1'use strict';
3var assert = require('assert');
4var walk = require('pug-walk');
6function error() {
7  throw require('pug-error').apply(null, arguments);
10module.exports = link;
11function link(ast) {
12  assert(ast.type === 'Block', 'The top level element should always be a block');
13  var extendsNode = null;
14  if (ast.nodes.length) {
15    var hasExtends = ast.nodes[0].type === 'Extends';
16    checkExtendPosition(ast, hasExtends);
17    if (hasExtends) {
18      extendsNode = ast.nodes.shift();
19    }
20  }
21  ast = applyIncludes(ast);
22  ast.declaredBlocks = findDeclaredBlocks(ast);
23  if (extendsNode) {
24    var mixins = [];
25    var expectedBlocks = [];
26    ast.nodes.forEach(function addNode(node) {
27      if (node.type === 'NamedBlock') {
28        expectedBlocks.push(node);
29      } else if (node.type === 'Block') {
30        node.nodes.forEach(addNode);
31      } else if (node.type === 'Mixin' && node.call === false) {
32        mixins.push(node);
33      } else {
34        error('UNEXPECTED_NODES_IN_EXTENDING_ROOT', 'Only named blocks and mixins can appear at the top level of an extending template', node);
35      }
36    });
37    var parent = link(extendsNode.file.ast);
38    extend(parent.declaredBlocks, ast);
39    var foundBlockNames = [];
40    walk(parent, function (node) {
41      if (node.type === 'NamedBlock') {
42        foundBlockNames.push(node.name);
43      }
44    });
45    expectedBlocks.forEach(function (expectedBlock) {
46      if (foundBlockNames.indexOf(expectedBlock.name) === -1) {
47        error(
48          'UNEXPECTED_BLOCK',
49          'Unexpected block ' + expectedBlock.name,
50          expectedBlock
51        );
52      }
53    });
54    Object.keys(ast.declaredBlocks).forEach(function (name) {
55      parent.declaredBlocks[name] = ast.declaredBlocks[name];
56    });
57    parent.nodes = mixins.concat(parent.nodes);
58    parent.hasExtends = true;
59    return parent;
60  }
61  return ast;
64function findDeclaredBlocks(ast) /*: {[name: string]: Array<BlockNode>}*/ {
65  var definitions = {};
66  walk(ast, function before(node) {
67    if (node.type === 'NamedBlock' && node.mode === 'replace') {
68      definitions[node.name] = definitions[node.name] || [];
69      definitions[node.name].push(node);
70    }
71  });
72  return definitions;
75function flattenParentBlocks(parentBlocks, accumulator) {
76  accumulator = accumulator || [];
77  parentBlocks.forEach(function (parentBlock) {
78    if (parentBlock.parents) {
79      flattenParentBlocks(parentBlock.parents, accumulator);
80    }
81    accumulator.push(parentBlock);
82  });
83  return accumulator;
86function extend(parentBlocks, ast) {
87  var stack = {};
88  walk(ast, function before(node) {
89    if (node.type === 'NamedBlock') {
90      if (stack[node.name] === node.name) {
91        return node.ignore = true;
92      }
93      stack[node.name] = node.name;
94      var parentBlockList = parentBlocks[node.name] ? flattenParentBlocks(parentBlocks[node.name]) : [];
95      if (parentBlockList.length) {
96        node.parents = parentBlockList;
97        parentBlockList.forEach(function (parentBlock) {
98          switch (node.mode) {
99            case 'append':
100              parentBlock.nodes = parentBlock.nodes.concat(node.nodes);
101              break;
102            case 'prepend':
103              parentBlock.nodes = node.nodes.concat(parentBlock.nodes);
104              break;
105            case 'replace':
106              parentBlock.nodes = node.nodes;
107              break;
108          }
109        });
110      }
111    }
112  }, function after(node) {
113    if (node.type === 'NamedBlock' && !node.ignore) {
114      delete stack[node.name];
115    }
116  });
119function applyIncludes(ast, child) {
120  return walk(ast, function before(node, replace) {
121    if (node.type === 'RawInclude') {
122      replace({type: 'Text', val: node.file.str.replace(/\r/g, '')});
123    }
124  }, function after(node, replace) {
125    if (node.type === 'Include') {
126      var childAST = link(node.file.ast);
127      if (childAST.hasExtends) {
128        childAST = removeBlocks(childAST);
129      }
130      replace(applyYield(childAST, node.block));
131    }
132  });
134function removeBlocks(ast) {
135  return walk(ast, function (node, replace) {
136    if (node.type === 'NamedBlock') {
137      replace({
138        type: 'Block',
139        nodes: node.nodes
140      });
141    }
142  });
145function applyYield(ast, block) {
146  if (!block || !block.nodes.length) return ast;
147  var replaced = false;
148  ast = walk(ast, null, function (node, replace) {
149    if (node.type === 'YieldBlock') {
150      replaced = true;
151      node.type = 'Block';
152      node.nodes = [block];
153    }
154  });
155  function defaultYieldLocation(node) {
156    var res = node;
157    for (var i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) {
158      if (node.nodes[i].textOnly) continue;
159      if (node.nodes[i].type === 'Block') {
160        res = defaultYieldLocation(node.nodes[i]);
161      } else if (node.nodes[i].block && node.nodes[i].block.nodes.length) {
162        res = defaultYieldLocation(node.nodes[i].block);
163      }
164    }
165    return res;
166  }
167  if (!replaced) {
168    // todo: probably should deprecate this with a warning
169    defaultYieldLocation(ast).nodes.push(block);
170  }
171  return ast;
174function checkExtendPosition(ast, hasExtends) {
175  var legitExtendsReached = false;
176  walk(ast, function (node) {
177    if (node.type === 'Extends') {
178      if (hasExtends && !legitExtendsReached) {
179        legitExtendsReached = true;
180      } else {
181        error('EXTENDS_NOT_FIRST', 'Declaration of template inheritance ("extends") should be the first thing in the file. There can only be one extends statement per file.', node);
182      }
183    }
184  });