2    "chat": {
3        "claude-3-opus-20240229": {
4            "description": "Most powerful model for highly complex tasks. Top-level performance, intelligence, fluency, and understanding.",
5            "inputTokens": 150000,
6            "inputTokenPrice": 15.00,
7            "outputTokens": 4096,
8            "outputTokenPrice": 75.00
9        },
10        "claude-3-sonnet-20240229": {
11            "description": "Ideal balance of intelligence and speed for enterprise workloads. Maximum utility at a lower price, dependable, balanced for scaled deployments.",
12            "inputTokens": 150000,
13            "inputTokenPrice": 3.00,
14            "outputTokens": 4096,
15            "outputTokenPrice": 15.00
16        },
17        "claude-3-haiku-20240307": {
18            "description": "Fastest and most compact model for near-instant responsiveness. Quick and accurate targeted performance.",
19            "inputTokens": 150000,
20            "inputTokenPrice": 0.25,
21            "outputTokens": 4096,
22            "outputTokenPrice": 1.25
23        }
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