CKEDITOR.dialog.add(this.dialogName,
21938                CKEDITOR.getUrl(this.path + "dialogs/options.js"));
21939            this.addMenuItems(a);
21940            var b = a.lang.scayt,
21941                e = CKEDITOR.env;
21942            a.ui.add("Scayt", CKEDITOR.UI_MENUBUTTON, {
21943                label: b.text_title,
21944                title: a.plugins.wsc ? a.lang.wsc.title : b.text_title,
21945                modes: {
21946                    wysiwyg: !(e.ie && (8 > e.version || e.quirks))
21947                },
21948                toolbar: "spellchecker,20",
21949                refresh: function() {
21950                    var b = a.ui.instances.Scayt.getState();
21951                    a.scayt && (b = d.state.scayt[a.name] ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF);
21952                    a.fire("scaytButtonState", b)
21953                },
21954                onRender: function() {
21955                    var b = this;
21956                    a.on("scaytButtonState",
21957                        function(a) {
21958                            void 0 !== typeof a.data && b.setState(a.data)
21959                        })
21960                },
21961                onMenu: function() {
21962                    var b = a.scayt;
21963                    a.getMenuItem("scaytToggle").label = a.lang.scayt[b && d.state.scayt[a.name] ? "btn_disable" : "btn_enable"];
21964                    var c = {
21965                        scaytToggle: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
21966                        scaytOptions: b ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
21967                        scaytLangs: b ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
21968                        scaytDict: b ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
21969                        scaytAbout: b ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
21970                        WSC: a.plugins.wsc ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
21971                    };
21972                    a.config.scayt_uiTabs[0] || delete c.scaytOptions;
21973                    a.config.scayt_uiTabs[1] || delete c.scaytLangs;
21974                    a.config.scayt_uiTabs[2] || delete c.scaytDict;
21975                    b && !CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.isNewUdSupported(b) && (delete c.scaytDict, a.config.scayt_uiTabs[2] = 0, CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.alarmCompatibilityMessage());
21976                    return c
21977                }
21978            });
21979            a.contextMenu && a.addMenuItems && (a.contextMenu.addListener(function(b, d) {
21980                var e = a.scayt,
21981                    l, m;
21982                e && (m = e.getSelectionNode()) && (l = c.menuGenerator(a, m), e.showBanner("." + a.contextMenu._.definition.panel.className.split(" ").join(" .")));
21983                return l
21984            }), a.contextMenu._.onHide = CKEDITOR.tools.override(a.contextMenu._.onHide, function(b) {
21985                return function() {
21986                    var d = a.scayt;
21987                    d && d.hideBanner();
21988                    return b.apply(this)
21989                }
21990            }))
21991        },
21992        addMenuItems: function(a) {
21993            var c = this,
21994                d = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt;
21995            a.addMenuGroup("scaytButton");
21996            for (var b = a.config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder.split("|"), e = 0; e < b.length; e++) b[e] = "scayt_" + b[e];
21997            if ((b = ["grayt_description", "grayt_suggest", "grayt_control"].concat(b)) && b.length)
21998                for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) a.addMenuGroup(b[e], e - 10);
21999            a.addCommand("scaytToggle", {
22000                exec: function(a) {
22001                    var b = a.scayt;
22002                   alert(d.state.scayt[a.name] );
22004                    d.state.scayt[a.name] = !d.state.scayt[a.name];
22005                    !0 === d.state.scayt[a.name] ? b || d.createScayt(a) : b && d.destroy(a)
22006                }
22007            });
22008            a.addCommand("scaytAbout", {
22009                exec: function(a) {
22010                    a.scayt.tabToOpen = "about";
22011                    d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22012                }
22013            });
22014            a.addCommand("scaytOptions", {
22015                exec: function(a) {
22016                    a.scayt.tabToOpen = "options";
22017                    d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22018                }
22019            });
22020            a.addCommand("scaytLangs", {
22021                exec: function(a) {
22022                    a.scayt.tabToOpen = "langs";
22023                    d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22024                }
22025            });
22026            a.addCommand("scaytDict", {
22027                exec: function(a) {
22028                    a.scayt.tabToOpen =
22029                        "dictionaries";
22030                    d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22031                }
22032            });
22033            b = {
22034                scaytToggle: {
22035                    label: a.lang.scayt.btn_enable,
22036                    group: "scaytButton",
22037                    command: "scaytToggle"
22038                },
22039                scaytAbout: {
22040                    label: a.lang.scayt.btn_about,
22041                    group: "scaytButton",
22042                    command: "scaytAbout"
22043                },
22044                scaytOptions: {
22045                    label: a.lang.scayt.btn_options,
22046                    group: "scaytButton",
22047                    command: "scaytOptions"
22048                },
22049                scaytLangs: {
22050                    label: a.lang.scayt.btn_langs,
22051                    group: "scaytButton",
22052                    command: "scaytLangs"
22053                },
22054                scaytDict: {
22055                    label: a.lang.scayt.btn_dictionaries,
22056                    group: "scaytButton",
22057                    command: "scaytDict"
22058                }
22059            };
22060            a.plugins.wsc && (b.WSC = {
22061                label: a.lang.wsc.toolbar,
22062                group: "scaytButton",
22063                onClick: function() {
22064                    var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22065                        d = a.scayt,
22066                        c = a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? a.container.getText() : a.document.getBody().getText();
22067                    (c = c.replace(/\s/g, "")) ? (d && b.state.scayt[a.name] && d.setMarkupPaused && d.setMarkupPaused(!0), a.lockSelection(), a.execCommand("checkspell")) : alert("Nothing to check!")
22068                }
22069            });
22070            a.addMenuItems(b)
22071        },
22072        bindEvents: function(a) {
22073            var c = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22074                d = a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE,
22075                b = function() {
22076                    c.destroy(a)
22077                },
22078                e = function() {
22079                    !c.state.scayt[a.name] || a.readOnly || a.scayt || c.createScayt(a)
22080                },
22081                f = function() {
22082                    var b = a.editable();
22083                    b.attachListener(b, "focus", function(b) {
22084                        CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt && !a.scayt && setTimeout(e, 0);
22085                        b = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt && CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.state.scayt[a.name] && a.scayt;
22086                        var c, k;
22087                        if ((d || b) && a._.savedSelection) {
22088                            b = a._.savedSelection.getSelectedElement();
22089                            b = !b && a._.savedSelection.getRanges();
22090                            for (var h = 0; h < b.length; h++) k = b[h], "string" === typeof k.startContainer.$.nodeValue && (c = k.startContainer.getText().length,
22091                                (c < k.startOffset || c < k.endOffset) && a.unlockSelection(!1))
22092                        }
22093                    }, this, null, -10)
22094                },
22095                g = function() {
22096                    d ? a.config.scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup ? e() : (a.on("blur", function() {
22097                        setTimeout(b, 0)
22098                    }), a.on("focus", e), a.focusManager.hasFocus && e()) : e();
22099                    f();
22100                    var c = a.editable();
22101                    c.attachListener(c, "mousedown", function(b) {
22102                        b = b.data.getTarget();
22103                        var d = a.widgets && a.widgets.getByElement(b);
22104                        d && (d.wrapper = b.getAscendant(function(a) {
22105                            return a.hasAttribute("data-cke-widget-wrapper")
22106                        }, !0))
22107                    }, this, null, -10)
22108                };
22109            a.on("contentDom", g);
22110            a.on("beforeCommandExec",
22111                function(b) {
22112                    var d = a.scayt,
22113                        e = !1,
22114                        f = !1,
22115                        h = !0;
22116                    b.data.name in c.options.disablingCommandExec && "wysiwyg" == a.mode ? d && (c.destroy(a), a.fire("scaytButtonState", CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)) : "bold" !== b.data.name && "italic" !== b.data.name && "underline" !== b.data.name && "strike" !== b.data.name && "subscript" !== b.data.name && "superscript" !== b.data.name && "enter" !== b.data.name && "cut" !== b.data.name && "language" !== b.data.name || !d || ("cut" === b.data.name && (h = !1, f = !0), "language" === b.data.name && (f = e = !0), a.fire("reloadMarkupScayt", {
22117                        removeOptions: {
22118                            removeInside: h,
22119                            forceBookmark: f,
22120                            language: e
22121                        },
22122                        timeout: 0
22123                    }))
22124                });
22125            a.on("beforeSetMode", function(b) {
22126                if ("source" == b.data) {
22127                    if (b = a.scayt) c.destroy(a), a.fire("scaytButtonState", CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
22128                    a.document && a.document.getBody().removeAttribute("_jquid")
22129                }
22130            });
22131            a.on("afterCommandExec", function(b) {
22132                "wysiwyg" != a.mode || "undo" != b.data.name && "redo" != b.data.name || setTimeout(function() {
22133                    c.reloadMarkup(a.scayt)
22134                }, 250)
22135            });
22136            a.on("readOnly", function(b) {
22137                var d;
22138                b && (d = a.scayt, !0 === b.editor.readOnly ? d && d.fire("removeMarkupInDocument", {}) : d ? c.reloadMarkup(d) : "wysiwyg" == b.editor.mode && !0 === c.state.scayt[b.editor.name] && (c.createScayt(a), b.editor.fire("scaytButtonState", CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON)))
22139            });
22140            a.on("beforeDestroy", b);
22141            a.on("setData", function() {
22142                b();
22143                (a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE || a.plugins.divarea) && g()
22144            }, this, null, 50);
22145            a.on("reloadMarkupScayt", function(b) {
22146                var d = b.data && b.data.removeOptions,
22147                    e = b.data && b.data.timeout,
22148                    f = b.data && b.data.language,
22149                    h = a.scayt;
22150                h && setTimeout(function() {
22151                    f && (d.selectionNode = a.plugins.language.getCurrentLangElement(a),
22152                        d.selectionNode = d.selectionNode && d.selectionNode.$ || null);
22153                    h.removeMarkupInSelectionNode(d);
22154                    c.reloadMarkup(h)
22155                }, e || 0)
22156            });
22157            a.on("insertElement", function() {
22158                a.fire("reloadMarkupScayt", {
22159                    removeOptions: {
22160                        forceBookmark: !0
22161                    }
22162                })
22163            }, this, null, 50);
22164            a.on("insertHtml", function() {
22165                a.scayt && a.scayt.setFocused && a.scayt.setFocused(!0);
22166                a.fire("reloadMarkupScayt")
22167            }, this, null, 50);
22168            a.on("insertText", function() {
22169                a.scayt && a.scayt.setFocused && a.scayt.setFocused(!0);
22170                a.fire("reloadMarkupScayt")
22171            }, this, null, 50);
22172            a.on("scaytDialogShown", function(b) {
22173                b.data.selectPage(a.scayt.tabToOpen)
22174            })
22175        },
22176        parseConfig: function(a) {
22177            var c = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt;
22178            c.replaceOldOptionsNames(a.config);
22179            "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_autoStartup && (a.config.scayt_autoStartup = !1);
22180            c.state.scayt[a.name] = a.config.scayt_autoStartup;
22181            "boolean" !== typeof a.config.grayt_autoStartup && (a.config.grayt_autoStartup = !1);
22182            "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup && (a.config.scayt_inlineModeImmediateMarkup = !1);
22183            c.state.grayt[a.name] = a.config.grayt_autoStartup;
22184            a.config.scayt_contextCommands || (a.config.scayt_contextCommands =
22185                "ignoreall|add");
22186            a.config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder || (a.config.scayt_contextMenuItemsOrder = "suggest|moresuggest|control");
22187            a.config.scayt_sLang || (a.config.scayt_sLang = "en_US");
22188            if (void 0 === a.config.scayt_maxSuggestions || "number" != typeof a.config.scayt_maxSuggestions || 0 > a.config.scayt_maxSuggestions) a.config.scayt_maxSuggestions = 3;
22189            if (void 0 === a.config.scayt_minWordLength || "number" != typeof a.config.scayt_minWordLength || 1 > a.config.scayt_minWordLength) a.config.scayt_minWordLength = 3;
22190            if (void 0 === a.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds ||
22191                "string" !== typeof a.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds) a.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds = "";
22192            if (void 0 === a.config.scayt_userDictionaryName || "string" !== typeof a.config.scayt_userDictionaryName) a.config.scayt_userDictionaryName = null;
22193            if ("string" === typeof a.config.scayt_uiTabs && 3 === a.config.scayt_uiTabs.split(",").length) {
22194                var d = [],
22195                    b = [];
22196                a.config.scayt_uiTabs = a.config.scayt_uiTabs.split(",");
22197                CKEDITOR.tools.search(a.config.scayt_uiTabs, function(a) {
22198                    1 === Number(a) || 0 === Number(a) ? (b.push(!0), d.push(Number(a))) :
22199                        b.push(!1)
22200                });
22201                null === CKEDITOR.tools.search(b, !1) ? a.config.scayt_uiTabs = d : a.config.scayt_uiTabs = [1, 1, 1]
22202            } else a.config.scayt_uiTabs = [1, 1, 1];
22203            "string" != typeof a.config.scayt_serviceProtocol && (a.config.scayt_serviceProtocol = null);
22204            "string" != typeof a.config.scayt_serviceHost && (a.config.scayt_serviceHost = null);
22205            "string" != typeof a.config.scayt_servicePort && (a.config.scayt_servicePort = null);
22206            "string" != typeof a.config.scayt_servicePath && (a.config.scayt_servicePath = null);
22207            a.config.scayt_moreSuggestions || (a.config.scayt_moreSuggestions =
22208                "on");
22209            "string" !== typeof a.config.scayt_customerId && (a.config.scayt_customerId = "1:WvF0D4-UtPqN1-43nkD4-NKvUm2-daQqk3-LmNiI-z7Ysb4-mwry24-T8YrS3-Q2tpq2");
22210            "string" !== typeof a.config.scayt_customPunctuation && (a.config.scayt_customPunctuation = "-");
22211            "string" !== typeof a.config.scayt_srcUrl && (c = document.location.protocol, c = -1 != c.search(/https?:/) ? c : "http:", a.config.scayt_srcUrl = c + "//svc.webspellchecker.net/spellcheck31/wscbundle/wscbundle.js");
22212            "boolean" !== typeof CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleCheckDirty && (CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleCheckDirty = !0);
22213            "boolean" !== typeof CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleUndoRedo && (CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleUndoRedo = !0);
22214            CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleUndoRedo = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo ? CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleUndoRedo : !1;
22215            "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_multiLanguageMode && (a.config.scayt_multiLanguageMode = !1);
22216            "object" !== typeof a.config.scayt_multiLanguageStyles && (a.config.scayt_multiLanguageStyles = {});
22217            a.config.scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords && "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords && (a.config.scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords = !1);
22218            a.config.scayt_ignoreDomainNames && "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreDomainNames && (a.config.scayt_ignoreDomainNames = !1);
22219            a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases && "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases && (a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases = !1);
22220            a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers && "boolean" !== typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers && (a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers = !1);
22221            if (a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage) {
22222                var c = CKEDITOR.tools.isArray(a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage) ?
22223                    a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage : "string" === typeof a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage ? [a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage] : void 0,
22224                    e = "all options lang ignore-all-caps-words ignore-domain-names ignore-words-with-mixed-cases ignore-words-with-numbers".split(" "),
22225                    f = ["lang", "ignore-all-caps-words", "ignore-domain-names", "ignore-words-with-mixed-cases", "ignore-words-with-numbers"],
22226                    g = CKEDITOR.tools.search,
22227                    k = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf;
22228                a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage = function(a) {
22229                    for (var b = [], d = 0; d <
22230                        a.length; d++) {
22231                        var c = a[d],
22232                            p = !!g(a, "options");
22233                        if (!g(e, c) || p && g(f, function(a) {
22234                                if ("lang" === a) return !1
22235                            })) return;
22236                        g(f, c) && f.splice(k(f, c), 1);
22237                        if ("all" === c || p && g(a, "lang")) return [];
22238                        "options" === c && (f = ["lang"])
22239                    }
22240                    return b = b.concat(f)
22241                }(c)
22242            }
22243        },
22244        addRule: function(a) {
22245            var c = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22246                d = a.dataProcessor,
22247                b = d && d.htmlFilter,
22248                e = a._.elementsPath && a._.elementsPath.filters,
22249                d = d && d.dataFilter,
22250                f = a.addRemoveFormatFilter,
22251                g = function(b) {
22252                    if (a.scayt && (b.hasAttribute(c.options.data_attribute_name) || b.hasAttribute(c.options.problem_grammar_data_attribute))) return !1
22253                },
22254                k = function(b) {
22255                    var d = !0;
22256                    a.scayt && (b.hasAttribute(c.options.data_attribute_name) || b.hasAttribute(c.options.problem_grammar_data_attribute)) && (d = !1);
22257                    return d
22258                };
22259            e && e.push(g);
22260            d && d.addRules({
22261                elements: {
22262                    span: function(a) {
22263                        var b = a.hasClass(c.options.misspelled_word_class) && a.attributes[c.options.data_attribute_name],
22264                            d = a.hasClass(c.options.problem_grammar_class) && a.attributes[c.options.problem_grammar_data_attribute];
22265                        c && (b || d) && delete a.name;
22266                        return a
22267                    }
22268                }
22269            });
22270            b && b.addRules({
22271                elements: {
22272                    span: function(a) {
22273                        var b = a.hasClass(c.options.misspelled_word_class) &&
22274                            a.attributes[c.options.data_attribute_name],
22275                            d = a.hasClass(c.options.problem_grammar_class) && a.attributes[c.options.problem_grammar_data_attribute];
22276                        c && (b || d) && delete a.name;
22277                        return a
22278                    }
22279                }
22280            });
22281            f && f.call(a, k)
22282        },
22283        scaytMenuDefinition: function(a) {
22284            var c = this,
22285                d = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt;
22286            a = a.scayt;
22287            return {
22288                scayt: {
22289                    scayt_ignore: {
22290                        label: a.getLocal("btn_ignore"),
22291                        group: "scayt_control",
22292                        order: 1,
22293                        exec: function(a) {
22294                            a.scayt.ignoreWord()
22295                        }
22296                    },
22297                    scayt_ignoreall: {
22298                        label: a.getLocal("btn_ignoreAll"),
22299                        group: "scayt_control",
22300                        order: 2,
22301                        exec: function(a) {
22302                            a.scayt.ignoreAllWords()
22303                        }
22304                    },
22305                    scayt_add: {
22306                        label: a.getLocal("btn_addWord"),
22307                        group: "scayt_control",
22308                        order: 3,
22309                        exec: function(a) {
22310                            var d = a.scayt;
22311                            setTimeout(function() {
22312                                d.addWordToUserDictionary()
22313                            }, 10)
22314                        }
22315                    },
22316                    scayt_option: {
22317                        label: a.getLocal("btn_options"),
22318                        group: "scayt_control",
22319                        order: 4,
22320                        exec: function(a) {
22321                            a.scayt.tabToOpen = "options";
22322                            d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22323                        },
22324                        verification: function(a) {
22325                            return 1 == a.config.scayt_uiTabs[0] ? !0 : !1
22326                        }
22327                    },
22328                    scayt_language: {
22329                        label: a.getLocal("btn_langs"),
22330                        group: "scayt_control",
22331                        order: 5,
22332                        exec: function(a) {
22333                            a.scayt.tabToOpen = "langs";
22334                            d.openDialog(c.dialogName,
22335                                a)
22336                        },
22337                        verification: function(a) {
22338                            return 1 == a.config.scayt_uiTabs[1] ? !0 : !1
22339                        }
22340                    },
22341                    scayt_dictionary: {
22342                        label: a.getLocal("btn_dictionaries"),
22343                        group: "scayt_control",
22344                        order: 6,
22345                        exec: function(a) {
22346                            a.scayt.tabToOpen = "dictionaries";
22347                            d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22348                        },
22349                        verification: function(a) {
22350                            return 1 == a.config.scayt_uiTabs[2] ? !0 : !1
22351                        }
22352                    },
22353                    scayt_about: {
22354                        label: a.getLocal("btn_about"),
22355                        group: "scayt_control",
22356                        order: 7,
22357                        exec: function(a) {
22358                            a.scayt.tabToOpen = "about";
22359                            d.openDialog(c.dialogName, a)
22360                        }
22361                    }
22362                },
22363                grayt: {
22364                    grayt_problemdescription: {
22365                        label: "Grammar problem description",
22366                        group: "grayt_description",
22367                        order: 1,
22368                        state: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
22369                        exec: function(a) {}
22370                    },
22371                    grayt_ignore: {
22372                        label: a.getLocal("btn_ignore"),
22373                        group: "grayt_control",
22374                        order: 2,
22375                        exec: function(a) {
22376                            a.scayt.ignorePhrase()
22377                        }
22378                    },
22379                    grayt_ignoreall: {
22380                        label: a.getLocal("btn_ignoreAll"),
22381                        group: "grayt_control",
22382                        order: 3,
22383                        exec: function(a) {
22384                            a.scayt.ignoreAllPhrases()
22385                        }
22386                    }
22387                }
22388            }
22389        },
22390        buildSuggestionMenuItems: function(a, c, d) {
22391            var b = {},
22392                e = {},
22393                f = d ? "word" : "phrase",
22394                g = d ? "startGrammarCheck" : "startSpellCheck",
22395                k = a.scayt;
22396            if (0 < c.length && "no_any_suggestions" !== c[0])
22397                if (d)
22398                    for (d =
22399                        0; d < c.length; d++) {
22400                        var l = "scayt_suggest_" + CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions[d].replace(" ", "_");
22401                        a.addCommand(l, this.createCommand(CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions[d], f, g));
22402                        d < a.config.scayt_maxSuggestions ? (a.addMenuItem(l, {
22403                            label: c[d],
22404                            command: l,
22405                            group: "scayt_suggest",
22406                            order: d + 1
22407                        }), b[l] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF) : (a.addMenuItem(l, {
22408                            label: c[d],
22409                            command: l,
22410                            group: "scayt_moresuggest",
22411                            order: d + 1
22412                        }), e[l] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF, "on" === a.config.scayt_moreSuggestions && (a.addMenuItem("scayt_moresuggest", {
22413                            label: k.getLocal("btn_moreSuggestions"),
22414                            group: "scayt_moresuggest",
22415                            order: 10,
22416                            getItems: function() {
22417                                return e
22418                            }
22419                        }), b.scayt_moresuggest = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF))
22420                    } else
22421                        for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) l = "grayt_suggest_" + CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions[d].replace(" ", "_"), a.addCommand(l, this.createCommand(CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions[d], f, g)), a.addMenuItem(l, {
22422                            label: c[d],
22423                            command: l,
22424                            group: "grayt_suggest",
22425                            order: d + 1
22426                        }), b[l] = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF;
22427                else b.no_scayt_suggest = CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED, a.addCommand("no_scayt_suggest", {
22428                    exec: function() {}
22429                }), a.addMenuItem("no_scayt_suggest", {
22430                    label: k.getLocal("btn_noSuggestions") || "no_scayt_suggest",
22431                    command: "no_scayt_suggest",
22432                    group: "scayt_suggest",
22433                    order: 0
22434                });
22435            return b
22436        },
22437        menuGenerator: function(a, c) {
22438            var d = a.scayt,
22439                b = this.scaytMenuDefinition(a),
22440                e = {},
22441                f = a.config.scayt_contextCommands.split("|"),
22442                g = c.getAttribute(d.getLangAttribute()) || d.getLang(),
22443                k, l, m, n;
22444            l = d.isScaytNode(c);
22445            m = d.isGraytNode(c);
22446            l ? (b = b.scayt, k = c.getAttribute(d.getScaytNodeAttributeName()), d.fire("getSuggestionsList", {
22447                lang: g,
22448                word: k
22449            }), e = this.buildSuggestionMenuItems(a, CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions,
22450                l)) : m && (b = b.grayt, e = c.getAttribute(d.getGraytNodeAttributeName()), d.getGraytNodeRuleAttributeName ? (k = c.getAttribute(d.getGraytNodeRuleAttributeName()), d.getProblemDescriptionText(e, k, g)) : d.getProblemDescriptionText(e, g), n = d.getProblemDescriptionText(e, k, g), b.grayt_problemdescription && n && (n = n.replace(/([.!?])\s/g, "$1\x3cbr\x3e"), b.grayt_problemdescription.label = n), d.fire("getGrammarSuggestionsList", {
22451                lang: g,
22452                phrase: e,
22453                rule: k
22454            }), e = this.buildSuggestionMenuItems(a, CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions, l));
22455            if (l &&
22456                "off" == a.config.scayt_contextCommands) return e;
22457            for (var h in b) l && -1 == CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(f, h.replace("scayt_", "")) && "all" != a.config.scayt_contextCommands || m && "grayt_problemdescription" !== h && -1 == CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(f, h.replace("grayt_", "")) && "all" != a.config.scayt_contextCommands || (e[h] = "undefined" != typeof b[h].state ? b[h].state : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF, "function" !== typeof b[h].verification || b[h].verification(a) || delete e[h], a.addCommand(h, {
22458                exec: b[h].exec
22459            }), a.addMenuItem(h, {
22460                label: a.lang.scayt[b[h].label] ||
22461                    b[h].label,
22462                command: h,
22463                group: b[h].group,
22464                order: b[h].order
22465            }));
22466            return e
22467        },
22468        createCommand: function(a, c, d) {
22469            return {
22470                exec: function(b) {
22471                    b = b.scayt;
22472                    var e = {};
22473                    e[c] = a;
22474                    b.replaceSelectionNode(e);
22475                    "startGrammarCheck" === d && b.removeMarkupInSelectionNode({
22476                        grammarOnly: !0
22477                    });
22478                    b.fire(d)
22479                }
22480            }
22481        }
22482    });
22483    CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt = {
22484        charsToObserve: [{
22485            charName: "cke-fillingChar",
22486            charCode: function() {
22487                var a = CKEDITOR.version.match(/^\d(\.\d*)*/),
22488                    a = a && a[0],
22489                    c;
22490                if (a) {
22491                    c = "4.5.7";
22492                    var d, a = a.replace(/\./g, "");
22493                    c = c.replace(/\./g, "");
22494                    d = a.length - c.length;
22495                    d = 0 <= d ? d : 0;
22496                    c = parseInt(a) >= parseInt(c) * Math.pow(10, d)
22497                }
22498                return c ? Array(7).join(String.fromCharCode(8203)) : String.fromCharCode(8203)
22499            }()
22500        }],
22501        onLoadTimestamp: "",
22502        state: {
22503            scayt: {},
22504            grayt: {}
22505        },
22506        warningCounter: 0,
22507        suggestions: [],
22508        options: {
22509            disablingCommandExec: {
22510                source: !0,
22511                newpage: !0,
22512                templates: !0
22513            },
22514            data_attribute_name: "data-scayt-word",
22515            misspelled_word_class: "scayt-misspell-word",
22516            problem_grammar_data_attribute: "data-grayt-phrase",
22517            problem_grammar_class: "gramm-problem"
22518        },
22519        backCompatibilityMap: {
22520            scayt_service_protocol: "scayt_serviceProtocol",
22521            scayt_service_host: "scayt_serviceHost",
22522            scayt_service_port: "scayt_servicePort",
22523            scayt_service_path: "scayt_servicePath",
22524            scayt_customerid: "scayt_customerId"
22525        },
22526        openDialog: function(a, c) {
22527            var d = c.scayt;
22528            d.isAllModulesReady && !1 === d.isAllModulesReady() || (c.lockSelection(),
22529                c.openDialog(a))
22530        },
22531        alarmCompatibilityMessage: function() {
22532            5 > this.warningCounter && (console.warn("You are using the latest version of SCAYT plugin for CKEditor with the old application version. In order to have access to the newest features, it is recommended to upgrade the application version to latest one as well. Contact us for more details at support@webspellchecker.net."), this.warningCounter += 1)
22533        },
22534        isNewUdSupported: function(a) {
22535            return a.getUserDictionary ? !0 : !1
22536        },
22537        reloadMarkup: function(a) {
22538            var c;
22539            a && (c = a.getScaytLangList(),
22540                a.reloadMarkup ? a.reloadMarkup() : (this.alarmCompatibilityMessage(), c && c.ltr && c.rtl && a.fire("startSpellCheck, startGrammarCheck")))
22541        },
22542        replaceOldOptionsNames: function(a) {
22543            for (var c in a) c in this.backCompatibilityMap && (a[this.backCompatibilityMap[c]] = a[c], delete a[c])
22544        },
22545        createScayt: function(a) {
22546            var c = this,
22547                d = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt;
22548            this.loadScaytLibrary(a, function(a) {
22549                function e(a) {
22550                    return new SCAYT.CKSCAYT(a, function() {}, function() {})
22551                }
22552                var f;
22553                a.window && (f = "BODY" == a.editable().$.nodeName ? a.window.getFrame() : a.editable());
22554                if (f) {
22555                    f = {
22556                        lang: a.config.scayt_sLang,
22557                        container: f.$,
22558                        customDictionary: a.config.scayt_customDictionaryIds,
22559                        userDictionaryName: a.config.scayt_userDictionaryName,
22560                        localization: a.langCode,
22561                        customer_id: a.config.scayt_customerId,
22562                        customPunctuation: a.config.scayt_customPunctuation,
22563                        debug: a.config.scayt_debug,
22564                        data_attribute_name: c.options.data_attribute_name,
22565                        misspelled_word_class: c.options.misspelled_word_class,
22566                        problem_grammar_data_attribute: c.options.problem_grammar_data_attribute,
22567                        problem_grammar_class: c.options.problem_grammar_class,
22568                        "options-to-restore": a.config.scayt_disableOptionsStorage,
22569                        focused: a.editable().hasFocus,
22570                        ignoreElementsRegex: a.config.scayt_elementsToIgnore,
22571                        ignoreGraytElementsRegex: a.config.grayt_elementsToIgnore,
22572                        minWordLength: a.config.scayt_minWordLength,
22573                        multiLanguageMode: a.config.scayt_multiLanguageMode,
22574                        multiLanguageStyles: a.config.scayt_multiLanguageStyles,
22575                        graytAutoStartup: a.config.grayt_autoStartup,
22576                        charsToObserve: d.charsToObserve
22577                    };
22578                    a.config.scayt_serviceProtocol && (f.service_protocol = a.config.scayt_serviceProtocol);
22579                    a.config.scayt_serviceHost && (f.service_host = a.config.scayt_serviceHost);
22580                    a.config.scayt_servicePort && (f.service_port = a.config.scayt_servicePort);
22581                    a.config.scayt_servicePath && (f.service_path = a.config.scayt_servicePath);
22582                    "boolean" === typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords && (f["ignore-all-caps-words"] = a.config.scayt_ignoreAllCapsWords);
22583                    "boolean" === typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreDomainNames && (f["ignore-domain-names"] = a.config.scayt_ignoreDomainNames);
22584                    "boolean" === typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases &&
22585                        (f["ignore-words-with-mixed-cases"] = a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithMixedCases);
22586                    "boolean" === typeof a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers && (f["ignore-words-with-numbers"] = a.config.scayt_ignoreWordsWithNumbers);
22587                    var g;
22588                    try {
22589                        g = e(f)
22590                    } catch (k) {
22591                        c.alarmCompatibilityMessage(), delete f.charsToObserve, g = e(f)
22592                    }
22593                    g.subscribe("suggestionListSend", function(a) {
22594                        for (var b = {}, d = [], c = 0; c < a.suggestionList.length; c++) b["word_" + a.suggestionList[c]] || (b["word_" + a.suggestionList[c]] = a.suggestionList[c], d.push(a.suggestionList[c]));
22595                        CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.suggestions = d
22596                    });
22597                    g.subscribe("selectionIsChanged", function(d) {
22598                        a.getSelection().isLocked && "restoreSelection" !== d.action && a.lockSelection();
22599                        "restoreSelection" === d.action && a.selectionChange(!0)
22600                    });
22601                    g.subscribe("graytStateChanged", function(c) {
22602                        d.state.grayt[a.name] = c.state
22603                    });
22604                    g.addMarkupHandler && g.addMarkupHandler(function(d) {
22605                        var c = a.editable(),
22606                            e = c.getCustomData(d.charName);
22607                        e && (e.$ = d.node, c.setCustomData(d.charName, e))
22608                    });
22609                    a.scayt = g;
22610                    a.fire("scaytButtonState", a.readOnly ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED :
22611                        CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON)
22612                } else d.state.scayt[a.name] = !1
22613            })
22614        },
22615        destroy: function(a) {
22616            a.scayt && a.scayt.destroy();
22617            delete a.scayt;
22618            a.fire("scaytButtonState", CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF)
22619        },
22620        loadScaytLibrary: function(a, c) {
22621            var d, b = function() {
22622                CKEDITOR.fireOnce("scaytReady");
22623                a.scayt || "function" === typeof c && c(a)
22624            };
22625            "undefined" === typeof window.SCAYT || "function" !== typeof window.SCAYT.CKSCAYT ? (d = a.config.scayt_srcUrl + "?" + this.onLoadTimestamp, CKEDITOR.scriptLoader.load(d, function(a) {
22626                    a && b()
22627                })) : window.SCAYT && "function" === typeof window.SCAYT.CKSCAYT &&
22628                b()
22629        }
22630    };
22631    CKEDITOR.on("dialogDefinition", function(a) {
22632        var c = a.data.name;
22633        a = a.data.definition.dialog;
22634        "scaytDialog" !== c && "checkspell" !== c && (a.on("show", function(a) {
22635            a = a.sender && a.sender.getParentEditor();
22636            var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22637                c = a.scayt;
22638            c && b.state.scayt[a.name] && c.setMarkupPaused && c.setMarkupPaused(!0)
22639        }), a.on("hide", function(a) {
22640            a = a.sender && a.sender.getParentEditor();
22641            var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22642                c = a.scayt;
22643            c && b.state.scayt[a.name] && c.setMarkupPaused && c.setMarkupPaused(!1)
22644        }));
22645        if ("scaytDialog" === c) a.on("cancel", function(a) {
22646                return !1
22647            },
22648            this, null, -1);
22649        if ("checkspell" === c) a.on("cancel", function(a) {
22650            a = a.sender && a.sender.getParentEditor();
22651            var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22652                c = a.scayt;
22653            c && b.state.scayt[a.name] && c.setMarkupPaused && c.setMarkupPaused(!1);
22654            a.unlockSelection()
22655        }, this, null, -2);
22656        if ("link" === c) a.on("ok", function(a) {
22657            var b = a.sender && a.sender.getParentEditor();
22658            b && setTimeout(function() {
22659                b.fire("reloadMarkupScayt", {
22660                    removeOptions: {
22661                        removeInside: !0,
22662                        forceBookmark: !0
22663                    },
22664                    timeout: 0
22665                })
22666            }, 0)
22667        });
22668        if ("replace" === c) a.on("hide", function(a) {
22669            a = a.sender && a.sender.getParentEditor();
22670            var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt,
22671                c = a.scayt;
22672            a && setTimeout(function() {
22673                c && (c.fire("removeMarkupInDocument", {}), b.reloadMarkup(c))
22674            }, 0)
22675        })
22676    });
22677    CKEDITOR.on("scaytReady", function() {
22678        if (!0 === CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleCheckDirty) {
22679            var a = CKEDITOR.editor.prototype;
22680            a.checkDirty = CKEDITOR.tools.override(a.checkDirty, function(a) {
22681                return function() {
22682                    var b = null,
22683                        c = this.scayt;
22684                    if (CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt && CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.state.scayt[this.name] && this.scayt) {
22685                        if (b = "ready" == this.status) var f = c.removeMarkupFromString(this.getSnapshot()),
22686                            c = c.removeMarkupFromString(this._.previousValue),
22687                            b = b && c !== f
22688                    } else b = a.call(this);
22689                    return b
22690                }
22691            });
22692            a.resetDirty = CKEDITOR.tools.override(a.resetDirty,
22693                function(a) {
22694                    return function() {
22695                        var b = this.scayt;
22696                        CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt && CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.state.scayt[this.name] && this.scayt ? this._.previousValue = b.removeMarkupFromString(this.getSnapshot()) : a.call(this)
22697                    }
22698                })
22699        }
22700        if (!0 === CKEDITOR.config.scayt_handleUndoRedo) {
22701            var a = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image.prototype,
22702                c = "function" == typeof a.equalsContent ? "equalsContent" : "equals";
22703            a[c] = CKEDITOR.tools.override(a[c], function(a) {
22704                return function(b) {
22705                    var c = b.editor.scayt,
22706                        f = this.contents,
22707                        g = b.contents,
22708                        k = null;
22709                    CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt &&
22710                        CKEDITOR.plugins.scayt.state.scayt[b.editor.name] && b.editor.scayt && (this.contents = c.removeMarkupFromString(f) || "", b.contents = c.removeMarkupFromString(g) || "");
22711                    k = a.apply(this, arguments);
22712                    this.contents = f;
22713                    b.contents = g;
22714                    return k
22715                }
22716            })
22717        }
22718    });
22719    (function() {
22720        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("stylescombo", {
22721            requires: "richcombo",
22722            init: function(c) {
22723                var l = c.config,
22724                    g = c.lang.stylescombo,
22725                    f = {},
22726                    k = [],
22727                    m = [];
22728                c.on("stylesSet", function(a) {
22729                    if (a = a.data.styles) {
22730                        for (var b, h, d, e = 0, n = a.length; e < n; e++)(b = a[e], c.blockless && b.element in CKEDITOR.dtd.$block || "string" == typeof b.type && !CKEDITOR.style.customHandlers[b.type] || (h = b.name, b = new CKEDITOR.style(b), c.filter.customConfig && !c.filter.check(b))) || (b._name = h, b._.enterMode = l.enterMode, b._.type = d = b.assignedTo || b.type, b._.weight =
22731                            e + 1E3 * (d == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? 1 : d == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ? 2 : 3), f[h] = b, k.push(b), m.push(b));
22732                        k.sort(function(a, b) {
22733                            return a._.weight - b._.weight
22734                        })
22735                    }
22736                });
22737                c.ui.addRichCombo("Styles", {
22738                    label: g.label,
22739                    title: g.panelTitle,
22740                    toolbar: "styles,10",
22741                    allowedContent: m,
22742                    panel: {
22743                        css: [CKEDITOR.skin.getPath("editor")].concat(l.contentsCss),
22744                        multiSelect: !0,
22745                        attributes: {
22746                            "aria-label": g.panelTitle
22747                        }
22748                    },
22749                    init: function() {
22750                        var a, b, c, d, e, f;
22751                        e = 0;
22752                        for (f = k.length; e < f; e++) a = k[e], b = a._name, d = a._.type, d != c && (this.startGroup(g["panelTitle" + String(d)]),
22753                            c = d), this.add(b, a.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ? b : a.buildPreview(), b);
22754                        this.commit()
22755                    },
22756                    onClick: function(a) {
22757                        c.focus();
22758                        c.fire("saveSnapshot");
22759                        a = f[a];
22760                        var b = c.elementPath();
22761                        if (a.group && a.removeStylesFromSameGroup(c)) c.applyStyle(a);
22762                        else c[a.checkActive(b, c) ? "removeStyle" : "applyStyle"](a);
22763                        c.fire("saveSnapshot")
22764                    },
22765                    onRender: function() {
22766                        c.on("selectionChange", function(a) {
22767                            var b = this.getValue();
22768                            a = a.data.path.elements;
22769                            for (var h = 0, d = a.length, e; h < d; h++) {
22770                                e = a[h];
22771                                for (var g in f)
22772                                    if (f[g].checkElementRemovable(e, !0, c)) {
22773                                        g !=
22774                                            b && this.setValue(g);
22775                                        return
22776                                    }
22777                            }
22778                            this.setValue("")
22779                        }, this)
22780                    },
22781                    onOpen: function() {
22782                        var a = c.getSelection(),
22783                            a = a.getSelectedElement() || a.getStartElement() || c.editable(),
22784                            a = c.elementPath(a),
22785                            b = [0, 0, 0, 0];
22786                        this.showAll();
22787                        this.unmarkAll();
22788                        for (var h in f) {
22789                            var d = f[h],
22790                                e = d._.type;
22791                            d.checkApplicable(a, c, c.activeFilter) ? b[e]++ : this.hideItem(h);
22792                            d.checkActive(a, c) && this.mark(h)
22793                        }
22794                        b[CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK] || this.hideGroup(g["panelTitle" + String(CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK)]);
22795                        b[CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE] || this.hideGroup(g["panelTitle" + String(CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE)]);
22796                        b[CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT] || this.hideGroup(g["panelTitle" + String(CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT)])
22797                    },
22798                    refresh: function() {
22799                        var a = c.elementPath();
22800                        if (a) {
22801                            for (var b in f)
22802                                if (f[b].checkApplicable(a, c, c.activeFilter)) return;
22803                            this.setState(CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
22804                        }
22805                    },
22806                    reset: function() {
22807                        f = {};
22808                        k = []
22809                    }
22810                })
22811            }
22812        })
22813    })();
22814    (function() {
22815        function k(c) {
22816            return {
22817                editorFocus: !1,
22818                canUndo: !1,
22819                modes: {
22820                    wysiwyg: 1
22821                },
22822                exec: function(d) {
22823                    if (d.editable().hasFocus) {
22824                        var e = d.getSelection(),
22825                            b;
22826                        if (b = (new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath(e.getCommonAncestor(), e.root)).contains({
22827                                td: 1,
22828                                th: 1
22829                            }, 1)) {
22830                            var e = d.createRange(),
22831                                a = CKEDITOR.tools.tryThese(function() {
22832                                    var a = b.getParent().$.cells[b.$.cellIndex + (c ? -1 : 1)];
22833                                    a.parentNode.parentNode;
22834                                    return a
22835                                }, function() {
22836                                    var a = b.getParent(),
22837                                        a = a.getAscendant("table").$.rows[a.$.rowIndex + (c ? -1 : 1)];
22838                                    return a.cells[c ? a.cells.length - 1 :
22839                                        0]
22840                                });
22841                            if (a || c)
22842                                if (a) a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a), e.moveToElementEditStart(a), e.checkStartOfBlock() && e.checkEndOfBlock() || e.selectNodeContents(a);
22843                                else return !0;
22844                            else {
22845                                for (var f = b.getAscendant("table").$, a = b.getParent().$.cells, f = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(f.insertRow(-1), d.document), g = 0, h = a.length; g < h; g++) f.append((new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a[g], d.document)).clone(!1, !1)).appendBogus();
22846                                e.moveToElementEditStart(f)
22847                            }
22848                            e.select(!0);
22849                            return !0
22850                        }
22851                    }
22852                    return !1
22853                }
22854            }
22855        }
22856        var h = {
22857                editorFocus: !1,
22858                modes: {
22859                    wysiwyg: 1,
22860                    source: 1
22861                }
22862            },
22863            g = {
22864                exec: function(c) {
22865                    c.container.focusNext(!0,
22866                        c.tabIndex)
22867                }
22868            },
22869            f = {
22870                exec: function(c) {
22871                    c.container.focusPrevious(!0, c.tabIndex)
22872                }
22873            };
22874        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("tab", {
22875            init: function(c) {
22876                for (var d = !1 !== c.config.enableTabKeyTools, e = c.config.tabSpaces || 0, b = ""; e--;) b += " ";
22877                if (b) c.on("key", function(a) {
22878                    9 == a.data.keyCode && (c.insertText(b), a.cancel())
22879                });
22880                if (d) c.on("key", function(a) {
22881                    (9 == a.data.keyCode && c.execCommand("selectNextCell") || a.data.keyCode == CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 9 && c.execCommand("selectPreviousCell")) && a.cancel()
22882                });
22883                c.addCommand("blur", CKEDITOR.tools.extend(g, h));
22884                c.addCommand("blurBack",
22885                    CKEDITOR.tools.extend(f, h));
22886                c.addCommand("selectNextCell", k());
22887                c.addCommand("selectPreviousCell", k(!0))
22888            }
22889        })
22890    })();
22891    CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusNext = function(k, h) {
22892        var g = void 0 === h ? this.getTabIndex() : h,
22893            f, c, d, e, b, a;
22894        if (0 >= g)
22895            for (b = this.getNextSourceNode(k, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT); b;) {
22896                if (b.isVisible() && 0 === b.getTabIndex()) {
22897                    d = b;
22898                    break
22899                }
22900                b = b.getNextSourceNode(!1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT)
22901            } else
22902                for (b = this.getDocument().getBody().getFirst(); b = b.getNextSourceNode(!1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT);) {
22903                    if (!f)
22904                        if (!c && b.equals(this)) {
22905                            if (c = !0, k) {
22906                                if (!(b = b.getNextSourceNode(!0, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT))) break;
22907                                f = 1
22908                            }
22909                        } else c && !this.contains(b) &&
22910                            (f = 1);
22911                    if (b.isVisible() && !(0 > (a = b.getTabIndex()))) {
22912                        if (f && a == g) {
22913                            d = b;
22914                            break
22915                        }
22916                        a > g && (!d || !e || a < e) ? (d = b, e = a) : d || 0 !== a || (d = b, e = a)
22917                    }
22918                }
22919        d && d.focus()
22920    };
22921    CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype.focusPrevious = function(k, h) {
22922        for (var g = void 0 === h ? this.getTabIndex() : h, f, c, d, e = 0, b, a = this.getDocument().getBody().getLast(); a = a.getPreviousSourceNode(!1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT);) {
22923            if (!f)
22924                if (!c && a.equals(this)) {
22925                    if (c = !0, k) {
22926                        if (!(a = a.getPreviousSourceNode(!0, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT))) break;
22927                        f = 1
22928                    }
22929                } else c && !this.contains(a) && (f = 1);
22930            if (a.isVisible() && !(0 > (b = a.getTabIndex())))
22931                if (0 >= g) {
22932                    if (f && 0 === b) {
22933                        d = a;
22934                        break
22935                    }
22936                    b > e && (d = a, e = b)
22937                } else {
22938                    if (f && b == g) {
22939                        d = a;
22940                        break
22941                    }
22942                    b < g && (!d || b > e) && (d = a, e = b)
22943                }
22944        }
22945        d && d.focus()
22946    };
22947    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("table", {
22948        requires: "dialog",
22949        init: function(a) {
22950            function f(c) {
22951                return CKEDITOR.tools.extend(c || {}, {
22952                    contextSensitive: 1,
22953                    refresh: function(c, b) {
22954                        this.setState(b.contains("table", 1) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
22955                    }
22956                })
22957            }
22958            if (!a.blockless) {
22959                var e = a.lang.table;
22960                a.addCommand("table", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("table", {
22961                    context: "table",
22962                    allowedContent: "table{width,height}[align,border,cellpadding,cellspacing,summary];caption tbody thead tfoot;th td tr[scope];" + (a.plugins.dialogadvtab ?
22963                        "table" + a.plugins.dialogadvtab.allowedContent() : ""),
22964                    requiredContent: "table",
22965                    contentTransformations: [
22966                        ["table{width}: sizeToStyle", "table[width]: sizeToAttribute"],
22967                        ["td: splitBorderShorthand"],
22968                        [{
22969                            element: "table",
22970                            right: function(c) {
22971                                if (c.styles) {
22972                                    var a;
22973                                    if (c.styles.border) a = CKEDITOR.tools.style.parse.border(c.styles.border);
22974                                    else if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 8 === CKEDITOR.env.version) {
22975                                        var b = c.styles;
22976                                        b["border-left"] && b["border-left"] === b["border-right"] && b["border-right"] === b["border-top"] && b["border-top"] === b["border-bottom"] &&
22977                                            (a = CKEDITOR.tools.style.parse.border(b["border-top"]))
22978                                    }
22979                                    a && a.style && "solid" === a.style && a.width && 0 !== parseFloat(a.width) && (c.attributes.border = 1);
22980                                    "collapse" == c.styles["border-collapse"] && (c.attributes.cellspacing = 0)
22981                                }
22982                            }
22983                        }]
22984                    ]
22985                }));
22986                a.addCommand("tableProperties", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("tableProperties", f()));
22987                a.addCommand("tableDelete", f({
22988                    exec: function(a) {
22989                        var d = a.elementPath().contains("table", 1);
22990                        if (d) {
22991                            var b = d.getParent(),
22992                                e = a.editable();
22993                            1 != b.getChildCount() || b.is("td", "th") || b.equals(e) || (d = b);
22994                            a = a.createRange();
22995                            a.moveToPosition(d, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
22996                            d.remove();
22997                            a.select()
22998                        }
22999                    }
23000                }));
23001                a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("Table", {
23002                    label: e.toolbar,
23003                    command: "table",
23004                    toolbar: "insert,30"
23005                });
23006                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("table", this.path + "dialogs/table.js");
23007                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("tableProperties", this.path + "dialogs/table.js");
23008                a.addMenuItems && a.addMenuItems({
23009                    table: {
23010                        label: e.menu,
23011                        command: "tableProperties",
23012                        group: "table",
23013                        order: 5
23014                    },
23015                    tabledelete: {
23016                        label: e.deleteTable,
23017                        command: "tableDelete",
23018                        group: "table",
23019                        order: 1
23020                    }
23021                });
23022                a.on("doubleclick", function(a) {
23023                    a.data.element.is("table") &&
23024                        (a.data.dialog = "tableProperties")
23025                });
23026                a.contextMenu && a.contextMenu.addListener(function() {
23027                    return {
23028                        tabledelete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23029                        table: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
23030                    }
23031                })
23032            }
23033        }
23034    });
23035    (function() {
23036        function q(d, f) {
23037            function b(a) {
23038                return f ? f.contains(a) && a.getAscendant("table", !0).equals(f) : !0
23039            }
23041            function c(b) {
23042                0 < e.length || b.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !F.test(b.getName()) || b.getCustomData("selected_cell") || (CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(a, b, "selected_cell", !0), e.push(b))
23043            }
23044            var e = [],
23045                a = {};
23046            if (!d) return e;
23047            for (var g = d.getRanges(), k = 0; k < g.length; k++) {
23048                var h = g[k];
23049                if (h.collapsed)(h = h.getCommonAncestor().getAscendant({
23050                    td: 1,
23051                    th: 1
23052                }, !0)) && b(h) && e.push(h);
23053                else {
23054                    var h = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(h),
23055                        l;
23056                    for (h.guard =
23057                        c; l = h.next();) l.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && l.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.table) || (l = l.getAscendant({
23058                        td: 1,
23059                        th: 1
23060                    }, !0)) && !l.getCustomData("selected_cell") && b(l) && (CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(a, l, "selected_cell", !0), e.push(l))
23061                }
23062            }
23063            CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(a);
23064            return e
23065        }
23067        function r(d, f) {
23068            for (var b = D(d) ? d : q(d), c = b[0], e = c.getAscendant("table"), c = c.getDocument(), a = b[0].getParent(), g = a.$.rowIndex, b = b[b.length - 1], k = b.getParent().$.rowIndex + b.$.rowSpan - 1, b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e.$.rows[k]), g = f ? g : k, a = f ? a : b,
23069                    b = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(e), e = b[g], g = f ? b[g - 1] : b[g + 1], b = b[0].length, c = c.createElement("tr"), k = 0; e[k] && k < b; k++) {
23070                var h;
23071                1 < e[k].rowSpan && g && e[k] == g[k] ? (h = e[k], h.rowSpan += 1) : (h = (new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e[k])).clone(), h.removeAttribute("rowSpan"), h.appendBogus(), c.append(h), h = h.$);
23072                k += h.colSpan - 1
23073            }
23074            f ? c.insertBefore(a) : c.insertAfter(a);
23075            return c
23076        }
23078        function B(d) {
23079            if (d instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection) {
23080                var f = d.getRanges(),
23081                    b = q(d),
23082                    c = b[0].getAscendant("table"),
23083                    e = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(c),
23084                    a = b[0].getParent().$.rowIndex,
23085                    b = b[b.length - 1],
23086                    g = b.getParent().$.rowIndex + b.$.rowSpan - 1,
23087                    b = [];
23088                d.reset();
23089                for (d = a; d <= g; d++) {
23090                    for (var k = e[d], h = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c.$.rows[d]), l = 0; l < k.length; l++) {
23091                        var m = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(k[l]),
23092                            n = m.getParent().$.rowIndex;
23093                        1 == m.$.rowSpan ? m.remove() : (--m.$.rowSpan, n == d && (n = e[d + 1], n[l - 1] ? m.insertAfter(new CKEDITOR.dom.element(n[l - 1])) : (new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c.$.rows[d + 1])).append(m, 1)));
23094                        l += m.$.colSpan - 1
23095                    }
23096                    b.push(h)
23097                }
23098                e = c.$.rows;
23099                f[0].moveToPosition(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START);
23100                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e[g +
23101                    1] || (0 < a ? e[a - 1] : null) || c.$.parentNode);
23102                for (d = b.length; 0 <= d; d--) B(b[d]);
23103                return c.$.parentNode ? a : (f[0].select(), null)
23104            }
23105            d instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element && (c = d.getAscendant("table"), 1 == c.$.rows.length ? c.remove() : d.remove());
23106            return null
23107        }
23109        function v(d) {
23110            for (var f = d.getParent().$.cells, b = 0, c = 0; c < f.length; c++) {
23111                var e = f[c],
23112                    b = b + e.colSpan;
23113                if (e == d.$) break
23114            }
23115            return b - 1
23116        }
23118        function w(d, f) {
23119            for (var b = f ? Infinity : 0, c = 0; c < d.length; c++) {
23120                var e = v(d[c]);
23121                if (f ? e < b : e > b) b = e
23122            }
23123            return b
23124        }
23126        function u(d, f) {
23127            for (var b = D(d) ? d : q(d), c = b[0].getAscendant("table"),
23128                    e = w(b, 1), b = w(b), a = f ? e : b, g = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(c), c = [], e = [], b = [], k = g.length, h = 0; h < k; h++) c.push(g[h][a]), e.push(f ? g[h][a - 1] : g[h][a + 1]);
23129            for (h = 0; h < k; h++) c[h] && (1 < c[h].colSpan && e[h] == c[h] ? (g = c[h], g.colSpan += 1) : (a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c[h]), g = a.clone(), g.removeAttribute("colSpan"), g.appendBogus(), g[f ? "insertBefore" : "insertAfter"].call(g, a), b.push(g), g = g.$), h += g.rowSpan - 1);
23130            return b
23131        }
23133        function y(d) {
23134            function f(a) {
23135                var b, c, d;
23136                b = a.getRanges();
23137                if (1 !== b.length) return a;
23138                b = b[0];
23139                if (b.collapsed || 0 !== b.endOffset) return a;
23140                c = b.endContainer;
23141                d = c.getName().toLowerCase();
23142                if ("td" !== d && "th" !== d) return a;
23143                for ((d = c.getPrevious()) || (d = c.getParent().getPrevious().getLast()); d.type !== CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT && "br" !== d.getName().toLowerCase();)
23144                    if (d = d.getLast(), !d) return a;
23145                b.setEndAt(d, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END);
23146                return b.select()
23147            }
23148            CKEDITOR.env.webkit && !d.isFake && (d = f(d));
23149            var b = d.getRanges(),
23150                c = q(d),
23151                e = c[0],
23152                a = c[c.length - 1],
23153                c = e.getAscendant("table"),
23154                g = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(c),
23155                k, h, l = [];
23156            d.reset();
23157            var m = 0;
23158            for (d = g.length; m < d; m++)
23159                for (var n =
23160                        0, p = g[m].length; n < p; n++) void 0 === k && g[m][n] == e.$ && (k = n), g[m][n] == a.$ && (h = n);
23161            for (m = k; m <= h; m++)
23162                for (n = 0; n < g.length; n++) a = g[n], e = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c.$.rows[n]), a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(a[m]), a.$ && (1 == a.$.colSpan ? a.remove() : --a.$.colSpan, n += a.$.rowSpan - 1, e.$.cells.length || l.push(e));
23163            k = g[0].length - 1 > h ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(g[0][h + 1]) : k && -1 !== g[0][k - 1].cellIndex ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(g[0][k - 1]) : new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c.$.parentNode);
23164            l.length == d && (b[0].moveToPosition(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_END),
23165                b[0].select(), c.remove());
23166            return k
23167        }
23169        function t(d, f) {
23170            var b = d.getStartElement().getAscendant({
23171                td: 1,
23172                th: 1
23173            }, !0);
23174            if (b) {
23175                var c = b.clone();
23176                c.appendBogus();
23177                f ? c.insertBefore(b) : c.insertAfter(b)
23178            }
23179        }
23181        function z(d) {
23182            if (d instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.selection) {
23183                var f = d.getRanges(),
23184                    b = q(d),
23185                    c = b[0] && b[0].getAscendant("table"),
23186                    e;
23187                a: {
23188                    var a = 0;e = b.length - 1;
23189                    for (var g = {}, k, h; k = b[a++];) CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(g, k, "delete_cell", !0);
23190                    for (a = 0; k = b[a++];)
23191                        if ((h = k.getPrevious()) && !h.getCustomData("delete_cell") || (h = k.getNext()) && !h.getCustomData("delete_cell")) {
23192                            CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(g);
23193                            e = h;
23194                            break a
23195                        } CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(g);a = b[0].getParent();
23196                    (a = a.getPrevious()) ? e = a.getLast() : (a = b[e].getParent(), e = (a = a.getNext()) ? a.getChild(0) : null)
23197                }
23198                d.reset();
23199                for (d = b.length - 1; 0 <= d; d--) z(b[d]);
23200                e ? p(e, !0) : c && (f[0].moveToPosition(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), f[0].select(), c.remove())
23201            } else d instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element && (f = d.getParent(), 1 == f.getChildCount() ? f.remove() : d.remove())
23202        }
23204        function p(d, f) {
23205            var b = d.getDocument(),
23206                c = CKEDITOR.document;
23207            CKEDITOR.env.ie && 10 == CKEDITOR.env.version &&
23208                (c.focus(), b.focus());
23209            b = new CKEDITOR.dom.range(b);
23210            b["moveToElementEdit" + (f ? "End" : "Start")](d) || (b.selectNodeContents(d), b.collapse(f ? !1 : !0));
23211            b.select(!0)
23212        }
23214        function A(d, f, b) {
23215            d = d[f];
23216            if ("undefined" == typeof b) return d;
23217            for (f = 0; d && f < d.length; f++) {
23218                if (b.is && d[f] == b.$) return f;
23219                if (f == b) return new CKEDITOR.dom.element(d[f])
23220            }
23221            return b.is ? -1 : null
23222        }
23224        function x(d, f, b) {
23225            var c = q(d),
23226                e;
23227            if ((f ? 1 != c.length : 2 > c.length) || (e = d.getCommonAncestor()) && e.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && e.is("table")) return !1;
23228            var a;
23229            d = c[0];
23230            e = d.getAscendant("table");
23231            var g = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(e),
23232                k = g.length,
23233                h = g[0].length,
23234                l = d.getParent().$.rowIndex,
23235                m = A(g, l, d);
23236            if (f) {
23237                var n;
23238                try {
23239                    var p = parseInt(d.getAttribute("rowspan"), 10) || 1;
23240                    a = parseInt(d.getAttribute("colspan"), 10) || 1;
23241                    n = g["up" == f ? l - p : "down" == f ? l + p : l]["left" == f ? m - a : "right" == f ? m + a : m]
23242                } catch (x) {
23243                    return !1
23244                }
23245                if (!n || d.$ == n) return !1;
23246                c["up" == f || "left" == f ? "unshift" : "push"](new CKEDITOR.dom.element(n))
23247            }
23248            f = d.getDocument();
23249            var r = l,
23250                p = n = 0,
23251                u = !b && new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(f),
23252                w = 0;
23253            for (f = 0; f < c.length; f++) {
23254                a = c[f];
23255                var t = a.getParent(),
23256                    y = a.getFirst(),
23257                    v = a.$.colSpan,
23258                    z = a.$.rowSpan,
23259                    t = t.$.rowIndex,
23260                    B = A(g, t, a),
23261                    w = w + v * z,
23262                    p = Math.max(p, B - m + v);
23263                n = Math.max(n, t - l + z);
23264                b || (v = a, (z = v.getBogus()) && z.remove(), v.trim(), a.getChildren().count() && (t == r || !y || y.isBlockBoundary && y.isBlockBoundary({
23265                    br: 1
23266                }) || (r = u.getLast(CKEDITOR.dom.walker.whitespaces(!0)), !r || r.is && r.is("br") || u.append("br")), a.moveChildren(u)), f ? a.remove() : a.setHtml(""));
23267                r = t
23268            }
23269            if (b) return n * p == w;
23270            u.moveChildren(d);
23271            d.appendBogus();
23272            p >= h ? d.removeAttribute("rowSpan") : d.$.rowSpan = n;
23273            n >= k ? d.removeAttribute("colSpan") :
23274                d.$.colSpan = p;
23275            b = new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList(e.$.rows);
23276            c = b.count();
23277            for (f = c - 1; 0 <= f; f--) e = b.getItem(f), e.$.cells.length || (e.remove(), c++);
23278            return d
23279        }
23281        function C(d, f) {
23282            var b = q(d);
23283            if (1 < b.length) return !1;
23284            if (f) return !0;
23285            var b = b[0],
23286                c = b.getParent(),
23287                e = c.getAscendant("table"),
23288                a = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(e),
23289                g = c.$.rowIndex,
23290                k = A(a, g, b),
23291                h = b.$.rowSpan,
23292                l;
23293            if (1 < h) {
23294                l = Math.ceil(h / 2);
23295                for (var h = Math.floor(h / 2), c = g + l, e = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e.$.rows[c]), a = A(a, c), m, c = b.clone(), g = 0; g < a.length; g++)
23296                    if (m = a[g], m.parentNode == e.$ &&
23297                        g > k) {
23298                        c.insertBefore(new CKEDITOR.dom.element(m));
23299                        break
23300                    } else m = null;
23301                m || e.append(c)
23302            } else
23303                for (h = l = 1, e = c.clone(), e.insertAfter(c), e.append(c = b.clone()), m = A(a, g), k = 0; k < m.length; k++) m[k].rowSpan++;
23304            c.appendBogus();
23305            b.$.rowSpan = l;
23306            c.$.rowSpan = h;
23307            1 == l && b.removeAttribute("rowSpan");
23308            1 == h && c.removeAttribute("rowSpan");
23309            return c
23310        }
23312        function E(d, f) {
23313            var b = q(d);
23314            if (1 < b.length) return !1;
23315            if (f) return !0;
23316            var b = b[0],
23317                c = b.getParent(),
23318                e = c.getAscendant("table"),
23319                e = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(e),
23320                a = A(e, c.$.rowIndex, b),
23321                g = b.$.colSpan;
23322            if (1 < g) c = Math.ceil(g / 2), g = Math.floor(g / 2);
23323            else {
23324                for (var g = c = 1, k = [], h = 0; h < e.length; h++) {
23325                    var l = e[h];
23326                    k.push(l[a]);
23327                    1 < l[a].rowSpan && (h += l[a].rowSpan - 1)
23328                }
23329                for (e = 0; e < k.length; e++) k[e].colSpan++
23330            }
23331            e = b.clone();
23332            e.insertAfter(b);
23333            e.appendBogus();
23334            b.$.colSpan = c;
23335            e.$.colSpan = g;
23336            1 == c && b.removeAttribute("colSpan");
23337            1 == g && e.removeAttribute("colSpan");
23338            return e
23339        }
23340        var F = /^(?:td|th)$/,
23341            D = CKEDITOR.tools.isArray;
23342        CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools = {
23343            requires: "table,dialog,contextmenu",
23344            init: function(d) {
23345                function f(a) {
23346                    return CKEDITOR.tools.extend(a || {}, {
23347                        contextSensitive: 1,
23348                        refresh: function(a, b) {
23349                            this.setState(b.contains({
23350                                td: 1,
23351                                th: 1
23352                            }, 1) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
23353                        }
23354                    })
23355                }
23357                function b(a, b) {
23358                    var c = d.addCommand(a, b);
23359                    d.addFeature(c)
23360                }
23361                var c = d.lang.table,
23362                    e = CKEDITOR.tools.style.parse;
23363                b("cellProperties", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("cellProperties", f({
23364                    allowedContent: "td th{width,height,border-color,background-color,white-space,vertical-align,text-align}[colspan,rowspan]",
23365                    requiredContent: "table",
23366                    contentTransformations: [
23367                        [{
23368                            element: "td",
23369                            left: function(a) {
23370                                return a.styles.background &&
23371                                    e.background(a.styles.background).color
23372                            },
23373                            right: function(a) {
23374                                a.styles["background-color"] = e.background(a.styles.background).color
23375                            }
23376                        }, {
23377                            element: "td",
23378                            check: "td{vertical-align}",
23379                            left: function(a) {
23380                                return a.attributes && a.attributes.valign
23381                            },
23382                            right: function(a) {
23383                                a.styles["vertical-align"] = a.attributes.valign;
23384                                delete a.attributes.valign
23385                            }
23386                        }],
23387                        [{
23388                            element: "tr",
23389                            check: "td{height}",
23390                            left: function(a) {
23391                                return a.styles && a.styles.height
23392                            },
23393                            right: function(a) {
23394                                CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(a.children, function(b) {
23395                                    b.name in {
23396                                            td: 1,
23397                                            th: 1
23398                                        } &&
23399                                        (b.attributes["cke-row-height"] = a.styles.height)
23400                                });
23401                                delete a.styles.height
23402                            }
23403                        }],
23404                        [{
23405                            element: "td",
23406                            check: "td{height}",
23407                            left: function(a) {
23408                                return (a = a.attributes) && a["cke-row-height"]
23409                            },
23410                            right: function(a) {
23411                                a.styles.height = a.attributes["cke-row-height"];
23412                                delete a.attributes["cke-row-height"]
23413                            }
23414                        }]
23415                    ]
23416                })));
23417                CKEDITOR.dialog.add("cellProperties", this.path + "dialogs/tableCell.js");
23418                b("rowDelete", f({
23419                    requiredContent: "table",
23420                    exec: function(a) {
23421                        a = a.getSelection();
23422                        (a = B(a)) && p(a)
23423                    }
23424                }));
23425                b("rowInsertBefore", f({
23426                    requiredContent: "table",
23427                    exec: function(a) {
23428                        a =
23429                            a.getSelection();
23430                        a = q(a);
23431                        r(a, !0)
23432                    }
23433                }));
23434                b("rowInsertAfter", f({
23435                    requiredContent: "table",
23436                    exec: function(a) {
23437                        a = a.getSelection();
23438                        a = q(a);
23439                        r(a)
23440                    }
23441                }));
23442                b("columnDelete", f({
23443                    requiredContent: "table",
23444                    exec: function(a) {
23445                        a = a.getSelection();
23446                        (a = y(a)) && p(a, !0)
23447                    }
23448                }));
23449                b("columnInsertBefore", f({
23450                    requiredContent: "table",
23451                    exec: function(a) {
23452                        a = a.getSelection();
23453                        a = q(a);
23454                        u(a, !0)
23455                    }
23456                }));
23457                b("columnInsertAfter", f({
23458                    requiredContent: "table",
23459                    exec: function(a) {
23460                        a = a.getSelection();
23461                        a = q(a);
23462                        u(a)
23463                    }
23464                }));
23465                b("cellDelete", f({
23466                    requiredContent: "table",
23467                    exec: function(a) {
23468                        a =
23469                            a.getSelection();
23470                        z(a)
23471                    }
23472                }));
23473                b("cellMerge", f({
23474                    allowedContent: "td[colspan,rowspan]",
23475                    requiredContent: "td[colspan,rowspan]",
23476                    exec: function(a, b) {
23477                        b.cell = x(a.getSelection());
23478                        p(b.cell, !0)
23479                    }
23480                }));
23481                b("cellMergeRight", f({
23482                    allowedContent: "td[colspan]",
23483                    requiredContent: "td[colspan]",
23484                    exec: function(a, b) {
23485                        b.cell = x(a.getSelection(), "right");
23486                        p(b.cell, !0)
23487                    }
23488                }));
23489                b("cellMergeDown", f({
23490                    allowedContent: "td[rowspan]",
23491                    requiredContent: "td[rowspan]",
23492                    exec: function(a, b) {
23493                        b.cell = x(a.getSelection(), "down");
23494                        p(b.cell, !0)
23495                    }
23496                }));
23497                b("cellVerticalSplit",
23498                    f({
23499                        allowedContent: "td[rowspan]",
23500                        requiredContent: "td[rowspan]",
23501                        exec: function(a) {
23502                            p(E(a.getSelection()))
23503                        }
23504                    }));
23505                b("cellHorizontalSplit", f({
23506                    allowedContent: "td[colspan]",
23507                    requiredContent: "td[colspan]",
23508                    exec: function(a) {
23509                        p(C(a.getSelection()))
23510                    }
23511                }));
23512                b("cellInsertBefore", f({
23513                    requiredContent: "table",
23514                    exec: function(a) {
23515                        a = a.getSelection();
23516                        t(a, !0)
23517                    }
23518                }));
23519                b("cellInsertAfter", f({
23520                    requiredContent: "table",
23521                    exec: function(a) {
23522                        a = a.getSelection();
23523                        t(a)
23524                    }
23525                }));
23526                d.addMenuItems && d.addMenuItems({
23527                    tablecell: {
23528                        label: c.cell.menu,
23529                        group: "tablecell",
23530                        order: 1,
23531                        getItems: function() {
23532                            var a = d.getSelection(),
23533                                b = q(a);
23534                            return {
23535                                tablecell_insertBefore: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23536                                tablecell_insertAfter: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23537                                tablecell_delete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23538                                tablecell_merge: x(a, null, !0) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
23539                                tablecell_merge_right: x(a, "right", !0) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
23540                                tablecell_merge_down: x(a, "down", !0) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
23541                                tablecell_split_vertical: E(a, !0) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
23542                                tablecell_split_horizontal: C(a, !0) ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED,
23543                                tablecell_properties: 0 < b.length ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED
23544                            }
23545                        }
23546                    },
23547                    tablecell_insertBefore: {
23548                        label: c.cell.insertBefore,
23549                        group: "tablecell",
23550                        command: "cellInsertBefore",
23551                        order: 5
23552                    },
23553                    tablecell_insertAfter: {
23554                        label: c.cell.insertAfter,
23555                        group: "tablecell",
23556                        command: "cellInsertAfter",
23557                        order: 10
23558                    },
23559                    tablecell_delete: {
23560                        label: c.cell.deleteCell,
23561                        group: "tablecell",
23562                        command: "cellDelete",
23563                        order: 15
23564                    },
23565                    tablecell_merge: {
23566                        label: c.cell.merge,
23567                        group: "tablecell",
23568                        command: "cellMerge",
23569                        order: 16
23570                    },
23571                    tablecell_merge_right: {
23572                        label: c.cell.mergeRight,
23573                        group: "tablecell",
23574                        command: "cellMergeRight",
23575                        order: 17
23576                    },
23577                    tablecell_merge_down: {
23578                        label: c.cell.mergeDown,
23579                        group: "tablecell",
23580                        command: "cellMergeDown",
23581                        order: 18
23582                    },
23583                    tablecell_split_horizontal: {
23584                        label: c.cell.splitHorizontal,
23585                        group: "tablecell",
23586                        command: "cellHorizontalSplit",
23587                        order: 19
23588                    },
23589                    tablecell_split_vertical: {
23590                        label: c.cell.splitVertical,
23591                        group: "tablecell",
23592                        command: "cellVerticalSplit",
23593                        order: 20
23594                    },
23595                    tablecell_properties: {
23596                        label: c.cell.title,
23597                        group: "tablecellproperties",
23598                        command: "cellProperties",
23599                        order: 21
23600                    },
23601                    tablerow: {
23602                        label: c.row.menu,
23603                        group: "tablerow",
23604                        order: 1,
23605                        getItems: function() {
23606                            return {
23607                                tablerow_insertBefore: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23608                                tablerow_insertAfter: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23609                                tablerow_delete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
23610                            }
23611                        }
23612                    },
23613                    tablerow_insertBefore: {
23614                        label: c.row.insertBefore,
23615                        group: "tablerow",
23616                        command: "rowInsertBefore",
23617                        order: 5
23618                    },
23619                    tablerow_insertAfter: {
23620                        label: c.row.insertAfter,
23621                        group: "tablerow",
23622                        command: "rowInsertAfter",
23623                        order: 10
23624                    },
23625                    tablerow_delete: {
23626                        label: c.row.deleteRow,
23627                        group: "tablerow",
23628                        command: "rowDelete",
23629                        order: 15
23630                    },
23631                    tablecolumn: {
23632                        label: c.column.menu,
23633                        group: "tablecolumn",
23634                        order: 1,
23635                        getItems: function() {
23636                            return {
23637                                tablecolumn_insertBefore: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23638                                tablecolumn_insertAfter: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23639                                tablecolumn_delete: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
23640                            }
23641                        }
23642                    },
23643                    tablecolumn_insertBefore: {
23644                        label: c.column.insertBefore,
23645                        group: "tablecolumn",
23646                        command: "columnInsertBefore",
23647                        order: 5
23648                    },
23649                    tablecolumn_insertAfter: {
23650                        label: c.column.insertAfter,
23651                        group: "tablecolumn",
23652                        command: "columnInsertAfter",
23653                        order: 10
23654                    },
23655                    tablecolumn_delete: {
23656                        label: c.column.deleteColumn,
23657                        group: "tablecolumn",
23658                        command: "columnDelete",
23659                        order: 15
23660                    }
23661                });
23662                d.contextMenu && d.contextMenu.addListener(function(a, b, c) {
23663                    return (a = c.contains({
23664                        td: 1,
23665                        th: 1
23666                    }, 1)) && !a.isReadOnly() ? {
23667                        tablecell: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23668                        tablerow: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF,
23669                        tablecolumn: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF
23670                    } : null
23671                })
23672            },
23673            getCellColIndex: v,
23674            insertRow: r,
23675            insertColumn: u,
23676            getSelectedCells: q
23677        };
23678        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("tabletools", CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools)
23679    })();
23680    CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap = function(q, r, B, v, w) {
23681        q = q.$.rows;
23682        B = B || 0;
23683        v = "number" === typeof v ? v : q.length - 1;
23684        w = "number" === typeof w ? w : -1;
23685        var u = -1,
23686            y = [];
23687        for (r = r || 0; r <= v; r++) {
23688            u++;
23689            !y[u] && (y[u] = []);
23690            for (var t = -1, z = B; z <= (-1 === w ? q[r].cells.length - 1 : w); z++) {
23691                var p = q[r].cells[z];
23692                if (!p) break;
23693                for (t++; y[u][t];) t++;
23694                for (var A = isNaN(p.colSpan) ? 1 : p.colSpan, p = isNaN(p.rowSpan) ? 1 : p.rowSpan, x = 0; x < p && !(r + x > v); x++) {
23695                    y[u + x] || (y[u + x] = []);
23696                    for (var C = 0; C < A; C++) y[u + x][t + C] = q[r].cells[z]
23697                }
23698                t += A - 1;
23699                if (-1 !== w && t >= w) break
23700            }
23701        }
23702        return y
23703    };
23704    (function() {
23705        function D(a) {
23706            return CKEDITOR.plugins.widget && CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.isDomWidget(a)
23707        }
23709        function z(a, b) {
23710            var c = a.getAscendant("table"),
23711                d = b.getAscendant("table"),
23712                e = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(c),
23713                g = r(a),
23714                h = r(b),
23715                k = [],
23716                f = {},
23717                l, p;
23718            c.contains(d) && (b = b.getAscendant({
23719                td: 1,
23720                th: 1
23721            }), h = r(b));
23722            g > h && (c = g, g = h, h = c, c = a, a = b, b = c);
23723            for (c = 0; c < e[g].length; c++)
23724                if (a.$ === e[g][c]) {
23725                    l = c;
23726                    break
23727                } for (c = 0; c < e[h].length; c++)
23728                if (b.$ === e[h][c]) {
23729                    p = c;
23730                    break
23731                } l > p && (c = l, l = p, p = c);
23732            for (c = g; c <= h; c++)
23733                for (g = l; g <= p; g++) d = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e[c][g]),
23734                    d.$ && !d.getCustomData("selected_cell") && (k.push(d), CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(f, d, "selected_cell", !0));
23735            CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(f);
23736            return k
23737        }
23739        function I(a) {
23740            if (a) return a = a.clone(), a.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT), (a = a.getEnclosedNode()) && a.is && a.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent)
23741        }
23743        function J(a) {
23744            return (a = a.editable().findOne(".cke_table-faked-selection")) && a.getAscendant("table")
23745        }
23747        function A(a, b) {
23748            var c = a.editable().find(".cke_table-faked-selection"),
23749                d;
23750            a.fire("lockSnapshot");
23751            a.editable().removeClass("cke_table-faked-selection-editor");
23752            for (d = 0; d < c.count(); d++) c.getItem(d).removeClass("cke_table-faked-selection");
23753            0 < c.count() && c.getItem(0).getAscendant("table").data("cke-table-faked-selection-table", !1);
23754            a.fire("unlockSnapshot");
23755            b && (m = {
23756                active: !1
23757            }, a.getSelection().isInTable() && a.getSelection().reset())
23758        }
23760        function t(a, b) {
23761            var c = [],
23762                d, e;
23763            for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) d = a.createRange(), d.setStartBefore(b[e]), d.setEndAfter(b[e]), c.push(d);
23764            a.getSelection().selectRanges(c)
23765        }
23767        function K(a) {
23768            var b = a.editable().find(".cke_table-faked-selection");
23769            1 > b.count() ||
23770                (b = z(b.getItem(0), b.getItem(b.count() - 1)), t(a, b))
23771        }
23773        function L(a, b, c) {
23774            var d = v(a.getSelection(!0));
23775            b = b.is("table") ? null : b;
23776            var e;
23777            (e = m.active && !m.first) && !(e = b) && (e = a.getSelection().getRanges(), e = 1 < d.length || e[0] && !e[0].collapsed ? !0 : !1);
23778            if (e) m.first = b || d[0], m.dirty = b ? !1 : 1 !== d.length;
23779            else if (m.active && b && m.first.getAscendant("table").equals(b.getAscendant("table"))) {
23780                d = z(m.first, b);
23781                if (!m.dirty && 1 === d.length && !D(c.data.getTarget())) return A(a, "mouseup" === c.name);
23782                m.dirty = !0;
23783                m.last = b;
23784                t(a, d)
23785            }
23786        }
23788        function M(a) {
23789            var b =
23790                (a = a.editor || a.sender.editor) && a.getSelection(),
23791                c = b && b.getRanges() || [],
23792                d;
23793            if (b && (A(a), b.isInTable() && b.isFake)) {
23794                1 === c.length && c[0]._getTableElement() && c[0]._getTableElement().is("table") && (d = c[0]._getTableElement());
23795                d = v(b, d);
23796                a.fire("lockSnapshot");
23797                for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) d[b].addClass("cke_table-faked-selection");
23798                0 < d.length && (a.editable().addClass("cke_table-faked-selection-editor"), d[0].getAscendant("table").data("cke-table-faked-selection-table", ""));
23799                a.fire("unlockSnapshot")
23800            }
23801        }
23803        function r(a) {
23804            return a.getAscendant("tr",
23805                !0).$.rowIndex
23806        }
23808        function w(a) {
23809            function b(a, b) {
23810                return a && b ? a.equals(b) || a.contains(b) || b.contains(a) || a.getCommonAncestor(b).is(l) : !1
23811            }
23813            function c(a) {
23814                return !a.getAscendant("table", !0) && a.getDocument().equals(e.document)
23815            }
23817            function d(a, d, e, f) {
23818                return ("mousedown" !== a.name || CKEDITOR.tools.getMouseButton(a) !== CKEDITOR.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT && f) && ("mouseup" !== a.name || c(a.data.getTarget()) || b(e, f)) ? !1 : !0
23819            }
23820            if (a.data.getTarget().getName && ("mouseup" === a.name || !D(a.data.getTarget()))) {
23821                var e = a.editor || a.listenerData.editor,
23822                    g = e.getSelection(1),
23823                    h = J(e),
23824                    k = a.data.getTarget(),
23825                    f = k && k.getAscendant({
23826                        td: 1,
23827                        th: 1
23828                    }, !0),
23829                    k = k && k.getAscendant("table", !0),
23830                    l = {
23831                        table: 1,
23832                        thead: 1,
23833                        tbody: 1,
23834                        tfoot: 1,
23835                        tr: 1,
23836                        td: 1,
23837                        th: 1
23838                    };
23839                d(a, g, h, k) && A(e, !0);
23840                !m.active && "mousedown" === a.name && CKEDITOR.tools.getMouseButton(a) === CKEDITOR.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT && k && (m = {
23841                    active: !0
23842                }, CKEDITOR.document.on("mouseup", w, null, {
23843                    editor: e
23844                }));
23845                (f || k) && L(e, f || k, a);
23846                "mouseup" === a.name && (CKEDITOR.tools.getMouseButton(a) === CKEDITOR.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT && (c(a.data.getTarget()) || b(h, k)) && K(e), m = {
23847                        active: !1
23848                    },
23849                    CKEDITOR.document.removeListener("mouseup", w))
23850            }
23851        }
23853        function N(a) {
23854            var b = a.data.getTarget().getAscendant({
23855                td: 1,
23856                th: 1
23857            }, !0);
23858            b && !b.hasClass("cke_table-faked-selection") && (a.cancel(), a.data.preventDefault())
23859        }
23861        function O(a, b) {
23862            function c(a) {
23863                a.cancel()
23864            }
23865            var d = a.getSelection(),
23866                e = d.createBookmarks(),
23867                g = a.document,
23868                h = a.createRange(),
23869                k = g.getDocumentElement().$,
23870                f = CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version,
23871                l = a.blockless || CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "span" : "div",
23872                p, x, n, m;
23873            g.getById("cke_table_copybin") || (p = g.createElement(l), x = g.createElement(l),
23874                x.setAttributes({
23875                    id: "cke_table_copybin",
23876                    "data-cke-temp": "1"
23877                }), p.setStyles({
23878                    position: "absolute",
23879                    width: "1px",
23880                    height: "1px",
23881                    overflow: "hidden"
23882                }), p.setStyle("ltr" == a.config.contentsLangDirection ? "left" : "right", "-5000px"), p.setHtml(a.getSelectedHtml(!0)), a.fire("lockSnapshot"), x.append(p), a.editable().append(x), m = a.on("selectionChange", c, null, null, 0), f && (n = k.scrollTop), h.selectNodeContents(p), h.select(), f && (k.scrollTop = n), setTimeout(function() {
23883                    x.remove();
23884                    d.selectBookmarks(e);
23885                    m.removeListener();
23886                    a.fire("unlockSnapshot");
23887                    b && (a.extractSelectedHtml(), a.fire("saveSnapshot"))
23888                }, 100))
23889        }
23891        function E(a) {
23892            var b = a.editor || a.sender.editor;
23893            b.getSelection().isInTable() && O(b, "cut" === a.name)
23894        }
23896        function q(a) {
23897            this._reset();
23898            a && this.setSelectedCells(a)
23899        }
23901        function B(a, b, c) {
23902            a.on("beforeCommandExec", function(d) {
23903                -1 !== CKEDITOR.tools.array.indexOf(b, d.data.name) && (d.data.selectedCells = v(a.getSelection()))
23904            });
23905            a.on("afterCommandExec", function(d) {
23906                -1 !== CKEDITOR.tools.array.indexOf(b, d.data.name) && c(a, d.data)
23907            })
23908        }
23909        var m = {
23910                active: !1
23911            },
23912            y, v, C, F, G;
23913        q.prototype = {};
23914        q.prototype._reset = function() {
23915            this.cells = {
23916                first: null,
23917                last: null,
23918                all: []
23919            };
23920            this.rows = {
23921                first: null,
23922                last: null
23923            }
23924        };
23925        q.prototype.setSelectedCells = function(a) {
23926            this._reset();
23927            a = a.slice(0);
23928            this._arraySortByDOMOrder(a);
23929            this.cells.all = a;
23930            this.cells.first = a[0];
23931            this.cells.last = a[a.length - 1];
23932            this.rows.first = a[0].getAscendant("tr");
23933            this.rows.last = this.cells.last.getAscendant("tr")
23934        };
23935        q.prototype.getTableMap = function() {
23936            var a = C(this.cells.first),
23937                b;
23938            a: {
23939                b = this.cells.last;
23940                var c = b.getAscendant("table"),
23941                    d = r(b),
23942                    c = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(c),
23943                    e;
23944                for (e = 0; e < c[d].length; e++)
23945                    if ((new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c[d][e])).equals(b)) {
23946                        b = e;
23947                        break a
23948                    } b = void 0
23949            }
23950            return CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(this._getTable(), r(this.rows.first), a, r(this.rows.last), b)
23951        };
23952        q.prototype._getTable = function() {
23953            return this.rows.first.getAscendant("table")
23954        };
23955        q.prototype.insertRow = function(a, b, c) {
23956            if ("undefined" === typeof a) a = 1;
23957            else if (0 >= a) return;
23958            for (var d = this.cells.first.$.cellIndex, e = this.cells.last.$.cellIndex, g = c ? [] : this.cells.all, h, k = 0; k < a; k++) h = F(c ? this.cells.all : g, b), h = CKEDITOR.tools.array.filter(h.find("td, th").toArray(),
23959                function(a) {
23960                    return c ? !0 : a.$.cellIndex >= d && a.$.cellIndex <= e
23961                }), g = b ? h.concat(g) : g.concat(h);
23962            this.setSelectedCells(g)
23963        };
23964        q.prototype.insertColumn = function(a) {
23965            function b(a) {
23966                a = r(a);
23967                return a >= e && a <= g
23968            }
23969            if ("undefined" === typeof a) a = 1;
23970            else if (0 >= a) return;
23971            for (var c = this.cells, d = c.all, e = r(c.first), g = r(c.last), c = 0; c < a; c++) d = d.concat(CKEDITOR.tools.array.filter(G(d), b));
23972            this.setSelectedCells(d)
23973        };
23974        q.prototype.emptyCells = function(a) {
23975            a = a || this.cells.all;
23976            for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b].setHtml("")
23977        };
23978        q.prototype._arraySortByDOMOrder =
23979            function(a) {
23980                a.sort(function(a, c) {
23981                    return a.getPosition(c) & CKEDITOR.POSITION_PRECEDING ? -1 : 1
23982                })
23983            };
23984        var H = {
23985            onPaste: function(a) {
23986                function b(a) {
23987                    return Math.max.apply(null, CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(a, function(a) {
23988                        return a.length
23989                    }, 0))
23990                }
23992                function c(a) {
23993                    var b = d.createRange();
23994                    b.selectNodeContents(a);
23995                    b.select()
23996                }
23997                var d = a.editor,
23998                    e = d.getSelection(),
23999                    g = v(e),
24000                    h = this.findTableInPastedContent(d, a.data.dataValue),
24001                    k = e.isInTable(!0) && this.isBoundarySelection(e),
24002                    f, l;
24003                !g.length || 1 === g.length && !I(e.getRanges()[0]) && !k || k && !h || (g = g[0].getAscendant("table"),
24004                    f = new q(v(e, g)), d.once("afterPaste", function() {
24005                        var a;
24006                        if (l) {
24007                            a = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(l[0][0]);
24008                            var b = l[l.length - 1];
24009                            a = z(a, new CKEDITOR.dom.element(b[b.length - 1]))
24010                        } else a = f.cells.all;
24011                        t(d, a)
24012                    }), h ? (a.stop(), k ? (f.insertRow(1, 1 === k, !0), e.selectElement(f.rows.first)) : (f.emptyCells(), t(d, f.cells.all)), a = f.getTableMap(), l = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap(h), f.insertRow(l.length - a.length), f.insertColumn(b(l) - b(a)), a = f.getTableMap(), this.pasteTable(f, a, l), d.fire("saveSnapshot"), setTimeout(function() {
24013                            d.fire("afterPaste")
24014                        },
24015                        0)) : (c(f.cells.first), d.once("afterPaste", function() {
24016                        d.fire("lockSnapshot");
24017                        f.emptyCells(f.cells.all.slice(1));
24018                        t(d, f.cells.all);
24019                        d.fire("unlockSnapshot")
24020                    })))
24021            },
24022            isBoundarySelection: function(a) {
24023                a = a.getRanges()[0];
24024                var b = a.endContainer.getAscendant("tr", !0);
24025                if (b && a.collapsed) {
24026                    if (a.checkBoundaryOfElement(b, CKEDITOR.START)) return 1;
24027                    if (a.checkBoundaryOfElement(b, CKEDITOR.END)) return 2
24028                }
24029                return 0
24030            },
24031            findTableInPastedContent: function(a, b) {
24032                var c = a.dataProcessor,
24033                    d = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("body");
24034                c || (c = new CKEDITOR.htmlDataProcessor(a));
24035                d.setHtml(c.toHtml(b), {
24036                    fixForBody: !1
24037                });
24038                return 1 < d.getChildCount() ? null : d.findOne("table")
24039            },
24040            pasteTable: function(a, b, c) {
24041                var d, e = C(a.cells.first),
24042                    g = a._getTable(),
24043                    h = {},
24044                    k, f, l, p;
24045                for (l = 0; l < c.length; l++)
24046                    for (k = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(g.$.rows[a.rows.first.$.rowIndex + l]), p = 0; p < c[l].length; p++)
24047                        if (f = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c[l][p]), d = b[l] && b[l][p] ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(b[l][p]) : null, f && !f.getCustomData("processed")) {
24048                            if (d && d.getParent()) f.replace(d);
24049                            else if (0 === p || c[l][p - 1])(d = 0 !== p ? new CKEDITOR.dom.element(c[l][p -
24050                                1
24051                            ]) : null) && k.equals(d.getParent()) ? f.insertAfter(d) : 0 < e ? k.$.cells[e] ? f.insertAfter(new CKEDITOR.dom.element(k.$.cells[e])) : k.append(f) : k.append(f, !0);
24052                            CKEDITOR.dom.element.setMarker(h, f, "processed", !0)
24053                        } else f.getCustomData("processed") && d && d.remove();
24054                CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers(h)
24055            }
24056        };
24057        CKEDITOR.plugins.tableselection = {
24058            getCellsBetween: z,
24059            keyboardIntegration: function(a) {
24060                function b(a) {
24061                    var b = a.getEnclosedNode();
24062                    b && "function" === typeof b.is && b.is({
24063                        td: 1,
24064                        th: 1
24065                    }) ? b.setText("") : a.deleteContents();
24066                    CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(a._find("td"),
24067                        function(a) {
24068                            a.appendBogus()
24069                        })
24070                }
24071                var c = a.editable();
24072                c.attachListener(c, "keydown", function(a) {
24073                    function c(b, e) {
24074                        if (!e.length) return null;
24075                        var l = a.createRange(),
24076                            g = CKEDITOR.dom.range.mergeRanges(e);
24077                        CKEDITOR.tools.array.forEach(g, function(a) {
24078                            a.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT)
24079                        });
24080                        var m = g[0].getBoundaryNodes(),
24081                            n = m.startNode,
24082                            m = m.endNode;
24083                        if (n && n.is && n.is(h)) {
24084                            for (var q = n.getAscendant("table", !0), u = n.getPreviousSourceNode(!1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, q), r = !1, t = function(a) {
24085                                    return !n.contains(a) && a.is && a.is("td", "th")
24086                                }; u &&
24087                                !t(u);) u = u.getPreviousSourceNode(!1, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, q);
24088                            !u && m && m.is && !m.is("table") && m.getNext() && (u = m.getNext().findOne("td, th"), r = !0);
24089                            if (u) l["moveToElementEdit" + (r ? "Start" : "End")](u);
24090                            else l.setStartBefore(n.getAscendant("table", !0)), l.collapse(!0);
24091                            g[0].deleteContents();
24092                            return [l]
24093                        }
24094                        if (n) return l.moveToElementEditablePosition(n), [l]
24095                    }
24096                    var g = {
24097                            37: 1,
24098                            38: 1,
24099                            39: 1,
24100                            40: 1,
24101                            8: 1,
24102                            46: 1,
24103                            13: 1
24104                        },
24105                        h = CKEDITOR.tools.extend({
24106                            table: 1
24107                        }, CKEDITOR.dtd.$tableContent);
24108                    delete h.td;
24109                    delete h.th;
24110                    return function(k) {
24111                        var f = k.data.getKey(),
24112                            l = k.data.getKeystroke(),
24113                            h, m = 37 === f || 38 == f,
24114                            n, q, r;
24115                        if (g[f] && (h = a.getSelection()) && h.isInTable() && h.isFake) {
24116                            n = h.getRanges();
24117                            q = n[0]._getTableElement();
24118                            r = n[n.length - 1]._getTableElement();
24119                            if (13 !== f || a.plugins.enterkey) k.data.preventDefault(), k.cancel();
24120                            if (36 < f && 41 > f) n[0].moveToElementEditablePosition(m ? q : r, !m), h.selectRanges([n[0]]);
24121                            else if (13 !== f || 13 === l || l === CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 13) {
24122                                for (k = 0; k < n.length; k++) b(n[k]);
24123                                (k = c(q, n)) ? n = k: n[0].moveToElementEditablePosition(q);
24124                                h.selectRanges(n);
24125                                13 === f && a.plugins.enterkey ?
24126                                    (a.fire("lockSnapshot"), 13 === l ? a.execCommand("enter") : a.execCommand("shiftEnter"), a.fire("unlockSnapshot"), a.fire("saveSnapshot")) : 13 !== f && a.fire("saveSnapshot")
24127                            }
24128                        }
24129                    }
24130                }(a), null, null, -1);
24131                c.attachListener(c, "keypress", function(d) {
24132                    var c = a.getSelection(),
24133                        g = d.data.$.charCode || 13 === d.data.getKey(),
24134                        h;
24135                    if (c && c.isInTable() && c.isFake && g && !(d.data.getKeystroke() & CKEDITOR.CTRL)) {
24136                        d = c.getRanges();
24137                        g = d[0].getEnclosedNode().getAscendant({
24138                            td: 1,
24139                            th: 1
24140                        }, !0);
24141                        for (h = 0; h < d.length; h++) b(d[h]);
24142                        g && (d[0].moveToElementEditablePosition(g),
24143                            c.selectRanges([d[0]]))
24144                    }
24145                }, null, null, -1)
24146            },
24147            isSupportedEnvironment: !(CKEDITOR.env.ie && 11 > CKEDITOR.env.version)
24148        };
24149        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("tableselection", {
24150            requires: "clipboard,tabletools",
24151            onLoad: function() {
24152                y = CKEDITOR.plugins.tabletools;
24153                v = y.getSelectedCells;
24154                C = y.getCellColIndex;
24155                F = y.insertRow;
24156                G = y.insertColumn;
24157                CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "styles/tableselection.css")
24158            },
24159            init: function(a) {
24160                CKEDITOR.plugins.tableselection.isSupportedEnvironment && (a.addContentsCss && a.addContentsCss(this.path + "styles/tableselection.css"),
24161                    a.on("contentDom", function() {
24162                        var b = a.editable(),
24163                            c = b.isInline() ? b : a.document,
24164                            d = {
24165                                editor: a
24166                            };
24167                        b.attachListener(c, "mousedown", w, null, d);
24168                        b.attachListener(c, "mousemove", w, null, d);
24169                        b.attachListener(c, "mouseup", w, null, d);
24170                        b.attachListener(b, "dragstart", N);
24171                        b.attachListener(a, "selectionCheck", M);
24172                        CKEDITOR.plugins.tableselection.keyboardIntegration(a);
24173                        CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard && !CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isCustomCopyCutSupported && (b.attachListener(b, "cut", E), b.attachListener(b, "copy", E))
24174                    }), a.on("paste", H.onPaste,
24175                        H), B(a, "rowInsertBefore rowInsertAfter columnInsertBefore columnInsertAfter cellInsertBefore cellInsertAfter".split(" "), function(a, c) {
24176                        t(a, c.selectedCells)
24177                    }), B(a, ["cellMerge", "cellMergeRight", "cellMergeDown"], function(a, c) {
24178                        t(a, [c.commandData.cell])
24179                    }), B(a, ["cellDelete"], function(a) {
24180                        A(a, !0)
24181                    }))
24182            }
24183        })
24184    })();
24185    (function() {
24186        var g = [CKEDITOR.CTRL + 90, CKEDITOR.CTRL + 89, CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 90],
24187            n = {
24188                8: 1,
24189                46: 1
24190            };
24191        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("undo", {
24192            init: function(a) {
24193                function b(a) {
24194                    d.enabled && !1 !== a.data.command.canUndo && d.save()
24195                }
24197                function c() {
24198                    d.enabled = a.readOnly ? !1 : "wysiwyg" == a.mode;
24199                    d.onChange()
24200                }
24201                var d = a.undoManager = new e(a),
24202                    l = d.editingHandler = new k(d),
24203                    f = a.addCommand("undo", {
24204                        exec: function() {
24205                            d.undo() && (a.selectionChange(), this.fire("afterUndo"))
24206                        },
24207                        startDisabled: !0,
24208                        canUndo: !1
24209                    }),
24210                    h = a.addCommand("redo", {
24211                        exec: function() {
24212                            d.redo() &&
24213                                (a.selectionChange(), this.fire("afterRedo"))
24214                        },
24215                        startDisabled: !0,
24216                        canUndo: !1
24217                    });
24218                a.setKeystroke([
24219                    [g[0], "undo"],
24220                    [g[1], "redo"],
24221                    [g[2], "redo"]
24222                ]);
24223                d.onChange = function() {
24224                    f.setState(d.undoable() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED);
24225                    h.setState(d.redoable() ? CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF : CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_DISABLED)
24226                };
24227                a.on("beforeCommandExec", b);
24228                a.on("afterCommandExec", b);
24229                a.on("saveSnapshot", function(a) {
24230                    d.save(a.data && a.data.contentOnly)
24231                });
24232                a.on("contentDom", l.attachListeners, l);
24233                a.on("instanceReady", function() {
24234                    a.fire("saveSnapshot")
24235                });
24236                a.on("beforeModeUnload", function() {
24237                    "wysiwyg" == a.mode && d.save(!0)
24238                });
24239                a.on("mode", c);
24240                a.on("readOnly", c);
24241                a.ui.addButton && (a.ui.addButton("Undo", {
24242                    label: a.lang.undo.undo,
24243                    command: "undo",
24244                    toolbar: "undo,10"
24245                }), a.ui.addButton("Redo", {
24246                    label: a.lang.undo.redo,
24247                    command: "redo",
24248                    toolbar: "undo,20"
24249                }));
24250                a.resetUndo = function() {
24251                    d.reset();
24252                    a.fire("saveSnapshot")
24253                };
24254                a.on("updateSnapshot", function() {
24255                    d.currentImage && d.update()
24256                });
24257                a.on("lockSnapshot", function(a) {
24258                    a = a.data;
24259                    d.lock(a && a.dontUpdate, a && a.forceUpdate)
24260                });
24261                a.on("unlockSnapshot",
24262                    d.unlock, d)
24263            }
24264        });
24265        CKEDITOR.plugins.undo = {};
24266        var e = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.UndoManager = function(a) {
24267            this.strokesRecorded = [0, 0];
24268            this.locked = null;
24269            this.previousKeyGroup = -1;
24270            this.limit = a.config.undoStackSize || 20;
24271            this.strokesLimit = 25;
24272            this.editor = a;
24273            this.reset()
24274        };
24275        e.prototype = {
24276            type: function(a, b) {
24277                var c = e.getKeyGroup(a),
24278                    d = this.strokesRecorded[c] + 1;
24279                b = b || d >= this.strokesLimit;
24280                this.typing || (this.hasUndo = this.typing = !0, this.hasRedo = !1, this.onChange());
24281                b ? (d = 0, this.editor.fire("saveSnapshot")) : this.editor.fire("change");
24282                this.strokesRecorded[c] =
24283                    d;
24284                this.previousKeyGroup = c
24285            },
24286            keyGroupChanged: function(a) {
24287                return e.getKeyGroup(a) != this.previousKeyGroup
24288            },
24289            reset: function() {
24290                this.snapshots = [];
24291                this.index = -1;
24292                this.currentImage = null;
24293                this.hasRedo = this.hasUndo = !1;
24294                this.locked = null;
24295                this.resetType()
24296            },
24297            resetType: function() {
24298                this.strokesRecorded = [0, 0];
24299                this.typing = !1;
24300                this.previousKeyGroup = -1
24301            },
24302            refreshState: function() {
24303                this.hasUndo = !!this.getNextImage(!0);
24304                this.hasRedo = !!this.getNextImage(!1);
24305                this.resetType();
24306                this.onChange()
24307            },
24308            save: function(a, b, c) {
24309                var d = this.editor;
24310                if (this.locked ||
24311                    "ready" != d.status || "wysiwyg" != d.mode) return !1;
24312                var e = d.editable();
24313                if (!e || "ready" != e.status) return !1;
24314                e = this.snapshots;
24315                b || (b = new f(d));
24316                if (!1 === b.contents) return !1;
24317                if (this.currentImage)
24318                    if (b.equalsContent(this.currentImage)) {
24319                        if (a || b.equalsSelection(this.currentImage)) return !1
24320                    } else !1 !== c && d.fire("change");
24321                e.splice(this.index + 1, e.length - this.index - 1);
24322                e.length == this.limit && e.shift();
24323                this.index = e.push(b) - 1;
24324                this.currentImage = b;
24325                !1 !== c && this.refreshState();
24326                return !0
24327            },
24328            restoreImage: function(a) {
24329                var b = this.editor,
24330                    c;
24331                a.bookmarks && (b.focus(), c = b.getSelection());
24332                this.locked = {
24333                    level: 999
24334                };
24335                this.editor.loadSnapshot(a.contents);
24336                a.bookmarks ? c.selectBookmarks(a.bookmarks) : CKEDITOR.env.ie && (c = this.editor.document.getBody().$.createTextRange(), c.collapse(!0), c.select());
24337                this.locked = null;
24338                this.index = a.index;
24339                this.currentImage = this.snapshots[this.index];
24340                this.update();
24341                this.refreshState();
24342                b.fire("change")
24343            },
24344            getNextImage: function(a) {
24345                var b = this.snapshots,
24346                    c = this.currentImage,
24347                    d;
24348                if (c)
24349                    if (a)
24350                        for (d = this.index - 1; 0 <= d; d--) {
24351                            if (a = b[d], !c.equalsContent(a)) return a.index =
24352                                d, a
24353                        } else
24354                            for (d = this.index + 1; d < b.length; d++)
24355                                if (a = b[d], !c.equalsContent(a)) return a.index = d, a;
24356                return null
24357            },
24358            redoable: function() {
24359                return this.enabled && this.hasRedo
24360            },
24361            undoable: function() {
24362                return this.enabled && this.hasUndo
24363            },
24364            undo: function() {
24365                if (this.undoable()) {
24366                    this.save(!0);
24367                    var a = this.getNextImage(!0);
24368                    if (a) return this.restoreImage(a), !0
24369                }
24370                return !1
24371            },
24372            redo: function() {
24373                if (this.redoable() && (this.save(!0), this.redoable())) {
24374                    var a = this.getNextImage(!1);
24375                    if (a) return this.restoreImage(a), !0
24376                }
24377                return !1
24378            },
24379            update: function(a) {
24380                if (!this.locked) {
24381                    a ||
24382                        (a = new f(this.editor));
24383                    for (var b = this.index, c = this.snapshots; 0 < b && this.currentImage.equalsContent(c[b - 1]);) --b;
24384                    c.splice(b, this.index - b + 1, a);
24385                    this.index = b;
24386                    this.currentImage = a
24387                }
24388            },
24389            updateSelection: function(a) {
24390                if (!this.snapshots.length) return !1;
24391                var b = this.snapshots,
24392                    c = b[b.length - 1];
24393                return c.equalsContent(a) && !c.equalsSelection(a) ? (this.currentImage = b[b.length - 1] = a, !0) : !1
24394            },
24395            lock: function(a, b) {
24396                if (this.locked) this.locked.level++;
24397                else if (a) this.locked = {
24398                    level: 1
24399                };
24400                else {
24401                    var c = null;
24402                    if (b) c = !0;
24403                    else {
24404                        var d = new f(this.editor,
24405                            !0);
24406                        this.currentImage && this.currentImage.equalsContent(d) && (c = d)
24407                    }
24408                    this.locked = {
24409                        update: c,
24410                        level: 1
24411                    }
24412                }
24413            },
24414            unlock: function() {
24415                if (this.locked && !--this.locked.level) {
24416                    var a = this.locked.update;
24417                    this.locked = null;
24418                    if (!0 === a) this.update();
24419                    else if (a) {
24420                        var b = new f(this.editor, !0);
24421                        a.equalsContent(b) || this.update()
24422                    }
24423                }
24424            }
24425        };
24426        e.navigationKeyCodes = {
24427            37: 1,
24428            38: 1,
24429            39: 1,
24430            40: 1,
24431            36: 1,
24432            35: 1,
24433            33: 1,
24434            34: 1
24435        };
24436        e.keyGroups = {
24437            PRINTABLE: 0,
24438            FUNCTIONAL: 1
24439        };
24440        e.isNavigationKey = function(a) {
24441            return !!e.navigationKeyCodes[a]
24442        };
24443        e.getKeyGroup = function(a) {
24444            var b = e.keyGroups;
24445            return n[a] ? b.FUNCTIONAL : b.PRINTABLE
24446        };
24447        e.getOppositeKeyGroup = function(a) {
24448            var b = e.keyGroups;
24449            return a == b.FUNCTIONAL ? b.PRINTABLE : b.FUNCTIONAL
24450        };
24451        e.ieFunctionalKeysBug = function(a) {
24452            return CKEDITOR.env.ie && e.getKeyGroup(a) == e.keyGroups.FUNCTIONAL
24453        };
24454        var f = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.Image = function(a, b) {
24455                this.editor = a;
24456                a.fire("beforeUndoImage");
24457                var c = a.getSnapshot();
24458                CKEDITOR.env.ie && c && (c = c.replace(/\s+data-cke-expando=".*?"/g, ""));
24459                this.contents = c;
24460                b || (this.bookmarks = (c = c && a.getSelection()) && c.createBookmarks2(!0));
24461                a.fire("afterUndoImage")
24462            },
24463            h = /\b(?:href|src|name)="[^"]*?"/gi;
24464        f.prototype = {
24465            equalsContent: function(a) {
24466                var b = this.contents;
24467                a = a.contents;
24468                CKEDITOR.env.ie && (CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks) && (b = b.replace(h, ""), a = a.replace(h, ""));
24469                return b != a ? !1 : !0
24470            },
24471            equalsSelection: function(a) {
24472                var b = this.bookmarks;
24473                a = a.bookmarks;
24474                if (b || a) {
24475                    if (!b || !a || b.length != a.length) return !1;
24476                    for (var c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
24477                        var d = b[c],
24478                            e = a[c];
24479                        if (d.startOffset != e.startOffset || d.endOffset != e.endOffset || !CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare(d.start, e.start) || !CKEDITOR.tools.arrayCompare(d.end,
24480                                e.end)) return !1
24481                    }
24482                }
24483                return !0
24484            }
24485        };
24486        var k = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.NativeEditingHandler = function(a) {
24487            this.undoManager = a;
24488            this.ignoreInputEvent = !1;
24489            this.keyEventsStack = new m;
24490            this.lastKeydownImage = null
24491        };
24492        k.prototype = {
24493            onKeydown: function(a) {
24494                var b = a.data.getKey();
24495                if (229 !== b)
24496                    if (-1 < CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(g, a.data.getKeystroke())) a.data.preventDefault();
24497                    else if (this.keyEventsStack.cleanUp(a), a = this.undoManager, this.keyEventsStack.getLast(b) || this.keyEventsStack.push(b), this.lastKeydownImage = new f(a.editor), e.isNavigationKey(b) ||
24498                    this.undoManager.keyGroupChanged(b))
24499                    if (a.strokesRecorded[0] || a.strokesRecorded[1]) a.save(!1, this.lastKeydownImage, !1), a.resetType()
24500            },
24501            onInput: function() {
24502                if (this.ignoreInputEvent) this.ignoreInputEvent = !1;
24503                else {
24504                    var a = this.keyEventsStack.getLast();
24505                    a || (a = this.keyEventsStack.push(0));
24506                    this.keyEventsStack.increment(a.keyCode);
24507                    this.keyEventsStack.getTotalInputs() >= this.undoManager.strokesLimit && (this.undoManager.type(a.keyCode, !0), this.keyEventsStack.resetInputs())
24508                }
24509            },
24510            onKeyup: function(a) {
24511                var b = this.undoManager;
24512                a = a.data.getKey();
24513                var c = this.keyEventsStack.getTotalInputs();
24514                this.keyEventsStack.remove(a);
24515                if (!(e.ieFunctionalKeysBug(a) && this.lastKeydownImage && this.lastKeydownImage.equalsContent(new f(b.editor, !0))))
24516                    if (0 < c) b.type(a);
24517                    else if (e.isNavigationKey(a)) this.onNavigationKey(!0)
24518            },
24519            onNavigationKey: function(a) {
24520                var b = this.undoManager;
24521                !a && b.save(!0, null, !1) || b.updateSelection(new f(b.editor));
24522                b.resetType()
24523            },
24524            ignoreInputEventListener: function() {
24525                this.ignoreInputEvent = !0
24526            },
24527            activateInputEventListener: function() {
24528                this.ignoreInputEvent = !1
24529            },
24530            attachListeners: function() {
24531                var a = this.undoManager.editor,
24532                    b = a.editable(),
24533                    c = this;
24534                b.attachListener(b, "keydown", function(a) {
24535                    c.onKeydown(a);
24536                    if (e.ieFunctionalKeysBug(a.data.getKey())) c.onInput()
24537                }, null, null, 999);
24538                b.attachListener(b, CKEDITOR.env.ie ? "keypress" : "input", c.onInput, c, null, 999);
24539                b.attachListener(b, "keyup", c.onKeyup, c, null, 999);
24540                b.attachListener(b, "paste", c.ignoreInputEventListener, c, null, 999);
24541                b.attachListener(b, "drop", c.ignoreInputEventListener, c, null, 999);
24542                a.on("afterPaste", c.activateInputEventListener,
24543                    c, null, 999);
24544                b.attachListener(b.isInline() ? b : a.document.getDocumentElement(), "click", function() {
24545                    c.onNavigationKey()
24546                }, null, null, 999);
24547                b.attachListener(this.undoManager.editor, "blur", function() {
24548                    c.keyEventsStack.remove(9)
24549                }, null, null, 999)
24550            }
24551        };
24552        var m = CKEDITOR.plugins.undo.KeyEventsStack = function() {
24553            this.stack = []
24554        };
24555        m.prototype = {
24556            push: function(a) {
24557                a = this.stack.push({
24558                    keyCode: a,
24559                    inputs: 0
24560                });
24561                return this.stack[a - 1]
24562            },
24563            getLastIndex: function(a) {
24564                if ("number" != typeof a) return this.stack.length - 1;
24565                for (var b = this.stack.length; b--;)
24566                    if (this.stack[b].keyCode ==
24567                        a) return b;
24568                return -1
24569            },
24570            getLast: function(a) {
24571                a = this.getLastIndex(a);
24572                return -1 != a ? this.stack[a] : null
24573            },
24574            increment: function(a) {
24575                this.getLast(a).inputs++
24576            },
24577            remove: function(a) {
24578                a = this.getLastIndex(a); - 1 != a && this.stack.splice(a, 1)
24579            },
24580            resetInputs: function(a) {
24581                if ("number" == typeof a) this.getLast(a).inputs = 0;
24582                else
24583                    for (a = this.stack.length; a--;) this.stack[a].inputs = 0
24584            },
24585            getTotalInputs: function() {
24586                for (var a = this.stack.length, b = 0; a--;) b += this.stack[a].inputs;
24587                return b
24588            },
24589            cleanUp: function(a) {
24590                a = a.data.$;
24591                a.ctrlKey || a.metaKey || this.remove(17);
24592                a.shiftKey || this.remove(16);
24593                a.altKey || this.remove(18)
24594            }
24595        }
24596    })();
24597    (function() {
24598        function m(a, d) {
24599            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, {
24600                editor: a,
24601                editable: a.editable(),
24602                doc: a.document,
24603                win: a.window
24604            }, d, !0);
24605            this.inline = this.editable.isInline();
24606            this.inline || (this.frame = this.win.getFrame());
24607            this.target = this[this.inline ? "editable" : "doc"]
24608        }
24610        function n(a, d) {
24611            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, d, {
24612                editor: a
24613            }, !0)
24614        }
24616        function p(a, d) {
24617            var b = a.editable();
24618            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, {
24619                    editor: a,
24620                    editable: b,
24621                    inline: b.isInline(),
24622                    doc: a.document,
24623                    win: a.window,
24624                    container: CKEDITOR.document.getBody(),
24625                    winTop: CKEDITOR.document.getWindow()
24626                },
24627                d, !0);
24628            this.hidden = {};
24629            this.visible = {};
24630            this.inline || (this.frame = this.win.getFrame());
24631            this.queryViewport();
24632            var c = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(this.queryViewport, this),
24633                e = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(this.hideVisible, this),
24634                g = CKEDITOR.tools.bind(this.removeAll, this);
24635            b.attachListener(this.winTop, "resize", c);
24636            b.attachListener(this.winTop, "scroll", c);
24637            b.attachListener(this.winTop, "resize", e);
24638            b.attachListener(this.win, "scroll", e);
24639            b.attachListener(this.inline ? b : this.frame, "mouseout", function(a) {
24640                var b = a.data.$.clientX;
24641                a = a.data.$.clientY;
24642                this.queryViewport();
24643                (b <= this.rect.left || b >= this.rect.right || a <= this.rect.top || a >= this.rect.bottom) && this.hideVisible();
24644                (0 >= b || b >= this.winTopPane.width || 0 >= a || a >= this.winTopPane.height) && this.hideVisible()
24645            }, this);
24646            b.attachListener(a, "resize", c);
24647            b.attachListener(a, "mode", g);
24648            a.on("destroy", g);
24649            this.lineTpl = (new CKEDITOR.template('\x3cdiv data-cke-lineutils-line\x3d"1" class\x3d"cke_reset_all" style\x3d"{lineStyle}"\x3e\x3cspan style\x3d"{tipLeftStyle}"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e\x3cspan style\x3d"{tipRightStyle}"\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e\x3c/div\x3e')).output({
24650                lineStyle: CKEDITOR.tools.writeCssText(CKEDITOR.tools.extend({},
24651                    t, this.lineStyle, !0)),
24652                tipLeftStyle: CKEDITOR.tools.writeCssText(CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, q, {
24653                    left: "0px",
24654                    "border-left-color": "red",
24655                    "border-width": "6px 0 6px 6px"
24656                }, this.tipCss, this.tipLeftStyle, !0)),
24657                tipRightStyle: CKEDITOR.tools.writeCssText(CKEDITOR.tools.extend({}, q, {
24658                    right: "0px",
24659                    "border-right-color": "red",
24660                    "border-width": "6px 6px 6px 0"
24661                }, this.tipCss, this.tipRightStyle, !0))
24662            })
24663        }
24665        function l(a) {
24666            var d;
24667            if (d = a && a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) d = !(r[a.getComputedStyle("float")] || r[a.getAttribute("align")]);
24668            return d &&
24669                !u[a.getComputedStyle("position")]
24670        }
24671        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("lineutils");
24675        m.prototype = {
24676            start: function(a) {
24677                var d = this,
24678                    b = this.editor,
24679                    c = this.doc,
24680                    e, g, f, h, k = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer(50, function() {
24681                        b.readOnly || "wysiwyg" != b.mode || (d.relations = {}, (g = c.$.elementFromPoint(f, h)) && g.nodeType && (e = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(g), d.traverseSearch(e), isNaN(f + h) || d.pixelSearch(e, f, h), a && a(d.relations, f, h)))
24682                    });
24683                this.listener = this.editable.attachListener(this.target,
24684                    "mousemove",
24685                    function(a) {
24686                        f = a.data.$.clientX;
24687                        h = a.data.$.clientY;
24688                        k.input()
24689                    });
24690                this.editable.attachListener(this.inline ? this.editable : this.frame, "mouseout", function() {
24691                    k.reset()
24692                })
24693            },
24694            stop: function() {
24695                this.listener && this.listener.removeListener()
24696            },
24697            getRange: function() {
24698                var a = {};
24702                return function(d) {
24703                    var b = this.editor.createRange();
24704                    b.moveToPosition(this.relations[d.uid].element,
24705                        a[d.type]);
24706                    return b
24707                }
24708            }(),
24709            store: function() {
24710                function a(a, b, c) {
24711                    var e = a.getUniqueId();
24712                    e in c ? c[e].type |= b : c[e] = {
24713                        element: a,
24714                        type: b
24715                    }
24716                }
24717                return function(d, b) {
24718                    var c;
24719                    b & CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_AFTER && l(c = d.getNext()) && c.isVisible() && (a(c, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE, this.relations), b ^= CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_AFTER);
24720                    b & CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_INSIDE && l(c = d.getFirst()) && c.isVisible() && (a(c, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE, this.relations), b ^= CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_INSIDE);
24721                    a(d, b, this.relations)
24722                }
24723            }(),
24724            traverseSearch: function(a) {
24725                var d, b, c;
24726                do
24727                    if (c = a.$["data-cke-expando"],
24728                        !(c && c in this.relations)) {
24729                        if (a.equals(this.editable)) break;
24730                        if (l(a))
24731                            for (d in this.lookups)(b = this.lookups[d](a)) && this.store(a, b)
24732                    } while ((!a || a.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || "true" != a.getAttribute("contenteditable")) && (a = a.getParent()))
24733            },
24734            pixelSearch: function() {
24735                function a(a, c, e, g, f) {
24736                    for (var h = 0, k; f(e);) {
24737                        e += g;
24738                        if (25 == ++h) break;
24739                        if (k = this.doc.$.elementFromPoint(c, e))
24740                            if (k == a) h = 0;
24741                            else if (d(a, k) && (h = 0, l(k = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(k)))) return k
24742                    }
24743                }
24744                var d = CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? function(a, c) {
24745                        return a.contains(c)
24746                    } :
24747                    function(a, c) {
24748                        return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(c) & 16)
24749                    };
24750                return function(b, c, d) {
24751                    var g = this.win.getViewPaneSize().height,
24752                        f = a.call(this, b.$, c, d, -1, function(a) {
24753                            return 0 < a
24754                        });
24755                    c = a.call(this, b.$, c, d, 1, function(a) {
24756                        return a < g
24757                    });
24758                    if (f)
24759                        for (this.traverseSearch(f); !f.getParent().equals(b);) f = f.getParent();
24760                    if (c)
24761                        for (this.traverseSearch(c); !c.getParent().equals(b);) c = c.getParent();
24762                    for (; f || c;) {
24763                        f && (f = f.getNext(l));
24764                        if (!f || f.equals(c)) break;
24765                        this.traverseSearch(f);
24766                        c && (c = c.getPrevious(l));
24767                        if (!c || c.equals(f)) break;
24768                        this.traverseSearch(c)
24769                    }
24770                }
24771            }(),
24772            greedySearch: function() {
24773                this.relations = {};
24774                for (var a = this.editable.getElementsByTag("*"), d = 0, b, c, e; b = a.getItem(d++);)
24775                    if (!b.equals(this.editable) && b.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && (b.hasAttribute("contenteditable") || !b.isReadOnly()) && l(b) && b.isVisible())
24776                        for (e in this.lookups)(c = this.lookups[e](b)) && this.store(b, c);
24777                return this.relations
24778            }
24779        };
24780        n.prototype = {
24781            locate: function() {
24782                function a(a, b) {
24783                    var c = a.element[b === CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE ? "getPrevious" : "getNext"]();
24784                    return c && l(c) ? (a.siblingRect = c.getClientRect(),
24785                        b == CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE ? (a.siblingRect.bottom + a.elementRect.top) / 2 : (a.elementRect.bottom + a.siblingRect.top) / 2) : b == CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE ? a.elementRect.top : a.elementRect.bottom
24786                }
24787                return function(d) {
24788                    var b;
24789                    this.locations = {};
24790                    for (var c in d) b = d[c], b.elementRect = b.element.getClientRect(), b.type & CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE && this.store(c, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE, a(b, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE)), b.type & CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_AFTER && this.store(c, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_AFTER, a(b, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_AFTER)), b.type &
24791                        CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_INSIDE && this.store(c, CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_INSIDE, (b.elementRect.top + b.elementRect.bottom) / 2);
24792                    return this.locations
24793                }
24794            }(),
24795            sort: function() {
24796                var a, d, b, c;
24797                return function(e, g) {
24798                    a = this.locations;
24799                    d = [];
24800                    for (var f in a)
24801                        for (var h in a[f])
24802                            if (b = Math.abs(e - a[f][h]), d.length) {
24803                                for (c = 0; c < d.length; c++)
24804                                    if (b < d[c].dist) {
24805                                        d.splice(c, 0, {
24806                                            uid: +f,
24807                                            type: h,
24808                                            dist: b
24809                                        });
24810                                        break
24811                                    } c == d.length && d.push({
24812                                    uid: +f,
24813                                    type: h,
24814                                    dist: b
24815                                })
24816                            } else d.push({
24817                                uid: +f,
24818                                type: h,
24819                                dist: b
24820                            });
24821                    return "undefined" != typeof g ? d.slice(0, g) : d
24822                }
24823            }(),
24824            store: function(a,
24825                d, b) {
24826                this.locations[a] || (this.locations[a] = {});
24827                this.locations[a][d] = b
24828            }
24829        };
24830        var q = {
24831                display: "block",
24832                width: "0px",
24833                height: "0px",
24834                "border-color": "transparent",
24835                "border-style": "solid",
24836                position: "absolute",
24837                top: "-6px"
24838            },
24839            t = {
24840                height: "0px",
24841                "border-top": "1px dashed red",
24842                position: "absolute",
24843                "z-index": 9999
24844            };
24845        p.prototype = {
24846            removeAll: function() {
24847                for (var a in this.hidden) this.hidden[a].remove(), delete this.hidden[a];
24848                for (a in this.visible) this.visible[a].remove(), delete this.visible[a]
24849            },
24850            hideLine: function(a) {
24851                var d = a.getUniqueId();
24852                a.hide();
24853                this.hidden[d] = a;
24854                delete this.visible[d]
24855            },
24856            showLine: function(a) {
24857                var d = a.getUniqueId();
24858                a.show();
24859                this.visible[d] = a;
24860                delete this.hidden[d]
24861            },
24862            hideVisible: function() {
24863                for (var a in this.visible) this.hideLine(this.visible[a])
24864            },
24865            placeLine: function(a, d) {
24866                var b, c, e;
24867                if (b = this.getStyle(a.uid, a.type)) {
24868                    for (e in this.visible)
24869                        if (this.visible[e].getCustomData("hash") !== this.hash) {
24870                            c = this.visible[e];
24871                            break
24872                        } if (!c)
24873                        for (e in this.hidden)
24874                            if (this.hidden[e].getCustomData("hash") !== this.hash) {
24875                                this.showLine(c = this.hidden[e]);
24876                                break
24877                            } c || this.showLine(c = this.addLine());
24878                    c.setCustomData("hash", this.hash);
24879                    this.visible[c.getUniqueId()] = c;
24880                    c.setStyles(b);
24881                    d && d(c)
24882                }
24883            },
24884            getStyle: function(a, d) {
24885                var b = this.relations[a],
24886                    c = this.locations[a][d],
24887                    e = {};
24888                e.width = b.siblingRect ? Math.max(b.siblingRect.width, b.elementRect.width) : b.elementRect.width;
24889                e.top = this.inline ? c + this.winTopScroll.y - this.rect.relativeY : this.rect.top + this.winTopScroll.y + c;
24890                if (e.top - this.winTopScroll.y < this.rect.top || e.top - this.winTopScroll.y > this.rect.bottom) return !1;
24891                this.inline ?
24892                    e.left = b.elementRect.left - this.rect.relativeX : (0 < b.elementRect.left ? e.left = this.rect.left + b.elementRect.left : (e.width += b.elementRect.left, e.left = this.rect.left), 0 < (b = e.left + e.width - (this.rect.left + this.winPane.width)) && (e.width -= b));
24893                e.left += this.winTopScroll.x;
24894                for (var g in e) e[g] = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength(e[g]);
24895                return e
24896            },
24897            addLine: function() {
24898                var a = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(this.lineTpl);
24899                a.appendTo(this.container);
24900                return a
24901            },
24902            prepare: function(a, d) {
24903                this.relations = a;
24904                this.locations = d;
24905                this.hash = Math.random()
24906            },
24907            cleanup: function() {
24908                var a, d;
24909                for (d in this.visible) a = this.visible[d], a.getCustomData("hash") !== this.hash && this.hideLine(a)
24910            },
24911            queryViewport: function() {
24912                this.winPane = this.win.getViewPaneSize();
24913                this.winTopScroll = this.winTop.getScrollPosition();
24914                this.winTopPane = this.winTop.getViewPaneSize();
24915                this.rect = this.getClientRect(this.inline ? this.editable : this.frame)
24916            },
24917            getClientRect: function(a) {
24918                a = a.getClientRect();
24919                var d = this.container.getDocumentPosition(),
24920                    b = this.container.getComputedStyle("position");
24921                a.relativeX = a.relativeY =
24922                    0;
24923                "static" != b && (a.relativeY = d.y, a.relativeX = d.x, a.top -= a.relativeY, a.bottom -= a.relativeY, a.left -= a.relativeX, a.right -= a.relativeX);
24924                return a
24925            }
24926        };
24927        var r = {
24928                left: 1,
24929                right: 1,
24930                center: 1
24931            },
24932            u = {
24933                absolute: 1,
24934                fixed: 1
24935            };
24936        CKEDITOR.plugins.lineutils = {
24937            finder: m,
24938            locator: n,
24939            liner: p
24940        }
24941    })();
24942    (function() {
24943        function e(a) {
24944            return a.getName && !a.hasAttribute("data-cke-temp")
24945        }
24946        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("widgetselection", {
24947            init: function(a) {
24948                if (CKEDITOR.env.webkit) {
24949                    var b = CKEDITOR.plugins.widgetselection;
24950                    a.on("contentDom", function(a) {
24951                        a = a.editor;
24952                        var c = a.editable();
24953                        c.attachListener(c, "keydown", function(a) {
24954                            a.data.getKeystroke() == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 && CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout(function() {
24955                                b.addFillers(c) || b.removeFillers(c)
24956                            }, 0)
24957                        }, null, null, -1);
24958                        a.on("selectionCheck", function(a) {
24959                            b.removeFillers(a.editor.editable())
24960                        });
24961                        a.on("paste", function(a) {
24962                            a.data.dataValue = b.cleanPasteData(a.data.dataValue)
24963                        });
24964                        "selectall" in a.plugins && b.addSelectAllIntegration(a)
24965                    })
24966                }
24967            }
24968        });
24969        CKEDITOR.plugins.widgetselection = {
24970            startFiller: null,
24971            endFiller: null,
24972            fillerAttribute: "data-cke-filler-webkit",
24973            fillerContent: "\x26nbsp;",
24974            fillerTagName: "div",
24975            addFillers: function(a) {
24976                var b = a.editor;
24977                if (!this.isWholeContentSelected(a) && 0 < a.getChildCount()) {
24978                    var d = a.getFirst(e),
24979                        c = a.getLast(e);
24980                    d && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !d.isEditable() && (this.startFiller = this.createFiller(),
24981                        a.append(this.startFiller, 1));
24982                    c && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !c.isEditable() && (this.endFiller = this.createFiller(!0), a.append(this.endFiller, 0));
24983                    if (this.hasFiller(a)) return b = b.createRange(), b.selectNodeContents(a), b.select(), !0
24984                }
24985                return !1
24986            },
24987            removeFillers: function(a) {
24988                if (this.hasFiller(a) && !this.isWholeContentSelected(a)) {
24989                    var b = a.findOne(this.fillerTagName + "[" + this.fillerAttribute + "\x3dstart]"),
24990                        d = a.findOne(this.fillerTagName + "[" + this.fillerAttribute + "\x3dend]");
24991                    this.startFiller && b && this.startFiller.equals(b) ?
24992                        this.removeFiller(this.startFiller, a) : this.startFiller = b;
24993                    this.endFiller && d && this.endFiller.equals(d) ? this.removeFiller(this.endFiller, a) : this.endFiller = d
24994                }
24995            },
24996            cleanPasteData: function(a) {
24997                a && a.length && (a = a.replace(this.createFillerRegex(), "").replace(this.createFillerRegex(!0), ""));
24998                return a
24999            },
25000            isWholeContentSelected: function(a) {
25001                var b = a.editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
25002                return !b || b && b.collapsed ? !1 : (b = b.clone(), b.enlarge(CKEDITOR.ENLARGE_ELEMENT), !!(b && a && b.startContainer && b.endContainer && 0 === b.startOffset &&
25003                    b.endOffset === a.getChildCount() && b.startContainer.equals(a) && b.endContainer.equals(a)))
25004            },
25005            hasFiller: function(a) {
25006                return 0 < a.find(this.fillerTagName + "[" + this.fillerAttribute + "]").count()
25007            },
25008            createFiller: function(a) {
25009                var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(this.fillerTagName);
25010                b.setHtml(this.fillerContent);
25011                b.setAttribute(this.fillerAttribute, a ? "end" : "start");
25012                b.setAttribute("data-cke-temp", 1);
25013                b.setStyles({
25014                    display: "block",
25015                    width: 0,
25016                    height: 0,
25017                    padding: 0,
25018                    border: 0,
25019                    margin: 0,
25020                    position: "absolute",
25021                    top: 0,
25022                    left: "-9999px",
25023                    opacity: 0,
25024                    overflow: "hidden"
25025                });
25026                return b
25027            },
25028            removeFiller: function(a, b) {
25029                if (a) {
25030                    var d = b.editor,
25031                        c = b.editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0].startPath(),
25032                        f = d.createRange(),
25033                        g, e;
25034                    c.contains(a) && (g = a.getHtml(), e = !0);
25035                    c = "start" == a.getAttribute(this.fillerAttribute);
25036                    a.remove();
25037                    g && 0 < g.length && g != this.fillerContent ? (b.insertHtmlIntoRange(g, d.getSelection().getRanges()[0]), f.setStartAt(b.getChild(b.getChildCount() - 1), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), d.getSelection().selectRanges([f])) : e && (c ? f.setStartAt(b.getFirst().getNext(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_AFTER_START) :
25038                        f.setEndAt(b.getLast().getPrevious(), CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END), b.editor.getSelection().selectRanges([f]))
25039                }
25040            },
25041            createFillerRegex: function(a) {
25042                var b = this.createFiller(a).getOuterHtml().replace(/style="[^"]*"/gi, 'style\x3d"[^"]*"').replace(/>[^<]*</gi, "\x3e[^\x3c]*\x3c");
25043                return new RegExp((a ? "" : "^") + b + (a ? "$" : ""))
25044            },
25045            addSelectAllIntegration: function(a) {
25046                var b = this;
25047                a.editable().attachListener(a, "beforeCommandExec", function(d) {
25048                    var c = a.editable();
25049                    "selectAll" == d.data.name && c && b.addFillers(c)
25050                }, null, null, 9999)
25051            }
25052        }
25053    })();
25054    (function() {
25055        function p(a) {
25056            this.editor = a;
25057            this.registered = {};
25058            this.instances = {};
25059            this.selected = [];
25060            this.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = this.focused = null;
25061            this._ = {
25062                nextId: 0,
25063                upcasts: [],
25064                upcastCallbacks: [],
25065                filters: {}
25066            };
25067            I(this);
25068            J(this);
25069            this.on("checkWidgets", K);
25070            this.editor.on("contentDomInvalidated", this.checkWidgets, this);
25071            L(this);
25072            M(this);
25073            N(this);
25074            O(this);
25075            P(this)
25076        }
25078        function g(a, b, c, d, e) {
25079            var f = a.editor;
25080            CKEDITOR.tools.extend(this, d, {
25081                editor: f,
25082                id: b,
25083                inline: "span" == c.getParent().getName(),
25084                element: c,
25085                data: CKEDITOR.tools.extend({},
25086                    "function" == typeof d.defaults ? d.defaults() : d.defaults),
25087                dataReady: !1,
25088                inited: !1,
25089                ready: !1,
25090                edit: g.prototype.edit,
25091                focusedEditable: null,
25092                definition: d,
25093                repository: a,
25094                draggable: !1 !== d.draggable,
25095                _: {
25096                    downcastFn: d.downcast && "string" == typeof d.downcast ? d.downcasts[d.downcast] : d.downcast
25097                }
25098            }, !0);
25099            a.fire("instanceCreated", this);
25100            Q(this, d);
25101            this.init && this.init();
25102            this.inited = !0;
25103            (a = this.element.data("cke-widget-data")) && this.setData(JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(a)));
25104            e && this.setData(e);
25105            this.data.classes || this.setData("classes",
25106                this.getClasses());
25107            this.dataReady = !0;
25108            r(this);
25109            this.fire("data", this.data);
25110            this.isInited() && f.editable().contains(this.wrapper) && (this.ready = !0, this.fire("ready"))
25111        }
25113        function q(a, b, c) {
25114            CKEDITOR.dom.element.call(this, b.$);
25115            this.editor = a;
25116            this._ = {};
25117            b = this.filter = c.filter;
25118            CKEDITOR.dtd[this.getName()].p ? (this.enterMode = b ? b.getAllowedEnterMode(a.enterMode) : a.enterMode, this.shiftEnterMode = b ? b.getAllowedEnterMode(a.shiftEnterMode, !0) : a.shiftEnterMode) : this.enterMode = this.shiftEnterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR
25119        }
25121        function R(a,
25122            b) {
25123            a.addCommand(b.name, {
25124                exec: function(a, d) {
25125                    function e() {
25126                        a.widgets.finalizeCreation(k)
25127                    }
25128                    var f = a.widgets.focused;
25129                    if (f && f.name == b.name) f.edit();
25130                    else if (b.insert) b.insert();
25131                    else if (b.template) {
25132                        var f = "function" == typeof b.defaults ? b.defaults() : b.defaults,
25133                            f = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(b.template.output(f)),
25134                            h, l = a.widgets.wrapElement(f, b.name),
25135                            k = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment(l.getDocument());
25136                        k.append(l);
25137                        (h = a.widgets.initOn(f, b, d && d.startupData)) ? (f = h.once("edit", function(b) {
25138                            if (b.data.dialog) h.once("dialog",
25139                                function(b) {
25140                                    b = b.data;
25141                                    var d, f;
25142                                    d = b.once("ok", e, null, null, 20);
25143                                    f = b.once("cancel", function(b) {
25144                                        b.data && !1 === b.data.hide || a.widgets.destroy(h, !0)
25145                                    });
25146                                    b.once("hide", function() {
25147                                        d.removeListener();
25148                                        f.removeListener()
25149                                    })
25150                                });
25151                            else e()
25152                        }, null, null, 999), h.edit(), f.removeListener()) : e()
25153                    }
25154                },
25155                allowedContent: b.allowedContent,
25156                requiredContent: b.requiredContent,
25157                contentForms: b.contentForms,
25158                contentTransformations: b.contentTransformations
25159            })
25160        }
25162        function S(a, b) {
25163            function c(a, c) {
25164                var d = b.upcast.split(","),
25165                    e, f;
25166                for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++)
25167                    if (e =
25168                        d[f], e === a.name) return b.upcasts[e].call(this, a, c);
25169                return !1
25170            }
25172            function d(b, c, d) {
25173                var e = CKEDITOR.tools.getIndex(a._.upcasts, function(a) {
25174                    return a[2] > d
25175                });
25176                0 > e && (e = a._.upcasts.length);
25177                a._.upcasts.splice(e, 0, [CKEDITOR.tools.bind(b, c), c.name, d])
25178            }
25179            var e = b.upcast,
25180                f = b.upcastPriority || 10;
25181            e && ("string" == typeof e ? d(c, b, f) : d(e, b, f))
25182        }
25184        function t(a, b) {
25185            a.focused = null;
25186            if (b.isInited()) {
25187                var c = b.editor.checkDirty();
25188                a.fire("widgetBlurred", {
25189                    widget: b
25190                });
25191                b.setFocused(!1);
25192                !c && b.editor.resetDirty()
25193            }
25194        }
25196        function K(a) {
25197            a = a.data;
25198            if ("wysiwyg" ==
25199                this.editor.mode) {
25200                var b = this.editor.editable(),
25201                    c = this.instances,
25202                    d, e, f, h;
25203                if (b) {
25204                    for (d in c) c[d].isReady() && !b.contains(c[d].wrapper) && this.destroy(c[d], !0);
25205                    if (a && a.initOnlyNew) c = this.initOnAll();
25206                    else {
25207                        var l = b.find(".cke_widget_wrapper"),
25208                            c = [];
25209                        d = 0;
25210                        for (e = l.count(); d < e; d++) {
25211                            f = l.getItem(d);
25212                            if (h = !this.getByElement(f, !0)) {
25213                                a: {
25214                                    h = T;
25215                                    for (var k = f; k = k.getParent();)
25216                                        if (h(k)) {
25217                                            h = !0;
25218                                            break a
25219                                        } h = !1
25220                                }
25221                                h = !h
25222                            }
25223                            h && b.contains(f) && (f.addClass("cke_widget_new"), c.push(this.initOn(f.getFirst(g.isDomWidgetElement))))
25224                        }
25225                    }
25226                    a && a.focusInited &&
25227                        1 == c.length && c[0].focus()
25228                }
25229            }
25230        }
25232        function u(a) {
25233            if ("undefined" != typeof a.attributes && a.attributes["data-widget"]) {
25234                var b = v(a),
25235                    c = w(a),
25236                    d = !1;
25237                b && b.value && b.value.match(/^\s/g) && (b.parent.attributes["data-cke-white-space-first"] = 1, b.value = b.value.replace(/^\s/g, "\x26nbsp;"), d = !0);
25238                c && c.value && c.value.match(/\s$/g) && (c.parent.attributes["data-cke-white-space-last"] = 1, c.value = c.value.replace(/\s$/g, "\x26nbsp;"), d = !0);
25239                d && (a.attributes["data-cke-widget-white-space"] = 1)
25240            }
25241        }
25243        function v(a) {
25244            return a.find(function(a) {
25245                return 3 ===
25246                    a.type
25247            }, !0).shift()
25248        }
25250        function w(a) {
25251            return a.find(function(a) {
25252                return 3 === a.type
25253            }, !0).pop()
25254        }
25256        function x(a, b, c) {
25257            if (!c.allowedContent && !c.disallowedContent) return null;
25258            var d = this._.filters[a];
25259            d || (this._.filters[a] = d = {});
25260            a = d[b];
25261            a || (a = c.allowedContent ? new CKEDITOR.filter(c.allowedContent) : this.editor.filter.clone(), d[b] = a, c.disallowedContent && a.disallow(c.disallowedContent));
25262            return a
25263        }
25265        function U(a) {
25266            var b = [],
25267                c = a._.upcasts,
25268                d = a._.upcastCallbacks;
25269            return {
25270                toBeWrapped: b,
25271                iterator: function(a) {
25272                    var f, h, l, k, m;
25273                    if ("data-cke-widget-wrapper" in
25274                        a.attributes) return (a = a.getFirst(g.isParserWidgetElement)) && b.push([a]), !1;
25275                    if ("data-widget" in a.attributes) return b.push([a]), !1;
25276                    if (m = c.length) {
25277                        if (a.attributes["data-cke-widget-upcasted"]) return !1;
25278                        k = 0;
25279                        for (f = d.length; k < f; ++k)
25280                            if (!1 === d[k](a)) return;
25281                        for (k = 0; k < m; ++k)
25282                            if (f = c[k], l = {}, h = f[0](a, l)) return h instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element && (a = h), a.attributes["data-cke-widget-data"] = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(l)), a.attributes["data-cke-widget-upcasted"] = 1, b.push([a, f[1]]), !1
25283                    }
25284                }
25285            }
25286        }
25288        function y(a, b) {
25289            return {
25290                tabindex: -1,
25291                contenteditable: "false",
25292                "data-cke-widget-wrapper": 1,
25293                "data-cke-filter": "off",
25294                "class": "cke_widget_wrapper cke_widget_new cke_widget_" + (a ? "inline" : "block") + (b ? " cke_widget_" + b : "")
25295            }
25296        }
25298        function z(a, b, c) {
25299            if (a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT) {
25300                var d = CKEDITOR.dtd[a.name];
25301                if (d && !d[c.name]) {
25302                    var d = a.split(b),
25303                        e = a.parent;
25304                    b = d.getIndex();
25305                    a.children.length || (--b, a.remove());
25306                    d.children.length || d.remove();
25307                    return z(e, b, c)
25308                }
25309            }
25310            a.add(c, b)
25311        }
25313        function A(a, b) {
25314            return "boolean" == typeof a.inline ? a.inline : !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$inline[b]
25315        }
25317        function T(a) {
25318            return a.hasAttribute("data-cke-temp")
25319        }
25321        function n(a, b, c, d) {
25322            var e = a.editor;
25323            e.fire("lockSnapshot");
25324            c ? (d = c.data("cke-widget-editable"), d = b.editables[d], a.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = b, b.focusedEditable = d, c.addClass("cke_widget_editable_focused"), d.filter && e.setActiveFilter(d.filter), e.setActiveEnterMode(d.enterMode, d.shiftEnterMode)) : (d || b.focusedEditable.removeClass("cke_widget_editable_focused"), b.focusedEditable = null, a.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable = null, e.setActiveFilter(null), e.setActiveEnterMode(null, null));
25325            e.fire("unlockSnapshot")
25326        }
25328        function V(a) {
25329            a.contextMenu && a.contextMenu.addListener(function(b) {
25330                if (b = a.widgets.getByElement(b, !0)) return b.fire("contextMenu", {})
25331            })
25332        }
25334        function W(a, b) {
25335            return CKEDITOR.tools.trim(b)
25336        }
25338        function O(a) {
25339            var b = a.editor,
25340                c = CKEDITOR.plugins.lineutils;
25341            b.on("dragstart", function(c) {
25342                var e = c.data.target;
25343                g.isDomDragHandler(e) && (e = a.getByElement(e), c.data.dataTransfer.setData("cke/widget-id", e.id), b.focus(), e.focus())
25344            });
25345            b.on("drop", function(c) {
25346                var e = c.data.dataTransfer,
25347                    f = e.getData("cke/widget-id"),
25348                    h = e.getTransferType(b),
25349                    e = b.createRange();
25350                "" !== f && h === CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_CROSS_EDITORS ? c.cancel() : "" !== f && h == CKEDITOR.DATA_TRANSFER_INTERNAL && (f = a.instances[f]) && (e.setStartBefore(f.wrapper), e.setEndAfter(f.wrapper), c.data.dragRange = e, delete CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dragStartContainerChildCount, delete CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.dragEndContainerChildCount, c.data.dataTransfer.setData("text/html", b.editable().getHtmlFromRange(e).getHtml()), b.widgets.destroy(f, !0))
25351            });
25352            b.on("contentDom", function() {
25353                var d = b.editable();
25354                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(a, {
25355                    finder: new c.finder(b, {
25356                        lookups: {
25357                            "default": function(b) {
25358                                if (!b.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$listItem) && b.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$block) && !g.isDomNestedEditable(b) && !a._.draggedWidget.wrapper.contains(b)) {
25359                                    var c = g.getNestedEditable(d, b);
25360                                    if (c) {
25361                                        b = a._.draggedWidget;
25362                                        if (a.getByElement(c) == b) return;
25363                                        c = CKEDITOR.filter.instances[c.data("cke-filter")];
25364                                        b = b.requiredContent;
25365                                        if (c && b && !c.check(b)) return
25366                                    }
25367                                    return CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_BEFORE | CKEDITOR.LINEUTILS_AFTER
25368                                }
25369                            }
25370                        }
25371                    }),
25372                    locator: new c.locator(b),
25373                    liner: new c.liner(b, {
25374                        lineStyle: {
25375                            cursor: "move !important",
25376                            "border-top-color": "#666"
25377                        },
25378                        tipLeftStyle: {
25379                            "border-left-color": "#666"
25380                        },
25381                        tipRightStyle: {
25382                            "border-right-color": "#666"
25383                        }
25384                    })
25385                }, !0)
25386            })
25387        }
25389        function M(a) {
25390            var b = a.editor;
25391            b.on("contentDom", function() {
25392                var c = b.editable(),
25393                    d = c.isInline() ? c : b.document,
25394                    e, f;
25395                c.attachListener(d, "mousedown", function(c) {
25396                    var d = c.data.getTarget();
25397                    e = d instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element ? a.getByElement(d) : null;
25398                    f = 0;
25399                    e && (e.inline && d.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && d.hasAttribute("data-cke-widget-drag-handler") ? (f = 1, a.focused != e && b.getSelection().removeAllRanges()) :
25400                        g.getNestedEditable(e.wrapper, d) ? e = null : (c.data.preventDefault(), CKEDITOR.env.ie || e.focus()))
25401                });
25402                c.attachListener(d, "mouseup", function() {
25403                    f && e && e.wrapper && (f = 0, e.focus())
25404                });
25405                CKEDITOR.env.ie && c.attachListener(d, "mouseup", function() {
25406                    setTimeout(function() {
25407                        e && e.wrapper && c.contains(e.wrapper) && (e.focus(), e = null)
25408                    })
25409                })
25410            });
25411            b.on("doubleclick", function(b) {
25412                var d = a.getByElement(b.data.element);
25413                if (d && !g.getNestedEditable(d.wrapper, b.data.element)) return d.fire("doubleclick", {
25414                    element: b.data.element
25415                })
25416            }, null, null, 1)
25417        }
25419        function N(a) {
25420            a.editor.on("key", function(b) {
25421                    var c = a.focused,
25422                        d = a.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable,
25423                        e;
25424                    c ? e = c.fire("key", {
25425                        keyCode: b.data.keyCode
25426                    }) : d && (c = b.data.keyCode, b = d.focusedEditable, c == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 65 ? (c = b.getBogus(), d = d.editor.createRange(), d.selectNodeContents(b), c && d.setEndAt(c, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_START), d.select(), e = !1) : 8 == c || 46 == c ? (e = d.editor.getSelection().getRanges(), d = e[0], e = !(1 == e.length && d.collapsed && d.checkBoundaryOfElement(b, CKEDITOR[8 == c ? "START" : "END"]))) : e = void 0);
25427                    return e
25428                }, null,
25429                null, 1)
25430        }
25432        function P(a) {
25433            function b(b) {
25434                a.focused && B(a.focused, "cut" == b.name)
25435            }
25436            var c = a.editor;
25437            c.on("contentDom", function() {
25438                var a = c.editable();
25439                a.attachListener(a, "copy", b);
25440                a.attachListener(a, "cut", b)
25441            })
25442        }
25444        function L(a) {
25445            var b = a.editor;
25446            b.on("selectionCheck", function() {
25447                a.fire("checkSelection")
25448            });
25449            a.on("checkSelection", a.checkSelection, a);
25450            b.on("selectionChange", function(c) {
25451                var d = (c = g.getNestedEditable(b.editable(), c.data.selection.getStartElement())) && a.getByElement(c),
25452                    e = a.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable;
25453                e ? e === d &&
25454                    e.focusedEditable.equals(c) || (n(a, e, null), d && c && n(a, d, c)) : d && c && n(a, d, c)
25455            });
25456            b.on("dataReady", function() {
25457                C(a).commit()
25458            });
25459            b.on("blur", function() {
25460                var b;
25461                (b = a.focused) && t(a, b);
25462                (b = a.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable) && n(a, b, null)
25463            })
25464        }
25466        function J(a) {
25467            var b = a.editor,
25468                c = {};
25469            b.on("toDataFormat", function(b) {
25470                var e = CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),
25471                    f = [];
25472                b.data.downcastingSessionId = e;
25473                c[e] = f;
25474                b.data.dataValue.forEach(function(b) {
25475                        var c = b.attributes,
25476                            d;
25477                        if ("data-cke-widget-white-space" in c) {
25478                            d = v(b);
25479                            var e = w(b);
25480                            d.parent.attributes["data-cke-white-space-first"] &&
25481                                (d.value = d.value.replace(/^&nbsp;/g, " "));
25482                            e.parent.attributes["data-cke-white-space-last"] && (e.value = e.value.replace(/&nbsp;$/g, " "))
25483                        }
25484                        if ("data-cke-widget-id" in c) {
25485                            if (c = a.instances[c["data-cke-widget-id"]]) d = b.getFirst(g.isParserWidgetElement), f.push({
25486                                wrapper: b,
25487                                element: d,
25488                                widget: c,
25489                                editables: {}
25490                            }), "1" != d.attributes["data-cke-widget-keep-attr"] && delete d.attributes["data-widget"]
25491                        } else if ("data-cke-widget-editable" in c) return f[f.length - 1].editables[c["data-cke-widget-editable"]] = b, !1
25492                    }, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT,
25493                    !0)
25494            }, null, null, 8);
25495            b.on("toDataFormat", function(a) {
25496                if (a.data.downcastingSessionId) {
25497                    a = c[a.data.downcastingSessionId];
25498                    for (var b, f, h, l, g, m; b = a.shift();) {
25499                        f = b.widget;
25500                        h = b.element;
25501                        l = f._.downcastFn && f._.downcastFn.call(f, h);
25502                        for (m in b.editables) g = b.editables[m], delete g.attributes.contenteditable, g.setHtml(f.editables[m].getData());
25503                        l || (l = h);
25504                        b.wrapper.replaceWith(l)
25505                    }
25506                }
25507            }, null, null, 13);
25508            b.on("contentDomUnload", function() {
25509                a.destroyAll(!0)
25510            })
25511        }
25513        function I(a) {
25514            var b = a.editor,
25515                c, d;
25516            b.on("toHtml", function(b) {
25517                var d = U(a),
25518                    h;
25519                for (b.data.dataValue.forEach(d.iterator, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT, !0); h = d.toBeWrapped.pop();) {
25520                    var l = h[0],
25521                        k = l.parent;
25522                    k.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && k.attributes["data-cke-widget-wrapper"] && k.replaceWith(l);
25523                    a.wrapElement(h[0], h[1])
25524                }
25525                c = b.data.protectedWhitespaces ? 3 == b.data.dataValue.children.length && g.isParserWidgetWrapper(b.data.dataValue.children[1]) : 1 == b.data.dataValue.children.length && g.isParserWidgetWrapper(b.data.dataValue.children[0])
25526            }, null, null, 8);
25527            b.on("dataReady", function() {
25528                if (d)
25529                    for (var c = b.editable().find(".cke_widget_wrapper"),
25530                            f, h, l = 0, k = c.count(); l < k; ++l) f = c.getItem(l), h = f.getFirst(g.isDomWidgetElement), h.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && h.data("widget") ? (h.replace(f), a.wrapElement(h)) : f.remove();
25531                d = 0;
25532                a.destroyAll(!0);
25533                a.initOnAll()
25534            });
25535            b.on("loadSnapshot", function(b) {
25536                /data-cke-widget/.test(b.data) && (d = 1);
25537                a.destroyAll(!0)
25538            }, null, null, 9);
25539            b.on("paste", function(a) {
25540                a = a.data;
25541                a.dataValue = a.dataValue.replace(X, W);
25542                a.range && (a = g.getNestedEditable(b.editable(), a.range.startContainer)) && (a = CKEDITOR.filter.instances[a.data("cke-filter")]) &&
25543                    b.setActiveFilter(a)
25544            });
25545            b.on("afterInsertHtml", function(d) {
25546                d.data.intoRange ? a.checkWidgets({
25547                    initOnlyNew: !0
25548                }) : (b.fire("lockSnapshot"), a.checkWidgets({
25549                    initOnlyNew: !0,
25550                    focusInited: c
25551                }), b.fire("unlockSnapshot"))
25552            })
25553        }
25555        function C(a) {
25556            var b = a.selected,
25557                c = [],
25558                d = b.slice(0),
25559                e = null;
25560            return {
25561                select: function(a) {
25562                    0 > CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(b, a) && c.push(a);
25563                    a = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(d, a);
25564                    0 <= a && d.splice(a, 1);
25565                    return this
25566                },
25567                focus: function(a) {
25568                    e = a;
25569                    return this
25570                },
25571                commit: function() {
25572                    var f = a.focused !== e,
25573                        h, g;
25574                    a.editor.fire("lockSnapshot");
25575                    for (f &&
25576                        (h = a.focused) && t(a, h); h = d.pop();) b.splice(CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(b, h), 1), h.isInited() && (g = h.editor.checkDirty(), h.setSelected(!1), !g && h.editor.resetDirty());
25577                    f && e && (g = a.editor.checkDirty(), a.focused = e, a.fire("widgetFocused", {
25578                        widget: e
25579                    }), e.setFocused(!0), !g && a.editor.resetDirty());
25580                    for (; h = c.pop();) b.push(h), h.setSelected(!0);
25581                    a.editor.fire("unlockSnapshot")
25582                }
25583            }
25584        }
25586        function D(a, b, c) {
25587            var d = 0;
25588            b = E(b);
25589            var e = a.data.classes || {},
25590                f;
25591            if (b) {
25592                for (e = CKEDITOR.tools.clone(e); f = b.pop();) c ? e[f] || (d = e[f] = 1) : e[f] && (delete e[f],
25593                    d = 1);
25594                d && a.setData("classes", e)
25595            }
25596        }
25598        function F(a) {
25599            a.cancel()
25600        }
25602        function B(a, b) {
25603            var c = a.editor,
25604                d = c.document,
25605                e = CKEDITOR.env.edge && 16 <= CKEDITOR.env.version;
25606            if (!d.getById("cke_copybin")) {
25607                var f = !c.blockless && !CKEDITOR.env.ie || e ? "div" : "span",
25608                    e = d.createElement(f),
25609                    h = d.createElement(f),
25610                    f = CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version;
25611                h.setAttributes({
25612                    id: "cke_copybin",
25613                    "data-cke-temp": "1"
25614                });
25615                e.setStyles({
25616                    position: "absolute",
25617                    width: "1px",
25618                    height: "1px",
25619                    overflow: "hidden"
25620                });
25621                e.setStyle("ltr" == c.config.contentsLangDirection ? "left" :
25622                    "right", "-5000px");
25623                var g = c.createRange();
25624                g.setStartBefore(a.wrapper);
25625                g.setEndAfter(a.wrapper);
25626                e.setHtml('\x3cspan data-cke-copybin-start\x3d"1"\x3e​\x3c/span\x3e' + c.editable().getHtmlFromRange(g).getHtml() + '\x3cspan data-cke-copybin-end\x3d"1"\x3e​\x3c/span\x3e');
25627                c.fire("saveSnapshot");
25628                c.fire("lockSnapshot");
25629                h.append(e);
25630                c.editable().append(h);
25631                var k = c.on("selectionChange", F, null, null, 0),
25632                    m = a.repository.on("checkSelection", F, null, null, 0);
25633                if (f) var n = d.getDocumentElement().$,
25634                    p = n.scrollTop;
25635                g = c.createRange();
25636                g.selectNodeContents(e);
25637                g.select();
25638                f && (n.scrollTop = p);
25639                setTimeout(function() {
25640                    b || a.focus();
25641                    h.remove();
25642                    k.removeListener();
25643                    m.removeListener();
25644                    c.fire("unlockSnapshot");
25645                    b && !c.readOnly && (a.repository.del(a), c.fire("saveSnapshot"))
25646                }, 100)
25647            }
25648        }
25650        function E(a) {
25651            return (a = (a = a.getDefinition().attributes) && a["class"]) ? a.split(/\s+/) : null
25652        }
25654        function G() {
25655            var a = CKEDITOR.document.getActive(),
25656                b = this.editor,
25657                c = b.editable();
25658            (c.isInline() ? c : b.document.getWindow().getFrame()).equals(a) && b.focusManager.focus(c)
25659        }
25661        function H() {
25662            CKEDITOR.env.gecko &&
25663                this.editor.unlockSelection();
25664            CKEDITOR.env.webkit || (this.editor.forceNextSelectionCheck(), this.editor.selectionChange(1))
25665        }
25667        function Y(a) {
25668            var b = null;
25669            a.on("data", function() {
25670                var a = this.data.classes,
25671                    d;
25672                if (b != a) {
25673                    for (d in b) a && a[d] || this.removeClass(d);
25674                    for (d in a) this.addClass(d);
25675                    b = a
25676                }
25677            })
25678        }
25680        function Z(a) {
25681            a.on("data", function() {
25682                if (a.wrapper) {
25683                    var b = this.getLabel ? this.getLabel() : this.editor.lang.widget.label.replace(/%1/, this.pathName || this.element.getName());
25684                    a.wrapper.setAttribute("role", "region");
25685                    a.wrapper.setAttribute("aria-label",
25686                        b)
25687                }
25688            }, null, null, 9999)
25689        }
25691        function aa(a) {
25692            if (a.draggable) {
25693                var b = a.editor,
25694                    c = a.wrapper.getLast(g.isDomDragHandlerContainer),
25695                    d;
25696                c ? d = c.findOne("img") : (c = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("span", b.document), c.setAttributes({
25697                    "class": "cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler_container",
25698                    style: "background:rgba(220,220,220,0.5);background-image:url(" + b.plugins.widget.path + "images/handle.png)"
25699                }), d = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("img", b.document), d.setAttributes({
25700                    "class": "cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler",
25701                    "data-cke-widget-drag-handler": "1",
25702                    src: CKEDITOR.tools.transparentImageData,
25703                    width: 15,
25704                    title: b.lang.widget.move,
25705                    height: 15,
25706                    role: "presentation"
25707                }), a.inline && d.setAttribute("draggable", "true"), c.append(d), a.wrapper.append(c));
25708                a.wrapper.on("dragover", function(a) {
25709                    a.data.preventDefault()
25710                });
25711                a.wrapper.on("mouseenter", a.updateDragHandlerPosition, a);
25712                setTimeout(function() {
25713                    a.on("data", a.updateDragHandlerPosition, a)
25714                }, 50);
25715                if (!a.inline && (d.on("mousedown", ba, a), CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version)) d.on("dragstart", function(a) {
25716                    a.data.preventDefault(!0)
25717                });
25718                a.dragHandlerContainer = c
25719            }
25720        }
25722        function ba(a) {
25723            function b() {
25724                var b;
25725                for (q.reset(); b = g.pop();) b.removeListener();
25726                var c = k;
25727                b = a.sender;
25728                var d = this.repository.finder,
25729                    e = this.repository.liner,
25730                    f = this.editor,
25731                    h = this.editor.editable();
25732                CKEDITOR.tools.isEmpty(e.visible) || (c = d.getRange(c[0]), this.focus(), f.fire("drop", {
25733                    dropRange: c,
25734                    target: c.startContainer
25735                }));
25736                h.removeClass("cke_widget_dragging");
25737                e.hideVisible();
25738                f.fire("dragend", {
25739                    target: b
25740                })
25741            }
25742            if (CKEDITOR.tools.getMouseButton(a) === CKEDITOR.MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) {
25743                var c = this.repository.finder,
25744                    d = this.repository.locator,
25745                    e = this.repository.liner,
25746                    f = this.editor,
25747                    h = f.editable(),
25748                    g = [],
25749                    k = [],
25750                    m, n;
25751                this.repository._.draggedWidget = this;
25752                var p = c.greedySearch(),
25753                    q = CKEDITOR.tools.eventsBuffer(50, function() {
25754                        m = d.locate(p);
25755                        k = d.sort(n, 1);
25756                        k.length && (e.prepare(p, m), e.placeLine(k[0]), e.cleanup())
25757                    });
25758                h.addClass("cke_widget_dragging");
25759                g.push(h.on("mousemove", function(a) {
25760                    n = a.data.$.clientY;
25761                    q.input()
25762                }));
25763                f.fire("dragstart", {
25764                    target: a.sender
25765                });
25766                g.push(f.document.once("mouseup", b, this));
25767                h.isInline() || g.push(CKEDITOR.document.once("mouseup",
25768                    b, this))
25769            }
25770        }
25772        function ca(a) {
25773            var b, c, d = a.editables;
25774            a.editables = {};
25775            if (a.editables)
25776                for (b in d) c = d[b], a.initEditable(b, "string" == typeof c ? {
25777                    selector: c
25778                } : c)
25779        }
25781        function da(a) {
25782            if (a.mask) {
25783                var b = a.wrapper.findOne(".cke_widget_mask");
25784                b || (b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("img", a.editor.document), b.setAttributes({
25785                    src: CKEDITOR.tools.transparentImageData,
25786                    "class": "cke_reset cke_widget_mask"
25787                }), a.wrapper.append(b));
25788                a.mask = b
25789            }
25790        }
25792        function ea(a) {
25793            if (a.parts) {
25794                var b = {},
25795                    c, d;
25796                for (d in a.parts) c = a.wrapper.findOne(a.parts[d]), b[d] = c;
25797                a.parts =
25798                    b
25799            }
25800        }
25802        function Q(a, b) {
25803            fa(a);
25804            ea(a);
25805            ca(a);
25806            da(a);
25807            aa(a);
25808            Y(a);
25809            Z(a);
25810            if (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 9 > CKEDITOR.env.version) a.wrapper.on("dragstart", function(b) {
25811                var d = b.data.getTarget();
25812                g.getNestedEditable(a, d) || a.inline && g.isDomDragHandler(d) || b.data.preventDefault()
25813            });
25814            a.wrapper.removeClass("cke_widget_new");
25815            a.element.addClass("cke_widget_element");
25816            a.on("key", function(b) {
25817                b = b.data.keyCode;
25818                if (13 == b) a.edit();
25819                else {
25820                    if (b == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 67 || b == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88) {
25821                        B(a, b == CKEDITOR.CTRL + 88);
25822                        return
25823                    }
25824                    if (b in ga || CKEDITOR.CTRL & b || CKEDITOR.ALT &
25825                        b) return
25826                }
25827                return !1
25828            }, null, null, 999);
25829            a.on("doubleclick", function(b) {
25830                a.edit() && b.cancel()
25831            });
25832            if (b.data) a.on("data", b.data);
25833            if (b.edit) a.on("edit", b.edit)
25834        }
25836        function fa(a) {
25837            (a.wrapper = a.element.getParent()).setAttribute("data-cke-widget-id", a.id)
25838        }
25840        function r(a) {
25841            a.element.data("cke-widget-data", encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(a.data)))
25842        }
25844        function ha() {
25845            function a() {}
25847            function b(a, b, c) {
25848                return c && this.checkElement(a) ? (a = c.widgets.getByElement(a, !0)) && a.checkStyleActive(this) : !1
25849            }
25850            var c = {};
25851            CKEDITOR.style.addCustomHandler({
25852                type: "widget",
25853                setup: function(a) {
25854                    this.widget = a.widget;
25855                    if (this.group = "string" == typeof a.group ? [a.group] : a.group) {
25856                        a = this.widget;
25857                        var b;
25858                        c[a] || (c[a] = {});
25859                        for (var f = 0, h = this.group.length; f < h; f++) b = this.group[f], c[a][b] || (c[a][b] = []), c[a][b].push(this)
25860                    }
25861                },
25862                apply: function(a) {
25863                    var b;
25864                    a instanceof CKEDITOR.editor && this.checkApplicable(a.elementPath(), a) && (b = a.widgets.focused, this.group && this.removeStylesFromSameGroup(a), b.applyStyle(this))
25865                },
25866                remove: function(a) {
25867                    a instanceof CKEDITOR.editor && this.checkApplicable(a.elementPath(),
25868                        a) && a.widgets.focused.removeStyle(this)
25869                },
25870                removeStylesFromSameGroup: function(a) {
25871                    var b, f, h = !1;
25872                    if (!(a instanceof CKEDITOR.editor)) return !1;
25873                    f = a.elementPath();
25874                    if (this.checkApplicable(f, a))
25875                        for (var g = 0, k = this.group.length; g < k; g++) {
25876                            b = c[this.widget][this.group[g]];
25877                            for (var m = 0; m < b.length; m++) b[m] !== this && b[m].checkActive(f, a) && (a.widgets.focused.removeStyle(b[m]), h = !0)
25878                        }
25879                    return h
25880                },
25881                checkActive: function(a, b) {
25882                    return this.checkElementMatch(a.lastElement, 0, b)
25883                },
25884                checkApplicable: function(a, b) {
25885                    return b instanceof CKEDITOR.editor ?
25886                        this.checkElement(a.lastElement) : !1
25887                },
25888                checkElementMatch: b,
25889                checkElementRemovable: b,
25890                checkElement: function(a) {
25891                    return g.isDomWidgetWrapper(a) ? (a = a.getFirst(g.isDomWidgetElement)) && a.data("widget") == this.widget : !1
25892                },
25893                buildPreview: function(a) {
25894                    return a || this._.definition.name
25895                },
25896                toAllowedContentRules: function(a) {
25897                    if (!a) return null;
25898                    a = a.widgets.registered[this.widget];
25899                    var b, c = {};
25900                    if (!a) return null;
25901                    if (a.styleableElements) {
25902                        b = this.getClassesArray();
25903                        if (!b) return null;
25904                        c[a.styleableElements] = {
25905                            classes: b,
25906                            propertiesOnly: !0
25907                        };
25908                        return c
25909                    }
25910                    return a.styleToAllowedContentRules ? a.styleToAllowedContentRules(this) : null
25911                },
25912                getClassesArray: function() {
25913                    var a = this._.definition.attributes && this._.definition.attributes["class"];
25914                    return a ? CKEDITOR.tools.trim(a).split(/\s+/) : null
25915                },
25916                applyToRange: a,
25917                removeFromRange: a,
25918                applyToObject: a
25919            })
25920        }
25921        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("widget", {
25922            requires: "lineutils,clipboard,widgetselection",
25923            onLoad: function() {
25924                void 0 !== CKEDITOR.document.$.querySelectorAll && (CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_widget_wrapper{position:relative;outline:none}.cke_widget_inline{display:inline-block}.cke_widget_wrapper:hover\x3e.cke_widget_element{outline:2px solid #ffd25c;cursor:default}.cke_widget_wrapper:hover .cke_widget_editable{outline:2px solid #ffd25c}.cke_widget_wrapper.cke_widget_focused\x3e.cke_widget_element,.cke_widget_wrapper .cke_widget_editable.cke_widget_editable_focused{outline:2px solid #47a4f5}.cke_widget_editable{cursor:text}.cke_widget_drag_handler_container{position:absolute;width:15px;height:0;display:none;opacity:0.75;transition:height 0s 0.2s;line-height:0}.cke_widget_wrapper:hover\x3e.cke_widget_drag_handler_container{height:15px;transition:none}.cke_widget_drag_handler_container:hover{opacity:1}img.cke_widget_drag_handler{cursor:move;width:15px;height:15px;display:inline-block}.cke_widget_mask{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;display:block}.cke_editable.cke_widget_dragging, .cke_editable.cke_widget_dragging *{cursor:move !important}"),
25925                    ha())
25926            },
25927            beforeInit: function(a) {
25928                void 0 !== CKEDITOR.document.$.querySelectorAll && (a.widgets = new p(a))
25929            },
25930            afterInit: function(a) {
25931                if (void 0 !== CKEDITOR.document.$.querySelectorAll) {
25932                    var b = a.widgets.registered,
25933                        c, d, e;
25934                    for (d in b) c = b[d], (e = c.button) && a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton(CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize(c.name, !0), {
25935                        label: e,
25936                        command: c.name,
25937                        toolbar: "insert,10"
25938                    });
25939                    V(a)
25940                }
25941            }
25942        });
25943        p.prototype = {
25944            MIN_SELECTION_CHECK_INTERVAL: 500,
25945            add: function(a, b) {
25946                b = CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy(b);
25947                b.name = a;
25948                b._ = b._ || {};
25949                this.editor.fire("widgetDefinition",
25950                    b);
25951                b.template && (b.template = new CKEDITOR.template(b.template));
25952                R(this.editor, b);
25953                S(this, b);
25954                return this.registered[a] = b
25955            },
25956            addUpcastCallback: function(a) {
25957                this._.upcastCallbacks.push(a)
25958            },
25959            checkSelection: function() {
25960                var a = this.editor.getSelection(),
25961                    b = a.getSelectedElement(),
25962                    c = C(this),
25963                    d;
25964                if (b && (d = this.getByElement(b, !0))) return c.focus(d).select(d).commit();
25965                a = a.getRanges()[0];
25966                if (!a || a.collapsed) return c.commit();
25967                a = new CKEDITOR.dom.walker(a);
25968                for (a.evaluator = g.isDomWidgetWrapper; b = a.next();) c.select(this.getByElement(b));
25969                c.commit()
25970            },
25971            checkWidgets: function(a) {
25972                this.fire("checkWidgets", CKEDITOR.tools.copy(a || {}))
25973            },
25974            del: function(a) {
25975                if (this.focused === a) {
25976                    var b = a.editor,
25977                        c = b.createRange(),
25978                        d;
25979                    (d = c.moveToClosestEditablePosition(a.wrapper, !0)) || (d = c.moveToClosestEditablePosition(a.wrapper, !1));
25980                    d && b.getSelection().selectRanges([c])
25981                }
25982                a.wrapper.remove();
25983                this.destroy(a, !0)
25984            },
25985            destroy: function(a, b) {
25986                this.widgetHoldingFocusedEditable === a && n(this, a, null, b);
25987                a.destroy(b);
25988                delete this.instances[a.id];
25989                this.fire("instanceDestroyed", a)
25990            },
25991            destroyAll: function(a,
25992                b) {
25993                var c, d, e = this.instances;
25994                if (b && !a) {
25995                    d = b.find(".cke_widget_wrapper");
25996                    for (var e = d.count(), f = 0; f < e; ++f)(c = this.getByElement(d.getItem(f), !0)) && this.destroy(c)
25997                } else
25998                    for (d in e) c = e[d], this.destroy(c, a)
25999            },
26000            finalizeCreation: function(a) {
26001                (a = a.getFirst()) && g.isDomWidgetWrapper(a) && (this.editor.insertElement(a), a = this.getByElement(a), a.ready = !0, a.fire("ready"), a.focus())
26002            },
26003            getByElement: function() {
26004                function a(a) {
26005                    return a.is(b) && a.data("cke-widget-id")
26006                }
26007                var b = {
26008                    div: 1,
26009                    span: 1
26010                };
26011                return function(b, d) {
26012                    if (!b) return null;
26013                    var e = a(b);
26014                    if (!d && !e) {
26015                        var f = this.editor.editable();
26016                        do b = b.getParent(); while (b && !b.equals(f) && !(e = a(b)))
26017                    }
26018                    return this.instances[e] || null
26019                }
26020            }(),
26021            initOn: function(a, b, c) {
26022                b ? "string" == typeof b && (b = this.registered[b]) : b = this.registered[a.data("widget")];
26023                if (!b) return null;
26024                var d = this.wrapElement(a, b.name);
26025                return d ? d.hasClass("cke_widget_new") ? (a = new g(this, this._.nextId++, a, b, c), a.isInited() ? this.instances[a.id] = a : null) : this.getByElement(a) : null
26026            },
26027            initOnAll: function(a) {
26028                a = (a || this.editor.editable()).find(".cke_widget_new");
26029                for (var b = [], c, d = a.count(); d--;)(c = this.initOn(a.getItem(d).getFirst(g.isDomWidgetElement))) && b.push(c);
26030                return b
26031            },
26032            onWidget: function(a) {
26033                var b = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
26034                b.shift();
26035                for (var c in this.instances) {
26036                    var d = this.instances[c];
26037                    d.name == a && d.on.apply(d, b)
26038                }
26039                this.on("instanceCreated", function(c) {
26040                    c = c.data;
26041                    c.name == a && c.on.apply(c, b)
26042                })
26043            },
26044            parseElementClasses: function(a) {
26045                if (!a) return null;
26046                a = CKEDITOR.tools.trim(a).split(/\s+/);
26047                for (var b, c = {}, d = 0; b = a.pop();) - 1 == b.indexOf("cke_") && (c[b] = d = 1);
26048                return d ?
26049                    c : null
26050            },
26051            wrapElement: function(a, b) {
26052                var c = null,
26053                    d, e;
26054                if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.dom.element) {
26055                    b = b || a.data("widget");
26056                    d = this.registered[b];
26057                    if (!d) return null;
26058                    if ((c = a.getParent()) && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.data("cke-widget-wrapper")) return c;
26059                    a.hasAttribute("data-cke-widget-keep-attr") || a.data("cke-widget-keep-attr", a.data("widget") ? 1 : 0);
26060                    a.data("widget", b);
26061                    (e = A(d, a.getName())) && u(a);
26062                    c = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e ? "span" : "div");
26063                    c.setAttributes(y(e, b));
26064                    c.data("cke-display-name", d.pathName ? d.pathName : a.getName());
26065                    a.getParent(!0) && c.replace(a);
26066                    a.appendTo(c)
26067                } else if (a instanceof CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element) {
26068                    b = b || a.attributes["data-widget"];
26069                    d = this.registered[b];
26070                    if (!d) return null;
26071                    if ((c = a.parent) && c.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && c.attributes["data-cke-widget-wrapper"]) return c;
26072                    "data-cke-widget-keep-attr" in a.attributes || (a.attributes["data-cke-widget-keep-attr"] = a.attributes["data-widget"] ? 1 : 0);
26073                    b && (a.attributes["data-widget"] = b);
26074                    (e = A(d, a.name)) && u(a);
26075                    c = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element(e ? "span" : "div", y(e, b));
26076                    c.attributes["data-cke-display-name"] =
26077                        d.pathName ? d.pathName : a.name;
26078                    d = a.parent;
26079                    var f;
26080                    d && (f = a.getIndex(), a.remove());
26081                    c.add(a);
26082                    d && z(d, f, c)
26083                }
26084                return c
26085            },
26086            _tests_createEditableFilter: x
26087        };
26088        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(p.prototype);
26089        g.prototype = {
26090            addClass: function(a) {
26091                this.element.addClass(a);
26092                this.wrapper.addClass(g.WRAPPER_CLASS_PREFIX + a)
26093            },
26094            applyStyle: function(a) {
26095                D(this, a, 1)
26096            },
26097            checkStyleActive: function(a) {
26098                a = E(a);
26099                var b;
26100                if (!a) return !1;
26101                for (; b = a.pop();)
26102                    if (!this.hasClass(b)) return !1;
26103                return !0
26104            },
26105            destroy: function(a) {
26106                this.fire("destroy");
26107                if (this.editables)
26108                    for (var b in this.editables) this.destroyEditable(b,
26109                        a);
26110                a || ("0" == this.element.data("cke-widget-keep-attr") && this.element.removeAttribute("data-widget"), this.element.removeAttributes(["data-cke-widget-data", "data-cke-widget-keep-attr"]), this.element.removeClass("cke_widget_element"), this.element.replace(this.wrapper));
26111                this.wrapper = null
26112            },
26113            destroyEditable: function(a, b) {
26114                var c = this.editables[a];
26115                c.removeListener("focus", H);
26116                c.removeListener("blur", G);
26117                this.editor.focusManager.remove(c);
26118                b || (this.repository.destroyAll(!1, c), c.removeClass("cke_widget_editable"),
26119                    c.removeClass("cke_widget_editable_focused"), c.removeAttributes(["contenteditable", "data-cke-widget-editable", "data-cke-enter-mode"]));
26120                delete this.editables[a]
26121            },
26122            edit: function() {
26123                var a = {
26124                        dialog: this.dialog
26125                    },
26126                    b = this;
26127                if (!1 === this.fire("edit", a) || !a.dialog) return !1;
26128                this.editor.openDialog(a.dialog, function(a) {
26129                    var d, e;
26130                    !1 !== b.fire("dialog", a) && (d = a.on("show", function() {
26131                        a.setupContent(b)
26132                    }), e = a.on("ok", function() {
26133                        var d, e = b.on("data", function(a) {
26134                            d = 1;
26135                            a.cancel()
26136                        }, null, null, 0);
26137                        b.editor.fire("saveSnapshot");
26138                        a.commitContent(b);
26139                        e.removeListener();
26140                        d && (b.fire("data", b.data), b.editor.fire("saveSnapshot"))
26141                    }), a.once("hide", function() {
26142                        d.removeListener();
26143                        e.removeListener()
26144                    }))
26145                });
26146                return !0
26147            },
26148            getClasses: function() {
26149                return this.repository.parseElementClasses(this.element.getAttribute("class"))
26150            },
26151            hasClass: function(a) {
26152                return this.element.hasClass(a)
26153            },
26154            initEditable: function(a, b) {
26155                var c = this._findOneNotNested(b.selector);
26156                return c && c.is(CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable) ? (c = new q(this.editor, c, {
26157                        filter: x.call(this.repository, this.name, a, b)
26158                    }), this.editables[a] =
26159                    c, c.setAttributes({
26160                        contenteditable: "true",
26161                        "data-cke-widget-editable": a,
26162                        "data-cke-enter-mode": c.enterMode
26163                    }), c.filter && c.data("cke-filter", c.filter.id), c.addClass("cke_widget_editable"), c.removeClass("cke_widget_editable_focused"), b.pathName && c.data("cke-display-name", b.pathName), this.editor.focusManager.add(c), c.on("focus", H, this), CKEDITOR.env.ie && c.on("blur", G, this), c._.initialSetData = !0, c.setData(c.getHtml()), !0) : !1
26164            },
26165            _findOneNotNested: function(a) {
26166                a = this.wrapper.find(a);
26167                for (var b, c, d = 0; d < a.count(); d++)
26168                    if (b =
26169                        a.getItem(d), c = b.getAscendant(g.isDomWidgetWrapper), this.wrapper.equals(c)) return b;
26170                return null
26171            },
26172            isInited: function() {
26173                return !(!this.wrapper || !this.inited)
26174            },
26175            isReady: function() {
26176                return this.isInited() && this.ready
26177            },
26178            focus: function() {
26179                var a = this.editor.getSelection();
26180                if (a) {
26181                    var b = this.editor.checkDirty();
26182                    a.fake(this.wrapper);
26183                    !b && this.editor.resetDirty()
26184                }
26185                this.editor.focus()
26186            },
26187            removeClass: function(a) {
26188                this.element.removeClass(a);
26189                this.wrapper.removeClass(g.WRAPPER_CLASS_PREFIX + a)
26190            },
26191            removeStyle: function(a) {
26192                D(this,
26193                    a, 0)
26194            },
26195            setData: function(a, b) {
26196                var c = this.data,
26197                    d = 0;
26198                if ("string" == typeof a) c[a] !== b && (c[a] = b, d = 1);
26199                else {
26200                    var e = a;
26201                    for (a in e) c[a] !== e[a] && (d = 1, c[a] = e[a])
26202                }
26203                d && this.dataReady && (r(this), this.fire("data", c));
26204                return this
26205            },
26206            setFocused: function(a) {
26207                this.wrapper[a ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("cke_widget_focused");
26208                this.fire(a ? "focus" : "blur");
26209                return this
26210            },
26211            setSelected: function(a) {
26212                this.wrapper[a ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("cke_widget_selected");
26213                this.fire(a ? "select" : "deselect");
26214                return this
26215            },
26216            updateDragHandlerPosition: function() {
26217                var a =
26218                    this.editor,
26219                    b = this.element.$,
26220                    c = this._.dragHandlerOffset,
26221                    b = {
26222                        x: b.offsetLeft,
26223                        y: b.offsetTop - 15
26224                    };
26225                c && b.x == c.x && b.y == c.y || (c = a.checkDirty(), a.fire("lockSnapshot"), this.dragHandlerContainer.setStyles({
26226                    top: b.y + "px",
26227                    left: b.x + "px",
26228                    display: "block"
26229                }), a.fire("unlockSnapshot"), !c && a.resetDirty(), this._.dragHandlerOffset = b)
26230            }
26231        };
26232        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(g.prototype);
26233        g.getNestedEditable = function(a, b) {
26234            return !b || b.equals(a) ? null : g.isDomNestedEditable(b) ? b : g.getNestedEditable(a, b.getParent())
26235        };
26236        g.isDomDragHandler = function(a) {
26237            return a.type ==
26238                CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasAttribute("data-cke-widget-drag-handler")
26239        };
26240        g.isDomDragHandlerContainer = function(a) {
26241            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasClass("cke_widget_drag_handler_container")
26242        };
26243        g.isDomNestedEditable = function(a) {
26244            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasAttribute("data-cke-widget-editable")
26245        };
26246        g.isDomWidgetElement = function(a) {
26247            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasAttribute("data-widget")
26248        };
26249        g.isDomWidgetWrapper = function(a) {
26250            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && a.hasAttribute("data-cke-widget-wrapper")
26251        };
26252        g.isDomWidget = function(a) {
26253            return a ? this.isDomWidgetWrapper(a) || this.isDomWidgetElement(a) : !1
26254        };
26255        g.isParserWidgetElement = function(a) {
26256            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !!a.attributes["data-widget"]
26257        };
26258        g.isParserWidgetWrapper = function(a) {
26259            return a.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !!a.attributes["data-cke-widget-wrapper"]
26260        };
26261        g.WRAPPER_CLASS_PREFIX = "cke_widget_wrapper_";
26262        q.prototype = CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.tools.prototypedCopy(CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype), {
26263            setData: function(a) {
26264                this._.initialSetData ||
26265                    this.editor.widgets.destroyAll(!1, this);
26266                this._.initialSetData = !1;
26267                a = this.editor.dataProcessor.toHtml(a, {
26268                    context: this.getName(),
26269                    filter: this.filter,
26270                    enterMode: this.enterMode
26271                });
26272                this.setHtml(a);
26273                this.editor.widgets.initOnAll(this)
26274            },
26275            getData: function() {
26276                return this.editor.dataProcessor.toDataFormat(this.getHtml(), {
26277                    context: this.getName(),
26278                    filter: this.filter,
26279                    enterMode: this.enterMode
26280                })
26281            }
26282        });
26283        var X = /^(?:<(?:div|span)(?: data-cke-temp="1")?(?: id="cke_copybin")?(?: data-cke-temp="1")?>)?(?:<(?:div|span)(?: style="[^"]+")?>)?<span [^>]*data-cke-copybin-start="1"[^>]*>.?<\/span>([\s\S]+)<span [^>]*data-cke-copybin-end="1"[^>]*>.?<\/span>(?:<\/(?:div|span)>)?(?:<\/(?:div|span)>)?$/i,
26284            ga = {
26285                37: 1,
26286                38: 1,
26287                39: 1,
26288                40: 1,
26289                8: 1,
26290                46: 1
26291            };
26292        CKEDITOR.plugins.widget = g;
26293        g.repository = p;
26294        g.nestedEditable = q
26295    })();
26296    (function() {
26297        function e(a, b, c) {
26298            this.editor = a;
26299            this.notification = null;
26300            this._message = new CKEDITOR.template(b);
26301            this._singularMessage = c ? new CKEDITOR.template(c) : null;
26302            this._tasks = [];
26303            this._doneTasks = this._doneWeights = this._totalWeights = 0
26304        }
26306        function d(a) {
26307            this._weight = a || 1;
26308            this._doneWeight = 0;
26309            this._isCanceled = !1
26310        }
26311        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("notificationaggregator", {
26312            requires: "notification"
26313        });
26314        e.prototype = {
26315            createTask: function(a) {
26316                a = a || {};
26317                var b = !this.notification,
26318                    c;
26319                b && (this.notification = this._createNotification());
26320                c = this._addTask(a);
26321                c.on("updated", this._onTaskUpdate, this);
26322                c.on("done", this._onTaskDone, this);
26323                c.on("canceled", function() {
26324                    this._removeTask(c)
26325                }, this);
26326                this.update();
26327                b && this.notification.show();
26328                return c
26329            },
26330            update: function() {
26331                this._updateNotification();
26332                this.isFinished() && this.fire("finished")
26333            },
26334            getPercentage: function() {
26335                return 0 === this.getTaskCount() ? 1 : this._doneWeights / this._totalWeights
26336            },
26337            isFinished: function() {
26338                return this.getDoneTaskCount() === this.getTaskCount()
26339            },
26340            getTaskCount: function() {
26341                return this._tasks.length
26342            },
26343            getDoneTaskCount: function() {
26344                return this._doneTasks
26345            },
26346            _updateNotification: function() {
26347                this.notification.update({
26348                    message: this._getNotificationMessage(),
26349                    progress: this.getPercentage()
26350                })
26351            },
26352            _getNotificationMessage: function() {
26353                var a = this.getTaskCount(),
26354                    b = {
26355                        current: this.getDoneTaskCount(),
26356                        max: a,
26357                        percentage: Math.round(100 * this.getPercentage())
26358                    };
26359                return (1 == a && this._singularMessage ? this._singularMessage : this._message).output(b)
26360            },
26361            _createNotification: function() {
26362                return new CKEDITOR.plugins.notification(this.editor, {
26363                    type: "progress"
26364                })
26365            },
26366            _addTask: function(a) {
26367                a = new d(a.weight);
26368                this._tasks.push(a);
26369                this._totalWeights += a._weight;
26370                return a
26371            },
26372            _removeTask: function(a) {
26373                var b = CKEDITOR.tools.indexOf(this._tasks, a); - 1 !== b && (a._doneWeight && (this._doneWeights -= a._doneWeight), this._totalWeights -= a._weight, this._tasks.splice(b, 1), this.update())
26374            },
26375            _onTaskUpdate: function(a) {
26376                this._doneWeights += a.data;
26377                this.update()
26378            },
26379            _onTaskDone: function() {
26380                this._doneTasks += 1;
26381                this.update()
26382            }
26383        };
26384        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(e.prototype);
26385        d.prototype = {
26386            done: function() {
26387                this.update(this._weight)
26388            },
26389            update: function(a) {
26390                if (!this.isDone() &&
26391                    !this.isCanceled()) {
26392                    a = Math.min(this._weight, a);
26393                    var b = a - this._doneWeight;
26394                    this._doneWeight = a;
26395                    this.fire("updated", b);
26396                    this.isDone() && this.fire("done")
26397                }
26398            },
26399            cancel: function() {
26400                this.isDone() || this.isCanceled() || (this._isCanceled = !0, this.fire("canceled"))
26401            },
26402            isDone: function() {
26403                return this._weight === this._doneWeight
26404            },
26405            isCanceled: function() {
26406                return this._isCanceled
26407            }
26408        };
26409        CKEDITOR.event.implementOn(d.prototype);
26410        CKEDITOR.plugins.notificationAggregator = e;
26411        CKEDITOR.plugins.notificationAggregator.task = d
26412    })();
26413    (function() {
26414        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("uploadwidget", {
26415            requires: "widget,clipboard,filetools,notificationaggregator",
26416            init: function(a) {
26417                a.filter.allow("*[!data-widget,!data-cke-upload-id]")
26418            }
26419        });
26420        CKEDITOR.fileTools || (CKEDITOR.fileTools = {});
26421        CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.fileTools, {
26422            addUploadWidget: function(a, c, f) {
26423                var h = CKEDITOR.fileTools,
26424                    b = a.uploadRepository,
26425                    m = f.supportedTypes ? 10 : 20;
26426                if (f.fileToElement) a.on("paste", function(d) {
26427                    d = d.data;
26428                    var l = a.widgets.registered[c],
26429                        k = d.dataTransfer,
26430                        f = k.getFilesCount(),
26431                        g = l.loadMethod ||
26432                        "loadAndUpload",
26433                        e, n;
26434                    if (!d.dataValue && f)
26435                        for (n = 0; n < f; n++)
26436                            if (e = k.getFile(n), !l.supportedTypes || h.isTypeSupported(e, l.supportedTypes)) {
26437                                var m = l.fileToElement(e);
26438                                e = b.create(e, void 0, l.loaderType);
26439                                m && (e[g](l.uploadUrl, l.additionalRequestParameters), CKEDITOR.fileTools.markElement(m, c, e.id), "loadAndUpload" != g && "upload" != g || l.skipNotifications || CKEDITOR.fileTools.bindNotifications(a, e), d.dataValue += m.getOuterHtml())
26440                            }
26441                }, null, null, m);
26442                CKEDITOR.tools.extend(f, {
26443                    downcast: function() {
26444                        return new CKEDITOR.htmlParser.text("")
26445                    },
26446                    init: function() {
26447                        var d = this,
26448                            c = this.wrapper.findOne("[data-cke-upload-id]").data("cke-upload-id"),
26449                            k = b.loaders[c],
26450                            f = CKEDITOR.tools.capitalize,
26451                            g, e;
26452                        k.on("update", function(b) {
26453                            if (d.wrapper && d.wrapper.getParent()) {
26454                                a.fire("lockSnapshot");
26455                                b = "on" + f(k.status);
26456                                if ("function" !== typeof d[b] || !1 !== d[b](k)) e = "cke_upload_" + k.status, d.wrapper && e != g && (g && d.wrapper.removeClass(g), d.wrapper.addClass(e), g = e), "error" != k.status && "abort" != k.status || a.widgets.del(d);
26457                                a.fire("unlockSnapshot")
26458                            } else CKEDITOR.instances[a.name] &&
26459                                a.editable().find('[data-cke-upload-id\x3d"' + c + '"]').count() || k.abort(), b.removeListener()
26460                        });
26461                        k.update()
26462                    },
26463                    replaceWith: function(d, c) {
26464                        if ("" === d.trim()) a.widgets.del(this);
26465                        else {
26466                            var b = this == a.widgets.focused,
26467                                f = a.editable(),
26468                                g = a.createRange(),
26469                                e, h;
26470                            b || (h = a.getSelection().createBookmarks());
26471                            g.setStartBefore(this.wrapper);
26472                            g.setEndAfter(this.wrapper);
26473                            b && (e = g.createBookmark());
26474                            f.insertHtmlIntoRange(d, g, c);
26475                            a.widgets.checkWidgets({
26476                                initOnlyNew: !0
26477                            });
26478                            a.widgets.destroy(this, !0);
26479                            b ? (g.moveToBookmark(e), g.select()) : a.getSelection().selectBookmarks(h)
26480                        }
26481                    },
26482                    _getLoader: function() {
26483                        var a = this.wrapper.findOne("[data-cke-upload-id]");
26484                        return a ? this.editor.uploadRepository.loaders[a.data("cke-upload-id")] : null
26485                    }
26486                });
26487                a.widgets.add(c, f)
26488            },
26489            markElement: function(a, c, f) {
26490                a.setAttributes({
26491                    "data-cke-upload-id": f,
26492                    "data-widget": c
26493                })
26494            },
26495            bindNotifications: function(a, c) {
26496                function f() {
26497                    h = a._.uploadWidgetNotificaionAggregator;
26498                    if (!h || h.isFinished()) h = a._.uploadWidgetNotificaionAggregator = new CKEDITOR.plugins.notificationAggregator(a, a.lang.uploadwidget.uploadMany, a.lang.uploadwidget.uploadOne),
26499                        h.once("finished", function() {
26500                            var b = h.getTaskCount();
26501                            0 === b ? h.notification.hide() : h.notification.update({
26502                                message: 1 == b ? a.lang.uploadwidget.doneOne : a.lang.uploadwidget.doneMany.replace("%1", b),
26503                                type: "success",
26504                                important: 1
26505                            })
26506                        })
26507                }
26508                var h, b = null;
26509                c.on("update", function() {
26510                    !b && c.uploadTotal && (f(), b = h.createTask({
26511                        weight: c.uploadTotal
26512                    }));
26513                    b && "uploading" == c.status && b.update(c.uploaded)
26514                });
26515                c.on("uploaded", function() {
26516                    b && b.done()
26517                });
26518                c.on("error", function() {
26519                    b && b.cancel();
26520                    a.showNotification(c.message, "warning")
26521                });
26522                c.on("abort",
26523                    function() {
26524                        b && b.cancel();
26525                        CKEDITOR.instances[a.name] && a.showNotification(a.lang.uploadwidget.abort, "info")
26526                    })
26527            }
26528        })
26529    })();
26530    (function() {
26531        function l(c) {
26532            9 >= c && (c = "0" + c);
26533            return String(c)
26534        }
26536        function n(c) {
26537            var a = new Date,
26538                a = [a.getFullYear(), a.getMonth() + 1, a.getDate(), a.getHours(), a.getMinutes(), a.getSeconds()];
26539            e += 1;
26540            return "image-" + CKEDITOR.tools.array.map(a, l).join("") + "-" + e + "." + c
26541        }
26542        var e = 0;
26543        CKEDITOR.plugins.add("uploadimage", {
26544            requires: "uploadwidget",
26545            onLoad: function() {
26546                CKEDITOR.addCss(".cke_upload_uploading img{opacity: 0.3}")
26547            },
26548            init: function(c) {
26549                if (CKEDITOR.plugins.clipboard.isFileApiSupported) {
26550                    var a = CKEDITOR.fileTools,
26551                        e = a.getUploadUrl(c.config,
26552                            "image");
26553                    e && (a.addUploadWidget(c, "uploadimage", {
26554                        supportedTypes: /image\/(jpeg|png|gif|bmp)/,
26555                        uploadUrl: e,
26556                        fileToElement: function() {
26557                            var b = new CKEDITOR.dom.element("img");
26558                            b.setAttribute("src", "\x3d");
26559                            return b
26560                        },
26561                        parts: {
26562                            img: "img"
26563                        },
26564                        onUploading: function(b) {
26565                            this.parts.img.setAttribute("src", b.data)
26566                        },
26567                        onUploaded: function(b) {
26568                            var a = this.parts.img.$;
26569                            this.replaceWith('\x3cimg src\x3d"' + b.url + '" width\x3d"' + (b.responseData.width ||
26570                                a.naturalWidth) + '" height\x3d"' + (b.responseData.height || a.naturalHeight) + '"\x3e')
26571                        }
26572                    }), c.on("paste", function(b) {
26573                        if (b.data.dataValue.match(/<img[\s\S]+data:/i)) {
26574                            b = b.data;
26575                            var f = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""),
26576                                f = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(f.body),
26577                                m, g, k;
26578                            f.data("cke-editable", 1);
26579                            f.appendHtml(b.dataValue);
26580                            m = f.find("img");
26581                            for (k = 0; k < m.count(); k++) {
26582                                g = m.getItem(k);
26583                                var d = g.getAttribute("src"),
26584                                    h = d && "data:" == d.substring(0, 5),
26585                                    l = null === g.data("cke-realelement");
26586                                h && l && !g.data("cke-upload-id") && !g.isReadOnly(1) &&
26587                                    (h = (h = d.match(/image\/([a-z]+?);/i)) && h[1] || "jpg", d = c.uploadRepository.create(d, n(h)), d.upload(e), a.markElement(g, "uploadimage", d.id), a.bindNotifications(c, d))
26588                            }
26589                            b.dataValue = f.getHtml()
26590                        }
26591                    }))
26592                }
26593            }
26594        })
26595    })();
26596    CKEDITOR.plugins.add("wsc", {
26597        requires: "dialog",
26598        parseApi: function(a) {
26599            a.config.wsc_onFinish = "function" === typeof a.config.wsc_onFinish ? a.config.wsc_onFinish : function() {};
26600            a.config.wsc_onClose = "function" === typeof a.config.wsc_onClose ? a.config.wsc_onClose : function() {}
26601        },
26602        parseConfig: function(a) {
26603            a.config.wsc_customerId = a.config.wsc_customerId || CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customerId || "1:ua3xw1-2XyGJ3-GWruD3-6OFNT1-oXcuB1-nR6Bp4-hgQHc-EcYng3-sdRXG3-NOfFk";
26604            a.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds = a.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds ||
26605                CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customDictionaryIds || "";
26606            a.config.wsc_userDictionaryName = a.config.wsc_userDictionaryName || CKEDITOR.config.wsc_userDictionaryName || "";
26607            a.config.wsc_customLoaderScript = a.config.wsc_customLoaderScript || CKEDITOR.config.wsc_customLoaderScript;
26608            a.config.wsc_interfaceLang = a.config.wsc_interfaceLang;
26609            CKEDITOR.config.wsc_cmd = a.config.wsc_cmd || CKEDITOR.config.wsc_cmd || "spell";
26610            CKEDITOR.config.wsc_version = "v4.3.0-master-d769233";
26611            CKEDITOR.config.wsc_removeGlobalVariable = !0
26612        },
26613        onLoad: function(a) {
26614            "moono-lisa" ==
26615            (CKEDITOR.skinName || a.config.skin) && CKEDITOR.document.appendStyleSheet(this.path + "skins/" + CKEDITOR.skin.name + "/wsc.css")
26616        },
26617        init: function(a) {
26618            var b = CKEDITOR.env;
26619            this.parseConfig(a);
26620            this.parseApi(a);
26621            a.addCommand("checkspell", new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand("checkspell")).modes = {
26622                wysiwyg: !CKEDITOR.env.opera && !CKEDITOR.env.air && document.domain == window.location.hostname && !(b.ie && (8 > b.version || b.quirks))
26623            };
26624            "undefined" == typeof a.plugins.scayt && a.ui.addButton && a.ui.addButton("SpellChecker", {
26625                label: a.lang.wsc.toolbar,
26626                click: function(a) {
26627                    var b = a.elementMode == CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_INLINE ? a.container.getText() : a.document.getBody().getText();
26628                    (b = b.replace(/\s/g, "")) ? a.execCommand("checkspell"): alert("Nothing to check!")
26629                },
26630                toolbar: "spellchecker,10"
26631            });
26632            CKEDITOR.dialog.add("checkspell", this.path + (CKEDITOR.env.ie && 7 >= CKEDITOR.env.version ? "dialogs/wsc_ie.js" : window.postMessage ? "dialogs/wsc.js" : "dialogs/wsc_ie.js"))
26633        }
26634    });
26635    CKEDITOR.config.plugins = 'dialogui,dialog,about,a11yhelp,dialogadvtab,basicstyles,bidi,blockquote,notification,button,toolbar,clipboard,panelbutton,panel,floatpanel,colorbutton,colordialog,templates,menu,contextmenu,copyformatting,div,resize,elementspath,enterkey,entities,popup,filetools,filebrowser,find,fakeobjects,flash,floatingspace,listblock,richcombo,font,forms,format,horizontalrule,htmlwriter,iframe,wysiwygarea,image,indent,indentblock,indentlist,smiley,justify,menubutton,language,link,list,liststyle,magicline,maximize,newpage,pagebreak,pastetext,pastefromword,preview,print,removeformat,save,selectall,showblocks,showborders,sourcearea,specialchar,scayt,stylescombo,tab,table,tabletools,tableselection,undo,lineutils,widgetselection,widget,notificationaggregator,uploadwidget,uploadimage,wsc';
26636    CKEDITOR.config.skin = 'moono-lisa';
26637    (function() {
26638        var setIcons = function(icons, strip) {
26639            var path = CKEDITOR.getUrl('plugins/' + strip);
26640            icons = icons.split(',');
26641            for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) CKEDITOR.skin.icons[icons[i]] = {
26642                path: path,
26643                offset: -icons[++i],
26644                bgsize: icons[++i]
26645            };
26646        };
26647        if (CKEDITOR.env.hidpi) setIcons('about,0,,bold,24,,italic,48,,strike,72,,subscript,96,,superscript,120,,underline,144,,bidiltr,168,,bidirtl,192,,blockquote,216,,copy-rtl,240,,copy,264,,cut-rtl,288,,cut,312,,paste-rtl,336,,paste,360,,bgcolor,384,,textcolor,408,,templates-rtl,432,,templates,456,,copyformatting,480,,creatediv,504,,find-rtl,528,,find,552,,replace,576,,flash,600,,button,624,,checkbox,648,,form,672,,hiddenfield,696,,imagebutton,720,,radio,744,,select-rtl,768,,select,792,,textarea-rtl,816,,textarea,840,,textfield-rtl,864,,textfield,888,,horizontalrule,912,,iframe,936,,image,960,,indent-rtl,984,,indent,1008,,outdent-rtl,1032,,outdent,1056,,smiley,1080,,justifyblock,1104,,justifycenter,1128,,justifyleft,1152,,justifyright,1176,,language,1200,,anchor-rtl,1224,,anchor,1248,,link,1272,,unlink,1296,,bulletedlist-rtl,1320,,bulletedlist,1344,,numberedlist-rtl,1368,,numberedlist,1392,,maximize,1416,,newpage-rtl,1440,,newpage,1464,,pagebreak-rtl,1488,,pagebreak,1512,,pastetext-rtl,1536,,pastetext,1560,,pastefromword-rtl,1584,,pastefromword,1608,,preview-rtl,1632,,preview,1656,,print,1680,,removeformat,1704,,save,1728,,selectall,1752,,showblocks-rtl,1776,,showblocks,1800,,source-rtl,1824,,source,1848,,specialchar,1872,,scayt,1896,,table,1920,,redo-rtl,1944,,redo,1968,,undo-rtl,1992,,undo,2016,,spellchecker,2040,', 'icons_hidpi.png');
26648        else setIcons('about,0,auto,bold,24,auto,italic,48,auto,strike,72,auto,subscript,96,auto,superscript,120,auto,underline,144,auto,bidiltr,168,auto,bidirtl,192,auto,blockquote,216,auto,copy-rtl,240,auto,copy,264,auto,cut-rtl,288,auto,cut,312,auto,paste-rtl,336,auto,paste,360,auto,bgcolor,384,auto,textcolor,408,auto,templates-rtl,432,auto,templates,456,auto,copyformatting,480,auto,creatediv,504,auto,find-rtl,528,auto,find,552,auto,replace,576,auto,flash,600,auto,button,624,auto,checkbox,648,auto,form,672,auto,hiddenfield,696,auto,imagebutton,720,auto,radio,744,auto,select-rtl,768,auto,select,792,auto,textarea-rtl,816,auto,textarea,840,auto,textfield-rtl,864,auto,textfield,888,auto,horizontalrule,912,auto,iframe,936,auto,image,960,auto,indent-rtl,984,auto,indent,1008,auto,outdent-rtl,1032,auto,outdent,1056,auto,smiley,1080,auto,justifyblock,1104,auto,justifycenter,1128,auto,justifyleft,1152,auto,justifyright,1176,auto,language,1200,auto,anchor-rtl,1224,auto,anchor,1248,auto,link,1272,auto,unlink,1296,auto,bulletedlist-rtl,1320,auto,bulletedlist,1344,auto,numberedlist-rtl,1368,auto,numberedlist,1392,auto,maximize,1416,auto,newpage-rtl,1440,auto,newpage,1464,auto,pagebreak-rtl,1488,auto,pagebreak,1512,auto,pastetext-rtl,1536,auto,pastetext,1560,auto,pastefromword-rtl,1584,auto,pastefromword,1608,auto,preview-rtl,1632,auto,preview,1656,auto,print,1680,auto,removeformat,1704,auto,save,1728,auto,selectall,1752,auto,showblocks-rtl,1776,auto,showblocks,1800,auto,source-rtl,1824,auto,source,1848,auto,specialchar,1872,auto,scayt,1896,auto,table,1920,auto,redo-rtl,1944,auto,redo,1968,auto,undo-rtl,1992,auto,undo,2016,auto,spellchecker,2040,auto', 'icons.png');
26649    })();
26650    CKEDITOR.lang.languages = {
26651        "af": 1,
26652        "sq": 1,
26653        "ar": 1,
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