3namespace dokuwiki\Parsing\Handler;
6 * Handler for paragraphs
7 *
8 * @author Harry Fuecks <hfuecks@gmail.com>
9 */
10class Block
12    protected $calls = [];
13    protected $skipEol = false;
14    protected $inParagraph = false;
16    // Blocks these should not be inside paragraphs
17    protected $blockOpen = [
18        'header', 'listu_open', 'listo_open', 'listitem_open', 'listcontent_open', 'table_open', 'tablerow_open',
19        'tablecell_open', 'tableheader_open', 'tablethead_open', 'quote_open', 'code', 'file', 'hr', 'preformatted',
20        'rss', 'footnote_open'
21    ];
23    protected $blockClose = [
24        'header', 'listu_close', 'listo_close', 'listitem_close', 'listcontent_close', 'table_close',
25        'tablerow_close', 'tablecell_close', 'tableheader_close', 'tablethead_close', 'quote_close', 'code', 'file',
26        'hr', 'preformatted', 'rss', 'footnote_close'
27    ];
29    // Stacks can contain paragraphs
30    protected $stackOpen = ['section_open'];
32    protected $stackClose = ['section_close'];
35    /**
36     * Constructor. Adds loaded syntax plugins to the block and stack
37     * arrays
38     *
39     * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
40     */
41    public function __construct()
42    {
43        global $DOKU_PLUGINS;
44        //check if syntax plugins were loaded
45        if (empty($DOKU_PLUGINS['syntax'])) return;
46        foreach ($DOKU_PLUGINS['syntax'] as $n => $p) {
47            $ptype = $p->getPType();
48            if ($ptype == 'block') {
49                $this->blockOpen[]  = 'plugin_' . $n;
50                $this->blockClose[] = 'plugin_' . $n;
51            } elseif ($ptype == 'stack') {
52                $this->stackOpen[]  = 'plugin_' . $n;
53                $this->stackClose[] = 'plugin_' . $n;
54            }
55        }
56    }
58    protected function openParagraph($pos)
59    {
60        if ($this->inParagraph) return;
61        $this->calls[] = ['p_open', [], $pos];
62        $this->inParagraph = true;
63        $this->skipEol = true;
64    }
66    /**
67     * Close a paragraph if needed
68     *
69     * This function makes sure there are no empty paragraphs on the stack
70     *
71     * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
72     *
73     * @param string|integer $pos
74     */
75    protected function closeParagraph($pos)
76    {
77        if (!$this->inParagraph) return;
78        // look back if there was any content - we don't want empty paragraphs
79        $content = '';
80        $ccount = count($this->calls);
81        for ($i = $ccount - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
82            if ($this->calls[$i][0] == 'p_open') {
83                break;
84            } elseif ($this->calls[$i][0] == 'cdata') {
85                $content .= $this->calls[$i][1][0];
86            } else {
87                $content = 'found markup';
88                break;
89            }
90        }
92        if (trim($content) == '') {
93            //remove the whole paragraph
94            //array_splice($this->calls,$i); // <- this is much slower than the loop below
95            for (
96                $x = $ccount; $x > $i;
97                $x--
98            ) array_pop($this->calls);
99        } else {
100            // remove ending linebreaks in the paragraph
101            $i = count($this->calls) - 1;
102            if ($this->calls[$i][0] == 'cdata') $this->calls[$i][1][0] = rtrim($this->calls[$i][1][0], "\n");
103            $this->calls[] = ['p_close', [], $pos];
104        }
106        $this->inParagraph = false;
107        $this->skipEol = true;
108    }
110    protected function addCall($call)
111    {
112        $key = count($this->calls);
113        if ($key && $call[0] == 'cdata' && $this->calls[$key - 1][0] == 'cdata') {
114            $this->calls[$key - 1][1][0] .= $call[1][0];
115        } else {
116            $this->calls[] = $call;
117        }
118    }
120    // simple version of addCall, without checking cdata
121    protected function storeCall($call)
122    {
123        $this->calls[] = $call;
124    }
126    /**
127     * Processes the whole instruction stack to open and close paragraphs
128     *
129     * @author Harry Fuecks <hfuecks@gmail.com>
130     * @author Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
131     *
132     * @param array $calls
133     *
134     * @return array
135     */
136    public function process($calls)
137    {
138        // open first paragraph
139        $this->openParagraph(0);
140        foreach ($calls as $key => $call) {
141            $cname = $call[0];
142            if ($cname == 'plugin') {
143                $cname = 'plugin_' . $call[1][0];
144                $plugin = true;
145                $plugin_open = (($call[1][2] == DOKU_LEXER_ENTER) || ($call[1][2] == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL));
146                $plugin_close = (($call[1][2] == DOKU_LEXER_EXIT) || ($call[1][2] == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL));
147            } else {
148                $plugin = false;
149            }
150            /* stack */
151            if (in_array($cname, $this->stackClose) && (!$plugin || $plugin_close)) {
152                $this->closeParagraph($call[2]);
153                $this->storeCall($call);
154                $this->openParagraph($call[2]);
155                continue;
156            }
157            if (in_array($cname, $this->stackOpen) && (!$plugin || $plugin_open)) {
158                $this->closeParagraph($call[2]);
159                $this->storeCall($call);
160                $this->openParagraph($call[2]);
161                continue;
162            }
163            /* block */
164            // If it's a substition it opens and closes at the same call.
165            // To make sure next paragraph is correctly started, let close go first.
166            if (in_array($cname, $this->blockClose) && (!$plugin || $plugin_close)) {
167                $this->closeParagraph($call[2]);
168                $this->storeCall($call);
169                $this->openParagraph($call[2]);
170                continue;
171            }
172            if (in_array($cname, $this->blockOpen) && (!$plugin || $plugin_open)) {
173                $this->closeParagraph($call[2]);
174                $this->storeCall($call);
175                continue;
176            }
177            /* eol */
178            if ($cname == 'eol') {
179                // Check this isn't an eol instruction to skip...
180                if (!$this->skipEol) {
181                    // Next is EOL => double eol => mark as paragraph
182                    if (isset($calls[$key + 1]) && $calls[$key + 1][0] == 'eol') {
183                        $this->closeParagraph($call[2]);
184                        $this->openParagraph($call[2]);
185                    } else {
186                        //if this is just a single eol make a space from it
187                        $this->addCall(['cdata', ["\n"], $call[2]]);
188                    }
189                }
190                continue;
191            }
192            /* normal */
193            $this->addCall($call);
194            $this->skipEol = false;
195        }
196        // close last paragraph
197        $call = end($this->calls);
198        $this->closeParagraph($call[2]);
199        return $this->calls;
200    }