4 * Pure-PHP 64-bit BigInteger Engine
5 *
6 * PHP version 5 and 7
7 *
8 * @category  Math
9 * @package   BigInteger
10 * @author    Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
11 * @copyright 2017 Jim Wigginton
12 * @license   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html  MIT License
13 * @link      http://pear.php.net/package/Math_BigInteger
14 */
16namespace phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger\Engines;
19 * Pure-PHP 64-bit Engine.
20 *
21 * Uses 64-bit integers if int size is 8 bits
22 *
23 * @package PHP
24 * @author  Jim Wigginton <terrafrost@php.net>
25 * @access  public
26 */
27class PHP64 extends PHP
29    // Constants used by PHP.php
30    const BASE = 31;
31    const BASE_FULL = 0x80000000;
32    const MAX_DIGIT = 0x7FFFFFFF;
33    const MSB = 0x40000000;
35    /**
36     * MAX10 in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying
37     * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE.
38     */
39    const MAX10 = 1000000000;
41    /**
42     * MAX10LEN in greatest MAX10LEN satisfying
43     * MAX10 = 10**MAX10LEN <= 2**BASE.
44     */
45    const MAX10LEN = 9;
46    const MAX_DIGIT2 = 4611686018427387904;
48    /**
49     * Initialize a PHP64 BigInteger Engine instance
50     *
51     * @param int $base
52     * @see parent::initialize()
53     */
54    protected function initialize($base)
55    {
56        if ($base != 256 && $base != -256) {
57            return parent::initialize($base);
58        }
60        $val = $this->value;
61        $this->value = [];
62        $vals = &$this->value;
63        $i = strlen($val);
64        if (!$i) {
65            return;
66        }
68        while (true) {
69            $i -= 4;
70            if ($i < 0) {
71                if ($i == -4) {
72                    break;
73                }
74                $val = substr($val, 0, 4 + $i);
75                $val = str_pad($val, 4, "\0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
76                if ($val == "\0\0\0\0") {
77                    break;
78                }
79                $i = 0;
80            }
81            list(, $digit) = unpack('N', substr($val, $i, 4));
82            $step = count($vals) & 7;
83            if (!$step) {
84                $digit &= static::MAX_DIGIT;
85                $i++;
86            } else {
87                $shift = 8 - $step;
88                $digit >>= $shift;
89                $shift = 32 - $shift;
90                $digit &= (1 << $shift) - 1;
91                $temp = $i > 0 ? ord($val[$i - 1]) : 0;
92                $digit |= ($temp << $shift) & 0x7F000000;
93            }
94            $vals[] = $digit;
95        }
96        while (end($vals) === 0) {
97            array_pop($vals);
98        }
99        reset($vals);
100    }
102    /**
103     * Test for engine validity
104     *
105     * @see parent::__construct()
106     * @return bool
107     */
108    public static function isValidEngine()
109    {
110        return PHP_INT_SIZE >= 8;
111    }
113    /**
114     * Adds two BigIntegers.
115     *
116     * @param PHP64 $y
117     * @return PHP64
118     */
119    public function add(PHP64 $y)
120    {
121        $temp = self::addHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative);
123        return $this->convertToObj($temp);
124    }
126    /**
127     * Subtracts two BigIntegers.
128     *
129     * @param PHP64 $y
130     * @return PHP64
131     */
132    public function subtract(PHP64 $y)
133    {
134        $temp = self::subtractHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative);
136        return $this->convertToObj($temp);
137    }
139    /**
140     * Multiplies two BigIntegers.
141     *
142     * @param PHP64 $y
143     * @return PHP64
144     */
145    public function multiply(PHP64 $y)
146    {
147        $temp = self::multiplyHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative);
149        return $this->convertToObj($temp);
150    }
152    /**
153     * Divides two BigIntegers.
154     *
155     * Returns an array whose first element contains the quotient and whose second element contains the
156     * "common residue".  If the remainder would be positive, the "common residue" and the remainder are the
157     * same.  If the remainder would be negative, the "common residue" is equal to the sum of the remainder
158     * and the divisor (basically, the "common residue" is the first positive modulo).
159     *
160     * @param PHP64 $y
161     * @return array{PHP64, PHP64}
162     */
163    public function divide(PHP64 $y)
164    {
165        return $this->divideHelper($y);
166    }
168    /**
169     * Calculates modular inverses.
170     *
171     * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1.  x can be found using modular inverses.
172     * @param PHP64 $n
173     * @return false|PHP64
174     */
175    public function modInverse(PHP64 $n)
176    {
177        return $this->modInverseHelper($n);
178    }
180    /**
181     * Calculates modular inverses.
182     *
183     * Say you have (30 mod 17 * x mod 17) mod 17 == 1.  x can be found using modular inverses.
184     * @param PHP64 $n
185     * @return PHP64[]
186     */
187    public function extendedGCD(PHP64 $n)
188    {
189        return $this->extendedGCDHelper($n);
190    }
192    /**
193     * Calculates the greatest common divisor
194     *
195     * Say you have 693 and 609.  The GCD is 21.
196     *
197     * @param PHP64 $n
198     * @return PHP64
199     */
200    public function gcd(PHP64 $n)
201    {
202        return $this->extendedGCD($n)['gcd'];
203    }
205    /**
206     * Logical And
207     *
208     * @param PHP64 $x
209     * @return PHP64
210     */
211    public function bitwise_and(PHP64 $x)
212    {
213        return $this->bitwiseAndHelper($x);
214    }
216    /**
217     * Logical Or
218     *
219     * @param PHP64 $x
220     * @return PHP64
221     */
222    public function bitwise_or(PHP64 $x)
223    {
224        return $this->bitwiseOrHelper($x);
225    }
227    /**
228     * Logical Exclusive Or
229     *
230     * @param PHP64 $x
231     * @return PHP64
232     */
233    public function bitwise_xor(PHP64 $x)
234    {
235        return $this->bitwiseXorHelper($x);
236    }
238    /**
239     * Compares two numbers.
240     *
241     * Although one might think !$x->compare($y) means $x != $y, it, in fact, means the opposite.  The reason for this is
242     * demonstrated thusly:
243     *
244     * $x  > $y: $x->compare($y)  > 0
245     * $x  < $y: $x->compare($y)  < 0
246     * $x == $y: $x->compare($y) == 0
247     *
248     * Note how the same comparison operator is used.  If you want to test for equality, use $x->equals($y).
249     *
250     * {@internal Could return $this->subtract($x), but that's not as fast as what we do do.}
251     *
252     * @param PHP64 $y
253     * @return int in case < 0 if $this is less than $y; > 0 if $this is greater than $y, and 0 if they are equal.
254     * @access public
255     * @see self::equals()
256     */
257    public function compare(PHP64 $y)
258    {
259        return parent::compareHelper($this->value, $this->is_negative, $y->value, $y->is_negative);
260    }
262    /**
263     * Tests the equality of two numbers.
264     *
265     * If you need to see if one number is greater than or less than another number, use BigInteger::compare()
266     *
267     * @param PHP64 $x
268     * @return bool
269     */
270    public function equals(PHP64 $x)
271    {
272        return $this->value === $x->value && $this->is_negative == $x->is_negative;
273    }
275    /**
276     * Performs modular exponentiation.
277     *
278     * @param PHP64 $e
279     * @param PHP64 $n
280     * @return PHP64
281     */
282    public function modPow(PHP64 $e, PHP64 $n)
283    {
284        return $this->powModOuter($e, $n);
285    }
287    /**
288     * Performs modular exponentiation.
289     *
290     * Alias for modPow().
291     *
292     * @param PHP64 $e
293     * @param PHP64 $n
294     * @return PHP64|false
295     */
296    public function powMod(PHP64 $e, PHP64 $n)
297    {
298        return $this->powModOuter($e, $n);
299    }
301    /**
302     * Generate a random prime number between a range
303     *
304     * If there's not a prime within the given range, false will be returned.
305     *
306     * @param PHP64 $min
307     * @param PHP64 $max
308     * @return false|PHP64
309     */
310    public static function randomRangePrime(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max)
311    {
312        return self::randomRangePrimeOuter($min, $max);
313    }
315    /**
316     * Generate a random number between a range
317     *
318     * Returns a random number between $min and $max where $min and $max
319     * can be defined using one of the two methods:
320     *
321     * BigInteger::randomRange($min, $max)
322     * BigInteger::randomRange($max, $min)
323     *
324     * @param PHP64 $min
325     * @param PHP64 $max
326     * @return PHP64
327     */
328    public static function randomRange(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max)
329    {
330        return self::randomRangeHelper($min, $max);
331    }
333    /**
334     * Performs exponentiation.
335     *
336     * @param PHP64 $n
337     * @return PHP64
338     */
339    public function pow(PHP64 $n)
340    {
341        return $this->powHelper($n);
342    }
344    /**
345     * Return the minimum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers.
346     *
347     * @param PHP64 ...$nums
348     * @return PHP64
349     */
350    public static function min(PHP64 ...$nums)
351    {
352        return self::minHelper($nums);
353    }
355    /**
356     * Return the maximum BigInteger between an arbitrary number of BigIntegers.
357     *
358     * @param PHP64 ...$nums
359     * @return PHP64
360     */
361    public static function max(PHP64 ...$nums)
362    {
363        return self::maxHelper($nums);
364    }
366    /**
367     * Tests BigInteger to see if it is between two integers, inclusive
368     *
369     * @param PHP64 $min
370     * @param PHP64 $max
371     * @return bool
372     */
373    public function between(PHP64 $min, PHP64 $max)
374    {
375        return $this->compare($min) >= 0 && $this->compare($max) <= 0;
376    }