last modified time | relevance | path

Searched refs:path (Results 76 – 100 of 176) sorted by last modified time


H A Dbiggrin.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M36 18c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18-9.94 0-18-8.059-18-18C0 8.06 8.06 0 18 0c9.941 0 18 8.06 18 18"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="12" cy="13.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="24" cy="13.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M25 21c2.209 0 4 1.791 4 4s-1.791 4-4 4H11c-2.209 0-4-1.791-4-4s1.791-4 4-4h14z"/><path fill="#664500" d="M25 20H11c-2.757 0-5 2.243-5 5s2.243 5 5 5h14c2.757 0 5-2.243 5-5s-2.243-5-5-5zm (…)
H A Dcool.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M36 18c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18S0 27.941 0 18 8.059 0 18 0s18 8.059 18 18"/><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#292F33" d="M1.24 11.018c.24.239 1.438.957 1.677 1.675.24.717.72 4.784 2.158 5.981 1.483 1.232 7.077.774 8.148.24 2.397-1.195 2.691-4.531 3.115-6.221.239-.957 1.677-.957 1.677-.957s1.438 0 1.678.956c.424 1.691.72 5.027 3.115 6.221 1.072.535 6.666.994 8.151-.238 1.436-1.197 1.915-5.264 2.155-5.982.238-.717 1.438-1.435 1.677-1.674.241-.239.241-1.196 0-1.436-.479-.478-6.134-.904-12.223-.239-1.215.133-1.677.478-4.554.478-2.875 0-3.339-.346-4.553-.478-6.085-.666-11.741-.24-12.221.238-.239.239-.239 1.197 0 1.436z"/><path fill="#664500" d="M27.335 23.629c-.178-.161-.444-.171-.635-.029-.039.029-3.922 2.9-8.7 2.9-4.766 0 (…)
H A Ddeleteme.svg2 <path fill="#ffcc4d" d="M147.999 32.001A4 4 0 0 1 144 36H3.999A3.999 3.999 0 0 1 0 32.001V4a4 4 0 0 1 3.999-4H144a4 4 0 0 1 3.999 3.999z"/>
3 <path fill="#664500" d="M138.61 22.995q0 1.742-1.821 1.742-1.841 0-1.841-1.739V9.128q0-1.724 1.84-1.724 1.822 0 1.822 1.724zm-1.821 7.668q-.98 0-1.595-.604-.62-.616-.62-1.561 0-.96.605-1.58.616-.616 1.61-.616.96 0 1.576.635.62.635.62 1.56 0 .912-.62 1.55-.616.616-1.576.616zm-16.781-7.423q.325 2.053 1.398 3.077 1.092 1.024 2.93 1.024 1.125 0 1.806-.227.684-.245 1.742-.91.586-.36 1.058-.36.605 0 1.093.552.502.54.502 1.108 0 1.171-1.954 2.165-1.935.994-4.308.994-3.73 0-5.878-2.343-2.15-2.362-2.15-6.35 0-4.081 2.082-6.527 2.087-2.441 5.715-2.441 3.254 0 5.223 2.131 1.97 2.136 1.97 5.601 0 1.32-.522 1.92-.518.586-1.61.586zm7.536-3.205q-.132-1.678-1.092-2.683-.945-1.013-2.408-1.013-1.565 0-2.62.975-1.057.979-1.352 2.721zm-18.1-3.598v8.935q0 .88.378 1.383.37.492 1.088.492.473 0 .99-.197.817-.31 1.172-.31.556 0 .96.567.408.556.408 1.225 0 .748-.635 1.186-.616.424-1.53.68-.892.265-1.871.265-2.344 0-3.481-1.27-1.142-1.285-1.142-3.957v-8.999h-1.171q-.877 0-1.236-.276-.36-.295-.36-1.285 0-.964.341-1.24.34-.29 1.255-.29h1.171V9.88q0-.847.409-1.19.404-.36 1.383-.36 1.058 0 1.463.36.408.34.408 1.19v3.466h3.061q.847 0 1.153.325.31.31.31 1.205 0 .862-.325 1.221-.325.34-1.138.34zm-19.11 6.803q.33 2.053 1.399 3.077 1.096 1.024 2.933 1.024 1.122 0 1.806-.227.68-.245 1.739-.91.59-.36 1.058-.36.605 0 1.096.552.503.54.503 1.108 0 1.171-1.954 2.165-1.939.994-4.312.994-3.73 0-5.878-2.343-2.146-2.362-2.146-6.35 0-4.081 2.078-6.527 2.087-2.441 5.715-2.441 3.258 0 5.227 2.131 1.965 2.136 1.965 5.601 0 1.32-.517 1.92-.522.586-1.61.586zm7.537-3.205q-.129-1.678-1.089-2.683-.945-1.013-2.411-1.013-1.56 0-2.62.975-1.057.979-1.348 2.721zm-14.857 9.033q0 1.527-1.875 1.527-1.807 0-1.807-1.527V6.803q0-.782.424-1.126.423-.34 1.417-.34.975 0 1.398.359.443.34.443 1.107zM64.766 23.24q.325 2.053 1.398 3.077 1.093 1.024 2.933 1.024 1.123 0 1.807-.227.68-.245 1.739-.91.585-.36 1.058-.36.605 0 1.092.552.503.54.503 1.108 0 1.171-1.95 2.165-1.94.994-4.317.994-3.726 0-5.873-2.343-2.15-2.362-2.15-6.35 0-4.081 2.086-6.527 2.078-2.441 5.71-2.441 3.255 0 5.224 2.131 1.969 2.136 1.969 5.601 0 1.32-.518 1.92-.521.586-1.614.586zm7.536-3.205q-.132-1.678-1.092-2.683-.945-1.013-2.407-1.013-1.561 0-2.62.975-1.058.979-1.353 2.721zM42.973 30.338q-1.417 0-2.196-.733-.767-.733-.767-2.067V10.772q0-1.546.782-2.325.794-.782 2.378-.782h4.505q4.902 0 7.748 3.008 2.85 2.998 2.85 7.96 0 5.356-2.835 8.53-2.812 3.175-7.763 3.175zm.764-4.006q0 .537.472.537h3.273q3.368 0 5.208-2.132 1.852-2.147 1.852-5.972 0-3.583-1.852-5.6-1.855-2.034-5.208-2.034h-3.175q-.245 0-.408.177-.162.182-.162.458z"/>
4 <path fill="#9aaab4" d="M28.006 7.71L26.7 11.048 25.387 7.71h-3.05l-1.414 3.606-1.417-3.606h-2.838l-1.414 3.606-1.417-3.606h-3.05l-1.312 3.338L8.168 7.71H6.425L9.17 28.297h17.828L29.745 7.71zM23.86 8.946l1.81 4.72-1.912 4.865-1.807-4.596zm-5.771.272l1.803 4.717-1.803 4.596-1.807-4.596zm-5.775-.272l1.908 4.99-1.806 4.595-1.913-4.864zm-3.077 8.032l.238-.624 1.875 4.895-1.157 2.94zm1.55 11.312l1.629-4.256 1.629 4.256zm2.698-7.041l1.77-4.623 1.764 4.623-1.765 4.497zm2.975 7.04l1.625-4.255 1.629 4.256zm2.695-7.04l1.765-4.623 1.769 4.623-1.77 4.497zm2.974 7.04l1.625-4.255 1.633 4.256zm3.961-3.817l-1.266-3.223 1.875-4.895.302.79z"/>
5 <path fill="#67757f" d="M28.377 29.76a1.47 1.47 0 0 0-1.474-1.474H9.27a1.47 1.47 0 0 0 0 2.94h17.64a1.47 1.47 0 0 0 1.47-1.466zm2.94-23.52a1.47 1.47 0 0 0-1.474-1.466H6.331a1.47 1.47 0 0 0 0 2.936h23.52a1.47 1.47 0 0 0 1.47-1.47z"/>
H A Ddoubt.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M36 18c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18-9.94 0-18-8.059-18-18C0 8.06 8.06 0 18 0c9.941 0 18 8.06 18 18"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="11.5" cy="16.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="24.5" cy="16.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><path fill="#664500" d="M12 28c2-5 13-5 13-3 0 1-8-1-13 3z"/></svg
H A Dlol.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCB4C" d="M30.728 5.272c7.029 7.029 7.029 18.427 0 25.456s-18.426 7.029-25.456 0c-7.029-7.029-7.029-18.427 0-25.456s18.426-7.029 25.456 0"/><path fill="#65471B" d="M19.279 19.28c-3.494 3.494-6.219 5.404-9.645 7.713-.781.529-1.928 1.929.001 3.859 3.857 3.857 13.111 4.247 19.287-1.929 6.177-6.177 5.788-15.43 1.929-19.288-1.929-1.93-3.33-.782-3.858-.001-2.308 3.425-4.219 6.151-7.714 9.646z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M11.564 28.923s3.858-1.929 9.644-7.716c5.787-5.786 7.715-9.643 7.715-9.643s1.928 5.787-4.822 12.537c-6.75 6.751-12.537 4.822-12.537 4.822z"/><path fill="#65471B" d="M24.299 6.655c-.141.02-2.373.357-4.943 1.628-.062-.101-.132-.198-.219-.285-.261-.261-.595-.399-.936-.427.907-1.643 1.978-2.737 1.998-2.756.388-.39.388-1.024-.003-1.413s-1.022-.39-1.412 0c-.156.156-3.828 3.881-3.828 8.485 0 .405.243.769.617.924.373.155.804.069 1.09-.217 3.245-3.245 7.874-3.953 7.921-3.96.222-.032.416-.135.563-.282.215-.215.33-.526.284-.85-.081-.547-.586-.925-1.132-.847zM11.712 15.13c-4.604 0-8.329 3.672-8.485 3.828-.39.39-.39 1.022 0 1.412.389.391 1.022.392 1.414.003.019-.019 1.113-1.091 2.756-1.997.029.341.166.675.427.936. 22.1 6.5 24.333 6.48 24.474c-.078.547.302 1.053.848 1.131.325.047.634-.068.849-.283.147-.147.25-.342.282-.565.007-.046.698-4.657 3.96-7.919.286-.286.371-.716.217-1.09-.155-.375-.519-.618-.924-.618z"/><path fill="#64AADD" d="M30.101 12.055c2.741.334 5.234-1.618 5.567-4.36.334-2.741-1.617-5.234-4.359-5.56 (…)
H A Dneutral.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M36 18c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18-9.94 0-18-8.059-18-18C0 8.06 8.06 0 18 0c9.941 0 18 8.06 18 18"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="11.5" cy="16.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="24.5" cy="16.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><path fill="#664500" d="M25 26H11c-.552 0-1-.447-1-1s.448-1 1-1h14c.553 0 1 .447 1 1s-.447 1-1 1z"/></sv (…)
H A Dsilenced.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><circle fill="#FFCC4D" cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/><path fill="#664500" d="M14.034 14.499c0 1.934-1.119 3.5-2.5 3.5s-2.5-1.566-2.5-3.5c0-1.933 1.119-3.5 2.5-3.5s2.5 1.567 2.5 3.5m13 0c0 1.934-1.119 3.5-2.5 3.5s-2.5-1.566-2.5-3.5c0-1.933 1.119-3.5 2.5-3.5s2.5 1.567 2.5 3.5m-2.033 12.505H10c-1 0-1-1-1-1v-1s0-1.003 1-1.003l15.001.003v3z"/><path fill="#99AAB5" d="M35.255 26.084l-7.713-2.121c-.72-.197-1.049.287-1.171.547l-1.64-.784L24 25.255v- (…)
H A Dsmile.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><circle fill="#FFCC4D" cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/><path fill="#664500" d="M10.515 23.621C10.56 23.8 11.683 28 18 28c6.318 0 7.44-4.2 7.485-4.379.055-.217- (…)
H A Dwink.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 36 36"><path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M36 18c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18-9.94 0-18-8.059-18-18C0 8.06 8.06 0 18 0c9.941 0 18 8.06 18 18"/><ellipse fill="#664500" cx="11.5" cy="16.5" rx="2.5" ry="3.5"/><path fill="#664500" d="M28.457 17.797c-.06-.135-1.499-3.297-4.457-3.297-2.957 0-4.397 3.162-4.457 3.297 (…)
H A Dinit.php33 // define the include path
39 // define config path (packagers may want to change this to /etc/dokuwiki/)
261 'path' => DOKU_SESSION_PATH,
299 $path = empty($conf[$c]) ? $conf['savedir'] . '/' . $p : $conf[$c];
300 $conf[$c] = init_path($path);
302 $path = fullpath($path);
303 nice_die("The $c ('$p') at $path is not found, isn't accessible or writable.
310 // path to old changelog only needed for upgrading
376 * Returns absolute path
374 init_path($path) global() argument
585 fullpath($path, $exists = false) global() argument
H A Dauth.php513 'path' => $cookieDir,
778 $path = $ns . ':*';
780 $path = '*'; //root document
784 $matches = preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($path, '/') . '[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]+/', $AUTH_ACL);
808 if ($path != '*') {
809 $path = $ns . ':*';
810 if ($path == ':*') $path = '*';
1368 'path' => $cookieDir,
H A Ddeprecated.php583 public function __construct($server, $path = false, $port = 80, $timeout = 15, $timeout_io = null)
586 parent::__construct($server, $path, $port, $timeout, $timeout_io);
598 public function __construct($server, $path = false, $port = 80)
601 parent::__construct($server, $path, $port);
581 __construct($server, $path = false, $port = 80, $timeout = 15, $timeout_io = null) global() argument
596 __construct($server, $path = false, $port = 80) global() argument
H A Dadmin.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M20.5 11H19V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-4V3.5A2.5 2.5 0 0 0 10.5 1 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 8 3.5V5H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v3 (…)
H A Dcli.php309 $tpllist = array_map(static fn($path) => 'template:' . basename($path), $tpllist);
H A Dextension.php597 * Get the base path of the extension
599 * @return string The base path of the extension
686 $path = $this->download($url);
687 $installed = $this->installArchive($path, $overwrite);
703 $path = $this->download($url);
704 $installed = $this->installArchive($path, $this->isInstalled(), $this->getBase());
796 $path = $this->getInstallDir() . '/';
800 if (file_exists($path . $type . '.php')) {
805 if ($dh = @opendir($path . $type . '/')) {
914 * @param string $file path t
H A Dlessc.inc.php
H A Ddokuwiki.svg60 <path transform="matrix(.98991 -.14067 .20106 .97564 -158.095 -157.774)" d="m120.22 196.44 70.907-.792-2.403 109.05-71.718.373 3.214-108.63z" fill="url(#b)" stroke-width=".722"/>
61 <path d="m179.2 182.09 79.842-19.517 26.614 101.72-82.503 21.587L179.2 182.09z" fill="url(#c)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
62 <path transform="matrix(.99561 -.09253 .08102 .9927 -158.095 -157.774)" d="m159.01 181.74 85.586.534v110.47l-84.534-2.513-1.052-108.5z" fill="url(#d)" stroke-width="1.004"/>
64 <path d="M29.106 38.471 27.179 18.46l5.325-.508.226 2.353-2.47.236 1.474 15.305 2.47-.236.226 2.354-5.324.508m7.313-.698L34.492 17.76l5.325-.509.227 2.354-2.47.236 1.474 15.304 2.47-.236.226 2.354-5.325.509m5.409-20.713 5.784-.553c1.304-.124 2.308-.12 1.78.586 2.501 1.212.722.626 1.303 1.423 1.741 2.391.438.962.728 2.174.868 3.636.124 1.285.07 2.408-.16 3.37-.284 1.173-.755 2.145-1.414 2.918-.498.585-1.199 1.071-2.104 1.458-.677.287-1.6.486-2.77.598l-5.955.569-1.504-15.613m3.42 2.339.995 10.341 2.363-.225c.884-.085 1.517-.195 1.9-.332.5-.177.904-.434 1.21-.771.313-.338.542-.865.69-1.582.145-.723.16-1.688.044-2.895s-.312-2.123-.588-2.75c-.276-.625-.624-1.1-1.044-1.426-.42-.325-.932-.523-1.536-.595-.451-.057-1.322-.024-2.612.1l-1.422.135M61.39 30.95l-5.245-15.256 3.24-.31 3.395 10.499 1.833-10.998 3.764-.36 3.797 10.644 1.356-11.136 3.187-.304-2.304 15.976-3.357.321-4.246-11.374-1.988 11.97-3.432.327m21.154-17.777 1.927 20.012-5.325.509-.226-2.354 2.47-.236-1.476-15.325-2.47.236-.224-2.333 5.324-.508m7.314-.699 1.927 20.012-5.325.509-.227-2.354 2.47-.236-1.475-15.325-2.47.236-.225-2.333 5.325-.508" fill="#6184a3"/>
66 <path d="M174.76 201.6c-6.046 2.467-10.168 4.42-12.885 6.35s-3.193 4.6-3.246 6.267c-.027.832.08 1.777.632 1.807 1.874 2.757 2.385 1.901 1.023 7.542 2.43 10.52 3.073 11.908 2.577 26.805 1.682 26.805 1.682 1.694 1.245 2.833 2.824 3.27 4.269 4.576-1.887 11.81-6.585 13.156-8.578-5.45-4.2-10.797-6.333-16.513-8.308-1.598-.72-2.88-1.227-.717 2.556.985 2.473.858 5.052.572 7.419 0 0-16.527.406-28.238-2.127-2.928-.633-5.467-.955-7.22-1.898-.876-.472-1.482-.821-1.915-1.341s-.22-1.291-.201-1.86c.036-1.135.253-1.67 2.861-3.524s5.655-3.362 11.66-5.812c-.088-1.291-.29-2.506-1.298-2.993z" fill="url(#e)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
67 <path d="M269.63 220.75c-1.436-.14-2.58.303-2.56 1.502.943.857 1.349 2.435 1.485 3.14s.036 1.22-.486 1.89c-1.043 1.342-3.125 1.57-6.5 2.72-6.752 2.305-16.893 2.526-27.907 3.847-22.028 2.642-39.032 3.761-39.032 3.761 1.983-4.647 6.328-4.412 6.349-8.21.273-.897-3.146-1.316-5.1-.107-4.267 3.702-7.591 6.754-10.694 10.513l1.888 3.085s26.13-2.89 48.198-5.536c11.034-1.324 20.956-1.999 27.81-4.338 3.427-1.169 5.96-1.49 7.641-3.52.632-.762 1.352-3.046 1.068-4.733-.22-1.302-1.15-3.098-2.16-4.014z" fill="url(#f)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
68 <path d="M254.36 220.34c-6.85 3.242-7.153 8.61-5.96 12.799s5.263 8.757 9.322 12.406c8.116 7.299 12.06 9.332 12.06 9.332-3.715-.104-7.9-1.412-8.133.493-.949 2.975 11.49 3.475 17.438 2.702-1.395-7.579-3.794-13.215-7.732-14.903-1.685-.148.312 4.724.77 9.396 0 0-3.625-1.732-11.605-8.908-3.99-3.588-7.374-7.342-8.473-11.201s.077-6.12 4.95-9.532c.929-.995-1.29-2.459-2.637-2.584z" fill="url(#g)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
70 <path d="m213.97 234.58 2.188-14.429 15.22 6.088 21.494 29.948-20.406 9.218-18.495-30.826z" fill="url(#h)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
71 <path d="m232.56 219.53-15.928.322 3.088-15.157 12.84 14.835z" fill="url(#i)" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#000" stroke-linejoin="round" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
72 <path
H A DImageMagickAdapter.php107 public function save($path, $extension = '') argument
116 if ($extension !== '') $path = $extension . ':' . $path;
117 $this->args[] = $path;
H A DPhpString.php15 * @param string $path A path
22 public static function basename($path, $suffix = '')
24 $path = trim($path, '\\/');
25 $rpos = max(strrpos($path, '/'), strrpos($path, '\\'));
27 $path = substr($path, $rpos + 1);
31 if ($suflen && str_ends_with($path,
23 basename($path, $suffix = '') global() argument
H A Dadmin.svg1 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M17.5 12a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5-1.5A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 17.5 9a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5 (…)
H A D_admin.less39 path {
H A Ddetail.php63 foreach ($media_usage as $path) {
64 echo '<dd>' . html_wikilink($path) . '</dd>';
H A Ddokuwiki.svg60 <path transform="matrix(.98991 -.14067 .20106 .97564 -158.095 -157.774)" d="m120.22 196.44 70.907-.792-2.403 109.05-71.718.373 3.214-108.63z" fill="url(#b)" stroke-width=".722"/>
61 <path d="m179.2 182.09 79.842-19.517 26.614 101.72-82.503 21.587L179.2 182.09z" fill="url(#c)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
62 <path transform="matrix(.99561 -.09253 .08102 .9927 -158.095 -157.774)" d="m159.01 181.74 85.586.534v110.47l-84.534-2.513-1.052-108.5z" fill="url(#d)" stroke-width="1.004"/>
64 <path d="M29.106 38.471 27.179 18.46l5.325-.508.226 2.353-2.47.236 1.474 15.305 2.47-.236.226 2.354-5.324.508m7.313-.698L34.492 17.76l5.325-.509.227 2.354-2.47.236 1.474 15.304 2.47-.236.226 2.354-5.325.509m5.409-20.713 5.784-.553c1.304-.124 2.308-.12 1.78.586 2.501 1.212.722.626 1.303 1.423 1.741 2.391.438.962.728 2.174.868 3.636.124 1.285.07 2.408-.16 3.37-.284 1.173-.755 2.145-1.414 2.918-.498.585-1.199 1.071-2.104 1.458-.677.287-1.6.486-2.77.598l-5.955.569-1.504-15.613m3.42 2.339.995 10.341 2.363-.225c.884-.085 1.517-.195 1.9-.332.5-.177.904-.434 1.21-.771.313-.338.542-.865.69-1.582.145-.723.16-1.688.044-2.895s-.312-2.123-.588-2.75c-.276-.625-.624-1.1-1.044-1.426-.42-.325-.932-.523-1.536-.595-.451-.057-1.322-.024-2.612.1l-1.422.135M61.39 30.95l-5.245-15.256 3.24-.31 3.395 10.499 1.833-10.998 3.764-.36 3.797 10.644 1.356-11.136 3.187-.304-2.304 15.976-3.357.321-4.246-11.374-1.988 11.97-3.432.327m21.154-17.777 1.927 20.012-5.325.509-.226-2.354 2.47-.236-1.476-15.325-2.47.236-.224-2.333 5.324-.508m7.314-.699 1.927 20.012-5.325.509-.227-2.354 2.47-.236-1.475-15.325-2.47.236-.225-2.333 5.325-.508" fill="#6184a3"/>
66 <path d="M174.76 201.6c-6.046 2.467-10.168 4.42-12.885 6.35s-3.193 4.6-3.246 6.267c-.027.832.08 1.777.632 1.807 1.874 2.757 2.385 1.901 1.023 7.542 2.43 10.52 3.073 11.908 2.577 26.805 1.682 26.805 1.682 1.694 1.245 2.833 2.824 3.27 4.269 4.576-1.887 11.81-6.585 13.156-8.578-5.45-4.2-10.797-6.333-16.513-8.308-1.598-.72-2.88-1.227-.717 2.556.985 2.473.858 5.052.572 7.419 0 0-16.527.406-28.238-2.127-2.928-.633-5.467-.955-7.22-1.898-.876-.472-1.482-.821-1.915-1.341s-.22-1.291-.201-1.86c.036-1.135.253-1.67 2.861-3.524s5.655-3.362 11.66-5.812c-.088-1.291-.29-2.506-1.298-2.993z" fill="url(#e)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
67 <path d="M269.63 220.75c-1.436-.14-2.58.303-2.56 1.502.943.857 1.349 2.435 1.485 3.14s.036 1.22-.486 1.89c-1.043 1.342-3.125 1.57-6.5 2.72-6.752 2.305-16.893 2.526-27.907 3.847-22.028 2.642-39.032 3.761-39.032 3.761 1.983-4.647 6.328-4.412 6.349-8.21.273-.897-3.146-1.316-5.1-.107-4.267 3.702-7.591 6.754-10.694 10.513l1.888 3.085s26.13-2.89 48.198-5.536c11.034-1.324 20.956-1.999 27.81-4.338 3.427-1.169 5.96-1.49 7.641-3.52.632-.762 1.352-3.046 1.068-4.733-.22-1.302-1.15-3.098-2.16-4.014z" fill="url(#f)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
68 <path d="M254.36 220.34c-6.85 3.242-7.153 8.61-5.96 12.799s5.263 8.757 9.322 12.406c8.116 7.299 12.06 9.332 12.06 9.332-3.715-.104-7.9-1.412-8.133.493-.949 2.975 11.49 3.475 17.438 2.702-1.395-7.579-3.794-13.215-7.732-14.903-1.685-.148.312 4.724.77 9.396 0 0-3.625-1.732-11.605-8.908-3.99-3.588-7.374-7.342-8.473-11.201s.077-6.12 4.95-9.532c.929-.995-1.29-2.459-2.637-2.584z" fill="url(#g)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
70 <path d="m213.97 234.58 2.188-14.429 15.22 6.088 21.494 29.948-20.406 9.218-18.495-30.826z" fill="url(#h)" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
71 <path d="m232.56 219.53-15.928.322 3.088-15.157 12.84 14.835z" fill="url(#i)" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#000" stroke-linejoin="round" transform="matrix(.99993 0 0 .99598 -158.095 -157.774)"/>
72 <path
H A DX509.php573 * @param string $path
575 private function mapInExtensions(array &$root, $path)
577 $extensions = &$this->subArrayUnchecked($root, $path);
627 * @param string $path
629 private function mapOutExtensions(array &$root, $path)
631 $extensions = &$this->subArray($root, $path, !empty($this->extensionValues));
708 * @param string $path
710 private function mapInAttributes(&$root, $path)
712 $attributes = &$this->subArray($root, $path);
750 * @param string $path
1617 _mapInExtensions(& $root, $path, $asn1) global() argument
1670 _mapOutExtensions(& $root, $path, $asn1) global() argument
1736 _mapInAttributes(& $root, $path, $asn1) global() argument
1777 _mapOutAttributes(& $root, $path, $asn1) global() argument
1820 _mapInDNs(& $root, $path, $asn1) global() argument
1850 _mapOutDNs(& $root, $path, $asn1) global() argument
4158 _isSubArrayValid($root, $path) global() argument
4195 _subArrayUnchecked(& $root, $path, $create = false) global() argument
4223 _subArray(& $root, $path, $create = false) global() argument
4259 _extensions(& $root, $path = null, $create = false) global() argument
4313 _removeExtension($id, $path = null) global() argument
4348 _getExtension($id, $cert = null, $path = null) global() argument
4373 _getExtensions($cert = null, $path = null) global() argument
4398 _setExtension($id, $value, $critical = false, $replace = true, $path = null) global() argument
H A DStream.php50 private $path;
131 * Extract a path from a URI and actually connect to an SSH server if appropriate
136 * @param string $path
139 protected function parse_path($path)
141 $orig = $path;
142 extract(parse_url($path) + ['port' => 22]);
144 $path .= '?' . $query;
146 $path .= '?';
149 $path .= '#' . $fragment;
151 $path
55 var $path; global() variable in phpseclib\\Net\\SFTP\\Stream
154 _parse_path($path) global() argument
260 _stream_open($path, $mode, $options, & $opened_path) global() argument
438 _stream_metadata($path, $option, $var) global() argument
553 _dir_opendir($path, $options) global() argument
612 _mkdir($path, $mode, $options) global() argument
635 _rmdir($path, $options) global() argument
680 _unlink($path) global() argument
702 _url_stat($path, $flags) global() argument