3$lang['btn_dw_edit'] = "DW Edit";
4$lang['dw_btn_fck_preview']="CKG Preview";
6$lang['title_dw_delete'] = "Delete Page";
7$lang['title_dw_edit'] = "Save Work, Exit, and Switch to Native DokuWiki Editor";
8$lang['dw_btn_revert'] = "Revert";
9$lang['title_dw_revert'] = "Revert to previous backup";
10$lang['title_dw_lang']="Select language for spell checker";
11$lang['title_dw_cancel']='Exit Editor';
12$lang['btn_fck_edit'] = "CKG Edit";
13$lang['confirm_delete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this page?";
14$lang['confirm_preview'] = "Any work not saved will be lost.";
15$lang['editor_height'] = 'Editor Height';
16$lang['editor_height_title'] = 'Editor re-sizes on re-load';
17$lang['dw_btn_backup'] ="Back-up";
18$lang['title_dw_backup'] ="Back up editor window & Renew lock";
19$lang['backup_empty'] = "The back-up buffer appears to be empty. Do you wish to continue?";
20$lang['btn_draft'] = "Get Draft";
21$lang['title_draft'] = "View, Show, Edit Draft";
22$lang['btn_exit_draft'] = "Exit Draft";
23$lang['title_draft'] = "View, Show, Edit Draft";
24$lang['title_exit_draft'] = "Return to current document";
25$lang['draft_msg']= "This document has a draft file. The draft button toggles between the this document and the draft. You can edit and save either of the two." ;
26$lang['whats_this'] = "what's this?";
27$lang['complex_tables'] = "Enable Complex Tables";
28$lang['minor_changes'] = "Minor changes";
29$lang['discard_edits'] = "To Save your edits click OK; to Discard click Cancel";
30$lang['dw_btn_styling'] = "Edit Fonts";
31$lang['title_styling'] = 'Open with font styles shown as markup';
32$lang['js']['font_err_1'] = 'Font styling cannot be included in links. Click OK to accept the following correction:';
33$lang['js']['font_err_2'] = 'To revise, enter the full Dokuwiki link markup below, including brackets.  To return to Editor click Cancel.';
34$lang['js']['font_err_throw'] = 'Font Formatting Error';
35$lang['js']['dwp_save_err'] = 'Unable to save changes to:  ';
36$lang['js']['dwp_updated'] = 'Editor priority updated to: ';
37$lang['js']['dwp_not_sel'] = 'Editor priority not selected: it will be determined by dw_users group config setting';
38$lang['js']['mediamgr_notice'] = 'Use the link dialog to insert';
39$lang['js']['font_conflict'] = "The parser found one or more link-font conflicts.  By clicking OK, you can return to the editor and remove the font styles.  For more information see: https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:ckgdoku:font_styling#conflicts_with_dokuwiki_links";
40$lang['mediamgr_imgonly'] = 'Use Image Dialog for images only,  Link Dialog for other media. This file is:';
41$lang['uprofile_title'] = "Select Your Default Editor";
42$lang['btn_val_dw_fb'] = "DW Filebrowser";
43$lang['btn_val_ckg_fb'] = "CKG Filebrowser";
44$lang['btn_title_dw_fb'] = "Save and close the editor and switch to the DW Filebrowser";
45$lang['btn_title_ckg_fb'] = "Save and close the editor and switch to the CKG Filebrowser";
46$lang['formatdel'] = 'Markup removed from headers(s): not supported by Dokuwiki';
47$lang["fontdel"] ='Font Markup removed from link(s): not supported by Dokuwiki';
48$lang["ckgcke_conflict"] ='A copy of ckgedit has been detected.  Either ckgdoku or ckgedit must be disabled.';
49$lang["ws_cantcopy"] ='For winstyle setup: cannot copy to ';
50$lang["ws_copiedhtaccess"]='For winstyle setup, copied security-enabled .htaccess to data/media' ."\n" .'See ckgdoku/fckeditor/userfiles/.htacess.security';
51$lang["userfiles_perm"] ='Please check permissions; ckgdoku cannot access ';
52$lang["sym_not created_1"] = 'Unable to create ';
53$lang["sym_not created_2"] = 'Cannot create symlinks for filebrowser:  cannot access: ';
54$lang["sym_not created_3"] = 'There was an error when trying to create symbolic links in ';
55$lang["syms_created"] = 'The following links were created in the userfiles directory: ';
56$lang['dblclk'] ="<b>New Feature:</b> double click browser window to open DW Editor for section editing at cursor. <b>See: </b><a href='https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:ckgedit#direct_access_to_dokuwiki_editor'>direct_access_to_dokuwiki_editor</a>. ";
57$lang['dblclk_reminder'] = "<b>Reminder</b> ";
58$lang['ckg_img_paste'] = 'Turn supplementary image paste support';
59$lang['ckg_img_paste_title'] = 'Off to prevent double pastes, or on to enable pastes';
60$lang['js']['ckg_paste_restart'] = 'On reloading the editor, supplementary paste support will be turned';
61$lang['on'] ='on';
62$lang['off'] ='off';
63$lang['js']['on'] ='on';
64$lang['js']['off'] ='off';
65$lang['deprecation']= 'Ckgdoku is deprecated. Please use ckgedit. For more information, see';