3$settings = array (
4    // If 'strict' is True, then the PHP Toolkit will reject unsigned
5    // or unencrypted messages if it expects them signed or encrypted
6    // Also will reject the messages if not strictly follow the SAML
7    // standard: Destination, NameId, Conditions ... are validated too.
8    'strict' => true,
10    // Enable debug mode (to print errors)
11    'debug' => false,
13    // Set a BaseURL to be used instead of try to guess
14    // the BaseURL of the view that process the SAML Message.
15    // Ex. http://sp.example.com/
16    //     http://example.com/sp/
17    'baseurl' => null,
19    // Service Provider Data that we are deploying
20    'sp' => array (
21        // Identifier of the SP entity  (must be a URI)
22        'entityId' => '',
23        // Specifies info about where and how the <AuthnResponse> message MUST be
24        // returned to the requester, in this case our SP.
25        'assertionConsumerService' => array (
26            // URL Location where the <Response> from the IdP will be returned
27            'url' => '',
28            // SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
29            // message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
30            // HTTP-POST binding only
31            'binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST',
32        ),
33        // If you need to specify requested attributes, set a
34        // attributeConsumingService. nameFormat, attributeValue and
35        // friendlyName can be omitted. Otherwise remove this section.
36        "attributeConsumingService"=> array(
37                "serviceName" => "SP test",
38                "serviceDescription" => "Test Service",
39                "requestedAttributes" => array(
40                    array(
41                        "name" => "",
42                        "isRequired" => false,
43                        "nameFormat" => "",
44                        "friendlyName" => "",
45                        "attributeValue" => ""
46                    )
47                )
48        ),
49        // Specifies info about where and how the <Logout Response> message MUST be
50        // returned to the requester, in this case our SP.
51        'singleLogoutService' => array (
52            // URL Location where the <Response> from the IdP will be returned
53            'url' => '',
54            // SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
55            // message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
56            // HTTP-Redirect binding only
57            'binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect',
58        ),
59        // Specifies constraints on the name identifier to be used to
60        // represent the requested subject.
61        // Take a look on lib/Saml2/Constants.php to see the NameIdFormat supported
62        'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified',
64        // Usually x509cert and privateKey of the SP are provided by files placed at
65        // the certs folder. But we can also provide them with the following parameters
66        'x509cert' => '',
67        'privateKey' => '',
69        /*
70         * Key rollover
71         * If you plan to update the SP x509cert and privateKey
72         * you can define here the new x509cert and it will be
73         * published on the SP metadata so Identity Providers can
74         * read them and get ready for rollover.
75         */
76        // 'x509certNew' => '',
77    ),
79    // Identity Provider Data that we want connect with our SP
80    'idp' => array (
81        // Identifier of the IdP entity  (must be a URI)
82        'entityId' => '',
83        // SSO endpoint info of the IdP. (Authentication Request protocol)
84        'singleSignOnService' => array (
85            // URL Target of the IdP where the SP will send the Authentication Request Message
86            'url' => '',
87            // SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
88            // message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
89            // HTTP-Redirect binding only
90            'binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect',
91        ),
92        // SLO endpoint info of the IdP.
93        'singleLogoutService' => array (
94            // URL Location of the IdP where the SP will send the SLO Request
95            'url' => '',
96            // URL location of the IdP where the SP will send the SLO Response (ResponseLocation)
97            // if not set, url for the SLO Request will be used
98            'responseUrl' => '',
99            // SAML protocol binding to be used when returning the <Response>
100            // message.  Onelogin Toolkit supports for this endpoint the
101            // HTTP-Redirect binding only
102            'binding' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect',
103        ),
104        // Public x509 certificate of the IdP
105        'x509cert' => '',
106        /*
107         *  Instead of use the whole x509cert you can use a fingerprint in
108         *  order to validate the SAMLResponse, but we don't recommend to use
109         *  that method on production since is exploitable by a collision
110         *  attack.
111         *  (openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -in "idp.crt" to generate it,
112         *   or add for example the -sha256 , -sha384 or -sha512 parameter)
113         *
114         *  If a fingerprint is provided, then the certFingerprintAlgorithm is required in order to
115         *  let the toolkit know which Algorithm was used. Possible values: sha1, sha256, sha384 or sha512
116         *  'sha1' is the default value.
117         */
118        // 'certFingerprint' => '',
119        // 'certFingerprintAlgorithm' => 'sha1',
121        /* In some scenarios the IdP uses different certificates for
122         * signing/encryption, or is under key rollover phase and more
123         * than one certificate is published on IdP metadata.
124         * In order to handle that the toolkit offers that parameter.
125         * (when used, 'x509cert' and 'certFingerprint' values are
126         * ignored).
127         */
128        // 'x509certMulti' => array(
129        //      'signing' => array(
130        //          0 => '<cert1-string>',
131        //      ),
132        //      'encryption' => array(
133        //          0 => '<cert2-string>',
134        //      )
135        // ),
136    ),