3 * Action Component for the Ad-Hoc Tags Plugin
4 *
5 * @license	GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
6 * @author	 Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
7 * @author	 Sascha Leib <sascha.leib(at)kolmio.com>
8 */
10class action_plugin_adhoctags extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin {
12	/**
13	* register the eventhandlers
14	*
15	* @author	Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
16	* @author	Sascha Leib <sascha.leib(at)kolmio.com>
17	*/
18	function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller){
19		$controller->register_hook('TOOLBAR_DEFINE', 'AFTER', $this, 'handle_toolbar', array ());
20	}
22	function handle_toolbar(Doku_Event $event, $param) {
23		$syntaxDiv = $this->getConf('syntaxDiv');
24		$syntaxSpan = $this->getConf('syntaxSpan');
26		$event->data[] = array (
27			'type'	=>	'picker',
28			'title'	=>	$this->getLang('picker'),
29			'icon'	=>	'../../plugins/adhoctags/images/code-tags.svg',
30			'id'	=>	'tbbtn_adhoctagsInline',
31			'list'	=>	array(
32				/* inline elements */
33				array(
34					'type'		=> 'format',
35					'title'		=> $this->getLang('b').': <��>',
36					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-bold.svg',
37					'open'		=> '<b>',
38					'close'		=> '</b>',
39					'sample'	=> 'Bold'
40				),
41				array(
42					'type'		=> 'format',
43					'title'		=> $this->getLang('i').': <��>',
44					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-italic.svg',
45					'open'		=> '<i>',
46					'close'		=> '</i>',
47					'sample'	=> 'Italic'
48				),
49				array(
50					'type'		=> 'format',
51					'title'		=> $this->getLang('s').': <��>',
52					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-strikethrough-variant.svg',
53					'open'		=> '<s>',
54					'close'		=> '</s>',
55					'sample'	=> 'Strikethrough'
56				),
57				array(
58					'type'		=> 'format',
59					'title'		=> $this->getLang('u').': <��>',
60					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-underline-wavy.svg',
61					'open'		=> '<u>',
62					'close'		=> '</u>',
63					'sample'	=> 'Underline'
64				),
65				array(
66					'type'		=> 'format',
67					'title'		=> $this->getLang('small').': <����������>',
68					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-size.svg',
69					'open'		=> '<small>',
70					'close'		=> '</small>',
71					'sample'	=> 'smaller'
72				),
73				array(
74					'type'		=> 'format',
75					'title'		=> $this->getLang('q').': <��>',
76					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-quote-open.svg',
77					'open'		=> '<q>',
78					'close'		=> '</q>',
79					'sample'	=> 'Quotation'
80				),
81				array(
82					'type'		=> 'format',
83					'title'		=> $this->getLang('abbr').': <��������>',
84					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/abbr.svg',
85					'open'		=> '<abbr>',
86					'close'		=> '</abbr>',
87					'sample'	=> 'ABBR'
88				),
89				array(
90					'type'		=> 'format',
91					'title'		=> $this->getLang('dfn').': <������>',
92					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/def.svg',
93					'open'		=> '<dfn>',
94					'close'		=> '</dfn>',
95					'sample'	=> 'Definition'
96				),
97				array(
98					'type'		=> 'format',
99					'title'		=> $this->getLang('kbd').': <������>',
100					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/keyboard-variant.svg',
101					'open'		=> '<kbd>',
102					'close'		=> '</kbd>',
103					'sample'	=> 'Ctrl'
104				),
105				array(
106					'type'		=> 'format',
107					'title'		=> $this->getLang('samp').': <��������>',
108					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/export.svg',
109					'open'		=> '<samp>',
110					'close'		=> '</samp>',
111					'sample'	=> 'Output'
112				),
113				array(
114					'type'		=> 'format',
115					'title'		=> $this->getLang('var').': <������>',
116					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/variable.svg',
117					'open'		=> '<var>',
118					'close'		=> '</var>',
119					'sample'	=> 'x'
120				),
121				array(
122					'type'		=> 'format',
123					'title'		=> $this->getLang('mark').': <��������>',
124					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/format-color-highlight.svg',
125					'open'		=> '<mark>',
126					'close'		=> '</mark>',
127					'sample'	=> 'marked'
128				),
129				array(
130					'type'		=> 'format',
131					'title'		=> $this->getLang('cite').': <��������>',
132					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/comment-quote-outline.svg',
133					'open'		=> '<cite>',
134					'close'		=> '</cite>',
135					'sample'	=> 'Citation'
136				),
137				array(
138					'type'		=> 'format',
139					'title'		=> $this->getLang('time').': <��������>',
140					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/calendar-clock.svg',
141					'open'		=> '<time>',
142					'close'		=> '</time>',
143					'sample'	=> 'datetime'
144				),
145				/* block-level elements: */
146				array(
147					'type'		=> 'format',
148					'title'		=> $this->getLang('section').': <��������������>',
149					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/code-brackets.svg',
150					'open'		=> '<section>\n',
151					'close'		=> '\n</section>',
152					'sample'	=> 'Section'
153				),
154				array(
155					'type'		=> 'format',
156					'title'		=> $this->getLang('figure').': <������������>/<��������������������>',
157					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/figure-caption.svg',
158					'open'		=> '<figure>\n',
159					'close'		=> '\n<figcaption>Caption</figcaption>\n</figure>',
160					'sample'	=> 'figure content'
161				),
162				array(
163					'type'		=> 'format',
164					'title'		=> $this->getLang('aside').': <����������>',
165					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/aside.svg',
166					'open'		=> '<aside>\n',
167					'close'		=> '\n</aside>',
168					'sample'	=> 'Aside text'
169				),
170				array(
171					'type'		=> 'format',
172					'title'		=> $this->getLang('article').': <��������������>',
173					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/subtitles-outline.svg',
174					'open'		=> '<article>\n',
175					'close'		=> '\n</article>',
176					'sample'	=> 'Article text'
177				),
178				array(
179					'type'		=> 'format',
180					'title'		=> $this->getLang('dl').': <����>/<����>/<����>',
181					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/definition-list.svg',
182					'open'		=> '<dl>\n<dt>',
183					'close'		=> '</dt>\n<dd>Description</dd>\n</dl>',
184					'sample'	=> 'Term'
185				),
186				array(
187					'type'		=> 'format',
188					'title'		=> $this->getLang('address').': <��������������>',
189					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/card-account-details-outline.svg',
190					'open'		=> '<address>\n',
191					'close'		=> '\n</address>',
192					'sample'	=> 'Address'
193				),
194				array(
195					'type'		=> 'format',
196					'title'		=> $this->getLang('details').': <��������������>/<��������������>',
197					'icon'		=> '../../plugins/adhoctags/images/details-summary.svg',
198					'open'		=> '<details><summary>',
199					'close'		=> '</summary>\nDetails\n</details>',
200					'sample'	=> 'Summary'
201				)
202			)
203		);
204	}