3 * uscript.php
4 * ---------------------------------
5 * Author: pospi (pospi@spadgos.com)
6 * Copyright: (c) 2007 pospi (http://pospi.spadgos.com)
7 * Release Version:
8 * Date Started: 2007/05/21
9 *
10 * UnrealScript language file for GeSHi.
11 *
12 * Comments:
13 * * Main purpose at this time is for Unreal Engine 2 / 2.5
14 * * Mostly taken from UltraEdit unrealScript wordfile.
15 *
17 * -------
18 * 2007/05/21 (
19 *  -  First Release
20 *
21 * TODO (updated 2007/05/21)
22 * -------------------------
23 * * Update to feature any UE3 classes / keywords when UT3 comes out
24 *
25 *************************************************************************************
26 *
27 *     This file is part of GeSHi.
28 *
29 *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
30 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
31 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
32 *   (at your option) any later version.
33 *
34 *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
35 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
37 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
38 *
39 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
40 *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
41 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
42 *
43 ************************************************************************************/
45$language_data = array (
46    'LANG_NAME' => 'Unreal Script',
47    'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(
48            1 => '//',
49            2 => '#'
50            ),
51    'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('/*' => '*/'),
53    'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
54    'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
55    'KEYWORDS' => array(
56        1 => array(        //declaration keywords
57            'simulated', 'state', 'class', 'function', 'event', 'var', 'local',
58            'ignores', 'globalconfig', 'config', 'abstract', 'nativereplication', 'native',
59            'auto', 'coerce', 'const', 'default',
60            'defaultproperties',
61            'enum', 'extends', 'expands', 'final', 'guid', 'latent', 'localized',
62            'new', 'noexport', 'operator', 'preoperator', 'optional', 'out',
63            'private', 'public', 'protected', 'reliable', 'replication',
64            'singular', 'static', 'struct', 'transient', 'unreliable',
65            'hidedropdown', 'cacheexempt', 'exec', 'delegate', 'import', 'placeable', 'exportstructs'
66            ),
67        2 => array(        //control flow keywords
68            'for', 'while', 'do', 'if', 'else', 'switch', 'case', 'return', 'break', 'continue',
69            'begin', 'loop', 'assert',
70            'foreach', 'AllActors', 'DynamicActors', 'ChildActors', 'BasedActors', 'TouchingActors',
71            'TraceActors', 'RadiusActors', 'VisibleActors', 'CollidingActors', 'VisibleCollidingActors'
72            ),
73        3 => array(        //global (object) functions
74            'log', 'warn', 'rot', 'vect', 'Rand', 'Min', 'Max', 'Clamp', 'Abs', 'Sin', 'ASin',
75            'Cos', 'ACos', 'Tan', 'ATan', 'Exp', 'Loge', 'Sqrt', 'Square', 'FRand', 'FMin', 'FMax', 'FClamp',
76            'Lerp', 'Smerp', 'Ceil', 'Round', 'VSize', 'Normal', 'Invert', 'VRand', 'MirrorVectorByNormal',
77            'GetAxes', 'GetUnAxes', 'RotRand', 'OrthoRotation', 'Normalize', 'ClockwiseFrom',
78            'Len', 'InStr', 'Mid', 'Left', 'Right', 'Caps', 'Chr', 'Asc', 'Locs',
79            'Divide', 'Split', 'StrCmp', 'Repl', 'Eval',
80            'InterpCurveEval', 'InterpCurveGetOutputRange', 'InterpCurveGetInputDomain',
81            'QuatProduct', 'QuatInvert', 'QuatRotateVector', 'QuatFindBetween', 'QuatFromAxisAndAngle',
82            'QuatFromRotator', 'QuatToRotator', 'QuatSlerp',
83            'Localize', 'GotoState', 'IsInState', 'GetStateName',
84            'ClassIsChildOf', 'IsA', 'Enable', 'Disable',
85            'GetPropertyText', 'SetPropertyText', 'GetEnum', 'DynamicLoadObject', 'FindObject',
86            'SaveConfig', 'ClearConfig', 'StaticSaveConfig', 'ResetConfig', 'StaticClearConfig',
87            'GetPerObjectNames', 'RandRange', 'StopWatch', 'IsOnConsole', 'IsSoaking',
88            'PlatformIsMacOS', 'PlatformIsUnix', 'PlatformIsWindows', 'PlatformIs64Bit',
89            'BeginState', 'EndState', 'Created', 'AllObjects', 'GetReferencers', 'GetItemName',
90            'ReplaceText', 'EatStr'
91            ),
92        4 => array(        //common almost-global (actor) functions
93            'ClientMessage', 'ConsoleCommand', 'CopyObjectToClipboard', 'TextToSpeech',
94            'Error', 'Sleep', 'SetCollision', 'SetCollisionSize', 'SetDrawScale', 'SetDrawScale3D',
95            'SetStaticMesh', 'SetDrawType', 'Move', 'SetLocation', 'SetRotation',
96            'SetRelativeLocation', 'SetRelativeRotation', 'MoveSmooth', 'AutonomousPhysics',
97            'SetBase', 'SetOwner', 'IsJoinedTo', 'GetMeshName', 'PlayAnim', 'LoopAnim', 'TweenAnim',
98            'IsAnimating', 'FinishAnim', 'HasAnim', 'StopAnimating', 'FreezeFrameAt', 'SetAnimFrame',
99            'IsTweening', 'AnimStopLooping', 'AnimEnd', 'LinkSkelAnim', 'LinkMesh', 'BoneRefresh',
100            'GetBoneCoords', 'GetBoneRotation', 'GetRootLocation', 'GetRootRotation', 'AttachToBone',
101            'DetachFromBone', 'SetBoneScale', 'UpdateURL', 'GetURLOption', 'SetPhysics', 'KAddImpulse',
102            'KImpact', 'KApplyForce', 'Clock', 'UnClock', 'Destroyed', 'GainedChild', 'LostChild',
103            'Tick', 'PostNetReceive', 'ClientTrigger', 'Trigger', 'UnTrigger', 'BeginEvent', 'EndEvent',
104            'Timer', 'HitWall', 'Falling', 'Landed', 'ZoneChange', 'PhysicsVolumeChange', 'Touch',
105            'PostTouch', 'UnTouch', 'Bump', 'BaseChange', 'Attach', 'Detach', 'SpecialHandling',
106            'EncroachingOn', 'EncroachedBy', 'RanInto', 'FinishedInterpolation', 'EndedRotation',
107            'UsedBy', 'FellOutOfWorld', 'KilledBy', 'TakeDamage', 'HealDamage', 'Trace', 'FastTrace',
108            'TraceThisActor', 'spawn', 'Destroy', 'TornOff', 'SetTimer', 'PlaySound', 'PlayOwnedSound',
109            'GetSoundDuration', 'MakeNoise', 'BeginPlay', 'GetAllInt', 'RenderOverlays', 'RenderTexture',
110            'PreBeginPlay', 'PostBeginPlay', 'PostNetBeginPlay', 'HurtRadius', 'Reset', 'Crash'
111            ),
112        5 => array(        //data types
113            'none', 'null',
114            'float', 'int', 'bool', 'byte', 'char', 'double', 'iterator', 'name', 'string',    //primitive
115            'plane', 'rotator', 'vector', 'spline',    'coords', 'Quat', 'Range', 'RangeVector', //structs
116            'Scale', 'Color', 'Box', 'IntBox', 'FloatBox', 'BoundingVolume', 'Matrix', 'InterpCurvePoint',
117            'InterpCurve', 'CompressedPosition', 'TMultiMap', 'PointRegion',
118            'KRigidBodyState', 'KSimParams', 'AnimRep', 'FireProperties',
119            'lodmesh', 'skeletalmesh', 'mesh', 'StaticMesh', 'MeshInstance',    //3d resources
120            'sound',    //sound resources
121            'material', 'texture', 'combiner', 'modifier', 'ColorModifier', 'FinalBlend',    //2d resources
122            'MaterialSequence', 'MaterialSwitch', 'OpacityModifier', 'TexModifier', 'TexEnvMap',
123            'TexCoordSource', 'TexMatrix', 'TexOscillator', 'TexPanner', 'TexRotator', 'TexScaler',
124            'RenderedMaterial', 'BitmapMaterial', 'ScriptedTexture', 'ShadowBitmapMaterial', 'Cubemap',
125            'FractalTexture', 'FireTexture', 'IceTexture', 'WaterTexture', 'FluidTexture', 'WaveTexture',
126            'WetTexture', 'ConstantMaterial', 'ConstantColor', 'FadeColor', 'ParticleMaterial',
127            'ProjectorMaterial', 'Shader', 'TerrainMaterial', 'VertexColor'
128            ),
129        6 => array(        //misc keywords
130            'false', 'true', 'self', 'super', 'MaxInt', 'Pi'
131            ),
132        7 => array(        //common actor enums & variables
133            'DT_None', 'DT_Sprite', 'DT_Mesh', 'DT_Brush', 'DT_RopeSprite',
134            'DT_VerticalSprite', 'DT_TerraForm', 'DT_SpriteAnimOnce', 'DT_StaticMesh', 'DT_DrawType',
135            'DT_Particle', 'DT_AntiPortal', 'DT_FluidSurface',
136            'PHYS_None', 'PHYS_Walking', 'PHYS_Falling', 'PHYS_Swimming', 'PHYS_Flying',
137            'PHYS_Rotating', 'PHYS_Projectile', 'PHYS_Interpolating', 'PHYS_MovingBrush', 'PHYS_Spider',
138            'PHYS_Trailer', 'PHYS_Ladder', 'PHYS_RootMotion', 'PHYS_Karma', 'PHYS_KarmaRagDoll',
139            'PHYS_Hovering', 'PHYS_CinMotion',
140            'ROLE_None', 'ROLE_DumbProxy', 'ROLE_SimulatedProxy',
141            'ROLE_AutonomousProxy', 'ROLE_Authority',
142            'STY_None', 'STY_Normal', 'STY_Masked', 'STY_Translucent', 'STY_Modulated', 'STY_Alpha',
143            'STY_Additive', 'STY_Subtractive', 'STY_Particle', 'STY_AlphaZ',
144            'OCCLUSION_None', 'OCCLUSION_BSP', 'OCCLUSION_Default', 'OCCLUSION_StaticMeshes',
145            'SLOT_None', 'SLOT_Misc', 'SLOT_Pain', 'SLOT_Interact', 'SLOT_Ambient', 'SLOT_Talk',
146            'SLOT_Interface', 'MTRAN_None', 'MTRAN_Instant', 'MTRAN_Segue', 'MTRAN_Fade',
147            'MTRAN_FastFade', 'MTRAN_SlowFade',
149            'DrawType', 'Physics', 'Owner', 'Base', 'Level', 'Game', 'Instigator', 'RemoteRole', 'Role',
150            'LifeSpan', 'Tag', 'Event', 'Location', 'Rotation', 'Velocity', 'Acceleration',
151            'RelativeLocation', 'RelativeRotation', 'DrawScale', 'DrawScale3D', 'Skins', 'Style',
152            'SoundVolume', 'SoundPitch', 'SoundRadius', 'TransientSoundVolume', 'TransientSoundRadius',
153            'CollisionRadius', 'CollisionHeight', 'Mass', 'Buoyancy', 'RotationRate', 'DesiredRotation'
154            ),
155        8 => array(        //common non-actor uscript classes
156            'Object',
157            'CacheManager', 'CameraEffect', 'Canvas', 'CheatManager', 'Commandlet', 'DecoText', 'GUI',
158            'InteractionMaster', 'Interactions', 'Interaction', 'KarmaParamsCollision', 'KarmaParamsRBFull',
159            'KarmaParamsSkel', 'KarmaParams', 'LevelSummary', 'Locale', 'Manifest', 'MaterialFactory',
160            'MeshObject', 'ObjectPool', 'Pallete',
161            'ParticleEmitter', 'MeshEmitter', 'BeamEmitter', 'SpriteEmitter', 'SparkEmitter', 'TrailEmitter',
162            'Player', 'PlayerInput', 'PlayInfo', 'ReachSpec', 'Resource', 'LatentScriptedAction', 'ScriptedAction',
163            'speciesType', 'StreamBase', 'Stream', 'EditorEngine', 'Engine', 'Time', 'WeaponFire',
164            'WebApplication', 'WebRequest', 'WebResponse', 'WebSkin', 'xPawnGibGroup', 'xPawnSoundGroup',
165            'xUtil'
166            ),
167        9 => array(        //common actor-based uscript classes
168            'Actor',
169            'Controller', 'AIController', 'ScriptedController', 'Bot', 'xBot',
170            'PlayerController', 'UnrealPlayer', 'xPlayer',
171            'DamageType', 'WeaponDamageType', 'Effects', 'Emitter', 'NetworkEmitter',
172            'Gib', 'HUD', 'HudBase', 'Info', 'FluidSurfaceInfo', 'Combo',
173            'GameInfo', 'UnrealMPGameInfo', 'DeathMatch', 'TeamGame', 'CTFGame',
174            'xCTFGame', 'xBombingRun', 'xDoubleDom', 'xTeamGame',
175            'ASGameInfo', 'Invasion', 'ONSOnslaughtGame', 'xDeathmatch',
176            'Mutator', 'Inventory', 'Ammunition', 'KeyInventory', 'Powerups', 'Armor', 'Weapon',
177            'InventoryAttachment', 'WeaponAttachment',
178            'KActor', 'KConstraint', 'KBSJoint', 'KCarWheelJoint', 'KConeLimit', 'KHinge', 'KTire',
179            'KVehicleFactory', 'Keypoint', 'AIScript', 'ScriptedSequence', 'ScriptedTrigger',
180            'AmbientSound', 'Light', 'SpotLight', 'SunLight', 'TriggerLight',
181            'MeshEffect', 'NavigationPoint', 'GameObjective', 'DestroyableObjective',
182            'PathNode', 'FlyingPathNode', 'RoadPathNode', 'InventorySpot', 'PlayerStart',
183            'Pawn', 'Vehicle', 'UnrealPawn', 'xPawn', 'Monster', 'ASVehicle', 'KVehicle', 'KCar',
184            'ONSWeaponPawn', 'SVehicle', 'ONSVehicle', 'ONSChopperCraft', 'ONSHoverCraft',
185            'ONSPlaneCraft', 'ONSTreadCraft', 'ONSWheeledCraft',
186            'Pickup', 'Ammo', 'UTAmmoPickup', 'ArmorPickup', 'KeyPickup', 'TournamentPickup',
187            'Projectile', 'Projector', 'DynamicProjector', 'ShadowProjector', 'xScorch',
188            'xEmitter', 'xPickupBase', 'xProcMesh', 'xWeatherEffect', 'PhysicsVolume', 'Volume'
189            ),
190        10 => array(    //symbol-like operators
191            'dot','cross'
192            )
193        ),
194    'SYMBOLS' => array(
195        '+','-','=','/','*','-','%','>','<','&','^','!','|','`','(',')','[',']','{','}',
196        '<<','>>','$','@'
197        ),
198    'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
199        GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
200        1 => false,
201        2 => false,
202        3 => false,
203        4 => false,
204        5 => false,
205        6 => false,
206        7 => false,
207        8 => false,
208        9 => false,
209        10 => false,
210        ),
211    'STYLES' => array(
212        'KEYWORDS' => array(
213            1 => 'color: #0000FF;',
214            2 => 'color: #0000FF;',
215            3 => 'color: #0066AA;',
216            4 => 'color: #0088FF;',
217            5 => 'color: #E000E0;',
218            6 => 'color: #900000;',
219            7 => 'color: #888800;',
220            8 => 'color: #AA6600;',
221            9 => 'color: #FF8800;',
222            10 => 'color: #0000FF;'
223            ),
224        'COMMENTS' => array(
225            1 => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;',
226            2 => 'color: #000000; font-weight: bold;',
227            'MULTI' => 'color: #008080; font-style: italic;'
228            ),
229        'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
230            0 => ''
231            ),
232        'BRACKETS' => array(
233            0 => 'color: #000000;'
234            ),
235        'STRINGS' => array(
236            0 => 'color: #999999;'
237            ),
238        'NUMBERS' => array(
239            0 => 'color: #FF0000;'
240            ),
241        'METHODS' => array(
242            0 => 'color: #006600;'
243            ),
244        'SYMBOLS' => array(
245            0 => 'color: #669966;'
246            ),
247        'REGEXPS' => array(
248            0 => 'color: #E000E0;',
249            1 => 'color: #E000E0;'
250            ),
251        'SCRIPT' => array(
252            0 => ''
253            )
254        ),
255    'URLS' => array(
256        1 => '',
257        2 => '',
258        3 => '',
259        4 => '',
260        5 => '',
261        6 => '',
262        7 => '',
263        8 => 'http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search={FNAME}',
264        9 => 'http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki?search={FNAME}',
265        10 => ''
266        ),
267    'OOLANG' => true,
268    'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array('.'),
269    'REGEXPS' => array(            //handle template-style variable definitions
270        0 => array(
271            GESHI_SEARCH => '(class\s*)<(\s*(\w+)\s*)>',
272            GESHI_REPLACE => "\${1}",
273            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'i',
274            GESHI_BEFORE => '',
275            GESHI_AFTER => "< \${3} >"
276            ),
277        1 => array(
278            GESHI_SEARCH => '(array\s*)<(\s*(\w+)\s*)>',
279            GESHI_REPLACE => "\${1}",
280            GESHI_MODIFIERS => 'i',
281            GESHI_BEFORE => '',
282            GESHI_AFTER => "< \${3} >"
283            )
284        ),
286    'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
287        ),
288    'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
289        ),
290    'PARSER_CONTROL' => array(
291        'KEYWORDS' => array(
292            10 => array(
293                'DISALLOWED_BEFORE' => '(?<!<)(?=DOT>)'
294                )
295            )
296        )