4A collection of PHP classes to create and manage bibliographic formatting for OS bibliography software
5using the OSBib standard.
7Released through http://bibliophile.sourceforge.net under the GPL licence.
8Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated.
10If you make improvements, please consider contacting the administrators at bibliophile.sourceforge.net
11so that your improvements can be added to the release package.
13Adapted from WIKINDX: http://wikindx.sourceforge.net
15Mark Grimshaw 2005
19*	ADMINSTYLE class.
21*	Administration of citation bibliographic styles
23*	$Header: /cvsroot/bibliophile/OSBib/create/ADMINSTYLE.php,v 1.3 2005/06/27 22:18:54 sirfragalot Exp $
27// Constructor
28	function ADMINSTYLE($vars)
29	{
30		$this->vars = $vars;
32* THE OSBIB Version number
34		$this->osbibVersion = "2.0";
35		include_once("SESSION.php");
36		$this->session = new SESSION();
37		include_once("MESSAGES.php");
38		$this->messages = new MESSAGES();
39		include_once("SUCCESS.php");
40		$this->success = new SUCCESS();
41		include_once("ERRORS.php");
42		$this->errors = new ERRORS();
43		include_once("MISC.php");
44		include_once("FORM.php");
45		include_once("../LOADSTYLE.php");
46		$this->style = new LOADSTYLE();
47		$this->styles = $this->style->loadDir(OSBIB_STYLE_DIR);
48	}
49// check we really are admin
50	function gateKeep($method)
51	{
52// else, run $method
53		return $this->$method();
54	}
55// display options for styles
56	function display($message = FALSE)
57	{
58// Clear previous style in session
59		$this->session->clearArray("cite");
60		$this->session->clearArray("style");
61		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("heading", "styles"), FALSE, 3);
62		if($message)
63			$pString .= MISC::p($message);
64		$pString .= MISC::p(MISC::a("link", $this->messages->text("style", "addLabel"),
65			"index.php?action=adminStyleAddInit"));
66		if(sizeof($this->styles))
67		{
68			$pString .= MISC::p(MISC::a("link", $this->messages->text("style", "copyLabel"),
69				"index.php?action=adminStyleCopyInit"));
70			$pString .= MISC::p(MISC::a("link", $this->messages->text("style", "editLabel"),
71				"index.php?action=adminStyleEditInit"));
72		}
73		return $pString;
74	}
75// Add a style - display options.
76	function addInit($error = FALSE)
77	{
78		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("heading", "styles",
79			" (" . $this->messages->text("style", "addLabel") . ")"), FALSE, 3);
80		if($error)
81			$pString .= MISC::p($error, "error", "center");
82		$pString .= $this->displayStyleForm('add');
83		return $pString;
84	}
85// Write style to text file
86	function add()
87	{
88		if($error = $this->validateInput('add'))
89			$this->badInput($error, 'addInit');
90		$this->writeFile();
91		$pString = $this->success->text("style", " " . $this->messages->text("misc", "added") . " ");
92		$this->styles = $this->style->loadDir(OSBIB_STYLE_DIR);
93		return $this->display($pString);
94	}
95// display styles for editing
96	function editInit($error = FALSE)
97	{
98		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("heading", "styles",
99			" (" . $this->messages->text("style", "editLabel") . ")"), FALSE, 3);
100		$pString .= FORM::formHeader("adminStyleEditDisplay");
101		$styleFile = $this->session->getVar('editStyleFile');
102		if($styleFile)
103			$pString .= FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "editStyleFile", $this->styles, $styleFile, 20);
104		else
105			$pString .= FORM::selectFBoxValue(FALSE, "editStyleFile", $this->styles, 20);
106		$pString .= MISC::br() . FORM::formSubmit('Edit');
107		$pString .= FORM::formEnd();
108		return $pString;
109	}
110// Display a style for editing.
111	function editDisplay($error = FALSE)
112	{
113		if(!$error)
114			$this->loadEditSession();
115		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("heading", "styles",
116			" (" . $this->messages->text("style", "editLabel") . ")"), FALSE, 3);
117		if($error)
118			$pString .= MISC::p($error, "error", "center");
119		$pString .= $this->displayStyleForm('edit');
120		return $pString;
121	}
122// Read data from style file and load it into the session
123	function loadEditSession($copy = FALSE)
124	{
125// Clear previous style in session
126		$this->session->clearArray("style");
127		include_once("../PARSEXML.php");
128		$parseXML = new PARSEXML();
129		include_once("../STYLEMAP.php");
130		$styleMap = new STYLEMAP();
131		$resourceTypes = array_keys($styleMap->types);
132		$this->session->setVar('editStyleFile', $this->vars['editStyleFile']);
133		$dir = strtolower($this->vars['editStyleFile']);
134		$fileName = $this->vars['editStyleFile'] . ".xml";
135		if($fh = fopen(OSBIB_STYLE_DIR . "/" . $dir . "/" . $fileName, "r"))
136		{
137			list($info, $citation, $common, $types) = $parseXML->extractEntries($fh);
138			if(!$copy)
139			{
140				$this->session->setVar("style_shortName", $this->vars['editStyleFile']);
141				$this->session->setVar("style_longName", base64_encode($info['description']));
142			}
143			foreach($citation as $array)
144			{
145				if(array_key_exists('_NAME', $array) && array_key_exists('_DATA', $array))
146					$this->session->setVar("cite_" . $array['_NAME'],
147					base64_encode($array['_DATA']));
148			}
149			foreach($common as $array)
150			{
151				if(array_key_exists('_NAME', $array) && array_key_exists('_DATA', $array))
152					$this->session->setVar("style_" . $array['_NAME'],
153					base64_encode($array['_DATA']));
154			}
155			$this->arrayToTemplate($types);
157//			$this->session->setVar("style_generic", base64_encode($this->generic));
158			foreach($resourceTypes as $type)
159			{
160				$sessionKey = 'style_' . $type;
161				if(!empty($this->$type))
162					$this->session->setVar($sessionKey, base64_encode($this->$type));
163				if(array_key_exists($type, $this->fallback))
164				{
165					$sessionKey .= "_generic";
166					$this->session->setVar($sessionKey, base64_encode($this->fallback[$type]));
167				}
168			}
169		}
170		else
171			$this->badInput($this->errors->text("file", "read"));
172	}
173// Transform XML nodal array to resource type template strings
174	function arrayToTemplate($types)
175	{
176		$this->fallback = array();
177		foreach($types as $resourceArray)
178		{
179//print_r($resourceArray); print "<P>";
180			$temp = $tempArray = $newArray = $independent = array();
181			$empty = FALSE;
183* The resource type which will be our array name
185			$type = $resourceArray['_ATTRIBUTES']['name'];
186			$styleDefinition = $resourceArray['_ELEMENTS'];
187			foreach($styleDefinition as $array)
188			{
189				if(array_key_exists('_NAME', $array) && array_key_exists('_DATA', $array)
190					 && array_key_exists('_ELEMENTS', $array))
191				{
192					if($array['_NAME'] == 'ultimate')
193					{
194						$temp['ultimate'] = $array['_DATA'];
195						continue;
196					}
197					if(empty($array['_ELEMENTS']))
198					{
199						$this->fallback[$type] = $array['_DATA'];
200						$empty = TRUE;
201					}
202					foreach($array['_ELEMENTS'] as $elements)
203					{
204						if($array['_NAME'] == 'independent')
205						{
206							$split = split("_", $elements['_NAME']);
207							$temp[$array['_NAME']][$split[1]]
208							= $elements['_DATA'];
209						}
210						else
211							$temp[$array['_NAME']][$elements['_NAME']]
212							= $elements['_DATA'];
213					}
214				}
215			}
216			if($empty)
217			{
218				$this->$type = array();
219				continue;
220			}
222* Now parse the temp array into template strings
224			foreach($temp as $key => $value)
225			{
226				if(!is_array($value))
227				{
228					if($key == 'ultimate')
229						$ultimate = $value;
230					continue;
231				}
232				if(($key == 'independent'))
233				{
234					$independent = $value;
235					continue;
236				}
237				$pre = $post = $dependentPre = $dependentPost = $dependentPreAlternative =
238					$dependentPostAlternative = $singular = $plural = $string = FALSE;
239				if(array_key_exists('pre', $value))
240					$string .= $value['pre'];
241				$string .= $key;
242				if(array_key_exists('post', $value))
243					$string .= $value['post'];
244				if(array_key_exists('dependentPre', $value))
245				{
246					$replace = "%" . $value['dependentPre'] . "%";
247					if(array_key_exists('dependentPreAlternative', $value))
248						$replace .= $value['dependentPreAlternative'] . "%";
249					$string = str_replace("__DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_FIELD__", $replace, $string);
250				}
251				if(array_key_exists('dependentPost', $value))
252				{
253					$replace = "%" . $value['dependentPost'] . "%";
254					if(array_key_exists('dependentPostAlternative', $value))
255						$replace .= $value['dependentPostAlternative'] . "%";
256					$string = str_replace("__DEPENDENT_ON_NEXT_FIELD__", $replace, $string);
257				}
258				if(array_key_exists('singular', $value) && array_key_exists('plural', $value))
259				{
260					$replace = "^" . $value['singular'] . "^" . $value['plural'] . "^";
261					$string = str_replace("__SINGULAR_PLURAL__", $replace, $string);
262				}
263				$tempArray[] = $string;
264			}
265			if(!empty($independent))
266			{
267				$firstOfPair = FALSE;
268				foreach($tempArray as $index => $value)
269				{
270					if(!$firstOfPair)
271					{
272						if(array_key_exists($index, $independent))
273						{
274							$newArray[] = $independent[$index] . '|' . $value;
275							$firstOfPair = TRUE;
276							continue;
277						}
278					}
279					else
280					{
281						if(array_key_exists($index, $independent))
282						{
283							$newArray[] = $value . '|' . $independent[$index];
284							$firstOfPair = FALSE;
285							continue;
286						}
287					}
288					$newArray[] = $value;
289				}
290			}
291			else
292				$newArray = $tempArray;
293			$tempString = join('|', $newArray);
294			if(isset($ultimate) && (substr($tempString, -1, 1) != $ultimate))
295				$tempString .= '|' . $ultimate;
296			$this->$type = $tempString;
297		}
298	}
299// Edit groups
300	function edit()
301	{
302		if($error = $this->validateInput('edit'))
303			$this->badInput($error, 'editDisplay');
304		$dirName = OSBIB_STYLE_DIR . "/" . strtolower(trim($this->vars['styleShortName']));
305		$fileName = $dirName . "/" . strtoupper(trim($this->vars['styleShortName'])) . ".xml";
306		$this->writeFile($fileName);
307		$pString = $this->success->text("style", " " . $this->messages->text("misc", "edited") . " ");
308		return $this->display($pString);
309	}
310// display groups for copying and making a new style
311	function copyInit($error = FALSE)
312	{
313		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("heading", "styles",
314			" (" . $this->messages->text("style", "copyLabel") . ")"), FALSE, 3);
315		$pString .= FORM::formHeader("adminStyleCopyDisplay");
316		$pString .= FORM::selectFBoxValue(FALSE, "editStyleFile", $this->styles, 20);
317		$pString .= MISC::br() . FORM::formSubmit('Edit');
318		$pString .= FORM::formEnd();
319		return $pString;
320	}
321// Display a style for copying.
322	function copyDisplay($error = FALSE)
323	{
324		if(!$error)
325			$this->loadEditSession(TRUE);
326		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("heading", "styles",
327			" (" . $this->messages->text("style", "copyLabel") . ")"), FALSE, 3);
328		if($error)
329			$pString .= MISC::p($error, "error", "center");
330		$pString .= $this->displayStyleForm('copy');
331		return $pString;
332	}
333// display the citation templating form
334	function displayCiteForm($type)
335	{
336		include_once("TABLE.php");
337		include_once("../STYLEMAP.php");
338		$this->map = new STYLEMAP();
339		$pString = MISC::h($this->messages->text("cite", "citationFormat") . " (" .
340			$this->messages->text("cite", "citationFormatInText") . ")");
341// 1st., creator style
342		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
343		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
344		$exampleName = array("Joe Bloggs", "Bloggs, Joe", "Bloggs Joe",
345			$this->messages->text("cite", "lastName"));
346		$exampleInitials = array("T. U. ", "T.U.", "T U ", "TU");
347		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstNameFull"),
348			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstNameInitials"));
349		$firstStyle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorStyle"));
350		$otherStyle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorOtherStyle"));
351		$initials = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorInitials"));
352		$firstName = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorFirstName"));
353		$useInitials = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_useInitials"));
354		$td = MISC::b($this->messages->text("cite", "creatorStyle")) . MISC::br() .
355			FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstStyle"),
356			"cite_creatorStyle", $exampleName, $firstStyle, 4);
357		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
358		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorOthers"),
359			"cite_creatorOtherStyle", $exampleName, $otherStyle, 4);
360		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
361		$td .= $this->messages->text("cite", "useInitials") . ' ' . FORM::checkbox(FALSE,
362			"cite_useInitials", $useInitials);
363		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
364		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorInitials"),
365			"cite_creatorInitials", $exampleInitials, $initials, 4);
366		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
367		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstName"),
368			"cite_creatorFirstName", $example, $firstName, 2);
369		$uppercase = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorUppercase")) ?
370			TRUE : FALSE;
371		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox($this->messages->text("style", "uppercaseCreator"),
372			"cite_creatorUppercase", $uppercase));
373		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
374// Delimiters
375		$twoCreatorsSep = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_twoCreatorsSep"));
376		$betweenFirst = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorSepFirstBetween"));
377		$betweenNext = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorSepNextBetween"));
378		$last = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorSepNextLast"));
379		$td = MISC::b($this->messages->text("cite", "creatorSep")) .
380			MISC::p($this->messages->text("style", "ifOnlyTwoCreators") . "&nbsp;" .
381			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_twoCreatorsSep", $twoCreatorsSep, 7, 255)) .
382			$this->messages->text("style", "sepCreatorsFirst") . "&nbsp;" .
383			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorSepFirstBetween",
384				$betweenFirst, 7, 255) . MISC::br() .
385			MISC::p($this->messages->text("style", "sepCreatorsNext") . MISC::br() .
386			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorSepBetween") . "&nbsp;" .
387			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorSepNextBetween", $betweenNext, 7, 255) .
388			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorSepLast") . "&nbsp;" .
389			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorSepNextLast", $last, 7, 255));
390		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
391// List abbreviation
392		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "creatorListFull"),
393			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListLimit"));
394		$list = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorList"));
395		$listMore = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListMore"));
396		$listLimit = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListLimit"));
397		$listAbbreviation = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListAbbreviation"));
398		$italic = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListAbbreviationItalic")) ?
399			TRUE : FALSE;
400		$td .= MISC::b($this->messages->text("cite", "creatorList")) .
401			MISC::p(FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE,
402			"cite_creatorList", $example, $list, 2) . MISC::br() .
403			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListIf") . ' ' .
404			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorListMore", $listMore, 3) .
405			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListOrMore") . ' ' .
406			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorListLimit", $listLimit, 3) . MISC::br() .
407			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListAbbreviation") . ' ' .
408			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorListAbbreviation", $listAbbreviation, 15) . ' ' .
409			FORM::checkbox(FALSE, "cite_creatorListAbbreviationItalic", $italic) . ' ' .
410			$this->messages->text("style", "italics"));
411		$list = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListSubsequent"));
412		$listMore = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListSubsequentMore"));
413		$listLimit = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListSubsequentLimit"));
414		$listAbbreviation = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviation"));
415		$italic = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviationItalic")) ?
416			TRUE : FALSE;
417		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
418		$td .= MISC::b($this->messages->text("cite", "creatorListSubsequent")) .
419			MISC::p(FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE,
420			"cite_creatorListSubsequent", $example, $list, 2) . MISC::br() .
421			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListIf") . ' ' .
422			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorListSubsequentMore", $listMore, 3) .
423			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListOrMore") . ' ' .
424			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorListSubsequentLimit", $listLimit, 3) . MISC::br() .
425			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListAbbreviation") . ' ' .
426			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviation", $listAbbreviation, 15) . ' ' .
427			FORM::checkbox(FALSE, "cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviationItalic", $italic) . ' ' .
428			$this->messages->text("style", "italics"));
429		$pString .= TABLE::td($td, FALSE, FALSE, "top");
430		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
431		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
432		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
433		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
434// Miscellaneous citation formatting
435		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
436		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
437// Consecutive citations by same author(s)
438		$example = array($this->messages->text("cite", "printCreator"),
439			$this->messages->text("cite", "omitCreator"));
440		$consecutive = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_consecutiveCreator"));
441		$consecutiveSep = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_consecutiveCreatorSep"));
442		$td = FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("cite", "consecutiveCreator"),
443			"cite_consecutiveCreator", $example, $consecutive, 2);
444		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
445		$td .= $this->messages->text("cite", "consecutiveCreatorSep") . ' ' .
446			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_consecutiveCreatorSep", $consecutiveSep, 7);
447		$pString .= TABLE::td($td, FALSE, FALSE, "top");
448		$template = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_template"));
449		$availableFields = join(', ', $this->map->citation);
450		$consecutiveSep = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_consecutiveCitationSep"));
451		$year = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_yearFormat"));
452		$superscript = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_templateSuperscript"));
453		$td = $this->messages->text("cite", "template") . ' ' .
454			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_template", $template, 30, 255) .
455			" " . MISC::span('*', 'required') . MISC::br() .
456			$this->messages->text("cite", "superscript") . ' ' .
457			FORM::checkbox(FALSE, "cite_templateSuperscript", $superscript) .
458			MISC::p(MISC::i($this->messages->text("style", "availableFields")) .
459			MISC::br() . $availableFields, "small");
460		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
461		$td .= $this->messages->text("cite", "consecutiveCitationSep") . ' ' .
462			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_consecutiveCitationSep", $consecutiveSep, 7);
463		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
464		$pString .= TABLE::td($td, FALSE, FALSE, "top");
465		$example = array("132-9", "132-39", "132-139");
466		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_pageFormat"));
467		$td = FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "pageFormat"),
468			"cite_pageFormat", $example, $input, 3);
469		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
470		$example = array("1998", "'98", "98");
471		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("cite", "yearFormat"),
472			"cite_yearFormat", $example, $year, 3);
473		$pString .= TABLE::td($td, FALSE, FALSE, "top");
474		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
475		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
476		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
477		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
478// Ambiguous citations
479		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
480		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
481		$ambiguousName = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ambiguousName")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
482		$ambiguousMore = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ambiguousMore")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
483		$ambiguousTitle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ambiguousTitle")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
484		$ambiguousYear = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ambiguousYear")) ? TRUE : FALSE;
485		$nameFormat = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ambiguousNameFormat"));
486		$yearFormat = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ambiguousYearFormat"));
487		$td = MISC::p(MISC::b($this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguous")));
488		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox(FALSE,
489			"cite_ambiguousName", $ambiguousName) . ' ' . $this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguousFull"));
490		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox(FALSE,
491			"cite_ambiguousMore", $ambiguousMore) . ' ' . $this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguousMore"));
492		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox(FALSE,
493			"cite_ambiguousTitle", $ambiguousTitle) . ' ' . $this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguousTitle"));
494		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox(FALSE,
495			"cite_ambiguousYear", $ambiguousYear) . ' ' . $this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguousYear"));
496		$pString .= TABLE::td($td, FALSE, FALSE, "top");
497		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstNameFull"),
498			"T. U. ", "T.U.", "T U ", "TU");
499		$td = FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguousNameFormat"),
500			"cite_ambiguousNameFormat", $example, $nameFormat, 5);
501		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
502		$example = array("1999a, b", "1999a, 1999b");
503		$td = FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("cite", "ambiguousYearFormat"),
504			"cite_ambiguousYearFormat", $example, $yearFormat, 2);
505		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
506		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
507		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
508		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
509		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
510// Footnote style citations
511		$pString .= MISC::h($this->messages->text("cite", "citationFormat") . " (" .
512			$this->messages->text("cite", "citationFormatFootnote") . ")");
513		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
514		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
515		$style = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_footnoteStyle"));
516		$example = array($this->messages->text("cite", "footnoteStyleBib"),
517				$this->messages->text("cite", "footnoteStyleInText"));
518		$td = FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "cite_footnoteStyle", $example, $style, 2);
519		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
520		$ibid = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ibid"));
521		$ibidPage = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_ibidPage"));
522		$td .= FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("cite", "ibid"), "cite_ibid", $ibid, 30, 255);
523		$td .= MISC::br();
524		$td .= FORM::checkbox(FALSE,
525			"cite_ibidPage", $ibidPage) . ' ' . $this->messages->text("cite", "ibidPage");
526		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
527		$idem = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_idem"));
528		$td .= FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("cite", "idem"), "cite_idem", $idem, 30, 255);
529		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
530		$opCit = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_opCit"));
531		$td .= FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("cite", "opCit"), "cite_opCit", $opCit, 30, 255);
532		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
534		$example = array($this->messages->text("cite", "footnoteCitationPageFormatNever"),
535				$this->messages->text("cite", "footnoteCitationPageFormatBib"),
536				$this->messages->text("cite", "footnoteCitationPageFormatTemplate"));
537		$pageFormat = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_footnoteCitationPageFormat"));
538		$td = FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("cite", "footnoteCitationPageFormat"),
539			"cite_footnoteCitationPageFormat", $example, $pageFormat, 3);
540		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
541		$template = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_footnotePageTemplate"));
542		$td .= $this->messages->text("cite", "template") . ' ' .
543			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "cite_footnotePageTemplate", $template, 30, 255) .
544			MISC::p(MISC::i($this->messages->text("style", "availableFields")) .
545			MISC::br() . 'pages', "small");
546		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
547		$example = array($this->messages->text("cite", "footnotePageAfter"),
548			$this->messages->text("cite", "footnotePageBefore"));
549		$pagePosition = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("cite_footnotePagePosition"));
550		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("cite", "footnotePagePosition"),
551			"cite_footnotePagePosition", $example, $pagePosition, 2);
553		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
554		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
555		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
556		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
557		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
558		return $pString;
559	}
560// display the style form for both adding and editing
561	function displayStyleForm($type)
562	{
563		include_once("TABLE.php");
564		include_once("../STYLEMAP.php");
565		$this->map = new STYLEMAP();
566		$types = array_keys($this->map->types);
567		if($type == 'add')
568			$pString = FORM::formHeader("adminStyleAdd");
569		else if($type == 'edit')
570			$pString = FORM::formHeader("adminStyleEdit");
571		else // copy
572			$pString = FORM::formHeader("adminStyleAdd");
573		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart();
574		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
575		$input = $this->session->getVar("style_shortName");
576		if($type == 'add')
577			$pString .= TABLE::td(FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("style", "shortName"),
578				"styleShortName", $input, 20, 255) . " " . MISC::span('*', 'required') .
579				MISC::br() . $this->messages->text("hint", "styleShortName"));
580		else if($type == 'edit')
581			$pString .= FORM::hidden("editStyleFile", $this->vars['editStyleFile']) .
582				FORM::hidden("styleShortName", $input) .
583				TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->vars['editStyleFile'] . ":&nbsp;&nbsp;"),
584				FALSE, FALSE, "top");
585		else // copy
586			$pString .= TABLE::td(FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("style", "shortName"),
587				"styleShortName", $input, 20, 255) . " " . MISC::span('*', 'required') .
588				MISC::br() . $this->messages->text("hint", "styleShortName"));
589		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_longName"));
590		$pString .= TABLE::td(FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("style", "longName"),
591			"styleLongName", $input, 50, 255) . " " . MISC::span('*', 'required'));
592		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
593		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
594		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
595		$pString .= MISC::p(MISC::hr());
596		$pString .= $this->displayCiteForm('copy');
597		$pString .= MISC::p(MISC::hr() . MISC::hr());
598		$pString .= MISC::h($this->messages->text("style", "bibFormat"));
599// Display general options for creator limits, formats etc.
600// 1st., creator style
601		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
602		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
603		$exampleName = array("Joe Bloggs", "Bloggs, Joe", "Bloggs Joe",
604			$this->messages->text("cite", "lastName"));
605		$exampleInitials = array("T. U. ", "T.U.", "T U ", "TU");
606		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstNameFull"),
607			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstNameInitials"));
608		$firstStyle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorFirstStyle"));
609		$otherStyle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorOtherStyle"));
610		$initials = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorInitials"));
611		$firstName = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorFirstName"));
612		$td = MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "primaryCreatorStyle")) . MISC::br() .
613			FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstStyle"),
614			"style_primaryCreatorFirstStyle", $exampleName, $firstStyle, 4);
615		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
616		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorOthers"),
617			"style_primaryCreatorOtherStyle", $exampleName, $otherStyle, 4);
618		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
619		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorInitials"),
620			"style_primaryCreatorInitials", $exampleInitials, $initials, 4);
621		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
622		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstName"),
623			"style_primaryCreatorFirstName", $example, $firstName, 2);
624		$uppercase = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorUppercase")) ?
625			TRUE : FALSE;
626		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox($this->messages->text("style", "uppercaseCreator"),
627			"style_primaryCreatorUppercase", $uppercase));
628		$repeat = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorRepeat"));
629		$exampleRepeat = array($this->messages->text("style", "repeatCreators1"),
630			$this->messages->text("style", "repeatCreators2"),
631			$this->messages->text("style", "repeatCreators3"));
632		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "repeatCreators"),
633			"style_primaryCreatorRepeat", $exampleRepeat, $repeat, 3) . MISC::br();
634		$repeatString = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorRepeatString"));
635		$td .= FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorRepeatString", $repeatString, 15, 255);
636		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
637		$firstStyle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorFirstStyle"));
638		$otherStyle = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorOtherStyle"));
639		$initials = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorInitials"));
640		$firstName = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorFirstName"));
641		$td = MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "otherCreatorStyle")) . MISC::br() .
642			FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstStyle"),
643			"style_otherCreatorFirstStyle", $exampleName, $firstStyle, 4);
644		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
645		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorOthers"),
646			"style_otherCreatorOtherStyle", $exampleName, $otherStyle, 4);
647		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
648		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorInitials"),
649			"style_otherCreatorInitials", $exampleInitials, $initials, 4);
650		$td .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
651		$td .= FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "creatorFirstName"),
652			"style_otherCreatorFirstName", $example, $firstName, 2);
653		$uppercase = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorUppercase")) ?
654			TRUE : FALSE;
655		$td .= MISC::P(FORM::checkbox($this->messages->text("style", "uppercaseCreator"),
656			"style_otherCreatorUppercase", $uppercase));
657		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
658		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
659		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
660		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
661		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
662// 2nd., creator delimiters
663		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
664//		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
665//		$pString .= TABLE::tdStart();
666//		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart();
667		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
668		$twoCreatorsSep = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryTwoCreatorsSep"));
669		$betweenFirst = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween"));
670		$betweenNext = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorSepNextBetween"));
671		$last = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorSepNextLast"));
672		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "primaryCreatorSep")) .
673			MISC::p($this->messages->text("style", "ifOnlyTwoCreators") . "&nbsp;" .
674			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryTwoCreatorsSep", $twoCreatorsSep, 7, 255)) .
675			$this->messages->text("style", "sepCreatorsFirst") . "&nbsp;" .
676			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween", $betweenFirst, 7, 255) . MISC::br() .
677			MISC::p($this->messages->text("style", "sepCreatorsNext") . MISC::br() .
678			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorSepBetween") . "&nbsp;" .
679			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorSepNextBetween", $betweenNext, 7, 255) .
680			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorSepLast") . "&nbsp;" .
681			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorSepNextLast", $last, 7, 255)),
682			FALSE, FALSE, "bottom");
683//		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
684//		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
685//		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
686//		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd();
687//		$pString .= TABLE::tdStart();
688//		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart();
689//		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
690		$twoCreatorsSep = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherTwoCreatorsSep"));
691		$betweenFirst = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorSepFirstBetween"));
692		$betweenNext = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorSepNextBetween"));
693		$last = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorSepNextLast"));
694		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "otherCreatorSep")) .
695			MISC::p($this->messages->text("style", "ifOnlyTwoCreators") . "&nbsp;" .
696			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherTwoCreatorsSep", $twoCreatorsSep, 7, 255)) .
697			$this->messages->text("style", "sepCreatorsFirst") . "&nbsp;" .
698			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorSepFirstBetween", $betweenFirst, 7, 255) .
699			MISC::p($this->messages->text("style", "sepCreatorsNext") . MISC::br() .
700			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorSepBetween") . "&nbsp;" .
701			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorSepNextBetween", $betweenNext, 7, 255) .
702			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorSepLast") . "&nbsp;" .
703			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorSepNextLast", $last, 7, 255)),
704			FALSE, FALSE, "bottom");
705		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
706		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
707		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
708//		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd();
709// Editor replacements
710//		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
711//		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
712//		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
713		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
714		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
715		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
716		$switch = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_editorSwitch"));
717		$editorSwitchIfYes = stripslashes(base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_editorSwitchIfYes")));
718		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "no"), $this->messages->text("style", "yes"));
719		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "editorSwitchHead")) . MISC::br() .
720			FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "editorSwitch"),
721			"style_editorSwitch", $example, $switch, 2));
722		$pString .= TABLE::td(
723			FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("style", "editorSwitchIfYes"),
724			"style_editorSwitchIfYes", $editorSwitchIfYes, 30, 255), FALSE, FALSE, "bottom");
725		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
726		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
727		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
728		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
729// 3rd., creator list limits
730		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
731		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
732		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "creatorListFull"),
733			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListLimit"));
734		$list = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorList"));
735		$listMore = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorListMore"));
736		$listLimit = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorListLimit"));
737		$listAbbreviation = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviation"));
738		$italic = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic")) ?
739			TRUE : FALSE;
740		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "primaryCreatorList")) . MISC::br() .
741			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE,
742			"style_primaryCreatorList", $example, $list, 2) . MISC::br() .
743			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListIf") . ' ' .
744			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorListMore", $listMore, 3) .
745			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListOrMore") . ' ' .
746			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorListLimit", $listLimit, 3) . MISC::br() .
747			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListAbbreviation") . ' ' .
748			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviation", $listAbbreviation, 15) . ' ' .
749			FORM::checkbox(FALSE, "style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic", $italic) . ' ' .
750			$this->messages->text("style", "italics"));
751		$list = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorList"));
752		$listMore = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorListMore"));
753		$listLimit = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorListLimit"));
754		$listAbbreviation = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorListAbbreviation"));
755		$italic = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic")) ?
756			TRUE : FALSE;
757		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "otherCreatorList")) . MISC::br() .
758			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE,
759			"style_otherCreatorList", $example, $list, 2) . MISC::br() .
760			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListIf") . ' ' .
761			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorListMore", $listMore, 3) .
762			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListOrMore") . ' ' .
763			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorListLimit", $listLimit, 3) . MISC::br() .
764			$this->messages->text("style", "creatorListAbbreviation") . ' ' .
765			FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorListAbbreviation", $listAbbreviation, 15) . ' ' .
766			FORM::checkbox(FALSE, "style_otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic", $italic) . ' ' .
767			$this->messages->text("style", "italics"));
768		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
769		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
770		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
771		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
772// Title capitalization, edition, day and month, runningTime and page formats
773		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
774		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
775		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "titleAsEntered"),
776			"Wikindx bibliographic management system");
777		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_titleCapitalization"));
778		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "titleCapitalization")) . MISC::br() .
779			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_titleCapitalization", $example, $input, 2));
780		$example = array("3", "3rd");
781		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_editionFormat"));
782		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "editionFormat")) . MISC::br() .
783			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_editionFormat", $example, $input, 2));
784		$example = array("132-9", "132-39", "132-139");
785		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_pageFormat"));
786		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "pageFormat")) . MISC::br() .
787			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_pageFormat", $example, $input, 3));
788		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
789		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
790		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
791		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
792		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
793		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
794		$example = array("10", "10th");
795		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_dayFormat"));
796		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "dayFormat")) . MISC::br() .
797			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_dayFormat", $example, $input, 2));
798		$example = array("Feb", "February", $this->messages->text("style", "userMonthSelect"));
799		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_monthFormat"));
800		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "monthFormat")) . MISC::br() .
801			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_monthFormat", $example, $input, 3));
802		$example = array("Day Month", "Month Day");
803		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_dateFormat"));
804		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "dateFormat")) . MISC::br() .
805			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_dateFormat", $example, $input, 2));
806		$example = array("3'45\"", "3:45", "3,45", "3 hours, 45 minutes", "3 hours and 45 minutes");
807		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_runningTimeFormat"));
808		$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "runningTimeFormat")) . MISC::br() .
809			FORM::selectedBoxValue(FALSE, "style_runningTimeFormat", $example, $input, 5));
810		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
811		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
812		$monthString = '';
813		for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
814		{
815			$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_userMonth_$i"));
816			if($i == 7)
817				$monthString .= MISC::br() . "$i:&nbsp;&nbsp;" .
818				FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_userMonth_$i", $input, 15, 255);
819			else
820				$monthString .= "$i:&nbsp;&nbsp;" .
821				FORM::textInput(FALSE, "style_userMonth_$i", $input, 15, 255);
822		}
823		$pString .= TABLE::td($this->messages->text("style", "userMonths") . MISC::br() .
824			$monthString, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 5);
825		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
826		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
827		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
828		$pString .= MISC::br() . "&nbsp;" . MISC::br();
829// Date range formatting
830		$pString .= TABLE::tableStart("styleTable", 1, FALSE, 5);
831		$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
833		$td = MISC::p(MISC::b($this->messages->text("style", "dateRange")));
834		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_dateRangeDelimit1"));
835		$td .= MISC::p(FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("style", "dateRangeDelimit1"),
836			"style_dateRangeDelimit1", $input, 6, 255));
837		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_dateRangeDelimit2"));
838		$td .= MISC::p(FORM::textInput($this->messages->text("style", "dateRangeDelimit2"),
839			"style_dateRangeDelimit2", $input, 6, 255));
840		$input = base64_decode($this->session->getVar("style_dateRangeSameMonth"));
841		$example = array($this->messages->text("style", "dateRangeSameMonth1"),
842			$this->messages->text("style", "dateRangeSameMonth2"));
843		$td .= MISC::p(FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "dateRangeSameMonth"),
844			"style_dateRangeSameMonth", $example, $input, 2));
846		$pString .= TABLE::td($td);
848		$pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
849		$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
850		$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
851		$pString .= MISC::br() . MISC::hr() . MISC::br();
852		$generic = array("genericBook" => $this->messages->text("resourceType", "genericBook"),
853			"genericArticle" => $this->messages->text("resourceType", "genericArticle"),
854			"genericMisc" => $this->messages->text("resourceType", "genericMisc"));
855// Resource types
856		foreach($types as $key)
857		{
858			if(($key == 'genericBook') || ($key == 'genericArticle') || ($key == 'genericMisc'))
859			{
860				$required = " " . MISC::span('*', 'required');
861				$fallback = FALSE;
862			}
863			else
864			{
865				$required = FALSE;
866				$formElementName = "style_" . $key . "_generic";
867				$input = $this->session->issetVar($formElementName) ?
868					base64_decode($this->session->getVar($formElementName)) : "genericMisc";
869				$fallback = FORM::selectedBoxValue($this->messages->text("style", "fallback"),
870					$formElementName, $generic, $input, 3);
871			}
872			$pString .= MISC::br() . MISC::hr() . MISC::br();
873			$pString .= TABLE::tableStart();
874			$pString .= TABLE::trStart();
875			$keyName = 'style_' . $key;
876			$input = stripslashes(base64_decode($this->session->getVar($keyName)));
877			$pString .= TABLE::td(FORM::textareaInput($this->messages->text("resourceType", $key),
878				$keyName, $input, 80, 3) . $required . MISC::br() .
879			$this->messages->text("hint", "caseSensitive"));
880// List available fields for this type
881			$availableFields = join(', ', array_values($this->map->$key));
882			$pString .= TABLE::td(MISC::p(MISC::i($this->messages->text("style", "availableFields")) .
883				MISC::br() . $availableFields, "small") . MISC::p($fallback) .
884				MISC::p(MISC::a("link linkHidden", "preview",
885				"javascript:openPopUpStylePreview('index.php?action=previewStyle',
886				'100', '750', '$keyName')")));
887            $pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
888            // iframe preview
890            $pString .= TABLE::trStart();
892            $pString .= "<td><textarea name='$keyName' id='$key' ".
893                        "onchange=\"document.getElementById('previewIframe').src=".
894                        "'index.php?action=previewStyle&template='+this.value.replace(/&/, '!!amp!!').replace(/=/,'!!eq!!');\">".
895                        "$input</textarea><iframe id='previewIframe'/></td>";
896            $pString .= TABLE::trEnd();
898			// end iframe preview
899			$pString .= TABLE::tableEnd();
900			$pString .= TABLE::tdEnd() . TABLE::trEnd() . TABLE::trStart() . TABLE::tdStart();
901		}
902		if(($type == 'add') || ($type == 'copy'))
903			$pString .= MISC::p(FORM::formSubmit('Add'));
904		else
905			$pString .= MISC::p(FORM::formSubmit('Edit'));
906		$pString .= FORM::formEnd();
907		return $pString;
908	}
909// parse input into array
910	function parseStringToArray($type, $subject, $map = FALSE, $preview = FALSE)
911	{
912		if(!$subject)
913			return array();
914		if($map)
915			$this->map = $map;
916		$search = join('|', $this->map->$type);
917		$subjectArray = split("\|", $subject);
918// Loop each field string
919		$index = 0;
920		$independentFound = FALSE;
921		foreach($subjectArray as $subject)
922		{
923			$dependentPre = $dependentPost = $dependentPreAlternative =
924				$dependentPostAlternative = $singular = $plural = FALSE;
925// First grab fieldNames from the input string.
926			preg_match("/(.*)(?<!`|[a-zA-Z])($search)(?!`|[a-zA-Z])(.*)/", $subject, $array);
927			if(empty($array))
928			{
929				if($independentFound)
930				{
931					$independent['independent_' . ($index - 1)] = $subject;
932					$independentFound = FALSE;
933				}
934				else
935				{
936					$independent['independent_' . $index] = $subject;
937					$independentFound = TRUE;
938				}
939				continue;
940			}
941// At this stage, [2] is the fieldName, [1] is what comes before and [3] is what comes after.
942			$pre = $array[1];
943			$fieldName = $array[2];
944			$post = $array[3];
945// Anything in $pre enclosed in '%' characters is only to be printed if the resource has something in the
946// previous field -- replace with unique string for later preg_replace().
947			if(preg_match("/%(.*)%(.*)%|%(.*)%/U", $pre, $dependent))
948			{
949// if sizeof == 4, we have simply %*% with the significant character in [3].
950// if sizeof == 3, we have %*%*% with dependent in [1] and alternative in [2].
951				$pre = str_replace($dependent[0], "__DEPENDENT_ON_PREVIOUS_FIELD__", $pre);
952				if(sizeof($dependent) == 4)
953				{
954					$dependentPre = $dependent[3];
955					$dependentPreAlternative = '';
956				}
957				else
958				{
959					$dependentPre = $dependent[1];
960					$dependentPreAlternative = $dependent[2];
961				}
962			}
963// Anything in $post enclosed in '%' characters is only to be printed if the resource has something in the
964// next field -- replace with unique string for later preg_replace().
965			if(preg_match("/%(.*)%(.*)%|%(.*)%/U", $post, $dependent))
966			{
967				$post = str_replace($dependent[0], "__DEPENDENT_ON_NEXT_FIELD__", $post);
968				if(sizeof($dependent) == 4)
969				{
970					$dependentPost = $dependent[3];
971					$dependentPostAlternative = '';
972				}
973				else
974				{
975					$dependentPost = $dependent[1];
976					$dependentPostAlternative = $dependent[2];
977				}
978			}
979// find singular/plural alternatives in $pre and $post and replace with unique string for later preg_replace().
980			if(preg_match("/\^(.*)\^(.*)\^/U", $pre, $matchCarat))
981			{
982				$pre = str_replace($matchCarat[0], "__SINGULAR_PLURAL__", $pre);
983				$singular = $matchCarat[1];
984				$plural = $matchCarat[2];
985			}
986			else if(preg_match("/\^(.*)\^(.*)\^/U", $post, $matchCarat))
987			{
988				$post = str_replace($matchCarat[0], "__SINGULAR_PLURAL__", $post);
989				$singular = $matchCarat[1];
990				$plural = $matchCarat[2];
991			}
992// Now dump into $final[$fieldName] stripping any backticks
993			if($dependentPre)
994//				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPre'] = str_replace('`', '', $dependentPre);
995$final[$fieldName]['dependentPre'] = $dependentPre;
996			else
997				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPre'] = '';
998			if($dependentPost)
999//				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPost'] = str_replace('`', '', $dependentPost);
1000$final[$fieldName]['dependentPost'] = $dependentPost;
1001			if($dependentPreAlternative)
1002//				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPreAlternative'] =
1003//				str_replace('`', '', $dependentPreAlternative);
1004$final[$fieldName]['dependentPreAlternative'] = $dependentPreAlternative;
1005			else
1006				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPreAlternative'] = '';
1007			if($dependentPostAlternative)
1008//				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPostAlternative'] =
1009//				str_replace('`', '', $dependentPostAlternative);
1010$final[$fieldName]['dependentPostAlternative'] = $dependentPostAlternative;
1011			else
1012				$final[$fieldName]['dependentPostAlternative'] = '';
1013			if($singular)
1014//				$final[$fieldName]['singular'] = str_replace('`', '', $singular);
1015$final[$fieldName]['singular'] = $singular;
1016			else
1017				$final[$fieldName]['singular'] = '';
1018			if($plural)
1019//				$final[$fieldName]['plural'] = str_replace('`', '', $plural);
1020$final[$fieldName]['plural'] = $plural;
1021			else
1022				$final[$fieldName]['plural'] = '';
1023			$final[$fieldName]['pre'] = str_replace('`', '', $pre);
1024			$final[$fieldName]['post'] = str_replace('`', '', $post);
1025			$index++;
1026			$final[$fieldName]['pre'] = $pre;
1027			$final[$fieldName]['post'] = $post;
1028		}
1029		if(!isset($final)) // presumably no field names...
1030		{
1031			if($preview)
1032				return FALSE;
1033			$this->badInput($this->errors->text("inputError", "invalid"), $this->errorDisplay);
1034		}
1035// last element of odd number is actually ultimate punctuation
1036		if(isset($independent) && sizeof($independent) % 2)
1037			$final['ultimate'] = array_pop($independent);
1038		if(isset($independent) && !empty($independent))
1039			$final['independent'] = $independent;
1040		return $final;
1041	}
1042// write the styles to file.
1043// If !$fileName, this is called from add() and we create folder/filename immediately before writing to file.
1044// If $fileName, this comes from edit()
1045	function writeFile($fileName = FALSE)
1046	{
1047		if($fileName)
1048			$this->errorDisplay = 'editInit';
1049		else
1050			$this->errorDisplay = 'addInit';
1051		include_once("TABLE.php");
1052		include_once("../STYLEMAP.php");
1053		$this->map = new STYLEMAP();
1054		include_once("../UTF8.php");
1055		$this->utf8 = new UTF8();
1056		$types = array_keys($this->map->types);
1057// Start XML
1058		$fileString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";
1059		$fileString .= "<style xml:lang=\"en\">";
1060// Main style information
1061		$fileString .= "<info>";
1062		$fileString .= "<name>" . trim(stripslashes($this->vars['styleShortName'])) . "</name>";
1063		$fileString .= "<description>" . htmlspecialchars(trim(stripslashes($this->vars['styleLongName'])))
1064			 . "</description>";
1065// Temporary place holder
1066		$fileString .= "<language>English</language>";
1067		$fileString .= "<osbibVersion>$this->osbibVersion</osbibVersion>";
1068		$fileString .= "</info>";
1069// Start citation definition
1070		$fileString .= "<citation>";
1071		$inputArray = array(
1072			"cite_creatorStyle", "cite_creatorOtherStyle", "cite_creatorInitials",
1073			"cite_creatorFirstName", "cite_twoCreatorsSep", "cite_creatorSepFirstBetween",
1074			"cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviation", "cite_creatorSepNextBetween",
1075			"cite_creatorSepNextLast", "cite_creatorList", "cite_creatorListMore",
1076			"cite_creatorListLimit", "cite_creatorListAbbreviation", "cite_creatorUppercase",
1077			"cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviationItalic", "cite_creatorListAbbreviationItalic",
1078			"cite_creatorListSubsequent", "cite_creatorListSubsequentMore",
1079			"cite_creatorListSubsequentLimit", "cite_consecutiveCreator", "cite_consecutiveCreatorSep",
1080			"cite_template", "cite_useInitials", "cite_consecutiveCitationSep", "cite_yearFormat",
1081			"cite_pageFormat", "cite_templateSuperscript", "cite_ambiguousName", "cite_ambiguousMore",
1082			"cite_ambiguousTitle", "cite_ambiguousYear", "cite_ibid", "cite_idem", "cite_opCit",
1083			"cite_ambiguousNameFormat", "cite_ambiguousYearFormat", "cite_footnotePagePosition",
1084			"cite_footnotePageTemplate", "cite_ibidPage",  "cite_footnoteStyle",
1085		);
1086		foreach($inputArray as $input)
1087		{
1088			if(isset($this->vars[$input]))
1089			{
1090				$split = split("_", $input, 2);
1091				$elementName = $split[1];
1092				$fileString .= "<$elementName>" .
1093					htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($this->vars[$input])) . "</$elementName>";
1094			}
1095		}
1096		$fileString .= "</citation>";
1097// Start bibliography
1098		$fileString .= "<bibliography>";
1099// Common section defining how authors, titles etc. are formatted
1100		$fileString .= "<common>";
1101		$inputArray = array(
1102// style
1103			"style_titleCapitalization", "style_primaryCreatorFirstStyle",
1104			"style_primaryCreatorOtherStyle", "style_primaryCreatorInitials",
1105			"style_primaryCreatorFirstName", "style_otherCreatorFirstStyle",
1106			"style_otherCreatorOtherStyle", "style_otherCreatorInitials", "style_dayFormat",
1107			"style_otherCreatorFirstName", "style_primaryCreatorList", "style_otherCreatorList",
1108			"style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic", "style_otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic",
1109			"style_monthFormat", "style_editionFormat", "style_primaryCreatorListMore",
1110			"style_primaryCreatorListLimit", "style_dateFormat",
1111			"style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviation", "style_otherCreatorListMore",
1112			"style_runningTimeFormat", "style_primaryCreatorRepeatString", "style_primaryCreatorRepeat",
1113			"style_otherCreatorListLimit", "style_otherCreatorListAbbreviation", "style_pageFormat",
1114			"style_editorSwitch", "style_editorSwitchIfYes", "style_primaryCreatorUppercase",
1115			"style_otherCreatorUppercase", "style_primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween",
1116			"style_primaryCreatorSepNextBetween", "style_primaryCreatorSepNextLast",
1117			"style_otherCreatorSepFirstBetween", "style_otherCreatorSepNextBetween",
1118			"style_otherCreatorSepNextLast", "style_primaryTwoCreatorsSep", "style_otherTwoCreatorsSep",
1119			"style_userMonth_1", "style_userMonth_2", "style_userMonth_3", "style_userMonth_4",
1120			"style_userMonth_5", "style_userMonth_6", "style_userMonth_7", "style_userMonth_8",
1121			"style_userMonth_9", "style_userMonth_10", "style_userMonth_11", "style_userMonth_12",
1122			"style_dateRangeDelimit1", "style_dateRangeDelimit2", "style_dateRangeSameMonth",
1123		);
1124		foreach($inputArray as $input)
1125		{
1126			if(isset($this->vars[$input]))
1127			{
1128				$split = split("_", $input, 2);
1129				$elementName = $split[1];
1130				$fileString .= "<$elementName>" .
1131					htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($this->vars[$input])) . "</$elementName>";
1132			}
1133		}
1134		$fileString .= "</common>";
1135// Resource types
1136		foreach($types as $key)
1137		{
1138			$type = 'style_' . $key;
1139			$input = trim(stripslashes($this->vars[$type]));
1140// remove newlines etc.
1141			$input = preg_replace("/\r|\n|\015|\012/", "", $input);
1142			$fileString .= "<resource name=\"$key\">";
1143			$fileString .= $this->arrayToXML($this->parseStringToArray($key, $input), $type);
1144			$fileString .= "</resource>";
1145		}
1146		$fileString .= "</bibliography>";
1147		$fileString .= "</style>";
1148		if(!$fileName) // called from add()
1149		{
1150// Create folder with lowercase styleShortName
1151			$dirName = OSBIB_STYLE_DIR . "/" . strtolower(trim($this->vars['styleShortName']));
1152			if(!mkdir($dirName))
1153				$this->badInput($error = $this->errors->text("file", "folder"), $this->errorDisplay);
1154			$fileName = $dirName . "/" . strtoupper(trim($this->vars['styleShortName'])) . ".xml";
1155		}
1156		if(!$fp = fopen("$fileName", "w"))
1157			$this->badInput($this->errors->text("file", "write", ": $fileName"), $this->errorDisplay);
1158		if(!fputs($fp, $this->utf8->encodeUtf8($fileString)))
1159			$this->badInput($this->errors->text("file", "write", ": $fileName"), $this->errorDisplay);
1160		fclose($fp);
1161	}
1162// Parse array to XML
1163	function arrayToXML($array, $type)
1164	{
1165		$fileString = '';
1166		if(empty($array)) // no style definition for this type so set fallback
1167		{
1168			$name = $type . "_generic";
1169			if(!isset($this->vars[$name]))
1170				$name = "genericMisc";
1171			else
1172				$name = $this->vars[$name];
1173			return "<fallbackstyle>$name</fallbackstyle>";
1174		}
1175		foreach($array as $key => $value)
1176		{
1177			$fileString .= "<$key>";
1178			if(is_array($value))
1179				$fileString .= $this->arrayToXML($value, $type);
1180			else
1181				$fileString .= htmlspecialchars($value);
1182			$fileString .= "</$key>";
1183		}
1184		return $fileString;
1185	}
1186// validate input
1187	function validateInput($type)
1188	{
1189		$error = FALSE;
1190		if(($type == 'add') || ($type == 'edit'))
1191		{
1192			$array = array("style_titleCapitalization", "style_primaryCreatorFirstStyle",
1193				"style_primaryCreatorOtherStyle", "style_primaryCreatorInitials",
1194				"style_primaryCreatorFirstName", "style_otherCreatorFirstStyle", "style_dateFormat",
1195				"style_otherCreatorOtherStyle", "style_otherCreatorInitials", "style_pageFormat",
1196				"style_otherCreatorFirstName", "style_primaryCreatorList", "style_dayFormat",
1197				"style_otherCreatorList", "style_monthFormat", "style_editionFormat",
1198				"style_runningTimeFormat", "style_editorSwitch", "style_primaryCreatorRepeat",
1199				"style_dateRangeSameMonth",
1200		"cite_creatorStyle", "cite_creatorOtherStyle", "cite_creatorInitials", "cite_creatorFirstName",
1201		"cite_twoCreatorsSep", "cite_creatorSepFirstBetween", "cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviation",
1202		"cite_creatorSepNextBetween", "cite_creatorSepNextLast",
1203		"cite_creatorList", "cite_creatorListMore", "cite_creatorListLimit", "cite_creatorListAbbreviation",
1204		"cite_creatorListSubsequent", "cite_creatorListSubsequentMore", "cite_creatorListSubsequentLimit",
1205		"cite_consecutiveCreator", "cite_consecutiveCreatorSep", "cite_template",
1206		"cite_consecutiveCitationSep", "cite_yearFormat", "cite_pageFormat", "cite_footnoteStyle",
1207		);
1209			$this->writeSession($array);
1210			if(!trim($this->vars['styleShortName']))
1211				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1212			else
1213				$this->session->setVar("style_shortName", trim($this->vars['styleShortName']));
1214			if(preg_match("/\s/", trim($this->vars['styleShortName'])))
1215				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "invalid");
1216			else if(!trim($this->vars['styleLongName']))
1217				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1218			else if(!trim($this->vars['cite_template']))
1219				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1220			else if(!trim($this->vars['style_genericBook']))
1221				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1222			else if(!trim($this->vars['style_genericArticle']))
1223				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1224			else if(!trim($this->vars['style_genericMisc']))
1225				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1226			foreach($array as $input)
1227			{
1228				if(!isset($this->vars[$input]))
1229					return $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1230			}
1231// If xxx_creatorList set to 1 (limit), we must have style_xxxCreatorListMore and xxx_CreatorListLimit. The
1232// latter two must be numeric.
1233			if(($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorList'] == 1) &&
1234				(!trim($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorListLimit']) ||
1235				(!$this->vars['style_primaryCreatorListMore'])))
1236					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1237			else if(($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorList'] == 1) &&
1238				(!is_numeric($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorListLimit']) ||
1239				!is_numeric($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorListMore'])))
1240					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "nan");
1241			else if(($this->vars['style_otherCreatorList'] == 1) &&
1242				(!trim($this->vars['style_otherCreatorListLimit']) ||
1243				(!$this->vars['style_otherCreatorListMore'])))
1244					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1245			else if(($this->vars['style_otherCreatorList'] == 1) &&
1246				(!is_numeric($this->vars['style_otherCreatorListLimit']) ||
1247				!is_numeric($this->vars['style_otherCreatorListMore'])))
1248					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "nan");
1249			else if(($this->vars['cite_creatorList'] == 1) &&
1250				(!trim($this->vars['cite_creatorListLimit']) ||
1251				(!$this->vars['cite_creatorListMore'])))
1252					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1253			else if(($this->vars['cite_creatorList'] == 1) &&
1254				(!is_numeric($this->vars['cite_creatorListLimit']) ||
1255				!is_numeric($this->vars['cite_creatorListMore'])))
1256					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "nan");
1257			else if(($this->vars['cite_creatorListSubsequent'] == 1) &&
1258				(!trim($this->vars['cite_creatorListSubsequentLimit']) ||
1259				(!$this->vars['cite_creatorListSubsequentMore'])))
1260					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1261			else if(($this->vars['cite_creatorListSubsequent'] == 1) &&
1262				(!is_numeric($this->vars['cite_creatorListSubsequentLimit']) ||
1263				!is_numeric($this->vars['cite_creatorListSubsequentMore'])))
1264					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "nan");
1265			else if(($this->vars['style_editorSwitch'] == 1) &&
1266				!trim($this->vars['style_editorSwitchIfYes']))
1267					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1268			else if(($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorRepeat'] == 2) &&
1269				!trim($this->vars['style_primaryCreatorRepeatString']))
1270					$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1271			else if($this->vars['style_monthFormat'] == 2)
1272			{
1273				for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
1274				{
1275					if(!trim($this->vars["style_userMonth_$i"]))
1276						$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1277				}
1278			}
1279		}
1280		if($type == 'add')
1281		{
1282			if(preg_match("/\s/", trim($this->vars['styleShortName'])))
1283				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "invalid");
1284			else if(array_key_exists(strtoupper(trim($this->vars['styleShortName'])), $this->styles))
1285				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "styleExists");
1286		}
1287		else if($type == 'editDisplay')
1288		{
1289			if(!array_key_exists('editStyleFile', $this->vars))
1290				$error = $this->errors->text("inputError", "missing");
1291		}
1292		if($error)
1293			return $error;
1294// FALSE means validated input
1295		return FALSE;
1296	}
1297// Write session
1298	function writeSession($array)
1299	{
1300		include_once("TABLE.php");
1301		include_once("../STYLEMAP.php");
1302		$this->map = new STYLEMAP();
1303		$types = array_keys($this->map->types);
1304		if(trim($this->vars['styleLongName']))
1305			$this->session->setVar("style_longName", base64_encode(trim($this->vars['styleLongName'])));
1306// other resource types
1307		foreach($types as $key)
1308		{
1309			$type = 'style_' . $key;
1310			if(trim($this->vars[$type]))
1311				$this->session->setVar($type, base64_encode(trim($this->vars[$type])));
1312// Fallback styles
1313			if(($key != 'genericBook') && ($key != 'genericArticle') && ($key != 'genericMisc'))
1314			{
1315				$name = $type . "_generic";
1316				$this->session->setVar($name, base64_encode(trim($this->vars[$name])));
1317			}
1318		}
1319// Other values. $array parameter is required, other optional input is added to the array
1320		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorSepBetween";
1321		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorSepLast";
1322		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorSepBetween";
1323		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorSepLast";
1324		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorListMore";
1325		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorListLimit";
1326		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviation";
1327		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorListMore";
1328		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorListLimit";
1329		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorListAbbreviation";
1330		$array[] = "style_editorSwitchIfYes";
1331		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorUppercase";
1332		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorUppercase";
1333		$array[] = "style_primaryTwoCreatorsSep";
1334		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween";
1335		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorSepNextBetween";
1336		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorSepNextLast";
1337		$array[] = "style_otherTwoCreatorsSep";
1338		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorSepFirstBetween";
1339		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorSepNextBetween";
1340		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorSepNextLast";
1341		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorRepeatString";
1342		$array[] = "style_primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic";
1343		$array[] = "style_otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic";
1344		$array[] = "style_userMonth_1";
1345		$array[] = "style_userMonth_2";
1346		$array[] = "style_userMonth_3";
1347		$array[] = "style_userMonth_4";
1348		$array[] = "style_userMonth_5";
1349		$array[] = "style_userMonth_6";
1350		$array[] = "style_userMonth_7";
1351		$array[] = "style_userMonth_8";
1352		$array[] = "style_userMonth_9";
1353		$array[] = "style_userMonth_10";
1354		$array[] = "style_userMonth_11";
1355		$array[] = "style_userMonth_12";
1356		$array[] = "style_dateRangeDelimit1";
1357		$array[] = "style_dateRangeDelimit2";
1358		$array[] = "cite_useInitials";
1359		$array[] = "cite_creatorUppercase";
1360		$array[] = "cite_creatorListAbbreviationItalic";
1361		$array[] = "cite_creatorListSubsequentAbbreviationItalic";
1362		$array[] = "cite_templateSuperscript";
1363		$array[] = "cite_ambiguousName";
1364		$array[] = "cite_ambiguousMore";
1365		$array[] = "cite_ambiguousTitle";
1366		$array[] = "cite_ambiguousYear";
1367		$array[] = "cite_ambiguousNameFormat";
1368		$array[] = "cite_ambiguousYearFormat";
1369		$array[] = "cite_ibid";
1370		$array[] = "cite_idem";
1371		$array[] = "cite_opCit";
1372		$array[] = "cite_footnotePagePosition";
1373		$array[] = "cite_footnotePageTemplate";
1374		$array[] = "cite_ibidPage";
1375		foreach($array as $input)
1376		{
1377			if(isset($this->vars[$input]))
1378				$this->session->setVar($input, base64_encode($this->vars[$input]));
1379			else
1380				$this->session->delVar($input);
1381		}
1382	}
1383// bad Input function
1384	function badInput($error, $method)
1385	{
1386		include_once("CLOSE.php");
1387		new CLOSE($this->$method($error));
1388	}