4 * Metadata for configuration manager plugin
5 *
6 * Note: This file is loaded in Loader::loadMeta().
7 *
8 * Format:
9 *   $meta[<setting name>] = array(<handler class id>,<param name> => <param value>);
10 *
11 *   <handler class id>  is the handler class name without the "setting_" prefix
12 *
13 * Defined classes (see core/Setting/*):
14 *   Generic
15 *   -------------------------------------------
16 *   ''             - default class ('setting'), textarea, minimal input validation, setting output in quotes
17 *   'string'       - single line text input, minimal input validation, setting output in quotes
18 *   'numeric'      - text input, accepts numbers and arithmetic operators, setting output without quotes
19 *                    if given the '_min' and '_max' parameters are used for validation
20 *   'numericopt'   - like above, but accepts empty values
21 *   'onoff'        - checkbox input, setting output  0|1
22 *   'multichoice'  - select input (single choice), setting output with quotes, required _choices parameter
23 *   'email'        - text input, input must conform to email address format, supports optional '_multiple'
24 *                    parameter for multiple comma separated email addresses
25 *   'password'     - password input, minimal input validation, setting output text in quotes, maybe encoded
26 *                    according to the _code parameter
27 *   'dirchoice'    - as multichoice, selection choices based on folders found at location specified in _dir
28 *                    parameter (required). A pattern can be used to restrict the folders to only those which
29 *                    match the pattern.
30 *   'multicheckbox'- a checkbox for each choice plus an "other" string input, config file setting is a comma
31 *                    separated list of checked choices
32 *   'fieldset'     - used to group configuration settings, but is not itself a setting. To make this clear in
33 *                    the language files the keys for this type should start with '_'.
34 *   'array'        - a simple (one dimensional) array of string values, shown as comma separated list in the
35 *                    config manager but saved as PHP array(). Values may not contain commas themselves.
36 *                    _pattern matching on the array values supported.
37 *   'regex'        - regular expression string, normally without delimiters; as for string, in addition tested
38 *                    to see if will compile & run as a regex.  in addition to _pattern, also accepts _delimiter
39 *                    (default '/') and _pregflags (default 'ui')
40 *
41 *  Single Setting
42 *  -------------------------------------------------
43 *   'savedir'     - as 'setting', input tested against initpath() (inc/init.php)
44 *   'sepchar'     - as multichoice, selection constructed from string of valid values
45 *   'authtype'    - as 'setting', input validated against a valid php file at expected location for auth files
46 *   'im_convert'  - as 'setting', input must exist and be an im_convert module
47 *   'disableactions' - as 'setting'
48 *   'compression' - no additional parameters. checks php installation supports possible compression alternatives
49 *   'licence'     - as multichoice, selection constructed from licence strings in language files
50 *   'renderer'    - as multichoice, selection constructed from enabled renderer plugins which canRender()
51 *   'authtype'    - as multichoice, selection constructed from the enabled auth plugins
52 *
53 *  Any setting commented or missing will use 'setting' class - text input, minimal validation, quoted output
54 *
55 * Defined parameters:
56 *   '_caution'    - no value (default) or 'warning', 'danger', 'security'. display an alert along with the setting
57 *   '_pattern'    - string, a preg pattern. input is tested against this pattern before being accepted
58 *                   optional all classes, except onoff & multichoice which ignore it
59 *   '_choices'    - array of choices. used to populate a selection box. choice will be replaced by a localised
60 *                   language string, indexed by  <setting name>_o_<choice>, if one exists
61 *                   required by 'multichoice' & 'multicheckbox' classes, ignored by others
62 *   '_dir'        - location of directory to be used to populate choice list
63 *                   required by 'dirchoice' class, ignored by other classes
64 *   '_combine'    - complimentary output setting values which can be combined into a single display checkbox
65 *                   optional for 'multicheckbox', ignored by other classes
66 *   '_code'       - encoding method to use, accepted values: 'base64','uuencode','plain'.  defaults to plain.
67 *   '_min'        - minimum numeric value, optional for 'numeric' and 'numericopt', ignored by others
68 *   '_max'        - maximum numeric value, optional for 'numeric' and 'numericopt', ignored by others
69 *   '_delimiter'  - string, default '/', a single character used as a delimiter for testing regex input values
70 *   '_pregflags'  - string, default 'ui', valid preg pattern modifiers used when testing regex input values, for more
71 *                   information see http://php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.modifiers.php
72 *   '_multiple'   - bool, allow multiple comma separated email values; optional for 'email', ignored by others
73 *   '_other'      - how to handle other values (not listed in _choices). accepted values: 'always','exists','never'
74 *                   default value 'always'. 'exists' only shows 'other' input field when the setting contains value(s)
75 *                   not listed in choices (e.g. due to manual editing or update changing _choices).  This is safer than
76 *                   'never' as it will not discard unknown/other values.
77 *                   optional for 'multicheckbox', ignored by others
78 *
79 * The order of the settings influences the order in which they apppear in the config manager
80 *
81 * @author    Chris Smith <chris@jalakai.co.uk>
82 */
84$meta['_basic'] = ['fieldset'];
85$meta['title'] = ['string'];
86$meta['start'] = ['string', '_caution' => 'warning', '_pattern' => '!^[^:;/]+$!']; // don't accept namespaces
87$meta['lang'] = ['dirchoice', '_dir' => DOKU_INC . 'inc/lang/'];
88$meta['template'] = ['dirchoice', '_dir' => DOKU_INC . 'lib/tpl/', '_pattern' => '/^[\w-]+$/'];
89$meta['tagline'] = ['string'];
90$meta['sidebar'] = ['string'];
91$meta['license'] = ['license'];
92$meta['savedir'] = ['savedir', '_caution' => 'danger'];
93$meta['basedir'] = ['string', '_caution' => 'danger'];
94$meta['baseurl'] = ['string', '_caution' => 'danger'];
95$meta['cookiedir'] = ['string', '_caution' => 'danger'];
96$meta['dmode'] = ['numeric', '_pattern' => '/0[0-7]{3,4}/']; // only accept octal representation
97$meta['fmode'] = ['numeric', '_pattern' => '/0[0-7]{3,4}/']; // only accept octal representation
98$meta['allowdebug'] = ['onoff', '_caution' => 'security'];
100$meta['_display'] = ['fieldset'];
101$meta['recent'] = ['numeric'];
102$meta['recent_days'] = ['numeric'];
103$meta['breadcrumbs'] = ['numeric', '_min' => 0];
104$meta['youarehere'] = ['onoff'];
105$meta['fullpath'] = ['onoff', '_caution' => 'security'];
106$meta['typography'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2]];
107$meta['dformat'] = ['string'];
108$meta['signature'] = ['string'];
109$meta['showuseras'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['loginname', 'username', 'username_link', 'email', 'email_link']];
110$meta['toptoclevel'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];   // 5 toc levels
111$meta['tocminheads'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20]];
112$meta['maxtoclevel'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
113$meta['maxseclevel'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]; // 0 for no sec edit buttons
114$meta['camelcase'] = ['onoff', '_caution' => 'warning'];
115$meta['deaccent'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2], '_caution' => 'warning'];
116$meta['useheading'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 'navigation', 'content', 1]];
117$meta['sneaky_index'] = ['onoff'];
118$meta['hidepages'] = ['regex'];
120$meta['_authentication'] = ['fieldset'];
121$meta['useacl'] = ['onoff', '_caution' => 'danger'];
122$meta['autopasswd'] = ['onoff'];
123$meta['authtype'] = ['authtype', '_caution' => 'danger'];
124$meta['passcrypt'] = ['multichoice',
125    '_choices' => [
126        'smd5',
127        'md5',
128        'apr1',
129        'sha1',
130        'ssha',
131        'lsmd5',
132        'crypt',
133        'mysql',
134        'my411',
135        'kmd5',
136        'pmd5',
137        'hmd5',
138        'mediawiki',
139        'bcrypt',
140        'djangomd5',
141        'djangosha1',
142        'djangopbkdf2_sha1',
143        'djangopbkdf2_sha256',
144        'sha512',
145        'argon2i',
146        'argon2id']
148$meta['defaultgroup'] = ['string'];
149$meta['superuser'] = ['string', '_caution' => 'danger'];
150$meta['manager'] = ['string'];
151$meta['profileconfirm'] = ['onoff'];
152$meta['rememberme'] = ['onoff'];
153$meta['disableactions'] = ['disableactions',
154    '_choices' => [
155        'backlink',
156        'index',
157        'recent',
158        'revisions',
159        'search',
160        'subscription',
161        'register',
162        'resendpwd',
163        'profile',
164        'profile_delete',
165        'edit',
166        'wikicode',
167        'check',
168        'rss'
169    ],
170    '_combine' => [
171        'subscription' => ['subscribe', 'unsubscribe'],
172        'wikicode' => ['source', 'export_raw']
173    ]
175$meta['auth_security_timeout'] = ['numeric'];
176$meta['securecookie'] = ['onoff'];
177$meta['samesitecookie'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['', 'Lax', 'Strict', 'None']];
178$meta['remote'] = ['onoff', '_caution' => 'security'];
179$meta['remoteuser'] = ['string'];
180$meta['remotecors'] = ['string', '_caution' => 'security'];
182$meta['_anti_spam'] = ['fieldset'];
183$meta['usewordblock'] = ['onoff'];
184$meta['relnofollow'] = ['onoff'];
185$meta['indexdelay'] = ['numeric'];
186$meta['mailguard'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['visible', 'hex', 'none']];
187$meta['iexssprotect'] = ['onoff', '_caution' => 'security'];
189$meta['_editing'] = ['fieldset'];
190$meta['usedraft'] = ['onoff'];
191$meta['locktime'] = ['numeric'];
192$meta['cachetime'] = ['numeric'];
194$meta['_links'] = ['fieldset'];
195$meta['target____wiki'] = ['string'];
196$meta['target____interwiki'] = ['string'];
197$meta['target____extern'] = ['string'];
198$meta['target____media'] = ['string'];
199$meta['target____windows'] = ['string'];
201$meta['_media'] = ['fieldset'];
202$meta['mediarevisions'] = ['onoff'];
203$meta['gdlib'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2]];
204$meta['im_convert'] = ['im_convert'];
205$meta['jpg_quality'] = ['numeric', '_pattern' => '/^100$|^[1-9]?\d$/'];  //(0-100)
206$meta['fetchsize'] = ['numeric'];
207$meta['refcheck'] = ['onoff'];
209$meta['_notifications'] = ['fieldset'];
210$meta['subscribers'] = ['onoff'];
211$meta['subscribe_time'] = ['numeric'];
212$meta['notify'] = ['email', '_multiple' => true];
213$meta['registernotify'] = ['email', '_multiple' => true];
214$meta['mailfrom'] = ['email', '_placeholders' => true];
215$meta['mailreturnpath'] = ['email', '_placeholders' => true];
216$meta['mailprefix'] = ['string'];
217$meta['htmlmail'] = ['onoff'];
218$meta['dontlog'] = ['disableactions', '_choices' => ['error', 'debug', 'deprecated']];
219$meta['logretain'] = ['numeric', '_min' => 0, '_pattern' => '/^\d+$/'];
221$meta['_syndication'] = ['fieldset'];
222$meta['sitemap'] = ['numeric'];
223$meta['rss_type'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['rss', 'rss1', 'rss2', 'atom', 'atom1']];
224$meta['rss_linkto'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['diff', 'page', 'rev', 'current']];
225$meta['rss_content'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['abstract', 'diff', 'htmldiff', 'html']];
226$meta['rss_media'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['both', 'pages', 'media']];
227$meta['rss_update'] = ['numeric'];
228$meta['rss_show_summary'] = ['onoff'];
229$meta['rss_show_deleted'] = ['onoff'];
231$meta['_advanced'] = ['fieldset'];
232$meta['updatecheck'] = ['onoff'];
233$meta['userewrite'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2], '_caution' => 'danger'];
234$meta['useslash'] = ['onoff'];
235$meta['sepchar'] = ['sepchar', '_caution' => 'warning'];
236$meta['canonical'] = ['onoff'];
237$meta['fnencode'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['url', 'safe', 'utf-8'], '_caution' => 'warning'];
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242$meta['send404'] = ['onoff'];
243$meta['compression'] = ['compression', '_caution' => 'warning'];
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245$meta['xsendfile'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => [0, 1, 2, 3], '_caution' => 'warning'];
246$meta['renderer_xhtml'] = ['renderer', '_format' => 'xhtml', '_choices' => ['xhtml'], '_caution' => 'warning'];
247$meta['readdircache'] = ['numeric'];
248$meta['search_nslimit'] = ['numeric', '_min' => 0];
249$meta['search_fragment'] = ['multichoice', '_choices' => ['exact', 'starts_with', 'ends_with', 'contains']];
251$meta['_feature_flags'] = ['fieldset'];
252$meta['defer_js'] = ['onoff'];
253$meta['hidewarnings'] = ['onoff'];
255$meta['_network'] = ['fieldset'];
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262$meta['proxy____user'] = ['string'];
263$meta['proxy____pass'] = ['password', '_code' => 'base64'];
264$meta['proxy____ssl'] = ['onoff'];
265$meta['proxy____except'] = ['string'];