3 * ruby.php
4 * --------
5 * Author: Moises Deniz
6 * Copyright: (c) 2007 Moises Deniz
7 * Release Version:
8 * Date Started: 2007/03/21
9 *
10 * Ruby language file for GeSHi.
11 *
13 * -------
14 * 2008/05/23 (
15 *   -  Added description of extra language features (SF#1970248)
16 * 2007/03/21 (
17 *   -  Initial release
18 *
19 *************************************************************************************
20 *
21 *   This file is part of GeSHi.
22 *
23 *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
24 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
25 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
26 *   (at your option) any later version.
27 *
28 *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
29 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
31 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
32 *
33 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
34 *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
35 *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
36 *
37 ************************************************************************************/
39$language_data = array (
40    'LANG_NAME' => 'Ruby',
41    'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => "#"),
42    'COMMENT_MULTI' => array("=begin" => "=end"),
43    'COMMENT_REGEXP' => array(
44        //Heredoc
45        4 => '/<<\s*?(\w+)\\n.*?\\n\\1(?![a-zA-Z0-9])/si',
46        ),
48    'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"', '`','\''),
49    'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
50    'KEYWORDS' => array(
51        1 => array(
52                'alias', 'and', 'begin', 'break', 'case', 'class',
53                'def', 'defined', 'do', 'else', 'elsif', 'end',
54                'ensure', 'for', 'if', 'in', 'module', 'while',
55                'next', 'not', 'or', 'redo', 'rescue', 'yield',
56                'retry', 'super', 'then', 'undef', 'unless',
57                'until', 'when', 'include'
58            ),
59        2 => array(
60                '__FILE__', '__LINE__', 'false', 'nil', 'self', 'true',
61                'return'
62            ),
63        3 => array(
64                'Array', 'Float', 'Integer', 'String', 'at_exit',
65                'autoload', 'binding', 'caller', 'catch', 'chop', 'chop!',
66                'chomp', 'chomp!', 'eval', 'exec', 'exit', 'exit!', 'fail',
67                'fork', 'format', 'gets', 'global_variables', 'gsub', 'gsub!',
68                'iterator?', 'lambda', 'load', 'local_variables', 'loop',
69                'open', 'p', 'print', 'printf', 'proc', 'putc', 'puts',
70                'raise', 'rand', 'readline', 'readlines', 'require', 'select',
71                'sleep', 'split', 'sprintf', 'srand', 'sub', 'sub!', 'syscall',
72                'system', 'trace_var', 'trap', 'untrace_var'
73            ),
74        4 => array(
75                'Abbrev', 'ArgumentError', 'Base64', 'Benchmark',
76                'Benchmark::Tms', 'Bignum', 'Binding', 'CGI', 'CGI::Cookie',
77                'CGI::HtmlExtension', 'CGI::QueryExtension',
78                'CGI::Session', 'CGI::Session::FileStore',
79                'CGI::Session::MemoryStore', 'Class', 'Comparable', 'Complex',
80                'ConditionVariable', 'Continuation', 'Data',
81                'Date', 'DateTime', 'Delegator', 'Dir', 'EOFError', 'ERB',
82                'ERB::Util', 'Enumerable', 'Enumerable::Enumerator', 'Errno',
83                'Exception', 'FalseClass', 'File',
84                'File::Constants', 'File::Stat', 'FileTest', 'FileUtils',
85                'FileUtils::DryRun', 'FileUtils::NoWrite',
86                'FileUtils::StreamUtils_', 'FileUtils::Verbose', 'Find',
87                'Fixnum', 'FloatDomainError', 'Forwardable', 'GC', 'Generator',
88                'Hash', 'IO', 'IOError', 'Iconv', 'Iconv::BrokenLibrary',
89                'Iconv::Failure', 'Iconv::IllegalSequence',
90                'Iconv::InvalidCharacter', 'Iconv::InvalidEncoding',
91                'Iconv::OutOfRange', 'IndexError', 'Interrupt', 'Kernel',
92                'LoadError', 'LocalJumpError', 'Logger', 'Logger::Application',
93                'Logger::Error', 'Logger::Formatter', 'Logger::LogDevice',
94                'Logger::LogDevice::LogDeviceMutex', 'Logger::Severity',
95                'Logger::ShiftingError', 'Marshal', 'MatchData',
96                'Math', 'Matrix', 'Method', 'Module', 'Mutex', 'NameError',
97                'NameError::message', 'NilClass', 'NoMemoryError',
98                'NoMethodError', 'NotImplementedError', 'Numeric', 'Object',
99                'ObjectSpace', 'Observable', 'PStore', 'PStore::Error',
100                'Pathname', 'Precision', 'Proc', 'Process', 'Process::GID',
101                'Process::Status', 'Process::Sys', 'Process::UID', 'Queue',
102                'Range', 'RangeError', 'Rational', 'Regexp', 'RegexpError',
103                'RuntimeError', 'ScriptError', 'SecurityError', 'Set',
104                'Shellwords', 'Signal', 'SignalException', 'SimpleDelegator',
105                'SingleForwardable', 'Singleton', 'SingletonClassMethods',
106                'SizedQueue', 'SortedSet', 'StandardError', 'StringIO',
107                'StringScanner', 'StringScanner::Error', 'Struct', 'Symbol',
108                'SyncEnumerator', 'SyntaxError', 'SystemCallError',
109                'SystemExit', 'SystemStackError', 'Tempfile',
110                'Test::Unit::TestCase', 'Test::Unit', 'Test', 'Thread',
111                'ThreadError', 'ThreadGroup',
112                'ThreadsWait', 'Time', 'TrueClass', 'TypeError', 'URI',
113                'URI::BadURIError', 'URI::Error', 'URI::Escape', 'URI::FTP',
114                'URI::Generic', 'URI::HTTP', 'URI::HTTPS',
115                'URI::InvalidComponentError', 'URI::InvalidURIError',
116                'URI::LDAP', 'URI::MailTo', 'URI::REGEXP',
117                'URI::REGEXP::PATTERN', 'UnboundMethod', 'Vector', 'YAML',
118                'ZeroDivisionError', 'Zlib',
119                'Zlib::BufError', 'Zlib::DataError', 'Zlib::Deflate',
120                'Zlib::Error', 'Zlib::GzipFile', 'Zlib::GzipFile::CRCError',
121                'Zlib::GzipFile::Error', 'Zlib::GzipFile::LengthError',
122                'Zlib::GzipFile::NoFooter', 'Zlib::GzipReader',
123                'Zlib::GzipWriter', 'Zlib::Inflate', 'Zlib::MemError',
124                'Zlib::NeedDict', 'Zlib::StreamEnd', 'Zlib::StreamError',
125                'Zlib::VersionError',
126                'Zlib::ZStream',
127                'HTML::Selector', 'HashWithIndifferentAccess', 'Inflector',
128                'Inflector::Inflections', 'Mime', 'Mime::Type',
129                'OCI8AutoRecover', 'TimeZone', 'XmlSimple'
130            ),
131        ),
132    'SYMBOLS' => array(
133        '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '%', '&', '*', '|', '/', '<', '>',
134        '+', '-', '=>', '<<'
135        ),
136    'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
137        GESHI_COMMENTS => false,
138        1 => false,
139        2 => false,
140        3 => false,
141        4 => true,
142        ),
143    'STYLES' => array(
144        'KEYWORDS' => array(
145            1 => 'color:#9966CC; font-weight:bold;',
146            2 => 'color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold;',
147            3 => 'color:#CC0066; font-weight:bold;',
148            4 => 'color:#CC00FF; font-weight:bold;',
149            ),
150        'COMMENTS' => array(
151            1 => 'color:#008000; font-style:italic;',
152            4 => 'color: #cc0000; font-style: italic;',
153            'MULTI' => 'color:#000080; font-style:italic;'
154            ),
155        'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
156            0 => 'color:#000099;'
157            ),
158        'BRACKETS' => array(
159            0 => 'color:#006600; font-weight:bold;'
160            ),
161        'STRINGS' => array(
162            0 => 'color:#996600;'
163            ),
164        'NUMBERS' => array(
165            0 => 'color:#006666;'
166            ),
167        'METHODS' => array(
168            1 => 'color:#9900CC;'
169            ),
170        'SYMBOLS' => array(
171            0 => 'color:#006600; font-weight:bold;'
172            ),
173        'REGEXPS' => array(
174            0 => 'color:#ff6633; font-weight:bold;',
175            1 => 'color:#0066ff; font-weight:bold;',
176            2 => 'color:#6666ff; font-weight:bold;',
177            3 => 'color:#ff3333; font-weight:bold;'
178            ),
179        'SCRIPT' => array(
180            0 => '',
181            1 => '',
182            2 => '',
183            )
184        ),
185    'URLS' => array(
186        1 => '',
187        2 => '',
188        3 => '',
189        4 => ''
190        ),
191    'OOLANG' => true,
192    'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
193        1 => '.'
194        ),
195    'REGEXPS' => array(
196        0 => array(//Variables
197            GESHI_SEARCH => "([[:space:]])(\\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)",
198            GESHI_REPLACE => '\\2',
199            GESHI_MODIFIERS => '',
200            GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1',
201            GESHI_AFTER => ''
202            ),
203        1 => array(//Arrays
204            GESHI_SEARCH => "([[:space:]])(@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)",
205            GESHI_REPLACE => '\\2',
206            GESHI_MODIFIERS => '',
207            GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1',
208            GESHI_AFTER => ''
209            ),
210        2 => "([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*::)+[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*",//Static OOP symbols
211        3 => array(
212            GESHI_SEARCH => "([[:space:]]|\[|\()(:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)",
213            GESHI_REPLACE => '\\2',
214            GESHI_MODIFIERS => '',
215            GESHI_BEFORE => '\\1',
216            GESHI_AFTER => ''
217            )
218        ),
220    'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
221        0 => array(
222            '<%' => '%>'
223            )
224        ),
225    'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
226        0 => true,
227        ),
228    'TAB_WIDTH' => 2