1<?php declare(strict_types=1);
4 * This file is part of the Monolog package.
5 *
6 * (c) Jordi Boggiano <j.boggiano@seld.be>
7 *
8 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
9 * file that was distributed with this source code.
10 */
12namespace Monolog;
14use InvalidArgumentException;
17 * Monolog log registry
18 *
19 * Allows to get `Logger` instances in the global scope
20 * via static method calls on this class.
21 *
22 * <code>
23 * $application = new Monolog\Logger('application');
24 * $api = new Monolog\Logger('api');
25 *
26 * Monolog\Registry::addLogger($application);
27 * Monolog\Registry::addLogger($api);
28 *
29 * function testLogger()
30 * {
31 *     Monolog\Registry::api()->error('Sent to $api Logger instance');
32 *     Monolog\Registry::application()->error('Sent to $application Logger instance');
33 * }
34 * </code>
35 *
36 * @author Tomas Tatarko <tomas@tatarko.sk>
37 */
38class Registry
40    /**
41     * List of all loggers in the registry (by named indexes)
42     *
43     * @var Logger[]
44     */
45    private static $loggers = [];
47    /**
48     * Adds new logging channel to the registry
49     *
50     * @param  Logger                    $logger    Instance of the logging channel
51     * @param  string|null               $name      Name of the logging channel ($logger->getName() by default)
52     * @param  bool                      $overwrite Overwrite instance in the registry if the given name already exists?
53     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $overwrite set to false and named Logger instance already exists
54     * @return void
55     */
56    public static function addLogger(Logger $logger, ?string $name = null, bool $overwrite = false)
57    {
58        $name = $name ?: $logger->getName();
60        if (isset(self::$loggers[$name]) && !$overwrite) {
61            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Logger with the given name already exists');
62        }
64        self::$loggers[$name] = $logger;
65    }
67    /**
68     * Checks if such logging channel exists by name or instance
69     *
70     * @param string|Logger $logger Name or logger instance
71     */
72    public static function hasLogger($logger): bool
73    {
74        if ($logger instanceof Logger) {
75            $index = array_search($logger, self::$loggers, true);
77            return false !== $index;
78        }
80        return isset(self::$loggers[$logger]);
81    }
83    /**
84     * Removes instance from registry by name or instance
85     *
86     * @param string|Logger $logger Name or logger instance
87     */
88    public static function removeLogger($logger): void
89    {
90        if ($logger instanceof Logger) {
91            if (false !== ($idx = array_search($logger, self::$loggers, true))) {
92                unset(self::$loggers[$idx]);
93            }
94        } else {
95            unset(self::$loggers[$logger]);
96        }
97    }
99    /**
100     * Clears the registry
101     */
102    public static function clear(): void
103    {
104        self::$loggers = [];
105    }
107    /**
108     * Gets Logger instance from the registry
109     *
110     * @param  string                    $name Name of the requested Logger instance
111     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If named Logger instance is not in the registry
112     */
113    public static function getInstance($name): Logger
114    {
115        if (!isset(self::$loggers[$name])) {
116            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Requested "%s" logger instance is not in the registry', $name));
117        }
119        return self::$loggers[$name];
120    }
122    /**
123     * Gets Logger instance from the registry via static method call
124     *
125     * @param  string                    $name      Name of the requested Logger instance
126     * @param  mixed[]                   $arguments Arguments passed to static method call
127     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If named Logger instance is not in the registry
128     * @return Logger                    Requested instance of Logger
129     */
130    public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
131    {
132        return self::getInstance($name);
133    }